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Game Accessory

ISBN 1-931320-05-5

Alliance Weapons Manual


The PDF you have in your grubby little hands, or on your
grubby little screen, is the compilation of material that did
not make it into SSDC’s Lock-N-Load books. We’re releasing it
to the general public in the hopes that you might find some of
In This Manuscript... it useful or at the very least, entertaining.
A-GRAV VS. I-GRAV Before you turn up your nose at the “rejects” you should know that
AHWs there are a lot of reasons this material didn’t make it into the Lock-N-Load
books. Sometimes we - we being the editors and company owners - felt the
ARMOR OPTIONS material was inappropriate for the setting. Other times we felt the mater-
ARMOR OPTIONS - OPTIONAL RULES ial would dramatically alter game play or game balance. Heck, sometimes
we just came up with the idea after the books had gone to press. Not all of
ATTRACTOR/REPRESSOR BEAMS this material is a hazard to game balance. Some of the material was sim-
ATTRACTOR/REPRESSOR - OPTIONAL RULES ply cut due to lack of space in the book. Other times we felt the material
MICRO-GRENADE LAUNCHERS had a lot of merit, but would over-complicate an already detailed game
MINES system. BMs should feel free to pick and choose what optional rules and
items they want to use. A check-list has been provided so you can clearly
MISSILE TECHNOLOGY - RULES CLARIFICATION indicate to your players which rules and items you’ll be using.
MODERN HAND WEAPONS To help you sort out what’s what, all of the items in this manuscript
have been labeled with a Game Balance Value (GBV). Before you ask, yes
PARASITES we do love acronyms. Get use to it, there are lot more in this PDF! The GBV
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT indicates the likelihood that allowing this item in your game will cause
problems, start arguments, disturb game play, destroy game balance, or
ESPIONAGE EQUIPMENT otherwise fracture the space-time-carnage continuum. The higher the GBV
RAD CANNONS the more likely the item or rule may cause problems. Most of these ratings
are judgment calls on the editor’s part and some devices and rules may be
FLAMETHROWERS more or less detrimental to game balance than advertised. Battle Masters
TELEPORTATION VS. DISPLACEMENT allow these items at your own risk, and players should employ them with
caution. Note: Sometimes particular items are assigned individual GBVs,
GAUSS GUN - OPTIONAL RULES on other occasions an entire class of items or weapon system (like
AMMUNITION: GAUSS GUNS Parasites) are assigned a GBV as a whole.
As a final note, I’d like to point out that most of the material in this PDF
HUMOR was assembled from the editor’s forum discussions. As a result, much of
AMMUNITION: SHOTGUN SHELLS this material has undergone minimal editing and even less play-testing. In
addition, a bunch of editors doing some friendly bickering on an Internet
LASERS - PAINTING LASERS forum makes it really hard to establish authorship of the text included
MISSILES: REFLEX MISSILES within this document. Some of the ideas in here were the genius of a sole
MAG GUNS editor, while others were a collaborative effort. As a result, I’m just going
APPENDIX C: WEAPON NOISE LEVELS to credit everybody to reduce the chances of me being pulse blasted or
...AND MORE! thwacked. Please forgive me if leave you out of the credits. Please don’t
tell anybody if I put you in the credits by mistake.
Granny’s Basket: Lock-N-Load RELOADED
Best of luck,
Version 1.0 Tony “Warmonger” Oliveira
Author: Tony Oliveira
Additional Text: Tom Javoroski, Kevin Taufner, Michael Osadciw Warmonger’s Rule:
Concepts: Keith Klee, Tom Javoroski, Michael Osadciw, Tony Oliveira, “If you’re not excessive, then you’re never really sure.”
Tyson Mueller, Louis Norton, Aaron Thies, Kevin Taufner, Michael Wagner
Material assembled by: Tony Oliveira I think I followed that rule to a “T” when I assembled this monster.

Material Edited by: Aaron Thies, Keith Klee, Tom Javoroski, Tony
Oliveira, Kevin Taufner

Game Balance Rating (GBV) ARMOR OPTIONS PG. 11

The game balance value scale runs from 1 to 5 as follows:
GBV Explanation Anti-Laser Coating B 0.5 - 40,000
1 Little or no effect on game play and balance. Anti-A/R Grenades 0 0.5 spec 200
Safer than a dead Furble.
Anti-Wave Generator 1 10 Head 2,000

2 May have some effect on game play and balance. Chaff Ejectors 1 3 Arm 20,000
Still safer than being the only guy in the landing Crystalline Coating B 2* spec 3,000*
party with a red shirt. Crystal Shield 1 10 Arm 10,000
Feynman Field Generator 5 4 Chest 20,000
3 Moderate effects on game play. Probably no worse
Fire-Control Computer 1 1 Helm 120,000
than showing your players Lock-N-Load for the
Flux Shield 2 14 11 Chest 1.0M
first time.
Flux Shield 3 12 10 Chest 1.5M
4 Likely to significantly change game play, start Flux Shield 4 10 9 Chest 2.0M
arguments, and require some execution deci- Flux Shield 5 8 8 Chest 2.5M
sions, er… I mean executive decisions, by the Frictionless Flux 2 3 Chest 1,500
Battle Master. More dangerous than a Phentari
Grenade Pusher 10 2 Chest 20,000
with a license to kill and an itchy trigger tentacle.
Grounding System 12 4 Leg 6,000
5 Dramatically affects game balance. Use these Halon System 4 2 All 300
rules and items with caution. Worse than a drunk Hard Point 1 1 Arm var
Orion with a time machine and a backpack nuke. Heat Sinks 5 4 spec 500*
Internalized Weapon var var Any 250 x Size
? GBVs higher than 5 or lower than 1 will only be
Jammer Detector 1 0.25 spec 2,000*
found in the Humor section of this PDF. They’re
our feeble attempts to be funny. Liquid Rad Liner B 2 - 5,000
Lizard Tail Plating 2 2 spec 500*
N/A Rules with no GBV values may simply be clarify- Mine Detector 1 1 Leg 10,000
ing an existing rule or be “official.” NEC 7 2 Chest 30,000
Alternatively, some ammunition for new weapon
Non-Stick Coating B 0.5 - 100
systems does not have a GBV, because the GBV is
assigned to the new weapon system as a whole. Polymerized Armor 2 4 - spec
SAWM (Small) 5 1 Any 20,000
CYBERTRONICS PG. 21 SAWM (Large) 10 2 Arm 35,000
Spikes 0 SC x 2 All 1000 x SC
Toaster System 7 5 All 10,000
External Output Coil 15 20 0.1 250,000
External Range Coil 12 12 0.1 50,000
HUD Contact Lenses 20 20 0 2,000
Surprise Trigger 45 45 0.3 45,000 ITEM SS ENC COST
Passive IFF Receiver 95 1 500
CYBERNETICS PG. 20 Radar-Laser Sight 95 1 1,500
TYPE ELE EMP SPACE COST Target Locator 95 3 2,000
Mental Trigger 30 20 0.4 varies Target Locator PLUS 95 5 10,000


Bomb Detonator 95 1 1,000 Za’l Stasis Generator 90 3 30,000
Explosives Detector 95 3 35,000 Zombie Generator 85 3 50,000


Biomech Duplicator 95 1 100,000 Marshal 700 100 7 1,000,000
Booby-Trap Trigger 95 var 2,000 Secret Service 1,000 100 1 1,500,000
Coloring Agents 100 1 300 Panther 1,300 110 .5 2,000,000
Texturinzing Agents 100 1 1,000 Costner 1,700 120 .75 2,500,000




Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


Gemini Armor SPECIAL var var var var 20K + 3x


Bite Helm 6 6 10 5 10 20 45 45 3,000
Bite Helm Heavy 12 18 30 10 90 85 90 90 50,000
Bite Helm Custom Special +20%


Bayonet 80 - - - - - - 25 50 1/4 - 1-8 1 1* 10
Crystal Dagger 50 - - - - - - 02 50 2 - 1-4 1 1 500
Double Sword 80 - - - - - - 45 75 1/3 - 1-8 3 4 120
Flash Crystal 80 - - - - - - - 05 2 - spec 0 1 250
Hot Rocks 80 50 00 - - - - - 40 1/4 - spec 0 3 1,000
Kizanti Phase Weapon 75 - - - - - - Special15 50 1 - spec 1 1 100x
Mazian Horse Shoes 60 35 -15 - - - - 05 80 1 - 1-6 2 1 15
Razor Whip 70 - - - - - - - 15 1/2 1 1-8 3 5 500
Shatter Dagger 50 - - - - - - - 40 1/6 1 spec 0 3 50


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Porcupine 102 87 65 40 20 00 - - 99 94 Spec Var Var 7+Q 3000
Freefire Rifle 100 90 70 50 30 10 00 - 98 98 1 8/12 Var 10/12 6000
Freeshoot Rifle 108 70 66 40 10 - - - 97 99 3 8/12 Var 12/14 10,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Ravager II 100 88 60 10 -20 - - - 97 98 1 10 4-24 35 160,000
Able Positive 100 90 70 50 30 10 00 - 99 100 1 6 5-30 35 400,000
Nutcracker 105 90 70 50 20 00 - - 98 100 1/3 50 6-36 50 600,000
Rattler 100 88 60 10 -20 - - - 97 98 1/3 25 8-48 45 800,000
Mixmaster 102 87 65 40 20 00 - - 99 99 1/3 25 6-60 50 1.0M
Soulshaker 109 80 74 50 20 -20 - - 100 100 1/3 20 8-80 65 1.5M
BC-Shatter 108 70 66 40 10 - - - 100 100 1/9 10 5-50 25 5.0M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
SlugGun 85 75 65 50 45 20 00 -10 97 96 1 25 6-36 12 250,000
TripleShock 80 70 60 45 40 10 00 - 97 90 3 24 6-36 18 400,000
SlugCharger 80 75 62 50 43 20 10 00 96 94 1 8 5-50 14 420,000
Tornado 99 70 60 50 42 35 20 15 100 100 1 12 8-64 15 450,000
Titanus 60 50 45 32 20 10 5 -10 97 98 1 10 6-36 28 550,000
RockRocket 88 77 60 55 42 34 20 10 99 99 1 20 6-36 20 620,000
Archer II 93 88 77 60 47 35 5 - 99 98 1 30 8-48 15 750,000




Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Backup Mark V 90 35 - - - - - - 90 50 1 4 3-18 1 40,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Xile 78 70 45 35 15 00 - - 95 95 1 45 2-8 8 40,000
AD-214 86 65 55 45 30 20 10 - 98 95 1 30 3-10 11 70,000
Xpulse 80 60 50 30 20 10 - - 98 97 1 45 2-12 10 80,000
Xpulse 2 82 73 65 50 35 20 05 - 99 97 1 45 4-24 9 130,000
AD-1812 79 73 65 50 35 20 05 - 99 94 1 30 4-24 15 280,000
Xpatriot 89 70 60 40 30 10 00 - 98 96 1 45 4-24 20 400,000
- Flechette Laucher 90 85 80 57 39 22 06 - 99 97 3 36 1-6


Aerosol EF Can 2-12* 3 2,200 Atmospheric Pressure Detonator (A) 99 1 200

Backup Fire 90 - - - - - 3 5 96 94 1 3 1-8 1 450
FL-52 “Friendly Fire” 100 90 60 40 05 - 12 75 100 100 1 50 4-16 30 20,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Backup (FIG) Series II 70 40 10 00 - - - - 99 92 1 5 3-30 1 18,000



Cargo Space Varies Varies Self-Assembling Viruses 10x
Target Locator 2 1,850 Shape Lock 1000
Target Locator PLUS 4 8,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Savage-E 75 75 65 35 10 - - - 98 88 1 8 4-16 4 150,000
Shotgun-1 98 40 20 -20 - - - - 99 80 1 8 Spec 5 500,000
Sherman 100 90 20 15 - - - - 99 84 1 10 Spec 12 2.5M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
BC-Aim Master 90 90 80 50 25 00 -10 - 99 98 1 30 8-32 4 18,000
Target Plus 90 85 80 75 65 55 20 05 99 99 1 25 9-36 5 25,000
Target Super 100 95 85 80 70 60 30 10 98 98 1 50 20-80 7 75,000
BC-Spotter 92 92 92 92 88 85 40 40 99 95 1 50 30-120 30 100,000
Able Culprit-D 102 99 97 95 90 80 60 30 100 100 1 20 4-32 x 2 10 2.0M




Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
BC-Monster 85 70 60 45 20 7 -10 -15 99 97 var 50 var 75 500,000



Bomb Mat 1-4/2-12 1 150 Ballistic Bag 2-8 (Temp) 1 50
CSG (Flesh-Eating) 1-12* 2 7,000 OC -50 AGL, DEX, Visual 1 100
CSG (Suffocation) spec 2 3,500 Rubber Baton 2-7 (Temp) 1 75
CSG (Bio-Luminescent) +5/+10 2 450 Shot 6-24 1 150
Corrosive Smoke 6-36 1 1,800
EMP -30 6 60,000 MINES PG. 48
Impact Foam N/A 2 750
ABA P -4 THR/-20 INT 25 350,000
Laser 2-24/1-4 (Spec) 6 60,000
Bullet P,T,E Varies 4 50
Magnetic Modification varies var +50 Clumpy II P,R Special 18 16,000
MDD N/A 6 250,000 Disintegrator P 40-160/20-80 8 10,000
Nanoid Delivery varies 1 2,000 Displacer P,R Special 3 100,000
Neuro spec 1 N/A Firestorm Clay. P,R,T,M,E 2-12/3-18 2 50
Neuro Elite spec 1 N/A
Floater P,R,S Special 20 500,000
Paint N/A 1 250
Flux Cage P,R Special 3 350,000
Phase Nullification See Decription 4 300,000 IMFIB P 4-24/4-24 100 100,000
Rad Pulse 4* 1 20,000 Neuro Special 5 N/A
Scatter Smoke N/A 1 400 Neuro Elite Special 6 N/A
Seismic 3-12 3 300 Phase Null. R,S,E Special 60 1.5M
Sting Ball 1d4+1(Temp)/0 3 300 Riot Foam P,R,S,T Special 6 15,000
Stun Mat / Stun Grenade spec 1/2 300 Self-Healing N/A Varies N/A 5x
Super Sonic Pulse Sonic 1 5,500
Vulcan G1 -2 THR & -10 INT 3 800 MICRO-GRENADES PG. 47
Vulcan G2 -4 THR & -20 INT 3 3,000
High-Explosive 0/2-7 0.1/10 100
Mega-Explosive 0/2-12 0.1/10 200
Ultra-Explosive 0/2-24 0.1/10 400


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
UB-Twister 90 80 60 20 - - - - 100 95 1/3 4 2 2 40,000
BC-MetalSurge 80 70 50 30 -40 - - - 97 88 2 4 1 55 140,000
BC-Gatlin 80 75 65 10 -45 - - - 97 90 3 5 2 75 400,000
BC-Metalaser 85 80 75 25 -05 - - - 100 98 1/3 25 Spec 28 1.5M
BC-DistortionMG 82 78 70 38 02 -40 - - 99 97 1 9 16 60 1.6M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Lobber 90 50 30 00 - - - - 99 100 1 20 var 1 300
Lincoln Thrower 95 60 45 10 -05 - - - 100 99 3 20 var 2 1,000
Penny Ante 95 55 25 05 -15 - - - 98 99 5 30 var 5 1,550




Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


Custom Light Weapon Varies - Varies x100
Water Spear 85 - - - - - - 25 99 55 1/3 1 1-8 3 10 90
Ptfaang-ulu 85 - - - - - - 25 99 55 1/3 1 1-8 3 10 140
Hand Charge 40 - - - - - - - 95 97 1 1 1-6 1 1 500
Nanoid Dagger 50 - - - - - 02 100 50 2 1 1-4* 1 1 500
Plasma Jet II 60 - - - - - - 30 98 70 1 1 1-6* 2 4 1,500
Prism Dagger 65 30 25 20 15 02 -75 02 95 50 - 1 spec 1 1 1,500
Laser Dagger 65 60 57 48 30 05 -50 02 95 50 - 1 2-12 1 1 1,500
Monofilament Whip 70 - - - - - - - 95 10 1/2 - 1-4 1 1 3,000
Icicle 70 - - - - - - 25 98 97 1/3 - 2-16 * 12 40,500


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Ceiling Stunner 80 75 72 - - - - - 99 98 1 30 spec 4 25,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Shooter 1 100 75 40 20 - - - - 95 90 1/3 5 Varies 7 10,000
Disk Flinger 100 85 75 40 20 - - - 100 100 3 3 Varies 7 15,000
Able Shot-put 115 105 80 40 20 - - - 97 97 1 10 Varies 15 25,000
BalshromThrower 120 110 90 45 20 10 - - 100 100 2 7 Varies 10 50,000
Shooter 2 120 120 115 90 50 40 10 - 95 90 1 6 Varies 12 55,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Short Bow See Missiles - PMS2 98 88 4 8 var 150 8,000
Long Bow See Missiles - PMS2 99 95 6 12 var 200 11,000
Ballista See Missiles - PMS2 99 99 5 15 var 250 20,000
Trebuchet See Missiles - PMS2 99 98 10 12 var 400 45,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
EM Blaster 80 70 45 20 - - - - 98 97 10 5 1 7 200,000
Death Slinger 140 120 100 80 50 30 10 - 98 99 1 10 5 15 250,000
EM Engager 90 80 65 40 20 - - - 98 97 5 10 2 7 250,000
Quark Cannon 120 110 90 60 30 -10 - - 98 98 3 10 3 10 300,000
Rad Pulse “Standard” 95 88 74 60 40 05 - - 99 97 1 10 8 15 350,000
Rad Pulse “Turbo” 98 90 80 65 45 20 - - 99 97 1 7 10 17 400,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Run-Away Mark I 65 55 35 20 10 -30 - - 97 90 1 5 Varies 4 6,500
Run-Away Mark II 78 68 60 35 25 -15 - - 99 95 1 5 Varies 2 7,200
Rogue Catcher 77 65 65 30 05 -05 -20 - 99 96 1 5 Varies 7 12,500
Close Combat Special 75 65 50 35 10 -10 - - 98 95 5 15 Varies 5 14,500
Assault Special 85 75 60 45 20 05 -10 - 98 95 3 10 Varies 10 20,000




Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Sonic Scrambler 80 75 65 - - - - - 95 80 1 30 spec 3 10,000

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
BC-Hades 105 100 95 90 85 65 42 32 100 100 1 35 4-32 25 1.6M
BC-Inferno 99 98 95 90 80 60 50 20 100 100 1 30 6-36 30 2.0M
BC-Solaris 107 105 92 90 70 50 25 12 99 99 1 15 8-48 25 2.5M
BC-Godsfire 98 97 90 80 70 45 25 10 99 99 1 10 8-64 45 3.0M


Identifier System 6 65 3,500 Buddy
AerosolKiller II
Sprayer .5 2,000
Security Rack (Armory) 40 100 15,000 Chemical
A/R Round Weapons Detector .5 350
Security Rack (Baracks) 100 100 30,000 Camera
Bio Weapons Detector 25
.5 1,200
Targeting Wand 1 45 1,500 Chaff
Buddy Killer I .5 1,000
Detonator Time
Buddy Killer II Adjuster .5 Special
Chemical Weapons Detector .5 3,000
Camera .5
25 2,500
FIG Round
Chaff .5 500
Disarm Bullets - - x5
Fire Retardant
Detonator Time Adjuster .5 100
Bio-Mercuric Ammo - - x100
ECCM Actication Scrambler .5 7,500
ECMCage .5 100,000
Homing Device
FIG Round .5 3,500
TYPE DAM ENC COST Intruder Detector
Fire Retardant .5 850
Anti-Persnonnel Shot Special - 800 Jumper 750
Flux Actication Scrambler .5 7,500
Omega Pulse 0/4d6*10 - 200,000 Med Mag MID .5 14,000
Flux Cage 100,000
Planar Explosive 8-80/0 - 10,000 Mine Mag Round .5 2,500
Homing Device 3,500
Naplam 5-20/1d4*10 - 12,000 Mr. Stinky Mods (Pine Scent) .25 10
Intruder Detector .5 850
Bunker Buster 0/4d6*10 - 110,000 Mr. Stinky Mods (New Car Scent) .25 10
Jumper .5 750
EMP 4-80 - 100,000 Mr. .25
MedStinky Mods (Ocean Breeze)
Mag MID .5 10
BX-1 Special - 50,000 Mr. .5
Mag Mods
Round(Ram Phermones) 1,500
CR-3 Special - 50,000 Neuro .5 N/A
Mr. Stinky Mods (Pine Scent) .25 10
Spider Varies - 3,000 Neuro EliteMods (New Car Scent) .5 N/A
Mr. Stinky .25 10
Glitter Dust +25 Sighting - 750 Psycho Killer .5 N/A
Mr. Stinky Mods (Ocean Breeze) .25 10
Illumination Round Special - 2,500 Pulse Attractor .5 10,000
Mr. Stinky Mods (Ram Phermones) 1,500
Neuro Jammer .5 850
AMMUNITION: GAUSS GUNS PG. 65 Riot Foam .5 1,000
Neuro Elite N/A
Psycho Killer .5 500
Mega-High Explosive Box/10 .5 9,000 Sounder Plus
Pulse Attractor .5 500
Target Designator Box/10 .5 1,500 Spider
Radio Jammer .5 15,000
Riot FoamPaint Round .5 350
AMMUNITION: MAG GUNS PG. 66 Target Designator (TD)
Screamer .5 1,000
Toxin Dispenser
Sounder Plus MID .5 5,000
Spider .5 1,500
Aerosol Sprayer .5 6,500
Ultra Mag
Spotting Modification
Paint Round -
.5 +300
A/R Round .5 2,000
VulcanDesignator (TD)
Target .5 1,000
Bio Weapons Detector .5 800
Toxin Plus MID .5 3,500
Buddy Killer I .5 1,850
Zen Slayer
Thunderbolt .55 18,000




Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


Balshrom Diskus -160 6-36 5 12,000 Marker Round Spec N/A 500
Blood Sucker -180 3-18 10 15,000 Safety Plus 2-7 25% 1,500
Mexican Worm -150 3-18 5 5,000 Saftey Plus II 1-6 20% 2,000
Skeet-1 -200 2-12 4 7,500 Seeker Special 1-6 40% 5,000
Telquila Sunrise -170 1-10 6 10,000 Standard 1-8 25% 1,000
Trap Shoot -180 1-10 3 24,000
Trap Shoot II -150 1-10 3 24,000 AMMUNITION: SMART GUN, TYPE B


Marker Round Spec N/A 1,000
ITEM UNIT/# ENC/UNIT COST/UNIT Safety Plus 4-10 35% 3,000
Door Breacher Box/5 2 100 Saftey Plus II 2-8 35% 5,000
Flash-bang Box/25 2 50 Seeker Special 2-8 45% 10,000
Flamethrower Box/5 2 50 Standard 4-14 35% 2,000
Garrote Box/5 4 40
Mercuric Box/5 2 1,000 AMMUNITION: WEB GENERATOR
Plastic Box/5 1 10
OC Box/5 3 125
Corrosive Can/1 Shot 1 2x
Roadblocker Box/5 3 35
Explosive Can/1 Shot 1 1,150
Rubber Box/5 1 15
Riot Foam Can/1 Shot 1 1,000
MISSILE TECH - ARM ROCKET RACKS Slick Spray Can/1 Shot 1 350
Spy Glue Can/1 Shot 1 2x
TYPE EXT THR ENC COST Vector Glue Can/1 Shot 1 500
M-260 10 1 100
WARS MINI 10 1 150
WARS PLUS 25 3 400
Reflex Pack 25 6 5,000
PMS2 - ACCESSORIES PG. 52 Reflex Tube 15 4 1,000


Ammo Cart 95 100 15,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Speed ECCM
Anti-Armor 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 1-4HP 15 32,000
Anti-Personnel 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 6-36 15 8,000
Anti-Structure 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 20-120 15 50,000
Anti-Vehicular 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 4-24HP 15 60,000
Biological 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 Special 15 30,000
Chemical 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 Special 15 30,000
Incindiary 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 2-24 15 60,000
Napalm 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1500 -/- 98 95 1pt/Area 15 8,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Speed ECCM
Chaff Missile 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 300 -/- 98 95 Special 7 5,000
Harm Sensor System - - - - - - - - Varies Varies - - Varies 0 +500 or 50%
Mirv-2 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 300 20/30 99 98 10-60 7 35,000
Super Mirv 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 500 10/20 99 99 60-360 7 40,000




Arm Rockets & Reflex Missiles have been moved to the Ammunition Section.

Arm Rocket Racks and Reflex Missile Racks that can be utilized without wearing armor
are in the Weapons Section.



Bite Helm Heavy: This tougher version of the standard bite helm has
more armor and a hydraulically articulated jaw to improve biting power
TYPE TL AV COST allowing the user to bite though heavy armor! These Bite Helms do 3d4
Improved Gemini Armor Varies R 20K + 3x points of damage on a bite (no STR bonus) and affect heavy armor nor-
mally. THR 12.
Balance Rating: 3
Improved Gemini Armor: Any armored suit can be custom tailored Bite Helm Custom: The manufacturer Bite Helms, Inc. will install
for the discriminating Gemini that wants only the best. The manufac- their patented bite mechanism in just about any helm on the market
turers at Tri-corp will take an off-the-rack suit and install a special air other than resonance helms and helmets that have special properties
intake that sucks in air through an elaborate filtration and purification for matrix users. The base cost is the same as purchasing a standard
system. Treat as Environmental Containment. The gas is then sprayed Bite Helm or Bite Helm Heavy, depending on how much biting power
out through hundreds of small nozzles that cover the inside of the you want, plus the cost of the helmet of your choice. Finally they add a
armor. This allows the Gemini to stay in their armor for three times as premium for the custom work, which is an additional 20% of the total
long as normal. Thanks to technology adapted (stolen) from the cost. The Bite Helm Mechanics reduce the helmet’s THR, ABS, and all
Conehead helmet, generation inside the armor only costs double the SMRs by 15%. ENC is also increased by 10%. That’s the price you pay
normal number of power points. The suit’s interior is lined with the for cutting up a perfectly good helmet so you can bite stuff with it.
same material used to make T-12 sonic suits, reducing the damage Balance Rating: 3
from any concussive or sonic attack that breaches the armor (breach
= destroys all ABS in a section) by half. The armor comes complete
with a pair of ultra-dark sunglasses, and they’ll tint your helmet visor
for free! 20,000 credits plus 3x the cost of the off-the-rack suit.
Mazian Armor
Balance Rating: 3
You may have seen this on the forums, but we felt it was important enough
to reprint here. Mazians need as much press as they can get! The descrip-
tion of baggie armor for Mazians purposefully leaves a lot up to the Battle
ARMOR - HELMETS PG. 3 Master, so whatever works in your campaign is ok with us.

TYPE TL AV COST There are really two types of Mazian armor. Here’s how they work, and
Bite Helm 4-5 UC 3,000 the differences between them.
Bite Helm Heavy 4-6 UC 50,000
Bite Helm Custom var var +20% Type 1: Baggie Armor
Step 1: Select an off-the-shelf armored suit with a THR of 4 or less.
ARMOR - HELMETS Modern armor only, please. No platemail or bulletproof vests!

Bite Helm: Now you no longer risk exposure to chemical or biological Step 2: Now take the Mazian, put it in the baggie, and “attach” the
agents by wearing an open face helmet, just because you want to be able armored plates and absorption polymers from the suit you selected to the
to bite someone’s jugular out! The Bite Helm is a helmet with a hinged, outside of the baggie. Strap your voice emitter (every Mazian gets one
articulated jaw that fits in the user’s mouth and allows them to actually free) to the outside of the suit and you’re almost ready to go.
bite opponents while wearing a full-coverage helmet. The user’s teeth fit
into the reinforced metal teeth in the artificial jaw of the helmet. Step 3: Last step. If your suit is environmentally contained you’ll need a
Though the helmet can be environmentally sealed it is very difficult to camera system to allow you to see outside of the suit since the blob’s sonar
talk while wearing one. They are also uncomfortable to wear for more won’t work. A camera system costs 4,000 credits and has an ENC of 1.
than a few hours, but all bite helmets are equipped with automatic
drool removal systems! As a result, most users extract the biting mech- Note 1: The baggie is still flexible, but the Mazian can not change shape
anism when not in use. The metal jaws slide forward on rails (half while inside the baggie, though it can use sonar (unless the armor is envi-
action) allowing the user to talk normally. Unfortunately, in this position ronmentally sealed). The baggie just allows the Mazian to kind of roll
the helmet tends to look like a duck’s head, with the metal jaws pro- around and it has hatches that can be opened to allow a pseudopod to be
truding out the front of the helmet like a bill. At least with the Python extended out of the baggie, but that would compromise any environmen-
Lizard’s it looks more like an alligator than a duck because of the tal containment. Arguments can be made for limited shape change while
lizard’s head shape. These helmets must be custom fitted to the mouth in a baggy as well, with the permission of a benevolent BM.
of the wearer. Though they were originally designed for Cizerack, the
bite helm has caught on with their old enemies the Rams and Pythons. Note 2: The unique properties of the armored suit, if any, are carried over
Balance Rating: 3 into the new baggie armor within reason. Obviously you wouldn’t be able
to “run” with Guisarme Jump Suit’s enhanced speed, but you could take



advantage of the Protecon’s “impact plating.” It’s really up to the BM what and streamline what’s left into a vaguely tank-like shape. Add some treads
he allows to carry-over from the stock suit to the baggie version. Infiltrator and you’re almost done. All that’s left to do is to strap your voice emitter
armor is a toss up. I probably would not allow Infiltrator in baggie form. to the outside of the suit and you’re ready to go.

Type 2: Mini-Tank Note 1: If the suit is environmentally contained you’ll need to install a
Step 1: Take any suit of Heavy or Mechanized armor. camera system (4000 credits, ENC 1) so you can see outside. You can’t
use your sonar in an environmentally contained suit.
Step 2: Rebuild that suit in the form of a tank. Basically knock the arms
Note 2: Since this suit is rigid, it offers more protection than a baggie suit,
and legs off, sealing up the holes, put a hatch where the helmet used to be,
hence the higher Threshold. However, it also prevents the Mazian from
being able to change shape.
Note 3: The unique properties of the armored suit, if any, are carried over
Mazian Armor: Who needs Mazian armor? Really, your best
into the new baggie armor within reason. Obviously you wouldn’t be able
option is to buy an IFN for your Mazian and have it assume a
to “run” with CD-2 Commando’s enhanced speed, but you could take
humanoid form. Then buy a suit of off-the-shelf armor and walk
advantage of the Mist’s “anti-plasma spray.” It’s up to the BM what he
around in it like everybody else does!
allows to carry-over from the suit to the mini-tank. Infiltrator armor’s spe-
cial abilities would probably be allowed on mini-tank armor.
Step 1: Buy an IFN. It increases you Shape Change skill check by
20%. It only costs a piddly 300 credits.
Step 2: Make a Shape Change skill check with a level 5 difficulty to
assume size class 1 humanoid form. TYPE TL AV COST
Anti-Laser Coating 4-6 UC 40,000
Step 3: Hop into any off-the-shelf size class 1 armor you can find and Anti-A/R Grenades 4-5 UC 200
go to town. No need to worry about loss of any of the armor’s unique Anti-Wave Generator 4-6 UC 2,000
abilities now! It’s the same as if Mike the Human was wearing one, Chaff Ejectors 3-5 C 20,000
other than the fact it’s size class 1 Crystalline Coating 5-6 R 3,000*
Crystal Shield 5-6 R 10,000
Step 4: Oh yeah... If the suit is environmentally contained you’ll need
Feynman Field Generator 6-7 VR 20,000
to install a camera system (4000 credits, ENC 1) so you can see out-
Fire-Control Computer 4-7 R 120,000
side. You can’t use your sonar in an environmentally contained suit.
Flux Shield 2 6-7 R 1.0M
This kind of eliminates the Mazians’ ability to pass for somebody else
Flux Shield 3 6-7 R 1.5M
while wearing their armor, so either leave the helmet visor up, hide
the camera, or buy a suit of Infiltrator Armor. Flux Shield 4 6-7 R 2.0M
The idea of using standard humanoid armor and an IFN opens Flux Shield 5 6-7 R 2.5M
up a lot of possibilities, since you could have the Mazian inhabit only Frictionless Flux 6-7 R 1,500
the arms and legs and abdomen leaving room for all kinds of stuff in Grenade Pusher 4-6 R 20,000
the head and chest. Perhaps you could have a Mazian running the Grounding System 3-6 C 6,000
show and a Pascian sticking out of the neck hole in the suit annoying Halon System 3-6 C 300
people? Maybe a flamethrower or Claymore mine behind the helmet Hard Point 3-4 C var
visor? Fun stuff. Heat Sinks 4-6 UC 500*
Internalized Weapon 3-5 UC 250 x Size
Want some advice? Assuming your Mazian is a starting character, go Jammer Detector 5-6 R 2,000*
ahead and buy 3 more levels of Shape Change (SC 3) to get your 6-7 UC
Liquid Rad Liner 5,000
character to the level-6. Three levels of a racial skill, plus a maxi-
Lizard Tail Plating 3-5 UC 500*
mum of three additional levels for any non-human starting character.
Mine Detector 4-6 C 10,000
Now when you make a Shape Change skill check you’ve got an
NEC 5-6 R 30,000
80% chance as a starting character to assume humanoid form.
Non-Stick Coating 4-6 UC 100
Polymerized Armor 4-6 R spec
Base of 50% + 60% for 6 levels + 20% for the IFN - 50% difficulty to assume SAWM (Small) 4-6 UC 20,000
a simple humanoid form = 80% chance of success. SAWM (Large) 4-6 R 35,000
Spikes 2-3 P 1000 x SC
Not bad. After your first mission that 3-level limit will disappear Toaster System 4-6 UC 10,000
and spend as much time and experience as your character has got to
get more Shape Change skill levels!



effective at reducing laser damage at higher yields, the diffused beams

ARMOR OPTIONS are less likely to injure bystanders, and it just looks much cooler!
Anti-Laser Coating: A thick coating that covers the entire surface of The armor provides a +30 bonus to sighting checks for anyone
the armor, raising the Threshold vs. lasers by 2. Can be added to any looking for the armor since it’s constantly catching and reflecting the
suit of armor (not Reflection or Opticon, and depending on existing light. Crystalline armor also reduces AGL by 15 points because of its
armor options), all for the low price of 40,000cr! You should note that bulk and increases the time required to draw a weapon or anything else
it makes you very shiny, and all sighting checks against you are at +20. strapped to the armor by 1d4/2 seconds. The crystals add 5 points of
Balance Rating: 2 Threshold to each section of the armor against all non-laser attacks.
The crystals covering each section of armor must make a System Shock
Anti-A/R Micro-grenades: Tiny, explosive micro-grenades are every time a weapon impacts the armor, excluding weapons that cause
mounted on the outside of your armor. When an A/R beam begins damage via heat. Failure indicates that the crystal covering that section
pulling you with consistent pressure (not shaking you), the micro- of the armor is shattered and no longer provides any protection after
grenades are activated and pulled free from the armor…right down the that hit to that section of the armored suit. The crystals cause an addi-
barrel of the A/R weapon. Each micro-grenade on your armor has a tional point of damage in hand-to-hand attacks, but using them in this
10% chance that will reach the A/R Beam. Each microgrenade that does manner requires that the crystals make a System Shock roll.
reach the weapon forces a System Shock check at –50. They are sold in The cost of Crystalline Coating is 3,000 credits per section. Each
bundles of 5 for 200cr, weigh next to nothing, and take up negligible armor section covered in crystals adds 2 points of ENC to the total ENC
space. These grenades only protect the section of armor they are of the armored suit. The crystals have a System Shock rating 75.
Balance Rating: 4
mounted on. A/R beams that hit all sections simultaneously can be
affected by multiple grenades. Effective Damage: 1-4 points.
Balance Rating: 3 Crystal Shields: These unique crystal shields were first produced by
the Chatilians. The crystals are grown to exacting specifications and
Anti-Wave Generator: This device generates a counter-pulse sound their final shape is determined using complex mathematical equations.
wave that cancels out Sonic Disruptor and Sonic Scrambler attacks. The crystals have incredibly high melting points function as prisms,
This device allows the user to ignore all consecutive attacks made by a reflecting and defusing laser beams that hits the shield. Lasers that hit
sonic weapon other than the intial attack. Once an attacker learns that the shield have their damage reduced by half and applied to the section
an enemy is equipped with an anti-wave generator they will fire, wait hit. The other half of the laser damage is diffused and reflected away
one second for the unit to deactivate, and then fire again. As a result, from the shield user in 2d4 separate beams. Divide half of the laser
users of these devices are told to attack the sonic weapon or it’s user damage by the number of beams emitted from the shield to determine
immediately after their anti-wave generator kicks in. how much damage each reflected beam does. Anyone standing in front
Balance Rating: 1 of the shield bearer is likely to be struck by a single beam, if they are
within the first range bracket. Targets standing directly in front of the
Chaff Ejectors: This handy little armor option is a tube mounted on shield (less than 1 meter away) are likely to be hit by half of the beams
the shoulder of your armor that launches a cloud (3 meter dia.) of emitted from the shield after a laser hit. The shield provides a +20
radar scrambling metallic chaff around you (Q=15). The chaff ejec- bonus to sighting checks for anyone looking for the user since it’s con-
tor can be triggered by radar lock-on or manually. In addition, the tube stantly catching and reflecting the light. The shield has a Threshold of 5
has two positions; one position that launches the cloud in front and and a System Shock of 80. A System Shock roll must be made every
above the character, and a second position that places the character in time the shield is used to defend against weapons that cause an impact.
the middle of the cloud. The snow-like chaff will stay airborne for The shield does not require an SS check for weapons that cause their
about 3 seconds, during which time all incoming and outgoing radar damage through heat (Thermatic, Flamethrower, Pulse, etc.). Failure
passing through the cloud suffers a 40 point penalty to its Track per- indicates the shield shatters and is rendered useless.
Balance Rating: 3
centage. All other attacks through the cloud – in either direction – suf-
fer a 10 point penalty for the minimal concealment the cloud offers.
Balance Rating: 3 Feynman Field Generator (FFG): New and experimental technology
deserves an experimental defense. The FFG is a small unit designed to
Crystalline Coating: Identical in function to Crystal Shields, this counter the effect of Atomic Displacers. The FFG attempts to detect the
armor option coats a suit of armor and any attached armor options and incoming particles before they are displaced, and generate a powerful
missiles racks, with a layer of ultra-hard crystal that reflects and diffus- but otherwise harmless field of energy in the displacement area, thus
es laser beams. Any laser hits against a protected armor section have preventing the displacement from happening. How can the system
their damage reduced by 25%. When a laser hits an protected section detect the particles before they arrive? Quantum particles deal very fast
1d4 beams are reflected away from the armor. Take 25% of the origi- and loose with time, and only a few Melonheads really understand these
nal laser damage and divide that number by the number of beams things. 50% effective at negating particle beams that are intended to be
reflected from the armor to determine how much damage each reflect- displaced within 3m of the unit (whether the attack is directed at the
ed beam does. Anyone standing within 2 meters of the armor is likely wearer or not). When this happens, the particles simply do not return
(50%) to be hit by a single beam. Anyone within Range Bracket 1 has from their displacement. (Where do they go? Ask a Mutzachan.) The
a 10% chance to be hit by a reflected beam. Beyond that hits are unlike- FFG does nothing to stop Atomic Displacer beams that strike you from
ly. Chatilians prefer crystal coating to reflective armor, because it’s more farther out than 3m. Balance Rating: 1



Fire Control Computer (FCC): The Fire Control Computer (FCC) is get with 75% cover (-40) and a camo unit (-50) will reduce the chance
like an HIC that is dedicated to finding targets for weapons mounted on of the FCC detecting him to 85%. If that target turns on his IR
SAWMs. The Fire Control Computer not only finds targets for the SAWM Dampener (-30), the chance of detection is further reduced to 55%.
weapons, but it can automatically fire the SAWM-mounted weapons as As you can see despite the high accuracy of the sensor systems they are
well. The Fire Control Computer includes both the targeting computer not infallible. Like the smart guns the system was patterned after, FCCs
and its own sensor systems. Developed by Warmonger, Inc. the Fire are usually fooled by Infiltrator armor. However, once a target is detect-
Control Computer uses the same target identification systems built into ed its defensive and offensive capabilities are determined accurately
their smart weapons. about 90% of the time by a FCC (not using radar).
Before combat the FCC records the target profile of all team mem- The base model FCC can aim all attached SAWMs at a single target.
bers in their full combat gear and marks each of those profiles as For each additional 20K the FCC can engage an additional target, divid-
friendly. Any target with a friendly IFF beacon is also recorded as a ing the weapon’s fire from each SAWM as designated or pre-designated
“friendly” profile once that IFF beacon is detected. All other targets are by the user between the targets. So for an additional 60K above the list
considered potentially hostile. The system gives the user the ability to price an FCC could simultaneously engage 4 targets – assuming it was
select a new target on the battlefield and designate it as a friendly or connected for four or more SAWMs. There is really no point in having
hostile target, at which point the target’s profile is recorded and appro- a FCC with the ability to engage more targets than it has SAWM weapons
priately marked. available. So even though an FCC could theoretically track and engage
When the weapon finds a potentially hostile target, it places an thousands of targets, the practical limit is about nine targets.
image of the target along with other relevant information on the user’s Balance Rating: 5
Heads-Up-Display (HUD) inside his helmet visor. With the safeties on,
the weapon will not engage any potential target until it the user gives the Flux Shield 2: This Flux shield offers 7HP of protection, bridging the
weapon the authority to fire, at which point the target’s profile is gap between early PDS systems and the Force Shield armor option.
switched from “potentially hostile” to “hostile”. This can be a real pain Balance Rating: 4
when your FCC is taking out targets quickly and is constantly cluttering
up your HUD with new potential targets - especially when you’re trying Flux Shield 3: This Flux shield affords the user 10HP of protection.
to concentrate on not getting killed. As a result, the safeties on the FCC Balance Rating: 4
can be disengaged and the weapon will no longer ask the user to
approve a potentially hostile target as a hostile target. With the safeties Flux Shield 4: This Flux shield offers 13HP of protection.
off the FCC will simply engage potentially hostile and hostile targets Balance Rating: 4
automatically in the order designated by its firing mode (see below).
Just make sure your reinforcements are wearing their IFF beacons once Flux Shield 5: This Flux shield offers 17HP of protection.
the safeties are off! Balance Rating: 4
The weapon has three modes of target prioritization. In the first
mode the weapon will attack the most threatening targets first (based Frictionless Flux: This modified Flux mechanism emits a very low
on proximity and probable weapon type). In the second mode, the FCC powered, ultra-low-friction, Flux shield that is 100% effective in pre-
will attack secondary targets, attacking closest targets first. Secondary venting web gun glue and other adhesive-based attacks from attaching
targets are any potentially hostile and hostile targets that the user is not to the armor. However, the user can not move when the frictionless
currently engaging with his or her primary (i.e. hand-held) weapon. In Flux is active. Because this Flux is so low powered it is not capable of
the last mode, which is affectionately referred to as “clean-up” mode, stopping any attacks other than those from web-guns or other adhe-
the weapon will engage targets from the easiest to kill to the hardest to sives.
kill. This determination is based primarily on armor type and Flux Balance Rating: 2
shield strength, but range is also a factor.
The sensor system functions identically to the HIC armor option Grenade Pusher: This device is a specialized magnetic deflection gen-
except it has a range of 800m and is 175% accurate in detecting a tar- erator, which is designed to repel grenades. A specialized sensor sys-
get. However, if hooked up to a radar package potential targets out- tem is designed to recognize grenade and grenade-like objects, aim,
side of the 800m sensor range that can be detected. However, targets and activate the magnetic pusher. Any grenade that comes within 2-
beyond the 800m range of the built-in sensor systems can only be iden- meters of the user is magnetically repelled away 2d6 meters in a ran-
tified by their radar signature and speed. This makes it difficult to dom direction (roll 1d12 to determine direction). The system also
determine whether targets are actually hostile. An HIC and an FCC can works against “bouncing-betty” type mines. Because of the recharge
not share the same Radar Package. time the system can not be used more than once per segment. The
Similarly, the FCC uses active sensors, so your enemy will know your grenade pusher can be used a total of 10 times before it runs out of
position if he has the proper equipment, like an HIC. The designers felt power, unless it is connected to a Mrs. Fusion (Q = Unlimited). The
a passive FCC didn’t make much sense, since it would give away your Grenade Pusher can be used simultaneously with field generating
position the moment it started firing anyway. If you don’t want to adver- devices without problems.
tise your presence, just turn the system off until you need it. Balance Rating: 4
All forms of concealment and cover, whether natural or electronic
(Camo Unit, IR Dampener, etc.) are subtracted from the accuracy of the Grounding System: This simple mechanism prevents the character
sensor system on a point-for-point basis. So a stationary size class 4 tar- inside an armored suit from taking the full brunt of a thunderbolt gen-


erator attack. The grounding system does not protect the wearer’s tor that does destroys all the absorption in a section of armor and does
armor or armor options, but does protect the combatant inside the 25 points of the armor’s wearer. The wearer only suffers 5 points of
armor. The grounding system allows the user to ignore up to 20 body damage because the armor is equipped with a grounding system. The
points caused by a single thunderbolt generator while wearing their grounding system is not a one-use device, and will function until the
grounded armor. If a thunderbolt generator does enough damage to armor option is destroyed. Grounding systems can not be destroyed by
the armor to cause the wearer more than 20 body points of damage, the a thunderbolt generator attack.
excess damage goes straight to the wearers body points. For example, Balance Rating: 2
if someone using grounded armor is struck with a thunderbolt genera-
Halon System: Though technically this system doesn’t actually use
TACTICS TO PRACTICE Halon gas to extinguish flames, the marketing guys just couldn’t pass up
the obvious reference. This system covers the surface of an armored
Armor Options Forget Ablative Liner and hard to find Cracite™ suit with dozens of small jets that spray an oxygen-displacing gas over
absorption. Buy yourself an Electromagnetic Converter and fill the surface of the armor to help extinguish flames.
your armor to the max with absorption polymers! Sure it costs The system is triggered automatically when the armors’ surface
more, but you’ll be able to take 100 points of laser fire per sec- continuously exceeds a set temperature for a specified amount of time.
ond without sacrificing any of that wonderful absorption to take The original system was almost always set off prematurely by sustained
those Omega weapon hits! pulse weapons fire, plasma-based grenades, and Thermatic attacks.
With Ablative Liner and your typical size class four armor you’re Unfortunately the system was, and still is, useless against these attacks.
packing on over a 100 ENC! Use the Electromagnetic Converter Modern versions use a combination of chemical sensors and tempera-
(EMC) and extra absorption in that same size class 4 suit and ture monitors to determine whether the system needs to be triggered to
you’ve only got to deal with a little over 50 more ENC! Even bet- handle a flamethrower attack or other fire-based threats. This system
ter, that absorption is much cheaper than that expensive ablative has a 75% chance (once per segment) to extinguish flames near or on
liner, and less than half the cost of rare Cracite™ absorption! the armor’s surface. Flamethrower attacks that are not extinguished do
Half the cost and half the weight! What more could you ask for? full damage. Flames that are extinguished by the system do no damage.
Wait there’s more! The system can be used five times before its empty.
Balance Rating: 1
Let’s say you’ve got size class 4 Bear armor. You cram the arm
sections completely full of ablative liner, and end up with a Hard Point: The eternal problem of every Battlelord - not enough
measly 20 points of ablative liner. Now fill it full of extra absorp- hands to hold all those wonderful weapons. Worse yet, even if you’re
tion and you’ve got 33 points of absorption in there that you can big enough to carry all those great guns you have to take time to draw
use to take laser hits with the EMC! or un-sling them. That’s just a few more seconds lost where you could
I know you’re asking, “What’s the catch? There’s always a catch.” have been shooting at stuff. Let’s think about it. If you spend millions
All right, we’re up front and honest around here. Other than of credits on that state-of-the-art, carnage spitting, arachnid slaying,
price, the downside to this arrangement is that somebody with a shiny tool of death-and-destruction you want to get as much use out of
weenie bargain basement laser is chewing through your absorp- it as possible. Well now you can!
tion polymers that you’re going to need for those multi-million Warmonger, Inc. can add a hard point to the outside of your
dollar, Omega cannon-toting jerks. But, hey, we’ve got you cov- armor, usually on the forearm (or tentacle) armor of the suit that you
ered! can use to mount weapons. Then we’ll attach the weapon of your
choice (no AHWs) to the hard point. Now when you want to use that
Add on a Polymizer Dispenser and you’re refilling that absorp- beauty all you have to is point at the target and activate the weapon!
tion as fast they can take it out - up to a maximum of 100 addi- BAM! Hard point weapons can be mounted in other locations on your
tional points of absorption. Problem solved. Ok, ok, so the armor, but since they’re in a fixed position, the character must move his
Polymizer is harder to find than the Cracite™ but you only need body rather than just his arm to aim. This imparts a –40 accuracy
to find one Polymizer instead of 544 boxes of Cracite™ to deck penalty in all ranges but the first and a +3 initiative modifier regardless
out a size class 4 suit! Still, that theoretically gives you 133 of range. Don’t forget that the weapon’s ENC is now added to the ENC
points of absorption in the arm of your Bear armor that you can of your armor!
use to take laser fire! One hundred and thirty-three! That’s a lot Just to make sure you hit the target, the hard point comes with an
better than 20! Just don’t take more than 100 points of laser fire aiming monocle or can be wired into the HUD in your helmet so you
in a single segment! can see exactly your weapon is pointing at. –20 to hit without the aim-
ing device. The hard point has an INT of 5 and a THR of 8. Weapons
Total price for an EMC, Polymizer, and all the absorption you can mounted on hard points are always considered to be “drawn.” For
fit in a SC4 suit: 273,200 cr. (ENC 64.8). Total price for filling double the price of a standard hard point you can get a quick-change
your SC4 suit with ablative liner: 136,000 cr. (ENC 108.8). Sure hard point that allows you to remove the currently mounted weapon
it costs a little more, but it’s worth it! Lastly, if you want to just and replace it with another weapon equipped for hard-point use.
wade through laser-wielding bozos with a smile on your face add Requires 1d4+1 seconds.
a Power Omega system, assuming you can find one. You know In theory you can mount just about any weapon light enough for
you want to. you to lift with one arm on a hard point, but in practice you want to



keep the ENC of the mounted weapon below a certain level or it

becomes unwieldy. The ENC of any weapon should not exceed the Size-  DIY: DOING IT YOURSELF 
Class of the character plus two, or it becomes unwieldy and can off-bal- Internalized Weapon: This is advance stuff. Heck even the game
ance the character. For each point of ENC that exceeds the character’s mechanics get ugly. You’ve been warned!
size class plus 2, subtract 10 points from the character AGL while wear-
ing the armor. For example, Thug the Ram who is size class 8, could Remounting the weapon: Repair (Weapon) skill check at a
mount a weapon with an ENC of 10 without any AGL penalties. level 15.
In addition, the ENC of any weapon mounted on the hard point
should be equal to less than the character’s STR divided by 10. Failure indicates you fubar’d the weapon and it will need to be
Otherwise the weapon is simply too heavy for the character to wield effi- repaired or replaced depending on how badly you failed. The rule
ciently. For each point of ENC above the character’s STR/10 they take a of thumb is the amount by which the character failed their roll
1 point initiative penalty when using the mounted weapon and any other indicates the percentage of the weapon’s original cost required to
weapon on the arm the weapon is mounted on. So if Bob the human repair it. That doesn’t include labor, that’s just the parts. So if you
has a STR of 50, and he mounts an ENC 7 weapon on his hard point, needed to roll a 54 to succeed and you rolled a 24, then you’ll
he’ll take a 2 point penalty (+2) to his initiative when he uses that arm have to spend 30% of the weapon’s original cost to get the parts
(50/10 = 5. 7 - 5 = 2). you need to fix it. If you’re paying someone else to do the job,
Hard points require 1 space in the arm and have an ENC of 1. The you’ll get another bill for their time… unless they screwed it up to
cost to modify a weapon for hard point is 500 credits for hard point use begin with.
only, or 1000 credits if you still want to be able to use the weapon “nor-
mally” by pulling the trigger. Add 150 credits to the cost of the weapon Success indicates you have remounted the weapon.
modification if it’s a quick-change mount. Obviously the more expense • Reduce the SS of the weapon by 75 minus the amount by
of the two options is usually reserved for quick-change mounts. That which you made your roll. So if you made your skill check
being said, most people opt for the hard-point use only mount for two by 50 points, the weapon’s SS is reduced by 25. Min. SS of 1.
reasons. The first is the external firing assembly is removed from the
weapon reducing its ENC by 1 (to a minimum of 1). The second is it • Determining the new SIZE of the weapon. Determine the
looks really dorky to have an unmodified weapon attached to the out- number you need to roll under to succeed (target number).
side of your armor, handle and all. Hey, Battlelords have style too! Subtract the number rolled from the target number to deter-
Balance Rating: 4 mine the amount you made your roll by. For example,
Buzzard Beard the Goola needs to roll under a 75 to suc-
Heat Sinks: These simple devices help radiate heat away from a sec- ceed in making this weapon repair check. Buzzard rolls a
tion of combatant’s armor that has been hit by a thermatic, flamethrow- 30, so he made his roll by 45. Divide that number by 100.
er, or pulse weapon. A heat sink must be purchased for each armor So in this case we get 0.45 and drop it into the following for-
section, and only the section where the heat sink is mounted is pro- mula in place of X to get your new weapon SIZE.
tected by it. Damage from flamethrowers and thermatic attacks are
reduced by half (round normally). This damage reduction includes Original ENC x ( 2 – X) = New SIZE
thermatic damage taken after the initial hit. Heat sinks only reduce -Round normally. Regardless of the results of the formu-
damage from pulse and other plasma-based weapons by 10% (round la, the minimum SIZE of a weapon is ENC minus one.
down). The super-heated plasma typically destroys the heat sink before
it can be of any real benefit. Heat sinks can not be used with Reactive Modifying the armor: To modify the armor you must make an
armor. This system can not be mounted on a suit of armor with a Armor (Repair) skill check with a difficulty level of 15. Success
Toaster System. indicates there were no problems. Failure indicates you screwed
Balance Rating: 1 something up. The problem with armor repair, unlike weapon
repair is that screw-ups may not be immediately recognizable.
Internalized Weapon: An internalized weapon is a weapon that is With a weapon you just see if the thing shoots, but with armor peo-
mounted on a hard point, and then covered by armor. As a result the ple get annoyed when you blow holes in their armor to test it.
weapon is protected by the THR of the armored suit. Almost any pistol, Failure by more than 50 indicates an obvious screw up. Failure by
with the exception of Static Pistols can be converted into an internalized less than 50 probably won’t be obvious until that section of the
weapon. This is custom work so your results may vary. You get what armor takes a weapon hit, at which point the armor plate is likely
pay for. The weapon’s SS is permanently reduced by 3d20. The SIZE of to become dislodged reducing the THR in that section of armor to
the newly mounted weapon is equal to the weapon’s original ENC + 1d6 - 2. zero! Costs for repairs use the same rule of thumb as listed above
Internalized weapons are treated like armor options and take up with weapons.
space inside the armor, in addition to the 1 space required for the
mount. To convert a standard weapon into an internalized weapon a Evil BMs: If the characters seek out an armorsmith and weapon-
highly skilled weaponsmith removes the outer shell housing the smith to do the job, A truly evil, er… gifted BM may determine the
weapon’s delicate internal mechanisms along with the weapon’s trigger skills of the smith(s) and then use the above Calculations to deter-
assembly. The weapon’s internals are then mounted in a custom- mine the results based on the rolls he makes for the smith(s).



