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An Introduction to Maple Software

Srinivasarao Thota
Department of Mathematics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad, India

National Conference on
Advances in Mathematical Sciences
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad, India

October 05-07, 2012

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1 Introduction
2 Expressions
3 Functions
4 Solutions of Equations
5 Solving a System of Equations for Several Unknowns
6 Solving Differential Equations
7 Procedures, Variables, and Extending Maple
8 Implementing Packages using Modules
9 Three-dimensional plotting
10 Create a 2-D or 3-D animation on one parameter
11 Maple Help
12 References

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1 Maple is a commercial computer algebra system. It was first developed in

1980 by the Symbolic Computation Group at the University of Waterloo in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
2 Since 1988, it has been developed and sold commercially by Waterloo Maple
Inc. (also known as Maplesoft), a Canadian company based in Waterloo,
Ontario. The current major version is version 16 which was released in
March 2012.
3 We can enter mathematics in traditional mathematical notation and custom
user interfaces can also be created. There is support for numeric
computations, to arbitrary precision, as well as symbolic computation and
4 There are interfaces to other languages (C, C#, Fortran, Java, MATLAB,
and Visual Basic). There is also an interface with Excel.

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To assign an expression to a variable, use :=

> x := 9; variable x is 9 > w := x+3; variable w is 12

> y := x/2; variable y is 9/2 > z := y 3 ; variable z is 729/8
> q1 := 5*w; variable q1 is 60 > q2 := sqrt(x); variable q2 is 3

To reset all quantities

> restart;

To plot an expression

say f = x 2 + cosx on interval [−2, π]

> f:=x∧ 2+cos(x); > plot(f,x=-2.0..Pi,title=‘Srinivas‘);

Substitute into a multivariate expression

say f = x2 + xy
> f:=x2 +x*y; defines f as an expression
> r:=subs(x=1,y=3,f); substitutes x = 1 and y = 3 into f.
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Define f as a function rather than as an expression

say f(x) = x3 - 3x2 - 9x + 6

> f := x -> x3 - 3*x2 - 9*x + 6 ; f is defined as a function
> f(1); evaluates f at x = 1 and returns -5
> f(x+h); returns (x+h)3 - 3 (x+h)2 - 9 x - 9 h + 6
> plot(f(x), x = -4.0 .. 5.0); plots f(x) from x = -4 to 5

Define a multivariate function.

> f := (x,y) -> y * cos(x); f is defined as a function of x and y
> r1 := f(0,2); evaluates f(0,2) and stores result 2 in r1.
> f(Pi,2); evaluates f(π,2) and returns -2.

Convert powers of trig functions to sines and cosines

> Q1 := cos(x)∧ 3 - 4*sin(x)∧ 5; > Q2 := combine(Q1);

> Q3 := sin(x+y); > Q4 := expand(Q3);

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Piecewise Functions.
For example 

 x +5 if x ≤ −1,

 2
f (x) = x +1 if −1 < x < 2,

 1 if x = 2,
7−x if x > 2.

> f:=x->piecewise(x<=-1, x+5, x<2, x2 +1, x=2, 1,x>2, 7-x);

(range 1, function 1, range 2, function 2, range 3, function 3, ...)

> f(-3); evaluates f(-3)

> f(2); evaluates f(2)
> plot(f(x), x = -6.0..8.0, title = ‘A Piecewise Function‘);
plots f(x) on interval [-6,8] and gives the plot a title
> limit(f(x), x = -1,left); evaluates the leftsided limit of f(x) at x = -1
> limit(f(x), x = -1,right); evaluates the rightsided limit of f(x) at x = -1
> limit(f(x), x = -1); evaluates the limit of f(x) at x = -1 (it does not exist)
> limit(f(x), x = 2); evaluates the limit of f(x) at x = 2
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Solutions of Equations

Plot a function to help determine the location of its zeros.

> f := x -> x6 - 3*x5 - 5*x4 + 15*x3 + 4*x2 - 12*x;

> plot(f(x), x = -4.0..4.0);

Solve a function for its zeros.

> f := x -> x6 - 3*x5 - 5*x4 + 15*x3 + 4*x2 - 12*x;
> solve(f(x), x);

Solve a function for its real zeros.

> f := x -> x6 - 3*x5 - 5*x4 + 15*x3 + 4*x2 - 12*x;
> fsolve(f(x), x); tries to find all real zeros
> fsolve(f(x), x = 0..4); tries to find all real zeros between 0 & 4

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Solving a System of Equations for Several Unknowns

For example

Two equations in two unknowns: x 2 + y 2 = 9, x − y = 1.

> eq1 := x2 + y2 = 9; > eq2 := x - y = 1;
> with(plots, implicitplot); loads the implicitplot command

Plots both equations in the xy-plane on the specified range.

