Test Book:: Collins-Practice-Tests-For-Ielts-1 - Book - Audio Test 1

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Test Book: collins-Practice-tests-for-ielts-1_Book_Audio Test 1

Listening Page(1) Score: 34 Bands: 7.5

1. 63 - 623
2. Tomas
3. 17624
4. International
5. August
6. B–c
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. a
11. a
12. E
13. F
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. C
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. B
30. A
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. C–B
38. B
39. A-E
40. D


1. I did not listen to the entire answer

2. Lack of concentration
3. Made my mind own assumption
4. I need to have more practice and concentration

Test Book: collins-Practice-tests-for-ielts-1_Book_Audio Test 2

listening Page(22) Score:34 Bands:7.5

1. B
2. C–B
3. C
4. 60
5. 14
7. 38864
8. A
10. FREE coffee – café
11. B–c
12. A
13. B–c
14. C–b
15. B–b
16. C
17. Pair of Headphones
18. 14 days
19. 9.30 5.30
20. Booked
21. B
22. A
23. A–B
24. A
25. Expression – set expressions
26. sentence structures
27. c – short
28. f
29. a
30. C–c
31. B
32. A
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. D
37. E
38. To Arrange
39. Legal requirement – a legal requirement
40. Placement officer
Writing Task 1 Makkar 4 – Page 29
You are living in a University residence, and you have a problem with the high levels of noise from a
new campus restaurant which is open late at night. Write a letter to the governor of the University.
In your letter,

 Complain about the situation

 Say why this is a problem
 And propose ways to reduce the noise

Begin your letter ‘Dear --------’

Dear Mr. Prakash,

I am full time student at your university residing in university hostel. I am writing this letter to
complain about the new campus restaurant which is responsible for having heavy noisy hours till the
late night.

It is not a one day problem. Instead, it is an everyday issue. College students are high on energy
during the evenings and they play games, do parties till late night. This all together creates a lot of
noise and I am not able to sleep.

The main problem is the open sitting area of the food place. Because it is an open area, the noise is
spread to the nearby buildings. Moreover, this place is exactly in the corner of the crossroad so the
loudness echoes everywhere.

To help you solve the issue, I have some recommendations to make. Firstly, the open area of the
food bar should not be serviceable after 6:00 Pm. Secondly, the restaurant should be closed by 9:00
Pm. These steps can permanently solve this problem.

I look forward for a remarkable decision from you in coming days.

Yours Sincerely,

Gaurav Blaggan
Writing Task 2 Makkar How_to_pass_the_IELTS_Writing_Module-IELTS-fighter
– Page :27

Some people believe that television is a powerful tool of education. Other people believe
that television is nothing more than mindless entertainment and should be discouraged.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Television today has become an indispensible part of our life and due to this, some part of the
society believes that television plays an dominant role in today's education system. Whereas,
other part of the society believes that television is just an idiot box and the use of TV should not
be promoted. I largely agree with the former view and my reasons are mentioned in the ensuing

As a tool of learning, Television provides various advantages. Firstly, it allows an individual to gain
knowledge form the comfort of it's home. Secondly, learning from the medium of TV
automatically converts as leisure time gadget into an useful tool. For instance, a report by Indian
Telecommunication Bench stated that 95% of the Indian house have access to TV and these units
can used easily to spread knowledge and can result into boon instead of curse.

Furthermore, in respect to academic learning the television is widely useful in the following
manner. To begin with, it allows a student to watch the lesson multiple times which is not possible
in classroom sessions as TV tutorials can be recorded. Secondly, most of the devices these days are
very advance thus they provide next generation accessibility where a student can have a video
conference, live chat and solve problems directly with its tutor over the connection. These are the
reason behind the people think of why TV is an education tool.

Nevertheless, some people do have old beliefs in regards to TV where it was just a platform of
entertainment and they still think in the similar way.

To Conclude, and give my opinion a TV is an instrument that has started making itself as important
education tool but, if the person wants to use it in a leisure way it's never impossible.

Spelling Mistake

1. Useful
2. Indian
3. Units
4. Classroom
5. Accessibility
6. Behind

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