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Review Article

Indian J Med Res 145, May 2017, pp 593-600

DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_298_17

Diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica usually means a favourable

outcome for your patient

Marcin Milchert & Marek Brzosko

Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland

Received February 20, 2017

Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a unique disease of elderly people, traditionally diagnosed based
on a clinical picture. A typical case is a combination of severe musculoskeletal symptoms and systemic
inflammatory response with spectacular response to corticosteroids treatment. The severity of symptoms
may be surprising in older patients where immunosenescence is normally expected. However, PMR may
be diagnosed in haste if there is a temptation to use this diagnosis as a shortcut to achieve rapid therapeutic
success. Overdiagnosis of PMR may cause more problems compared to underdiagnosis. The 2012 PMR
criteria proposed by European League against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology aim to
minimize the role of clinical intuition and build on more objective features. However, questions arise if
this is possible in PMR. This has been discussed in this review.

Key words Classification criteria - corticosteroids - diagnosis - musculoskeletal - polymyalgia rheumatica

Introduction symptoms that strongly reduce daily performance and

quality of life, together with systemic inflammatory
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an
reaction in elderly but usually generally healthy
auto-inflammatory rheumatic disease of people over
patient, frequently accompanied by depressive
50 years, presenting with pain and stiffness in the reaction, lack of pathognomonic laboratory or
neck, shoulder and hip girdles1. The term PMR was radiologic findings, and splendid reaction to low-dose
first used to underline that it seemed substantially corticosteroids (CSs). Strong auto-inflammatory
milder from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as no joint response is normally unexpected in an elderly patient,
damage had been observed2. However, this name but immunosenescence3 seems not to apply in PMR.
may be misleading as PMR is a disease but not a Good prognosis is also surprising as there is no good
non-specific myalgic or paraneoplastic syndrome. explanation to the fact that PMR patients apparently
Secondary PMR does not exist. The short definition of live longer than matched controls4,5. However, PMR is
PMR may be also misunderstood as it does not suggest frequently accompanied by giant cell arteritis (GCA).
how unique the clinical picture of ‘musculoskeletal Therefore, there is an increased probability of all the
pain and stiffness’ might be. What makes PMR so ischaemic complications related to GCA in PMR6.
special is a sudden onset of severe musculoskeletal Further, generally favourable outcome of PMR may

be easily wasted in case of excessive CSs treatment, Table I. Differences in treatment strategy underlining the
resulting in side effect that eventually worsens need for identifying concomitant giant cell arteritis (GCA) in
patient’s quality of life7. patients with polymyalgia rheumatic (PMR)
Criterion GCA PMR
The aim of this review article is to discuss about
correct diagnosis of PMR. Main treatment Prevention Symptoms control
goal of ischaemic
Epidemiology complications