designed fitting. An armorsmith than removes a section of the armor working, halving the damage from each disintegrator hit.
platting on your suit, attaches the weapon, and then painstakingly Balance Rating: 1
rebuilds the armor plate so that it covers the weapon. The armorsmith
also includes a firing port that pops open to expose the weapon’s bar- Non-stick coating: This non-stick coating is applied to the outside of
rel just before firing, and an ammunition port that allows you reload. an armored suit. It has an extremely low coefficient of friction. This is
As you can see the process requires a great deal of custom work from coating has a 50% chance to keep web-gun glue or other adhesives
highly skilled tradesmen. In other words, it’s not cheap. A weapon from sticking to the armored suit. The non-stick coating can not be
modified in this way typically takes an amount of space (SIZE) equal to applied to a suit of armor that also has corrosive protection. Some
the ENC of the weapon multiplied by 2 minus 1d4/2 points (Minimum Phentari have commented that this armor option allows them to cook
SIZE of ENC minus 1). prey on their armor without having to worry about cleanup!
An internalized weapon functions as a standard hard point in all Balance Rating: 1
other ways including mount-location penalties, Strength limitations,
and ENC limitations. The cost is 250 credits multiplied by the final SIZE Polymerized Armor: Warmonger, Inc. has developed a process of
of the weapon. replacing the external plating on an armored suit with a polymer-metal
Balance Rating: 5 matrix composite. This allows the armor to vibrate and flex, but not lose
its Integrity when under the stress of an A/R attack. Polymerized
Jammer Detector: This device doesn’t stop the jammer from getting armors take no damage from A/R beams, but their Threshold and
to you, but sticking the cigarette lighter-sized magnetic box to your Integrity in all sections are reduced to 75% of their original values
armor or the side of your weapon will help you know when you’ve been (round down) as a result of the polymerization process.
’jammed’. The box will light up and emit a low beeping sound (easily Polymerization of the armor increases the cost of the suit by 15%.
distinguishable from the high beeping sound of most malfunctioning Balance Rating: 2
weapons) when a jammer has successfully snuffed out your weapon.
(Sold in pairs. 0.25 Encumbrance added to weapon or armor.) Self-Articulating Weapon Mount (SAWM): A serious step up from
Balance Rating: 3 a standard Hard Point, the Self-Articulating Weapon Mount or SAWM for
short (pronounced SA-WOM) is a weapon mount that turns and swivels
Liquid Rad Liner. This rad liner circulates an ultra-dense mercury- so that any attached weapon is always pointed where the user is look-
like liquid in a thin layer between the outer shell of the armor and ing. It’s kind of like a BMH (look-and-shoot) harness, but this mount
inside of the suit. When the liquid liner becomes radioactive, it can sim- works for bipeds as well as Cizeracks!
ply be drained and discarded... er safely and legally disposed of. The How does it work? When you’re aiming your primary weapon,
user then refills the liner with a fresh jug of liquid liner and he’s on his every weapon on a SAWM is aimed at the same target. Pull one trigger
way, eliminating the fear of radiation poisoning. The downside to this and they all fire! SAWM mounts use triangulated laser range finders to
system is that if you don’t have a QSU that repairs Integrity, weapon hits get a fix on the target the user is looking at. If the lasers can’t reach the
that penetrate the armor will cause all of your liquid liner to leak out. target (smoke, etc) or the user doesn’t want to advertise his presence
Replacement liners come in really heavy 5-gallon jugs. Replacement (laser range finder turned off) then all SAWM mounted weapons take a
liner costs half the price of a new system. –25 to hit. The cost modify a weapon for a SAWM is 1500 credits.
Balance Rating: 1 Quick-change mounts are not available for SAWMs.
The SAWM comes in two sizes, small and large. The large mount
Lizard Tail Plating: This system protects the user against A/R beam can only be attached to the shoulder (Upper Arm) of the armor. The
attacks. Much like a lizard can break off its tail when it is snagged by small mount can be attached to the outside of the thigh (Upper Leg),
a predator, these metal plates are designed to break away from the calf (Lower Leg), upper arms, and even on top of helmet (Head). Both
armor when hit by an A/R beam, allowing the user to free himself from mounts are “free-floating” which means their default position will
the A/R attack and suffer no damage. The system can only be used once always parallel with the ground and they’re also gyro-stabilized. This
per armor section. Replacements can be purchased at half-price. This allows weapons on the SAWM to accurately fire at targets even while the
system can not be used with reactive armor. user is running! Burst and auto-fire penalties are halved.
Balance Rating: 1 However, mounting weaponry to the outside of your body tends to
throw you off-balance. The total ENC of all weaponry mounted on
Mine Detector: This highly specialized and sensitive sensor system SAWMs is applied as a penalty to any Agility checks the character has to
must be mounted in the boot of the user’s armor. The system is 50% make. Furthermore, if the character is not braced when firing SAWM
effective in detecting modern buried mines within 2 meters. Older weapons, he must make an immediate Agility check with an additional
mines are easier to detect. Unfortunately most modern mines are penalty equal to the combined Automatic Fire Penalties of all the SAWM
designed to explode when mine-detecting sensor systems are near-by. weapons being fired (See pg. 191 in Battlelords). This penalty applies
The system has a 25% chance detonate a modern mine when active. whether they SAWM weapons are firing on full auto or not, and a failed
Balance Rating: 1 Agility check indicates the character has been knocked over. Both of
the above penalties are doubled for head mounted weapons.
NEC: Stands for ’Nuclear Effect Canceller’. The NEC works by generat- The large mount can only be attached to size class 4 armor or larg-
ing an electrical field of opposite polarity from the one generated in er. A size class 4 large mount can hold any weapon (no AHWs) with an
your armor by a disintegrator. Currently, an NEC has a 75% chance of ENC of 12 or less. The size class 5 large mount can hold any weapon



with an ENC of 14 or less, and so on. Each additional size class above
4 adds 2 points to the maximum ENC the mount is capable of carrying. FALLING DAMAGE - OPTIONAL RULES
Thus, a size class 8 Ram could mount a weapon with an ENC of 22 or The following rules modify the falling rules on page 70 of Lock-N-Load:
less. Weapons & Tactics. Falling damage is doubled for characters in heavy
The small mount can be attached to a suit of armor of any size class. armor, and tripled for characters in mechanized armor. Maximum
The small mount is capable of holding any weapon (no AHWs) as long damage in an environment with standard atmospheric pressure is 60d6
as the ENC of the weapon does not exceed the character’s size class. for a character wearing body armor, 80d6 for a character wearing
Balance Rating: 5
heavy armor, and 100d6 for a character wearing mechanized battle
armor. There is no maximum damage limit for characters that fall in a
Spikes: This idea has been used by the Phentari since the days of hunt- vacuum. For characters that fall extreme distances into an atmosphere
ing their prey with pointy sticks. Come to think of it, they still hunt their from space (say from 10km above the planet’s surface), they gain speed
prey with pointy sticks. Anyway, the basic idea is you leave you armor outside of the atmosphere and therefore all maximums listed above are
with the local armorsmith for about a week or two and he can cover the quadrupled.
suit from head to toe with large metal spikes. Sure you look like a por- Balance Rating: 3
cupine with a gun, but nobody will want to engage in hand-to-hand
combat with you. The spikes do 1d8 points of damage (plus STR
bonuses) when used to punch and 1d8 points of damage (double STR FLUX SHIELDS - OPTIONAL RULES
bonus) when used to kick. Targets that blunder into you make contact
with 1d6/2 body sections, each doing 1d8 points of damage. Breach Value: When the editors were toying around with different
The wearer must make a STR check with a penalty equal to the ways to revamp the Flux shield rules this was one of the ideas we came
damage done in a “spike” attack otherwise they’re stuck to whatever up with. In the end, we went for the simple, more elegant approach, but
they just impaled on the spikes. The victim can make a similar STR some may prefer the following method.
check to free themselves when it’s their initiative. For one quarter the Using these optional rules, kinetic attacks do no damage to a Flux
price the spikes can only be applied to just your gauntlets and boots if shield unless the attack exceeds a certain amount of damage. The
you don’t want to look like an echidna. Just pray your opponent does- amount of damage a kinetic attack is required to do to affect the Flux
n’t have a GEW or he’ll spend all day throwing your buddies into you. is equal to 10% of their Flux shield’s current point total (regular, not
Oh yeah, and carrying cases for spiked armor cost double the normal heavy points). This value is called the Flux shield’s “breach value.”
amount. The ENC of the spikes is equal to twice the character’s size Once a kinetic-based attack has exceeded the breach value it does half
class. Spiked gauntlets and boots only add 2 points to the armor’s ENC. damage to the Flux shield’s remaining point total, which further reduces
Balance Rating: 1 the breach value.
Though this system is relatively simple there are lots of tweaks the
Toaster System: This system uses heating elements mounted just BM can apply to his or her liking. He may choose to have the breach
under the surface of the armor to reduce damage sustained from frost value be based of the Flux shield’s original point total rather than the
gun attacks. When the temperature of the armor drops below a certain field’s current point total. This means the shield’s resistance to kinetic
temperature the surface of the armor begins to heat up. The system attacks doesn’t dwindle as the field loses strength. In addition, the BM
allows the user to ignore up to 30 points of damage caused by a frost may choose to have kinetic attacks that exceed the breach value do full
gun or other “frost-based” attack. The system does not prevent the damage to the shield or do their full damage minus the current breach
armor from suffering INT damage due to a frost gun attack. In fact the value. Heck you can even change the breach value to be a set number,
rapid heating and cooling caused by the system means that frost gun like 12. Combine this with the option to subtract the breach value from
attacks do 1/2 their damage, rather than 1/3 their damage to the a kinetic attack that exceeds the breach value and you’ve just given your
armor’s Integrity. The Avalanche frost gun still only does 1/2 its dam- Flux a Threshold vs. kinetic attacks. Maybe you want the breach value
age to armor Integrity. to be a set, unchanging number, but you want that number to change
Balance Rating: 2 from model to model. You can also change the breach value as a per-
centage but change it to some other value like 5% or 20% - even 200%!
The possibilities are nearly limitless. Feel free to tinker if you get bored
ARMOR OPTIONS - OPTIONAL RULES one day. Balance Rating: 5
Removing Armor Options: Any armor option that is listed as ’Built-
in’ (with a ’B’ under size) may be removed from the armor, at a cost of Nesting Flux Shields
half of the total price of the option. You will need to pay full price again OK, here is a more practical optional rule for Flux shields. Using these
to have the option reinstalled later. This includes having an option optional rules Flux shields can be linked together to provide additional
removed in order to install a second option in the required order. protection to the user. Nesting Flux shields is accomplished by linking
Example: Anti-Laser Coating must be installed before Corrosive the Flux controllers together to form an array. One controller manages
Protection. If you already have Corrosive Protection and want to have the power from additional power cells that are shunted together.
Anti-Laser Coating installed, you must pay 500cr to have the current However, because of the overlap in the shields, the total power of the
Corrosive Protection removed, and another 1,000cr to have it installed array is only equivalent to 80% of the total of all fields. For example,
again after the Anti-Laser Coating is installed. two 20 HP Flux shields linked together would result in a 32 HP (20 x 2
x 0.8 = 32HP) nested Flux shield. In addition, the field generator is



designed to only handle so much power so no more than four fields can got one burst of LAMS fire (full ROF) before it impacts. If it travels
be linked together. slower than 500m/sec you may get two or even three bursts at it before
Otherwise there is a 3% chance of total field failure for each addi- impact.
tional generator beyond the first. For example, four nested Flux shields
would have a 9% chance of field failure [(4 shields - 1) x 3% = 9%)]. Order of Fire with Multiple LAMS
The user must roll each round to determine if his field has collapsed if If multiple LAMS are present and they are targeting the same missiles,
there is a chance of failure. just fire them in the order of each character’s initiative. Alternatively,
Linking Flux shields requires a Level 10 Computer Check, along for more realism the LAMS will fire in the order of their proximity to the
with a level 11 Electrical Engineering check. The Flux controllers and missile, with the LAMS that is closest to the missile going first and the
associated power cells have to be physically connected. The parts to LAMS that is farthest away from the missile firing last. Last but not least,
link two Flux shields typically cost 10% of the largest Flux shield’s orig- the easiest way to avoid Reflex missiles is to get behind cover or stay in
inal value. Obviously buying a larger Flux shield is a much more effi- doors. Radar systems can’t see through solid objects. Watch out for
cient option than to use an array. Balance Rating: 5 windows though! For those who are counting, we’re up to about 1.25
acronyms per paragraph in this section!
Rather than having archaic hand weapons do no damage vs. Heavy
Armor, some Battle Masters may simply opt to double the Threshold of
the armor vs. archaic hand weapon attacks. The allows massive hits Laser Anti-Missile Systems (LAMS): Unlike ECM character’s
from AHWs, like a hit from a cybernetic Ram Python wielding a can benefit from each other’s LAMS, because these anti-missile
Thwack’em stick, to knock armored characters on their ass. systems are constantly scanning for incoming targets that match
Balance Rating: 4 the radar signature of a missile. Any missile headed remotely in
the character’s direction (BMs discretion) will be targeted by his
LAMS assuming his radar system detects it. This is true even if the
IFF RULES missile is not aimed at him. Therefore, each member of the party
who can afford a LAMS should have a LAMS.
The IFF beacon armor option can be set to active mode, passive mode,
or inactive. In active mode the transmitter broadcasts a signal that can LAMS with higher ROFs are better. If you’re low on credits, the
be recognized as friendly by all other friendly IFF receivers. Active Dissector is the best buy for the cash. Larger characters can
mode has a range of 300 km under ideal conditions. Active IFF bea- mount two LAMS. With each character mounting a LAMS (or two)
cons are easily identified by most sensor systems. As a result, person- the overlapping field of fire created by the multiple LAMS should
nel who don’t want their presence known will often turn their IFF bea- keep incoming missiles from getting to the party. Even when oppo-
con off (inactive mode). In passive mode, the IFF can be detected and nents use the “MIRV followed by a larger missile” technique, you
identified by sensor systems that are actively scanning the area, like an should have enough combined ROF to take down all the incoming
HIC or similar active sensor system. missiles.


Even with radar systems LAMS will not identify a missile by its type LAMS have a 50% chance to destroy any PMS2 missile struck.
(Sabot vs. Saylon for example). As a result, LAMS can not avoid mis-
siles that are less of a threat to attack missiles with higher damage yields
first. LAMS always fire at missiles in the order they come into range.
Some Radar Packages feature “priority targeting” that allows you to tar-
get missiles moving at or above a certain speed over other missiles, but
they can’t distinguish between two missiles with different warheads
moving at the same speed. A LAMS that is hooked up to a Radar
Package that is connected to HIC can determine what kind of Reflex
missile is headed toward you, but only once the missile is closer than
500m - the HIC’s range.
In this case the HIC will automatically target missiles that have the
largest warhead first and then progress to the next largest until all the
targets have been eliminated, unless the character specified otherwise
(half action). However, since about half of the Reflex missiles travel
faster than 500m/sec waiting for the missile to come into range of your
HIC doesn’t give you a second chance if you miss the first time or fail to
destroy the missile. If a missile is traveling faster than 500m/sec you’ve






physically connected to the user via reinforced fiber optic cables if the
user doesn’t want all the wireless transmissions to give away their posi-
TYPE TL AV COST tion to scanning equipment or if the enemy is using jamming equip-
Mental Trigger 6-7 UC varies ment. See the Body Computers section in the Lock-N-Load: Armor,
Equipment, & Cybernetics for more info on jamming. It takes a half
action to hook up or unhook a cabled device from the mental trigger.
CYBERNETICS: MENTAL TRIGGER The cable jacks can be installed nearly anywhere on the user, but are
Mental Trigger: A mental trigger is a cybernetic triggering system that typically on the wrist, shoulder, or chest.
allows the operation of systems through the use of mental commands. Custom interfacing for TL 3 or lower TL devices requires a level 15
The controller is priced based on the number of interfaces, the number Computer Programming check in addition to a level 10 Electrical
of commands available on each interface, and finally the initiative mod- Engineering. If the target is a weapon a level 13 Weapon Repair check
ifier of the system as a whole. A basic two-command interface is stan- must also be made. A custom interfaces can be expensive and they can’t
dard on the mental trigger, while multi-command (Capacity > 2) inter- be installed on everything (BMs discretion). I mean, you can’t honest-
faces are rare and cost much more. ly expect to mentally control your spear? The device must have a trigger
A mental trigger is only capable of giving simple commands to an or activation button of some kind to have an interface installed. The
attached electronic device. A mental trigger can not perform any phys- cost of a custom interface increases as the TL of the device decreases.
ical actions. Most of the time a mental trigger is simply a substitute for For really primitive devices it’s not uncommon for an interface to cost
a button or trigger. A mental trigger does not add functionality to a more than the device! Putting a custom interface on a device raises its
device. In other words, using a mental trigger can not make a device Tech Level to 6.
do something it couldn’t do before. For example, a mental trigger
could fire your weapon (replaces a trigger), but not instruct the Cost for custom interface (BMs discretion):
weapon to reload itself (physical action) or scan for enemy combatants, (7 – TL) x (5d4) x 1% x item’s cost.
which is a feature the weapon never possessed in the first place. Lastly Minimum cost for a custom interface is 500 credits.
a mental trigger communications are one-way. The trigger can give
commands to an attached device, but it can not receive feedback from Actions on interfaced items that are not a weapon are free actions a
the device. The BM will be the final arbitrator of exactly what com- during combat. Non-combat actions with weapons are also free actions.
mands a mental trigger is capable of giving. All commands must be Shooting a weapon is a combat action. It is important to note that even
pre-programmed ahead of time and it takes two full actions to change though giving commands may be free actions the actual execution of the
a single command on a single interface. A list of a few common com- command may take longer. For example, telling your weapon to initi-
mands follows. This list is by no means exhaustive and possible com- ate self-diagnostic procedures may be a free action, but the weapon
mands are only limited by your imagination… and your BM’s attitude. may take several minutes before the results of the diagnostic appears on
the weapon’s display panel. Commands that are free actions can be
Weapons: given to any interfaced device on any combat segment, and do not sub-
Fire once tract from the character’s available actions during a combat segment.
Fire on fully automatic Firing weapons still requires actions; half actions or full actions as
Stop firing on fully automatic appropriate, but like all devices attached to the interface they get to take
Engage safety advantage of initiative reductions, if any. Using weapons requires
actions because you still have to point them in the general direction of
Bio Scanner: the enemy. The mental trigger only activates the weapon. In theory a
Scan for life forms weapon could be fired as a free action, but the shooter could not aim
Activate the weapon – not even for a snap shot. The target would have to be
Deactivate standing directly in the weapon’s line of fire to have any hope of hitting
Display range on bioscanner to nearest life form other than user the target.
For Example, Timmy the rich Orion, has decided that his fingers are far too
The interface system is standardized on most electronic devices across delicate and important to be wasted on time pushing buttons and pulling trig-
the Alliance. Devices that are Tech Level (TL) 4 or higher are already gers. That’s time taken away from playing cards! Considering his latest windfall
equipped with a standard interface – it’s the same interface used to con- from gambling, he’s taken the opportunity to get the cybernetic mental trigger
nect a device to a body computer using an EDM. TL 4 devices require
option. Since Timmy wants to interface his Balshrom laser pistol, medical injec-
a 500 credit adapter, and TL 5 devices require a 100 credit adapter to
tor, smoke generator, and Flux shield, he’s got a total of 4 devices. That would
communicate with the mental trigger. Devices with a lower TL can still
be equipped with an interface, but it requires some custom work. mean he would need to use the 5 interface unit (he’d have one spare). In addi-
Note: When determining the TL of a device to be used with a mental trig- tion, since Timmy wants to be able to pick which of the medical injector injections
ger always use the highest TL if more than one is listed. he wants to use, and how much, he’ll need to use the multi-command (4 com-
Any device attached to the mental trigger gets to take advantage of mands on interface) option on one of the interfaces. In addition, he’ll need to
the initiative reduction, if any, offered by the mental trigger. Devices are purchase the companion interface for each device attached, depending on its TL.
normally connected to the mental trigger wirelessly, but they may be




2 Interfaces No Cost External Output Coil 15 20 0.1 250,000
3 Interfaces 25,000 External Range Coil 12 12 0.1 50,000
5 Interfaces 40,000 HUD Contact Lenses 20 20 0 2,000
10 Interfaces 80,000 Surprise Trigger 45 45 0.3 45,000
25 Interfaces 100,000


Choose one for each interface, you can select the same one more than once. External Output Coil: Identical to the external range coil, the exter-
1 Command on Interface 10,000 nal output coil increases matrix strength by 50%. This device can not
be worn with the external range coil.
2 Commands on Interface 20,000
Balance Rating: 4
4 Commands on Interface 50,000
8 Commands on Interface 85,000
External Range Coil: The original prototype for the cybernetic Range
10 Commands on Interface 120,000
Coil wasn’t a cybernetic at all. It was worn externally like a hat and was
not surgically implanted. After the concept was proven, the project went
onto its next logical progression, which was direct access to matrix gen-
INITIATIVE MODIFIER COST eration pathways through surgical implantation of the device. The
Choose one from the list below external prototype was quickly discarded after the results of the cyber-
IM = 0 No additional cost netic prototype far exceeded expectations. After rediscovering and pur-
chasing the old prototype, Tri-Corp quickly patented the device on an
IM = -1 100,000
obscure world outside of the Alliance, which gives them a legitimate
IM = -2 200,000
claim to the tech if it ever becomes legal in the Alliance. After a few
IM = -3 350,000
modifications and some further refinement the device can now be
IM = -4 550,000
placed inside a standard helmet. While wearing the helmet matrix
Timmy’s Mental Trigger users will receive a 50% increase in the range of their matrices. Sure
5 Controller Interface package - 40,000 cr. it’s not as efficient as the cybernetic version, but not everybody wants to
4 commands on interface 1 - 50,000 cr. set off the metal detector at the spaceport and be arrested for having
1 command on interface 2 through 5 (10,000 x 4) – 40,000 cr. illegal cybertronics.
Interface for Balshrom BS-2 (TL 4) - 500 cr. Balance Rating: 4
Interface for Medical Injector (TL 6) – 0 cr.
Interface for Smoke Generator (TL 5)– 100 cr. HUD Contact Lenses: These contact lenses display information on the
Interface for Flux Shield (TL 7) – 0 cr. back of the lenses so the user can see it. The displays are only visible
Initiative Modifier of -1 - 100,000 credits from the inside-out, so people observing the user can not tell they’re
Total cost = 230,600 cr. wearing the HUD contacts. The lenses can display anything from current
temp, to the text of a book, to text messages, and tons of other info. If
Interface 1: Medinjector the user desires, the contacts can be voice-activated, or thought-acti-
Commands: vated with small invasive surgical procedure (triple the cost).
-Inject one dose of drug #1 Information is broadcast to the contacts by a small unit worn else-
-Inject one dose of drug #2 where on the body (ENC 1). The unit can be connected to almost any
-Inject two doses of drug #2 other TL 4 or higher level device either wirelessly or via a cable. The
-Inject one dose of drug #3 unit can be mounted subdermally, but this restricts it wireless connec-
-Inject one dose of drug #4 tions to other devices that can be detected with the proper sensor gear.
Interface 2: Balshrom laser pistol All actions while the lenses are active are at -30 because information on
Commands the lenses can, and often does, block your field of vision.
-Fire one shot Balance Rating: 1
Interface 3: smoke generator
Commands Surprise Trigger: A surprise trigger is a device developed by the
-Activate paranoid Chatilian weapon’s designer named Bartoxk the Paranoid.
Interface 4: Flux shield This device monitors a Chatilian’s brain waves and watches for any
Commands sign of anxiety. The minute the Chatilian’s becomes scared the device
-Activate triggers a preset piece of equipment or weaponry. Typically this is a
Interface 5: unused Flux shield or PDS, but it’s not unheard of for a Chatilian to have it
Balance Rating: 5 activate a weapon or a communication device. Batroxk’s surprise



trigger activated his suicide device – he was really paranoid, and so

were his many clones. Since Chatilians are aware of the thought’s of
those within 2 meters, the aggressive intentions of an assassin is suffi- SKILL SC L T $ PS JA M JS BC
cient to activate the device preventing the Chatilian from being taken Drop Pod Pilot 1 25 3wk 1.5 MD - 10 - -
by a surprise attack. Hence the name of the device, the “surprise trig-
ger.” The device is often used in combination with the ESP matrix,
which increases the range of the Chatilian’s natural telepathic abilities. DROP PODS
Before you ask, yes the device can be used by other species once it is A Drop Pod is essentially a vehicle used for fast orbital insertion of a
tuned to their brain waves, but since only a Chatilian can sense Strike Team. Pods have enough room for up to 4 mercs and their gear.
aggressive thoughts before an aggressor acts on them, it really doesn’t In theory the pod will look like a meteor burning up on re-entry to most
work as well for other species. When used by non-Chatilians typically observers and scanning systems. That way no one would suspect an
the device activates after you’re already being shot at! insertion team is being dropped planetside to bring the pain. Mind you
Balance Rating: 5 on high-tech worlds drop pods are almost useless, as a detailed scan
will reveal its true nature. However, for insertions on those back-water
worlds to there’s nothing better… or cheaper. Drop pods were origi-
DETECTION EQUIPMENT PG. 2 nally developed before displacer technology was commonplace. Back
TYPE TL AV COST then the military would make frequent use of drop pods for fast inser-
3-4 UC
tions. Once they’ve landed, drop pods can be quickly converted into
Bomb Detonator 1,000
handy bunkers (THR 15, INT 40) or make-shift quarters for extended
Explosives Detector 4-7 UC 35,000
campaigns. More advanced drop pods often have chaff ejectors, camo
units, and similar equipment that make them more usable on high tech
Your typical pod has maneuvering thrusters to keep it level and
Bomb Detonator: This device sends a radio transmission out on every drogue-chutes to slow it down before it hits the ground. The thrusters
frequency in rapid succession, automatically detonating any explosive fire at the last possible minute to keep up the appearance of meteor
device armed with a TL 3 or lower radio detonator. impact. This makes for a wild and bumpy ride down through the
Balance Rating: 1 atmosphere. Anyone with Fighter, Spacecraft or Transicruiser can eas-
ily pilot a drop pod without the Drop Pod piloting skill.
Explosives Detector: This chemical sniffer is able to detect the Balance Rating: 1
nitrates and chlorates used in common explosives as well as the more
complex compounds used in modern explosives. It also uses dielectric
analysis to test materials in physical contact with the sniffer. These tests ESPIONAGE EQUIPMENT PG. 2
will not cause the explosives to detonate. This highly sensitive device is
able to detect traces of the explosive compounds in the air down to a TYPE TL AV COST
few parts per million. The amount of explosive in the air along with the Biomech Duplicator 5-7 R 100,000
proximity of the detector to the source determines its effectiveness. The Booby-Trap Trigger 3-7 UC 2,000
system is 100% accurate in detecting and identifying the explosive com- Coloring Agents 3-4 C 300
pound if it is in direct contact with the explosive or it is touching a mate- Texturinzing Agents 4-6 UC 1,000
rial that an explosive has been in direct contact with. The accuracy
drops by 10% for every meter of distance between the detector and the ESPIONAGE EQUIPMENT
source. When not in direct contact with the source, the system is affect-
ed by wind conditions, ventilation, and other environmental effects that Biomech Duplicator: Scientists at Warmonger Industries got this
would change the amount of explosive residue in the air (BMs discre- idea after the resident Mazian swallowed an Imagizer. The device is set
tion). for a particular species, activated, and then the Mazian envelopes the
Balance Rating: 1 unit. Once activated this device allows a Mazian to pass as the species
of its choice under the scrutiny of a Bio-Scanner, X-ray, and infrared
analysis. Unless the Mazian has changed its physical shape to mimic the
species the Duplicator is set for, it will obviously be visually identified
as a Mazian. However, assuming the Mazian is mimicking the same
species set on the Duplicator, the blob will look like the target species
and pass for that species even when scanned. Biomech Duplicators are
expensive but only a tissue sample will identify the blob’s true nature
while using one. These devices bypass anti-espionage laws by also
allowing the Mazian to mimic the infrared and bio mechanisms signa-
tures of animals native to their homeworld, allowing them to escape
from predators.
Balance Rating: 2



Booby-Trap Trigger: Commonly referred to as an “Eridani trigger”

these devices are inserted into the handles of AHWs or in the grips of
high-tech weapons. Any Phentari that touches the handle/grip of the TYPE TL AV COST
weapon causes it to self-destruct (immediate Malfunction roll at +90). Passive IFF Receiver 3-6 UC 500
Any non-Eridani that touches the handle/grip of the weapon causes it to Radar-Laser Sight 4-6 R 1,500
emit a powerful electrical shock. Treat the shock as a hit from a 5-7 UC
Target Locator 2,000
Thunderbolt Generator that does 1-4 points of damage (Q of 3).
Target Locator PLUS 5-7 UC 10,000
Weapons that don’t blow in spectacular ways when they malfunc-
tion can be equipped with the grenade of the user’s choice that’s trig-
gered when a Phentari attempts to use the weapon. The grenade is OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT
installed in the handle/grip of the weapon and it’s ENC and cost is added Passive IFF Receiver: Most weapons can be equipped with a passive
to the cost of the weapon. Typically most Eridani are content with their IFF receiver, which detects only active IFF beacons. A red warning light
swords shattering dramatically when the “self-destruct” is triggered on the weapon or inside the user’s helmet is activated when the weapon
since they don’t want to touch anything a Phentari has been wrapping is pointed at a target with a friendly active IFF beacon. The system can
its tentacles around. be set to automatically engage the weapon’s safety to prevent it from
The system works by using a short-range sensor that can scan the being fired in addition to turning the warning light on, but most mercs
DNA of the target, even through an armored suit. Since you can’t pick opt to simply have the warning indicator light activate. It’s “safer” to
a weapon up and use it without dropping your Flux shield first there’s risk killing a teammate than having your weapon lock-up on you
no need for the device to scan through Flux shields. Special order ver- because that charging arachnid ate Bob and his IFF transmitter. The
sions (double the price) can also be set to allow only a single user or cost is 500 credits per weapon. Balance Rating: 1
a pre-selected set of users to wield the weapon without any conse-
quences. Though originally designed for use only with Eridi-corp Radar-Laser Sight: This accessory combines a laser sight with line-of-
weapons and equipment, Balshrom has now copied concept and is sight motion detection. The sight detects motion in objects, and the
making a version available to the general public that’s a little friendlier beam pulses brightly when directed at a moving object. This laser sight
to non-Eridani. affords a +12 bonus to attack rolls in range brackets 1-4, and snap
Balance Rating: 2 shots are made at a –30 as per normal laser sights. Beyond range
bracket 4, a scope must be employed to gain the bonus (and see the
Coloring Agents: Similar to Tri-Corp’s texturizing agents, these agents laser dot). The laser has a range of 500m. The sight is sensitive enough
only change the color of the Mazian, not its texture. Mazians typically to distinguish between a deceased body and an unmoving (yet still
color their bodies to suit their mood and more adventurous Mazians breathing) body, but it should be noted that many situational modifiers
will swirl different colors in their body to create a “really far-out effect, can nullify this function: onboard an accelerating spacecraft (every-
man.” Color agents last for 4d20 minutes and are also available in thing shakes), a Ram Python walking by (everything shakes), etc. Note
photo luminescent (they glow in the dark) or UV active varieties (only that the sight does not distinguish between friend or foe, or even
visible with UV optics) for twice the price. between living and non-living matter. Sure, something is moving down
Balance Rating: 1 that dark hallway, you can see the laser dot pulsing on whatever it is in
the darkness… to shoot or not is another matter (I say shoot… friends
Texturizing Agents: Tri-Corp has developed a number of pre-mixed don’t sneak up on you in the dark).
texturizing agents available for Mazians that help them mimic the Balance Rating: 1
appearance of other aliens. The agent is consumed by the Mazian and
changes both the color and texture of the Mazian’s surface, allowing the Target Locator: Identical to the K-Sat accessory of the same name. The
Mazian to look and feel more like the species it’s impersonating. Tri- Target Locator is about the size of a paperback book and must be kept
Corp has over 400 texture agents available. That’s almost 15 different at least 5 meters away from the target. The unit will not correctly iden-
color and texture combinations per species. Tri-Corp employees would tify the target’s location if it is closer than 5 meters, eliminating the +20
be happy to help you pick out the best match. Just bring in a picture of bonus to hit and rendering the unit useless for Rad Cannon and Atomic
your mimic target and we’ll do the rest. The agent provides a +30 Displacer targeting. The user must manually aim the device at a target
bonus to Impersonation attempts and lasts for 3d10 minutes before it in range using a vid screen (with passive night vision capabilites) built
degrades. into the device. Once a target has been designated the device needs no
Balance Rating: 2 other interaction and is usually camouflaged. The incoming attack will
hit where the device is aimed at (assuming the gunner hits the mark)
so if the target moves and you don’t re-aim the Target Locator you’re
out of luck. Max Range: 30 meters.
Balance Rating: 4

Target Locator PLUS: Identical to the K-Sat accessory of the same

name, with the same restrictions as listed above for the Target Locator.
Balance Rating: 4



Marshal: The first of the second-generation PDS units to hit the mar-
ket. This briefcase-sized unit emits a 7HP field. Sure it’s bulky, but isn’t
TYPE TL AV COST your safety worth the inconvenience?
Za’l Stasis Generator 6-7 R 30,000 Balance Rating: 4
Zombie Generator 7 VR 50,000
Secret Service: A step up from the Marshal PDS. This unit has a field
strength of 10HP and is about the size of a 20th century paperback
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT book, and can be clipped to your belt.
Balance Rating: 4
Za’l Stasis Generator: Developed by the famous Andromeni scientist
named Za’l while he was in possession of a dead Mutzachan’s body, the
Panther: Named after the Alliance light battle tank, the Panther packs
stasis generator allows an Andromeni to temporarily inhabit a body
a respectable 13HP of protection into a small package. It’s about the
without expending a body point. The device must be placed on tempo-
size of red stapler; just don’t let anybody wander off with it.
rary host, after which it allows the body to be inhabited for 1d4 min-
Balance Rating: 4
utes, before the Andromeni is expelled. An Andromeni does not have
access to the skills or memories of a host that is temporarily inhabited,
Costner: The best money can buy. This PDS unit is capable of generat-
but they have full motor control over the host’s body. The Andromeni
ing a 17HP protective field. The standard model straps to the user’s belt
still has to spend a body point to inhabit a new host once it is expelled
and is a little bulky. Custom-made versions can be ordered for three
from its temporary home, but none of its body points are lost for the
times the price and can be installed into anything with more volume
temporary possession. Balance Rating: 4
than a baseball. Installing the unit into sword scabbards or in the soles
of dress shoes is becoming increasingly popular. It shows up like a
Zombie Generator: Another device created by the Andromeni scien-
strobe light under ultra-violet scanners, but who cares because it’s
tist Za’l. The Zombie Generator allows an Andromeni to possess a body
nearly impenetrable, right?
that has been dead for up to 120 days. The results of these possessions
Balance Rating: 4
are often gruesome, when the decomposing corpse gets up and walks
around. Corpses this old and decayed tend to fall apart, because the
state of decay is often beyond an Andromeni’s ability to fully repair. INTRODUCING PULSIE
Assume the corpse loses one body point from its current total for each
week spent decomposing after its demise. This can drop the corpse’s “Hi, I’m Pulsie, the
body points into negative numbers. If the Andromeni fails to increase Battlelords Armor and Weapons
the corpse’s body point total to a positive number it can not inhabit the Assistant. Throughout this book,
corpse, but still loses on its own body points for the attempted inhabi- I’ll be providing helpful hints
tation. If the Andromeni does get the corpse up and moving around, but about the weapons used by
it has not been returned to its original, undamaged, body point total the Battlelords, and how to defend
corpse has a 25% chance to lose a body part once per day until fully yourself against them. These
healed. Roll on the Hit Location Chart to determine which body part has hints just may save your life!
fallen off the poor departed Andromeni’s host. Balance Rating: 4 Remember, typically your best
bet will be to pony up the credits
and buy a Flux shield or a PDS.
PERSONAL DEFENSE SHIELDS PG. 2 These will stop most forms of
TYPE TL AV COST attack while the shield is func-
Marshal 6-7 R 1,000,000
tioning, and are a lot less expen-
sive than paying some Zen for
Secret Service 6-7 R 1,500,000
reincarnation. Manufacturers
Panther 6-7 VR 2,000,000
are constantly expanding prod-
Costner 7 U 2,500,000
uct lines. You can now buy a PDS
in the following new sizes: 7HP,
Using newly refined PDS technology the 5HP limit has finally been bro-
ken. These second-generation PDS units are available in field strengths
up to 17HP! The downside to this newer technology is that these units
take twice as long to recharge, and can only receive an “instant charge”
at TL 6+ Armor Repair Stations. Recharge costs for all second-gener-
ation PDS units is 10 credits per point.
Balance Rating: 4






Hot Rocks: Hot rocks are dense geode-like rocks (hollow spheres)
that are filled with tar and uranium particles. Gemini use these rocks
TYPE ER TL AV COST as weapons, throwing them at opponents with sufficient force to break
Bayonet - 3-4 P 10 them open. On impact the rocks break apart releasing its sticky pay-
Crystal Dagger - 3-5 UC 500 load of uranium-impregnated tar over the surface of the target. The
Double Sword - 1 UC 120
lead-infused crystals inside the rock help keep the radiation from
escaping until the rock is cracked open. In addition, hot rocks come in
Flash Crystal 5 3 R 250
their very own lead-lined storage case! A hot rock can be thrown 1/4
Hot Rocks 1/4 STR 3 UC 1,000
of ones Strength in meters.
Kizanti Phase Weapon var var VR 100x
The rock must do at least 2 points of damage to the target before it
Mazian Horse Shoes 25 2 UC 15
impacts with enough force to crack open. If the impact does less than
Razor Whip 5 3-4 UC 500 two points the rock doesn’t break. That being said hot rocks are heavy
Shatter Dagger 10 5 R 50 and a Gemini or Ram chucking one could easily kill an unarmored
human with a hit to the head or chest. Assuming the rock impact does-
ARCHAIC HAND WEAPONS n’t kill you, if it breaks open any target without a Rad Liner must make
an immediate Radiation SMR. Failure indicates the target has contract-
Bayonet: Where are the Bayonets? Treat a bayonet as a spear but it has
ed radiation poisoning. See the Rad Cannon entry for more information
a -20 to hit and can not be thrown. If a bayonet is used to attack, the
on radiation poisoning. The target must make an SMR once per day to
weapon it is attached to is required to make a SS roll after each hit. avoid radiation poisoning until the sticky tar is cleaned off the armor,
Balance Rating: 1 which is no easy job without getting it stuck to everything else. A
Decontamination skill check with a level 5 difficulty is required to clean
Crystal Dagger: These Chatilian weapons are crystalline stabbing the target. Failure indicates additional exposure requiring another
weapons resembling daggers. The amazingly hard crystal is grown to Radiation SMR to prevent radiation poisoning. Armor sanitizers are not
the size and the shape required by the user. These weapons are primar- effective in cleaning up radioactive threats.
ily designed for stabbing soft targets as any hard impact requires a Gemini and Mutzachans must fail two Radiation SMRs in a row
System Shock roll, with failure indicating that the weapon has shattered. before they contract radiation poisoning. Characters that have open
Similarly, a System Shock roll is required when damage done by the face helmets (ouch) are not protected from radiation poisoning by a
weapon fails to exceed the Threshold the target. Rad Liner if they are hit in the head. Characters without environmental
A well-grown dagger is balanced enough to be thrown, but this containment within a 3 meter radius of the target may breath in
costs double the price. If a thrown dagger isn’t purchased, ignore all radioactive dust released by the rock’s impact (assuming it breaks
accuracy stats for every range bracket but the first. Clever Chatilians open) and must make a Radiation SMR or contract radiation poisoning.
have been known to pay handsomely for a dagger that they can also use However, characters that inhale the dust receive a +30 to their SMRs
as a generation focus crystal. Daggers of high enough quality to be used because of the reduced nature of the exposure. Filter masks, gas masks,
as focus crystals cost four times the normal price. and O2 or Methane masks completely protect the character from inhal-
Balance Rating: 3 ing the harmful dust.
Balance Rating: 3
Double Sword: Ashanti weapon, these swords have a blade on both
end of the handle. In other words if you were to hold the weapon ver- Kizanti Phase Weapons: When commercial Rift runs were still legal,
tically in your hand, you would have a blade attached to the “top” of the it was routine for science teams to gather samples of anything they came
handle pointing up and another blade attached to the “bottom” of the across while in the Rift, and asteroids were no exception. During a Rift
handle pointing down. The weapon’s design allows Ashanti to engage run the crew of the survey ship Stellar Explorer was busy cataloging
multiple targets, even targets in front and behind them simultaneously. and boxing up mineral samples from the Rift. The ship encountered a
Because the weapon is well balanced it can also be thrown. Rift storm and the hull of the cargo bay was breached. The blast doors
An Ashanti can attack two targets with a single attack roll with this of the ship automatically sealed off the cargo bay from the rest of the
weapon as long as both targets are within the 2 meter range of the ship when the depressurization was detected. One of the crewmembers,
Ashanti’s spatial awareness. Ashanti attacking multiple targets in this a Kizanti, instinctually began to prepare for displacement to the other
fashion must make a single attack roll taking into account only the tar- side of pressure door. To his surprise the Rift minerals he was still
get that is hardest to hit when determining attack penalties. holding became transparent and intangible about half way though his
Balance Rating: 2 preparations for displacement – and thus phase weapons were discov-
ered. Oh, the Kizanti was partially sucked out into space through the
Flash Crystal: A favorite of Chatilian’s everywhere. When this crystal 3” hole in the hull, but the security cameras recorded the event for posterity.
is thrown against a hard object, shattering it, it releases a blinding flash. Further experimentation revealed that Kizanti could indeed cause
Any target within 5 meters that was not aware of the imminent flash is certain minerals mined from the Rift to shift phase during preparation
entitled to a Radiation SMR. Failure indicates that target has been for displacement. Soon Kizanti began forging weapons out of the Rift
blinded for 2d4 seconds. minerals, turning them intangible, and then sticking through unsus-
Balance Rating: 2 pecting targets. As soon as the Kizanti released his grip on the weapon
it rematerialized inside the target typically destroying both the target



and the weapon. Damage to the target is equal to the ENC of the weapon Shatter Dagger: Identical to a crystal dagger except the crystal in this
and is applied directly to the character’s Body Points, as well as the dagger is grown around a small shaped charge. When the dagger is
armor’s Integrity and Absorption. The part of the weapon stuck in the stabbed into a target the impact on the tip of the weapon causes it to
target is effectively useless even if cut out of the target. As a result phase explode, showering the target with 1d6 penetrating crystal fragments
weapons are typically large and heavy items like two-handed swords, each shard doing 1d4 points of damage. The crystal shards are blown
though lately staffs have been becoming popular as the user can cut off away from the user by the shaped charge. Any impact of the tip of this
the useless bit and still have a functional, albeit a shorter, weapon. In dagger will cause it to explode.
a phased state the weapon can pass through any material object regard- A well-grown dagger is balanced enough to be thrown, but this
less of Threshold, but is stopped by Flux, PDS, or kinetic energy shields. costs double the price. If a thrown dagger isn’t purchased, ignore all
Kizanti can still move the weapon while it is intangible, but he does accuracy stats for every range bracket but the first.
not actually displace anywhere if he continues to prepare for displace- Balance Rating: 3
ment. Any attempt to “activate” a phase weapon causes the Kizanti to
sacrifice one of his two daily displacements whether the attempt was
successful or not. To make a phase weapon become intangible the PULSIE ON ARCHAIC POWDER WEAPONS
Kizanti must make a Displacement skill check with a level 7 difficulty.
The weapon remains in its phased state for 3d4 seconds. Unlike dis-
placement, activating a phase weapon only requires 1 second.
Since the Alliance has banned non-military Rift runs the cost of “Everyone’s first thought is the
Kizanti phase weapons has skyrocketed. Nearly any metal archaic hand KE Shield, and that can be effec-
weapon made from metal can be constructed as a phase weapon by tive here, too. But if you don’t
using Rift minerals in the alloy. However, the cost is typically 100 times want to be hit at all, you might
the standard price of the weapon, because weapon manufacturers are
consider the Magnetic Deflection
limited to purchasing minerals extracted before the ban or harvesting
Generator. This armor option
material ejected from the Rift, which is rare. Though everyone else
gives you an 85% chance of not
calls these things Kizanti phase weapons, the Kizanti still refer to them
being hit by any bullet fired at
as “hull pluggers” in memory of their departed discoverer.
you. It’s a trade-off, because
Balance Rating: 3
those that do hit will do full dam-
age (and you can’t operate two
Mazian Horse Shoes: These horseshoe shaped implements are typ-
energy field armor options at the
ically thrown by Mazians as weapons. The tips of the horseshoe are
same time, so no stacking the KE
pointed and the inner edge is sharpened to allow for deeper penetra-
Shield and the MDG).”
tion. Skilled Mazian shape shifters can use their bodies like a rubber
band to propel the device at their target. Each level of shape change
skill adds +1 to the accuracy of the weapon in all range brackets. For
every 5-levels of Shape Change the weapon does an additional point of
Balance Rating: 1

Razor Whip: An Ashanti weapon, this metal cable has razor sharp
blades down its entire length. The blades in the whip can be retracted
back into the cable by pressing a button in the handle. The whip’s
length can be changed from half a meter to 5 meters by contracting or He had an automatic weapon!
compressing the segmented cable using a dial on the base of the handle. OK, Rant time. I keep hearing on the nightly news about people run-
The Ashanti’s spatial awareness ability combined with some unique ning around with “automatic” weapons. It drives me nuts. With a few
hand-to-hand training allows them to target opponents within 360 exceptions, all weapons are automatic. They’re either semi-automatic
degrees with this deadly weapon. For every three skill levels in AHW or fully automatic. There is a big difference, and evidently most news-
(Razor Whip) an Ashanti can strike an additional target after the first casters don’t know it. Unfortunately this gives the impression that peo-
with a single flip of the whip, as long as all the targets are within the 2 ple are running around the streets with fully automatic machine guns,
meter range of the Ashanti’s spatial awareness. Ashanti attacking mul- when most of the time it’s a semi-automatic pistol. So let me explain
tiple targets in this fashion must make a single attack roll taking into the difference between a semi-auto and fully automatic weapon.
account only the target that is hardest to hit when determining attack With a semi-automatic weapon every time you pull the trigger the
penalties. An attack roll that fails by more than 30 indicates the user has weapon will fire one, and only one, projectile. Then you must let go of
struck himself with the whip. the trigger and pull it again to fire another –single- projectile. With fully
Balance Rating: 2 automatic weapons you squeeze and hold the trigger and the weapon
will continue to fire bullets at a set rate for as long as the trigger is held
or until it runs out of ammo. Typically the rate of fire on fully automat-



ic weapons is set at the factory and it is generally higher than you could after the first during consecutive rounds of full action Rapid Firing.
achieve with a semi-automatic weapon. You’d have to pull the trigger
really fast on your handgun to achieve the rate of fire of say, a Mac-10, • If Rapid Firing as a full action divide the character’s RFS as evenly as
on full auto. possible between the three fire segments, with any excess shots occur-
Burst fire has functionality of both fully automatic and semi-auto- ring in the earlier segments. For example, a character that could Rapid
matic fire. With burst fire a single pull of the trigger will fire a set num- Fire 8 rounds per combat round would fire 3 in the first segment, 3 in
ber of projectiles, usually two or three, after which the weapon will stop the second segment, and 2 in the last segment - assuming you have
firing. To fire another burst the shooter must release the trigger and enough ammo in the weapon.
pull it again to fire another burst. Burst fire allows the shooter to fire
more projectiles without the aim hindering recoil of fully automatic fire. • If Rapid Firing as a half action divide the character’s RFS by 3 and
If the weapon is well designed all projectiles will have left the barrel of round up if a fractional result is obtained. This is the number of shots
the weapon before the shooter even feels the recoil when firing in burst a character can Rapid Fire in a half-action, assuming they have enough
mode. This allows the shooter to fire multiple projectiles simultaneous- ammunition in the weapon.
ly with close to the accuracy of semi-automatic fire.
So now you’ll know when you hear a news caster talking about • Munchkin Clause: The number of shots fired when Rapid Firing,
someone using an “automatic” weapon that they aren’t really telling you whether as a half-action or full action, can not exceed the available Q
much. It’s kind of like telling you there was a chase involving a “vehi- of the weapon being fired. The number of shots actually fired will be
cle.” Was it a car or a tank? Both are vehicles. equal to either the RFS that is appropriate for the action length or the
available Q, whichever is lower. Once the weapon’s Q has been
Realistic Semi-Auto Fire – Rapid Fire exhausted the weapon must be reloaded before the character can fire
OK, let’s face it. Just about anybody can pop off more than 2 shots in a the weapon again.
3-second combat round when firing a semi-auto weapon. The rules are
fairly realistic if you’re shooting at a target in the first range bracket • The RFS is typically depicted in the following manner: RFS 8/3, with
where you don’t take a snap shot penalty. This simulates two well- the number in front of the slash indicating the number of projectiles
aimed shots every three seconds, which is pretty realistic – assuming that can fired in a full action and the number after the slash indicating
you’re aiming. Now if you’re in real combat and the feces has struck the number of projectiles that can be fired in a half action.
the rotary cooling device then you’re probably yanking on that trigger
as fast as you can while hiding behind any available cover. To hell with • BMs may rule that only APWs can be Rapid Fired because other semi-
aiming! I’ll bet you a credit most people are going to get off more than automatic (ROF 1) weapons require time to recharge between shots.
2 shots in three seconds. It’s probably going to be more like four to six
shots! Now you have the option to fire more than twice! • Remember that some weapons, like most machine guns, are only
When a semi-automatic weapon is fired more than twice per com- capable of full-auto or burst fire, making them ineligible for Rapid Fire.
bat round it is referred to as Rapid Fire. Balance Rating: 4

The optional Rapid Fire rules are detailed below. Realistic Semi-Auto Fire – Designers Notes
• When using these optional Rapid Fire rules all APW pistols that don’t There are a couple of things to keep in mind when looking at the rate
specifically state they are capable of fully automatic or burst fire have of fire of weapons in Battlelords, especially with archaic powder
an ROF of 1. weapons (APWs). Most of the APWs that are capable of fully automat-
ic fire have had their rates of fire (ROF) reduced from their real-world
• To find the number of shots your character can shoot in a single com- values. This has been done for a couple reasons.
bat round when Rapid Firing take your character’s Manual Dexterity First any increase in the rate of fire is going to dramatically increase
primary attribute and divide by 30 (round normally). This number is the lethality of archaic powder weapons, which are already incredibly
called your character’s Rapid Fire Speed or RFS. lethal. Second, figuring out where all those bullets go can be a real
drag on the speed of game play. Some real world chain guns are capa-
• When Rapid Firing each shot after the first takes the burst penalty, if ble of firing more than 50 bullets a second. Do you really want to roll
any, as appropriate for that weapon system. Snap shot penalties are up to 150 hit locations for each target hit by a chain gun every combat
applied as normal. round? I don’t think so! As a result the RFS calculations in the Rapid
Fire rules have been artificially constrained to make sure they don’t
• Only the first shot in any Rapid Fire attack can be aimed. The char- overpower the capabilities (and lethality) of the fully automatic
acter must still take time to aim. The time required to aim is described weapons. Most fully automatic weapons are likely to be far more lethal
in the main rulebook. than a semi-automatic weapon no matter how fast you can pull the trig-
ger. So even though your character with a 150 Manual Dexterity should
• Characters can choose to Rapid Fire for a half action or as a full be easily able to pop off more than 5 bullets in a combat round with
action. If the character Rapid Fires as a full action for more than one their semi-auto it’s not going to happen. Sorry. It’s another suspension
round any burst penalties carry over from round to round, since it is of realism we must make to maintain game balance. If you want a more
assumed the character didn’t stop firing between rounds. This means realistic number at the expense of some game balance divide a charac-
the character can not aim the first shot fired during any combat round ters Manual Dexterity by 15 or 20 to obtain a higher RFS.




