Business Studies XI PA 1 A

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Business Studies

Class XI

Periodic Assessment – I (Blue Print)


1. Nature and Purpose of Business (1+ 1+ 1+ 3+ 4+ 5) = 15

2. Forms of Business organization (1+ 1+ 3+ 4+ 6) = 15

3. Public, Private and Global Enterprises (1+ 1+ 1+ 3+ 4) = 10

Questions x Marks:

8 x 1 = 8

3 x 3 = 9

3 x 4 = 12

1 x 5 = 5

1 x 6 = 6


Business Studies
Class XI

Periodic Assessment – I

Time : 90 mins. M.M: 40

Q.1 Which of the following cannot be classified as an objective of business? (Chap -1)

a) Investment

b) Productivity

c) Innovation

d) Profit earning (1)

Q.2 ‘Fishing’ is what type of industry? (Chap -1)

a) Primary

b) Secondary

c) Commercial

d) Tertiary (1)

Q.3 The occupation in which people work for others and get remunerated in return is
known as… (Chap -1)

a) Business

b) Employment

c) Pofession

d) None of them (1)

Q.4 The Karta in Joint Hindu Family business has… (Chap -2)

a) Limited Liability

b) Unlimited Liability

c) No liability for Debts

d) Joint Liability (1)

Q.5 In a cooperative society the principle followed is… (Chap -2)

a) One share one vote

b) One man one vote

c) No votes

d) Multiple votes (1)

Q.6 Centralised control in MNC’s implies control exercised by… (Chap -3)

a) Branches

b) Susidiaries

c) Headquarters

d) Parliament (1)

Q.7 Disinvestments of PSE’s implies… (Chap -3)

a) Sale of equity shares to public

b) Investing in new areas

c) Buying shares of PSE’s

d) Closing down private sector/ pubic operations (1)

Q.8 The oldest form of organization of public enterprises is … (Chap -3)

a) Statutory Corporation

b) Departmental Undertaking

c) Government Company

d) MNC (1)

Q.9 How does commerce remove hindrances of risk, time and place? (Chap -1) (3)

Q.10 Differentiate between ‘partnership at will’ and ‘particular partnership’.

(Chap -2) (3)

Q.11 Distinguish between Departmental Undertaking and Government company on the

basis of : (Chap -3)

a) Public accountability b) Flexibility of operations c) Private participation (3)

Q.12 ‘No business is risk free’. On the basis of this statement, explain the concept of
business risk and its any three causes. (Chap -1) (4)

Q.13 Mr. Mukul Gupta contracted with a firm. According to the contract, he has
advanced a loan of Rs.20 lakh to the firm and in exchange he gotthe power to take a
few decisions regarding the firm’s business. Besides, he got 9% interest on the loan
and 12% of profits earned by the firm. Is Mukul a partner of the firm? Give reasons in
support for your answer. (application based question) (Chap -2) (4)

Q.14 Name the enterprise which is the result of partnership between two companies.
Why do two companies join together to work as one enterprise? Give three reasons.

(Chap -3) (4)

Q.15 Explain the meaning of trade. What are the different types of trade?

(Chap -1) (5)

Q.16 Define partnership. State its four important features. (Chap -2) (6)
Answer Key

Ans.1 a.

Ans.2 a.

Ans.3 b.

Ans.4 b.

Ans.5 b.

Ans.6 c.

Ans.7 a.

Ans.8 b.

Ans.9 Insurance, Warehousing and Transportation (with explanation [one mark each])

Ans.10 Any three differences (1 mark each)

Ans.11 Differences on the basis mentioned (1 mark each)

Ans.12 a) Concept of risk (explanation). (1)

b) Any three causes (3)

Ans.13 . a) No. (1)

b) Unlimited liability, Risk bearing and Mutual Agency (3)

Ans.14 a) Private-Public partnership. (1)

b) Give any three reasons (3)

Ans.15 a) Define Trade. (1)

b) Any four types of trade (4)

Ans.16 a) Define Partnership. (2)

b) Explain any four features. (4)

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