Annual incidence of PMR is up to 50/100,000 How fast should Immediate If symptoms are well
the treatment be corticosteroids controlled, diagnostics
population over 50 yr5. It is uncommon in India8,9. initiated? initiation may be first performed
The highest prevalence is found in Caucasians,
Corticosteroids High (40‑60 mg Neither too high nor
in Northern European countries, especially in initial dose of prednisone) too low (7.5‑22.5 mg
Scandinavia. Vikings’ ancestry is associated with of prednisone)
increased risk of PMR (marked by migration from Typical Blindness, Related to prolonged
Scandinavia10, in Western European lands invaded complications aortic corticosteroid
by Normands11 or Eastern European settled by dissecting treatment
Varangians12). The incidence grows with age, starting aneurysm
from 50 yr, with peak above 70 yr5. It is easier to find Source: Refs 10, 16, 21-23
a report of wrong diagnosis of PMR in patients under
50 yr13, than an undoubtful case report of PMR or
When should polymyalgia rheumatica be
GCA in young14.
Polymyalgia rheumatica versus giant cell arteritis
Proximal, musculoskeletal pain and stiffness
PMR and GCA are closely related. These have are the leading manifestations and these raise little
similar genetic background and epidemiology, and doubts about the diagnosis in a typical PMR case.
frequently overlap15. However, PMR represents However, PMR pivotal manifestations may be less
a non-specific immune-mediated inflammatory specific: fewer or raised C-reactive protein (CRP)
reaction triggered by innate immunity activation. of unknown origin, general weakness, weight loss,
GCA is manifested by vascular inflammation caused depressive reaction, decompensation of chronic
by faulty adaptive immune reaction that is mainly diseases (e.g. chronic heart failure) due to increased
T cell dependent16. The clinical outcome is so metabolism1,21.
different that it is continuously debated why some
How to diagnose polymyalgia rheumatica?
patients express only one pathway. Evidence of
vascular inflammation in needed to diagnose GCA. There is no universal answer to this question.
It is usually recorded in about 10 per cent of PMR Although clinical presentation is typical, in some
patients17, but detailed vascular examination may cases, the disease may be surprising. The best strategy
substantially increase that percentage18. The historical is a combination of different approaches (based on
term polymyalgia arteritica19 might still be accurate clinical picture, classification criteria, exclusions and
because it underlines suspected vascular pathogenesis ex juvantibus diagnosing), together with extensive
of PMR. Silent vasculitis has been demonstrated in diagnostics and follow up observation of atypical
some of PMR patients20. Regardless of PMR and cases24. Ninety per cent of rheumatologists in the United
GCA pathophysiologic relations, from a practical Kingdom (UK) declare the use of the classification
point of view, it must not be forgotten that patients criteria for PMR diagnosis although they admit not to
diagnosed with PMR are also at an increased risk of adhere to the guidelines to exclude other diseases25. This
GCA-associated complications. The concomitant approach may be accepted only in countries with high
GCA implies the need for more aggressive treatment incidence of PMR resulting in relatively low number of
strategy (Table I). PMR symptoms can dominate over PMR mimics26.
the clinical picture of GCA. Small CSs doses used for
Diagnosis based on clinical picture
PMR do not suppress concomitant GCA (although this
is more generally accepted than proved opinion)21 that Clinical assessment is most important for PMR
may progress to cause blindness. diagnosis. There are no specific antibodies (PMR and

GCA are T cell-dependent diseases16,27) or additional reaction may be the first or the leading manifestation.
testing to confirm PMR. Clinical manifestations come Inflammatory reaction in elderly can manifest atypically,
from a combination of musculoskeletal pain and by reduction of psychomotor activity and decreased
stiffness and acute inflammatory response, which is appetite. They can be difficult to differentiate from the
quite different in elderly compared to young patients. endogenous depression. Pro-depressive characteristics
of interleukin-6 (IL-6), which plays substantial role
Musculoskeletal manifestations
in PMR pathogenesis31, should be taken into account
It is difficult to find PMR case without bilateral pain for a better explanation of this phenomenon32. Another
and stiffness of muscles and joints of neck, shoulder and reason for behavioural change in PMR patients may be
hip girdles. Generalized musculoskeletal pain is not a an adaptive response associated with rapid deterioration
PMR manifestation. Small joints involvement is also of physical performance, causing anxiety of getting old
not typical but may be rarely found28. Shoulder girdle and loosing self-reliance33. Weight loss is a common
involvement usually appears first and may gradually manifestation and may progress severely. Low-grade
extend to the area of neck and hip girdle. Symmetrical fever and night sweats may persist for months. Patients
involvement is typical. The pain worsens during the describe it as ‘a flu that does not go away’24,34,35.
night, typically waking the patient from sleep between Atypical presentations
0400 and 0600 h in the morning. Morning stiffness of
more than one hour is more specific for PMR than the These are possible but frequently remain
pain, but the pain is more commonly reported. Pain controversial. These include atypical musculoskeletal
may overwhelm the symptoms of stiffness. Limitations manifestations (distal or asymmetrical joints
of upper limbs elevation make it difficult for the involvement, sternoclavicular joints involvement,
patient to comb his/her hair or pray in the morning. lack of shoulder girdle involvement, lack of morning
It is illustrated by the way patients get up out of bed: stiffness), younger age at the disease onset, normal
large joints stiffness makes them to rock the whole erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and CRP serum
body to slip out beyond the edge of bed. However, after levels, lack of good response to CSs treatment23,24.
overcoming morning stiffness, patients can usually Diagnosis based on the classification criteria
perform their daily activities fairly well. The feeling of
stiffness can also reoccur during the day, after a period Classification criteria are not developed for
of immobility. In extreme cases, musculoskeletal diagnosing but are generally used for this purpose.
stiffness may cause even a daylong immobilization. Systems of classification of the diseases are demanded
However, the course may also be self-limiting. Patients by clinical trials, public health and insurance systems.
report limb weakness by which they understand the These criteria define most typical manifestation of the
limitation of motion due to stiffness and pain. In disease and provide an organized summary of its main
contrast with polymyositis, PMR does not cause actual manifestations. That is why the ‘old’ criteria such as
muscle weakness24,29. Bilateral tenderness of proximal formulated by Bird et al36 or Jones and Hazleman37 are
muscles is a valuable sign both for the diagnosis and still valid as these were formulated based on clinical
treatment monitoring. observation (Table II). Yet, PMR is not a disease
diagnosed by simple ticking signs and symptoms on
Manifestations associated with inflammatory a checklist. If it were so, a coincidence of depression
response or deterioration of general state and shoulder joints osteoarthritis (OA) in an elderly
It is surprising in PMR patient as to how intense patient would be misclassified as PMR according to
inflammatory reaction in elderly may manifest. Bird’s criteria. The interpretation of the importance
However, it is also possible to cause anergy-like of complaints and findings in an individual patient by
state with depressive reaction and cachexia. In both an expert remains fundamental for PMR diagnosis.
situations, PMR may be confused with symptoms of Shoulder girdle pain must have inflammatory character
premature ageing both by patients and their physicians30. and depression cannot be endogenous to be accounted
in Bird’s criteria. Jones and Hazleman’s criteria have
Acute or sub-acute onset of the disease (up to 2 wk) is
a potential superiority in countries with low PMR
characteristic, which means a sudden deterioration of
prevalence as they have a higher specificity and include
daily performance and reduced quality of life. It may
a list of most important exclusions.
appear striking in an older patient who was previously
coping well with his/her daily activities. Depressive In 2012, European League against Rheumatism