Frefire Rifle 4-6 UC 6,000 Able Positive 550 7 R 400,000
Freeshoot Rifle 4-6 UC 10,000 BC-Shatter 120 7 U 5.0M
Porcupine 4-6 UC 3,000 Mixmaster 275 7 VR 1.0M
Nutcracker 300 7 VR 600,000

ARM ROCKET RIFLES (ARRS) Rattler 60 7 UC 800,000

Ravager II 300 7 UC 160,000
Arm Rocket Rifles are rifles that can be loaded with arm rockets, allow- Soulshaker 175 7 U 1.5M
ing a soldier to fire arm rockets without the need for armor or a rack.
The goal of these weapons was to equip unarmored or lightly armored
soldiers with inexpensive fire-and-forget weaponry. The weapon
designers at Warmonger Industries decided to design a weapon that uti- Able Positive: Like the Ravager II, this A/R beam is in a gatling config-
lized existing rockets in order to keep the development cost of the uration. Able Corp built this weapon from three Able Plus A/R beams
weapon low. Any arm rocket can be used with Arm Rocket Rifles. mounted in a single chassis. Other than its price the only other down-
Balance Rating: 4 side to this weapon is its very limited number of shots.
Balance Rating: 4
Freefire Rifle: This rifle is the first magazine-fed arm rocket rifle. The
standard magazine holds four arm rockets. A much larger 8-rocket BC-Shatter: The BC-Shatter is the ultimate in A/R beam weaponry. Like
magazine, and 12 shot drum were eventually released for the Freefire. the Earthquake and Milkshake, the BC-Shatter affects all of the target’s
armor sections. Guaranteed to liquefy organs and destroy absorption
Freeshoot Rifle: An improvement over the Freefire rifle, the Freeshoot polymers faster than a Ram vs. naked Human wrestling contest. Get
has a much faster rate of fire. The Freeshoot has magazines that will yours today! This weapon is tunable.
hold the same number of rockets as the Freefire, but the magazines are Balance Rating: 4
not interchangeable between the two weapons. The Freeshoot has an
attached folding bipod and comes with a self-destruct system (treat as Mixmaster: The newest A/R beam on the market, the Mixmaster
a Super Plas grenade). comes in a massive carrying case and a includes a built-in 100 point
Flux shield. It’s also equipped with a radar detector, so you’ll know
Porcupine: The Porcupine is a unique concept in arm rocket rifles. when your million dollars worth of weaponry is about to be scragged
The Porcupine looks like a rifle with a large box on the end of the bar- by an incoming Reflex missile. This weapon is tunable.
rel. The front of the box, where the rifle’s barrel would normally end, Balance Rating: 4
has a honeycomb lattice. Each cell in the lattice is large enough for one
arm rocket. When the weapon expends all of its arm rockets, new Nutcracker: The nutcracker is a high-end, narrow-beam, A/R weapon
rockets can be dropped back down into each cell of the box, or the just released on the market. Sales are brisk so far. Maybe it’s the name.
entire box can be replaced with a fresh, pre-loaded box using a quick- This weapon is tunable.
change mount. The stock of the weapon is weighted to counter-bal- Balance Rating: 4
ance the heavy box on the front of the weapon, making it surprisingly
well balanced, but still heavy. Rattler: The Rattler will rattle the hell out of whatever it hits. The
The goal of the Porcupine was to minimize breakdowns as well as weapon’s damage yield exceeds any previously released A/R beam. Oh,
simplify maintenance and repairs by eliminating the complex ammuni- it’s also one the heaviest A/R beams out there. This weapon is tunable.
tion feeding mechanisms associated with other arm rocket rifles. Balance Rating: 4
Another advantage of the Porcupine is that the box mechanism allows
the shooter to fire all of the arm rockets at once. The Porcupine is Ravager II: A gatling configuration A/R beam weapon that combines
available with 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 shot boxes, and each box comes with three standard Ravager A/R beams with a single trigger assembly and
the appropriate size counter-weight that can be installed in the stock of power supply. The three Ravager cores built into the weapon’s chassis
the weapon. fire in sequence, one after another. This means, while the first Ravager
core is being fired, the second is charging, and the third is preparing to
fire. This allows the Ravager II to achieve a much higher rate of fire than
any A/R beam currently on the market. The downside is the three A/R
cores draw power from the single power cell three times as fast as a sin-
gle core, limiting the number of shots in the weapon.
Balance Rating: 4

Soulshaker: The Soulshaker is the heaviest A/R beam ever produced.

It also has the highest damage yield of any A/R beam ever made. It’s



expensive and suffers from the same slow rate of fire as most of the
early A/R beams but it is highly-reliable… and did we mention heavy?
This weapon is tunable and is the only A/R beam that’s theoretically ARMOR OPTION SIZE MODIFIER
capable of pushing a heavily encumbered Ram Python! 0.1 - 0.2 -90
Balance Rating: 4 0.3 - 0.4 -80
0.5 - 0.8 -70
1.3 - 3.5 -50
3.6 - 7.5 -40
“There’s nothing short
7.6 - 15.0 -30
of a Flux shield or the new
15.1 - 30.0 -20
Lizard Tail Plating that will
30.1 - 66.0 -10
work against the “shake” func-
66.1 - 136.0 00
tion of A/R beams. An Orion
Armor Options with a SIZE of B (Body) have the same modifier
invented a nice method of
as the Size Class modifier of armor they are mounted on.
dealing with those clever peo-
ple who use these to pull you
Rule 3) Removal: If the damage from a single A/R attack is equal
to or exceeds the ENC of the armor option multiplied by 10 it has been
Anti-A/R Micro-grenades.
torn from the armor and rendered useless.
Tiny, explosive micro-grenades
are mounted on the outside of
• Armor options with a size of Body (B) can not be removed in
your armor that are pulled free
this manner.
by an AR beam set to “pull”
• System plating, even non-metallic system plating, does not pro-
and fly right down the barrel
tect metal armor options from removal in this fashion.
of the weapon. The problem
• Assuming you’re sticking with the weapons in LNL, no A/R beam
with both of these two new currently produced can do more than 36 points of damage in a
armor options is that they work single hit, thus armor options with an ENC greater than 4 are
once per section hit, then you assumed to be so well attached to the armored suit that they can
have to replace them.” not be removed in this manner.
• Sadistic BMs may rule that additional hits from an A/R beam
against the same armor option are cumulative. Thus an A/R beam
that attacked the same armor option twice, doing 30 points of
damage each time, would be capable of removing an armor option
A/R BEAMS - OPTIONAL RULES with an ENC of 6 or less. Using this rule makes A/R beams really
nasty. You have been warned.
Removing Metal Armor Options
A/R beams can still be used to attack non-metallic armors if the Rule 4) Damage: If an armor option is removed in this manner the
armored suit is mounting one or more metal armor options. However, armor takes AI damage to the section where the armor option was
using the following optional rule there is a chance that an A/R attack mounted. AI damage from armor option removal is equal to twice the
targeted specifically against a metal armor option will tear it right off of armor option’s original, unmodified ENC value. If the A/R beam fails
the suit. These rules can be utilized whether the armor is metallic or not to remove the targeted armor option the armor’s Absorption takes
and help make up for atrocious ROF of most A/R beams. It’s also a normal damage from the A/R beam hit.
good way to make repairs really expensive for your opponents in addi-
tion to tearing big holes in their armor – hope they’ve a QSU. • Since armor options are typically mounted on the outside of the
If an A/R attack is targeted specifically at a metal armor option on suit their removal only has a 50% chance of breaching the suits
an armored suit the following rules apply: environmental containment, if any is present.
• The moral of this story is buy a QSU or spend the extra cred for
Rule 1) Flux: A/R beams do not work through Flux shields. If your a non-metallic version of your armor options if they’re available.
opponent has a Flux up don’t even bother trying any of following A/R Otherwise expect your armor to be a little more drafty than nor-
beam tricks. mal when you run across an A/R beam wielding opponent.

Rule 2) Called Shot: Attacking an armor option requires a called Rule 5) Repair: Once removed the armor option is considered
shot with a penalty as determined by the following table. useless until repaired, which typically costs [2d4 x (10% of the device’s
original cost)] and requires an Armor Repair check with a penalty
equal to 3d6 levels.



High-end Attractor/Repressors that attack every section of an armored to determine the number of meters per second we can move the target. So in
suit are a special case. Because of the wide dispersion of these A/R this case the target can be pushed or pulled at 10 meters per second. If the tar-
beams they are assumed to attack every metal armor option on the suit get didn’t have an a-grav belt, he would have been too heavy to move.
simultaneously. All armor options are automatically hit and may be
removed depending on the damage done by the A/R beam (see Rule 3).
For our purposes the target takes 1d6 points of damage for every 5
If a hit from one of these high-end A/R beam manages to remove every
meters per second they’re traveling if they hit a stationary object.
single metal armor option from a suit of non-metallic armor the wear-
Damage is applied across three random sections (BMs Discretion).
er suffers no Absorption damage. Otherwise A/R beams that hit more
Balance Rating: 1
than one section simultaneously are always assumed to do their stan-
dard A/R damage to each section in addition to any AI damage done CAROUSEL GUNS PG. 3
by the forced removal of any armor options.
Sure this makes the Milkshake and the Earthquake A/R weapons TYPE ER TL AV COST
incredibly nasty, but if your opponent is running around with 2 to 5 mil- Archer II 650 5-6 R 750,000
lion credits worth of A/R weaponry you better have a Flux shield up, RockRocket 850 5-6 R 620,000
otherwise you’ve got bigger things to worry about. If your Flux goes SlugCharger 625 5-6 R 420,000
down you’re probably hosed anyway, but look on the bright side… at SlugGun 600 5-6 R 250,000
least you’ve got six seconds before he can tag you again with that A/R Titanus 600 5-6 R 550,000
Tornado 900 5-6 R 450,000
Balance Rating: 5
TripleShock 500 5-6 R 400,000

Knockback Damage from Immobilization

If you’re using the Knockback rules presented in the Appendix of CAROUSEL GUNS
Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics there is something you should
make note of. If you use the immobilization feature of your A/R beam Archer II: Another Balshrom carousel gun, the Archer II features a
to attack a character that was moving very quickly it has the same state-of-the-art superconducting magnetic charging chamber to accel-
effect as if that character had run into a brick wall. Coming to an erate the slug beyond the speeds attainable by previously produced
instantaneous stop from even 10m/s (about 25 mph) is likely to jar carousel weapons. It’s rated a best buy by Arms Review Quarterly!
Maximum Charge Time: 10 seconds
the crap out of you. Now going from 100m/s (about 225 mph) to a
dead stop is really likely to seriously ruin your day. Balance Rating: 3
To determine damage from deceleration take five times the dam-
age rolled for the weapon. This is the “push value” of the weapon. RockRocket: The RockRocket features the same charging technology
Next subtract the target’s total ENC from the push value to get the utilized in the Titanus Carousel gun. The RockRocket is more accurate
number of meters per second subtracted from the target’s speed. If than the Titanus, lighter, and holds more ammo. Probably the best
you get zero or a negative value the A/R beam doesn’t have enough Carousel Gun on the market.
power to slow the target, its has simply got too much inertia. For every second spent charging this weapon it reduces the tar-
The target takes 1d6 points of damage for every 5 meters per get’s Threshold by TWO points, rather than the normal one point, when
second you reduced their speed. Damage is divided across all of the determining penetration (THR is not permanently reduced). Damage
character’s body sections (BMs Discretion). is also increased by two points for every second the weapon spends
Balance Rating: 2 charging.
Maximum Charge Time: 6 seconds
Balance Rating: 3
SlugCharger: A highly accurate slug thrower, with a respectable dam-
Pushing and Pulling age yield that offsets its low ammo capacity.
A/R beams that are “tunable” can be used to push or pull objects rather Maximum Charge Time: 7 seconds
than shaking them senseless. To push or pull the target, you first deter- Balance Rating: 3
mine your weapon’s push value. Take five times the damage rolled for
the weapon. This is the “Push Value”. Next subtract the target’s total SlugGun: The SlugGun features a much larger charging chamber and
ENC from the Push Value to get the number of meters per second you a larger power supply that can accelerate a slug to much faster speeds
can push or pull the target. If you get zero or a negative value the A/R than a standard carousel gun, but it takes awhile to get the slug up to
beam doesn’t have enough power to move the target. It’s too heavy. full speed. When fully charged the damage from this weapon is equiv-
alent to a high-end gauss weapon loaded with DEP+ rounds at a frac-
tion of the cost. OK, so you have to wait a veritable eternity for the thing
So if you rolled 24 points of damage with a tuned A/R beam set to “push” your to charge, but if you’ve got the time to wait you can save yourself a lot
Push Value would be 120. Let’s say the target’s weapons, armor, and equipment of credit verses buying a gauss weapon.
have a combined ENC of 150, but he’s wearing a heavy belt, which reduces his Maximum Charge Time: 10 seconds
ENC to 110. We subtract the target’s ENC from the push value (120 - 110 = 10) Balance Rating: 3



Titanus: The Titanus features a newly designed charging chamber that shell the soft squishy genetic material of the virus breaks apart when
is able to accelerate slugs much more quickly than previous designs exposed to whatever environment they happen to be in. So how does
without blowing itself apart. For every second spent charging this this help us?
weapon it reduces the target’s Threshold by two points, rather than the With a little help from our genetic engineers, Warmonger
normal one point, when determining penetration (THR is not perma- Industries has developed a self-assembling virus. Basically we take the
nently reduced). Damage is also increased by two points for every sec- protein shell of a virus, split it in half, and molecularly “glue” the RNA
ond the weapon spends charging. or DNA to the left half of the shell. Then we take the left half with the
Maximum Charge Time: 5 seconds RNA/DNA attached and put it in container #1 and then we take the other
Balance Rating: 3 half of the protein shell and put it in container #2. A special fluid in the
containers keeps the genetic material and the partially assembled pro-
Tornado: The Tornado has the highest damage yield of any carousel tein shells from breaking down.
gun currently on the market, and that’s whether it’s fully charged or not! Next we duplicate this process about a million times and you’ve got
Don’t be on the receiving end of this weapon. It sounds like a tornado two containers full the world’s safest-to-handle biological weapon.
when it starts charging (+3 to Noise Level). That’s the problem with a Now if we’ve done our job right, the virus should not be able to assem-
tornado. Everybody hears it coming, which makes it hard to hide while ble the protein shell with two “left” halves or two “right” halves. You
you charge the weapon and it’s roaring like a jet turbine. need a right half and a left half to make a complete protein shell, and
Maximum Charge Time: 5 seconds those are safely stored in separate containers.
Balance Rating: 3 Now if you break open either container, there’s no threat of viral
infection because one container doesn’t contain any genetic material,
TripleShock: This carousel gun has several unique features that set it and the other container that does contain the genetic material lacks a
apart from other weapons in its class. The weapon has three charging complete protein shell and breaks down rapidly. Even if you break both
chambers side by side and three barrels lined up horizontally across containers and their contents mix, without the special fluid in the con-
the top of the weapon. Each barrel is connected to a separate charging tainers protecting the virus there’s an 80% chance that you won’t get
chamber. Each chamber can charge a separate projectile, allowing the enough halves to “match up” before the genetic material breaks down.
user to fire up to three slugs a segment if he fires a slug from all three Even if you do get some viral product from the accidental mix, it wont
chambers simultaneously (ROF 3). In effect, the weapon functions be more than a moderate exposure.
like three carousel guns that have been strapped together but share a The viruses can only be reliably assembled by screwing the collar
common trigger. of container #1 into container #2 and giving it a good shake. This
Alternatively, a shooter can fire one chamber, while the other two allows the millions of protein shell halves to meet, mix, and join in the
are charging, or fire two chambers while the remaining chamber is friendly environment of our fluid filled containers. If our genetic engi-
charging. Obviously, this requires the shooter to keep track of how long neers have done their jobs right the right and left protein halves should
each chamber has been charging. actually be drawn together due their opposite electrical charges! Some
The most unique feature of the weapon is that the chambers can viruses will do this without any help from us! Brilliant!
be set in “synchronized mode” which locks them together so they Now get in your HAZMAT suit and open the container you just
simultaneously charge a single slug in the center chamber to full power shook, or better yet set the timer to automatically open the lid and walk
in one-third the time (2 seconds) it normally takes. Despite its versa- away. We’ve even got an attachment built into the containers that allows
tility the gun’s complexity has prevented it from seeing widespread you to safely inject the assembled virus into a Toxin Dispenser Mag Gun
adoption, but in competent hands it’s a formidable weapon. round. Oh, by the way, if you change your mind a neutralizing agent is
Maximum Charge Time: 6 seconds included with the container that turns the substantiating fluid acidic and
Balance Rating: 3 destroys the virus, even if it’s already been assembled.
Our scientists can convert most viruses into a self-assembling ver-
sion. The cost is ten times the price of the normal virus, but isn’t your
CHEM/BIO WEAPONS PG. 4 safety worth it? The process of creating and growing the new virus takes
4d8 weeks, and of course we’ll require your Alliance authorization
TYPE TL AV COST papers for any military grade bug you’d like us to work with. Also
Self-Assembling Virus 5-7 R 10x remember that unlike bacteria, viruses are species specific, so you’ll
Shape Lock 4-5 UC 1,000 need a batch for each species you plan on exposing to the virus.
Warmonger Industries: Better Living Through Science.

Self-Assembling Viruses: Time for a short and highly simplified les- Shape-Lock: Shape-lock is an organic, non-toxic, epoxy-like harden-
son in virology. Viruses are basically composed of two parts: a protein er which, when injected into a Mazian, locks them into their current
shell and a core of RNA or DNA that the virus inserts into your cellular shape, preventing all motion and preventing the Mazian from changing
machinery to trick it into reproducing more of the virus. Among other shape. Typically used in Toxin Dispenser Mag Gun rounds or in break-
things, the protein outer shell protects the delicate RNA or DNA inside able vials that can be thrown like a grenade. A direct hit is required to
from being denatured, or breaking down. Without the protective outer get enough stiffener in and on the Mazian to be effective when used as



a grenade. The Mazian is entitled to a Bio SMR with success indicating Diagnosing the Victim
no effect. Failure indicates that Mazian becomes somebody’s yard orna- Medics with the Medical (Biological Attack) or Medical (Chemical
ment for 6d6 minutes. Attack) skills are also trained to treat victims who have already been
Balance Rating: 3 exposed to these threats (after am attack is over). By making a suc-
cessful Medical (Biological Attack) or Medical (Chemical Attack) skill
CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS - RULES check as appropriate, the medic can determine the general type of
agent he is dealing with (bacterial vs. viral, nerve agent vs. blood agent,
“Ok, my character has got these nifty skills for treating victims of bio- etc). If the medic has made his check by more than 30 points he can
logical and chemical attack, but I have no rules on how to use them!” determine the likely effects the exposure will have on the victim. If the
First thing’s first. A character that is trained in the skill Medical medic made his check by more than 60 points he can determine the
(Biological Attack) can not use these rules when dealing with a amount of time the victim has been exposed and how long it will take
Chemical Attack or vice-versa. the agent to run its course. If the medic made his check by more than
100 points he knows the exact agent the victim was exposed to and the
Reducing Exposure medic can act as if he was aware of what the BM rolled for damage and duration.
When a biological or chemical agent is affecting a victim, the medic giv- TREATMENT MODIFIERS
ing treatment can rely on their quick thinking and training to minimize
their exposure. Effects to minimize exposure must be made during the MODIFIER TREATMENT BONUS/PENALTY
attack. Unless the medic has reason to know that an attack is imminent Select one from each category, if appropriate
no actions can be taken before the actual attack. Agent
Victims must still make their SMR checks as normal when exposed
Biological agent is a virus -40
to a biological or chemical agent. Next the medic can attempt to reduce
Biological agent is bacterium +20
the exposure by one level (heavy to moderate, moderate to mild, etc.)
Chemical agent is a nerve agent -40
by making a successful Medical (Biological Attack) or Medical
(Chemical Attack) skill check as appropriate. Mild Exposure reduced
by one level is treated as “No Exposure.” Reducing the exposure level Incubation period is less than 50% done -20
may entail covering the victim, immediately hosing them off, blasting Incubation period is more than 50% done -40
them with fire extinguisher, holding closed their mouth and nostrils, Incubation period is over -50
etc. A medic can only treat one victim at a time, though if he was aware Victim’s Health
of the attack before it happened he could take preventative measures Victim has lost more than 50% of their CON -20
with multiple party members as time permitted. Victim has lost more than 75% of their CON -40
The BM will be the final arbitrator on whether the medic has the Exposure Level
proper tools to minimize the threat. Though medics are entitled to an Heavy Exposure -25
INT check to see if they can find items in their environment that might Massive Exposure -50
be used in place of more orthodox tools. In addition, the medic may Facilities
expose himself to the agent in the process of treating a victim that is
Paramedics Kit +10
being exposed to a chemical or biological agent. By making a success-
MASH +20
ful Medical (Biological Attack) or Medical (Chemical Attack) skill
Hospital +50*
check as appropriate, the BM must inform the medic on whether it is
*additional +10 for each TL of facility above 5
likely he will be exposed to the agent while treating the victim. A failure
indicates the medic is unable to determine what his chances of expo- Treating the Victim
sure will be. If the medic has successfully diagnosed the victim, he can attempt to
Balance Rating: 3 treat him, assuming he has the proper medical tools and equipment.
The medic will know what drugs to administer to best help the patient.
DIAGNOSIS MODIFIERS In addition, by making a successful Medical (Biological Attack) or
Medical (Chemical Attack) skill check as appropriate the medic can
MODIFIER DIAGNOSIS BONUS/PENALTY treat the affliction as follows. A medic is only allowed one attempt to
Select any that apply treat the victim, unless he gains access to helpful medical tools and/or
Effects of agent are readily apparent +50 drugs that he did not have access to during the initial treatment.
Agent has incubation period -50
Medic witnessed method of exposure +25 Continuous-Effect Agents: Agents that cause their effects through
Agent is species-specific +20 continuous exposure, like poison gasses, can not be treated – though
Paramedics Kit +10 exposure can be minimized as detailed above. Only by removing the
MASH +20 victim from continued exposure to the agent (i.e. pulling the poor sap
Hospital +50* out of the cyanide gas) can further damage be stopped. If the victim
*additional +10 for each TL of facility above 5 continues to damage or suffer ill effects after exposure has ceased these
effects may be treated.



If the medic has makes his check by more than 30 points he Scouting Skill (Forward Observer)
may do one of the following: On the modern battlefield no skill is more overlooked than the abilities
• He can reduce the duration of an agent by 25% if it will be bene- of a talented forward observer. Though these brave men, women, and
ficial. blobs have been replaced by K-Sats and Fly Cambots in later years, their
• Victims of agents that have immediate effects after exposure are skills are still of value. Anyone with the Scouting skill is trained as a for-
entitled to another SMR check to avoid further effects. ward observer.
• Agents that have an incubation period, have their incubation time When you are acting as a forward observer and you see an artillery
increased by 25%. barrage or mortar shell miss the target, you can tell the gunner how far
Note: This level of success does not prevent death due to agents that kill off you estimate the barrage was from the target – assuming you can see
the victim after a certain amount of time has elapsed. the target. The gunner then uses this information to correct his aim and
try again. The higher your skill, the better your estimation. The better
If the medic made his check by more than 60 points he may do your estimation, the faster that gunner is going to zone in on that target.
one of the following: A scout or someone with the Scouting skill viewing the barrage
• He can reduce the duration of an agent by 50% if it will be bene- through the visual remote of a K-Sat is also entitled to a skill check to
ficial. determine the accuracy of their estimate.
• Victims of agents that have immediate effects after exposure are Take the amount you made or failed your roll by and divide this
entitled to another SMR check at +25 to avoid further effects. number by 10 (round normally) to get the Aim Modifier. A successful
• Agents that have an incubation period, have their incubation time roll indicates a bonus, whereas a failure indicates a penalty. The Aim
increased by 50%. modifier is then applied to the gunner’s next shot in place of the nor-
• Agents that result in death after a certain amount of time has mal 10% bonus applied for each miss, using the old forward observer
elapsed, no longer cause the victim to expire, but the victim will rules. All Aim Modifiers are cumulative.
still suffer the effects of the agent until the point just before they
would normally die. At that point the agent’s ill effects will stop, For example, your character has 4 levels of the Scouting skill. Assuming
the victim will not die, and they can begin the recovery process. no intuition bonus that gives him or her a 90% chance to succeed while making
a forward observation check. You roll a 44, and successfully make your roll by
If the medic made his check by more than 100 points he may 46 points. Divide by 10 and round up, and we get a 5% bonus on the gunner’s
do one of the following: next shot based on your information. Hey, 5% isn’t much but you’re only a level
• He can reduce the duration of an agent by 75% if it will be bene- 4 scout. Now let’s assume you flub your roll and get the dreaded double-zodd.
ficial. That equates to 100, so you missed your roll by 10 points. So your gunner will
• Victims of agents that have immediate effects after exposure are receive a 1% penalty to hit based on your crappy estimate of where he needs to
entitled to another SMR check at +50 to avoid further effects. aim. Since penalties are cumulative, this reduces the gunner’s bonus from 5%
• Agents that have an incubation period, have their incubation time
to 4%. This all assumes you can communicate your estimate to the gunner
increased by 75%.
• Agents that result in death after a certain amount of time has If the target is marked with a Target Locator, the mortar operator
elapsed, no longer cause the victim to expire, and the agent’s ill still gets the +20 bonus on the initial hit, but after that he has to rely on
effects will cease immediately. There will be no permanent reduc- your forward observing skills to guide the round. The +20 bonus
tion in vital statistics from Heavy or Massive exposure. applied for misses is not used with these optional rules.
Balance Rating: 5 Balance Rating: 3


Compact Artillery: Compact artillery is a great way to clear minefields! TYPE ER TL AV COST
You can dramatically improve the effectiveness of your “arty” by using Backup Mark V 15 5-6 R 40,000
Target Designator mag gun rounds or gauss shells to mark potential victims!
This is especially true with Bunker Buster shells! DISINTEGRATORS
Backup Mark V: Come on let’s face it. Who wouldn’t want a highly
concealable disintegrator as their backup weapon? Sure the range
COMPACT ARTILLERY/MORTAR - OPTIONAL RULES sucks, it’s as fragile as a glass vase, and you’ll pay through the nose
for it but who in their right mind isn’t going to back off when you pull
These rules apply to both Compact Artillery, Mortars, and PMS systems that disintegrator out of nowhere and stuff it up their nose? This thing
(excluding the new PMS2 systems). In addition, these rules replace the does enough damage to vaporize an unarmored human in a single
normal forward observer rules presented in the description of Mortars shot and you can fit it in your pocket. Go ahead and buy one, you
in Lock-N-Load:Weapons & Tactics. know you want to!
Balance Rating: 1



PULSIE ON DISINTEGRATORS ment weapon technology is limited to applications of particle weapons

using atomic or subatomic particles.
Note: The particles being displaced are small enough to ignore the
effects of a phase nullification unit, which stops macro-sized objects
“Gimme back my electrons,
from displacing.
fool! Disintegrators are mean, mean
weapons. But the military is currently
Balance Rating: 5
field testing, and making available to
mercs on a limited basis, what they are Atomic Displacers
calling the NEC, or Nuclear Effect Particle displacement is new and still experimental. Using the same
Canceller. The NEC works by generating
Bose-Einstein particles as Atomic Particle Weapons, the Atomic
an electrical field of opposite polarity
from the one generated in your armor
Displacer utilizes a unique method of delivery. The particles are accel-
by the Disintegrator. Currently, a NEC erated towards the end of the barrel but displaced before they reach it,
has a 75% chance of working, halving reappearing at any point the user chooses along the vector of the bar-
the damage from each disintegrator rel, out to the weapon’s maximum range. Typically, the particles are
hit.” fired to reappear directly in front of the target, from meters to millime-
ters away. This means that Atomic Displacers can be used to fire past
intervening objects, such as walls, vehicles, living beings, etc. The only
problem is targeting. The targeting computers for Atomic Displacers
are on-gun. Intervening objects impede the targeting computers, and
must be accounted for using the manual controls. Any attempt to make
the beam reappear on the other side of an intervening object adds a
penalty to the shot (generally -30, but see individual weapons for spe-
cific penalties). This penalty is in addition to any penalties to the attack
roll from cover or concealment, and increases to -40 if the intervening
object is in close proximity to the target (the target is hiding immedi-
ately behind a large rock, for example). This reflects the difficulty of try-
ing to displace the particle stream in between the target and his cover.
DISPLACEMENT WEAPONS PG. 4 Note that particle beams can be used to fire ’blind’ past obstacles the
user cannot see through or around, although considerable penalties
apply See Rad Cannons for more info on “Blind Shots.”
AD-1812 2150 7 UC 280,000
Problems with electrical field discrimination means that the parti-
AD-214 2550 7 R 70,000
cle beams may not be made to displace inside of electrical fields,
Xile 300 7 UC 40,000
solids, or liquids. The beams may be fired through such things after dis-
Xpatriot 2050 7 U 400,000 placing, however. They also cannot be displaced inside of active Flux
Xpulse 450 7 UC 80,000 shields (although a Flux shielded target may be fired ’past’ by displac-
Xpulse 2 2150 7 UC 130,000 ing the beam on the other side of the shielded being or item). Powerful
electromagnetic fields can also hinder the displacement (at the BM’s
DISPLACEMENT WEAPONS discretion). As with Atomic Particle Weapons, armor Threshold is
The technology to move particles almost instantaneously from one reduced by 2 when determining damage, and absorption polymers are
place to another has been in use by a number of races for centuries. ignored (due to the speed of the particles). All damage that passes
Humans were teleporting quantum particles as early as the late 20th Threshold does straight body damage. The B-E particles do full damage
century. Of course, the Mutzachans had developed working quantum to Flux shields.
teleportation of large objects before humans even knew what a star The beams of particle weapons are a bright, intense blue, and users
really was. Displacement, on the other hand, wasn’t developed until have reported an unexplained crackling of energy at the other end of
much later, around the 22nd century. It wasn’t until late in the 23rd the displacement.
century that this technology was employed in a weapon system. The the-
ory is simple enough: the faster you get the ammunition to the target, Xile: AKM made a very Balshrom-ish move, beating everyone else
the more effective the weapon is. Displacement weapons are very new, to the punch by releasing the Xile (pronounced ’eks-ile’) into the field
very cutting-edge science, and as such are expensive and hard to find. test stage before primary testing results were completely analyzed. They
The manufacturers don’t even consider the weapons to be out of the dodged a bullet, and the weapon functions as intended. As the first
’field testing phase’ yet, but most of the results are already quite posi- Atomic Displacer put into use, it understandably utilizes a less-than-
tive. optimal targeting system, increasing the penalty for shooting past inter-
In order to get the displacers to move the projectiles such extreme vening objects to -35. The rate of fire is also lacking, and the weapon
distances with such a limited power supply, only low mass objects can can only displace the particle beam in a direct line with the barrel. But
be used as ammunition in these weapons. As a result, current displace- it’s the cheapest option in this market.



AD-1812: Ah, nothing like corporate espionage to make everyone PULSIE ON DISPLACEMENT WEAPONS
feel warm and fuzzy. A few months before the Xpulse 2 began field test-
ing, Balshrom, makers of a number of the leading models of K-Sats,
quite mysteriously found themselves in possession of some schematics
that allowed them to synch up their Displacer targeting systems with
remote satellites. Imagine that. When employing the K-Sat equipped
with a Target Locator (available for only 1,500cr after mail-in rebate
with proof of purchase of the AD-1812), penalties are reduced as for “The Feynman Field Generator.
the Xpulse 2. Beam may be vectored (see Xpulse for more info). Get one. Duh!”

AD-214: Balshrom lost a little revenue by waiting to release their

first Displacer until their testing was complete, but the result is a better
weapon all-around. The accuracy and damage are better than AKM’s
low-end Displacer, but the AD-214 can still only displace the beam in a
direct line with the barrel.

X-patriot: Highly experimental, representing AKM’s attempt to stay

ahead of the curve with Atomic Displacer tech. In addition to the nor-
mal particle beam, the Xpatriot features an under-barrel mounted pro-
jectile launcher which is also designed to be utilized with the displace-
ment generator. This secondary weapon fires tiny lightweight plastic
flechettes which are available in standard (IR 1)or high-explosive (1-8
damage - concussive, IR 0). The plastic used to make the flechettes pre-
vents them from penetrating armor with a Threshold of 3 or more.
The particle beam and flechette launcher cannot be fired simulta-
neously without risking a system overload (30% chance of a serious
malfunction-roll on the energy weapon malfunction table, re-rolling
any result below 50). Both the beam and the flechettes may be vectored. EXPLOSIVES PG. 4
However, since the flechettes have a much higher mass than the parti-
cles fired by this weapon, use of the flechette launcher reduces the TYPE DET UNIT DAMAGE ENC COST
weapons Q by 5 per shot when used with the vector system. The stan- Aerosol EF Can 2-12* 3 2,200
dard Xpatriot is not K-Sat compatible, but that feature may be added for
another $20,000cr (in addition to the cost of the K-Sat equipped with a EXPLOSIVES: DETONATORS PG. 4
Target Locator). Particle Beam Effective Range: 400m. Flechette
Launcher Effective Range: 700m TYPE TL AV COST
Atmopspheric Pressure Detonator 3 R 200
Xpulse: The first major improvement in Displacer weapons didn’t
involve damage or targeting, but an improved ability to displace the B-
E particles. AKM’s Xpulse can displace the particle stream to contact the Aerosol Explosive: This explosive is contained in a gas form and held
target on any vector. In other words, the beam can be adjusted to hit the inside a spray can. The can is available in a number of container
target from any direction, not just in a straight line from the weapon’s designs that make it look like a common household items such as paint,
barrel. This can, among other uses, reduce the penalty to fire past cleaning supplies, or even spray deodorant. The gas is colorless, odor-
objects that are very close to the target to -30, provided that there is at less, and the contents of the entire container take 10 seconds to expel.
least one direction from which the target is not occluded by the nearby The nozzle can be set to the “open” position so that it does not have to
object. In the case of the target hiding behind the large rock, for exam- be held down manually for the whole 10 seconds. The gas is designed
ple, the penalty is reduced given that the target isn’t completely sur- to be used in an enclosed space, usually where an explosive device
rounded by large rocks. You can simply hit him from behind. would be too obvious. Winds or ventilation systems will eventually dis-
perse the gas (BMs discretion). For each second the can’s contents are
Xpulse 2: A further upgrade to AKM’s line, featuring built-in com- expelled enough explosive gas is emitted to do 2d6 points of damage,
patibility with K-Sats to increase targeting accuracy. A K-Sat can be pur- with the entire can capable of doing 20d6 points of damage (2d6
chased with a Target Locator, which will transmit targeting coordinates dam/sec x 10 seconds to empty can = 20d6).
back to the Displacer, reducing penalties for hitting targets behind A single can of gas will fill a 5m x 5m x 5m room (125 cubic
cover to -15 (additional features may be added to the K-Sat as per the meters). Anything in the room will take damage when the gas is ignit-
listings in Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics). As with the Xpulse, the ed. If the room is doubled in size, then everyone in the room will take
particle stream may be vectored. Damage and range have also been 1/2 damage as the gas is more dispersed. If the room is tripled the
improved. specified size, everyone takes 1/4 damage. If the room is quadruple the
specified size the gas will “flash burn” catching everything on fire, caus-


ing 1d6/2 points of fire damage to each exposed body area, but it will PULSIE ON FLAMETHROWERS
not actually “explode.” The dispersion effect in larger rooms can be
counter-acted simply by using one additional can for each additional
125 cubic meters of space you need to fill. “Oh, flamethrowers. Good
The explosive is heat sensitive and is typically set off with a care- choice. Being set on fire is never
fully placed sniper shot (incendiary round or laser), since a detonator fun, which is why Balshrom
would be equally as visible as normal explosive. The armored can has offers the Halon Mist armor
a THR of 3 and an INT of 1. Don’t try lighting this spray from this can option. Within milliseconds of
with your cigarette lighter. detecting a fire on your armor,
Balance Rating: 2 this system sprays a dense fog of
halon-like gas from dozens of
Atmospheric Pressure Detonator: This detonator is programmed nozzles embedded all around
to activate when the atmospheric pressure on the detonator reaches a the armor. This system usually
pre-set value. The detonator can be set from 0 to 100 atmospheres in puts out armor fires in 1 second,
increments of 0.10 atmospheres. The unit is water-tight so it can also and has enough gas for 5 uses.
be used underwater or in other liquids, which means the detonator is The gas can be harmful to oxy-
good for building make-shift depth charges. gen breathers, but the mist does
Balance Rating: 1 not last long enough to harm
unprotected sentients.”
Backup Fire 5 3-4
-4- UC 450
FL-52 “Friendly Fire” 75 5 UC 20,000 FLUX INTERFERENCE GENERATORS PG. 4
FLAMETHROWERS Backup (FIG) Series II 40 5-6 R 18,000

Backup Fire: Another weapon in Tri-Corp’s backup series this weapon

is a tiny, three-shot flame-thrower, pistol. The pistol is easily conceal- FLUX INTERFERENCE GENERATORS (FIGS)
able and like its name implies it is designed to be used as a last-ditch
Backup (FIG) Series II: Designed as a last-resort weapon, this FIG is
weapon, when nothing more suitable is available. Refill canisters fit in
a small pistol that is designed to be easily concealed. It has a very lim-
the top of the pistol and require a half-action to exchange. The cone of
ited power supply. It can come in handy on occasion.
flame emitted by this pistol is only 0.5 meters wide.
Balance Rating: 1
Balance Rating: 1

Friendly Fire: This weapon is actually designated the FL-52, but it’s FIGS - OPTIONAL RULES
easy to see how it got its name. Designers at Tri-Corp, an upstart mega-
corporation testing the waters of weapons development, designed this Alternate FIG Damage System: An alternate way to use Flux
flamethrower around a single concept: keeping the user alive in the Interference Generators is to have them weaken Flux shields against
event of a tank rupture. To that end, taking a cue from frost gun designs other attacks, rather than ablate (damage) them like weapon’s fire.
they placed a thick sheet of polymer-embedded flexsteel between the This alternate damage system requires a little more bookkeeping, but
tank and the user, and dramatically strengthened the side of the tank can add an exciting, new, tactical element to the game.
closer to the user, leaving the back of the tank less armored (Threshold
of 15). The results? In the event of a tank rupture, the flaming gases are • When a Flux shield is hit by a FIG, roll for damage normally and mul-
vented to the rear and sides of the wielder, who takes no damage (roll tiply the total by four.
for concussion damage as normal). The downside? The added protec-
tion sent the encumbrance through the roof, so the tank doesn’t hold • The amount of damage done by the FIG, as detailed above, is subtract-
as much fuel as other flamethrowers, and it’s heavy. Worse yet, your ed from the Flux shield’s point total. Be sure to record this number,
buddies take all of that flame damage that was meant for you. Anyone you may need it later!
within 15m of the back or sides of the tank when it is ruptured takes
full damage as usual. Everyone loves using the Friendly Fire, but no one • Damage to the Flux shield from other weapons, before or after the
likes anyone else using one. The Friendly Fire can fire continuously for FIG hit(s), is subtracted from the Flux shields current point total just
up to 12 seconds. Due to the specialized design, more heavily armored as it is normally.
tanks are not available.
Balance Rating: 1 •A FIG that has struck a Flux shield will not do any more damage to the
Flux after the initial hit.



• A successful attack roll must be made each segment to maintain the

reduction to the enemies’ Flux caused by the FIG. TACTICS TO PRACTICE

Gauss Guns: EMP rounds make excellent K-Sat killers. With the
• If the FIG fails to hit the Flux for any reason then the Flux shield
threshold reduction they also work well for punching through
immediately gains a number of points equal to damage initially done by
the enemy’s missile racks too.
that FIG. This can occur if the FIG shooter misses their target, the FIG
runs out of power (Q = 0) or is destroyed, or the target moves out of
range or behind cover. GAUSS GUNS - OPTIONAL RULES
• If a Flux is reduced to zero or less points at any time it immediately The Flux Stop Principle
ceases to function and no longer protects the user. Be sure to keep If the target has an active Flux shield OR armor with a THR higher than
track of the total amount of damage done to the Flux at that point, the THR-R of the weapon, the round does double damage. Subtract the
even if it drops the Flux’s point total into negative numbers! THR-R of the weapon from the target’s THR before applying the “dou-
bled” damage. This is because the target must absorb ALL the energy
• Remember that if a FIG fails to successfully attack the Flux for any rea- of the projectile in order to stop it. If the target does not have a THR
son after a previous successful attack then the amount of damage done higher than the weapons THR-R or a Flux, then the projectile is
by FIG is immediately added to the Flux’s point total. If the Flux was assumed to have passed through it and thus do less damage. This rule
inactive at that time because its point total was zero or less and the addi- only applies if the round being fired is capable of doing damage to the
tion of the FIG damage to the Flux’s point value brings it up to a posi- target. For example, an EMP round would NOT do double damage on
tive number then the Flux immediately reactivates and again protects its impact with a Flux or armor, since it doesn’t do damage to the target as
user. the result of its impact. Your EMP is not going to get any bigger whether
the gauss shell stops or not.
• If the damage to the Flux by weapons other than the FIG has brought Balance Rating: 5
the Flux’s point total to zero or less then it can not be reactivated, even
if the FIG shooter stops firing. Silent Mode
Though it is not recommended by most manufacturers, gauss weapons
• Flux shields that are deactivated (Flux points ≤ 0) by FIG fire can not may be fired nearly silently, by reducing the speed of the projectile.
have their point total further reduced by weapon’s fire. For example, if When fired in this mode gauss weapons lose all threshold reduction
a FIG reduces a Flux shield from 100 points to -30, the Flux becomes and range is reduced by 50%. So a gauss weapon that could originally
inoperable. If that FIG stops attacking the Flux its point value returns reach targets in range bracket 8 could only reach a target in range
to 100. However, while the Flux is inoperative there is no way to reduce bracket 4 (round down for odd numbers) when fired in silent mode.
those 100 points of remaining power. The problem with firing the projectile at a slower speed is that it may
not have enough momentum to keep it from being welded to the rails
• BMs may decide that they want the damage done by FIGs to be a con- used to propel it. When fired in silent mode an immediate malfunction
stant. In that case simply take the maximum damage of your Flux inter- roll must be made. Failure (rolling over the weapon’s MN number)
ference generator quadruple it. The weapon will do exactly that amount indicates that the projectile has been melted to the firing rails and the
of damage to any Flux it hits. weapon has been rendered useless. Only by replacing the expensive fir-
Balance Rating: 4 ing rails can the weapon be repaired. This costs 35% of the original
cost and takes 2d4 weeks to receive the parts.
Balance Rating: 1
For example, your character has a FIG that normally does 4-40 point of dam-
age. Your opponent has a Flux shield that provides 1000 points of protection
and has taken 100 points of damage, reducing its level of protection to 900 GEWS - OPTIONAL RULES
points. You blast your opponent with your FIG and do 30 points of damage. We
A-Grav Cancellation: By modulating the beam (half-action) a GEW
multiply 30 by 4 and get 120 points. So your opponent’s Flux is reduced by 120 can also be used to counter-act the effects of a-grav systems as well as
points for as long as you keep hitting it with your FIG. So he’s down to 780 a-grav belts. When used in this manner GEWs don’t move a target, but
points left in his Flux. That means you’ll have to make a successful Weaponry the GEW will cancel out a-grav on a point-for-point basis, to a minimum
(Energy Weapons) skill check every second to keep the beam pointed your tar- of zero. So if a target has an a-grav belt that reduces their ENC by 40
get’s Flux. and they are hit by a 15 point GEW set to cancel out a-grav, their a-grav
belt now reduces ENC by only 25 points. This effect remains in play for
Now let’s say your opponent gets hit with a Reflex missile that does 800 points as long as the target is being struck by the GEW. Hits from multiple
of damage. His Flux is reduced to -20. Yes, it’s important to keep track of even GEWs configured to cancel out a-grav are cumulative.
negative Flux values using these rules. Now you opponent’s Flux is useless. Your Balance Rating: 4
buddies can blast away at him with abandon. Now let’s assume you miss your
attack roll and your FIG does not hit your opponent this segment. His Flux
regains the 120 points of damage caused by your FIG, which brings his Flux
shield point total up to +100 at which point his Flux reactivates.



