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o Sustain
1. Manager’s Dilemma
o Uphold
 Manager - is a person who is responsible for o Assume responsibility for the work
a part of a company, i.e., they ‘manage‘ the of others in his group, team,
company. department or organization.
 Top-Level
 Dilemma - situation in which different choic
has to be made between two alternatives o general and strategic
especially equally undesirable ones. o long-term organizational concerns
o emphasize organization's stability,
Manager's Dilemma
development, progress and overall
A dilemma is a complicated issue created when a
efficiency and effectiveness
manager has to accomplish more than one goal at a
time, and at first glance there is no right answer.  As an Authority

OMNIPOTENT VIEW SYMBOLIC VIEW o designing strategies

o controlling various resources
1.Managers are directly 1. Managers are not
responsible for an directly responsible for an o must act as organizational guides to
organization’s success or organization’s success or elaborate organizational purpose
failure. failure. Therefore, a quality manager must have:

2.Quality 2. whole control is not on o Conceptual Skills

Organization=Quality managers o Communication Skills
Manager/s quality of o Technical Skills
organization≠quality of
 Dilemma Management: is the process of
3.Manager’s managers
addressing complicated problems and
Permormance influences
resolving them in a systematic manner.
the organization’s goals. 3. Manager’s
Permormance does not  Symbolic View
4. Manager’s ability is to influence the Symbolic view of management is the view
gain success and failure by organization’s goals managers have a limited effect substantive
good or bad performance organizational outcomes because of large
4.Manager’s ability to number of factors outside their controls.
(e.g. Coaches, Faculties, affect the outcomes are
Group Leaders, influenced by limited o Factors:
supervisors etc,) external factors.
 the economy
 governmental policies
(e.g. economy,customers,
 competitors
 industry conditions
governmental policies,
 technology
industry conditions,
 action of previous
Omnipotent View: management view that 2. Organizational Culture
managers are directly responsible for organization's
success or failure.
 Functions and Roles of Managers
 refers to the shared beliefs, values, o Controlling
attitudes, principles and different actions
that affects a member or members of an 3. Managing Workforce Diversity: means
organization (Robbins, S.2010). similarities and differences among employees in
terms of age, cultural background, physical
Dimensions of Organizational Culture abilities, and disabilities, race, religion, gender,
1. Attention to Detail - employees are expected to and sexual orientation.
exhibit precision, analysis, and attention to detail.
2. Outcome Orientation - managers are focus on 1. Start with hiring.
results or outcomes rather than on how these 2. Create with inclusive policies and practices.
outcomes are achieved. 3. Provide Diversity Training
3. People Orientation - management decisions take 4. Facilitate Effective Communication
into account the effects on people in the 5. Encourage Interaction.
4. Team Orientation - work is organized around 4. The Environment
teams rather than individuals.  Internal Environment - direct and
5. Aggressiveness - employees are aggressive and immediate impact to organization.
competitive rather than cooperative.  External Environment - affects
6. Stability - which organizational decisions and organization’s impact indirectly.
actions emphasize maintaining the status quo.
Environmental Scanning: A process of gathering,
7. Innovation and Risk Taking - employees are
analyzing, and dispensing information for tactical or
encouraged to be innovative and take risk.
strategic purposes.
 Basic Elements of Culture:
o Artifacts
o Values
o Assumptions

5. Managing in a Global Environment

 Different Types of Global Organizations:
o Multinational Corporation
 How Employees Learn Culture:
o Transnational Corporation
o Stories o Borderless Organization
o Rituals
 Global Perspectives:
o Material Symbols
o Language o Ethnocentric
o Polycentric
 Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture:
o Geocentric
o Planning
 Four Stages of Globalization:
o Organizing
o Leading o Domestic Stage
o International the top level of an organization and
o Multinational then broken-down into sub goals
o Global for each level of the organization.
o Management By Objectives (MBO): A
PLANNING process of setting mutually agreed upon
goals and using these goals to evaluate
1. Foundations of Planning employee performance.
 What is Planning?  Steps in Goal Setting:
o A primary managerial activity that 1. Review the organization’s mission
involves: statement
2. Evaluate available resources
 Defining the organization’s goals 3. Determination of goals
 Establishing an overall strategy for 4. Write down and communicate the
achieving those goals goals
 Developing plans for organizational 5. Review of results.
work activities.
2. Organizational Goals and Objectives
 Types of Planning
 Goals and objectives provide the foundation
o Informal: not written down, short-term for measurement.
focus; specific to an organizational unit
o Formal: written, specific, and long-term o Goals vs. Objectives
focus, involves shared goals for the  Goals are outcome statements
organization. that define what an
 Elements of Planning organization is trying to
accomplish, both
o Goals: desired outcomes for individuals, programmatically and
groups, or entire organizations organizationally.
o Plans: documents that outline how  Objectives are very precise,
goals are going to be met; describe how time-based, measurable actions
resources are to be allocated and that support the completion of
establish activity schedules a goal.