> implicitplot({eq1, eq2}, x = -4.0..4.0 , y = -4.0..4.0);

Solve the system symbolically.

> solve({eq1, eq2},{x,y});

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Solve the system numerically, but may give only one solution since no
range is specified.

> fsolve({eq1, eq2},{x,y});

Solves the system numerically on the specified range.

> fsolve({eq1, eq2},{x,y},{x = 0.0..3.0, y = 0.0..3.0});

> ?implicitplot for more help with the implicitplot command
> ?fsolve for more help with the fsolve command

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Solving Differential Equations

Derivatives of functions
> diff(f,x); gives f’(x),
> diff(f,x,x); gives f”(x) or > diff(f,x$2); gives f”(x),
> diff(f,x,x,x); gives f(3) (x), or > diff(f,x$3); gives f(3) (x),
Defining an ordinary differential equation.

For example y 00 + 4y 0 + 13y = cos3x

> de:=diff(y(x),x$2)+4*diff(y(x),x)+13*y(x)=cos(3*x);

Solving the ordinary differential equation for y(x).

> Y:=dsolve(de, y(x));

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Solving the ordinary differential equation subject to initial conditions.

y” + 4y’ + 13y = cos 3x

y(0) = 1, y’(0) = 0

> de:=diff(y(x),x$2) + 4*diff(y(x),x) + 13*y(x) = cos(3*x);

> with(DEtools):
> Y:=dsolve(de, y(0)=1, D(y)(0)=0, y(x));
> plot(Y, x=0..5); plots the solution Y from x = 0 to 5

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Procedures, Variables, and Extending Maple

Nested Procedures
We can define a Maple procedure within another Maple procedure.

Procedures That Return Procedures

We can create procedures that return procedures by using Maple
evaluation rules.

Local Variables
Local variables can exist after the procedure which created them has
exited. This feature allows a procedure to return a procedure. The new
procedure requires a unique place to store information.

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Interactive Input
We can write interactive procedures, querying the user for missing
information or creating an interactive tutorial or a test.

Extending Maple
The Maple software includes useful mechanisms for extending Maple
functionality, which reduce the need to write special purpose procedures.
Several Maple commands can be extended.

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Hello world

Maple programs are called procedures. keyword: proc.

print(‘hello world‘);

The procedure could be made a little more interesting as follows.

local name;
print(‘What is your name? ‘);
name := readline(terminal);

Here is a simple procedure that takes one argument:

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Here is a variant of the procedure that responds in words.

printf("Double of %a is %.1f.", n, n*2);

if ... then ... else structure.

if type(n,even) then n/2;
else 2*n; fi;

Calling proc

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Implementing Packages using Modules

One easy application of modules is the implementation of packages. A package is

simply a collection of routines that are collected together in some way.

MyPackage := module()
export f1, f2;
local loc1;
option package;
f1 := proc() loc1 end proc;
f2 := proc(v) loc1 := v end proc;
loc1 := 2; end module:

Save package (or any other module) to a Maple.


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Three-dimensional plotting

Calling Sequence
plot3d(expr, x=a..b, y=c..d, opts)
plot3d(f, a..b, c..d, opts)
plot3d([exprf, exprg, exprh], s=a..b, t=c..d, opts)
plot3d([f, g, h], a..b, c..d, opts)

For example:
plot3d(binomial, 0..5,0..5,grid=[20,20])
plot3d([1,x,y],x=0..2π,y=0..2π,coords=toroidal(10), scaling =

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Create a 2-D or 3-D animation on one parameter

Calling Sequence
animate(plotcommand, plotargs, t=a..b, options)
animate(plotcommand, plotargs, t=L, options)

For example:
animate(plot,[Ax2 ,x=-4..4],A=-3..3)
animate(plot,[Ax2 ,x=-4..4],A=-3..3,trace=5,frames=50)
animate(spacecurve,[[cos(t),sin(t),(2+sin(A))t], t=0..20 opts],

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Maple Help

Maple tutorial or get Maple help

1 Help > Maple Help or
2 Help > Take a Tour of Maple or
3 Help > Quick Help or
4 Help > Quick Reference

For help during a Maple session, click the Help

or enter
1 > ?index
2 > ?command

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M. B. Monagan, K. O. Geddes K. M. Heal, G. Labahn S. M.

Vorkoetter J. McCarron P. DeMarco ”Maple Advanced Programming
Maple online help:
M. B. Monagan K. O. Geddes K. M. Heal, G. Labahn S. M. Vorkoetter
J. McCarron P. DeMarco: ”Maple Introductory Programming Guide”.
M. B. Monagan K. O. Geddes K. M. Heal G. Labahn S. M. Vorkoetter
J. McCarron P. DeMarco: ”Maple Advanced Programming Guide”.

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