Cizerack Spore Grenade (Flesh-Eating): This grenade releases a

cloud of bacterial spores that quickly reanimate when exposed to oxy-
gen (even the oxygen in methane atmospheres). The newly active air-
borne bacteria attack the flesh of most carbon-based lifeforms in the
Bomb Mat 3-4 UC 150
area of effect, eating it away at a rapid pace. The bacteria are short-
CSG (Flesh-Eating) 4-5 VR 7,000
lived, dying off 3-seconds after release. Damage is 1d12 (straight body
CSG (Suffocation) 3-5 R 3,500
point damage) to anyone in the grenade’s 3 meter radius. Gemini are
CSG (Bio-Luminescent) 3-5 R 450
completely immune, and due to a physiological quirk, Mazians suffer
Corrosive Smoke 3-4 R 1,800
only half damage. The bacteria ignore all clothing, but full-body armor
EMP 5-6 R 60,000 that is not environmentally sealed reduces damage by half. Anyone who
Immobilizer 3-4 P 900 does not specifically attempt to hold their breath before the grenade
Impact Foam 4-5 UC 750 detonates risks inhaling the bacteria (50%) for an additional 1d4
Laser 4-5 UC 60,000 points of damage (this damage is not halved by armor).
Magnetic Modification 3-4 P +50 Environmentally sealed armor negates all damage. The damage inflict
MDD 6 VR 250,000 ed by these grenades causes terrible scarring if left to heal naturally
Nanoid Delivery 5-6 UC 2,000 (i.e. not via matrix or BRI), resulting in a Charisma penalty of 2d10.
Neuro 5-6 VC N/A Damage from inhalation left to heal naturally causes a Constitution loss
Neuro Elite 5-6 R N/A of 1d10, as the scarring on the surface of the lungs inhibits efficient
Paint 3 UC 250 breathing. Note that these grenades cause no damage to a target’s
Phase Nullification 7 300,000
weapons or equipment.
Balance Rating: 1
Rad Pulse 5-6 VR 20,000
Scatter Smoke 5-6 UC 400
Cizerack Spore Grenades (Suffocation): Designed by the Cats as a
Seismic 5-6 UC 300
’peaceful’ way to end hostile engagements, this grenade causes no
Sting Ball 3-4 C 300
direct bodily damage, but is instead intended to render the victim
Stun Mat 3-4 C 300 unconscious. This is accomplished through the release of the Bolial
Stun Grenade 5-6 C 5,500 mold spore, which acts as an extreme irritant to the mucous mem-
Super Sonic Pulse 5-6 UC 5,500 branes of the victim. The spores cause the mouth and nose (or equiva-
Vulcan G1 5-6 UC 800 lent) of the target to swell shut, cutting off all breathing. The swelling
Vulcan G2 5-6 R 3,000 reduces to normal in 1d4+1 minutes, after which most sentient beings
have been rendered unconscious, and most of those are still capable of
GRENADES being revived. Peaceful, maybe. Humane? That depends on how you
view suffocating until you pass out.
Bomb Mat: The bomb mat is basically a thin strip of explosive materi- A successful Biological SMR reduces the duration of the swelling
al, about the size of a news magazine. The device can either be pressure by half. Holding one’s breath before detonation provides only a 40%
activated or remotely activated. These are great for stashing under vehi- chance of avoiding the effects, as the spores are still able to invade the
cle tires, door mats, and seat cushions. Any pressure above 20-psi trig- target’s orifices. Covering one’s orifices brings the chance of avoidance
gers the device once it’s armed. The possibilities are endless, and no to 60%. Gemini, Mazians, and any being who has no need to breathe
doubt the Orion in your group will have fun thinking of them. The mat are immune to all effects of this grenade, as are those in environmen-
is available in two varieties. The first model is does concussion dam- tally contained armor or clothing. The spores stay active in a 5 meter
age only. The second model does both concussion & frag damage radius after detonation for a full 2 minutes, after which time they die.
because it includes a thin metal plate that’s anchored to the top of the Anyone still within that radius who manages to avoid the initial attack
explosive and breaks up on detonation creating metal shrapnel. Treat by holding their breath and/or covering their orifices must roll (40% or
the Bomb Mat exactly like a M-75 frag grenade, except the concussion- 60%) every round until they are out of the area of effect, or the spores
only model does no fragmentation damage. have died. BMs should feel free to impose penalties to skill checks
Balance Rating: 1 made while a character is holding his breath, taking into account both
how long he has been holding his breath, and the maximum duration
Cizerack Spore Grenades he may hold his breath. (See the Breathing skill for guidelines on hold-
ing one’s breath. Note that all characters will breathe normally once
The Cizerack homeworlds, while often appearing to be lush paradises
they can no longer hold their breath.)
worthy of retirement or vacationing, are in reality home to some of the
Balance Rating: 1
nastier biological entities that any of the Alliance races have learned to
coexist with. The Cats, in tune with their surroundings, have learned to
Cizerack Spore Grenade (Bio-Luminescent): Cizeracks see fairly
harness many of these ’biologics’ and turn them into rather gruesome
well in the dark, but any advantage helps. This grenade releases bio-
and effective weapons. While originally jealously safe-guarded and used
luminescent plant spores upon detonation. The spores settle harmless-
only by the Cizeracks themselves, these weapons have lately begun find-
ly within a 5 meter radius, coating everything in range. They are photo-
ing their way into the mainstream arms race.
and heat sensitive, meaning that they begin to glow as the ambient light



decreases, and they glow brighter the warmer they get. The effect is to able only as a launched grenade. Too many Ram Pythons dropped the
provide anyone viewing the detonation sight with a rudimentary heat- thrown version at the same time they jumped out the combat skimmer.
vision. At night all warm-blooded creatures within the radius will easi- Ram impacts. Cushion inflates. This grenade is still occasionally used by
ly stand out from the non-living and immobile matter around them, and special ops forces across the Alliance when the situation requires it.
will become even more visible should they leave the blast area. While Balance Rating: 3
within the grenade’s original 5 meter blast radius, all affected beings
have +5% added to the accuracy of all weapons targeting them. If they Laser Grenade: Commonly referred to as the Hot Echidna because of
leave the area, the spores are even easier to spot, and the bonus rises its shape, this grenade is actually a series of bundled lasing rods con-
to +10%. The spores are quite tacky, sticking to all surfaces until nected to common power source. When the grenade “detonates” the
scrubbed off with soap and water or a solvent, and they remain bio- light from the explosion hits the lasing rods causing them to fire simul-
luminescent for 1d4 days. Note that no benefits are gained in full day- taneously a fraction of a second before they are vaporized in the explo-
light or the equivalent artificial light, and BMs may feel free to adjust the sion. The grenade is weighted so it always lands business-side up.
bonuses to reflect varying degrees of ambient light in-between daylight The grenade does 2-12 points of concussion and releases 1d4
and complete darkness. fragments that do 1d4 points of damage. The real damage from this
Balance Rating: 1 grenade comes from the multiple laser beams emitted as the grenade
detonates, which do 2-12 points of damage (per beam hit). The lasers
Corrosive Smoke Grenade: This grenade is identical to the Corrosive go out to range bracket 4 and the beams become more widely dis-
Smoke mag gun munition, except it is capable of filling 80 cubic feet. persed the farther away from the grenade you get. Targets within 2
Balance Rating: 1 meters are hit by 1d4 beams. Any target in Range Bracket one has an
80% chance to be struck by 1d4 beams. In Range Bracket two, targets
EMP: This grenade generates an EMP pulse that requires all electronic have a 40% chance to be struck by 1d4/2 beams. In Range Bracket
weapons and equipment within a 10 meter area to make an EMP SMR three, targets have a 20% chance to be struck by a single beam. In
with a –30 penalty or cease functioning. It can be thrown 1/8 of one’s Range Bracket four, targets have a 5% chance to be struck by a single
Strength in meters. No launched version available. beam. This grenade can be thrown 1/8 of one’s Strength in meters.
Balance Rating: 2 This grenade can not be purchased in a launched configuration
because it is too bulky and fragile. The manufacturer suggests that you
Immobilizer Grenade: This grenade is identical to the immobilizer throw it and get behind some serious cover, or use it as a spider (aka
mag gun munition, except the darts shoot up to 3 meters and 3d6 darts robot) grenade. The manufacturer is not responsible for any injuries
anchor each target. Darts do 1d2 points of damage to objects hit. that result from the use of this weapon. There are multiple lawsuits and
Balance Rating: 1 bans against this weapon in the works. Get ’em while you can.
Balance Rating: 3
Impact Foam Grenade: This grenade exudes an impact retarding,
air-filled, 3m x 3m x 3m foam cushion that is used to absorb falls or Magnetic Grenades: Most major weapons manufacturers have begun
collisions. The foam cushion slowly dissipates after impact leaving only offering their standard grenades in magnetic versions, for only a slight
a transparent, wet, residue. The foam is only able to absorb impacts cost increase. Slightly larger than the standard versions, these grenades
from large “bulky” items, like personnel or vehicles. Projectile activate a powerful electro-magnet shortly after being thrown, thus
weapons and edged melee weapons will pass through the foam cushion enabling the attacker to stick a thrown grenade to a target’s armor,
with no reduction in velocity and no affect on the cushion. Impacts weapons, or to vehicles or other metal targets. The magnet isn’t strong
from larger weapons or explosions will cause the cushion to deflate and enough to increase the attacker’s range bracket numbers, but does
dissipate making it useless. The foam cushion is able to absorb 100 firmly affix the grenade to the target with a successful attack roll. The
points of impact damage. Any excess damage is applied to the item or grenade may be removed using the same methods as with mag rounds,
items that hit the cushion. Any collision with the cushion that does but the strength check only needs to be made at a -60. Damage is also
more than 40 points of damage will cause it to deflate and dissipate. not increased. The main benefit being that you prevent your target from
Heavy rains will also cause the cushion to dissolve within 30-60 sec- escaping the blast. The cost of magnetic grenades is 50 credits above
onds. the cost of the normal version of the grenade. They are not available in
Before the advent of displacer technology these devices and drop launched versions, due to a conflict of interests with the Mag Gun market.
pods were used as the standard means of quickly and quietly inserting Balance Rating: 2
personnel into a hostile combat zone. Whereas drop pods were typi-
cally used from orbit, impact foam is used to break the falls of armored MDD Grenade: Perhaps one of the most expensive grenades ever
soldiers from jumps out of low-flying, combat skimmers. Soldiers developed the MDD grenade is equipped with a small MDD-24 that
would leap from their vehicles and fire an impact foam grenade (usu- allows it to create a temporary hole in solid objects. The grenade is typ-
ally from a M-203) at the ground directly below them to break their fall. ically armed with an impact fuse and is designed to create the hole in
Editors Note: A failed Direct Fire skill check (no called shot penalties) the first object that it comes in contact with once activated and thrown.
indicates you miss the cushion and take normal falling damage. The The grenade is capable of creating a temporary “hole” that is 15cm
grenade is rated to safely catch falling armored personnel up to size thick x 0.5 m wide x 1 m heigh. The grenade has enough power for 3
class 8 from a height of 50 meters, though the cushion is theoretically seconds of run time, before the field collapses along with the hole. The
capable of breaking falls from up to 100 meters. This grenade is avail- grenade is reusable up to 5 times before being permanently burnt out,



but requires a recharge (3 hours at the outlet, or 1 hour with a Mrs. the results are horribly successful. Witness as an example the seismic
Fusion) between activations. This grenade can not be purchased as a grenade. This grenade unleashes a powerful sonic wave when triggered,
launched grenade as the electronics are too fragile to survive the G- a sonic wave with a very carefully structured resonance. The wave pass-
forces of being launched. The grenade does no damage to living tar- es almost harmlessly through metal and flesh, but inflicts terrible dam-
gets. The grenade disappears once activated, and reappears after 3-sec- age to bone, enamel, and other similar substances. At maximum yield,
onds. Objects, including characters, that are movable can be moved a seismic grenade can completely shatter the target’s bones. It can be
away from the blast site, but the “hole” stays at site of grenades detona- thrown 1/4 of one’s Strength in meters.
tion for the entire 3-seconds. Damage to bones and other hard tissue is 3-12, divided among all
Balance Rating: 3 affected sections. Damage is handled exactly like standard concussion,
including reducing damage as the distance to the target increases, with
Nanoid Delivery Grenade: This grenade sprays nanoids up to 3 the following exceptions: Damage to soft tissue is negligible (0-1 points
meters in all directions when it detonates. The grenade can be filled added to total damage, and applied across all affected sections). Metal
with up to 100 points of nanoids. All targets without 100% cover are armor is undamaged, both in Integrity and Absorption, but intact
automatically struck by 4d6 points of nanoids. Targets are hit in a ran- absorption does reduce the damage yield by half (still 0-1 points of soft
dom order, until no targets remain or the supply of nanoids (max 100) tissue damage). Ceramic armor takes integrity damage normally. Armor
is exhausted. The effects vary depending on the type of nanoids used. Threshold in both cases is ignored. If a critical hit is inflicted, re-roll
This grenade can be reloaded and reused. any results that do not indicate bone damage. Damage is doubled for
Balance Rating: 2 Gemini (they are made of rock!), and halved for Phentari (their skele-
tons are more like cartilage than bone). Mazians, on the other hand,
Neuro: A thrown or launched version of the Neuro mag round. Radius are completely unaffected by this grenade.
and effects are identical. Do to the vicious nature of these weapons and the extremely
Balance Rating: 2 painful and gruesome damage they cause, the Alliance Government is
currently being lobbied to outlaw seismic grenades. The push is being
Neuro Elite: A thrown or launched version of the Neuro Elite mag led by the Ashanti and the Zen. Seismic grenades also inflict double
round. Radius and effects are identical. structural damage to rock, cement, glass, and other similar substances.
Balance Rating: 2 Phentari love them, but almost everyone else doesn’t. These grenades
are very hard to find on non-Phentari planets, and many local govern-
Paint Grenade: Identical to the Paint Round mag gun munition except ments have already declared them illegal.
the payload is larger. The range is doubled to 30 meters and the Balance Rating: 4
grenade has a 75% chance to cover the face-plate of anyone in range.
Balance Rating: 1 Stingball: The Stingball is a non-lethal grenade designed to disperse
hostile crowds. The grenade uses a low power explosive charge to dis-
Phase Nullification Grenade: This grenade is identical to the Phase perse 60 rubber balls, each about a half inch in diameter. The projec-
Nullification mag gun munition except it will function for 30 rounds tiles hit anything within a 9 meter radius of the grenade when it goes off.
before requiring a recharge. A favorite of special ops and SWAT teams A target within 1 meter of the grenade is hit by 2d4 projectiles. A tar-
everywhere. It can be thrown 1/6 of one’s Strength in meters. get within 2 meters of the grenade is hit by 1d6 projectiles. Targets
Balance Rating: 1 between 3 and 5 meters are hit by 1d4 projectiles, and targets beyond
5 meters are hit by 1d6/2 projectiles. Even partial cover may not pro-
Rad Pulse: This grenade generates an intense pulse of radiation that tect a target inside the grenades blast range when in an enclosed area
does 4 points of damage to every living thing with 10 meters. The pulse as the rubber balls bounce off most hard surfaces.
has the exact same effects as a Rad Cannon including ignoring Each ball causes 1d4+1 points of temporary damage. Victims that
Absorption, Threshold, and cover. Only a Flux shield or a rad-liner take damage must make an Aggression check with a penalty equal to the
provides any protection from the pulse. The manufacturer highly sug- damage sustained in the attack to avoid fleeing. It can be thrown 1/4 of
gests purchasing these grenades only in a spider or launcher-ready one’s Strength in meters. Armor negates all damage to protected areas.
form so you don’t cook yourself. These grenades are highly illegal with- Balance Rating: 1
in Alliance space, but Tri-Corps manufacturing facilities located beyond
the territorial rim are more than happy to build one for you. Stun Mat: This device is a thin mat that can be slid under a door.
Balance Rating: 5 Anyone within 3 meters must make a Sonic SMR or be stunned (unable
to act) and deafened for 1d4 rounds. In addition, targets within 3
Scatter Smoke Grenade: This grenade is identical to the Scatter meters must also make a Radiation SMR or be temporarily blinded for
Smoke mag gun munition, except it is capable of filling 40 cubic feet of 2d4 seconds. Also available as a standard thrown (flash/bang)
space with smoke. grenade.
Balance Rating: 1 Balance Rating: 1

Seismic Grenade: Phentari rarely make big waves in the world of Super Sonic Pulse Grenade: This grenade is identical to the Super
weapons R&D, typically being content to find new and interesting ways Sonic Pulse mag gun munition except it has a range of 10 meters.
to kill with the inventions of others. But when they do make the effort, Balance Rating: 1



Vulcan G1: The thrown grenade version of the Vulcan mag round, this either side of the target will be struck by one baton.
grenade duplicates metal gun effects. Because of size limitations, the G1 Each baton causes 1d6+1 points of temporary damage. If the target
uses the same technology as the mag round, transmitting the magnetic is hit in the head, chest, or abdomen and takes Body Point damage
disruptor pulse directly through the armor of the target, rather than (Temp or Real), they must make a System Shock check. Failure to
through the air. To this end, the G1 is only available as a magnetic make the System Shock check results in the target being stunned and
grenade, and thus is not available in a launched version. The grenade unable to act for 3d4 rounds. If the target is hit in another area, sub-
reduces Threshold by 2 and Integrity by 10. It can be thrown 1/3 of tract the damage done by the projectile from the target’s AGL when
one’s Strength in meters. using the appendage struck. This effect lasts for 4d4 hours. Battle
Balance Rating: 3 Masters may require that victims struck make an Aggression check with
a penalty equal to the damage sustained in the attack to avoid fleeing.
Vulcan G2: A larger, more powerful version of the G1, the G2 reduces Armor negates all damage to protected areas.
Threshold by 4 and Integrity by 20. The G2 can only be thrown 1/4 of Balance Rating: 1
one’s strength in meters. Only available as a magnetic grenade, and only
in a thrown version. Shot: Designed as a weapon of last resort, this M-200 grenade is
Balance Rating: 3 loaded with 00 buckshot which can be fired directly at an attacker. The
weapon does 6d4 points of damage, and has an effective range of about
GRENADES - LAUNCHED GRENADES 20 meters. The launcher must make a System Shock roll after firing this
round. Balance Rating: 1
Ballistic Bag 3-5 UC 50
Rubber Baton 3-5 UC 75
Shot 3-4 R 150
Cargo Space 3-4 P Varies

GRENADES - LAUNCHED GRENADES Target Locator 5-7 C 1,850

Target Locator PLUS 5-7 UC 8,000
Ballistic Bag: This M-200 series grenade shoots a lightweight ballistic
bag at target that causes a painful, blunt-force impact. The bag causes
2d4 points of temporary damage. If the target is is hit in the head, chest, Cargo Space: We thought to ourselves, “Self. What else could you pos-
or abdomen and takes Body Point damage (Temp or Real), they must sibly add to a K-sat to make it little classier? Burlwood veneer?” Then
make a System Shock check. Failure to make the System Shock check the idea struck us. A glove compartment. That’s what K-Sats need! A
results in the target being stunned and unable to act for 3d4 rounds. If place to stick grenades, ammo, maps… Mazians. You can devote a
the target is hit in another area, subtract the damage done by the pro- portion of a K-Sats ENC load to empty storage space. Ten percent of the
jectile from the target’s AGL when using the appendage struck. This ENC allocated to the Cargo Space is used for lockable doors and hinges
effect lasts for 4d4 hours. The projectile has a range of about 12 and such, but the rest can be used for cargo. So say you have a
meters. Armor negates all damage to protected areas. Balance BattleSphere K-Sat that can hold 100 ENC. You’ve already used up 20
Rating: 1 ENC and want to devote the remaining 80 ENC to cargo. So you lose 8
points of ENC for the door mechanism and other modifications neces-
OC: This M-200 series grenade fires a cloud of tear gas directly at tar- sary to install the cargo space, leaving you with a K-Sat that can tote
gets within 6 meters of the shooter. The tear gas that causes the eyes to around 72 ENC of equipment. Unlike the Mazaround, a Mazian in a
water, coughing, and a burning sensation on exposed skin. Targets are cargo space can not use its sonar or pilot the K-Sat. This K-Sat option
entitled to a Poison SMR. Those who fail their SMR receive a –50 has a cost equal to twice the ENC devoted to the Cargo Space.
penalty to their AGL, MD, and visual modifier for 2d4 minutes. Targets K-Sats with cargo spaces are a great way to get equipment to a
that remain in the cloud or are significantly covered by the OC dust buddy that’s pinned down without risking your own neck. Mark it with
must make an SMR once a round until they fail or the dust is washed a red cross and use it deliver medical supplies to the Zen treating the
off. Reduce the duration of the penalties by half, if the target washes out wounded. Fill it full of booze and have it hover just out of reach of the
his eyes and rises off exposed skin. Environmental containment pre- Orion. The possibilities are endless. Admittedly this makes for a really
vents this round from having any effect. Balance Rating: 1 expensive self-propelled suitcase, especially when you could just go buy
a PTB (Personal-Transport-Bot), but try putting a Flux shield on one of
Rubber Baton: This M-200 series grenade fires three rubber projec- those and flying it through enemy territory at 100kph looking for its
tiles, which can travel up to 10 meters. The batons can be bounced off owner. “Excuse Me.” “My owner is…” BOOM! THUD. Dead PTB –
solid surfaces, and spread further apart the farther they travel allowing along with all your gear. Not a good idea.
them to hit multiple targets at extreme ranges. If the target is within 5 Balance Rating: 1
meters he is struck by all three batons. If the target is between 6 and 7
meters two batons strike him, and anyone standing directly next to him Target Locator: This little accessory allows a K-sat to radio the coor-
(BMs discretion) is struck by a single baton. At distances farther than dinates of an enemy back to the targeting computer of any friendly mor-
7 meters the target will be struck by one baton and anyone standing to tar, artillery, PMS2 launchers, Rad Cannons, or K-Sat compatible Atomic



Displacer in range. A K-Sat using a Target Locator has to be between 5

and 30 meters of any target it designates for incoming fire. K-sats with
Target Locators are capable of communicating with any friendly target- TYPE ER TL AV COST
ing computer within 5,000 meters. Targeting computers that are out of Savage-E 200 7 R 150,000
range can be reached by relaying the signal off of another K-Sat or K- Shotgun-1 25 7 UC 500,000
Sats equipped with a Target Locator. Sherman 45 7 R 2.5M
Only one target can be designated per Target Locator installed in
the K-Sat. K-sats must make a sighting check to identify targets. K-sats
that are piloted manually by a visual remote require that the operator
make the sighting check. K-sats with AI systems, including both pAI sys- Savage-E (Pistol): The first impact laser pistol on the market the
tems, a Brain Module, or a Genius Module are assumed to have a visu- Savage-E is really just a BC-Violator that has been chopped down to pis-
al modifier of zero, plus any bonuses or penalties from their Intuition tol size. It lacks the amazing reliability of the standard Savage series, but
score. K-sats equipped with UV or IR optics allow their AI systems or people are willing to pay through the nose-equivalent regardless for a
manual operators to make sighting checks using the bonuses provided concealable, one-handed, impact laser.
by those optics. See the Missile Technology section in this PDF for more Balance Rating: 4
information on sighting checks in the UV and IR spectrum. Cam Flybots
can also be equipped with a Target Locator or Target Locator PLUS (see Shotgun-1: The first widely available impact laser shotgun, the
below) but unlike a K-Sat they can only hold one. Shotgun-1 is a formidable weapon that is capable of dishing out the
Though encrypted, a Target Locator transmission can still be damage. The weapon emits 2d4 beams doing 4d6 damage per beam.
detected – though not deciphered - by a HIC. There’s nothing more dis- Like all shotgun lasers the range is crappy and the ammo supply is lim-
turbing that an HIC telling you that something in your area is sending ited, but the weapon is comparably light compared to conventional
transmissions to the enemy. You don’t know if it just sent in your coor- laser weapons.
dinates to that artillery cannon. Better start running and looking for Balance Rating: 4
that damn K-Sat spotter! A Target Locator increases the gunner’s
chance to hit by 20%. This bonus does not apply to Atomic Displacers Sherman: The most powerful shotgun laser available, the Sherman
or Rad Cannons. packs a wallop. With every pull of the trigger it fires 1d4 beams doing
Note: Remember that K-Sats with Guidance Packages 1 through 3 6d6 points of damage each. It’s expensive and you’ve only got ten shots,
can only designate preset targets, so you have to already know where so you better hit what you aim at, and carry extra power packs.
they are before you send the K-Sat in to mark them. Better hope they Balance Rating: 4
don’t move. Balance Rating: 4

Target Locator PLUS: This Target Locator is identical to the standard

Target Locator, but it is has a far superior range. The Target Locator LASERS - PAINTING LASERS PG. 4
PLUS has a communication range of 10,000 meters and a single “PLUS
Locator” can identify three targets simultaneously, rather than one. TYPE ER TL AV COST
Lastly, this model can specify any target it “sees” between 5 and 300 BC-Aim Master 350 4-5 C 18,000
meters. Balance Rating: 5 Target Plus 1000 4-5 C 25,000
Target Super 1230 5-6 R 75,000
Able Culprit-D 1400 7 VR 2.0M
“Looks like you’re inter- 2600 4-5 R
BC-Spotter 100,000
ested in lasers! Ab Liner is the
obvious choice, and is near the
top of Pulsie’s recommended
armor options. Nothing else LASERS - PAINTING LASERS
stops laser beams after they
have penetrated your A painting laser is a laser that “paints” the target with a dot of laser light,
armor…period. Laser shields rather than actually damaging the target. Reflex missiles in UV tracking
can be handy if you have a free mode will home in on the laser dot, increasing their chance to hit the
arm, and smoke generators can target. Once the missile comes into line-of-sight with the target an
cover your butt nicely. But the attack roll must be made each second by the painting laser shooter to
makers of the Reflection Suit and keep the laser dot on the target. This attack roll requires a full action
Opticon armor have released a and must be successful each second up until the missile(s) impacts the
new armor add-on: highly target. The damage rolled for the Painting Laser is applied as a bonus
reflective Anti-Laser Coating. It
to the missile’s accuracy. There is no need to re-roll the damage each
works great if you don’t mind
round. Apply the damage rolled from the first hit to the missiles accu-
racy for as long as the laser is on the target. If the character with the
being shiny!
Painting Laser misses, a new damage roll must be made when the laser



again hits the target. Painting lasers do absolutely no damage to the tar- Target Super: This Tri-corp painting laser is probably the best paint-
get they hit – the damage rolled is only applied to the accuracy of the ing laser on the market. It’s lightweight and durable, and comes with all
missile. kinds of goodies, including a built-in radar/laser detector so you know
Each time you fail your attack roll, the amount by which you failed when the enemy is tagging you back! The weapon has an excellent
your roll is subtracted from the missiles accuracy, the bonus for the range and is also equipped with a UV optics scanner that gives an esti-
painting laser is subtracted from the missile’s accuracy, and the missile mate of how well you’re painting the target based on the amount of sur-
must make a new attack roll. Failure indicates that the missile has face covered by the laser dot, as well as the curvature and reflective
veered off target to follow your errant laser dot and misses the target. properties of that surface. (Editor’s note: In game terms this allows
Success indicates the missile has compensated for your error. As you the character to know what the player rolled for damage.)
can see, the more often you fail to keep the dot on the target the more The scanner also allows the user to identify and mimic the wave-
you reduce the bonus the painting laser provides. In fact, repeated fail- length of an enemy painting laser so an incoming missile can be dis-
ures may actually reduce the missiles chance to hit below the missile’s tracted. To distract an incoming missile the character must make an
inherent accuracy (without the painting laser) because the missile successful attack roll against his comrade who is being “painted’ by the
keeps trying to follow your marker! enemy laser. If the damage rolled exceeds the damage of the enemy
The best part about using a painting laser is that the missile will hit painting laser the missile will lock onto mimic painting laser and ignore
exactly where you put the dot on the target. There is no need to roll ran- the enemy painting laser. The UV scanner in the weapon will let you
domly for the missile’s hit location. Whatever area the painting laser is know if your painting laser is “brighter” than your opponents. The
on just before the missile impact is the area the missile strikes. So it’s character can then intentionally move the beam away from the target in
that much sweeter when you make that called shot to the head of your hopes of drawing the missile off course. It’s a big gamble as you could
unsuspecting victim with your painting laser just before that Saylon mis- actually help the missile home on in your buddy, but at least it’s an
sile hits. option. To draw the missile off course, the character must make anoth-
Though painting lasers are a great way to make sure your indirect er attack roll (ignoring situational modifiers), and then subtract the
ordnance hits the target, some poor S.O.B. has to be in line of sight with amount by which they succeeded from the missiles accuracy.
the target to hit it with the laser. It’s a great job until the guy you’re Balance Rating: 4
painting figures out what your doing. Anybody with UV optics is likely
to see your painting laser beam (+75 to sighting checks) and since it’s Able Culprit-D: Able Corporation has taken the aiming laser concept
always on rather than a quick pulse they can follow the beam right back to the next level. The Able Culprit-D is a standard Able Culprit impact
to your location. You should also take note that it’s usually easier and laser (yes it does damage) that can be switched to “designator” mode;
cheaper, to take you out than the missile. Painting lasers make good hence the “-D” in the name, and used as a painting laser. In designator
weapons to mount on automated SAWMs. There is no reason you mode the weapon is capable of firing every second because of the
should waste time shooting something that does no damage, when the reduced power requirements. In impact laser mode the weapon’s ROF
targeting computer can do it for you. is the normal 1/3. When in designator mode the damage rolled is dou-
Note: If a target is covered by more than more than one painting bled before it is added to the missile’s accuracy.
laser, only apply the accuracy bonus from the beam that did the most Note: Firing the weapon in impact mode, then switching it desig-
“damage.” Do not add the aiming bonuses of the lasers together. From nator mode, and then back to impact mode does not allow the impact
that point on the missile will only follow the beam with the highest dam- laser to recharge any faster. You’re still stuck with the 1/3 ROF. Able
age, unless a “stronger” painting laser hits the target. Missiles can dif- says the Culprit’s range and accuracy make it a natural platform for a
ferentiate between “friendly” and “enemy” painting lasers based on the Painting Laser.
wavelength of the laser beam, which is programmed into the missile Balance Rating: 3
before launch.
BC-Spotter: A massive painting laser, the beam illuminates the target
BC-Aim Master: Another quality Balshrom product. This painting with a spot so bright, it can blind nearby UV optics. Critics have com-
laser is based off of the popular BC-Vindicator impact laser chassis. plained about the sheer size and weight of the weapon, but there’s no
The output has been reduced for use as a painting laser, which allows doubt that its accuracy at extreme ranges and target identification abil-
the batteries to last a lot longer. ities are unequaled. However, it’s also important to note that the char-
Balance Rating: 3 acter using this puppy might as well be standing next to a lighthouse; if
the enemy is equipped with UV optics they are going to see you (+100
Target Plus: Tri-corp is billing this new weapon as being built from the to sighting checks). As a result, Balshrom encourages BC-Spotter users
ground-up as a military-grade painting laser (Editor’s. Note: What else to “paint” their targets from behind, that way they’re less likely to notice
would you use a painting laser for if not a military application?) It’s a the beam. You can’t make a sighting check to see a target if you’re not
decent entry-level painting laser on par with its low-end Balshrom- looking in that direction, unless you’re a Phentari. The problem is the
made competitors. It comes with an anti-missile flare launcher (treat as minute you miss the target and the beam zips by his head, if he has UV
the armor option) in case the enemy spots you and decides to return optics the jig is up.
the favor. Balance Rating: 3
Balance Rating: 3



equipped with mag guns. This is a difficult and costly proposition, not
LIGHTSWORD - OPTIONAL RULES to mention the problems of coordinating all that outgoing fire between
Field Integrity: The plasma in a light sword is contained within a Flux individual shooters. That’s not a problem anymore. A single soldier
shield. In the rare case when the light sword is struck by something that equipped the BC-Monster can offer massive fire support to his team-
damages Flux shields (omega weapons, plasma weapons, other light mates by showering a single perp with less-than-lethal rounds, or spray-
swords, etc.) the Flux containment shield takes damage. The shield can ing offensive munitions into the ranks of charging arachnid troops!
take 50 points of such damage before failing. If the shield fails on an The Monster is very heavy and is typically carried into battle by two
activated sword, the plasma erupts in a 2m radius, doing 3-18 points of to three individuals, one of which is solely responsible for carrying and
damage to all in the area. Deactivating the sword for a half hour reloading the massive ammo box. The Monster comes equipped with a
recharges the Flux shield. bipod, though it can easily be mounted on a tripod or vehicle. Once in
The theory is that the Flux shield on the sword is turned inside out combat a single trooper can aim and fire the weapon, but typically a
thus allowing things in, but not out. Think of a Flux shield as a sheet second trooper stays with the weapon to assist in swapping out the
of sand paper. Rough on one side. Smooth on the other. You can push heavy ammo boxes. A full ammo magazine for this weapon has an ENC
objects through the sheet of sand paper as long as you start on the of 30 and a Threshold of 5. By the way, the ammo’s ENC of 30 is not
smooth side. So you could take a nail and drive it through the sand included in the ENC of the weapon!
paper if you pushed it through the smooth side. If you try pushing it The Monster has a variable rate of fire. Right out of the box the
through the rough side the sand paper becomes amazingly tough and weapon is set for a ROF of 2. However, by disengaging the overheat
the nail won’t penetrate. A Flux shield works in basically the same way. safeties the shooter can manually increase the rate of fire. The faster
Now to see how a light sword works, let’s use that sandpaper anal- the ROF the more likely the weapon will malfunction. The weapon must
ogy again. Take that piece of sandpaper and roll it into a cylinder with make a System Shock roll after each second if the ROF is set higher
the smooth side facing out. Now fill that “Flux cylinder” represented by than 2. The penalty for this System Shock check is –10 for each point
our sandpaper sheet with super-heated plasma! Mmm... good. Using of ROF above 3. So firing the weapon with a ROF of 3 would require a
our same nail & paper analogy, we try and take a nail and push it
through the cylinder. Since the smooth (weak) side is outside, the nail MORE TACTICS TO PRACTICE
effortlessly pushes through the paper. However, once the nail hits the
Mag Guns: There are a couple of things to remember when deal-
other side of the cylinder it’s the rough side of the paper. Remember the
ing with mag guns and their ammunitions. The first is that mag
rough side of the sandpaper is on the inside of the tube. As a result, the
guns were really designed to be dual purpose weapons. Their abil-
nail stops moving once it hits the other side of the cylinder on the
ity to stick to metal stuff makes them ideal for taking out armored
inside. This is how you can parry with a light sword. Once the object
personnel and lightly armored vehicles. As a result there are a
passes through the field and into the plasma, it can not pass out the
number of mag gun rounds with purely military applications – i.e.
“back” of the field. Now if we used a needle instead of a nail, the nee-
blowing stuff up.
dle will pass into the cylinder and then be incinerated by the plasma.
On the other hand, the mag gun round’s ability to stick to
So if you swing your light sword at say... a tree limb, the limb will be
their targets rather than instantaneously detonating on impact
incinerated and your swing will not be stopped when it hits the limb. If
makes them an excellent non-lethal weapon system. This means
you swing at somebody’s arm that’s covered in MBA armor, the sword
mag guns have applications outside of “blowing metallic stuff up.”
swing will be stopped when it impacts the armor because the armor
Typically the military has always used non-lethal weapons to
isn’t destroyed in the plasma stream so it impacts the back of the field
augment the lethality of their primary weapons, where as law
and stops the forward movement of the sword. It will however still take
enforcement utilizes non-lethal weapons to avoid unnecessary loss
damage from its little plasma bath while it is in contact with the sword.
of life. For instance, the military might use tear gas to flush an
Balance Rating: 4 M enemy out of a fox hole so he can be shot at more easily. In con-
MAG GUNS trast, law enforcement might use tear gas to “convince” a perp to
surrender or to reduce his ability to resist arrest, so lethal force
MAG GUNS PG. 5 isn’t required. Mag guns are no different, and this dual-purpose
helps explain the wide variety of munitions available. So be sure
TYPE ER TL AV COST to pick your munitions based on your goal – they’ve probably built
BC-Monster 1,700 4-6 VR 500,000 one to fit your needs. Why use a brick to drive a nail, when you’ve
got a hammer?
BC-Monster: Simply referred to as “The Monster,” this fully automatic Because the Monster has such a high rate-of-fire it works
magnetic grenade launcher is the largest Mag Gun ever made. The great with mag grenades that have a cumulative affect like the a-
Monster is designed as an infantry support weapon and can be used in grav cancellation round, Immobilizer rounds, MAR rounds, and
place of a machine-gun in many situations. Police tactics are to “show- Parasite rounds. However, they work just a well to frag a target
er a target” with mag grenades, to make it absolutely clear they have no with multiple hits from Disintegrator rounds, EMP rounds, and
chance of escape. Similarly, the military has complained that the mag Freezy Pop rounds.
gun’s effectiveness suffers in situations where a large number of Safety First: Never load your mag gun with both helpful &
armored infantry have to be repulsed. In both situations the problem harmful rounds.
is the same. It requires that multiple personnel are deployed, all



System Shock check with no penalty. A ROF of 4 would impart a –10 constrictive armor or carrying any heavy equipment. A falling Mazian
penalty. A ROF of 5 would impart a –20 penalty and so on. always has the option to drop/expel any equipment carried.
If you fail the System Shock roll, take the amount by which you Balance Rating: 1
failed and divide that number by 10 (round normally). Then subtract
that number from the weapons manually set ROF to determine how Mazians and Paralyzing Attacks: An attack that paralyzes a body
many grenades were fired before the weapon malfunctioned. So let’s area is assumed to entirely paralyze a Mazian since they have one
say you’re firing the weapon with a ROF of 6. That imparts a –30 penal- shared nervous system throughout their whole body. However, Mazians
ty to your System Shock check. So you needed to roll a 67 or lower to get a +20 to any SMR check that might result in paralysis.
successfully make your System Shock check. Now let’s assume you Balance Rating: 3
rolled a 84. You missed your target by 27 (84 – 67 = 17). Divide 17
by 10, rounding normally and we get 2. So we subtract 2 points from Mazians and Web Generators: If a web gun hit doesn’t anchor a
the weapon’s ROF of 6, and discover the weapon got off 4 grenades Mazian to another object, like the ground, it’s not going to do much.
before it locked up. Also remember that any time you fail a System Mazian’s who are anchored to the ground or other immovable object
Shock roll for a weapon you have to roll on the Malfunction Table, can not move from the spot unless they break free. Each web gun hit,
which means your weapon is probably going to be out of commission regardless of whether it anchors the Mazian to another object or not,
for a while, if not ruined. Mag guns have an Automatic Fire penalty of reduces a Mazian’s Agility by 1d8 points, up to a maximum reduction of
-50 (See pg. 191 in the main rulebook). 50 points. The above penalty is also applied to any Shape Change skill
Balance Rating: 4 checks the Mazian attempts.
Balance Rating: 3

MAZIANS - OPTIONAL COMBAT RULES Shape-shifting attack: Mazians can make hardened stabbing or blud-
geoning weapons out of their body by making a shape change skill
Increased Durability: To increase the Mazian’s combat efficiency
check with a level 20 penalty. For every 3 points under the required tar-
Battle Masters may rule that Mazians gooey physical bodies make them
get number (the number you have to roll under to succeed) the Mazian
more durable to certain attacks than other races.
can cause one point of damage or reduce the Threshold of the target by
When a Mazian is cut with a knife or sword apply the damage as
1 point when determining whether the attack penetrates.
you normally would. However, if the Mazian is able to get back into
Balance Rating: 5
physical contact with the section that was sliced off within 1d4 combat
rounds they can rejoin it to the central mass. The Mazian immediately
recovers any Body Points that were lost when that section was cut off.
• This only applies to attacks that physically separate the Mazian METAL GUNS PG. 5
into one or more pieces.
• If an attack does enough damage to kill the Mazian then they are
dead and can not attempt to reattach severed pieces. BC-DistortionMG 200 4-6 VR 1.6M
BC-Gatlin 50 4-6 UC 400,000
Mazian’s squishy bodies make them relatively immune to impacts, con- BC-Metalaser 100 7 U 1.5M
cussion, and puncture wounds. BC-MetalSurge 95 4-6 UC 140,000
• Weapons that puncture the Mazian do an amount of damage to the UB-Twister 50 4-6 UC 40,000
Mazian equal to their Integrity reduction. Examples include stab-
bing weapons, bullets, non-explosive projectiles, spears, grenade METAL GUNS
fragments, etc. This rule assumes that a projectile takes a piece of
the Mazian with it when it exits the Mazian’s body. BC-DistortionMG: The most expensive metal gun ever created.
• Weapons that use the force of their impact or cause concussion to Balshrom took three of their top-of-the-line BC-Distortion metal guns
damage their target do 1/4 their normal damage to Mazians. and slapped them together in a gatling configuration. The three barrels
Examples include clubs, Omega weapons, and concussive explo- are assembled in a triangle configuration, and each metal gun is fired
sions. one after another, giving a much higher overall rate of fire. The weapon
comes with a removable tripod and 100 point Flux shield. The
Beam weapons, energy weapons, particle weapons, electrical damage, weapon’s power supply isn’t huge, but by the time you’ve exhausted it
fire damage, and plasma-based weaponry do full damage. Explosions your target should be reduced to wearing nothing but their skivvies. If
that don’t specifically mention concussion or fragments should be treat- you’re not wearing Dreadnought armor or better, two hits from this
ed as fire damage when dealing with Mazians. weapon to the same section of armor will remove the armor entirely.
Balance Rating: 5 Balance Rating: 4

Mazians and Falling: Mazians who make a shape-shifting roll with a BC-Gatlin: This weapon is another gatling configuration metal gun,
level 15 difficulty can ignore all falling damage as long as they have built on nine Twister metal guns in a circular configuration. The design
room to glide. Mazians who make a shape-shifting roll with a level 10 philosophy is identical to the other Balshrom gatling metal guns.
difficulty can turn into a parachute shape and ignore 80% of any falling Multiple weapons linked to a single trigger assembly, fired in sequence
damage they receive. Both maneuvers assume the blob isn’t wearing to yield a much higher rate of fire. Again, the weapon is heavy and the



power pack has been reduced in size to save weight. Find a target, UB-Twister: Nearly identical to the standard Twister metal gun, except
unload on it, and ditch the weapon. The weapon comes with a remov- this version has been placed inside a different shell that allows it be
able tripod. mounted under the barrel of a large rifle.
Balance Rating: 4 Balance Rating: 4

BC-Metalaser: The sick bastards at the Balshrom experimental

weapons division could only have developed this incredibly nasty
weapon. The Metalaser is a massive rifle built around the BC-Shock MICRO-GRENADES PG. 5
Therapy impact laser and the BC-Distortion metal gun. The Shock
Therapy’s laser shield was removed to reduce the overall weight of the
High-Explosive 6 R 100
weapon. Despite the modifications, the Shock Therapy’s short range
Mega-Explosive 6 R 200
and massive integrity reduction make it ideal for a metal gun/laser
Ultra-Explosive 6 VR 400
combo. When the weapon is fired, the metal gun discharges a split-sec-
ond before the laser, reducing the target’s Threshold for the beam
attack. When calculating damage from the laser hit (6d6 dam), assume MICRO-GRENADES
the Threshold of the section hit has already been reduced by 16 points
from the metal gun attack. Total integrity reduction is 90 points per hit! It’s never enough, is it? Tiny grenades that do a few points of damage
Eat your heart out Deception-2 owners. You’ll pay through the nose for aren’t bad, but you just knew that someone had to cram more micronite
this baby, but it’s worth every penny and then some. Buy two! into these babies, eventually resulting in a grenade that can take out a
Balance Rating: 4 Ram Python. All three of these larger micro-grenades are about the size
of a quarter, and come in both timed and impact versions.
BC-Metalsurge: The first metal gun in a gatling configuration released
on the market. This weapon actually consists of 6 BC-Render metal High-Explosive: Utilizes micronite to deliver 1d6+1 points of explo-
guns, which are fired in sequence, one after another. This means while sive damage (no frags) to all within 2m (1-3 body areas affected). The
one metal gun is charging, the next one in line can be fired, greatly micronite accounts for the price, so the impact version costs the same
increasing the weapon’s overall rate of fire. The gatling configuration as the timed version.
means the weapon is incredibly heavy for a metal gun. To help elimi- Balance Rating: 3
nate some of the weight, the energy pack powering the weapon has
been reduced in size, which unfortunately limits the weapon’s ability to Mega-Explosive: Packed with micronite, these tiny wonders deliver
dish out fire for a sustained period. The weapon comes with a foldable 2d6 points of explosive damage (no frags) to all within a 3m radius (1-
bi-pod. Balance Rating: 4 3 body areas affected). Impact version is the same price as the timed
Balance Rating: 4
Ultra-Explosive: Even more micronite, for a damage yield of 2d12
(no frags) in a 3m radius (1-3 body areas affected). Impact version is
the same price as the timed version.
Balance Rating: 5
“What? You again?
Metal guns…this one’s easy. Go
get yourself an anti-mag gener-
ator, and leave me alone.” MICRO-GRENADE LAUNCHERS PG. 5
Lincoln Thrower 100 3-5 UC 1,000
Lobber 50 2-5 C 300
Penny Ante 75 3-6 R 1,550

With new ammunitions come new ways to deliver them to the target.
Micro-grenade launchers are really little more than advanced sling-
shots…highly durable, extremely concealable slingshots with a high
rate of fire. The launchers utilize simple mechanical launching systems,
electrically powered, to throw the impact versions of micro-grenades
like miniature discus. Thus, the ranges and accuracies are not stellar,
but more than adequate for weapons the size of a .22 caliber pistol.



