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Camp Plan January 22, 2011

Bret Hart & Jake Erlandson

7:00 Meet at Lincoln/Driver lineup
7:15-7:30 Depart from Lincoln
9:00-9:30 Arrive at Camp
10:00-1:00 Activity Block #1
1:15-4:00 Activity Block #2
4:00-6:00 Dinner
6:30-7:30 Evening wide game
8:15-9:30 Campfire
10:00 Taps

7:00 Reveille and take down begins
7:30-9:30 Breakfast
9:30-10:00 Sunday Event
10:30 Camp sweep
11:00-12:00 Chapel
12:00 Driver lineup

ACTIVITY BLOCK #1 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

RECRUIT OR TENDERFOOT SCOUTS. There will be an advancement
program led by Assistant Scoutmasters. Scouts will have an opportunity to
pass requirements for fire building, camping stoves, and knife and ax.

SCOUTS 2ND CLASS AND ABOVE. Catapult Building. These Scouts will
build six catapults, two patrols for each of the first five, and one built by
SIT’s. Senior Staff will provide guidance and assistance as needed.
Testing of catapults to make sure they work is OK. Second Class Scouts
can pass requirements for lashings. Star Scouts can pass requirements for

SCORING. Each catapult will be scored 20, 16, or 12 points depending on

quality of construction. Senior Staff will score. Both patrols working on a
catapult get the same score.
ACTIVITY BLOCK #2 (1:15 PM - 4:00 PM)
There will be five scored Patrol vs Patrol events, each 30 minutes. Patrols
will be assigned a letter and follow the schedule given below.

1. Catapult Warrior
Each patrol will use the catapult built by its patrol during Activity Block #1 to
see which patrol can toss an object the farthest and also most accurately (5
attempts at each). A hula hoop will be used as a target.
SCORING. 10 points for the longer toss, 6 for the shorter toss. 10 points
for the more accurate toss, 6 for the less accurate toss.

2. Road Warrior
A relay race around the road. There will be a start/finish line plus 3 stations
equally spaced around the road (so each leg is ¼ of the distance). Some
Scouts may need to do more than one leg of the race.
Station 1 (start and finish). Two patrol members carry a third patrol
member using a Two-Person Seat Carry. The person being carried holds a
stave over his head.
Station 2. Two patrol members are waiting. Each grabs an end of
the stave, then makes three complete turns. At the end of each turn, they
stop and yell “Troop 2 Can Do”. Then, each Scout holds an end of the
stave, one facing forward, one backward, and runs to the next station.
Station 3. Two patrol members are waiting with their inside legs tied
together. Carrying the stave, they run a 3-legged race to the next station.
Station 4. Two patrol members are waiting. They hold the stave
between their legs, as if both are “riding the stave”. Run to the finish line.
SCORING. 10 points for the winner, 6 for the loser.

3. Tomahawk Warrior
The patrol gets a total of 30 throws, divided as equally as possible among
patrol members. Scoring: 3 points for sticking in the bullseye, 2 points for
sticking anywhere else in the target, 1 point for hitting the target but not
SCORING. 10 points for the patrol with the higher total score, 6 points for
the other patrol.

4. Football Warrior
A game of flag football will be run on the field, using plastic strips as flags.
SCORING. 10 points for the winner, 6 for the loser, 8 for a tie.
5. Skit and Song
The two patrols together will sing Tom the Toad. Then each patrol will have
time to practice its skit and choose a song for campfire. One patrol at a
time will then perform its skit and song for the official.
SCORING. Each patrol is scored 10, 8, 6, 4 or 2 points depending on skit
preparation and quality of performance of the skit and song.

SONGS (Staff will lead Tom the Toad and Troop 2 Yell; not all songs will be
sung at campfire, but each patrol should be prepared):

Drunken Sailor
Sippin’ Ci’
Duke Of York
Pink Pajamas
Black Socks
Peanut Butter
Beaver Song
The Ants Go Marching


There will be 12 staffmen stationed around camp, each with index cards
with a word printed on it. Each of these staffmen will have a riddle. After
finding a staffman, the patrol must give the correct answer to the riddle in
order to get the card (maximum of 3 minutes). When the patrol has all 12
cards, rearrange the words to make a sentence. Bring the cards sorted in
correct order to the official.

SCORING. 20 points for 1st, 18 for 2nd, etc.

There will be a total of 4 heats. Five patrols will participate in each of the
first two heats. Then there will be a heat for the 6 losing patrols and a final
heat for the 4 winning patrols. Every patrol member must participate in at
least one of the heats.

For each heat, 4 patrol members form a snake, each holding onto the waist
of the Scout in front of him with two hands. Each patrol member has a
plastic strip hanging out of his back pocket. The front man of each snake
tries to pull the tail of other snakes. Each time a tail is pulled, the last Scout
moves to the front of the line, and a new Scout’s plastic strip becomes the
tail. If a Scout loses his hold on the waist of the Scout in front of him, that
snake must stop until he regains it. Once all 4 tails have been pulled, that
patrol is out.

Intentional roughness, such as attempting to knock another patrol down,

will result in disqualification. A patrol is also DQ’d if the patrol fails to stay
together as a snake (opinion of the official).

SCORING. In each heat: 10 points for the last patrol standing, 9 for 2nd,
and so on. Each patrol will thus get two scores, one for each heat in which
it participates. Add the scores to get the patrol’s final score.



CAMPFIRE: Orion Y., Christopher C.



CHAPEL: Charles V.
Your patrol will be assigned a letter. Depending on your letter, go
to the various activities as described below.

Catapult Building Teams


For Activity Block #2:

Schedule BY PATROL
Patrol A: 1, 5, 4, 3, 2 Patrol F: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4
Patrol B: 2, 1, 5, 4, 3 Patrol G: 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
Patrol C: 3, 2, 1, 5, 4 Patrol H: 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
Patrol D: 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 Patrol I: 5, 2, 4, 1, 3
Patrol E: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Patrol J: 3, 5, 2, 4, 1

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5
Station 1 A,F B,G C,H D,I E,J
Station 2 B,H C,I D,J E,F A,G
Station 3 C,J D,F E,J A,H B,I
Station 4 D,G E,H A,I B,J C,F
Station 5 E,I A,J B,F C,G D,H
Tom the Toad
Tune: "Oh, Christmas Tree"

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,

Why are you lying on the road?
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?
You did not see the car ahead,
And now you're marked with tire tread.
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,

Why are you lying on the road?
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?
You used to hop and jump about,
And now your guts are spilling out.
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,

Why are you lying on the road?
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?
You hopped onto the yellow line,
And now you’re just a streak of slime.
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?

Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,

Why are you lying on the road?
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?
You used to be so big and fat,
But now you’re all dried up and flat.
Oh Tom the toad, Oh Tom the toad,
Why are you lying on the road?

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