 TYPES OF GOALS:  Measures: actual metrics used to gauge

Financial Goals and Strategic performance on objectives.
o Without measurement, you cannot
 TYPES OF PLANS: tell where you have been, where you
Strategic Plans, Operational Plans, are now, or if you are heading in the
Long-Term Plans, Short-Term Plans, direction you are intending to go.
Specific Plans, Directional Plans,
Single-Use Plan, Standing Plans  As a general rule, organizational goals focus
on four major areas:
 Establishing Goals and Developing Plans (i) Financial and other monetary measures;
(ii) Environmental relationships;
o Approaches of Goal Setting
(iii) Participants in the organization; and
 Traditional goal setting: an (iv) Survival.
approach in which goals are set at
 Goals, Objectives, and Planning  Quantitative Forecasting
Techniques: uses statistical
o Planning: Vision and a Mission; Vision tools and analyses to
Statement; and Mission Statement predict the future.
 Goals, Objectives, and Organizing, Leading,  Qualitative Forecasting
and Controlling Techniques: use of opinions
or perceptions from experts
o The role of goals and objectives does for prediction purposes.
not stop in the planning stage. o Benchmarking: a technique to find
o Goal setting is thus a primary out what other organizations are
function of leadership, along with doing well and then incorporating
holding others accountable for their those best practices into the
respective goals and objectives. operations of one’s organization to
improve its cost and effectiveness.
3. Strategic Management
 External Benchmarking:
 A strategy is a set of related actions that comparing the methods
managers take to increase their company’s and approaches used by
performance (C. Hill & G. Jones, 2013) high-performing companies
with those of one’s
 Strategic Leadership is on how managers company.
effectively manage the strategy-making to  Internal Benchmarking:
have a competitive advantage. learning the best practices
 Strategic Managers: from other units within the
o Functional-level managers:  Contingency Planning
responsible for the specific business o the process of identifying
functions or operation. alternative courses of action in the
o Business-level managers: head of event that unforeseen or
the business unit. uncontrollable events take place.
o Corporate-level managers: consist  Scenario Planning
of the highest managers in a o Involves predicting potential
company like the chief executive alternative events that might
officer and other senior executives. happen.
 Participation and Involvement
4. Planning Tools and Techniques
o Participatory planning requires that
 Pertains to the different methods of the planning include people who
determining, analyzing, and predicting will be affected by the plans or will
situations that will likely to occur. help implement them.

 Assessing the Environment References:

 Robbins, S. & Coulter, M. (2010). Management (Tenth
o Environmental Scanning: careful Edition). London, UK: Pearson Education, Inc.
monitoring of an organization’s  Hill, Charles W.L., et al. 2015. Strategic Management: an
Integrated Approach..Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
internal and external environments.  Kavitha, N. 2012. Management Principles. LAP Lambert
o Forecasting: Pertains to the use of Academic Publication.
scientific techniques to predict the  Janice R.W. Joplin and Catherine S. Daus (Aug 1997. "
Dimension of Workforce Diversity” The Academy of
likelihood of certain events or Management Executive (1993-2005) Vol.11 No.3
factors to happen in the future.
 Robbins, S. & Coulter, M. (2010). Management (Tenth
Edition). London, UK: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Daft, R. & Marcic, D. (2004). Understanding Management
(Fourth Edition). Burgin, USA: South-Western College
Publishing, Inc.
 Robbins, S. (2010). Organizational Culture and Environment.
Management (10th Ed). Pearson Education,Inc.

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