Keep in mind that although the launchers are relatively cheap, the Bullet Mine: This homemade mine is basically a zip gun that’s been
ammo is quite expensive. Micro-grenade launchers are currently only buried in the ground and equipped with a pressure trigger. When the
being produced
TYPE by a subsidiary
1 of Orionus
2 3Konglomerates.
4 5 6 victim steps on the trigger the bullet or shotgun shell is fired upwards
Neutralizer 90 20 -40 - - - into the foot. The damage is based on the type of cartridge or shotgun
EliminatorThe first micro-grenade
Lobber: 95 launcher.
40 - The range
- is -limited,- and shell that is loaded into the mine. Because they’re homemade these
the firing mechanism
Neutralizer-2 cycles too
90 slowly.
30 But it
-20 delivers
-50 the goods.
- Metal
- mines are reliably triggered only about 75% of the time.
K-4 Proton Cannon 90 40 10 -30 - -
Balance Rating: 1
Rating: 3 95 45 05 -25 - -
Clumpy II: This mine holds up to 6 mag gun rounds, which are trig-
Majestic 2 97 50 15 -20 - -
Lincoln Thrower: ’Lincoln’ is slang for 1/100 of a credit, stemming gered when an unfortunate victim steps on the mine. The person (or
K-8 Vaporizer 85 35 05 -40 - -
from an ancient human monetary system. It’s also what the humans item) that triggers the mine is struck by 1d6/2 mag gun rounds, ran-
used to call a coin that was about the size of a micro-grenade.- The
BC-Duster 90 80 30 -05 -
domly chosen from the mines payload. The remaining rounds have a
Gashil Thrower has good range
Lincoln 105 and 40is very05reliable.
-50 Made- out of -high- 50% chance to strike anyone with a 5 meter radius. Each potential tar-
NE-7 Comrade 115 75
impact plastic, it’s durable as all get-out. 15 -30 - - get rolls percentiles (1d100) in the order the BM determined (usually
AmericasRating: 3
Balance 90 60 40 00 -50 - randomly or from closest to farthest), with a roll of 51 or higher indi-
Rommel 90 50 00 -50 - - cating a miss, until all the remaining mag rounds are expended or until
Patton Ante: Humans and100
Penny Orions65laugh 10at the -30
name of- this micro-
- no targets remain, whichever occurs first.
grenade launcher, and no one else knows why. A high rate of fire means Balance Rating: 1
you’d better have deep pockets to afford to feed this thing. Effective
Balance Rating: 3 Disintegrator Mine: Stepping on this mine triggers a single shot,
high-powered, disintegrator that fires (20 meters) straight up. The
mine does 40-160/20-80 points of damage to any target unfortunate
enough to trigger the mine.
Balance Rating: 1
ABA - 5-6 R 350,000 Displacer Mine: Anyone that steps on this mine is displaced up to 40
Bullet - 3 R 50 meters to a pre-selected destination. Targets are typically displaced into
Clumpy II - 4-6 R 16,000 prison cells, off cliffs, or other equally unpleasant destinations. The
- 5-6 UC 10,000
mine is not sophisticated enough to strip the victim of their armor or
equipment. If the victim has a phase nullification armor option activat-
Displacer - 5-6 VR 100,000
ed or is displaced into or out of an area protected by a phase nullifica-
Firestorm Clay. - 3 UC 50
tion system they suffer the unfortunate effects of phase nullification. The
Floater - 6-7 UC 500,000
mine has enough power to facilitate 5 displacements.
Flux Cage - 6+ VR 350,000
1.5M Balance Rating: 3
IMFIB - 4-6 C 100,000
Neuro - 5-6 R N/A
5x Firestorm Claymore: Rather than being filled with steel balls, the
Neuro Elite - 5-6 VR N/A firestorm claymore is filled with phosphorous pellets, which burst into
Phase Null. - 7 R 1.5M flame once they are ejected from the mine. This turns the claymore into
Riot Foam - 5-6 R 15,000 an incredibly effective incendiary device. The damage is identical to the
Self-Healing - 5-6 R 5x standard claymore except integrity reduction is 4 points per fragment
and any materials caught in the blast that are even remotely flammable
are automatically ignited. If the contents of the firestorm claymore are
MINES exposed to an oxygen rich atmosphere, say from being shot or punc-
tured, prior to detonation the mine will explode prematurely.
ABA (Anti-Body Armor): After producing a mag round using metal Balance Rating: 2
gun technology (see the Vulcan and Vulcan Plus), upstart Tri-Corp put
their patent to further use, developing a mine designed to soften up Floater: This mine uses a combination of a-grav fields and attractor
enemy personnel on a larger scale. Upon being activated, this mine uti- beams to “float” a target in the air. This mine is the bane of most
lizes a rapidly rotating magnetic disruption pulse generator to send out Battlelords, not because it’s dangerous but because it’s so damn embar-
multiple metal gun pulses. Like a Bouncing Betty, the ABA mine pops up rassing. Floating there, suspended a few meters in air, helpless. Worse
from the ground, sending its metal-damaging pulses in all directions. yet, most Battlelords are equipped with thousands of credits worth of
The poor soul who triggered the mine is hit by 1-3 pulses, and anyone state of the art weaponry and armor, all of which is useless to get them
within 10m has a 35% chance of being hit by a pulse as well (if the dice out of their predicament. Without something to push (Jet Pack) or pull
roll is less than 10%, two pulses hit instead of one). Each pulse reduces (Grappling Hoist) the character free of the mine, they’ll be stuck there.
Threshold by 4 and Integrity by 20 points. Anyone who is close enough to grab the character will also become a
Balance Rating: 2 victim of mine. Shooting the mine is designed to trigger an overload



sending the victim 3d20 meters into the air. This can be… unpleasant, Riot Foam Mine: This mine releases rapidly expanding adhesive foam
especially when the mine is placed indoors. to entangle targets and block halls. The foam fills up to 15 cubic meters
Normal falling damage is applied if the target doesn’t impact a roof of space, centered on the mine. The foam is porous and victims cov-
of some kind. If the target impacts an overhead structure, they take ered in the foam will not suffocate. In addition, gas attacks can be
falling damage as if they had obtained the height rolled on the dice delivered through the foam to target. Any target that is within 5 meters
when they impact the ceiling, and then they take falling damage again of the mine will become completely enveloped in the sticky foam
when they hit the ground, with damage for the second fall based on the when the mine is activated. Strength Checks to break free of the foam
actual height of the ceiling. See the Knockback rules in LNL:W&T must be made at -100. Each successful strength check frees one body
Appendix for info on being thrown into objects that can’t withstand the section.
force impact.
This mine is capable of suspending up to 1,000 encumbrance. PULSIE ON RIOT FOAM
There is nothing funnier that watching two Ram Pythons suspended in
the air, without a clue about how to get down. Without a dedicated
power supply the floater mine has a run time of 20 minutes. Because
of the cost of these mines they are usually reserved for permanent “There are actually many
installations where non-lethal incapacitation or delay of intruders is ways to effectively free a friend
required. from riot foam. Pulse cannons and
Balance Rating: 2 omega cannons don’t leave much
foam behind, and frost cannons
Flux Cage: This round is almost identical in function to the mag round will make it brittle enough so that it
version, but envelops the target in a 200 point Flux cage and can power can be chipped away relatively
that cage for up to 1 hour. The mine itself, which must be just below easily. Of course, light swords or
the surface of the ground, is also contained within the cage. Like the solvent are the only way to free the
mag round (See Ammunition chapter), the mine comes paired with a victim without causing them seri-
remote for deactivation. ous damage in the process. But
Balance Rating: 5 that’s what armor’s for! And if you
need good armor, does Balshrom
IMFIB: Often called “the Fibber”, IMFIB is an acronym for Instant Mine have some deals for you!”
Field In a Box. The box is propped up on one edge using an included
bipod that is attached on the bottom of the unit. The soldier then
presses a button on the box to activate it. Once activated the side of the
box facing away from the user flips open and two dozen small, self-
burying mines are ejected. The launching mechanism is designed to
disperse the mines so that they cover a roughly 20 square meter area.
Anyone passing through the area has a 60% chance to step on a mine.
Each fibber mine has the same stats as a plasmore mine.
Balance Rating: 1 Riot foam remains sticky for days and anything touching the foam
is likely to become entangled. It is nearly impossible to cut someone
Neuro: Identical in effect to the Neuro mag round, but the radius is free from riot foam with a knife or sword. If you can pull your cutting
increased to 7m. (See Ammunition chapter) hand free (Strength check at -100) and then pull your light sword from
Balance Rating: 3 its sheath (Strength check at -100), well then you can start cutting. In
addition the foam is non-flammable so it can not be burned away. Only
Neuro Elite: Identical in effect to the Neuro Elite mag round, but the riot foam solvent or items like light swords can be used to effectively cut
radius is increased to 10m. (See Ammunition chapter) a victim free. Riot foam solvent is a relatively simple compound, and the
Balance Rating: 3 cops typically spray it around with fire hoses after the trouble-makers
have been ’neutralized’. It’s not readily available to the public, howev-
Phase Nullification Mine: This mine works identically to the Phase er, and the formula isn’t well known. Those not having law enforcement
Nullification armor option, except it has a range of 300 meters and does connections can expect to pay about 500 credits for enough solvent to
4-24 points of damage. A single mine planted in a base camp almost clean up 20 size classes of beings. The alternative, of course, is to wait
guarantees a grisly death to anyone who displaces anywhere close. a few days until the foam breaks down on its own. Heavy rains can also
Sure they’re expensive, but can you afford to set up camp without one? weaken the strength of the foam by 10 to 50%.
Truly vindictive mercs will plant a Phase Nullification mine in the cen- Balance Rating: 3
ter of their base camp and then line the perimeter with displacer mines.
Ouch! Remember that damage from displacing into an area protected Self-Healing Field Mines: The main problem with mine fields is that
by phase nullification ignores Flux shields, PDS units, and armor. once a path through the field has been cleared the other mines are no
Balance Rating: 1 threat. Self-Healing Field mines fields were designed in the early 21st
century to fix that problem. These mines periodically communicate



with each other in order to make sure they are evenly dispersed. If a WARS PLUS: The WARS PLUS is a large 8-shot rack that can be mount-
mine or mines have been detonated or disturbed, the other mines will ed on the top of crew served weapon or very large rifle. Its size and
crawl around in the dirt to redistribute themselves into the most effec- shape makes it immediately recognizable. The WARS system is capable
tive coverage pattern. Redistribution usually takes about 1d4 rounds. of firing its rockets individually or simultaneously. External Threshold
These mines have self-burying mechanisms that make sure they are well of 15.
hidden. The movement of the mines can be detected by astute Balance Rating: 1
observers and their occasional transmissions can be detected by those
with the proper equipment if they are close enough (> 2 meters). As
a result, Self-Healing Mines are usually placed in locations where the MISSILE TECH - REFLEX MISSILES PG. 8
need to prevent an enemies passage through the area outweighs the
need for surprise. Obviously mine fields that are clearly marked with TYPE ENC TL AV COST
warning signs are an ideal spot for these little monsters. Self-Healing Reflex Pack 6 4-6 UC 5,000
mines cost 5 times the list price of the mine being used and also Reflex Tube 4 4-6 UC 1,000
increase the ENC of the mine by 20%.
Balance Rating: 1
Man-Portable Reflex Missile Launchers
Reflex Pack: The Reflex pack is identical to the Reflex tube except it
TYPE ENC TL AV COST has four tubes encased in a large box, rather than a single tube. The
M-260 1 4-6 UC 100 Reflex pack has a 5km radar package (Track: 85%, single target) with
WARS 2 4-6 UC 300 a 180-degree scanning arc. This weapon’s size makes it bulky and
WARS MINI 1 4-6 UC 150 unwieldy – Pythons love it.
WARS PLUS 3 4-6 UC 400 Balance Rating: 3

MISSILE TECHNOLOGY - ARM ROCKETS Reflex Tube: A Reflex tube is a large bazooka-like missile launcher
that is open on both ends. A single Reflex missile can be loaded into
Weapon-Attached Arm Rocket Racks the tube and fired by a lone soldier. The Reflex tube allows soldiers to
aim and fire Reflex missiles without need for a Reflex rack to hold the
M-260: The M-260 is a breech-load, single shot, arm rocket launcher
missiles. It takes 5 rounds to load a Reflex missile into a Reflex tube.
that is designed to be attached under the barrel of any rifle using a uni-
The tube is reusable and includes a radar package (Track: 65%, single
versal mounting system. The concept is identical to the M-203 under-
target) with 2km range that scans a 45-degree arc directly in front of
barrel grenade launcher, only in this case the weapon is loaded with a
the launcher.
single arm rocket. External Threshold of 15.
Balance Rating: 3
Balance Rating: 1
WARS: The WARS or Weapon-Attached Arm Rocket System is an arm
rocket rack that can be mounted to a rifle or other large weapon. The TYPE ER TL AV COST
WARS is a small rack that holds up to 4 arm rockets. It is usually Ballista Varies 5-6 UC 20,000
attached to the top of the weapon and utilizes a high, arch-shaped, Long Bow Varies 5-6 C 11,000
mounting system so that iron sights or scopes can still be used. The Short Bow Varies 5-6 P 8,000
WARS can also be mounted under the barrel but its weight often makes Trebuchet Varies 5-6 R 45,000
this arrangement cumbersome. The WARS system is capable of firing
all its rockets simultaneously or individually. The manufacturer con-
tends that their WARS series of rocket racks is superior to convention-
al designs because it allows a soldier access to the heavy firepower pro- Let’s face it, with the growing popularity of Reflex missile systems and
vided by their arm rockets even if they have to blow out of their armor. the decline of artillery in general, Reflex development is beginning to
External Threshold of 15. overtake the niche once filled by Personal Missile Systems (PMS). Well,
Balance Rating: 1 thanks to Balshrom’s R&D team, with the release of our Improved
Personal Missile System or PMS2, all that has changed.
WARS MINI: The WARS MINI is identical to the standard WARS, except Redesigned from the ground up, the Improved Personal Missile
the rack holds two missiles. The rack can be mounted ether dorsally or Systems are fully-automated rocket launchers, loaded with missiles
ventrally on a rifle. The WARS system is capable of firing its rockets indi- designed to carry a mission-specific payload to targets over the horizon.
vidually or simultaneously. External Threshold of 15. Further PMS2 launchers can hold up to 20 missiles depending on the
Balance Rating: 1 model of the launcher and have optional auto-loaders allowing the user
to leave the system unattended for long periods of time while it engages
targets automatically. PMS2 launchers are capable of both direct fire



and indirect fire. They are designed to attack enemy assets with pin- PMS2 Launchers
point accuracy, actually landing the missile on the target. They are not Ballista: The Ballista has excellent range and accuracy, but a slower
like artillery, which uses an area-covering blast to make up for poor rate-of-fire than other high-end PMS2 systems. Still the range is long
accuracy. enough that you’ll be toasting those Reflex-using weenies before they
The user can manually command the unit using the included can spot you! The Ballista is usually mounted on an a-grav platform that
remote control by selecting objects and personnel that have been iden- makes it very easy to pull into position. The auto-loader (and ammo
tified by a K-Sat as the target for the PMS2 launcher. Alternatively, the bin) costs another 2,500 credits. You can use the missile bin to store
user can simply switch the launcher(s) to automatic mode where it will up 30 missiles for the loader, or remove the bin and use an ammo cart
attack any target without a friendly IFF transmitter. In automatic mode to ferry missiles from your ammo dump to the auto-loader.
the PMS2 units attack the targets located by K-Sat spotters that are clos-
est to the launcher first, and then work their way out to targets that are Long Bow: The Long Bow is a 12-shot PMS2 launcher capable of
farther away. The launcher will automatically select the rocket with the launching half its payload in 60 seconds. Ideal for when you need to
most appropriate warhead to destroy the target. So unless you want the
launcher to level every building it range, it’s a good idea to leave the
launcher on manual if you’ve loaded it with anti-structure rockets. TACTICS TO PRACTICE
Unlike their counter-parts, PMS2 units can use K-Sats equipped PMS2 Systems: The Lure. First, put your PMS2 system beyond
with Target Locator systems to spot the enemy and relay the location of the enemy’s line-of-sight. That way they can’t take it out from a dis-
the potential target back to the launcher. These K-Sats are used in place tance. Put a remote Flux or PDS on the unit to protect it from
of the older, hard-wired guidance systems found in standard PMS enemy fire. Then mine the route the enemy is most likely to take
launchers. A single PMS2 system can be linked to more than one K- when they eventually come looking for the launcher. Spend the
Sat, and any properly equipped K-Sat can relay target coordinates to extra money for the auto-loader option and the ammo cart. Set up
other “spotter” K-Sats and eventually back to the PMS2. The K-Sat can your ammo dump and tell the Ram to reload the cart with missiles
send updated information to the launcher, which can then be relayed to every time it shows up. Next set the launcher on automatic and let
the missile even while it’s in flight. it rain death and destruction down on your enemy for a while.
This allows PMS2 launchers to target enemy personnel, structures, Eventually this will really annoy your enemy, and he’ll send out a
and vehicles beyond line-of-sight. In addition, multiple PMS2 launch- party to take out your artillery. As soon as they hit the minefield,
ers can share K-Sats, allowing any PMS2 launcher to target any enemy wait for one to step on a planted surprise. Once they realize
position within its range regardless of which K-Sat spotted the target. they’re in a minefield they’ll be hesitant to move – forward or
PMS2 systems can be linked to an effectively unlimited number of K- back. That’s when you open fire on them from your concealed
Sats, and as a result are only limited by the K-Sats ability to find targets positions and take out their entire scout team.
and the launchers ability to hit the target given its accuracy, and the The Softener. Set up a line of PMS2 systems and send in a
rocket’s range. Note, however, that enemy K-Sats can not “talk” to wave of small, cheap, K-Sats with Target Locators. Use anti-struc-
friendly K-Sats and vice-versa without some hacking (lvl 20 check). ture rounds to obliterate any buildings, emplacements, or cover
The new PMS2 systems use larger rockets to achieve far longer- the enemy might have. These are hard to miss, even for dumb K-
ranges than the older PMS versions. In fact, there is no backward-com- Sats. Then send in smarter K-Sats to look for personnel and
patibility at all between the older PMS units and PMS2 units. armored vehicles that have dug-in. Once you’ve found them, let
When purchasing a PMS2 system, you’ll need to pick out at least them have it with the PMS2, while you march forward under the
one launcher, as many missiles as you want, and equip at least one K- cover of the bombardment – pulling your Compact Artillery with
Sat with the Target Locator hardware to find targets for the system. you. As you get closer dump the Compact Artillery and have your
Don’t forget you can add auto-loaders to your launchers for a nominal snipers use Gauss weapons with Target Designators to “tag” hos-
fee and the more K-Sats you have the better chance you have of spotting tile targets. Once you enter the city, stop the PMS2 fire and switch
your target! PMS2 systems use artillery Range Brackets, not missile to Compact Artillery. Engage the enemy at close range – which
Range Brackets. Balance Rating: 3 isn’t too hard in an urban environment, and prey those TD rounds
Just remember our marketing pitch. “Do you PMS? I PMS2!” work to keep those Compact Artillery shells from blowing you up.
The Double-Whammy! Set up a line of PMS2 launchers and
Cost-Effectiveness: Balshrom has done its best to keep the cost of the rockets shell the enemy emplacement, biding your time. When the enemy
low, so once you invest in a PMS2 launcher you can fire missiles with abandon moves to attack, send out another wave of K-Sats to designate tar-
at your enemy without fear of exhausting your credit! The missiles used in all gets using Video Remote systems and have their operators specify
PMS2 systems are identical, which saves on production and development costs. targets that will cause the most trouble. Then use your PMS2 sys-
In addition, the missiles don’t have the expensive guidance and target-acquisi- tems to lay the hurt down by concentrating their fire on specific
tion systems used in Reflex missiles. The targeting computer in the launcher targets.
tells the missile where to go and they follow a path from the launcher directly Rule of Thumb: Use Reflex missiles to engage any armored
to that spot. Don’t let their lack of sophisticated maneuvering systems fool targets in range. They’re too expensive to waste on lightly armored
you. These missiles will hit within a few centimeters of where you aim them, chumps. Use PMS2 systems for blasting any fixed or slow-moving
which allows them to directly strike individual infantry with ease! In addition, targets beyond your line-of-sight at extreme ranges, whether
there’s no need to spend money on expensive radar packages they’re lightly armored or not.



suppress enemy advances by showering them with missiles or tag a sin-

gle target until it’s a smoldering crater. The auto-loader (and ammo TACTICS TO PRACTICE
bin) costs another 3,000 credits. You can use the missile bin to store Reflex vs. PMS2: The difference between PMS2 systems and
up 36 missiles for the loader, or remove the bin and use an ammo cart Reflex missiles systems are as follows:
to ferry missiles from your ammo dump to the auto-loader.
• Reflex missiles are more accurate
Short Bow: The Short Bow is a base-model, 8-shot, PMS2 system. It is • PMS2 systems are less accurate
lightweight enough that it can be carried into the field by two personnel
when unloaded. It has no a-grav system, but it does include the auto- • Reflex missiles are intermediate range battlefield weapons
matic aiming and firing system built into all PMS2 systems. The auto- • PMS2 missiles are extremely long-range battlefield weapons.
loader (and ammo bin) costs another 1,200 credits. You can use the
missile bin to store up 24 missiles for the loader, or remove the bin and • Reflex missiles must have line-of-sight to their target before they
use an ammo cart to ferry missiles from your ammo dump to the auto- can fire (unless you’re using a Farsight Combat Array).
loader. • PMS2 missiles do not require line-of-sight to their targets, if their
“spotting” K-Sat can see it.
Trebuchet: Our top-of-the-line PMS2 launcher, the Trebuchet is capa-
ble of handling any problem that can be solved by a volley of missiles • Reflex missiles rely on sophisticated target detection hardware
armed with explosive warheads. High reliability combined with a high built-into the missile to find their target.
rate-of-fire and large payload. The Trebuchet is usually mounted on a- • A PMS2 missile simply flies from Point A to Point B, hitting the
grav platform that makes it very easy to pull into position. The auto- target you designate for it, though the missile is capable of chang-
loader (and ammo bin) costs another 10,000 credits. You can use the ing targets in mid-flight if you designate a new one.
missile bin to store up 60 missiles for the loader, or remove the bin and
use an ammo cart to ferry missiles from your ammo dump to the auto- • Reflex missiles rely on Radar Packages and onboard sensors to
loader. find targets.
• PMS2 missiles rely on a specially equipped K-Sat to spot targets
for the missiles.
MISSILE TECH - PMS2 ACCESSORIES •Reflex missiles don’t have a problem hitting fast moving targets,
TYPE THR TL AV COST including aircraft.
Ammo Cart 15 5-6 C 15,000
• PMS2 missiles need a K-Sat to identify the target’s location, so if
the K-Sat can’t keep up with the target or loses sight of it you’re
PMS2 Accessories
Ammo Cart: This automated, self-propelled, a-grav cart can be filled • Reflex missile racks are mounted to your armor and can fire
with PMS2 missiles and drive a pre-set route between your ammo dump while you move.
and your launcher system. Once it arrives at the launcher it mates with • PMS2 systems must be in a fixed location when they are fired.
autoloader and the rounds are automatically pulled from the cart and
loaded into the launcher, even while the system is firing! The cart can • Reflex systems are difficult to reload in the field since they’re on
hold up to 40 missiles and moves at 30 kph. Once the cart is empty it your back.
will return along the preset route back to your ammo dump. This little • PMS2 systems can be equipped with autoloaders and ammo
baby can keep a remote PMS2 emplacement running on automatic “caddies” to keep them filled.
mode for as long as you can load missiles into the cart. Just remember
have a spotter make sure no one is following the cart back to your • Reflex racks are lightweight
camp. • PMS2 launchers are heavy, and some require a-grav sleds just so
Balance Rating: 2 you can move them.

• Reflex missiles vary in accuracy and range from model to model

• PMS2 missiles all have the same accuracy and range, varying
only warhead type.

• Both systems can be set to automatically engage targets that meet

certain parameters.



employed changes dramatically (i.e. new modifiers are applied to tar-

MISSILE TECHNOLOGY - RULES CLARIFICATION get while the missile is in flight) the missile will again cycle through the
various methods of tracking the target to determine the best option.
Direct Fire * ECM protects only the user from incoming radar guided
Note that on page 144 of Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics that the weapons. It does not protect other friendly forces. Similarly, your ECM
Direct Fire skill is used for Reflex missiles. Ordinarily, Reflex Missiles does not hinder other friendly forces from obtaining target locks on
must use a radar (pg. 48 LNL:AEC) to lock onto a target before they can hostile targets – but it would hinder them from getting a target lock on
be fired. Using radar to fire a Reflex missile does not require a skill you. ECM penalties do not stack. If you have an Electronic Warfare
check. Simply roll under the radar’s Track number, modified by any Computer (75% ECM) and the armor option ECM (45%) you only get
ECM* and ECCM*, to fire the missile. Without a radar lock the missile 75% ECM, not 120%! Lastly ECCM, like ECM, does not stack and it can
will not fire. not be combined or shared between different individuals. ECCM that
However, if you can see your target, or in other words you have exceeds an opponents ECM does NOT increase your chance to hit
Line-of-Sight (LOS) to that target, then you have the option to fire the beyond the accuracy of the weapon.
missile at that target without using radar. This requires that the char-
acter firing the missile make a successful Direct Fire skill check to SIGHTING CHECKS - UV
launch the missile. This Direct Fire skill check is not affected by enemy
ECM. Once the missile is fired and airborne it uses its own attack num- MODIFIER UV BONUS/PENALTY
ber (see below), not the character’s Direct Fire skill, to determine if it UV Scrambler (when active) -90%
hits the target. The use of a Radar Package is required to fire at targets Null Suit -60%
that are not in Line-of-Sight. Reflex Missiles can not be “Direct Fired” Painting Laser (for object hit) +Dam
at targets beyond Line-of-Sight. UV Laser Fire +5%
Reflection Armor +30%
Standard Tracking UV Flare (pg. 83, LNL:A,E,&C) (when lit) +50%
The following rules clarify the notes on page 46 and 47 of Lock-N-Load: PDS (when active) +PDS Field Strength (Max.+100%)
Armor, Equipment, & Cybernetics. When a missile is headed towards A-Grav Systems (when active - Select only one) -
a target it initially tracks the target using radar. On its way to the target Anti-Grav Belt +40%
the missile quickly scans the target using its sensors that analyze the vis- Heavy Belt +75%
ible light spectrum, the IR spectrum, and the UV spectrum to determine Xtra Heavy Belt +100%
if the target is easier to track using one of those methods. If the missile Weapon with A-Grav (TL4+) +ENC of Weapon (Max.+40%)
determines that one of those methods of target acquisition is more like- Other A-Grav System +ENC of Object (Max.+100%)
ly to result in a hit (higher accuracy after modifiers have been applied)
than the radar currently being used it will switch to the best tracking SIGHTING CHECKS - RADAR
The accuracy of the missile does not change depending on MODIFIER RADAR BONUS/PENALTY
whether it is tracking the target using radar, IR, UV, or the visual spec- The following modifiers are applied to the missile’s
trum. However, the modifiers applied to each type of tracking are like- accuracy or to the Radar Package’s track value.
ly to be very different. A list of modifiers for each method of target * ECM Typically up to -75%
acquisition are listed below. These penalties are in addition to any stan- -Armor Option Up to -50%
dard modifiers that would apply like modifiers for cover, concealment, -Electronic Warfare Computer -75%
and size class. If the target’s signature for the tracking method being -Other ECM ? Varies
Radar absorbent coating -20%/10%/05%
Infrared Dampening Skin (if majority is exposed) -90% MODIFIER VISUAL BONUS/PENALTY
Null Suit -75% Null Suit -100%/-140%
IR Dampener -30% Armor Option Smoke Generator (when active) -100%
Thermal Generator (when turned on) +25% Chameleon Skin (if majority is exposed) -90%
Reflection Armor +30% SpyMaster -60%/-80%
IR Spotlight (pg 83, LNL:AE&C) (when turned on) +50% Camo Unit -30%/-50%
Weapons Fire (Hot weapons - BM’s discretion) +5% Cybernetic Smoke Generator (when active) -30%
Lightswords +10% Reflection Armor +30%
Flamethrowers & Reflex Missile Launches +25% Kinetic Energy Shield (when turned on) +30%
Special SearchLight (when turned on) -
Bio 1 Armor - No heat signature at all unless other IR source present. At night +50%
Bio 2 Armor - No heat signature at all unless other IR source present. During the day +15%
Body Flares - 15% chance to cause missile to miss entirely. Weapons Fire (BM’s Discretion) +5%



Step 5) ROF is increased by one level.

1/6 becomes 1/4.
TYPE ER TL AV COST 1/4 becomes 1/3.
Custom Light Weapon Varies 5-6 U x100 1/3 becomes 1/2.
Hand Charge - 4-6 UC 500
1/2 becomes 1.
- 6 R
1 becomes 2.
Icicle 40,500
2 becomes 3.
Laser Dagger 400 5-6 R 1,500
Step 6) Light weapons have no Quantity value (Q = “-”). The have a
Monofilament Whip - 6-7 R 3,000
run time of one hour.
Nanoid Dagger - 6-7 VR 500
Step 7) Damage dice (or die) are reduced by 1 die size, unless d4s are
Ptfaang-ulu 5 4-5 UC 140 already being used, and one an additional die is added.
Plasma Jet II 3 5-6 VR 1,500 d20s become d12s
Prism Dagger 400 5-6 VR 1,500 d12s become d10s
Water Spear 20 3-4 C 90 d10s become d8s
d8s become d6s
MODERN HAND WEAPONS d6s become d4s
d4s stay d4s
Custom Light Weapons
Editors Note: Before reading these next paragraphs please remember For example, an archaic hand weapon that did 2-12 points (2d6) of damage
that when we use the word “light” we’re referring to plasma-based would do 3d4 as a light weapon. The 2d6 become 2d4 and an additional d4 is
melee weaponry, not light-weight melee weaponry. added. A weapon that did 3-12 damage (3d4) would do 4-16 (4d4) points of
Just about any archaic hand weapon that has a sharp edge can be damage as a light weapon.
remade as a “light” weapon. Just as a light sword is a plasma-based
version of a long sword, you can have plasma-based hand-weaponry
Step 8) The Integrity Reduction (IR) of the weapon is tripled!
custom made to look and handle like other edged weapons. The possi-
Step 9) The ENC remains unchanged.
bilities are nearly limitless. Light daggers, light spears, even light talons
Step 10) The cost of the original weapon is multiplied by 100. BMs
(armor option) can be created by using a magnetically bottled plasma
may feel free to add a healthy premium for this custom work an addi-
surge to replace the blade of these weapons.
tional 100% cost increase.
There are lot of advantages to light weapons. Let’s compare the
Step 11) All light weapons have the following feature. “If the weapon
standard light sword with the long sword it’s modeled off of. Both
inflicts 1/2 of the target’s Body Points to the same section during a com-
weapons have identical accuracy and parrying ability, because the light
bat segment , it cuts off the appendage or body part being attacked.”
sword was designed to mimic the handling characteristics of the long
sword. Even the encumbrance of the weapons is identical, but that’s
Hand Charge: A hand charge is basically an explosive version of a joy
where the similarities end. The light sword is more durable than the
buzzer, with a small shaped charge instead of the buzzer. The device is
long sword, it does more damage, it’s better at tearing through armor,
held in your palm by a ring that fits around the user’s index finger or
and you can bring it to bear on your opponent faster than a traditional
tentacle. As a result the device is easily concealable, because it looks
long sword (Light Sword has higher ROF). Oh yeah, and there’s that
like a simple decorative ring unless the user’s open palm can be viewed,
whole cut off a limb clause if you do enough damage to your opponent.
revealing the device. Slapping your opponent with palm of the hand
There are down sides to the light sword compared with the long
containing the device activates the weapon. On impact the hand charge
sword. The first drawback is you can only use your light sword for an
detonates doing 1d3 points of damage. A cushioned, metal plate on the
hour before it’s out of power and you have to sit around while it charges
back of device protects the user from the blast, but activating the device
for 20 minutes. The other drawback is cost. The light sword costs 100
still stings like the devil if you’re not wearing an armored glove. Fear
times the amount of a standard long sword, but obviously you get what
not, your target will be far worse off than your stinging hand. The hand
you pay for. Below you will find an outline that walks you through cre-
charge is designed to be used against unarmored or lightly armored
ating your own light weaponry. Enjoy!
opponents. An Orion favorite… naturally.
Balance Rating: 4
Balance Rating: 1

Steps to create a custom “light weapon” Icicle: The icicle is an ultra-modern staff weapon that is a little shorter
Step 1) Choose an archaic hand weapon that’s got a sharp edge. than 2 meters in length. Highly sophisticated cooling units draw heat
Step 2) Base percentage to strike a target for each range bracket out of the ends of the staff, cooling the end caps to nearly 2 degrees
remains unchanged. Parry (P) also remains unchanged Kelvin. In fact the staff uses some of the absorbed ambient heat energy
Step 3) The new weapons System Shock (SS) is increased by 35 points to help run the onboard power systems.
to a maximum of 100. When the staff ends impact a material object the effects are the
Step 4) The weapon is given a Malfunction number (MN) equal to its same as being hit by a frost weapon. The staff does 2d8 points of dam-
new SS value. age to any target struck (1/2 damage to Flux shields) and ignores



Threshold. Because of the staff’s unique power conservation systems it of the sword. The plasma is under pressure and quickly fills the wound
can be used for several (1d4) days before it needs recharged, which area, which is usually the victim’s chest cavity. The damage from this
costs 50 credits. Integrity reduction is 1/3 of the weapon’s damage weapon is often catastrophic, charring and incinerating the target’s
Balance Rating: 3 internal organs almost instantly. The plasma does 4d6 points of dam-
age, and can actually be sprayed at a target (75% accuracy, Range 3m),
Laser Dagger: Yet another Chatilian crystal weapon, this one features rather than injected into them. Like the plasma jet, if the initial sword
a one-shot laser in the handle. The beam travels down the crystal blade hit gets through Threshold and Absorption of the target’s armor and
and into the target. This weapon has all of the same crystal-related reduces the victim’s body points, then the plasma shot ignores the THR
advantages and disadvantages of the standard crystal dagger. The stats and ABS of any armor worn. Plasma reload canisters cost 40 credits a
listed are for the beam weapon. See Archaic Hand Weapons listing in piece and it takes a full action to remove the old canister from the han-
this book for the stats on using this weapon as a dagger. dle of the weapon and insert a new one.
Balance Rating: 3 Balance Rating: 3

Monofilament Whip: This ultra-thin, ultra-strong monofilament whip Prism Dagger: Identical to the standard laser dagger, except the tip of
does 1d4 points of damage to any object struck and reduces Threshold this model is a prism, which splits the beam into multiple beams in a
by 5 points when determining penetration. The end is weighted to make cone-like pattern away from the user. Target’s are struck by 1d6 beams,
the whip easier to swing. However the whip is notoriously hard to con- each doing 1d4 points of damage. Targets that have been stabbed with
trol. Any attack roll of 92 or higher indicates that you’ve struck yourself the dagger are hit by all six laser beams if the laser weapon is activat-
with the whip. This number is raised by 1 point for every two levels of ed. The advantage to this dagger over the standard laser dagger, is that
skill you possess in Archaic Hand Weapon (Whip). Balance Rating: 4 this model is more likely to do a critical hit when it’s stuck in someone
and then activated. However. this weapon is not really meant to be used
Nanoid dagger: This Mutzachan weapon is a small dagger that con- at a distance. The beam splitter sends the laser beams in a diverging
tains a small vial of nanoids (20 points). The nanoids are kept inert pattern, which makes it difficult to get all of the beams on the target the
until an opponent is stabbed with the dagger, which breaks the vial and farther away it is from the shooter. For every 2 meters away from the
releases the nanoids into the wound. Though one would assume that user subtract one from the number of beams that hit after a successful
destructive nanoids are a natural payload for this dagger, clever ranged attack, to a minimum of 1 beam. This weapon has all of the
Mutzachan’s (aren’t they all) will fill the dagger with nanoids designed same crystal-related advantages and disadvantages of the standard crys-
to repair the skin of the victim. This way they can stab their opponent, tal dagger. The stats listed are for the beam weapon. See Archaic Hand
damaging his internals, but the nanoids almost instantly repair the Weapons listing in this book for the stats on using this weapon as a dagger.
punctured skin making it look as though no attack occurred. Perfect Balance Rating: 3
for your subtle assassinations. If no one sees you stab the poor S.O.B.
he’ll just fall over in the crowd. Not a mark on him. Discard the dag- Water Spear: The water spear is a large self-propelled spear used by
ger where it won’t be found and you’re off scott free! Python Lizards when hunting large prey underwater. The shaft of the
Balance Rating: 1 spear contains a large compressed air canister that propels it through
the water or air towards an opponent. The range of the spear is
Ptfaang-ulu: This weapon is a variation on the standard Phentari reduced to the first range bracket when used underwater. An optional
spear. The Ptfaang-ulu is built like a normal Ptfaang, with the spear tether can be attached to the spear in essence making it a self-propelled
head being composed of four pieces that pop open. However, with the harpoon. Pythons adept at using the weapon have learned to tug the
Ptfaang-ulu the pop-open spear head is not used to injure an opponent, tether to “steer” the spear in flight. When the tether is attached the
but to conceal a surprise. When the Phentari presses a button on the accuracy of the weapon increases by 1 point in all range brackets per
shaft of the spear the pointy end pops open igniting an ultra-bright mag- level of skill the user possesses. The tether has an INT of 3 and a THR
nesium flare concealed inside. The flare causes blindness for 1d4 of 2. Air canisters cost 5 credits and take one Full Action to replace.
rounds, and reduces the targets Visual Modifier by 2d10 points for 1d4 Balance Rating: 1
minutes after vison is restored. The target is entitled to a Radiation SMR
with penalty equal to the “damage” rolled for the flash (2d10) to avoid
the effects. A roll of Double-Zodd (00) indicates the damage to the vic-
tim’s Visual Modifier is permanent. Once the target has been blinded
the Phentari can close the end of the spear and begin stabbing away at
his helpless target.
Balance Rating: 3

Plasma-Jet II: Commonly referred to as the Kizanti dueling sword, this

weapon works on the same principle as a Plasma Jet, but it is much
larger. The Plasma Jet II resembles a hollow short sword. The sword
can be used to cut, but it is primarily designed for stabbing. Once an
opponent is impaled on the Plasma Jet II a button on the handle is
pressed that shoots plasma out through a large hole in the pointy end



energy is either expelled, usually as heat, or is stored in the disk’s inter-

nal batteries for later use.
TYPE ER TL AV COST There are three unique qualities that dictate the capabilities of a
Ceiling Stunner 20 4-5 P 25,000 parasite disk. The first statistic is Duration (DUR), which denotes the
length of time they can adhere to the object struck. It is important to
note that some parasite disks have the capability to use the power they
NEURO CANNONS drain to feed their magnets, allowing them to increase their duration as
Ceiling Stunners: A standard fixture on most worlds with a tech level long as they receive sufficient power. If this is the case it will be noted
above 4, and the bane of Orion Rogues everywhere, the Ceiling Stunner in the disks description. The next statistic is the disk’s Drain
is a way for “The Man” to keep the peace. Most secure buildings Coefficient (DC) that indicates the amount of energy that the disk can
including government offices, corporate headquarters, public assembly drain per second. Finally each parasite disk has a STR rating. If
areas, stadiums, and even light poles in parks are equipped with these someone attempts to remove a parasite disk from their Flux, armor, or
stunners. Anywhere the police or the property owner wants the capa- weapon they are required to make a Strength check with the parasite’s
bility to stop a crime or keep the peace using non-lethal force you’ll STR rating as a penalty. A parasite stuck to a Flux can be removed by
find a Ceiling Stunner. The weapon utilizes one of the few legal appli- deactivating the Flux (see below).
cations of the waveform technology found in most Neuro Cannons to If a parasite hits a target it attaches itself and begins draining
safely debilitate a target. When ceiling stunners were first installed in power out of the target’s weapon systems. However, a parasite disk can
public areas, there was understandably a huge outcry by privacy and only drain weapons that are in physical contact with the target, even
civil rights activists. Now that time has shown the weapons to be safe through a Flux shield. So if you get nailed in the chest with a parasite
and effective, the public has come to rely on them for their safety. disk you can always drop your weapon to keep it from being drained.
Most Ceiling Stunners are attached to an AI-controlled sensor sys- Once attached to a target, the parasite’s drain coefficient is rolled every
tem that automatically engages targets that fit certain “hostile” profiles, second for as long as the parasite disk remains attached to the target.
like brandishing or firing a weapon, fighting with another individual, or The amount rolled is subtracted from the Quantity (Q) of every weapon
destroying public property. Basically any individual that is breaking the carried by the target. Lasers require less overall energy than most other
law or disturbing the peace in a potentially violent or destructive way is energy-based weapons and therefore lose 3 times as many shots as
likely to be zapped. These systems are typically about 80% accurate. other weapons because there is less energy is in their power packs to
Any target hit by a ceiling stunner must make a Biological SMR or begin with.
be paralyzed for 1d4/2 minutes. Repeated blasts from Ceiling Stunners Disks can remain attached to a target for a number of seconds
have no ill effects on the target. The AI systems are programmed not to equal to the Duration of the weapon, unless the disk is removed or
attack targets under a certain age (varies with race), nor will they attack destroyed. After the disk has remained attached for a number of sec-
targets where rendering them paralyzed would put them in harms way. onds equal to its Duration it will release from the target and fall to the
If a fight breaks out stunners are programmed to attack all of the com- ground. Targets that have a parasite attached to their Flux shield can
batants to prevent one combatant from taking advantage of another’s remove it automatically without a Strength check by deactivating their
paralyzed state. Ceiling stunners have a range of 20 meters. Flux shield, which causes the parasite to drop to the ground. However,
Balance Rating: 1 the parasite disk remains active. During the next combat segment the
parasite will begin scanning for an active Flux shield. If a Flux shield
isn’t detected within 2 meters of the disk its electromagnet will activate
and it will attach to the closest metal object up to 2 meters away.
TYPE ER TL AV COST Parasite disks can be remotely deactivated at any time by punching in a
Able Shot-put 290 6-7 UC 25,000
code on the weapon that fired the disk, as long as the disk is within the
Balshrom Thrower 550 6-7 R 50,000
firing range (last range bracket) of the weapon.
An interesting side effect of a parasite strike is that it also drains
Disk Flinger 150 6-7 C 15,000
all other external equipment in physical contact with the target.
Shooter 1 50 6-7 P 10,000
Because most equipment requires much less power than modern
Shooter 2 400 6-7 VR 55,000
weapon systems, equipment other than weapons will be completely
drained after the first second. So if you plan on using that bio-scanner
PARASITES later you better have a Mrs. Fusion handy to recharge it! Equipment
and devices that are located inside the target’s armor are unaffected. In
Parasites can be devastating in the hands of a competent assault team, addition, though a parasite can stick to a Flux shield, the Flux is not
but they typically require a coordinated team attack to be used to their adversely affected in any way by the parasite.
full potential. These anti-weapon systems are designed to deprive the Parasite disks follow industry standard specifications for size,
enemy of firepower by firing an energy-draining disk that adheres to the weight, and shape so that they can be fired from any parasite disk
target. Parasite disks utilize a combination of Flux magnets and elec- launcher. Soldiers need only select a launcher and load it with disks
tromagnets so they can stick to whatever they hit, including metal that meet their requirements. Parasite launchers require the Direct Fire
armor, weapons, and even Flux shields! Once attached the parasite skill to use. The capabilities, Threshold, and Integrity of the parasite
disk begins to generate a damping field designed to drain energy disks varies from model to model, but because of their uniform size all
sources of their power. Depending on the type of disk being used the parasite disks have a -60 penalty to hit if you want to shoot one off your armor.



Optional energy consumption rules have been provided in the

back of Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics that provide more details on POISONS - ADDITIONAL RULES
the amount of power in a weapon’s energy pack. Parasites become a Insinuative poisons will not work if ingested by the target: these poisons
truly effective weapon system when used in combination with these are not designed to be ingested and will be destroyed by the victim’s
optional rules. Adventurous BMs and players may want to try using digestive system. Ingestive poisons likewise are not designed to be
these optional energy consumption rules in conjunction with parasites. delivered on a knife blade or dart point. If, however, one has the oppor-
Balance Rating: 5
tunity, a full syringe of most ingestive poisons injected directly into the
bloodstream would be enough to induce the full effect of the poison.
Parasite Launchers: (Such opportunities are rare, however.)
Able Shot-put: The range, accuracy, and a fast rate of fire make this Balance Rating: 1
the best weapon of its class for the price. This weapon uses a large
Balshrom Thrower: The price is high, but the value is unquestion- TYPE ER TL AV COST
able, and the results will keep you coming back for the upgrade. Death Slinger 350 7+ R 250,000
Superb as usual - Balshrom is truly a company without an equal. The 5-6
EM Blaster 120 UC 200,000
parasites are stored in a magazine.
EM Engager 135 7+ UC 250,000
Quark Cannon 275 6-7 R 300,000
Disk Flinger: A short to medium range launcher. Three shot device
Rad Pulse “Standard” 280 6-7 VR 350,000
with a burst fire option that fires a single spread of all three disks (roll
Rad Pulse “Turbo” 295 6-7 U 400,000
to hit for each disk separately). Rounds have to be loaded into the
weapon one at a time, requiring a full action to completely load. This is
a good choice if you plan on doing a New York reload; shoot one gun RAD CANNONS
until its empty, drop it, and grab a new gun.
Life in the jungle is hard, especially for a Battlelord. Weapons design-
Shooter 1: A no frills short-range parasite launcher. The disks are ers like to make it harder, and have found an especially devious way
stacked horizontally in a 6-shot magazine. about doing so. Initially developed by the Mutzachans as a ’feel good’
toy, they found it doesn’t feel that great on anyone else other than them-
Shooter 2: Currently the longest range disk thrower on the market. selves.
The rate of fire isn’t as fast as the Balshrom Thrower, but there’s noth- Rad Cannons fire unstable sub-atomic particle combinations
ing out there than can chuck a disk farther. Magazine fed. (quark/anti-quark pairs for those scientifically curious) at the target.
Since the system utilizes combining streams of sub-atomic particles,
PULSIE ON PULSE WEAPONS most solid matter tends to be an annoyance, rather than a barrier. In
other words, it can shoot through intervening solid objects. Pretty
handy when those pesky bunkers, trees, rocks, armor, absorption poly-
mers, or whatever is gets between you and your soon-to-be dead target.
Unfortunately, shooting through matter isn’t necessarily easy, and
“Pulse weapons are the therefore, tends to require additional help (in the off chance you can’t
single greatest weapon system do the three layer Euclidian geometry and integral Calculus in your
in existence! Nothing can stop head). Cheaper units require external targeting systems such as a K-Sat
pulse weapons. Nothing at all.” or a Cam FlyBot that allows the shooter to see a target that is behind an
obstruction, and provide its exact location to the targeting system.
Higher end models offer more sophisticated sensor packages, which
can utilize a myriad of techniques to see through intervening material
objects. Needless to say, this is a weapon of choice for many assassins,
who tend to have the time to gather the necessary intel before baking
their target from a distance.

Absorption and Threshold are ignored, and these weapons do no
integrity damage. Damage is subtracted directly from body points. The
sub-atomic particle stream can however, be stopped on a point-by-
point basis by Flux technology (which for some reason cause the parti-
cles to decay within the shield rather than beyond it). In addition, Rad
Liners are 100% effective in protecting the user from the direct effects,
but will eventually become radioactive due to the constant influx of
gamma radiation from taking repeated hits (just like Chernobyl!!).



Mutzachans and Gemini are naturally immune to radiation, but even under IR and UV scrutiny, you can’t use a forward observer to help
even the high levels of radiation emitted by this weapon can eventually you aim.
prove lethal (much to the chagrin of the Mutzachan product develop-
ers, who initially attempted to sell it as a intimacy enhancement Radiation Effects
device...whoops!). These races are entitled to a Radiation SMR when hit Just because your Rad liner stopped you from becoming a charred
by this weapon. Success indicates that take no damage from that hit, mass of particular matter, doesn’t mean you can just continue on as if
failure indicates they take 50% damage (rounded down). An SMR nothing happened (which considering how silent and invisible these
check is required for each hit from a Rad Cannon. weapons are, tends to be the case). The intense Gamma radiation emit-
Damage is reduced by one point for every 5 meters of low-densi- ted from these Rad Cannons causes the Rad Liners to become ’irradiated’.
ty material (wood, plastic, dirt, aluminum, Mylar, igneous rock, sand- Each day the wearer continues to use an armored suit with an irra-
stone, glass, etc.) or 3 meters of high-density material (such as con- diated liner, the wearer must make a Radiation SMR. The target’s
crete, brick, granite, marble, lead, steel, ceramics, etc.) the beam pass- Radiation SMR is reduced by 10 points for each day after the first, for
es through. As always the BM will make the final determination of just as long as they continue to use the irradiated liners. Failure indicates
how much crap you’re trying to shoot through. they now have radiation poisoning (See Radiation Poisoning sidebar).
Scrubbing or decontaminating the armor does not remove the radia-
Targeting tion. The Rad Liner must be replaced to eliminate the radiation.
There is no ’kick’ associated with firing the weapon, even on fully auto- As I’m sure you can guess, because of the tendency of the weapons
matic. Targets that are completely obscured (100% cover) can only be to irradiate anything and everything in their line of fire they’re highly
attacked by using a thru-matter” targeting system or by using Cam illegal. These weapons still see use on Mutzachan worlds, where they’re
FlyBot or K-Sat to “spot” the target (see below). expecting “radiation susceptible foreigners” and worlds on the rim of
Best-Guess Shot: Characters that have a good idea of where their Alliance space where the lack of any population density makes them
target is hiding can make a “best-guess” shot. These blind shots have more tolerable.
a -100 to hit plus an additional penalty based on the size of the cover,
using the table below. (BM’s discretion). Best-guess shots require that
the character know generally where the target is. For example, if the Cost Effectiveness: Only slightly less illegal than Grav Shears, they can fire
target ran behind a dumpster and didn’t come out from behind the much faster, but tend to do less damage on a per-shot basis. In addition, they
dumpster, you’re pretty sure they’re still behind that dumpster. are much lighter, and work in just about any environment (including artificial
However, if a target runs into a building you can’t make a best-guess gravity). The downside to the high rate of fire is that you drain the power
shot because the target could be anywhere in the structure. There are from the batteries that much faster. Let’s not mention the Mutzachan and
simply too many places for the target to hide for your character to have Gemini species immunity either. Needless to say, although its total damage
a general idea of his exact location. Making best-guess shots against output and per-shot damage isn’t as high as other weapons, the fact that it can
targets hiding behind cover larger than Size Class B is typically prohib- shoot through solid matter, ignores armor, and is invariably stealthy tends to
ited. (BM’s discretion). That’s where thru-matter targeting system make up for it’s short comings.
comes in handy.
Thru-matter targeting system: When attacking a target with
thru-matter targeting system the character must make a successful Death Slinger: An assassin’s weapon of choice these days, this rifle-
Sighting check to spot the target while looking through the scope. A configuration Rad cannon has an integrated “thru-matter” sensor pack-
-40 penalty is applied to the Sighting checks because the scope restricts age for use with short-range targets (200 meters or less), and can also
the shooter’s field of view and they must scan the area in small sections. be equipped with an optional longer-range sensor package (out to 350
While using the thru-matter scope the character (obviously) ignores meters) for another 500,000cr.
any penalties for concealment and cover. The thru-matter sensor sys- Balance Rating: 5
tems in Rad Cannons are assumed to have an adjustable zoom up to
20x. Attacking a target in this fashion requires the shooter to aim using EM Blaster: Another Tri-Corp weapon, this submachine gun styled Rad
the scope rules presented on page 190 in main Battlelords rulebook. Cannon has a tremendous rate of fire, which more than makes up for
K-sat spotter: A Cam Flybot or a K-Sat can be equipped with a its slow radiation output. It’s designed for close combat where you’re
Target Locator (See K-Sat Options in this PDF) so they can identify tar- engaged with a target that is behind cover. Simply point the weapon
gets and radio their exact position back to the shooter - assuming the where you think the target is and unload! The EM Blaster does not
Bot or K-Sat can actually visually see the shooter. Cam Flybots includ- include a “thru-matter” sensor system, but it can be linked up to a Cam
ed with a Rad Cannon are already assumed to have a Target Locator. Flybot (not included) or K-Sat with a Target Locator (also not includ-
Because the beam of radiation emitted by the Rad Cannon is invisible ed). Balance Rating: 5

EM Engager: Another SMG-like Rad Cannon the Tri-Corp EM Engager

comes complete with a stealth Cam Flybot, which is equipped with a
ACTUAL SC PENALTY (BLIND SHOT) EQUIVALENT SC camo unit (-40 to sighting checks) to make it harder to spot. The
A -40 10 (Car) Engager can also be linked up to a K-sat with a Target Locator. The
B -80 25 (Moving Van) weapon does not include a “thru-matter” sensor system.
C -120 100 (Building) Balance Rating: 5



Quark Cannon: The Quark Cannon is a highly accurate, rifle-sized,

Rad Cannon. The weapon has exceptional range for a Rad Cannon as TACTICS TO PRACTICE
well as a respectable rate of fire. The weapon can be equipped with an Target Designators vs. Target Locators: Target Locators are
optional, state of the art, “thru-matter” sensor system that increases the different that the Target Designator (TD) rounds and it’s important
price tag by 300,000 credits. Unfortunately the weapon’s range far to know the differences. First we’ll cover some physical and func-
exceeds the range of the sensor system, which is limited to about 200 tional differences between the two devices.
meters. The sensor system’s range is halved when used through low- • Target Designators or “TD rounds” are a type of ammu-
density materials and quartered for high-density materials. nition used with Gauss weapons and Mag Guns.
Balance Rating: 5 • Target Locators are devices installed in K-Sats.
• Shells used with Target Designators have steering mech-
Rad Pulse Standard: A smaller version of the Rad Pulse Turbo that anisms bolted onto them allowing the munition to home
includes a Cam Flybot. Get a 10% discount on any K-Sat when you pur- in on the Target Designators.
chase one at the same time as this weapon! Offer not valid on Earth. • Target Locators use standard, off-the-shelf munitions
While supplies last. Balance Rating: 5 and are dependent on the gunner’s skill to hit. No mod-
ification is made to the shell.
Rad Pulse Turbo: This immense Rad Cannon spits out a flesh melting • Target Locators are too big to be used in Mag Gun or
blast of radiation that’ll flash fry a Ram Python. The weapon can be Gauss munitions because of the long-range transmitters
linked to a Cam Flybot (included), K-Sat with Target Locator (not they need to send the enemy’s coordinates back to the
included), or equipped with an optional “thru-matter” sensor system gunner’s targeting computer.
for another 500,000 credits. • Target Locators require an “external” reference point to
Balance Rating: 5 compute the target’s exact location, which prevents
them from functioning accurately if they’re stuck to the
actual target. This also prevents Target Locators from
RADIATION POISONING being used as a Mag Gun or Gauss round.
If a character succumbs to the effects of radiation exposure Now that we’re finished with the science lesson the important
and develops radiation poisoning they will lose two points of thing to remember are the practical differences between the two
Constitution and one point of Strength per day. Treating radiation systems. Target Designators (TDs) are designed primarily to pro-
poisoning requires a Medical (Radiation) skill check with a level tect friendly personnel from being hit by an area effect weapon.
4 difficulty. The difficulty of the check increases by 1 level for every Area-effect munitions that target an enemy too close to a friendly
two days that the radiation poisoning has gone untreated. trooper will not detonate and the round may have a chance to find
Alternatively, a player may chose to make an attempt to treat another enemy target that won’t endanger friendly personnel
the radiation poisoning using Rad Serum, which requires the play- before it runs out of momentum. Use Target Designators when
er to make a Radiation SMR check with a +50 bonus (See you have friendly troops interspersed with enemy troops and you
LNL:AEC). If successful the serum will halt further effects of the still want to use your artillery to its maximum effectiveness.
radiation poisoning, however, previous damage remains until full In contrast, Target Locators are designed signal the location
treatment can commence. enemy personnel and assets (buildings & vehicles) for weapon
systems that are usually beyond that enemy’s line-of-sight. These
Fredd the Python has radiation poisoning. At the end of the first day,
systems give you a target to shoot at that would otherwise have
he loses two points of Constitution, and one point of Strength. Fredd been beyond your capability to spot. They do not offer any protec-
decides that this is okay and continues without treatment. On the end of tive measures for friendly troops that happen to be in the blast
the 2nd day, Fredd loses another two points of Constitution, and one point area.
of Strength. This is starting to take its toll, and Fredd decides to use a Rad Use Target Locators to find hostile personnel and equipment
Serum his buddy gives him. He rolls his SMR check with the additional 50% in enemy-controlled territory so you can blast them with your
the serum gives him and succeeds. This halts any further effects, however artillery from a safe distance. You should also use Target Locators
Fredd has still lost 4 Points of Constitution, and 2 Points of Strength, and in urban environments to seek out victims for your snipers
the serum does not return these stats to the original pre-radiated values. equipped with Rad Cannons and Atomic Displacers.
As a result, Fredd decides to see his local Zen for further treatment. Smart
move Fredd!
Note 1: If the characters are unaware that they have been exposed
to radiation, a Diagnose Disease skill check (level 5 difficulty) may
be required to determine that the victim has radiation poisoning.
Note 2: Characters with the Paramedic skill can also attempt to
treat a victim of radiation poisoning, but the difficulty levels are
doubled. You’re much better off using the Radiation treatment
skill than the Paramedic skill.