Table II. Summary of similar classification criteria for

polymyalgia rheumatic a (PMR)
Criteria by Bird Criteria by Jones and 1+1
et al36 (1979)* Hazleman37 (1981)**
Age >65 yr
Acute or sub‑acute onset Four points
required to meet
Depression and/or
PMR criteria
weight loss
Pain and bilateral Shoulder or pelvic girdle muscle
shoulder girdle stiffness pain, without weakening
Bilateral upper limb
muscles tenderness
2 2
Morning stiffness >1 h Morning stiffness greater than
one hour
ESR >40 mm/h ESR >30 mm/h or CRP >6 mg/l Fig. 1. Patient meeting preliminary criteria must score at least 4 points
to be classified as polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) according
Duration for a total of two to European League against Rheumatism/American College of
months/years Rheumatology criteria39, which gives three possible scenarios
Rapid improvement after encompassing the combination of 2 points for morning stiffness;
corticosteroids initiation 2 points for absence of rheumatoid arthritis specific antibodies;
1+1 point for hip girdle involvement and absence of other joint
Exclusion of rheumatoid involvement. Source: Ref 39.
arthritis, cancer, inflammatory
diseases of muscles or joints
of these will score an additional point to the scoring
It is necessary to meet three criteria to classify as PMR with algorithm. Final sum of five out of eight (6 from
a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 40%38,
It is necessary to meet all of the criteria to classify as PMR
algorithm without ultrasound plus 2 from ultrasound
with a sensitivity of 63% and specificity of 97%38. ESR, examination) points enables to classify a patient as
erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP, C‑reactive protein PMR with 66 per cent sensitivity and 81 per cent
specificity39. Ultrasound evaluation is relatively simple
(EULAR) and American College of Rheumatology to perform as the findings of merely the presence of
(ACR) formulated new classification criteria for PMR joint effusion, tenosynovitis or bursitis are sufficient.
(Fig. 1)38,39. These may only be applied in patients However, these abnormalities are hardly specific for
meeting preliminary criteria: age over 50 yr, bilateral PMR. A short ultrasound examination of proximal
shoulder aching, elevated CRP or ESR. These are a joints usually fails to demonstrate differences between
good example of classification philosophy to reduce inflammatory joint diseases. The differentiation
heterogeneity of positively classified cases by selecting between PMR and RA is a common dilemma. A
the subset of the most typical manifestations. Therefore, more detailed ultrasound assessment can demonstrate
these criteria are not to be met in atypical cases of PMR. joints’ erosions and extensive synovial proliferation of
On the other hand, these have a potential to reduce the both small and large joints that are more typical for
rate of false positive diagnosis38. RA. Ultrasound can demonstrate degenerative or post-
traumatic joint lesions as well as detect GCA overlap40
Ultrasound (Fig. 2).
Musculoskeletal ultrasound gains importance Additional tests to help with the diagnosis
in rheumatology. PMR criteria integrated
ultrasonographic evaluation into classification process There are no pathognomonic antibodies or other
for the first time in rheumatology39. Ultrasound criterion PMR-specific markers discovered. Although ESR and
requires examining both shoulders (for glenohumeral CRP serum levels are not specific, it is hard to find PMR
synovitis, bursitis or biceps tenosynovitis) and hips (for with normal inflammatory parameters41. Other acute
joint synovitis or trochanteric bursitis). The intention phase markers (fibrinogenemia, thrombocythemia and
for this is assessment of the symmetry of changes elevated IL-6, the latter correlates best with the disease
between inflammatory changes in both shoulders and activity42) are also present. Anaemia of chronic disease
between upper and lower limbs involvement. Each type is common and is reversed shortly after CSs

