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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Samar
Osmeña National High School
Osmeña, Marabut, Samar

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

March 03, 2020
Grade 12 CSS 7:45 – 8:45 A.M.
Grade 12 GA 1:00 – 2:00 P.M


Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of motion media and information,
and gain comprehensive knowledge on how to effectively evaluate them.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produce a motion-based presentation

anchored on design principles and elements.

Learning Competency: The learners will be able to:

 Describe the different dimensions of manipulatives / interactive media. MIL-
 Comprehend how manipulatives / interactive media are produced, organized, and
disseminated. MIL11/12-MPIM-IVgh-20
 Evaluate the reliability and validity of manipulatives / interactive media, as well as their
sources using selection criteria. MIL11/12-MPIM-IVgh-21
 Produce and evaluate a creative presentation on manipulatives / interactive, using design
principles and elements. MIL11/12-MPIM-IVgh-22

Specific Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to
 Explain what manipulatives / interactive media are.
 Compare the different platforms and uses of manipulatives / interactive media software.


A. Topic: Manipulatives / Interactive Media

B. Materials: Internet connectivity and slide deck.


A. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Checking of attendance
3. Presentation of learning competency.
5. Motivation (Interacting with Social Media)

a) Have the learners think about their experiences using their social media accounts
(e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.).
b) Ask the learners why they think Facebook is very popular. Ask them the ways in
which they interact with their social media accounts.
c) Present the following infographic on the “Top Ten Most Popular Actions on
d) Ask the learners which of the actions they have done on Facebook.
e) Start a discussion: “Which of the following actions are interactive?”. All of these
are, by definition, interactive, since all actions require the user to click a button on
Facebook, which itself is an interaction.
f) Ask the learners what content a user is providing to Facebook every time they do
that action.

B. Lesson Proper:

1. Activity (Interacting with the Internet)

Have the learners perform each activity and follow the instructions given.
Social Media:
a. Name at least 5 actions that give social media its interactivity.
b. Interact with your teacher’s social media account by doing the 5 actions you
have listed.
c. Write a brief evaluation or assessment of the social media you used, focusing
on the following:
- Social media as a means of communicating to people
- Interactivity of social media - Social media as a way of posting of news
- Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be improved

Online Game:
a. Search for an online game, read the description and detailed specifications.
b. List all the interactive actions that are available for game.
c. Write a brief evaluation or assessment on the online game played, focusing on the
- The enjoyment or entertainment from a game online
- Interactivity of an online game
- Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be improved

Online Shopping:
a. Go to an online shopping site.
b. Choose items to purchase and add to cart.
c. Determine the total price of all items to be purchased.
d. Screenshot (Print Screen) the list of items and their price.
e. Submit a copy of the screenshot through email.
f. Write a brief evaluation or assessment on the online shopping experience,
focusing on the following:
- As a means of communicating to people
- Interactivity of online shopping
- Other features you would like incorporated, or how it could be improved

2. Analysis

What do you observe from the activity?

How are you going to describe the instruction given to you?
How do you find a manipulative media? Explain.

3. Abstraction

Continue the discussion by querying from the class the definition of

manipulative media based on their previous activity as the beginning of scrutiny with
regards to the topic.

4. Application (Making an Online Form)

a. Divide the learners into 8 groups of 4 or 5.

b. Instruct each group to think of a topic for survey research wherein the respondents
will be the class.
c. Instruct the groups to pick 5 questions to use for the survey
d. To prepare for the project, have each group fill in the table below:

Component Guide Questions Answers

Target Audience Who are the respondents?
Sender/Author Who is the researcher?
Key content What are the survey questions?
Purpose What is the research problem?
Form / Style What are considered in designing the
electronic form? What is the software used for
creating the electronic form?
Medium / Format How would you implement the electronic

e. Using any Internet application or computer software, each group must create an
online form that can then be filled up by their classmates.
f. Create a document or post where the links of all online forms of the class shall be
made available. Provide enough time for all students to answer all surveys.
g. After all respondents have answered the forms, the group should then collate the
data and save it on a worksheet. The learners should create charts or graphs to
display the survey results.
h. The learners must also come up with a write up of the survey problem, present the
data in graphical form, and give their data analysis of the results.

5. Evaluation
Sort quiz on media and interactivity.

Direction: Give what is asked in very item.

a. Name 3 actions that demonstrate the interactivity of online shopping.
b. Name 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages of online gaming.
c. Post-activity, have each learner write a short reflection about the activity, and how
it might have helped them become more media-literate.



Prepared by: Checked by:

Helen B. Centinaje Jitka Tisha Jadman___

SHT II Department Head Designate

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