To use a Smart Gun in seeker mode, the user need only point the
weapon at the target and make a successful attack roll, to record the
TYPE ER TL AV COST target’s profile. It’s up to the shooter whether or not he wants to actu-
Assault Special 700 4-6 UC 20,000 ally fire a projectile at the target when recording their profile. The pro-
Close Combat Special 300 4-6 UC 14,500 jectile is programmed with all recorded profiles, including the one the
Rogue Catcher 700 4-6 C 12,500
user just obtained by pulling the trigger, a split-second before firing.
Run-Away Mark I 300 4-6 C
Once the weapon has recorded at least one target profile all muni-
tions fired from that weapon after that point attempt to seek out targets
Run-Away Mark II 300 4-6 C 7,200
matching the recorded profiles for as long as the weapon remains in
seeker mode. The chance to hit a target with a smart projectile in seek-
SMART GUNS er mode is dependent on the ammunition fired from the Smart Gun, not
the weapon itself. However, the shooter’s skill and the weapon’s accu-
Smart Guns employ highly sophisticated micro-missiles, which are pro-
racy are still used when recording target profiles.
grammed to attack only enemy combatants and avoid friendly targets.
When fired in seeker mode Smart Gun munitions will actually fly
The advantages of being able to spray fire into a crowd of people and
around searching for an available target that matches any recorded pro-
hit only your intended targets is obvious. Despite their “smart” capa-
file. The shooter can set the order they want the round to seek out the
bilities there are a number of disadvantages to Smart Guns. Smart Gun
recorded target profiles (full action), but most shooters opt for the
ammunition is relatively large and the number of shots in a magazine is
default setting. In the default setting the weapon will seek out the last
limited compared to more conventional projectile weapons. Granted,
recorded target profile first, and then will attack any other matching
this isn’t much of a disadvantage if every round you fire hits your intend-
profiles after that.
ed target without you having to aim. A more serious drawback is that
When creating a profile the weapon records a number of character-
highly complex ammunition used by smart guns is expensive. Again,
istics, only a few of which are known to anyone outside of the manufac-
this isn’t too detrimental since the weapons are highly accurate, but if
turer’s engineering team. The specific information the weapon records
you want to take advantage of that “I spray shots on full-auto into a
about a target and the process it uses to match a target to a recorded
crowd and only hit the bad guys” feature it’s going to get expensive fast.
profile is a closely guarded trade secret of Warmonger Industries. The
The primary drawback of Smart Guns is that there isn’t much room in
munitions’ are very sophisticated and highly accurate in their assess-
the ammunition for explosive payload after cramming in propulsion
ment of a potential target. Even changing clothes or wearing a disguise
systems, steering systems, sensors, and target analyzers. Compared to
appears to have little chance of fooling the Smart Gun ammunition.
their conventional counter-parts Smart Guns don’t pack much of a
Infiltrator armor appears to be one of the few ways to reliably fool a
punch and the availability of specialize payloads is limited due to space
Smart Gun. Multiple profiles can be stored in the weapon and a profile
constraints in the ammunition.
can be deleted manually by the user should the need arise. Some newer
A Smart Gun basically has two modes of operation. The first mode
models will actually relay this profile information to other Smart Guns
is referred to as “friendly mode.” When in friendly mode the weapon’s
that have an identical list of friendly transmitter signals.
ammunition will avoid anyone wearing the appropriate friendly trans-
Smart Guns are available in both rifle and pistol configurations.
mitter. These transmitters, which work identically to military IFF sys-
Most smart weapons have a unique key code that must be entered by
tems, send out a signal that identifies the wearer as friendly to the
anyone who wishes to activate the weapon. The key code is also pro-
weapon. Each transmitter has a unique signal that is recorded by the
grammed into other devices to identify the weapon as friendly, but the
weapon before use. Typically the transmitter device must be in physical
weapon and the device must be in physical contact. Though originally
contact with a weapon in order to add it to the weapon’s list of friend-
designed for law enforcement applications military versions (+1 to
ly transmitters. Only transmitters that have been programmed into the
ENC, +2 to SS, +10% cost) of most Smart Guns are available and new
weapon before firing will be considered friendly targets. This prevents
models for both professions are being released at rapid pace. Smart
enemy personnel from purchasing transmitters of their own in order to
gun ammunition can not be reused after firing.
avoid Smart Gun fire. Transmitters are available in many shapes and Balance Rating: 4
sizes and are commonly disguised as other items, like police badges or
belt-buckles, in order to prevent their theft should a user be incapaci-
tated. If a friendly target is hit by a Smart Gun munition the round will Smart Guns:
not detonate, though some earlier munitions may still fly through the Assault Special: The Assault Special is a Smart Gun rifle that uses
target like a bullet. Some munitions will actually self-destruct or fire Type B ammunition. The Assault Special trades accuracy for a higher
breaking-thrusters if they are about to hit a friendly target to minimize rate of fire and a larger box magazine. A special feeding mechanism
damage. was designed for this weapon, which allows it to fire on fully automat-
The second mode of operation for Smart Guns is called “seeker ic. The Assault Special has the capability to transmit target profiles to
mode” and is employed when a specific hostile target or targets has all other smart weapons, other than the Mark I, out to 150 meters.
been identified. When in seeker mode the weapon will still attempt to
avoid targets with friendly transmitters, but its primary goal is to seek Close Combat Special (CCS): This SMG-sized weapon is capable of
out a target matching a specific profile. When in seeker mode Smart firing Type A ammunition on fully automatic. The CCS has the capabil-
Guns can be set to ignore friendly transmitters in case a hostile target ity to transmit target profiles to all other smart weapons, other than the
has acquired one. Mark I, out to 150 meters.



Rogue Catcher: The Rogue Catcher was released at the same time as to receive its target profiles. Like the targeting wand, friendly smart
the Mark II, and is the rifle version of the Mark II. The rifle configura- guns must be identified to the IS System before it is used and requires
tion allowed the Rogue Catcher to use larger ammunition than the Mark the friendly weapon and the IS system to be in physical contact while the
I and Mark II. The Rogue Catcher has all the same features as the Mark weapon’s key code is entered on the IS System keypad.
II, but can transmit a target profile to other friendly weapons, except the Since Warmonger Industries has refused to release the means by
Mark I, within 300 meters. The Rogue Catcher uses Type B ammunition. which the smart technology identifies targets the IS system is only sup-
posed to be used to help the police locate potential suspects and is not
Run-Away Mark I: Designed specifically for law enforcement the Run- considered a legal means of positive identification.
Away Mark I Smart Gun was the first model released by Warmonger Balance Rating: 1
Industries. The weapon won praise for its ease-of-use and effectiveness
from law enforcement personnel despite many industry analysts that Security Rack: The security rack stores Smart Weapons when not in
claimed a “smart weapon” would become an unreliable crutch for use. Weapons in the rack are locked in place and can not be forceful-
police forces. The Mark I is a very large, but relatively light-weight pis- ly removed without destroying them. The activation code must be typed
tol. The standard magazine holds 4 rounds, but 6 and 8 round mags into the rack’s keypad in order to release the weapon with the match-
are available. The sensor system in this weapon is a modular unit that ing code. In addition, the rack allows the controller with the proper
is easily replaced if damaged. The electronics inside the unit are authorization codes to program all the devices in the rack with friend-
designed to self-destruct if the unit is tampered with. The Run-Away ly weapon codes and target profiles simultaneously. As long as the
Mark I is not capable of receiving target profiles from other sources smart devices are in the rack together they do not need to be in physi-
and only recognizes profiles recorded by the weapon’s built-in target cal contact in order to be programmed.
scanner. In addition, the Mark I does not feature the ability to lock the The security rack is available in two sizes, the barracks model and
weapon using a key code. The Run-Away Mark I only uses Type A the armory model. The barracks model holds up to 12 rifles and 8 pis-
ammunition. tols. The armory model holds 4 rifles and 6 pistols. Both racks are fully
enclosed. The armory model has a Threshold of 8 and an Integrity of
Run-Away Mark II: Capitalizing on the popularity of the Mark I 15. The barracks model has a Threshold of 15 and an Integrity of 45.
model, Warmonger Industries quickly set their designers on the task of Balance Rating: 1
improving upon the Mark I. The Mark II is the result of two years of
extensive improvements and design testing. The Mark II introduced Targeting Wand: The flashlight-sized device can be used to identify
several new changes to smart weapons technologies that would become targets for Smart Guns. The profile of the target the device records is
standard on all future models. The Mark II has the ability to wirelessly sent via an encrypted wireless transmission to all the “friendly” smart
transfer target profiles to other friendly Mark II’s within 80 meters. In guns within its range. The list of weapons the wand considers friendly
addition, the Mark II can not be fired before the user inputs the key must be programmed into this unit before use. Programming the
code that unlocks the weapon. Once unlocked the weapon can be fired friendly weapons list into the wand is a simple procedure, but requires
by anyone until its current user relocks the weapon, or it is dropped. the wand and friendly weapon to be in physical contact while the
Holstering the weapon does not lock it. The Mark II is also lighter and weapon’s key code is entered on the wand’s keypad. The wand has a
slightly smaller than the Mark I. The Mark II uses Type A ammunition. broadcast range of 150 meters.
Balance Rating: 4


Identifier System 4-6 UC 3,500
Sonic Scrambler 20 4-5 VR 10,000
Security Rack (Armory) 4-6 UC 15,000
Security Rack (Baracks) 4-6 UC 30,000
Targeting Wand 4-6 C 1,500 SPECIALIZED WEAPONRY
Sonar Scrambler: When aimed at Mazian this weapon records the fre-
Smart Gun Accessories: quency of the Mazian’s sonar and then generates a counter-wave, which
Identifier System: Also known as an IS system, this lunch box-sized effectively renders the Mazian’s sonar useless. The blob is entitled to a
device is used to scan an area for individuals that match a known tar- Sonic SMR to avoid the effects of the attack. The effect lasts for as long
get profile. Individuals that match a profile are highlighted in red on as the weapon is pointed at the Mazian, but the user must make a suc-
the device’s viewing screen. Police often use identifier systems to look cessful attack with the weapon once per second in order to continue the
for known targets in a crowd. Use of an Identifier System to pick out a effect.
target in a crowded room tends to panic the public a lot less than wav- Balance Rating: 4
ing your gun around.
The IS System can receive target profiles from all friendly smart
guns that are capable of broadcasting target profiles to other devices.
The IS system must be within range of the broadcasting device in order




TYPE ER TL AV COST “Getting hot under the
BC-Godsfire 1,750 6-7 VR 3.0M collar? You don’t want to let the
BC-Hades 2,000 7 UC 1.6M enemy get you steamed, not
BC-Inferno 1,900 7 UC 2.0M
when things are really cooking.
BC-Solaris 1,200 6-7 R Oh Pulsie, stop! Seriously, the
best defense against thermatics
is the Heat Sink. A Heat Sink is a
THERMATICS surprisingly low-tech device
BC-Godsfire: The Godsfire is the latest release from the Balshrom which gathers the thermal ener-
thermatics lab. The weapon’s thermal output is incredible as is its gy from the surrounding metal
range and accuracy. The Godsfire is heavy and has a limited number of and allows it to dissipate harm-
shots, but a single shot is likely to cook through anybody not wearing lessly. The concept has been
mechanized battle armor – you just have to survive 4 seconds to watch used by a number of species for
the roast. centuries. Heat Sinks are com-
Balance Rating: 3 pact metal devices that only pro-
tect the section of the armor they
BC-Hades: Balshrom has decided that they’re getting tired of getting are attached to. They are sold
pushed out of the market by smaller more aggressive competitors and individually, meaning that 7
have begun to firmly establish their grip on particular segments of the units must be purchased to cover
weapon’s market. The first segment of the weapon’s market they’re all of the armor of a typical
putting their mark on is the thermatics market. The BC-Hades is biped.”
Balshrom’s first attempt to out-design their competitors by producing a
weapon beyond the capabilities of any previously released thermatic on
the market. Expensive and quite large for a beam weapon.
Balance Rating: 3

BC-Inferno: The second in the series of new Balshrom thermatics, the

BC-Inferno doesn’t have the accuracy of the Hades thermatic, but it
does do significantly more damage on average. Like all of the new
Balshrom thermatics, the Inferno is a robust weapon – especially for a
thermatic, but it’s also huge.
Balance Rating: 3

BC-Solaris: Probably the best thermatic weapon on the market, the

Solaris is highly accurate and does hordes of damage, slowly roasting
your target until they’re a nice golden brown. Unfortunately, it’s still as
big as a house compared to most impact lasers with similar damage
yields. Balance Rating: 3


Targets hit in the face by web glue who are not wearing a helmet or who
are wearing an open face helmet, begin to suffocate until the glue is
pulled free. Ouch. Remind me to shave.
Suffocation: Opponents lose 1d10 points of Constitution per sec-
ond while suffocating or drowning. This CON loss is only temporary
and is recovered at the same rate it was lost once the source of the
asphyxiation is removed. When an opponent’s Constitution reaches
zero, he is unconscious. When his Constitution reaches the negative of
its original value, the opponent is dead. So if Fredd had a 150 CON to
start out with (before any CON loss) and it drops to -150 due to suffo-
cation, Fredd is dead.
Balance Rating: 2







TYPE TL AV COST The statistics listed below are for 85lb Carinade shells. The statistics for
Disarm Bullets 3-4 R x5 Mini-Howitzer shells will appear next to the 85lb shell stats in brackets.
Bio-Mercuric Ammo 5-7 U x100 For example, a shell whose damage is listed as “5d4 [7d4]” would indi-
cate that the 85lb shell does 5d4 damage, where as the Mini-Howitzer
AMMUNITION: APWS shell does 7d4 points of damage. Mini-Howitzer shells cost 33% more
than the price listed for the 85lb Carinade shells.
Disarm Bullets: A similar concept to the Door Breacher shotgun
shells, these bullets are composed of highly compressed powdered Anti-Personnel Shot: Designed as a last-defense shell for artillery
metal. Crack snipers can shoot weapons out of the hand(s) of the tar- crews that are being over-run, this shell allows an artillery piece to
get using these bullets, with reduced chance of causing a severe injury works like a giant shotgun, spraying .50 caliber slugs (steel balls) down
to the target should a miss occur. The force of the impact dislodges the range. Any unarmored target struck is usually dismembered by the
gun from the victim’s hand tossing it a distance in meters equal to the blast. The shell is only effective against targets within 100 [150]meters
damage done by the weapon minus the ENC of the weapon. The victim of the gun. Slugs do 5d4 [7d4] points of damage (IR 1) and affect
takes 1d4 points of temporary damage to the appendage(s) holding the Heavy Armor normally. Roll random hit locations for each slug hit.
weapon. Typically the weapon shot by a Disarm Bullet isn’t destroyed
but must make an immediate System Shock roll. If the sniper misses • Targets that are within 5 meters of the weapon are hit with
the weapon and hits the target directly, they only take one quarter of the 5d10 [7d10] slugs. At this range the spray of slugs spread
damage normally caused by the APW being used, but it’s real damage out horizontally to about 1 meter across (wide).
not temporary. A target who is aware that their weapon may be shot out
of their hand is entitled to a Strength check with a penalty equal to three • Targets between 6 and 20 meters away take 2d10 [3d10]
times damage done by the weapon to retain hold of the weapon. This is, hits. Four meter horizontal spread.
admittedly, a pretty rare occurrence all things considered.
Balance Rating: 3 • Targets that are between 21 and 50 meters are hit by 1d10
[2d10] slugs. Eight meter horizontal spread.
Bio-Mercuric Ammunition: Bio-mercuric ammunition functions like
normal mercuric bullets except in this ammunition the metallic mer- • Targets that are between 51 and 75 meters are hit by 1d6
cury has been encapsulated in genetically engineered bacteria that are [2d6] slugs. Sixteen meter horizontal spread.
resistant to the toxic effects of the mercury. Once released into a tar-
get, the bacteria facilitate a more rapid distribution of the mercury • Targets beyond 75 meters are hit by 1d4 [2d4]slugs. Twenty-
throughout the body, carrying the mercury to the target’s tissues and four meter horizontal spread.
organs. Eridani and Phentari hit with bio-mercuric rounds must make
their SMR at a –30 penalty as opposed to the normal –10. In addition, What’s the moral of this story? Don’t rush the artillery unless you’re
failure indicates coma and death in the 1d4 days, not the normal 1d6. sure you can take them out before they can fire. Artillery typically
These rounds are highly illegal and rumors abound that they were incurs a -40 penalty when being direct fired, as opposed to its normal
developed by the Phentari and distributed to forces hostile to the mode of indirect fire. If you can get the shot off with the -40 penalty,
Eridani. No wonder the Eridani don’t like archaic powder weapons! all targets in the spread range are automatically hit. BM’s discretion.
Balance Rating: 5 Balance Rating: 4

Omega Pulse: This shell is actually a large Omega Canister, like the
AMMUNITION: COMPACT ARTILLERY one used in the Street Howitzer Omega weapon. The round has a prox-
imity sensor that detonates it about 1 meter above the ground where it
TYPE TL AV COST generates the omega pulse. The pulse does 4d6*10 [5d6*10]points of
Anti-Persnonnel Shot 3-4 C 800 concussion to everything within 5 meters. Targets between 6 and 10
Omega Pulse 7 VR 200,000 meters take half damage. Targets between 11 and 20 meters take one-
Planar Explosive 5-7 UC 10,000 quarter damage. Balshrom is selling these shells faster than scotch at
Naplam 3-4 C 12,000 an Orion bachelor party!
Bunker Buster 3-5 VC 110,000 Balance Rating: 4
EMP 6 UC 100,000
BX-1 4-6 R 50,000 Planar Explosive: This shell is a shaped charge designed to propagate
CR-3 4-6 UC 50,000 outward horizontally cutting everything in half. Works great for defor-
Spider 4-5 C 3,000 estation as well as anti-infantry. A proximity fuse detonates the round 1
Glitter Dust 4-6 C 750
meter above the ground. Any target struck with a Threshold lower than
8 is automatically severed. The blast does 8d10 [11d10]points of dam-
Illumination Round 6-7 C 2,500



age and reduces Integrity by 40 [50] points. It has a blast radius of 10 target area and it explodes releasing a 40 meter [55 meter] diameter
meters, but damage and Integrity reduction are reduced by half beyond cloud of dust that rains down on the landscape. The dust is phospho-
5 meters. rescent, heat-reactive, and will glow brightly if exposed to ultraviolet
Balance Rating: 5 light, energy fields, or strong heat sources. Anybody wearing an a-grav
unit or with an active Flux/PDS will light up like a Christmas tree once
Napalm: This shell explodes in an incendiary firestorm, charring this dust settles on them. The dust will also illuminate hot weapon bar-
everything within 40 [55] meters. Everything caught in the inferno rels, as well as hot vehicle engines and exhaust. These are a great way
takes 5d4 points of damage, and will continue to burn for another 1d4 to identify UV and IR sources out in the darkness. The dust gives a +25
rounds taking another 5d4 points of damage each round spent on fire. to all Sighting checks against coated targets if it’s dark outside.
Targets within 10 meters of the shell when it explodes take 1d4*10 Balance Rating: 3
[2d4*10] points of concussion damage.
Balance Rating: 3 Illumination Round: This round activates deceleration thrusters and
an a-grav unit once it’s about 30 meters above the ground. The a-grav
Bunker Buster: This hardened artillery shell is designed to bury itself allows the round to float, suspended in the air. Once in position the
2-meters in the dirt (or whatever else it hits) before it explodes. The round pops open and ignites an incredibly bright, sustained flare-fur-
shell will pass through any material with a Threshold of less than 40 nace. The light from the furnace will illuminate a 60 meter [80 meter]
points. Any object directly hit by the shell takes 60d4 [80d4] points of diameter circle on the ground below the round as if it was daylight.
damage (50 points of Integrity damage), but the chances of anything Assuming it’s dark outside, characters that find themselves in the illu-
smaller than a building being directly hit is unlikely. Once the shell mination zone must make a Radiation SMR. Failure indicates they’ve
reaches two meters in depth it explodes causing 4d6*10 been temporarily blinded for 1d4 [2d4]seconds. Like all arty-rounds
[5d6*10]points of concussion damage to everything within 10 these make that telltale whistle that indicates their approach, so many
[13]meters. Works great for flushing people out of buildings and inexperienced soldiers will be looking up when the round goes off (see
bunkers! If the round fails to penetrate the target it will explode when below).
its downward momentum ceases. The rounds can be easily shot down, but looking directly at them
Balance Rating: 4 can cause blindness. A Radiation SMR is required if a character looks
directly at the round and failure indicates a permanent reduction of the
EMP: This shell explodes releasing an EMP pulse. All items within 30 observer’s visual modifier by 15d4 [20d4]points. These rounds are
[40] meters that are susceptible to EMP must make an immediate pretty cheap, so if the enemy takes one out you can always lob over a
SS/SMR with a penalty equal to 4d40 [5d40]. The shells are a great way few more. The round has a lifespan of 20 minutes before it expends its
to convince your opponent to surrender without having to fire a shot. batteries, snuffs out, and drops the ground. The rounds can be reused
Balance Rating: 4 if you can manage to find it. These are a lot of fun to direct fire through
windows, to scare the beejeezus out of the room’s occupants and force
BX-1: Identical to the BX-1 (Biological) grenade, except these shells them to make a SMR to avoid blindness. These rounds hover at ceiling
spew the bio-hazardous material over a 20 [25]meter area. Don’t you level if trapped in an overhead environment.
feel so much safer with the ability to shoot these suckers over the hori- Balance Rating: 3
zon with your artillery piece rather than chucking one like a rock and
having it end up only a few meters away?
Balance Rating: 3 AMMUNITION: GAUSS GUNS PG. 7
CR-3: Identical to the CR-3 (Chemical) grenade, except these shells TYPE TL AV COST
spew the chemo-hazardous material over a 20 [25]meter area. Mega-High Explosive 4-7 UC 9,000
Balance Rating: 3 Target Designator 4-7 UC 1,500

Spider: This shell bursts open about 5 meters above the target releas-
ing three-dozen [50] plasma grenades with the spider modification.
The spiders fall to the ground and crawl up to 300 meters away from Mega-High Explosive: This round does 7d6 points of damage.
the impact site looking for potential targets before detonating. The spi- Balance Rating: 3
ders will move towards any obvious personnel or lightly armored vehi-
cles. Spider shells are a great way to maximize your shot-to-kill ratio. Target Designator: These gauss rounds function identically to the TD
Spider shells can be special ordered and filled with the grenade of your rounds used in mag guns. The version of the round is designed for
choice, except Super-Plas or Omega grenades. The cost for a custom gauss weapons and hardened to absorb the impact associated with
grenade load is 2,500 plus the cost of the grenades. these high-speed projectiles. The threshold reduction of the gauss guns
Balance Rating: 4 allows these rounds to be imbedded in vehicles, armored suits, build-
ings, and other structures.
Glitter Dust: Paranoid? Are you always under the impression that the Balance Rating: 2
enemy is stealthily closing on your position under the cover of dark-
ness? Well now you can find out. Lob one of these arty shells over a



A/R Round: After attaching to its target this round starts randomly
emitting attractor and repressor beams in various directions, one beam
TYPE ER TL AV COST is emitted every second for 10 seconds. The round does not fire the
Aerosol Sprayer 2 4-6 C 6,500 damaging attractor/repuslor combo beams like the weapon of the same
A/R Round 10 7 R 2,000 name. The beams emitted by this round push struck objects away or
- 4-6 C 800
pull them closer, depending on whether the beam fired was a repressor
Bio Weapons Detector
or attractor respectively. Any movable object that’s size class 8 or small-
Buddy Killer I 15 4-6 R 1,850
er and is within 10 meters of the grenade has a 50% chance to be hit.
Buddy Killer II 15 4-6 R 2,000
Targets are either pushed (1-50%) away from the grenade, or pulled
Chemical Weapons Detector - 4-6 C 350
(51-100%) towards the grenade. Objects are moved a distance equal
Camera - 4-6 C 1,200
to 2d10 meters minus their size class. Objects that strike an immovable
Chaff 3 4-6 UC 1,000 object may take damage. In this case damage is equal to the number
Detonator Time Adjuster - 4-6 C Special of meters the target would have moved had they not hit the immovable
ECCM - 4-6 UC 3,000 object minus the number of meters they actually moved before striking
ECM - 4-6 UC 2,500 the immovable object. Damage is applied to a random hit location. An
FIG Round - 6 UC 500 Orion Rogue favorite.
Fire Retardant 2 3-4 UC 100 Balance Rating: 3
Flux Activation Scrambler - 6-7 R 7,500
Flux Cage - 6+ VR 100,000 Bio Weapons Detector: Let’s face it. One of the main advantages of a
Homing Device - 4-6 C 3,500 mag gun is the ability to precisely place a piece of equipment farther
Intruder Detector - 4-6 C 850 away than you can throw it. Sure there’s the ability to blow things up in
Jumper 4-6 R 750
new and unique ways, but this round might come in handy too. If this
round comes into contact with a toxic or dangerous airborne biologi-
Med Mag MID - 4-6 UC 14,000
cal agent it has a 75% chance to detect what the compound is and
Mine Mag Round - 4-6 UC 2,500
sound an audible alarm.
Mr. Stinky (Pine Scent) - 4-6 C 10
Balance Rating: 1
Mr. Stinky (New Car Scent) - 4-6 C 10
Mr. Stinky (Ocean Breeze) - 4-6 C 10 Buddy Killer I: Does nothing for 5 to 15 minutes, then releases a
Mr. Stinky (Ram Phermones) - 4-6 R 1,500 pulse blast straight out from the target (90% to hit anyone in the line of
Neuro - 5-6 VR N/A fire in the first two range brackets), doing 6d6 points of damage. The
Neuro Elite - 5-6 VR N/A pulse is also released if this mag gun round is tampered with before the
Psycho Killer - 5-6 U N/A time expires.
Pulse Attractor - 5-6 VR 10,000 Balance Rating: 2
Radio Jammer - 4-6 C 850
Riot Foam - 5-6 UC 1,000 Buddy Killer II: This improved version of the Buddy Killer round is
Screamer 4-6 C 500 equipped with a small sensor designed to recognize and fire at anything
Sounder Plus - 4-6 C 500 which is “roughly humanoid” in appearance. The round’s sensor is
Spider - 4-6 R 15,000
primitive at best and has a 20% chance to fire prematurely if anything
size class 1 through 8 moves in front of it (including Cizeracks and
Spotting Paint Round - 3-6 VC 350
Mazians) regardless of shape. All other statistics are identical to the
Target Designator (TD) - 4-7 UC 1,000
Buddy Killer I. The legality of these munitions is dubious at best.
Toxin Dispenser MID - 4-6 C 5,000
Balance Rating: 3
Thunderbolt - 4-5 C 1,500
Ultra Mag Modification - 7 U +300 Chemical Weapons Detector: If this mag gun round comes into con-
Vulcan - 4-6 UC 1,000 tact with a toxic or dangerous airborne chemical it has a 75% chance
Vulcan Plus - 4-6 R 3,500 to detect the compound and sound an audible alarm.
Balance Rating: 1

AMMUNITION: MAG GUNS Camera: This mag gun round contains an impact-resistant camera with
a wide-angle lens (70 degree arc). Once attached to a target the cam-
Aerosol Sprayer: After impact this mag round sprays a fine mist of era is activated and begins transmitting encrypted video. Any body com-
gas. Unless the target has environmental containment they are affected puter with the proper de-encryption code can be used to view the video
as if a CR-3 grenade had hit them. Anyone within 2 meters of the round transmission. The camera has enough power for 10 hours of use, and
when it detonates that doesn’t have environmental containment is can broadcast its signal up to 100 meters under ideal conditions.
affected. A biological version of the grenade is also available, which has Balance Rating: 1
the same effects as the BX-1 grenade. Balance Rating: 4



Chaff Mag Gun Round: This mag gun round emits a chaff cloud that Flux or PDS is deactivated and this mag gun round has not been
surrounds the target. The cloud functions identically to the cloud emit- removed the penalty to activation again applies. Despite the cost and
ted by the Chaff Ejector armor option. limited effectiveness of these rounds they can pay off in spades. The
Balance Rating: 3 ability to prevent an armored target from activating their Flux for a few
seconds can make the difference between an easy capture or a fire-fight
Detonator Time Adjuster (DTA): This option is available as a facto- with heavy weapons. It’s standard procedure in galactic law enforce-
ry-installed upgrade (takes 3d6 weeks) to your stock mag gun. It ment to hit any armored target with at least one of these rounds before
allows you to manually set the detonation time of your mag gun muni- an arrest is attempted – just in case. The round may be recharged (1
tions, as well as changing the default setting for all mag gun munitions hour) and reused.
loaded into the weapon. The timer can be set from 1 second all the way Balance Rating: 5
up to 120 seconds. Once set all the mag rounds in the weapon default
to that value. You can change the timer setting on individual mag gun Flux Cage: A highly experimental round, the Flux Cage represents the
rounds to be different that the default setting. Any changes from the first apparently successful modification of the standard Flux shield. By
default are lost if the mag round is unloaded from the weapon. decreasing the regularity of the energy matrices involved in creating a
Changing the timer on individual munitions in the magazine from the Flux shield, Mutzachan scientists have been able to produce an energy
weapon’s default setting can be done before firing (half-action per field that not only prevents weapons fire from escaping, but also pro-
round). The cost is 300 to 1500 credits for the weapon upgrade, hibits movement from within the field.
depending on manufacturer and weapon model (BM’s discretion). In layman’s terms, the Flux Cage is a “rigid” Flux shield that has
Balance Rating: 5 been turned inside out. Weapon’s fire can pass freely from the outside
of the field to the target encased inside. However, weapon’s fire origi-
ECCM: Each round attached to the target cancels out 10 points of the nating from inside the field is blocked, unless the total damage done to
target’s ECM. Additional rounds are cumulative up to 50 points worth Flux exceeds the field strength. The inverted field allows law enforce-
of ECCM. ment to “neutralize” a trapped target by firing non-lethal weaponry
Balance Rating: 4 unhindered through the field from the outside.
In addition the Flux is also form-fitting and rigid, preventing the
ECM: Each round attached to the target give it an ECM rating of 10. being surrounded by the cage from moving more than a fraction of an
Additional rounds are cumulative up to 50 points worth of ECM. inch. Persons surrounded by Flux cages can breathe normally (if shal-
Balance Rating: 3 lowly), can see (if their eyes were open when the field was established),
and can hear normally, but are unable to move even a finger. Weapons,
FIG Round: This mag gun round remains dormant after hitting a tar- other than those thought-activated triggers, cannot fire from within a
get unless that target activates a Flux or PDS, which triggers the round’s Flux cage.
activation. Once activated the round utilizes a specialized Flux The mag round version of this weapon envelops a single target in
Interference Generator (FIG) to attack that target’s Flux shield. The FIG a 100 point Flux cage, and contains enough energy to power that cage
in this round has been specially modulated to affect a targets Flux from for an hour. The round comes with a remote deactivator which may be
the inside of their shield. The round does 6d6 points of damage to the used to power down the cage before then. These rounds are currently
Flux or PDS. The round will not function if the target’s Flux or PDS is being field tested by Alliance police, the Galactic Military, and select
active before the round hits. The round must anchor itself to the actu- bounty hunters who are considered to be ’trustworthy’. 200 point
al target to be functional. Pepper the target with enough of these babies rounds, and even stronger ones, are also being tested.
and he’ll think twice about putting up a fight. Balance Rating: 5
Balance Rating: 4
Homing Device: This homing device allows the target to be tracked
Fire Retardant: This round expels potent, fire-retarding, foam on with a body computer from up to 300 km away. The target’s direction
impact. The foam will extinguish any flames within a 2 meter radius of and speed are also indicated.
the round. I said flames – as in camp fires, house fires, napalm, etc. Balance Rating: 1
You can’t extinguish light swords with this round, so don’t even try it!
Balance Rating: 1 Intruder Detector: This mag gun round houses a sophisticated,
impact resistant sensor that detects both heat and movement. The sen-
Flux Activation Scrambler: This highly popular, and expensive, sor is triggered by anything larger than a basketball that moves within
round is used by SWAT and special forces teams all over the Alliance. 4 meters of the round. In addition, the presence of any warm-blooded
The round is designed to prevent the activation of Flux and PDS devices. creature within 4 meters of the round will also set it off. The round can
Once attached to a target any attempt by that target to turn on their Flux be programmed to emit a really annoying, high-pitched, shriek or
or PDS has a 15% chance to fail. This penalty to activation applies until broadcast a radio message (range: 4km) once the sensor has been trig-
this mag gun round is removed from the target. The target may attempt gered.
to activate their Flux or PDS once per second (Requires one action Balance Rating: 1
using BTR combat rules). The device has no affect on Flux or PDS sys-
tems once they’ve successfully been activated. Hits from multiple Flux
activation scramblers on the same target have a cumulative effect. If the



Jumper: Probably the most disturbing mag gun round ever invented, Below is an excerpt of an audio-clip taken from an SSDC merc hel-
the Jumper round was designed to keep personnel from helping pry a met cam in a combat zone showing the usefulness of the nasal-friendly
mag gun round off one of their comrades. Once the Jumper round hits version of the Mr. Stinky loads.
a target it remains inert until an armored combatant moves to within 2 Soldier 1: “Dude, the skimmer reeks! The Ram has been in here again!”
meters of the original target. The technology the Jumper round uses to
identify whether armored personnel move into range is a closely kept Soldier 2: “Wait a minute I can fix that. *CHUNK* *WHACK* *SSSSSsssssss*
secret of the manufacturer (Warmonger, Inc.), but it is 80% accurate
in identifying potential targets (20% chance to remain dormant). Soldier 2: “Ah. Ocean breeze.”
Once an eligible target is detected in range the Jumper round
Soldier 1: “Good choice.”
detaches from the electromagnet anchoring it to its original target. The
round then activates a second electromagnet with the opposite polarity Soldier 2: “Thanks”
that pushes the round away from its original target towards the new vic- AV: C (R for Ram Pheromone version)
tim. The powerful magnets in the round draw it towards the closest Cost: 1,500 for Ram Pheromone version
metal object other than the original target. The sensor systems in the Balance Rating: 1 (5 for the Ram Pheromones)
round waits until the opportune moment to jump, helping to ensure
that the closest metal target is someone in armor, but it is only 75% Neuro: Three seconds after adhering a Neuro round emits a synaptic
accurate when jumping to a new target. Once the round reaches its waveform similar to a neuro cannon, affecting all beings within 5m.
new target (must be metal) the mag round detonates in 1d3 seconds Affected beings that fail a Mental SMR are either knocked unconscious
doing 2d6 points of concussive damage. Load a couple Jumper rounds or paralyzed for 1d4 minutes (01-50: unconscious, 51-00: paralyzed).
randomly into your mag gun and your opponents will think twice about It is illegal for anyone not in the Alliance military or anyone not
helping their buddy remove an attached mag grenade. employed by the Alliance government to possess these rounds.
Balance Rating: 2 Balance Rating: 4
Laser Designator: This mag gun round opens up and emits a bright Neuro Elite: A highly illegal, extremely powerful version of the Neuro
light in the UV spectrum, which has the same effects as marking the tar- mag round. Treat as a Neuro-Cannon 1 (see Lock-N-Load: Weapons &
get with a painting laser. This round provides +40 bonus to hit for all Tactics) with a 7m radius.
incoming Reflex missiles using UV tracking and provides the same +40 Balance Rating: 4
bonus to any UV-based sighting checks. Cost is mere 500 credits.
Balance Rating: 2

Med Mag MID: Identical to the standard Med Mag, but capable of TACTICS TO PRACTICE
piercing armor with a Threshold of 14 or less. Orion Special Mag Gun Round: With a few simple modifica-
Balance Rating: 1 tions this mag gun munition can go from being an Orion’s best
friend into an instrument of mental warfare. Read on!
Mine Mag Round: These mag gun rounds are designed to be shot at If you really want to torture an Orion, shoot him with one of
the ground, rather than at metal targets. Once they hit the ground these these rounds filled with 18-year-old single-malt scotch after dis-
rounds will automatically bury themselves. Any metal object that pass- abling the magnet release. Nothing’s funnier than watching that
es within 1 meter of the round will trigger the magnet and the round Orion take off his armor chest plate during a fire-fight and hold it
will fly from the dirt and attach itself to the closest metal target. Once over his head, trying to drink out of the mag gun round still stuck
anchored to a metal target the round will detonate in 1d6/2 seconds to it!
causing 4d6 points of damage. The round will remain active for 3 days. Also of note the famed assassin, Deb Tai once used an Orion
These rounds are illegal on most civilized worlds. Special in the assassination of Berinious Dar, the now deceased
Balance Rating: 2 head of the Balshrom R&D team. She placed a null stone in an
Orion Special round to keep Berinious from activating his PDS
Mr. Stinky Mods: My professional opinion is that this round stinks. before she plugged him with her APW sniper rifle. It’s an expen-
Sorry. I couldn’t resist. The Mr. Stinky mag gun round can also be pur- sive way to guarantee a kill, but what better way to cement your rep
chased in following scents: Pine scent, new car scent, ocean breeze, as one of the best in the biz. Rumor is the assassin later broke into
and Ram pheromones. With the latter, Rams who successfully make the police evidence locker and recovered the artifact!
their Smell check must immediately make an Aggression check. If the
Ram successfully makes its Aggression check it feels the urge to mate.
The Ram must now make an Intuition check. A failed INT check indi-
cates that the Ram must attempt to mate with the mag round’s target.
The Ram may attempt to make another INT check once each following
round. Success indicates that the Ram has come to his or her senses
and stops attempting to copulate with the poor target. Rams that fail
their initial Aggression check or successfully make an Intuition check
after exposure are no longer affected by the pheromones.



Psycho Killer: Developed by Phentari weapon manufacturers, this flammable so it can not be burned away. Only riot foam solvent or
round emits an oddly pulsing yellow light which only effects items like light swords can be used to effectively cut a victim free. Riot
Eridani…but the effects are wonderful! Any Eridani who catches even a foam solvent is a relatively simple compound, and the cops typically
glimpse of the round will suffer the effects of the following table: spray it around with fire hoses after the trouble-makers have been ’neu-
Mental SMR tralized’. It’s not readily available to the public, however, and the for-
01-20: No effect mula isn’t well known. Those not having law enforcement connections
21-50: Severe migraines resulting in a 2d20 penalty to all can expect to pay about 500 credits for enough solvent to clean up 20
actions and to vision modifier size classes of beings. The alternative, of course, is to wait a few days
51-80: Seizures! The Swordsaint is unable to take any action until the foam breaks down on its own. Heavy rains can also weaken the
other than flop around like a fish out of water for 1d4 strength of the foam by 10 to 50%.
minutes Balance Rating: 2
81-95: Berserk. The Eridani flies into an uncontrollable
berserk combat rage (as per the Aggression stat, but Screamer: The evolution of the Sounder series into a damaging round.
this time the Swordsaint takes the penalties too), attack- The Screamer emits a sonic disruptor pulse (as the weapon of the same
ing friend and foe alike. name - see Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics) effective to a 10m radius
96-99: Suicidal. The Eridani goes on a suicidal killing spree for a user-programmable duration of up to 1 minute. The round can
(as per the Aggression stat again with penalties as well), also be set before firing to emit a standard Sounder pulse for up to an
attacking anything that moves. hour after the completion of the disruptor pulse. Balance Rating: 2
00: The Eridani is pushed into a normal Eridani Berserk
state. He recognizes friend from foe, and probably has Sounder Plus: A suped-up version of the Sounder. Emits a loud, high-
a good idea who fired that nasty mag round. pitched whine for up to 60 hours straight, audible from 5km away and
The Psycho Killer round is, almost needless to say, extremely ille- nearly deafening from up close. Pythons love the highly illegal ’anti-
gal. To possess one will land you a cool 20-30 years in the Bighouse. Cizerack’ version of this round that is so high-pitched only the
Using one will get you life, or the death penalty (depending on the Cizerack’s and Fotts can hear it. All Cizerack within 100m of this ver-
judge), but the squids love ’em! sion of the Screamer must make an SMR at a +20 or be stunned and
Balance Rating: 5 unable to act for 3-12 minutes. Fotts are immune to the stunning affects
of this round, though it’s still really annoying. (Treat as the tuning fork
Pulse Attractor: Acts on the same principle as an Anti-Plas Generator, under the Cizerack racial description.)
only with opposite polarity. Pulse Weapons fired at the same target this Balance Rating: 3
round is anchored to after it has activated have +20 added to their
accuracy. Additional hits from this round do not have a cumulative Spider: Once the spider mag round hits a target it extends its mechan-
effect. ical legs and proceeds to crawl over the target towards the most pow-
Balance Rating: 4 erful energy source on the target. The spider will seek out an energy-
based heavy weapon, Flux generator, or Mrs. Fusion in that order of
Radio Jammer: Jams radio transmissions in a 15m radius at 110% preference before detonating. Once the spider has found a suitable
effectiveness. power source it detonates. Armor options and equipment must make a
Balance Rating: 1 System Shock check with a penalty of 5d10 or be destroyed. If a weapon
is attacked by the spider a roll on appropriate malfunction table (pg.
Riot Foam: This mag gun round releases rapidly expanding, adhesive 231 in the main Battlelords book) must be made immediately, adding
foam to ensnare a target. Multiple hits from a riot foam mag gun round 5d10 to the roll result. Balance Rating: 5
can quickly fill up rooms or hallways blocking exits and restricting
movement. The foam fills up 1 cubic meter of space per shot, centered Spotting Paint Round: Identical to the standard paint round, except
on the location hit. Unlike normal web gun glue the foam is porous and the instant-drying paint in this round glows in the dark (+20 to Sighting
victims covered in the foam will not suffocate. In addition, gas attacks checks at night).
can be delivered through the foam to target. Balance Rating: 1
The foam has a 50% chance to stick to another 1d4/2 body sec-
tions as it expands (roll on the splatter table) and all Strength checks Target Designator (TD): This round functions similarly to an IFF
to break free of the foam must be made at -50. A check must be made beacon. You simply shoot a target with one of these puppies to identi-
for each section hit. Anyone within 1-meter of a target hit with riot foam fy it as hostile or friendly, depending on the round you hit it with. The
has a 50% chance per hit (each hit rolled for separately) to have 1d2 next step is to equip a mortar shell or compact artillery shell with a
body sections entangled in the foam. maneuvering system and a special TD-Aware warhead that can sense
So if Bob is standing within 1 meter of Geex who gets hit twice these little mag rounds on potential targets. Once fired, a properly
with riot foam from a web gun, Bob must make two d100 rolls. If both modified round will be drawn toward TDs that are broadcasting the
rolls are 50 or under then Bob is not stuck to Geex. “hostile” signal and avoid targets with a TD that is broadcasting the
Riot foam remains sticky for days and anything touching the foam “friendly” signal.
is likely to become entangled. It is nearly impossible to cut someone Friendly and Hostile Target Designator rounds must be purchased
free from riot foam with a knife or sword. In addition the foam is non- separately and one type can not be converted to the other type for safe-



ty reasons. The TD-aware warhead and maneuvering systems for mor- Rule 5: If the weapon reaches its original target, but is prevented
tar shells and compact artillery shells adds an additional 300 credits to from detonating because it detects a Friendly TD in the blast radius
the cost of the shell. The maneuvering thrusters are attached to the it will not continue to look for other eligible targets. At this point
back of the shell, allowing the TD warhead in the front of the shell to the round veers off slightly to avoid the original target and propul-
“steer” the projectile while it is in flight. TD-warheads and maneuver- sion, if any is being used, is shut off. As a safety mechanism the
ing systems are being developed for launched grenades. electronics and the detonator in the warhead self-destruct to pre-
Typically TD sensors are used with “area-affect” weapons since vent the round from exploding and to keep the TD sensor from
these are likely to strike more than one target in the detonation area. being salvaged.
If a TD-aware warhead detects any Friendly TDs in the detonation area,
then the ordinance will not explode. Time 1 Time 2
Despite their “intelligence” mortar and artillery shells equipped 20 Meters
Z 20 Meters
with a TD aware warhead must still be fired at a specific target in order
to arm. This first target is referred to as the weapon’s “original target.” Y Y
The original target is not required to have a Hostile or Friendly TD mag
gun round attached to it. The weapon may select an alternate target B B
after it is fired based on the rules below. The following rules only apply
to mortar and artillery shells that have been equipped with a TD-aware
warhead, which must follow these specific set of rules to find an eligi-
ble target. A A

Note 0: The weapon receives a +20 bonus to hit targets

Time 3 Time 4
that are equipped with a Hostile TD.
20 Meters
20 Meters
Rule 1: The warhead is not capable of detecting TDs that are
more than 20 meters away from any point along its flight path. X 5m X 5m
This rule takes precedence over all of the following rules.
Note 1: The mag gun that fired the TDs and the weapon
system that fired the TD-aware ordinance are always con-
sidered Friendly TDs.
Rule 2: The weapon will select the Hostile TD that is closest to its
point of origin. Basically it attacks the first Hostile TD it “sees.” Example: Mercenary B successfully fires Target Designator mag gun
If multiple Hostile TDs are equidistant from the weapon, the target rounds and hits Arachnids X and Y. (Let’s assume, that the Arachnids are
is selected randomly from the eligible, equidistant, Hostile TDs. wearing metal armor and have no Flux shields up). Mercenary A subse-
quently fires a mortar shell equipped with a TD-aware warhead at
Rule 3: If the warhead determines that a Friendly TD may be hit
Arachnid X. Mercenary A get’s a +20 to his hit roll because Arachnid X is
by its detonation, then the ordinance will not explode – even if a
“tagged” with a Hostile TD (See Note 0). If the shooter fails his attack roll
Hostile TD would be hit.
(+20) to hit Arachnid X, the weapon doesn’t arm or fire. Write down the
Note 2: It is assumed the weapon is pre-programmed amount you rolled when you made your attack roll. It will come in handy
with its maximum blast radius and it is accurately able later. The mortar shell’s flight path is shown by the dashed line from A to
to measure the distance from itself to any TDs within 20 X. Let’s assume that Mercenary A successfully makes his attack roll and
meters. the round fires.

Rule 4: If the weapon fails to detonate due to a Friendly TD in the First we start with Rule 1. We can see that Arachnid Y is within 20 meters
blast radius it will continue on to the next closest, detectable of mortar shells, flight path. Mercenary B is slightly beyond 20 meters.
Hostile TD. If no Hostile TD is detected the weapon will continue Thus the warhead will “see” both Arachnids, but be unaware of Mercenary B.
onto its original target. If the weapon comes into contact with a
Next we go to Rule 2. Remember that the TD-aware projectile selects the
Hostile TD before it hits its original target the new Hostile TD will
the target closest to its point of origin with a detectable Hostile TD. If no
be selected as the target unless it violates Rule 3, at which point
the weapon will continue onto its original target. Hostile TD can be “seen” the weapon heads for the target it was original-
ly aimed at. This means the weapon picks its target before it is even fired,
Note 3: Because of the limited guidance and propulsion and only deviates from this course of action if it finds a closer target on its
systems of typical TD-equipped weapons, these weapons way there. In theory, this allows the weapon to take out the threats that
can never attempt to attack more than three targets are closest to the shooter first.
before they lose all momentum and self-destruct.