the relatively higher number of PMR mimics. It was

illustrated in a study from Turkey that 30 per cent of
patients with final PMR diagnosis were hospitalized,
30 per cent were treated with antibiotics, and in 29, 22
and 19 per cent abdominal, chest and brain computed
tomography (CT), respectively, were performed. This
approach seemed reasonable; however, there were
still 13±13 months delay from onset of symptoms to
Why do PMR-like manifestations mask the
symptoms of other diseases? PMR pathogenesis is
mediated by innate immunity. It triggers non-specific
inflammatory reaction which is not unique for
Fig. 2. Ultrasound examination of glenohumeral joint from axillary
approach revealing no significant effusion inside a joint capsule
PMR47. Acute inflammatory response can mask more
(bottom of the picture). With the same approach, axillary artery is characteristic symptoms of a disease that are not
simultaneously examined with colour duplex ultrasound (left, upper reported by patients. For example, elderly onset RA
side of the picture): it reveals homogenous, hypoechoic vessel wall may go with systemic inflammatory manifestations
thickening of 1 mm (indicated between “+” signs), well delineated
towards the luminal side being consistent with axillary arteritis. and large joint involvement that cause patient
immobilization. Therefore, small joints inflammation
treatment initiation. Sometimes, slightly increased is not reported by a patient whose main complaint
transaminases and alkaline phosphatase levels are is inability to get out of bed. Further, serious,
present. Sparse studies indicated a significantly higher GCA-associated ischaemic manifestations (such as
occurrence of anti-phospholipid antibodies, but these double vision or jaw claudication that are typical
have not been proved to be associated with ischaemic prodromal symptoms of vision loss) can be unreported
or thromboembolic complications42-45. by patients seeking medical advice because of much
more disturbing manifestations of overlapping PMR.
The benefits and drawbacks of classification Paraneoplastic syndromes that can be manifested long
criteria sets must be duly considered before applying before an appearance of symptoms associated with
them for diagnosis. The 2012 proposed EULAR/ACR tumour growth may also be misclassified as PMR48.
PMR criteria38 (opposed to the previous sets) aim to
minimize the role of clinical intuition and build on Differential diagnosis of conditions associated with
more objective features and additional tests. However, musculoskeletal symptoms
ESR, rheumatoid factor and ultrasound changes Differentiation between PMR and seronegative,
still have only limited specificity. The drawbacks of elderly onset RA affecting proximal joints is actually
all of the PMR criteria sets are their unsatisfactory a common reason for diagnostic uncertainty. It may
sensitivity and specificity. They were also formulated also be a case if bilateral painful shoulder syndrome
in populations with a high PMR prevalence. If coexists with depression and elevated ESR. Ultrasound
classification criteria are not met (which usually takes examination of the shoulder joints may be helpful in
place in atypical PMR), the disease should not be determining the cause of the pain. Diagnosing the
diagnosed hastly but only after excluding other causes sources of inflammatory reaction and mood disorders
of similar symptoms23,24. in the elderly may be demanding, requiring knowledge
on geriatrics. Musculoskeletal symptoms resembling
Diagnosis by excluding other causes of similar
PMR may originate from myopathy due to hypo- or
hyperthyroidism, CSs or statins use, amyloidosis;
The need for considering PMR exclusions was Addison’s disease (also adynamia suggesting
underlined in the previous criteria37 and is also found in depression and a good response to CSs)49,50.
the current guidelines23. The typical clinical picture of
Differential diagnosis of conditions associated with
PMR requires only basic differential diagnostics. The
inflammatory response or deterioration of general state
more atypical the clinical picture, the wider differential
diagnostics is required. The differential diagnostics in Typical PMR age group is associated with a
countries with low PMR incidence requires considering high risk of cancer. Manifestations of PMR may

