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Re)writing the Future... Welcome! thelr future decison making s mation you learn here and ‘we hope co see chem live HIV chraugh other sources of infor- hope this newsletter finde you hope gee her Ive Hh hrowth oh ner free lives, We are ako (re) mation concerning che HVAIDS wall wherever you are around wrieng ghe future because pandemic. lesan issue chat has ‘che word lam happy co say that ehrough education, our programs devastated sub-Saharan Africa, {made ie safely to Pore Elizabeth, sive go demystfy the AIDS and innovative solutes are South Attica where | willbe st pandemic and end discrimination needed co reverse the trend of tioned for the nex year. ‘of individuals with che disease, infection, | believe chat| have Having had over 6 weeks here.|_ py ineamship experience o far ‘eine an organization doing such am geteng che hang of things ae already prowded me wich Mnovative Work, andl use chat around the ofce andin te eld. rary opportuni eo reece on th# YEAR willbe ahuge learning ‘This Newslecer ibe sent cut what believe In andwhac my ©»Perlence for me, ‘on a monthly basis co my family, roles asa change maker in my friends, supporters and donors life and career. believe that we who chose to receive it can all be change makers wher I welcome any andallfeecback ever we are, and what exch of us fon martes discussed here, or fs capable of doing varies accord- ‘you would like me co elaborate ing co our level of awareness and ‘on anything | mention please feel wilingness co “Be the change, free ta lat me know. calledi¢ weld like to see” (Re) writing tre Fuasre” be- cause | believe chatwhae Gras oot Soccer (GRS) Is doing by ‘As you read this, I consider you ‘to be s change maker. Wherever aan et ccs ~~ Grassrool Soccer in brief. © Stigma and dis crimination are Grassrooe Soccer sa social ‘the programs. ieuee oF HIV and The goal isco graduate a milion faceors thas have profit organization founded in AIDS are serious, but our cur- change makers by the 2014 eneibueedteche 2002 chacuses the power and riculum Is designed to connect World Cup in Bra. The hope is spread ofthe HIV popularity of soccerfootball to with kide aged 12 to 18. They that these kids willbe part of res educate, inspire and mobilize che learn by doing. through various rising tide in changing mindsees youth of sub-Ssharan Africa in ineractve games loosely bared around the AfFica leading to a ‘the quest to reverse HIV infec. on soccer terminology and prin- _draetie drop in HIV infections. ‘ons and combac ignorance con- ciples ‘These change makers wil ac a cerning the diseateIe is hart Gyer 350,000 kids oF role models co peers in cher reduce the orgmizaton in afew Sponge aera ave gone ‘communities, For more info on shore words, but an say this Ehracgm dhe Ski Creu asHP0Ot Soccer, ks history, Gratsrooe Soceeritled bys Ser faesaharan Alries and milsion and goals check out passionace ceam, based off a cul- grsassroor soccerorg the Dominican Republi. ‘ure of fin that shows ieself in VOLUME 1, ISSUE | PAGE? Skillz The ‘hile’ curriculum focuses on Sustainable chawor change is one My rale—As a Programs intern | building basic fe sills tha help of the key goals ofthe curriculum, aie coaches in germs of getting boys and gris adope hesthy behav. and research by various groupe has them eo deliver the curriculum £0 Tors and live risk-free. proven thaethe letons leant in kids in schools and through our ‘The curvculum is based ona series hilt have made an impace programs outside of school. This of inceraceve acces and diecus- Key curricular topics include ‘means professional communications ‘sions helping kids gain a cangible making healthy decisions, avoiding, vith schools, and partners: being “understanding of HIV and AIDS. ‘risks, building support necworks, ‘part of event planning teams, op- Beyond the lessons concerning the 84Ingscgma aed discrimination, <7atonal work fo suPpors Pro, pandemic che Kids abo have prac. i"essingknowledgeabouccecing, ame ang somecimes hebing with My friend fer of real ene, and ceatment, addressing gender uF Monitoring luaton. Pie ite rt con een lesues, and assessing values. Everyday is diferent and have ‘ation, praite and community in- io tent lot ofa hope rocone with AIDS, is Sled rough che aces The fro so curiculum is ery much an opper- rue pphing nyse asbesea| stil my friend” ‘tunity to learn key fe skills lessons. ” while having fun, Oliver ee nn mestvtes ' Proven Results (via grassroolsoccerorg) ' ! 1 yen craustions in seven re 72% ‘The percentage of suudents who, 1 . agp of mudents bale condone were fectva, | Eawlavenntiveinpaton * TRS hela gofor tread ton Pee 7 ! | knowledge, attitudes, stigma, help for HIV relat *e by. ” I || and communication related to hiclpfor HIV related probe Ope thing! have natied abour 1 HIV. One study in Zimbabwe lems increased from 47% ‘GRS is that there is a strong em- "found that after participating in {076% phasis on Monitoring ané Evauuaton ' [the GRS curriculum: ©The percentage of students of Programs in order to ensure the I | who sidthey would feel quay and eecvenes of a ext I | * Thepereentage of students Garmforable providing mo we do, | who could list three people pps 1 positive classtnate in they could talk to about treased from $2% to 73%. ! 