Since Arachnid Y is actually closer to the shooter (Mercenary A) than Note that if Mercenary B was in the blast radius of the weapon when it
Arachnid X, the weapon will veer towards Arachnid Y - even though veers toward Arachnid Z, the weapon would have self-destructed and not
Arachnid X is the original target. Since Arachnid Y has a Hostile TD we add returned to it’s original target. Note 3 indicates that the weapon could not
the +20 bonus to hit and make a new attack roll to determine if our attack have attacked any more targets - three attempts is all you get.
still hits taking into account any other situational modifiers that apply to
Balance Rating: 2
Arachnid Y. If the attack misses Arachnid Y the round simply misses the
target entirely and self-destructs (see below).
Toxin Dispenser MID: This round has an improved laser drill over
The TD warhead becomes aware of any Target Designators within 20 the standard Toxin Dispenser and can pierce armor with a Threshold of
meters of its flight path. This means that once the warhead veers towards 14 points or less. It is identical to the standard Toxin Dispenser round
Arachnid Y, it’s going to “see” Mercenary B for the first time. in all other ways.
Balance Rating: 1
It is important to remember that Target Designators are designed to pre-
vent friendly-fire accidents and clearly identify enemy troops for incoming Thunderbolt: This round emits an electrical charge, like a
weapons fire. Target Designators are attached to weapons with little or no Thunderbolt Generator, after attaching to the target. The target the
propulsion and limited maneuverability. They will NOT circle continuously round is attached to suffers 8d6 points worth of translative damage
in the target zone like a smart missile looking for a target to attack. They (ignores Threshold). The weapon, armor section, or piece of equip-
attack the closest target of opportunity unless there is a Friendly TD in the ment struck must make a SS/SMR roll as detailed in the description of
blast radius. Thunderbolt Generators in Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics.
Balance Rating: 3
Onto Rule 3. Let’s assume that Mercenary B is within 5 meters of
Arachnid Y. The warhead computes the distance between the hostile TD Ultra Mag Modification: This modification dramatically increases the
attached to Arachnid Y and the Friendly TD built-into Mercenary B’s strength of the magnet used in the standard mag gun round. The mag-
weapon. Remember according to Note 1, the weapon that fires a TD is net is so strong it will actually draw the round towards any metal object
always designated as a friendly target. Mercenary Y is well within the within 1 meter granting a +40 to hit the target. Characters attempting
blast radius of the weapon, and the warhead is aware of this fact. As as a to remove an Ultra-Mag grenade must make a Strength check with a
-180 penalty!
result, the weapon will NOT detonate because it might injure Mercenary B,
Any mag gun that fires Ultra-Mag rounds must be equipped with a
who is designated as a friendly target.
laser rangefinder (300 credits). The rangefinder determines the dis-
Ok, so what now? Rule 4 states that the weapon will begin looking for tance to the target and instantly plugs that information into the Ultra-
another Hostile TD. Since it can’t find one, it will attack it’s original target. Mag round. Once programmed and fired the round will not activate its
So in our example, because Mercenary B prevents the weapon from deto- magnet until just before it hits the target. If the range finder in not able
to determine the range to the target, due to smoke or for other reasons,
nating on Arachnid Y, it will again attack Arachnid X.
the Ultra-Mag round will stick to the first metal object it encounters
Since Mercenary B is well out of the weapon’s blast radius when it attacks within 1 meter of its flight path, excluding the shooter and his gear.
Arachnid X, it will detonate normally. Ultra-Mag rounds increase the cost of any standard mag gun
round by 500 credits. In addition, the larger magnet decreases the
For the sake of argument, let’s say there is a “Mercenary C” who is amount of space left in the grenade for the warhead. As a result, all
equipped with a Friendly TD and is in the blast radius of the warhead when standard rounds that are converted to Ultra-Mag rounds will have their
it attacks Arachnid X. In that case the weapon would self-destruct, causing payload decreased by half. For example, any round that fires multiple
no damage to anyone. (See Note 3). However, if Mercenary C forgot to projectiles, like the Immobilizer, will fire half as many. Any round that
wear his Friendly TD that day, the weapon would detonate normally. does a single damaging attack will have the damage of that attack
reduced by half. The volume of smoke emitted by a smoke round
Since we’re dealing with hypothetical’s here, let’s say before the mortar would be decreased by half and so on. As always the Battle Master will
shell is fired, Mercenary B successfully shoots Arachnid X and Z with a be the final arbitrator of just what effects converting a standard mag gun
Hostile TD. The same sequence of events will occur up to a point. The round to an Ultra-Mag round has.
weapon will be fired at Arachnid X, it will then veer towards Arachnid Y, Balance Rating: 4
but fail to detonate because of Mercenary B’s proximity to Arachnid Y.
Here is where the story changes. Instead of going back after Arachnid X, Vulcan: Smaller megacorps know how difficult it is to compete with the
the weapon would attack Arachnid Z. Remember according to Rule 4 the big boys on their own ground. This is particularly true in the area of
weapons development. One way to compete is via corporate espionage,
weapon looks for the next closest Hostile TD, and that’s attached to
stealing and implementing another company’s plans before they can be
Arachnid Z. Assuming Mercenary B is not in the blast radius of the weapon
stolen back. Another way is to corner small markets, one at a time. Tri-
when it hits Arachnid Z, we make an attack roll at +20 to determine if the Corp is such a small megacorp, and their weapons division, while not
round hits. If the round hits, Arachnid Z is paste. If it misses, well then it’s without their penchant for espionage, has used a bevy of lawyers to
time to shoot another round (see below). make a small move in the world of weapon research and development.
They have managed to obtain patents for the production of metal gun



technology in any weapon system utilizing an ’automatically timed or

remotely activated trigger’ to directly emit the magnetic pulse. The
Vulcan is one such product. Upon sticking to the target’s armor, this TYPE ER TL AV COST
round fires a magnetic disruption pulse, destroying the armor around Balshrom Diskus - 7 UC 12,000
it. Much of the power use in a metal gun comes from the need to trans- Blood Sucker - 7 UC 15,000
mit the pulse across long distances. The Vulcan mag round gets around Mexican Worm - 6-7 C 5,000
this power usage problem by using the armor itself as a substrate. The - 7 C
Skeet-1 7,500
pulse is generated through the armor, not broadcast through the air. - 7 UC
Tequila Sunrise 10,000
Thus the round is able to inflict damage comparable to a metal gun,
Trap Shoot - 7 R 24,000
while retaining its small size. The downside is that the pulse is restrict-
Trap Shoot II - 7 UC 24,000
ed to the armor section the round is affixed to. The Vulcan reduces
armor Threshold by 3, and destroyes 15 points of Integrity. Papers have
been filed by a number of other corporations to challenge the patent, AMMUNITION: PARASITE DISKS
but the case is currently tied up in red tape.
Balance Rating: 3 Balshrom Diskus: This state of the art parasite disk is another quali-
ty Balshrom product. The diskus uses drained energy to power its mag-
Vulcan Plus: Operates as the Vulcan round, but reduces Threshold by nets. Once the diskus reaches the end of its Duration it can utilize
6 and destroys 30 points of Integrity in the section it adheres to. stored energy to extend its Duration. The diskus can run for another
Balance Rating: 3 combat segment beyond its listed Duration for every 20 points of stored
energy in its power pack. In theory the diskus can continue to drain
Zen Slayer: The concept behind this round is simple. If you take out energy out of the target as it uses stored energy to prolong the drain –
your opponents medic, your dramatically reduce his ability to wage sus- in effect draining the target until no more power remains. The disk is
tained combat against your forces. The Zen Slayer is a highly modified capable of storing up to 60 points of energy. If the batteries in the
version of the “Toxin Dispenser +” round. Once it attaches to a target diskus become full it will expel the excess energy as heat (see Mexican
a small laser bores a hole through the armor and injects a tiny amount Worm for more info). THR: 18, IN: 12.
of a powerful tranquilizer. The laser is able to penetrate armor Balance Rating : 5
Thresholds up to 14. Victims must make a Bio SMR or pass out for 2d4
seconds. Though the sedative used in the round is harmless, it gives the Blood Sucker: The Blood Sucker features an enhanced battery pack
appearance that the victim has suffered a heart attack or some other that allows it to stay attached to the target for up to 10 seconds. Though
immediately life threatening condition. The effect is so convincing that its power draw is less rapid than other parasites, soldiers who make the
most medical devices (including autodocs) will conclude that the tar- mistake of forgetting about the blood sucker in the heat of battle will
get is in imminent risk of dying. Those who observe the attack can eventually end up with drained batteries. The Blood Sucker expels
make a Paramedic skill check with a level 15 difficulty or a Poison skill drained energy as heat, just like the Mexican worm. THR: 15, IN: 10.
check with a level 10 difficult to detect the ruse. Balance Rating : 4
Here is where the round gets its name. Once the round detects
another life form (presumably the medic) within 1 meter of the origi- Mexican Worm: The worm is your basic, no frills, parasite disk that
nal target it uses the same technology employed in the Jumper round to uses a thermal exhaust to bleed off drained power. This disk drains 3d6
leap to the new target. Once there the round immediately injects one Q per second, and can stay attached for 5 seconds. Drained energy is
dose of poison (your choice) after boring through the Threshold of the expelled out the rear of the disk as thermal energy. Damage from this
targets armor (up to THR 14). Because there’s not enough room for a thermal output is equal to the combined Q drained from the target’s
full dose of poison, treat as Mild Exposure. Another insidious munition weapons during the last second. Anything used to remove the parasite
brought to you by Warmonger, Inc. disk (hands, crowbar, etc) will be burned by the damaging thermal
Balance Rating: 4 exhaust as long as the worm has drained power that second. THR: 15,
IN: 10.
Balance Rating : 4
Skeet-1: The Skeet-1 channels more power to the Flux magnets and
Any grenade that is “launch-able” and has an ENC of 2 or less can be electromagnets, which makes it harder to remove. However, this
obtained as a 85lb mortar shell. Any grenade that is “launch-able” and reduces the amount of power the skeet can drain per second. The
has an ENC of 3 or less can be obtained as a Mini-Howitzer mortar Skeet-1 has also been hardened against external attacks at the expense
shell. These mortal shells cost six times as much as their grenade of structural integrity. Drained power is expelled out the back of the
equivalent, and their availability is increased by one level, making them disk in an identical fashion to the Mexican Worm. THR: 20, IN: 5.
more difficult to find. They’re exorbitantly expensive, but if you need to Balance Rating : 4
inaccurately lob a grenade-like munition thousands of meters as
opposed to the few hundred you achieve with a grenade launcher, then Tequila Sunrise: This parasite disk stores drained energy rather than
Warmonger, Inc. will whip you one up! expelling it. The disk can be recovered at a later time and the stored
Balance Rating: 2



energy can be used to recharge the shooter’s power packs. The disk is
capable of storing 60 points worth of drained energy. THR: 15, IN: 10. AMMUNITION: SHOTGUN SHELLS
Balance Rating : 5 Door Breacher: These 12-gauge shotgun slugs consist of iron dust
held together by a ceramic binder. The slugs disintegrate on impact,
Trap Shoot: This weapon was recently released to incredible contro- but allow the weapon to transfer almost all of its energy into the target.
versy, and has been officially banned by the Alliance government pend- They were designed for blowing off door locks and hinges. These slugs
ing a full investigation of the weapon’s capabilities. The trap shoot is a only do 1d4 points of damage, but cause 4 points of Integrity damage.
standard parasite disk with a special feature. The parasite disk can be Balance Rating: 1
equipped with either a launcher grenade or a mag gun munition. If the
parasite attaches to a target’s Flux and then the target drops his Flux to Flash-bang shells: Believe it or not, these 12-gauge shotgun shells
rid himself of the annoying device, the attached grenade or mag gun were originally designed for farmers. It’s true. The round travels 50
munition is fired towards the parasite’s original target. Other parasite meters down range and then explodes with a flash and loud report.
manufacturers contend that this device serves as a deterrent for a par- Used to frighten off birds that eat your crops… or to scare the hell out
asite victim to lower their Flux shield, thus defeating the purpose of of your enemies. Not nearly as potent as a stun grenade, but they’ll still
using a parasite in the first place. They also contend that combatants make you brown your shorts if your not expecting one. They’re also
hit by this parasite may wish to surrender but are attacked when they handy for clearing birds away from airport runways… but don’t worry
deactivate their Flux shield, violating the rules of warfare. This weapon – they’ll be back. Cheaper than a bird dog and you don’t have to feed
uses launcher grenades, but will not accept grenades from grenade them. Targets within 4 meters of the shell when it detonates must make
machine guns. Mag Gun munitions adapted for this round cost 4x their a Sonic SMR or be deafened for 2d10 minutes. Targets must also suc-
normal price. THR: 15, IN: 10. cessfully make a Radiation SMR or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Targets
Balance Rating : 5
who roll double-zodd (aka double zeros) permanently lose 2d10
points from their hearing (1-50%) or visual (51-100%) modifier.
Trap Shoot II: In order to capitalize on the popularity of the original Balance Rating: 2
Trap Shoot parasite the manufacturer quickly released the Model II. By
greasing some palms and using some political lobbying the manufac- Flamethrower shells: These 12-gauge shells were originally designed
turer was able to sneak this version by the ban on the original Trap for firefighters, who used the shells to ignite fire breaks. A fire break is
Shoot parasite. This model stores drained energy until the onboard used to burn away all the flammable growth in the area away so that an
battery is full. Once the battery is full the parasite disk uses the power oncoming fire can not burn past the break. They obviously have other,
stored in the battery to detonate the disk. more colorful, uses. The round spits a cone of flame about 3 meters out
The irony of stealing an opponent’s own power to attack their Flux of the end of the weapon so you have to get close to your target to use it.
has not been lost on the hordes of Orions and Phentari that purchase Balance Rating: 1
these devices in droves. With a little tinkering the device can be con-
figured to detonate if an opponent drops their Flux shield to free them- Garrote shells: These 12-gauge shotgun shells were originally
selves of the parasite (Level 4 electronics check). Though the manu- designed for the U.S. Coast Guard in the late twentieth century. The car-
facturer claims the round was not designed to detonate when a target tridge contains two .50 cal spheres that are connected together by 12”
lowers their Flux, the apparent ease with which the parasite can be of 3-strand steel wire. When fired the spheres pull the wire taut and it
modified suggests otherwise. Damage from the exploding disk is equal strikes the target horizontally. The Coast Guard used these shells to
to the total Q drained by the parasite up to that point. Any attack that destroy sails and rigging. The shell is a modern version of a cannon
penetrates the disks Threshold has a 50% chance to cause it to deto- load used on sailing vessels a century earlier. The concept must work
nate. THR: 5, IN: 10. because these rounds have been around for hundreds of years and
Balance Rating : 5 they’re not going out of style yet. Useful for decapitating your enemies
or cutting them off at the ankles or the knees. A favorite of Phentari
AMMUNITION: SHOTGUN SHELLS PG. 8 everywhere. If this shell does enough damage to reduce the target’s
body points by half of their original (pre-damaged) total the area hit is
assumed to be severed from the body.
Door Breacher 3-4 UC 100 Balance Rating: 2
Flash-bang 3-4 UC 50
Flamethrower 3-4 UC 50 Mercuric: This 12-gauge shotgun shell is filled with small metal
Garrote 3-4 UC 40 spheres or pellets that have been impregnated with mercury. The
Mercuric 3-5 VR 1,000 spheres break apart on impact, releasing their liquid payload into the
Plastic 3-4 UC 10 wound. These shells are highly lethal to Eridani, and they’re not healthy
OC 3-4 UC 125 for anyone else either. You can fit a lot of mercury in a shotgun shell,
Roadblocker 3-4 UC 35 and with the amount in this shell the toxicity levels are far above those
Rubber 3-4 UC 15 of mercuric bullets. However, these shells don’t have nearly the pene-
tration of a mercuric bullet. This shell is useless against targets with a
Threshold of 6 or higher.. Needless to say, these babies are highly ille-


gal and any Eridani that catches you with them is likely to stuff them up Roadblocker slugs: These 12-gauge shotgun slugs are pointed and
your a$$ while they’re still in the shotgun. Phentari and Eridani receive hardened to allow them to penetrate further into hard targets. The
a -20 to their Bio SMRs when hit by this shell. There is so much mer- roadblocker slug was originally designed for law enforcement on Earth
cury in these shells that species other than the Phentari and Eridani in the late twentieth century. In theory the design of the slug helps to
must made a Bio SMR or else suffer the effects of mercury poisoning. insure a flat when fired at car tires because the rim is pierced in addi-
Victims suffering from mercury poisoning lose 1d10 points of CON per tion to the tire. They also work well for destroying automobile engines.
day unless they receive proper medical treatment. At 0 CON the victim These slugs reduce the Threshold of the target by 1 (not perm.) when
dies. These shells can also be purchased with other toxins. When determing penetration and do 1 extra point of Integrity damage.
loaded with a poison other than mercury the shell delivers two doses Balance Rating: 1
per hit, with no SMR modifier.
Balance Rating: 3 Rubber Slug: This less-than-lethal 12-gauge shotgun shell fires a rel-
atively soft, fin-stabilized, slug that deforms on contact with the target to
PULSIE ON MERCURY POISONING transfer the force of the impact into the target more effectively. In
essence, it’s used to knock the crap out of you without causing any per-
“Methane breathers are manent damage. The projectile has a range of about 8 meters. The slug
particularly vulnerable to what is causes 1d4 points of temporary damage and requires the target to make
’elemental’ or ’metallic’ mercury, a successful System Shock check if hit in the head, chest, or abdomen
which is pure mercury in its liquid to avoid becoming stunned and unable to act for 2d4 rounds. If the tar-
state. That’s what’s in these shot- get is wearing armor, the round must do body point damage to have any affect.
gun shells and mercuric bullets. Balance Rating: 1
Poisoning with metallic mercury, is
usually is not fatal to oxygen
breathers. Even deposits in the
brain may be tolerated without TYPE TL AV COST
causing any neurologic or psycho- Marker Round 5-6 C 500
logical symptoms. However, other Safety Plus 5-6 UC 1,500
long-term side effects may occur, 5-6 UC 2,000
Saftey Plus II
including urticaria, dermatitis, 5-6 UC
Seeker Special 5,000
leukopenia, anemia, diarrhea,
Standard 5-6 UC 1,000
salivation, liver and kidney dam-
age, nervous system damage
including tremors, and mood and SMARTGUN AMMUNITION
personality alterations. But what
Battlelord lives long enough to
Smart Gun Ammunition, Type A (Length 18cm):
worry about long-term side Marker Round: Target’s hit by a Marker Round become much easier
effects?” prey for smart projectiles in seeker mode. When a Marker Round hits
a target it dispenses a cocktail of quick-drying UV paint, nanoids, and
some noxious chemicals. The mix of materials inside a marker round
Plastic Slugs: Plastic slugs were originally designed for home defense. and exactly how they identify the impact site as potential target to smart
These lightweight 12-gauge slugs will not pierce exteriors walls. The rounds is an industry secret. Regardless, a Type A Marker Round
slugs do normal damage to soft targets, but are completely stopped by increases the effectiveness of any round in seeker mode by 20%.
armor of any kind. These shells have found resurgence in popularity Additional hits from marker rounds further increase the effectiveness of
onboard interstellar vessels, where they can be used without fear of seeker rounds, but only by 5% for each additional hit, up to a maximum
rupturing the hull. bonus of 50%. A marker round does 1d4/2 points of damage to an
Balance Rating: 1 unarmored target, but does no damage to armored targets – though it
still marks armored targets normally. This round can not be fired in
OC: It’s not just a TV show! When fired this 12-gauge shell emits a seeker mode and has no mechanism to prevent it from hitting friendly
cloud of tear gas that causes the eyes to water, coughing, and a burning targets.
sensation on exposed skin. Targets are entitled to a Poison SMR. Those
who fail their SMR receive a -50 penalty to their AGL, MD, and Visual Safety Plus: This ammunition is identical to the standard ammunition,
Modifier for 1d4 minutes. Reduce the duration of the penalties by half, but Safety Plus ammo will detonate prematurely if the round is about to
if the target washes out his eyes and rises off exposed skin. This shot- hit a designated friendly target. The self-destruct explosion does 1d3
gun shell can only be used against targets within 3 meters. points of concussion damage to the friendly target and to anything with-
Balance Rating: 2 in a meter of that target. These rounds do 1d6+1 points of concussion
damage to hostile targets. No Integrity damage.
When fired in seeker mode Safety Plus ammunition has a 25%
chance to hit a target with a matching target profile. The round will



attempt to search for a target for 3 seconds before it runs out of fuel. If
the round attempts to hit a strike a target but misses there is a 50%
chance the round will strike something other than target preventing it TYPE TL AV COST
from attempting another attack on the target next combat segment, Marker Round 5-6 C 1,000
assuming it hasn’t run out of fuel. Safety Plus 5-6 UC 3,000
Saftey Plus II 5-6 UC 5,000
Safety Plus II: Standard Safety Plus rounds rely on an explosive charge 5-6 UC 10,000
Seeker Special
to damage targets or self-destruct in the event of an imminent impact
Standard 5-6 UC 2,000
with a friendly target. This explosive charge can still damage nearby
targets. The Safety Plus II round does not carry an explosive charge, Smart Gun Ammunition, Type B (Length 30cm):
but relies on its speed of impact to the damage the target, much like a
Marker Round: Identical to the Type A round except it increases the
conventional bullet. If a Safety Plus II round is about to impact a
effectiveness of any round in seeker mode by 25%. Additional hits from
friendly target small breaking rockets in the nose of the projectile fire
marker rounds further increase the effectiveness of Seeker Rounds, but
to rapidly slow it. If impact still occurs after the breaking rockets fire
only by 10% for each additional hit, up to a maximum bonus of 75%. A
a bruise is the only damage an unarmored target is likely to suffer. The
marker round does 1d4 points of damage to an unarmored target, but
breaking thrusters also trigger a mechanism that destroys tracking sys-
does no damage to armored targets – though it still marks armored tar-
tems in the round. Like all smart gun ammo these shells can not be
gets normally.
reused after firing, whether they hit their target or not. These rounds
do 1d6 points of damage to hostile targets (1 point of Integrity dam-
Safety Plus: The Type B version of the Safety Plus ammo does 2d4+2
age), and no damage to friendly targets.
points of concussion damage to hostile targets, and 1d4 points of con-
When fired in seeker mode Safety Plus II ammunition has a 20%
cussion damage to friendly targets - No Integrity damage.. Damage is
chance to hit a target with a matching target profile. The round will
also applied to anyone within 1 meter of the target. In seeker mode it
attempt to search for a target for 3 seconds before it runs out of fuel. If
will search out a target for up to 4 seconds and has a 35% chance to hit
the round attempts to hit a target but misses there is a 50% chance the
a target with a matching target profile. If the round attempts to hit a tar-
round will strike something other than the target preventing it from
get but misses there is a 65% chance the round will strike something
attempting another attack on the target next combat segment, assuming
other than target preventing it from attempting another attack on the
it hasn’t run out of fuel.
target next combat segment, assuming it hasn’t run out of fuel.
Seeker Special: This ammunition is a modification of the Safety Plus
Safety Plus II: The Type B version of the Safety Plus II ammo does 2d4
ammunition, but features a more advanced target acquisition and navi-
points of damage to hostile targets (1 point of Integrity damage), but
gation system. The self-destruct explosion does 1d3 points of concus-
will not damage friendly targets. In seeker mode it will search out a tar-
sion damage to the friendly target and to anything within a meter of that
get for up to 4 seconds and has a 35% chance to hit a target with a
target. These rounds do 1d6 points of concussion damage to hostile
matching target profile. If the round attempts to hit a target but miss-
targets. No Integrity damage.
es there is a 65% chance the round will strike something other than tar-
When fired in seeker mode Seeker Special ammunition has a 40%
get preventing it from attempting another attack on the target next
chance to hit a target with a matching target profile. The round will
round, assuming it hasn’t run out of fuel.
attempt to search for a target for 3 seconds before it runs out of fuel. If
the round attempts to hit a target but misses there is a 40% chance the
Seeker Special: The Type B version of the Seeker Special ammo does
round will strike something other than target preventing it from
2d4 points of concussion damage to hostile targets, and 1d4 points of
attempting another attack on the target next combat segment, assuming
concussion damage to friendly targets. No Integrity damage. In seeker
it hasn’t run out of fuel.
mode it will search out a target for up to 4 seconds and has a 45%
chance to hit a target with a matching target profile. If the round
Standard Ammunition: This ammunition does 1d8 points of damage
attempts to hit a target but misses there is a 55% chance the round will
to any target struck (1 point of Integrity damage). It has no built-in
strike something other than target preventing it from attempting anoth-
safety features and will do full damage to any target struck, friend or
er attack on the target next combat segment, assuming it hasn’t run out of fuel.
When fired in seeker mode standard ammunition has a 25%
Standard Ammunition: Identical to the Type A ammunition of the
chance to hit a target with a matching target profile. The round will
same name, but the larger round body allows for more fuel, payload,
attempt to search for a target for 3 seconds before it runs out of fuel. If
and larger sensor systems. The Type B version of the standard ammo
the round attempts to hit a target but misses there is a 50% chance the
does 2d6+2 points of damage (1 point of Integrity damage). In seek-
round will strike something other than target preventing it from
er mode it will search out a target for up to 4 seconds and has a 35%
attempting another attack on the target next combat segment, assuming
chance to hit a target with a matching target profile. The round’s larg-
it hasn’t run out of fuel.
er size has some disadvantages. If the round attempts to hit a target but
misses there is a 65% chance the round will strike something other
than target preventing it from attempting another attack on the target
next combat segment, assuming it hasn’t run out of fuel.



glue the foam is porous and victims covered in the foam will not suffo-
cate. In addition, gas attacks can be delivered through the foam to target.
TYPE TL AV COST The foam has a 50% chance to stick to another 1d4/2 body sec-
Corrosive 4-6 UC 2x tions as it expands (roll on the splatter table) and all Strength Checks
Explosive 4-6 R 1,150 to break free of the foam must be made at -50. A check must be made
5-6 R
for each section hit. Anyone with 1 meter of a target successfully hit
Riot Foam 1,000
Slick Spray 350
with riot foam has a 50% chance per successful hit to be entangled in
4-6 UC
the foam (roll 1d4/2 hit locations) So if Bob is standing within 1 meter
Spy Glue 4-6 UC 2x
of Geex who gets hit twice with riot foam from a web generator, Bob
Vector Glue 4-6 UC 500
must make two d100 rolls. If both rolls are 50 or under then Bob is not
stuck to Geex.
AMMUNITION: WEB GENERATORS : Web Riot foam remains sticky for days and anything touching the foam
is likely to become entangled. It is nearly impossible to cut someone
Corrosive Web Generator Ammo: This organic-based adhesive is
free from riot foam with a knife or sword. In addition the foam is non-
highly corrosive and does 2d6 points of Integrity damage per second to
flammable so it can not be burned away. Only riot foam solvent or
any armor section struck. The effect lasts for 3 seconds. Corrosive
items like Light Swords can be used to effectively cut a victim free. Riot
Liners completely negates all damage caused by corrosive webbing.
foam solvent is a relatively simple compound, and the cops typically
Multiple hits to the same area are cumulative, up to a maximum of 6d6
spray it around with fire hoses after the trouble-makers have been ’neu-
per second. Corrosive web generator glue can be purchased in same
tralized’. It’s not readily available to the public, however, and the for-
varieties as normal web generator glue, but the STR penalties for
mula isn’t well known. Those not having law enforcement connections
removing the glue is reduced by 15 points for all varieties. A special sol-
can expect to pay about 500 credits for enough solvent to clean up 20
vent can be purchased to dissolve this organic-based adhesive. It works
size classes of beings. The alternative, of course, is to wait a few days
identically to the standard glue solvent, but can not used on standard
until the foam breaks down on its own. Heavy rains can also weaken the
web generator glue. Balance Rating: 2
strength of the foam by 10 to 50%.
Balance Rating: 2
Explosive Web Generator Ammo: This web generator glue sticks the
target and hardens instantly. It has a 75% chance to splatter. Any
Slick Spray: This new twist on web generator ammunition, this fluid is
attempt by the target to move an appendage covered by the hardened
actually designed to make objects hit slippery rather than sticky. If a
glue causes the substance to explode. Any outside force that impacts or
character’s hand is hit by this oily spray they must make a MD check at
breaks the hardened glue also causes it to explode. The explosive glue
-75 to grab any object that is not already held. The same penalty is
does 3d6 points of concussive damage per section per glue gun hit.
applied to grab an object that has been struck with slick spray. Once an
Additional hits in the same area are cumulative up to a maximum of 9d6
object is successfully grabbed, the character still suffers a -40 to use (or
per area, which means two hits to the arm would cause 6d6 points of
shoot) the object because it is so slippery. If a character’s legs are
damage if the glue explodes. A special solvent is available to dissolve
struck by slick spray they must make an AGL check at -75 or fall over if
the explosive glue, but it takes 2d4 minutes per section per glue gun hit.
they attempt to move from the spot. BMs may require this roll if char-
Dissolving glue on a section of armor that was hit three times by explo-
acters shoot a weapon with significant recoil. A magnetic version of the
sive glue would take 6d4 minutes. Once dissolved the explosive glue is
fluid is also available (double price) that “sticks” to armor and metal
rendered inert. The glue is also inert and non-explosive in its liquid
weapons, while still making them slippery. Slick spray does not splat-
form, so shooting a glue gun loaded with explosive glue wont cause it
ter so the shooter must hose down each area they want slick.
to explode. However, if you fail to roll under the weapon’s MN minus
Balance Rating: 2
the damage the weapon took, it has sprung a leak. Once the glue leaks
out of the damaged weapon and hardens one second later it becomes
Spy Glue: This type of web generator glue is transparent, odorless, col-
explosive. Web generators that are not dropped automatically stick to
orless, and remains sticky for days - a great way to stop pursuers after
the shooter one second after they begin leaking. My advice, if your web
that botched industrial espionage mission or to keep people from steal-
generator takes a hit, drop it fast and get back. Damage from an
ing your stuff. Spy Glue can be purchased in the same varieties as nor-
exploding web generator is equal to the weapon’s Q minus the number
mal web generator glue, but the STR penalties for each variety are
shots already fired multiplied by 3d6. Unless the weapon is immedi-
reduced by 15 points from their normal listing. If shot at a stationary
ately dropped after being hit, damage is applied to the arm(s) holding
object, like the floor or a door, each shot of spy glue will cover about 1
the weapon and 1d4 other body sections take half damage – all con-
square meter of surface area regardless of glue type. Ignore the splat-
cussive. Balance Rating: 3
ter rules when shooting spy glue at targets other than personnel.
Sighting checks must be made at -100 to spot a surface covered by spy glue.
Riot Foam: This web generator ammunition works identically to stan-
Balance Rating: 1
dard web generator glue except that it rapidly expands to ten times its
normal volume once it leaves the weapon. Multiple hits from a glue gun
Vector Glue: This chemically inert web generator glue can be impreg-
loaded with riot foam can quickly fill up rooms or hallways blocking
nated with any insinuative poison. When the glue hardens it develops
exits and restricting movement. The foam fills up 1 cubic meter of
small, sharp, needle-like, protrusions that puncture the skin and cloth-
space per shot, centered on the target. Unlike normal web generator



ing of any unarmored target (1d4/2 dam/section struck). Each addi-

tional body area past the first that is successfully poisoned counts as
one additional dose successfully delivered to the target’s blood stream.
Each additional hit to the same body area also counts as one addi-
tional dose of poison that has been successfully delivered to the target’s Anti-Armor 85 20 35 45,000 15 32,000
blood stream. If a target moves an area that has been struck, an addi- Anti-Personnel 85 20 35 45,000 15 8,000
tional dose of poison is delivered due to the body’s motion working the Anti-Structure 85 20 40 45,000 15 50,000
glue’s hard protrusions into the skin. Anti-Vehicular 85 20 35 45,000 15 60,000
This glue will still stick to armor like normal web generator glue, Biological 85 20 35 45,000 15 30,000
but it will not be able to deliver it toxins to the target unless an unar- Chemical 85 20 35 45,000 15 30,000
mored section is struck. The glue is 90% ineffective against unar- Incindiary 85 20 35 45,000 15 60,000
mored, living, targets with a natural Threshold. However, Gemini are Napalm 85 20 35 45,000 15 8,000
totally immune to this method of poisoning. Vector glue can be pur-
chased in the same strengths as normal web generator glue. Vector
glue requires 3 “doses” of poison for every shot in the weapon, in order PMS2 MISSILES
to fully saturate the glue (3 x Q = # poison doses for a full magazine). PMS2 missiles are not affected by ECM. The missile has been pro-
The poison and glue must be mixed before the weapon is loaded and grammed with its flight path and destination before it is even launched,
fired. Vector glue does not splatter and requires a STR check with a - and is simply traveling from point A to point B. Radio jamming aimed
40 penalty to remove. Attempting to remove the glue with an unarmored at the missile, launcher, or updating K-Sat/Cam Flybot will prevent the
appendage will lead to an additional dose being injected into that missile from being updated with new target information while in flight.
appendage. EMP affects PMS2 missiles normally. All PMS2 missiles have the fol-
Balance Rating: 4 lowing statistics: SMR vs. Electrical = 50. SMR vs. EMP = 45.

Anti-Armor: These puppies are designed to take out those jerks that
think they’re so tough in their fancy mechanized battle armor behind
PULSIE ON WEB GENERATORS their precious Flux shields. BAH! These rockets will do 1d4 HP to any
target they hit! Integrity is reduced by 35 points.
Balance Rating : 3
“Sometimes, you gotta
be slick…oh yeah! The best Anti-Personnel: This round is designed to take out lightly armored
defense here is to have your targets, and it’s cheap, cheap, cheap! You can fire these all day and not
armor Teflon coated. It’s very have to worry about checking your credit. An excellent choice for tak-
cheap and pretty effective at ing out the enemy’s light-infantry. These rounds do 6d6 points of dam-
keeping glue rounds (and mega- age to a single target. Integrity is reduced by 35 points.
glue or tape!) from sticking to Balance Rating : 3
your armor. Plus, if you’re one
of those melee types, it’s easier Anti-Structure: This very unique warhead is made to level buildings
to clean off the blood and and other enemy fortifications. The weapon’s hardened nose cone is
entrails later!” designed to allow the warhead to penetrate a few meters into the target
before it explodes. Once it detonates, the shaped charge in the weapon
releases a blast that travels horizontally outward 20 meters from the
impact sight severing structural supports and conveniently eliminating
any personnel in the path of the blast. The Explosion does 20d6 points
of damage, and anything damaged in the blast area also takes 40 points
of Integrity damage. Any object directly hit by this shell suffers 10d6
points of damage. Integrity is reduced by 35 points for direct hits.
Balance Rating : 4

Anti-Vehicular: This PMS2 missile is designed specifically to take out

enemy armored vehicles and light-tanks. It does 4d6 HP of damage to
anything it hits. Integrity is reduced by 35 points.
Balance Rating : 3

Biological: Balshrom may know state-of-the-art, but they also know

when “old school” works fine and doesn’t need changin’! Another hold
over from the old PMS days, the biological round was kept because it



was a warhead that set the PMS systems apart from other long-range as ECM of 50, but is not negatable by ECCM). This reduces the chance
artillery systems. Cost and weapon-effects are identical to the old PMS for the target’s radar to home in on incoming Reflex missiles. It also
Biological missile. reduces the chance for incoming Reflex missiles to hit the target when
Balance Rating : 3 using radar by 50%, but the missiles can use their optical target acqui-
sition (UV, IR, Visual) systems with only a 15% penalty from the snow-
Chemical: Even though Balshrom’s new focus with PMS munitions is like cloud.
pinpoint accuracy, these area-effect warheads were retained because of Balance Rating: 4
their popularity… and their unique ability to spew chemical weapons
on unsuspecting victims over 28 miles away. Cost and weapon-effects HARM Sensor System: A HARM sensor replaces the standard
are identical to the old PMS Chemical missile. radar/IR/UV/TV sensor array found in a warhead. HARM is an acronym
Balance Rating : 3 for Homing-Anti-Radar-Missile. It used to stand for Homing-Anti-
Radiation-Missile. The HARM missile follows enemy radar back down
Incendiary: Ok, so not every PMS2 round is designed to affect only a to the emitter. It’s a great way to take out the guy with the laser anti-mis-
single target, but their inherent accuracy means that you can deliver an sile system if you can get one through to the target. The chance for the
area-effect munition to an exact spot, maximizing its effect – for shooter’s HARM-equipped Reflex Missile to hit the target is equal to the
instance you could shoot one of these through a building window, set- Track number of the Radar Package on the target’s Radar Package, not
ting all the occupants of that building on fire. Always fun unless you’re on the shooter’s Radar Package. The stronger the radar the easier it is
one of the building’s occupants. This warhead releases a highly com- to find. These missiles are also a great way to take out the expensive
pressed flammable gas upon detonation. The gas is blasted out of the Farsight Combat Array if you use a missile that can get through its Flux
warhead, out to 10 meters before it ignites which automatically sets shield. A HARM sensor system costs 500 credits. For an additional
anything flammable on fire and the explosion does 2d12 damage to 50% increase to the cost of the missile you can add the HARM sensor
anything in the blast radius. Armored suits hit by this round must make in addition to the existing radar/IR/UV/Visual tracking system, rather
a Fire SMR as detailed in the main rulebook. than replacing it. Reflex missiles equiped with a HARM sensor in addi-
Balance Rating : 3 tion to their existing sensors will still use the tracking method that pro-
vides the best chance of hitting the target (highest accuracy after mod-
Napalm: Unlike the incendiary warhead, this warhead caries just ifiers applied).
enough gelled napalm to envelope a single target. Any target struck by Balance Rating: 2
the missile is immediately set ablaze, with every body section automati-
cally covered in flames. Anyone with 2 meters is also likely to set on fire Mirv-2: Sure Reflex missiles are cheap compared to the LAMS and
(1d4 body sections). The napalm will burn for 2d4 rounds causing 1 Radar Packages needed to defend against them, but that doesn’t make
point of damage to every body area or armor section that is on fire – you feel any better when those damn LAMS are shooting down every sin-
ignoring Threshold. Hope your target has a closed-face helmet and gle missile you launch at the target. That bill starts to add up and soon
environmental containment because there won’t be any air left to breath you’re thinking that the guy who spent half a mil on his LAMS got the
when they’re covered in flames. Immersing the target in water or using better end of the deal. To address that problem Warmonger Industries
the stop-drop-and-roll technique will not extinguish the burning has introduced the Mirv-2. This Reflex missile breaks apart the instant
napalm, but a Halon System will. Armored suits hit by this round must it’s tagged with enemy radar and releases 8 smaller missiles that con-
make a Fire SMR as detailed in the main rulebook. tinue to the target (each hitting a random location). Each of the sub-
Balance Rating : 3 munitions does 1d6x10 points of damage (5 points of Integrity dam-
age) and has an accuracy of 80% out to 15km. Sure, they may not do
much damage, but pop off one of these babies followed by something
big and by the time the enemy LAMS have worked on the Mirv-2’s sub-
REFLEX MISSILES PG. 8 munitions, there will be no time to take out the follow-up missile.
Balance Rating: 4

Chaff Missile 35 - 25 1,000 7 5,000 Super Mirv: This Mirv system was designed to deal with LAMS. When
Harm Sensor - - - - - spec
the MIRV is hit by radar it releases 6 dummy sub-munitions that fly
35 - 25 7 35,000
ahead of the primary warhead. LAMS will strike the closest targets (the
Mirv-2 15,000
6 dummy warheads) before they will fire on the primary warhead. The
Super Mirv 35 - 25 20,000 7 40,000
dummy warheads do 1d8 points of damage through the sheer force of
their impact (1 point of Integrity damage). The primary warhead does
MISSILE TECHNOLOGY - REFLEX MISSILES 6d6x10 points of damage. The weapon has an 95% accuracy out to 20km.
Balance Rating: 5
Chaff Missile: This missile explodes about 5 meters over the target
releasing a cloud of radar scrambling chaff that covers the target and
anything within 15-meters of it. The chaff remains airborne for 1 com-
bat round before it all falls to the ground. Anything in the cloud or
scanning through the cloud has its radar systems reduced by 50% (treat






and 4, subtracting that difference from the maximum and dividing by 4, etc.
Why can’t you “stack” a-grav systems? If I pick up my weapon with a 5) There may be cases where multiple die combinations will work. For
built-in-a-grav unit and I’m wearing a heavy belt why doesn’t the example, 3-12 could be rolled as 1d10+2 or as 3d4. In these instances,
weapon get even lighter? The answer to that question is complicated, pick whichever method you prefer if none is specified.
but let’s use an analogy to simply things a bit. A-grav is short for Anti-
Gravity, which is not the same thing as negative gravity. A-grav units That being said, we’ll really try to keep weird die rolls to a minimum
don’t stack because they act like gravity filters. The more gravitrons an and from now on we’ll list the actual dice to roll in the description.
a-grav unit filters out, the less an object under its effects weighs.
However, putting a smaller filter in line with a larger filter does nothing, DISPLACEMENT DEVICES - OPTIONAL RULES
since the larger filter is going to filter out anything the smaller filter
would have affected. So, in other words, adding an A-grav Belt and a Using your displacer as a weapon
Heavy Belt together would only result in the same affect as a Heavy Belt If the safety features are removed (level 25 check) from a displacement
itself, because it’s more powerful than the smaller A-grav Belt. If you device it functions like a disintegrator – assuming it still works. The
want more Anti-Gravity, you need to buy a more powerful a-grav system, displacement device must be in contact with the target/victim in order
in this case an Xtra Heavy Belt. Note: All armor-option a-grav systems to damage it. Displacement devices, when used as a weapon, will do
are more powerful than any weapon mounted a-grav system. damage to the target equal to its range in meters. This damage is
Inertial Gravity Units, which are mounted on some high-end weapon applied directly to the object or armor/body section the displacement
systems, serve a different purpose than a-grav systems. Inertial Gravity or device is in contact with. Displacement devices can not be used bypass
I-grav units soaks up the recoil from the weapon fire, thus allowing the armor except under certain conditions (see below). The damage done
weapon to be more accurate. However, these devices do not reduce the by the displacement device when used in the fashion is in Body Points
weapon’s weight with respect to gravity. In fact, the gravity pulse gener- or AI; Whichever is appropriate for the target.
ated by an I-grav system actually increases the weight of the weapon
using the system, but it’s only for a very short period of time – about a Removing the safeties
millionth of a second. This short-term increase in weight is enough to Removing the safety mechanisms from a displacement device is
counter the inertial force, but not enough to cause the weapon to drop extremely difficult. They are specifically built to prevent this from hap-
out of your hands. pening. To deprogram the safety features out of a displacement device
requires a successful Computer (Basic/Coding) check at level 25.
Failure to make this programming check indicates the device malfunc-
DAMAGE-TO-DIE-ROLL CONVERSIONS - PRIMER tions and activates attacking the deprogrammer (random location). A
In order to preserve game balance, Battlelord’s game mechanics some- roll of 00 indicates the device has been destroyed and it does double
times require non-standard rolls: multiple rolls of the same die, or sin- damage to the deprogrammer.
gle/multiple rolls of a die with more points added on at the end. The
Using the Device after deprogramming
easiest way to figure out odd die combinations is to go through the fol-
lowing steps: Take the amount by which the user succeeds at their programming
check (level 25 difficulty) and divided this total by 3. This is the per-
1) Start by dividing the maximum by the minimum. Often this will result centage chance for the displacement device to work after the tamper-
in the die you need to roll (ex: 4-48. Divide 48 by 4, and you get 12. So ing, up to a maximum of 75%. Failure of the device to function correctly
roll 4d12.) The minimum damage, which in this case is 4, is the num- after a successful programming check indicates the device malfunc-
ber of times you need to roll that die. tions and does not activate. A roll of 00 indicates the device has been
destroyed. For example, If I have a target number of 140 and I roll a
2) If that doesn’t get you a standard die result, find the difference 92, then I made my skill check by 48 points. As a result I have a 16%
between the minimum and 1. Subtract that difference from the maxi- chance (48 / 3 = 16) for the displacement device to function as a
mum. If this leaves you at a standard die number, roll that die and add weapon after I finish screwing with it. Balance Rating: 4
that difference between the minimum and 1. (Ex: 3-10. Subtract 1 from
3 to get 2. Subtract 2 from 10, and you get 8, a standard die. So roll 1d8 Bypassing Armor: Ok, let’s assumed you’ve successfully disabled the
and add 2 or 1d8+2) safeties on your personal displacement device and it still manages to
function correctly. If you want to get really nasty, you can hook it up to
3) If this doesn’t work, find the difference between the minimum and your bodycomp or PCD and make a programming check (level 20 dif-
2. Subtract that number from the maximum, and then divide by 2. (Ex: ficulty) and instruct the device to bypass the armor worn by a target.
4-26. Subtract 2 from 4 to get 2. Subtract that 2 from 26, then divide by You still have to stick the thing to the target and activate it. Obviously the
2 to get 12. So the roll is 2d12+2. target can’t have a Flux up for that to work, and you can’t attack them
through a Flux no matter how long you tinker with it so don’t even try.
4) In a very few cases, you will need to try finding the difference Once it’s attached to the target, if it successfully activates, it will teleport
between the minimum and 3, subtracting that number from the maxi- away a portion of the target inside the armor doing damage equal to its
mum and dividing by 3, or finding the difference between the minimum range in meters. Balance Rating: 5




Note: The following example is an extension of the rules found on page Unless a weapon specifically says it ignores Threshold than you should
140 of Lock-N-Load: Weapons & Tactics. The rules shown below always assume that damage from the weapon will be reduced by the
assume you have already read the aforementioned text. Threshold of any armor hit. Weapon descriptions that specifically lists
the damage as "concussive,” "transnational,” or "omega-pulse” ignore
Partial Charge Fire: As a side note if you had if you had 5 points of the target’s Threshold. This rule also applies to explosives and explo-
power left in the laser weapon as a result of a parasite attack you could sions.
still fire it but the weapon would do a maximum of 5 points of damage. The above rule also works when dealing with Absorption. Unless a
description specifically says that Absorption is ignored, then the damage
12 max damage at full charge is reduced by the target’s absorption polymers (if any).

12 points of energy for a full power shot (1 point energy / 1 point dam)
5 points of energy remaining
When dealing with unarmored characters that are set on fire, the fire
5/12 = 0.42 has a 50% chance to spread to an adjacent body area every second.
Each body area that is on fire causes 1 point of damage every second.
0.42 X 12 = 5 points max damage. The fire will continue to spread, one body area per second (50%
MN roll penalty: +7 (See below). chance), until it is extinguished or the character is entirely engulfed in
flame. This rate of spreading assumes that no effort is made by the
If you had 5 points of energy left in the Omega weapon you would be in character to extinguish the flames.
far worse shape. Unarmored characters that are on fire must succeed in making an
Aggression check or panic. Characters that panic can not attempt to
24 max damage extinguish the flames. Panicked characters can do nothing but flail
wildly or run, until they succeed in making an Aggression check. On
120 points of energy for a full power shot.
panicked characters the flames will automatically spread to an adja-
5 points of energy remaining cent body area once per second, due to the character’s wild flailing,
which fans the flames. No roll is necessary to determine if the flames
5/120 = 0.041 spread.
Unarmored characters that have their heads covered in flames
24 X 0.041 = 1 point max damage.
must make a Constitution check at -50 for every second their head is on
MN roll penalty: +115. Ouch. (See below). fire. Failure indicates the character has passed out from lack of breath-
able air. Once the character has failed this check they can not be revived
until the flames have been extinguished.
MN Roll Penalty: The weapon must make an immediate malfunction Unarmored characters that succeed in making their Aggression
roll if it fires with a partial charge, adding a penalty to the roll equal to check can attempt to extinguish the flames or ignore them. Characters
the difference between EC required to the fire the weapon with a full may attempt to pat out the flames with whatever is available by making
charge and the energy used to fire the partial charge shot. For example, a successful Agility check at -40. Success indicates that the fire has been
if a weapon requires 25 points to fire a fully-charged shot, and it was extinguished on one body area. Additional successful Agility checks will
fired with only 5 points of energy left in the power pack, the malfunc- be required if more than one body area is on fire. Obviously, since the
tion roll must be made with a 20 point (25 - 5 = 20) penalty added to fire continues to spread the “pat the fire out” method does not work
the MN roll. If the roll and the penalty exceed the MN value for the well when a character has more than one body area on fire.
weapon the player must immediately roll on the Malfunction Table Alternatively, characters can use the stop-drop-and-roll technique, by
(Battlelords, Pg 231) for the appropriate weapon system. No penalty is making an Agility check at -20. Success with the stop-drop-and-roll
applied to rolls made on the Malfunction Table, but any result is applied method indicates that the fire has been extinguished on 1d4 body areas
before the weapon fires with its partial charge. (randomly determined).
Balance Rating: 1 Typically, jumping into water will automatically extinguish normal
flames, but will not extinguish flames caused by napalm, flame-throw-
ers, or other military fire-based weapons. In these special cases the
EC FOR NEW WEAPON SYSTEMS flames may be more difficult to extinguish. Be sure to check with your
BM and the weapon’s description.
WEAPON SYSTEM EC Most of the time armored characters are not required to make
Atomic Dispacers 5 Aggression checks if they are on fire. They must still make a successful
Lasers - Painting Lasers 0.5 Agility check, as described above, in order to extinguish the flames.
Parasites 2
Rad Cannons 3



However, under certain conditions armored characters are required to

make an Aggression check when on fire. RECOVERING FROM BERSERK/SUICIDAL
1) The character’s body is totally engulfed in flame Once a character has gone berserk or suicidal, he remains in that state
2) If the character’s head is engulfed in flame and they do not have until the situation that caused him to go berserk or suicidal ends. Note
Environmental Containment on their armor. that the situation needs to be specific; being in combat is not an exact
3) If the character’s armor does not completely cover their body enough situation, being in combat and stuck in a foxhole, wounded,
(open-faced helmet, street clothes, etc.) and an exposed body with someone charging you would be. When the situation has ended, an
part is on fire. Aggression roll must be made. A success (rolling under your charac-
Failure to make a successful Aggression check under these conditions ter‘s AGG score) means you have recovered from being berserked or
means the character has panicked. Note: Armor doesn’t burn and suicidal. A failure indicates your character continues their madness.
must be covered in napalm or some other fuel-source to sustain the fire You cannot decide when your character goes berserk or suicidal
and for the fire to spread. Balance Rating: 1 just to gain the combat bonuses. The BM determines if the situation
warrants an Aggression check based how high your character’s
HUMOR Aggression Primary Statistic is and on the situation.

Mutzachan terms for falling:

“Kinetic Energy Dump” It is important to note that some sections of an armored suit have been
“Inertial Mass Transference” subdivided into even smaller sections when dealing with Space. For
“Quantum HeteroDynamic Gluon Amalgamation” example, the Hit Location table on page 280 of the main Battlelords
“It’s not that falling is bad, the problem is the Deconstructive Litho- rulebook indicates that you can hit the left arm and the right arm.
braking at the end...” However, the armor option Space Allocation table on page 105 of the
- J. Random Mutzachan same book indicates that there are upper and lower sections for both
arms and both legs. Dividing the arms and legs into even smaller sec-
The Battlelord’s Random Weapon Generator!
tions than what is depicted on the Hit Location chart is only relevant when dealing with Space.
This is because it is impractical to mount an armor option that
QUESTION: How do Thermatics work?
spans the entire length of your arm or your leg. If you have an option
ANSWER: They will work by beaming dozens of munchkin-like ques- that runs the full length of your arm, it makes it very hard to bend at the
tions into the brain of the target in a really annoying voice, utilizing the elbow. There are some exceptions. Armor options like Ablative Liner
increased body heat generated from the target’s intense frustration, and additional Absorption are counted as affecting the arm or leg as a
eventually leading to spontaneous combustion. whole, regardless of whether they’re mounted in the upper or lower
section of that arm or leg.
New Archaic Hand Weapon:
Typically players will not be allowed to “spread” the required space
The 12’ pole of Battlelords. Now 20% better than the 10’ pole!. A for an armor option between multiple Space Allocation sections. This
favorite of bomb squads everywhere! TL: 1, AV: U (10’ = P) means that some larger armor options can not be used by characters
Balance Rating: -1
with smaller Size Classes. For example, Size Class 3 and smaller char-
acters are prevented from utilizing things like Jet Packs, simply because
Ammunition: Mag Gun
they lack the available space to house it in a single section.
Flux Capacitor: Anyone struck by this round who later reaches a Benevolent BMs, of course, have the option of allowing armor
speed of 88mph will be transported to 1955. TL: 3, AV: U options to be modified or make different sized versions available.
Balance Rating: 600
Obviously a Jet Pack that can be mounted on a Size Class 2 armored suit
wouldn’t have as good of capabilities as the standard one, otherwise
PROTECTIVE COATINGS FOR WEAPONS everyone would just buy the smaller version to save the space. As a
result, some fiddling with the options statistics and capabilities is
Certain protective armor options can also be applied to weapons. required on the BMs part. It is a free-market Alliance, so if there is a
These include Anti-Laser Coating, Anti-A/R Grenades, Corrosive need for something, chances are you can find it somewhere.
Protection, Crystalline Coating, Insulation (EMP), Radar Absorbent Lastly, it’s important to reiterate that arms and legs are only treated
Coating, and even Spikes can be affixed to weaponry (BM’s discretion). as having upper and lower sections when dealing with Space allocation
The list is not exhaustive, and the BM is the final arbitrator of what and armor options. For purposes of hit locations, critical hits, etc. each
armor options can and can not be applied to your weapon systems, and arm and each leg are treated as a whole (1 section).
the final effects of doing so.
Typically, the cost to apply an armor option to a weapon is 1/4 the
normal price. The same armor option compatibility rules that apply to
armor still apply when you use those options on your weaponry. See
Appendix A for more information.