also resemble paraneoplastic syndromes. However, Hazleman’s criteria37. New, 2012 PMR classification
PMR frequently starts suddenly and manifests more criteria do not include a good response to CSs in the
dynamically. Spontaneous remission, which can occur diagnostic process39. It raised some discussion as this
in PMR, is unusual for cancer. A 1.7-fold increase in criterion is widely used in a daily practice56. It was
the rate of cancer diagnoses was noted in the first six argued that treatment response was non-specific and
months of PMR observation in the UK, compared difficult to define feature. Indeed, elderly onset RA
to age- and sex-matched patients with no PMR51. or other inflammatory conditions also respond well to
Attempts should be made to minimize this period by CSs. However, this response would be weak in OA and
differential diagnostics and careful observation of transient if applied in infection or neoplasm. In these
atypical PMR cases48. Some of the PMR symptoms cases review of the initial PMR diagnosis is needed.
(fever, night sweats and joint pain) may suggest It is not a mistake to reassess the initial diagnosis and
systemic lupus erythematosus or other autoimmune change it accordingly. About 10 per cent of patients
diseases and infectious diseases, including endocarditis initially diagnosed with PMR are later reclassified as
or tuberculosis. Focus on musculoskeletal pain can having elderly onset RA57. For that purpose, careful
mask the endogenous or reactive depression being the monitoring of patients is needed. PMR patients require
real cause of deterioration of patient’s state. regular medical check-ups.
Due to PMR and GCA overlap, physical Diagnosing ex juvantibus may also be made eagerly
examination of PMR patients should encompass because it does not require an effort of time-consuming
temporal arteries (for tenderness, loss of pulsation) and expensive procedures. Spectacular efficacy of CSs
and large arteries analogically to Takayasu arteritis in PMR may cause a temptation to overuse them. There
(upper and lower limbs intermittent claudication, has been increased interest in GCA and PMR evoked by
differences in blood pressure between both limbs, modern treatment possibilities58,59 and fast track GCA
presence of vascular bruits). Treatment-resistant PMR clinics60. Based on our own experience, PMR is easy
indicates a special need for imaging of large arteries to overdiagnose. Establishing rational PMR diagnosis
for overlapping vasculitis. It may include ultrasound illustrates a challenge to resist fashion and wishful
examination of temporal and large (axillary, sub-clavian, thinking in medicine. Adherence to the 2012 PMR
common carotid) arteries by a specialist experienced classification criteria could be beneficial in preventing
in differentiating vascular wall inflammation from overdiagnosis because these do not include response
arteriosclerosis, as well as assessment of the aorta and to therapy. However, the ‘response criterion’ will not
its branches with contrasted computed tomography disappear from the daily practice of the physicians
(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron who can appreciate how unique PMR symptoms react
emission tomography (PET) with CT52,53. Lack of GCA to CSs. At least as long as there are no better disease
manifestations at the time of PMR diagnosis should markers.
not stop the awareness of developing vasculitis during Conclusion
follow up. Small CSs doses used for PMR do not protect
Lack of specific biomarkers of PMR is problematic
against the progression of arterial inflammation54.
and research is needed. Up to now, the diagnosis
PMR patients should be educated to immediately seek
remains clinical. There are many clinical subtleties
medical advice in case of vision disturbance (double
to be considered. Usually, PMR responds well to CSs
vision, transient ischaemic attacks), jaw claudication
treatment and outcomes are favourable. However,
or scalp tenderness.
differential diagnosis encompasses diseases with
Diagnosis ex juvantibus bad prognosis; therefore, PMR overdiagnosis can be
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Reprint requests: Dr Marcin Milchert, Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine and Geriatrics,
Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, ul Unii Lubelskiej 1, 71-252 Szczecin, Poland

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