1 HV increased from 33% to 1 \ “Find the ball!” ‘One of the defnive gamesin che then face each other with their correct, and as you ean magne ‘Sill euriculu is "Find the Ball” hands behind cher backs (see image thie i farly dieu. A second ‘The objective ofthis acawry it €2 tothe lef. Axthe players ting round isthen played and cis time make the simple poine tha, “One song called “Hamba bola, the tennis ball represents HIV virus, ‘cannot tll that another person is Hamba!” (Go Ball, Go!) a coach further making the poine that ic is HIV posicve by simply looking at hands a tennis ball co one of the ficult coarser tha an individual them. players and the ceam pastes the ball has the virus without accually going GRS coach, Phushy leads Find between each other. The coach for an HIV eest Kids are encour ‘the Ball, ‘then asks the players to sop sing- aged to know thei sextus and serve ing and one side has to guess which cove HIV free and Find the Balle individual currently hold che ball, designed to make this point clear Pints goto che team that guestes Partilpanes are divided ito ewe ‘teams, ining up inthe syle of a “wall” jus like on the soccer field defending a free kick, The ceams VOLUME 1, ISSUE | September 24¢h is» public holiday In South Africa, Heritage Day. A day dedicaced to celebrating he diverse cultures thae are found in thi vase African couney, Grastroot Soccer often uelizes holidays at ‘opporaunitis co reach Kids with ‘our interactive actives and imper ‘anc HIV prevention work This Heriage day we held an HCT (HIV Counseling and Tessing) soccer cournamenc at Thembala- Danas Primary school in Zywide ‘ownship. twas an opportunity co provide free HIV counseling and ‘esting for your people and mem- bers of che community. This has been the biggest GRS ‘event so far in my ome here, and it was greacto see the ceam at work, Confidential pre and post rest ‘counseling was provided by our ‘esting parmers New Stare and the SKILLZ KEY MEASSAGE: The only way for someone €o know his or her HIV status Is ¢0 go for HIV testing at places including HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) centers, hospitals, and clinics. PAGE 3 ‘Some of the action in the boys’ section. ur team preparing for the day ahead. Deparumenc of Heath. This was -wallable chroughour che courna- ‘mene which starced at 10-am ané ‘ended around Spe inthe aternoon, We recrulted 14 teams lof kids aged 15 co 17 (10 per cea) There were 8 boys teams and 6 irl ceams, With a separaee section for boys and gis we had teams competing for the righe to be crowned Heri- ‘age Day Cup Champions. Bxcra poincs were awarded for teams whose members cook an HIV ese, and atthe end of the day 10S play- cers tested 82 members of che community escad 0, and out of 187 people cescad. 6 people ested positive for HIV. These individuals receive post ett counseling and are referred to local resources avalable in order for them eo continue as normal at 187 people livelihood as possible, tested for ‘The tournament slogan was, “Pay HIV at our 10 Win, Tescto lve” Knowing one's seus is extentialas «-2Wide HCT we seek co promors heathy Bvng inacounoywhereheHVwins Meritage has spread pardy ae o wig discrimination and previous lek of Day Cup on imeans (eg, Antiretroviral drugs) to deal withthe virus Sept. 24th. The evene war a sucess overall lewas great to see so many kids 6 tested evioyin hamish a heue MIC pogtive blared out from the Oj booth, and soccer was being played on che & pitches we had set up. The - mosphere was electric, and you ‘an never really cll ds to have fun, We lid the foundations and they did the rest! Ie was uly GRS. acwork po ee ee ee ee | GRASSROOTSOCCER A Stop the spread of HIV. ! I! | would not have been possible without the | support of you my family, friends, supporters | and donors. | Ihave managed to raise 31% of my $10,000 | earget. 1 am still working on fundraising | ehrough my social media accounts, an email | campaign and my blog. Beyond individual I! on approaching | organizations for sponsorship and or ! ! ! I! ! ' ! ! ! \ donors lam wer donations. Please feel frae to send any fund raising tips my way. The blog is fully operational too: ‘Thanks again for your support, \ Introducing: Generation Skillz (On September 6, 2010 Grassroot Soccer launched it's newest project, Generation Skillz, in Cape Town, South Africa, Designed for older participants, aged 15-19, the Generation Skillz curriculum addresses four key visk- drivers of the HIV epidemic: multiple partners, intorgen- crationalitransactional sex, alcohol abuse, and gender- based violence. GenSkillz is a response to the disproportionately high prevalence of HIV amongst young girls. New research, shows that one in seven new HIV infections could be prevented if women were not subjected to physical or sexual abuse, a harsh reality in South African society. Reaching kids in thelr later toons will be essential, as high risk behaviours and temptations abound. Generation Skillz came to Port Elizabeth in late Sep- tember. I4 of our best coaches received training in the new curriculum which will soon be delivered to the tar ageted age groups in PE. The past is history, & today is a gift. ‘The fusure of HIV and AIDS on the ‘African continent is dependent on the ‘current work going into diteate pre- vention through proper educational incerventions among youths and ‘other inkiatve focused on people living in regions where the disease hae fee eerongest hold. Have past methods been successful in ‘reversing HIV infetion rates on the ‘Afican continent? ‘The stats sxy no, but chink people are gang a bere understanding of the reasons why ce disease hat spread so rapidly and hopefly new Innovations in heping people make the right choices wll make for fu: ‘ure without HIV and AIDS. | continue co learn as much af | can about HV, AIDS and behaviour change among youths. | hope to be able to share my learning with you va this nevletrer and the blog. This internship willbe an eye opening experience a8 our organzzton it ‘working a the frondines this serugele. “Today 28 an organization (among cochers) we have che opperauniy to sy good bye to 2 past where HIV and AIDS ran riot inthe lives of xo many and work to 2 future where HIV iso longer a problem. Today i i, ehac Is why fe ls known as he present! | hope that we can all make today coune. wherever we are. For more information, checkout:

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