N: Cannot be mounted on the same suit of armor
The following chart lists which “field generating” armor options A: Cannot be activated simultaneously
can not be in use simultaneously, as well as other armor options that #: Refer to the notes below the table for specific issues.
may not play nice together. An empty cell in the table indicates no compatibility issues.


Phase Nullification System

Mag Deflection Generator

Radar Absorbent Coating

Feynman Field Generator

Molecular Phase System

Anti-Wave Generator

Electromag Converter
Anti-Mag Generator

Corrosive Protection
Anti-Plas Generator
Anti-A/R Grenades

Polymerized Armor

Thermal Generator
Anti-Laser Coating

Grounding System

Non-Stick Coating
Lizard Tail Plating

Smoke Generator
Camoflage Unit

Frictionless Flux

Xtra Heavy Belt

Mag Distruptor

Toaster System
Combat Shield
Anti-Grav Belt

Mine Detector
Halon System
Force Shield

Laser Shield
Flux Shield

Heavy Belt
Heat Sink

KE Shield

Anti-A/R Grenades 3
Anti-Grav Belt A A
Anti-Laser Coating N 1 4 N N
Anti-Mag Generator A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Anti-Plas Generator A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Anti-Wave Generator
Camoflage Unit N 4 N N
Combat Shield N N
Corrosive Protection 1 4 N 1
Electromag Converter A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Feynman Field Generator A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Flux Shield 3 A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Force Shield A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Frictionless Flux A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Grounding System
Halon System A
Heat Sink 2
Heavy Belt A A
KE Shield A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Laser Shield N N
Lizard Tail Plating
Mag Deflection Generator A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Mag Distruptor A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Mine Detector
Molecular Phase System A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Non-Stick Coating N N N 4 N
Phase Nullification System A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Polymerized Armor
Radar Absorbent Coating N N 1 4 N
Shield N N
Smoke Generator A
Thermal Generator A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Toaster System 2
Xtra Heavy Belt A A
1: Corrosive Protection is a clear coating, and as such may only be installed over the top of the other coating.
2: Heat Sinks cut the effectiveness of Toaster Systems in half.
3: Microgrenades surrounded by a flux shield will not be activated by an A/R beam.
4. Surface coating armor options may be purchased to coat the lizard tail plating, the armor under the plating, or both. Note that any coatings on the Lizard
Tail Plating will be lost with the plating, and any coatings under the plating will not be effective until the plating is lost.




If you’re packing an A/R beam or plan on buying organic armor then ARMOR OPTION METAL MOD NM Avail? COST
you’re going to want to take a look at these charts, which summarizes Ablative Liner Yes 25% Yes 250
what armor options are metal and whether they can be purchased in a Air Supply Yes 25% Yes 750
non-metal form. Altimeter Yes N/A No 200
METAL = If it says “Yes” then it’s made out of metal! AMM Yes N/A No 25,000
MOD = Additional cost to purchase non-metal version. If a non- Anti-Grav Belt Yes N/A No 75,000
metallic version of the armor option is available add 100% to the Anti-Magnetic Generator No N/A No 25,000
cost mod and multiply the original cost by that percentage to deter- Anti-Plas Generator Yes N/A No 75,000
mine the price of the non-metallic version. (Example: 100% + Mod
Auto Doc Yes 25% Yes 5,000
of 25% = 125%. 125% x Cost = Price for non-metal version)
Auto Injector Yes 25% Yes 3,500
NM Avail? = Yes indicates that a Non-metallic version of the armor
Auto Laser Cannon Yes N/A No 1.2M
option is available.
Auto Minelayer Yes 25% Yes 15,000
COST = Option’s original cost
Note: Most modern mines are non-metallic as well. BMH (basic) Yes 50% Yes 1,500
BMH (look and shoot) Yes 50% Yes 35,000

METAL ARMOR OPTIONS - LNL: RL BMH-Ultra Yes 50% Yes 60,000

Body Flares Yes 50% Yes 10,000
ARMOR OPTION METAL MOD NM Avail? COST Camouflage Unit No N/A No 3,500
Anti-Laser Coating Yes 75% Yes 40,000 Carrying Case Yes -25% Yes 10,000
Anti-A/R Grenades Yes N/A No 200 Combat Shield Yes 50% Yes 5,000
Anti-Wave Generator No N/A No 2,000 Corrosive Protection No N/A No 1,000
Chaff Ejector Yes N/A No 20,000 Cryo Option No N/A No 25,000
Crystalline Coating No N/A No 3,000* Defoliator No N/A No 3,000
Crystal Shield No N/A No 10,000 Displacement Device Yes N/A No 75,000
Feynman Field Generator No N/A No 20,000 Drop Bag Yes N/A No 5,000
Fire Control Computer No N/A No 120,000 ECM (Cost per +01 mod) No N/A No 2,000
Flux Shield 2 Yes N/A No 1.0M Electromag Converter Yes N/A No 25,000
Flux Shield 3 Yes N/A No 1.5M Emergency Exit Yes 50% Yes 2,500
Flux Shield 4 Yes N/A No 2.0M Environmental Containment No N/A No 1,400
Flux Shield 5 Yes N/A No 2.5M EZ-IFF No N/A No 4,000
Frictionless Flux Yes N/A No 1,500 Flotation Device No N/A No 2,000
Grenade Pusher Yes N/A No 20,000 Flux Shield Yes N/A No 150,000
Grounding System Yes 75% Yes 6,000 Foot Claws Yes N/A No 4,000
Halon System Yes 100% Yes 300 Force Shield Yes N/A No 3.0M
Hard Point Yes 25% Yes var Gills No N/A No 2,500
Heat Sinks Yes 75% Yes 500* Grappling Hoist Yes 50% Yes 1,500
Internalized Weapon Yes N/A No 250 x Size Grenade Launcher Yes N/A No 5,000
Jammer Detector No N/A No 2,000* Gyro Stabilizer Yes N/A No 2,000
Liquid Rad Liner Yes N/A No 5,000 Heavy Belt Yes N/A No 125,000
Lizard Tail Plating Yes N/A No 500* Holographic Generator No N/A No 250,000
Mine Detector Yes 25% Yes 10,000 HIC No N/A No 80,000
NEC No N/A No 30,000 Hover Jets Yes N/A No 18,000
Non-Stick Coating No N/A No 100 IFF Beacon No N/A No 3,500
Polymerized Armor No N/A No spec Infrared Dampener No N/A No 4,500
SAWM (Small) Yes 75% Yes 20,000 Infrared Discriminator No N/A No 15,000
SAWM (Large) Yes 75% Yes 35,000 Insulation (EMP) Yes 75% Yes 20,000
Spikes Yes 75% Yes 1000 x SC Integron No N/A No 2,500
Toaster System Yes 50% Yes 10,000 Internal Flotation Systems No N/A No 8,000
Internal Food Processor No N/A No 1,000
Jet Pack Yes N/A No 35,000
Jump Pads Yes 50% Yes 10,000
Kinetic Energy Shield Yes 50% Yes 20,000



fired. A Noise Level of -3 would reduce the character’s chance to hear

they weapon being fired by 30%.
All modifiers assume the characters are standing next to the
Laser Shield Yes 50% Yes 10,000
weapon (within 1 meter). At this range the listener has a base of 100%
to hear anything, modified by their Hearing Modifier, which is based on
Launch Pads Yes N/A No 20,000
the Character’s Intuition (Mental Bonus) and species. Obviously if
Magnetic Deflection Gen. No N/A N/A 30,000
you’re standing right next to the weapon you’re likely to hear it being
Magnetic Disrupter No N/A N/A 425,000
fired unless it is totally silent or you are deaf.
Mental Targeting System No N/A N/A 250,000 The Noise Level for the weapon being fired decreases by 1 for every
Molecular Phase System No N/A N/A 2.0M 5-meters of distance between the weapon and the listener. So if a
Phase Nullification System No N/A N/A 750,000 weapon had a Noise Level of 5 and the listener walked 10 meters away
Planar Explosive Yes 10% Yes 5,000 the target the Noise Level of the weapon would decrease by 2 points
Polymizer Dispenser No N/A N/A 175,000 down to a Noise Level of 3. This gives the listener only a +30% to hear
Portable Fusion Gen. No N/A N/A 80,000 the weapon at that range.
Power Omega No N/A N/A 500,000
Protection (plating) Yes 50% Yes spec Optional Rules: Hearing Loss.
Protection (servos) Yes 75% Yes spec Guns, in general, are loud and noisy things. Shooting them without
Quick Draw Yes 50% Yes 15,000 proper hearing protection will eventually lead to permanent hearing
QSU (E) No N/A N/A 1,500 loss. You think the guy with the machine gun has it bad, now imagine
QSU (I) No N/A N/A 2,000 shooting anti-tank rockets all day. “He’s over there!” “What?”
Rad-Liner Yes 75% Yes 250 Characters that fire loud weapons without hearing protection may
Radar Absorbent Coating No N/A N/A 1,000 be temporarily deafened. Take the Noise Level of the weapon being
Radar Detector No N/A N/A 3,000 fired, multiply it by 10, and subtract it from the character’s hearing
Rebreather Yes 50% Yes 1,000 modifier. This temporary penalty is applied for 1d4 hours. Additional
Sanitizer No N/A N/A 8,000
penalties are not cumulative, but a new penalty will override a previous
penalty if it is worse - adding another 1d4 hours to any remaining
SDLU Yes N/A No 40,000
penalty time. This is why nobody stands next to the artillery piece if they
Search Light Yes 10% Yes 500
don’t have to.
Shield Yes 50% Yes 50
For example, if your hearing modifier is reduced to -70 for one
Shoos No N/A N/A 200
hour by firing a machine gun without any hearing protection then you
Skalers No N/A N/A 2,000 won’t take any further penalty for again firing a machine gun, until 1
Smoke Generator Yes 10% Yes 3,250 hour has elapsed and your hearing has recovered. Now let’s assume
Strength+ No N/A No 150,000 that your character drops the machine gun 30 minutes after initially fir-
Suicide Bomb Yes 15% Yes 40,000 ing it and picks up an Omega weapon. The Omega weapon imparts a -
Systems Analyzer No N/A No 15,000 90 penalty to your hearing, thus it overrides the previous penalty
Systems Repair Unit No N/A No 30,000 because the new penalty is worse (larger value, ignoring the negative
Tac-Net No N/A No 25,000 sign). Remember that if a new penalty overrides a previous one its
Talons Yes N/A No 5,000 duration adds to any duration remaining from the original penalty. Let’s
Thermal Generator No N/A No 30,000 assume in this case the Omega weapon’s penalty will last for two hours.
Thermometer No N/A No 50 So now the character’s hearing modifier is temporarily reduced to -90
UV Scrambler Yes 10% Yes 15,000
for two and a half hours (30 minutes left from the machine gun plus
two hours for the Omega weapon). Despite your character’s previous
Vizex No N/A No 12,000
(temporary) hearing loss from firing the machine gun, the Omega
Xtra Heavy Belt Yes N/A No 325,000
weapon is so loud it further deafened the character. In essence, the
Omega weapon is more deafening than the machine gun.
NOISE LEVEL Weapons that have a Noise Level of 5 or more will cause permanent
hearing loss if fired by a character without hearing protection. Take the
The Noise Levels listed below are typical for the systems listed. Levels Noise Level of the weapon and subtract 4 from it to determine the
may very from weapon to weapon or with ammunition type (BMs dis- amount that is permanently subtracted from the character’s hearing
cretion). Positive Noise Levels indicate loud weapons that are easier to modifier. Do not multiply this penalty by 10! Penalties that cause per-
hear. Negative Noise Levels indicate exceptionally quiet weapons. manent damage are cumulative regardless of severity. Penalties that
Weapons marked “Silent” make no noise and can not be detected by cause permanent reduction in a character’s hearing modifier are not
making a hearing check, though sometimes silent weapons give them- applied until after the character recovers from any temporary hearing
selves away in other ways. loss.
Multiply the level listed by 10% to determine the amount to apply to For example, a character’s hearing modifier is temporarily reduced
the character’s hearing check. For example, a Noise Level of +5 would by 80 points for three hours from firing a SAM (Noise Level 8) without
impart a 50% bonus to the character’s chance to hear the weapon being any hearing protection. Once the character recovers from the tempo-



NOISE LEVEL rary hearing loss in three hours their hearing modifier will be perma-
nently reduced by 4 points (8 – 4 = 4). Now lets say the character fired
WEAPON SYSTEM / EVENT NOISE LEVEL a machine gun two hours after they first fired that SAM, again without
APW – Machine Guns 7 hearing protection. The machine gun (Noise Level 7) could temporar-
APW – Pistols 5 (Silenced 2) ily reduce their hearing modifier by 7 points, but since its penalty is not
APW – Rifles 6 (Silenced 3) worse than the current penalty (70 > 80 = no effect) it would have no
APW – Shotguns 6 effect on the character’s hearing modifier. However, the Noise Level of
APW – Sniper Rifles 6 (Silenced 3) the weapon exceeds 4 so it will cause permanent hearing loss regard-
APW – Submachine guns 5 (Silenced 2) less of whether the character’s hearing modifier is affected. The
Atomic Particle Weapons 3 weapon permanently reduces the character’s hearing modifier by
another 3 points (7 - 4 = 4).
Attractor/Repulsors 2
Hearing protection is rated by its Protection Level. The Protection
Carousel Guns 5
Level of any hearing protection is subtracted from the actual Noise
Chain Guns 8
Level of the weapon being fired to determine the effective Noise Level.
Compact Artillery 10
It is important to note that most helmets provide some level of hearing
Disintegrators 3 protection. Modern helmets, those that cost 8,000 credits or more, pro-
EMP Cannons 4 vide protection level 8 without imparting any penalty to the character’s
Explosives * hearing checks. However, unless it states otherwise in the helmet’s
Flamethrowers 4 description no protection is provided against other sonic or deafening
Flux Interference Generators 1 attacks made against the character. Ear plugs are assumed to provide
Frost Guns 2 protection against Noise Levels up to 5. Shooting muffs provide pro-
Gauss Rifles 5 (1 silent mode) tection against Noise Levels up to 7. Ear plugs and shooting muffs worn
Gravitational Effect Weapons Silent simultaneously provide protection against Noise Levels up to 9. Ear
Grav Sheers 3 plugs and shooting muffs reduce the character’s hearing modifiers by
Grenades 8 or 9 Typically the ten times their protection level, or ten times their combined pro-
Grenade Launchers 7 tection level if worn simultaneously. Thus if you’re wearing ear plugs,
Grenade Machine Guns 8
you would take a -40% penalty to your hearing checks. If you’re wear-
Implosion Field Technology 9
ing ear plugs and shooting muffs you would take a -70% penalty to your
hearing checks. Helmets that have a bonus vs. sonic attacks have 10%
Jammer 1
of their sonic attack bonus added to their protection level.
Juicers 3
Lasers Silent In order to be sneaky you have to be able to hear. You have to hear the ene-
Mag Guns 4 mies approaching or hear if you’re making enough noise to give your position
Metal Guns 3 away. The moral of this story is that if you’re trying to be stealthy and you
Micron Body Weapons -11 don’t have a lot of cash to buy a nice helmet then you shouldn’t pack an APW
MicroGrenade Launchers 2 or an Omega weapon. Not only will your give away your position, but you’re
Mines 7 or 8 Typically likely to deafen yourself so much you’ll never hear the enemy coming even
Missiles – Anti-tank 8 when you’re not shooting at them. Use your head; don’t abuse it!
Missiles – PMS 8
* Non-HP Explosions have a Noise Level equal to their minimum dam-
Missiles – PMS2 10
age or the damage rolled divided by ten, whichever is higher. This not
Missiles – Rocket Launchers 8 only includes explosives, but also includes anything that “explodes,”
Missiles – SAMS 8 such as grenades, mortar shells, artillery shells, certain Mag Gun and
Modern Hand Weapons Varies Gauss Rifle rounds, malfunctioning weapons, PADS, Missile detona-
Mortars 9 tions, exploding APW rounds, etc. Remember that for explosions, the
Neuro Cannons Silent Noise Level is determined by the character’s proximity to the explosion,
Omega Cannons 9 (Silenced 4) not the weapon firing the explosive munition. HP explosions use the
PADS Varies same rule for non-HP explosions, but have a minimum noise level of 10.
Pulse Cannons 5 (Silenced 2)
Pulse Cannons – PAWS
Pulse Cannons – Pulse Blasters
4 (Silenced 1)
Pulse Cannons – Static Pistols 5 (Silenced 2) Certain weapons in Battlelords list in their description the cost for spare
Rad Cannons Silent magazines or clips, while others do not. That’s because some weapons
Smart Guns 4 have magazines or Battery Packs built into the weapon. These “inter-
Thermatics Silent nal” magazines and Battery Packs are not removable. Characters may
Thunderbolt Generators 4 still purchase and carry spare ammunition for weapons with internal
Web Generators 2 magazines but they must load it one shell at a time.



Because of the time required to reload these weapons most users from the weapon – at least not without tools and some considerable
opt for a “New York reload”, which entails dropping the weapon with time. When the weapon exhausts its available Q it must be physically
the internal magazine after all of its ammunition has been expended plugged into a power source to recharge the internal battery. Needless
and drawing a new, fully-loaded weapon. Typically performing a “New to say, this can be a real drag on the combat zone – especially if you
York reload” is faster than reloading a weapon with an internal maga- don’t have a Mrs. Fusion to plug your weapon into!
zine, especially if you’re an Eridani! Listed below are some different • Cost to recharge Battery Packs can be found on page 32 of Lock-
magazine and Battery Pack configurations found in Battlelord’s N-Load: Weapons & Tactics.
weapons. • It typically takes 1 round per unit of power to recharge a Battery
Energy-Based Weaponry
Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack: These large Battery Packs are Projectile Weapons
worn on the soldier’s back and are typically associated with body- Belt: A belt is mechanism used to string together multiple cartridges or
mounted weaponry. grenades. As the ammunition is fired, the belt breaks apart and falls
• Cost to recharge Battery Packs can be found on page 32 of Lock- away from the weapon. Multiple belts can be linked together to form
N-Load: Weapons & Tactics longer belts.
• The cost of spare battery backpacks varies from weapon to • It takes one round to switch Belts
weapon. If the cost is not listed in the weapon’s description • It takes three rounds to link two belts together.
assume that a spare battery backpacks costs 5% of the weapon’s
cost. Box: A box is simply a container that can be attached to the side or bot-
• It requires three full actions for a buddy to exchange backpacks. tom of a weapon to hold a belt or belts of ammunition.
If you have to do it yourself, it’ll still take two full actions for the • It takes two rounds to switch Boxes and reattach the belt to the
exchange, but you’ll require another two full actions to remove the weapon.
body-mount harness before you can get to the backpack.
Breech Load: These weapons are hinged allowing the user to open the
External Battery Pack: This device functions identically to an External weapon up and exchange expended cartridges/shells for new car-
Magazine, except it stores electricity rather than ammunition. Just like tridges/shells.
an External Magazine, an empty External Battery Pack can quickly be • It takes one second per Q to fully reload a breech load weapon.
exchanged for a full Battery Pack. Empty Battery Packs are recharged
rather than reloaded. Clip: Originally “a clip” was a metal bracket that held together a small
• It takes two full actions to exchange Battery Packs. number of cartridges for archaic powder weapons. These clips of
• Cost to recharge Battery Packs can be found on page 32 of Lock- ammunition could then be more easily inserted into a weapon’s Internal
N-Load: Weapons & Tactics. Magazine. However, in Battlelords clips have become outdated and the
• The cost of spare Battery Packs varies from weapon to weapon. If term is now synonymous with “Magazine.”
the cost is not listed in the weapon’s description assume that a • Treat as magazine
spare Battery Pack 2% of the weapon’s cost.
• It typically takes 1 round per unit or power to recharge a Battery Drum: Drum is short for “Drum Magazine,” which is simply a large
Pack. (See page 32 in Battlelords) Magazine. Ammunition inside a drum is typically stored in a spiral pat-
tern. Drums are treated exactly like external magazines, but they take
Freestanding Battery Pack: Much like an External Battery Pack, a longer to reload because they typically hold more ammunition.
Freestanding Battery Pack is a large battery or fusion reactor that is sep- • Treat as magazine
arate from the weapon and attached via a shielded (and usually
armored) power cable. A Freestanding Battery Pack is usually found on External Magazine: An External Magazine, or simply a “Magazine,” is
crew-served weapons, where one of the crew is responsible for carry- a small, external, box that holds ammunition for projectile weapons.
ing the large Battery Pack into the combat zone and attaching it to the Once a Magazine is empty it can be exchanged for a full magazine,
weapon. which eliminates the time-consuming proposition of reloading ammu-
• It takes two full actions to exchange Battery Packs. nition, one shell at a time, into the empty magazine.
• Cost to recharge Battery Packs can be found on page 32 of Lock- • It takes two half actions to exchange magazines.
N-Load: Weapons & Tactics. • It takes 1 second per Q to reload ammunition into an empty mag-
• The cost of spare Battery Packs varies from weapon to weapon. If azine.
the cost is not listed in the weapon’s description assume that a • The cost of spare magazines varies from weapon to weapon. If the
spare Battery Pack costs 5% of the weapon’s cost. cost is not listed in the weapon’s description assume that a spare
• It typically takes 2 combat rounds per unit to recharge a Magazine costs 1% of the weapon’s cost.
Freestanding Battery Pack.
Internal Magazine: An Internal Magazine is a built-into the weapon
Internal Battery Pack: This device is the functional equivalent of an and can not be removed or exchanged with a “full” magazine. Once a
Internal Magazine, only it stores electricity rather than ammunition. weapon’s Internal Magazine is empty ammunition must be loaded into
Like an Internal Magazine, an Internal Battery Pack can not be removed the weapon one shell at a time. As a result, it is much more time con-



suming to reload a weapon with an Internal Magazine. WEAPON AMMO LOADOUT

• It takes 1 second per Q to reload ammunition into an internal ALL USE BELTS
• You can not purchase “spare” magazines for weapons that use Also requires a Freestanding Battery
ASP 20
Internal Magazines. Pack
MAW MG Shell Belt or External Magazine
Internal Reservoir: These weapons have an internal tank that con- Riddler Box Only
tains the liquid or molten ammunition the weapon fires. When the SAW Box or External Magazine
weapon exhausts its supply of fluid ammunition, new ammunition must Ultimax Drum
be poured into the reservoir after removing the reservoir cap. Basically, XM-214
Belt-fed from backpack & Internal
what you’ve got here is a high-tech squirt-gun. Battery Pack
• It takes one second per Q to pour new ammo into weapons with ALL USE EXTERNAL
Internal Reservoirs. LISTED BELOW
.454 Casull Revolver
Muzzle Load: Ammunition in for this weapon must be loaded down
Colt .357 Magnum Revolver
the muzzle or barrel of the weapon. Typically the projectile and pro-
Derringer .44 Cal. Breech Load
pellant are loaded separately and pushed down the barrel with the use
NightStalker Internal Magazine
of a ramrod. Typically Muzzle Load weapons must be reloaded after
Police .38 Cal. Revolver
each shot.
• It takes three rounds to Muzzle load a weapon. Punk Revolver
Smith & Wesson .22 Breech Load
Removable Bolt: These weapons are single-shot bolt-action rifles Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum Revolver
where the bolt mechanism must be completely removed from the ALL USE EXTERNAL
weapon in order to insert a new cartridge into the chamber. Once a new LISTED BELOW
cartridge is inserted the bolt is re-inserted into the weapon so that it can
.700 Nitro Express Breech Load, Full Action
be fired.
Fu Fu Gun Muzzle Load
• The reload time of these weapons is typically reflected in their low
rate of fire. Assume one round to reload, or an ROF of 1/3. APW-SHOTGUNS
Franchi Spas 12g Internal Magazine
Revolver: Revolvers are similar to breech load weapons, in that each
H&K Bulwark Internal Magazine
cartridge must be loaded into the weapon one at a time. Revolver-users
Ithaca Hammerless 10g Breech Load
can avoid this problem by purchasing a speed-loader (50-100 cr.). A
Remington M870 12g Internal Magazine
speed-loader is a small hand-held device that secures ammunition in an
arrangement so that each cartridge (aka ammunition or “bullet” or APW-SNIPER RIFLES
“round”) will line up perfectly with each empty chamber in a revolver
M880 Mjolnir Single Shot, Removable Bolt
cylinder. Once the cartridge in the speed-loader is aligned with the
External Magazine, but requires full
empty chambers in the cylinder, the user simply pushes the loader for- MTW-20
action to change
ward, inserting the cartridges into the revolver chambers and then ALL USE INTERNAL
releases a locking-mechanism that holds the cartridges to the speed ATTRACTOR/REPRESSORS
loader. The cartridges then fall free from the loader and into their CAROUSEL GUNS ALL USE INTERNAL MAGAZINES
respective chambers in the revolver. A revolver shooter skilled with a ALL USE BELTS FED FROM A
speed-loader can dramatically decrease his reloading time using this CHAIN GUNS BACKPACK WHEN USED
• It takes one second per Q to fully reload a revolver, unless using a ALL USE EXTERNAL BATTERY
K-8 Vaporizer Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack
• Speed-loaders reduce the reload time to one Full Action
Rommel Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack
Patton Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack
A note on Battery Packs in Archaic Powder Weapons: The cost
to recharge Battery Packs in weapons not listed here, like some electric ALL USE INTERNAL
motor driven machine guns, is typically a flat 20 credits if not specified.
A single battery will last for a number of shots equal to the weapon’s Q FLAMETHROWERS
multiplied by 10 when dealing with APWs. A-2 Internal Resevoir
Charbroil Internal Resevoir
Sizzler Internal Resevoir




Pulsar Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack
1-Shot Wonder Internal non-rechargable Battery
Quasar Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack
BC-Heat Internal Battery Pack
TANK UNLESS LISTED BELOW BC-Heatwave Internal Battery Pack
Avalanche F1 External Battery Pack Mentar-A3L Assault Cannon Internal Battery Pack
BC-Artic Drum PC-3 Pulse Rifle Internal Battery Pack
BC-Winterdom Drum PC-6 Pulse Rifle Internal Battery Pack
CG-911 Breech Load PC-9000 Internal Battery Pack
CG-911 Trubo External Magazine Plasma Dealer Internal Battery Pack
CG-X2 External Magazine RP-4 Masher Cannon Internal Battery Pack
EFFECT WEAPONS BATTERY PACKS BC-Enforcer Internal Battery Pack
ALL USE INTERNAL BC-Engager Internal Battery Pack
M-19 Pulse Rifle Internal Battery Pack
M-203 Breech Load BC-Thumper Internal Battery Pack
GRENADE MACHINE Popgun Internal Battery Pack
Marathon Backpack-Mounted Battery Pack
Backpack-Mounted or Freestanding GENERATORS BATTERY PACKS
Backpack-Mounted or Freestanding MAGAZINES WHICH
Battery Pack FUNCTION AS
Backpack-Mounted or Freestanding
Valley Green Assault Gun
Battery Pack
Backpack-Mounted or Freestanding Optional Rule (Reloading Under Combat Conditions)
Valley Green Express
Battery Pack
Backpack-Mounted or Freestanding
Sadistic BM’s may require a shooter unfamilar with his weapon or
Viceroy under stress to make a successful Manual Dexterity check to load each
Battery Pack
Backpack-Mounted or Freestanding round into the weapon or exchange batteries or magazines under com-
XR-20 Auto Laser
Battery Pack bat conditions. Failure indicates the user has missed the magazine
MAG GUNS ALL USE EXTERNAL MAGAZINES opening or dropped the ammunition/magazine/battery they’re trying to
ALL USE EXTERNAL insert, depending on the severity of the failure.
WEAPONS Optional Rule (Rush Reload)
ALL USE INTERNAL The time to reload any weapon can be reduced by shooters who want
to rush the reloading process. The standard reload time assumes that
there is no likelihood of error, unless using the optional rule. Rushing
UNLESS LISTED BELOW the process leads to a chance for failure. Characters that successfully
Boa Internal Battery Pack make a Manual Dexterity check with a -25 modifier can reduce the
Street Howitzer Breech Load, 2 full actions to reload reloading time by half. Failure indicates the user has missed the maga-
Strikeforce Internal Battery Pack zine opening or dropped the ammunition/magazine/battery they’re try-
Widow Maker Internal Battery Pack
ing to insert, depending on the severity of the failure.



APWs Magazine 5 credits
The first table summarizes the damage done by explosive grenades
Disintegrator Backpack-
mounted Battery Pack 5% of weapon’s cost based on the distance between the target and the grenade. The second
500 credits
table summarizes the effects of specialized grenades, including their
Disintigrator Battery Pack
maximum effective “detonation” range, damage type, and effects.
Flamethrower Tank 500/2000 credits
Laser Pistols 50 credits
Laser Rifles 300 credits
Mag Gun Drum 100 credits
Metal Gun Battery Pack 200 credits
Omega Weapon Backpack-
5% of weapon’s cost
mounted Battery Pack
Pulse Weapon Backpack-
5% of weapon’s cost
mounted Battery Pack

1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M 11M

















Bomb Mat N/A 1d4 8 2d12 8 1d12 7 1d6 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
Varies by 1d4/
M-202 1d4+1 8 1d8+1 8 1d4+1 7 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
weapon 2+1
Varies by 1d4/
M-205 1d4 8 1d8+1 8 1d4+1 7 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
weapon 2+1
Varies by
M-383 2d4 9 2d6 9 1d6 8 1d6/3 7 None 6 None 5 None 4 3 2 1 0
Varies by
M-430* 1d4 9 2d6 9 1d6 8 1d6/3 7 None 6 None 5 None 4 3 2 1 0
M-75 (Frag) 1/2 1d4 9 2d6 9 1d6 8 1d6/3 7 None 6 None 5 None 4 3 2 1 0
M-85 (Frag) 1/2 1d6 8 2d6 8 1d6 7 1d6/3 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
1/2 1d4 8 3d6 8 3d6/2 7 3d6/4 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
M-95 (Frag) 1/2 2d4 8 2d6 8 1d6 7 1d6/3 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
(Max 0 0 1d2 0 1 0 0 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
1d6+1 1d6+1
Micro (High- across across
(Max 0 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
Explosive) 1d3 1d3
areas areas
2d6 2d6 2d6
Micro 1/2
across across across
(Mega- (Max 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
1d3 1d3 1d3
Explosive) 15m)
areas areas areas
2d12 2d12 2d12
Micro (Ultra- across across across
(Max 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
Explosive) 1d3 1d3 1d3
areas areas areas
Omegaton 1/4 3d4 8 60d6 8 60d6 7 30d6 6 30d6 5 15d6 4 15d6 3 2 1 0 0
2d4 &
P-4 1/2 8 2d4 8 1d4 7 1d4/2 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
Plasma 1/3 4d4 8 3d6 8 3d6/2 7 3d6/4 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
1/6 6d6 10 8d6 10 4d6 9 2d6 8 None 7 None 6 None 5 4 3 2 1
Super Plas 1/4 4d6 8 4d6 8 2d6 7 1d6 6 None 5 None 4 None 3 2 1 0 0
* Direct hits to targets do 8d6 damage



Ballistic Bag Varies by
Temporary 2d4 Temp SS, AGL Penalties 12m
(M-200 series) weapon
BX-1 1/2 Biological Bio SMR 2d6 STR & Con per Day 3m
Corrosive Smoke 1/2 Corrosive 6d6 Corrosive -60 Sighting, -30 Attack 1m per Second (30m Max.)
CR-3 1/2 Chemical Chem SMR 4d4 BP 3m
CS-7 1/2 Chemical Poison SMR Incapacitation 1m per Second (30m Max.)
CSG (Bio-
1/2 Illumination +5/+10 to hit - 5m
CSG (Flesh-Eating) 1/2 Biological 1d12 BP - 3m
CSG (Suffocation) 1/2 Suffocation Unconscious - 5m
EMP 1/8 EMP -30 EMP SMR - 10m
Immobilizer 1/2 Special -50 STR per dart - 2.26 cubic meters
Impact Foam 1/2 Special N/A - 3.0 cubic meters
Laser 1/8 Laser 2d12/1d4 + 2d12 laser Laser Damage 50m
M-80 (Smoke) 1/2 Smoke N/A - 1m per Second (30m Max.)
MDD 1/2 Special N/A - Contact
1/2 15cm thick x 0.5 m wide x 1 m
Micro (Flash) Flash +5 to Initiative (1 round) -
(Max 15m) heigh
Micro (Knockout) Chemical +10 Bio SMR Unconscious Contact
(Max 15m)
Micro (Smoke) Smoke N/A - 0.5m per Second (10m Max.)
(Max 15m)
Molotov Cocktail 1/2 Fire See Fire rules in this PDF - 3m
Nanoid Delivery 1/2 Special 4d6 nanoids Varies 3m
Unconscious or
Neuro 1/2 Mental Mental SMR 3m
paralyzed (1d4 Min.)
Neuro Elite 1/2 Mental See pg. 104 LNL:W&T - 7m
Varies by –50 AGL, MD, Visual
OC (M-200 series) Chemical Poison SMR 6m Cone
weapon Mod (2d4 Min.)
70% chance to obscure
Paint 1/2 Special N/A 30m
1d6 dam. to 2 areas
Phase Nullification 1/6 Phase Null. Phase Nullification 25m
Rad Pulse 1/2 Radiation 4 BP Radiation Poisoning 10m
Rubber Baton (M- Varies by
Temporary 1d6+1 Temp SS, AGL Penalties 10m
200 series) weapon
Scatter Smoke 1/2 Smoke 75% Laser Dam. Reduction -60 Sighting, -30 Attack 1.13 cubic meters
Seismic 1/4 Special 3d4 concussion to bone See Description 3m
Shot (M-200 Varies by
Special 6d4 - 20m Cone
series) weapon
Sting Ball 1/4 Temporary 1d4+1 Temp AGG Check 9m
Stun Grenade 1/2 Temporary Sonic SMR Stunned & Deafened 3m
Super Sonic Pulse 1/2 Sonic Sonic SM R Unconscious 10m
Chance of perm.
T-3 Blinder 1/2 Flash Blinded for 2d4 minutes Sighting Check
Viscosity-1 1/2 Glue STR -30 50% Splatter 3m
Viscosity-2 1/2 Glue STR -50 40% Splatter 3m
Viscosity-3 1/2 Glue STR -75 30% Splatter 3m
Viscosity-4 1/2 Glue STR -100 - 3m
Vulcan G1 1/3 Metal Gun -2 THR, -10 IN - Contact
Vulcan G2 1/4 Metal Gun -4 THR, -20 IN - Contact




BMs can feel free to print off the following three sheets and circle “Yes” or “No” to indicate what rules and items from this book they’ll be allow-
ing in their Battlelords game. The Game Balance Rating, if any, is listed for each item/rule.
Improved Gemini Armor 3 YES / NO Surprise Trigger 5 YES / NO Removing Armor Options 5 YES / NO
Bite Helm 3 YES / NO Bomb Detonator 1 YES / NO CAROUSEL GUNS
Bite Helm Heavy 3 YES / NO Explosives Detector 1 YES / NO Archer II 3 YES / NO
Bite Helm Custom 3 RockRocket 3 YES / NO
ARMOR OPTIONS Biomech Duplicator 2 YES / NO SlugCharger 3 YES / NO
Anti-Laser Coating 2 YES / NO Booby-Trap Trigger 2 YES / NO SlugGun 3 YES / NO
Anti-A/R Grenades 3 YES / NO Coloring Agents 1 YES / NO Titanus 3 YES / NO
Anti-Wave Generator 1 YES / NO Texturizing Agents 1 YES / NO Tornado YES / NO
Chaff Ejectors YES / NO TripleShock 3 YES / NO
Crystalline Coating 4 YES / NO Passive IFF Receiver 1 YES / NO CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL
Passive IFF Receiver 1 WEAPONS
Crystal Shield 3 YES / NO Radar-Laser Sight 1 YES / NO Self-Assembling Virus 2 YES / NO
Feynman Generator 3 YES / NO Target Locator 4 YES / NO Shape Lock 3 YES / NO
Fire-Control Computer 5 YES / NO Target Locator PLUS 4 YES / NO CHEM/BIO
Target Locator PLUS WEAPONS
/ NO
Flux Shield 2 4 YES / NO Flux Shield 2PERSONAL EQUIPMENT
4 YES / NO Treatment Rules 5 YES / NO
Flux Shield 3 4 YES / NO Za’l Stasis Generator 4 YES / NO COMPACT
Za’l Stasis GeneratorARTY - OPTIONAL
/ NO
Flux Shield 4 4 YES / NO Zombie Generator 4 YES / NO Scouting (Forward Observer) 3 YES / NO
Flux Shield 5 4 YES / NO PERSONAL
Flux Shield 5 4
YES / NO Flux Shield 5 4
Frictionless Flux 2 YES / NO Marshal 4 YES / NO Backup Mark V 1 YES / NO
Grenade Pusher 4 YES / NO Secret Service 4 YES / NO DISPLACEMENT 4WEAPONS
Secret Service YES / NO
Grounding System 2 YES / NO Panther 4 YES / NO AD-1812 5 YES / NO
Halon System 1 YES / NO Costner 4 YES / NO AD-214 5 YES / NO
Hard Point YES / NO Xile 5 YES / NO
Heat Sinks 1 YES / NO Bayonet 1 YES / NO Xpatriot 5 YES / NO
Internalized Weapon 5 YES / NO Crystal Dagger 3 YES / NO Xpulse 5 YES / NO
Jammer Detector 1 YES / NO Double Sword 2 YES / NO Xpulse2 5 YES / NO
Liquid Rad Liner 1 YES / NO Flash Crystal 2 YES / NO Flash Crystal EXPLOSIVES
2 YES / NO
Lizard Tail Plating 1 YES / NO Hot Rocks 3 YES / NO Aerosol 1 YES / NO
Mine Detector 1 YES / NO Kizanti Phase Weapon 3 YES / NO EXPLOSIVES
Kizanti Phase Weapon - DETONATORS
3 YES / NO
NEC 1 YES / NO Mazian Horse Shoes 1 YES / NO Atmospheric Pressure Det. 1 YES / NO
Non-Stick Coating 1 YES / NO Razor Whip 2 YES / NO Razor Whip FLAMETHROWERS
2 YES / NO
Polymerized Armor 2 YES / NO Shatter Dagger 1 YES / NO Backup Fire 1 YES / NO
SAWM (Small) Friendly Fire 1 YES / NO
SAWM (Large) 5 YES / NO APWs - Rapid Fire - YES / NO APWsFLUX Fire - GENERATORS
Spikes 1 YES / NO ARM ROCKET RIFLES (ARR) Backup (FIG) Series II 1 YES / NO
Toaster System 2 YES / NO Freefire Rifle 4 YES / NO FIGS - OPTIONAL RULES
OPTIONAL 3RULES YES / NO Freeshoot Rifle 43
YES / NO Alternate Damage System - YES / NO
Falling in Armor 3 YES / NO Porcupine 4 YES / NO Porcupine 4
Flux Shield: Breach Value - YES / NO ATTRACTOR/REPRESSOR BEAMS Flux Stop Principle 5 YES / NO
Flux Shield: Nesting - YES / NO Able Positive 4 YES / NO Silent Mode 1 YES / NO
Heavy Armor vs AHWs 4 YES / NO BC-Shatter 4 YES / NO 4
CYBERNETICS YES / NO Mixmaster 4 YES / NO A-Grav Cancellation 4 YES / NO
Mental Trigger 5 YES / NO Nutcracker 4 YES / NO Nutcracker 4
CYBERTRONICS YES / NO Rattler 3 YES / NO Bomb Mat 1 YES / NO
External Output Coil 4 YES / NO Ravager II 5 YES / NO CSG (Flesh-Eating) 1 YES / NO
External RangeCoil 4 YES / NO Soulshaker 3 YES / NO CSG (Suffocation) 1 YES / NO
HUD Contact Lenses 1 YES / NO CSG (Bio-Luminescent) 1 YES / NO



Corrosive Smoke 1 YES / NO Paralyzing Attacks 3 YES / NO Direct Fire - YES / NO
EMP 2 YES / NO Vs. Web Generators 3 YES / NO Standard Tracking - YES / NO
Immobilizer 1 YES / NO Shape-shifting Attack 5 YES / NO MODERN
Shape-shifting YES / NO
Impact Foam 3 YES / NO Impact Foam METAL GUNS
3 YES / NO Custom Light Weapons 4 YES / NO
Laser 3 YES / NO BC-DistortionMG 4 YES / NO Hand Charge 1 YES / NO
Magnetic Modification 2 YES / NO BC-Gatlin 4 YES / NO Icicle 3 YES / NO
MDD 3 YES / NO BC-Metalaser 4 YES / NO Laser Dagger 3 YES / NO
Nanoid Delivery 2 YES / NO BC-MetalSurge 4 YES / NO Monofilament Whip 4 YES / NO
Neuro 2 YES / NO UB-Twister 4 YES / NO Nanoid Dagger 1 YES / NO
Neuro Elite 2 YES / NO Neuro Elite 2
Paint 1 YES / NO High-Explosive 3 YES / NO Plasma Jet II 3 YES / NO
Phase Nullification 1 YES / NO Mega-Explosive 4 YES / NO Prism Dagger 3 YES / NO
Rad Pulse 5 YES / NO Ultra-Explosive 5 YES / NO Water Spear 1 YES / NO
Scatter Smoke 1 YES / NO ScatterMICRO-GRENADE
YES / NO 1
Seismic 4 YES / NO Lincoln Thrower 3 YES / NO Ceiling Stunners 1 YES / NO
Sting Ball 1 YES / NO Lobber 3 YES / NO Lobber 3
Stun Mat 1 YES / NO Penny Ante 3 YES / NO Able Shot-put 5 YES / NO
Stun Grenade 1 YES / NO Stun Grenade 1
MINES YES / NO Balshrom Thrower 5 YES / NO
Super Sonic Pulse 1 YES / NO ABA 2 YES / NO Disk Flinger 5 YES / NO
Vulcan G1 3 YES / NO Bullet 1 YES / NO Shooter 1 5 YES / NO
Vulcan G2 3 YES / NO Clumpy II 1 YES / NO Shooter 2 5 YES / NO
GRENADES Disintegrator 1 YES / NO Disintegrator
Ballistic Bag 1 YES / NO Displacer 3 YES / NO Insinuative vs. Ingestive 1 YES / NO
OC 1 YES / NO Firestorm Clay. 2 YES / NO Firestorm Clay. 2
Rubber Baton 1 YES / NO Floater 2 YES / NO Death Slinger 5 YES / NO
Shot 1 YES / NO Flux Cage 5 YES / NO EM Blaster 5 YES / NO
Flash Crystal K-SAT OPTIONS
2 YES / NO IMFIB 1 YES / NO EM Engager 5 YES / NO
Cargo Space 1 YES / NO Neuro 3 YES / NO Quark Cannon 5 YES / NO
Target Locator 4 YES / NO Neuro Elite 3 YES / NO Rad Pulse “Standard” 5 YES / NO
Target Locator PLUS 4 YES / NO Phase Null. 1 YES / NO Rad Pulse “Turbo” 5 YES / NO
2 LASERS Riot Foam 3 YES / NO Riot Foam 3
Savage-E 4 YES / NO Self-Healing 1 YES / NO Assault Special 4 YES / NO
Shotgun-1 4 YES / NO Shotgun-1 4 YES / NO
ARM ROCKET LAUNCHERS Close Combat Special 4 YES / NO
Sherman 4 YES / NO M-260 1 YES / NO Rogue Catcher 4 YES / NO
BC-Aim Master 3 YES / NO WARS MINI 1 YES / NO Run-Away Mark II 4
Target Super 4 YES / NO Target Super YES / NO
Able Culprit-D 3 YES / NO Relfex Pack 3 YES / NO Security Rack (Armory) 1 YES / NO
BC-Spotter 3 YES / NO Reflex Tube 3 YES / NO Security Rack (Baracks) 1 YES / NO
BC-Shatter / NO BC-Shatter 4
Field Integrity 4 YES / NO Ballista 3 YES / NO 3 YES / NO
Nutcracker 4
MAG GUNS YES / NO Long Bow 3 YES / NO Sonic Scrambler 4 YES / NO
BC-Monster YES / NO
4 Short Bow 3 YES / NO Short Bow THERMATICS
3 YES / NO
CSG (Flesh-Eating)
5 YES / NO
RULES Trebuchet 3 YES / NO BC-Godsfire 3 YES / NO
Increased Durability 5 YES / NO Increased Durability 5 YES / NO
Reduced Falling Damage 1 YES / NO Ammo Cart 1 YES / NO BC-Inferno 3 YES / NO



BC-Solaris 3 YES / NO Neuro 4 YES / NO Seeker Special 4 YES / NO
Tracking YES / RULES
- NO Neuro Elite 4 YES / NO Standard 4 YES / NO
Suffocation 2 YES / NO Psycho Killer 5 YES / NO Psycho Killer 5 YES / NO
Custom Light Weapons Pulse Attractor 4 YES / NO Corrosive 2 YES / NO
Disarm Bullets 3 YES / NO Radio Jammer 1 YES / NO Explosive 3 YES / NO
Bio-Mercuric Ammo 5 YES / NO Riot Foam 2 YES / NO Riot Foam 2 YES / NO
Laser Dagger YES / NO
1 ARTILLERY Screamer 2 YES / NO Slick Spray 2 YES / NO
Anti-Persnonnel Shot 4 YES / NO Sounder Plus 3 YES / NO Spy Glue 1 YES / NO
Omega Pulse 4 YES / NO Spider 5 YES / NO Vector Glue 4 YES / NO
Planar Explosive 5 YES / NO Spotting Paint Round 1 YES / NO MISSILES - PMS2
1 YES / NO
Naplam 3 YES / NO Target Designator (TD) 2 YES / NO Anti-Armor 3 YES / NO
Bunker Buster 4 YES / NO Toxin Dispenser MID 1 YES / NO Anti-Personnel 3 YES / NO
EMP 4 YES / NO Thunderbolt 3 YES / NO Anti-Structure 4 YES / NO
BX-1 3 YES / NO Ultra Mag Modification 4 YES / NO Anti-Vehicular 3 YES / NO
CR-3 3 YES / NO Vulcan 3 YES / NO Biological 3 YES / NO
Spider 4 YES / NO Vulcan Plus 3 YES / NO Chemical 3 YES / NO
Glitter Dust 3 YES / NO Zen Slayer 4 YES / NO Incindiary 3 YES / NO
Illumination Round 3
YES / NO 3
5 YES / NO
Disk FlingerAMMO - GAUSS GUNS Grenade Conversion 2 YES / NO Grenade Conversion 2
Mega-High Explosive 3 YES / NO Mega-High Explosive 3
Target Designator 2 YES / NO Balshrom Diskus 5 YES / NO HARM Sensor 2 YES / NO
Disintegrator AMMO - MAG Blood Sucker 4 YES / NO Mirv-2 4 YES / NO
Aerosol Sprayer 4 YES / NO Mexican Worm 4 YES / NO Super Mirv 5 YES / NO
A/R Round 3 YES / NO Skeet-1 4 YES / NO Skeet-1 RULES4 YES / NO
Bio Weapons Detector 1 YES / NO Tequila Sunrise 5 YES / NO A-Grav vs. I-Grav - YES / NO
Buddy Killer I 2 YES / NO Trap Shoot 5 YES / NO Damage-to-Die Roll Conv. - YES / NO
Buddy Killer II 3 YES / NO Trap Shoot II 5 YES / NO Deprogrammed Displacer 4 YES / NO
Chemical Weapons Detector 1 YES / NO Chemical AMMO
Weapons Detector 1
SHELLS By-Passing Armor - Displacer 5 YES / NO
Camera 1 YES / NO Door Breacher 1 YES / NO Partial Charge Fire 1 YES / NO
Chaff 3 YES / NO Flash-bang 2 YES / NO Fire vs. Unarmored Characters 1 YES / NO
Detonator Time Adjuster 5 YES / NO Flamethrower 1 YES / NO Humor - YES / NO
ECCM 4 YES / NO Garrote 2 YES / NO Protective Weapon Coatings - YES / NO
ECM 3 YES / NO Mercuric 3 YES / NO Recovering from Berserk - YES / NO
FIG Round 4 YES / NO Plastic 1 YES / NO Space Allocation - YES / NO
Fire Retardant 1 YES / NO OC 2 YES / NO -
Flux Activation Scrambler 5 YES / NO Roadblocker 1
YES / NO Armor Option Compatibility - YES / NO
Flux Cage 5 YES / NO Rubber 1
YES / NO Metal Armor Option Listing - YES / NO
Homing Device 1 YES / NO HomingAMMO
Device 1 YES / A
Intruder Detector 1 YES / NO Marker Round 4 YES / NO Optional Hearing Loss - YES / NO
Jumper 2 YES / NO Safety Plus 4 YES / NO Spare Magazines - YES / NO
Laser Designator 2 YES / NO Safety Plus II 4 YES / NO Optional Reload Check Rule - YES / NO
Med Mag MID 1 YES / NO Seeker Special 4 YES / NO Rapid Reload Rules - YES / NO
Mine Mag Round 2 YES / NO Standard 4 YES / NO Grenade Summary Tables - YES / NO
Mr. Stinky (Pine Scent) 1 YES / NO Mr. Stinky Mods (New-Car
AMMO Scent) 3
Mr. Stinky (New Car Scent) 1 YES / NO Marker Round 4 YES / NO
Mr. Stinky (Ocean Breeze) 1 YES / NO Safety Plus 4 YES / NO
Mr. Stinky (Ram Phermones) 5 YES / NO Safety Plus II 4 YES / NO


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