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Soil Ecology
Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997) 3-16

Agricultural intensification, soil biodiversity and agroecosystem

K.E. Giller a,*, M.H. Beare b, P. Lavelle ‘, A.-M.N. Izac d, M.J. Swift e
a Department of Biological Sciences, Wye College, University of London, Wye, Ashford TN25 5AH, UK
New Zealand Institutefor Crop and Food Research, Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Private Bag 4704, Canterbury, New
Laboratoire D’Ecologie des Sols, Universite Paris VI/ ORSTOM Centre, ORSTOM, 72 Route d’Aulnay, 93143-Bondy, France
Intemational Centrefor Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya
Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility, c / o UNESCO/ROSTA, P.O. Box 30592, Nairobi, Kenya
Accepted 10June 1996


Soil is the habitat of plant roots and of a diverse array of organisms-bacteria, fungi, protozoa and invertebrate animals
-which contribute to the maintenance and productivity of agroecosystems. As intensification occurs, the regulation of
functions through soil biodiversity is progressively replaced by regulation through chemical and mechanical inputs.
However, the causal relationships between (1) composition, diversity and abundance of soil organisms and (2) sustained soil
fertility are unclear. Furthermore, in tropical agricultural systems undergoing intensification, large numbers of farmers have
limited access to inputs, and therefore the maintenance and enhancement of soil biodiversity may be particularly relevant to
such farmers. In this paper we propose a number of hypotheses which could be tested to explore the relationships between
agricultural intensification, biodiversity in tropical soils and ecosystem functions. We also provide a conceptual framework
within which such hypotheses can be tested. O 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Bacteria; Earthworms; Fungi; Microorganisms; Soil fauna

.Introduction mated to exist worldwide (Hawksworth, 1991) re-
1 markably little is known of soil fungi, apart from
Nature is comprised of biological diversity. Al- common fungal pathogens and mycorrhizal species.
-though not apparent to the naked eye, soil is one of Among the soil fauna, some 100000 species of
the most diverse habitats on earth and contains one protozoa, 500,000 species of nematodes (Hawks-
of the most diverse assemblages of living organisms. worth and Mound, 1991) and 3000 species of earth-
A single gram of soil has been estimated to contain worms (Lee, 1985) are estimated to exist, not to
several thousand species of bacteria (Torsvik et al., mention the other invertebrate groups of the meso-
19941, and of the 1500000 species of fungi esti- fauna (e.g. Collembola; mites and enchytraeids) and
macrofauna (e.g. ants, termites, beetles and spiders).
Although our knowledge of the biodiversity of
organisms in all soils is shamefully poor, soils in the
* Corresponding author. tropics deserve particular attention for a number of

0929-1393/97/$17.00 O 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S O 929- 1393( 96) O O 1.49- 7
4 K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997)3-16

reasons. The majority of research has concentrated challenge is to match demands for production with
on soils of temperate regions, yet there is evidence forms of soil management that are sensitive to main-
that biodiversity of soil invertebrates is greater in the taining soil biodiversity. This paper aims to set the
tropics than at greater distances from the equator theoretical framework for the subsequent papers in
(Swift et al., 1979). Although this is not borne out by this special volume, which each address the relation-
recent studies on earthworms in the tropics (Fragoso ship between agricultural intensification, biodiversity
et al., 1997), increases in diversity with decreasing and function of a particular group of organisms in *
latitude are found for many groups of organisms the soil. We hope that this will serve to assist the ,
(Schluter and Ricklefs, 1993; Huston, 1994). In terms current developments of a new challenge in soil
of potential future changes, the rate of intensification biology research: the exploration and understanding
of agriculture in the tropics is greater than in other of biodiversity in soil and how this influences the
regions of the world, so that some ecosystems are functioning of ecosystems.
under particular threat of major changes or loss of , ,

biodiversity. Given the reliance of cropping systems

in many regions of the tropics on organic inputs for 2. Agricultural intensification, biodiversity and
management of soil fertility, this implies that farmers function
in the tropics are more reliant on biological function-
ing of the soil, and the agricultural productivity of 2.1. Agricultural intensification
farmers may therefore be affected if losses of biodi-
versity lead to changes in ecosystem functioning. Agricultural intensification is a set of patterns of
A popular assumption is that anthropogenic inter- land-use change with the common feature of in-
ference in nature results in a loss of biological creased use of the same resources for,aMcultural
diversity. The most frequently cited example of agri- production, usually as a result of a switch from
cultural intensification directly resulting in a reduc- intennittent to continuous cultivation of the same
tion in biodiversity is that of the tropical rainforest area of land. Associated trends are specialization in
clearance where the diversity of plant and animal crop or livestock species utilized, increased manage-
species is reduced catastrophically. Yet examination ment intervention and greater reliance on markets. At
of the literature suggests that there is little detailed one extreme of a gradient of agricultural intensifica-
evidence for agricultural intensification resulting in tion are extensive forms of shifting cultivation in
loss of biodiversity in soil. A rare example is that of which a given piece of land is often used for less
the changes in earthworm populations on conversion than 1 year in 10. Fallow systems, where land is
from tropical rainforest to pasture where a single used for between one- and two-thirds of the time
species survives (see Fragoso et al., 19971, which (Ruthenberg, 1980), can be viewed as systems of
leads to soil compaction due to its massive surface intermediate intensity. At the other extreme are forms
casting activity. This is an important example where of permanent agriculture. Along this gradient of
the reduction in diversity is coupled to, and presum- increasing land-use intensification there is often a
ably responsible for, a loss in function which has substitution of manual labour by mechanized power,
resulted in a substantial loss in agricultural produc- and of organic manures and natural pest management
tivity. In other cases, the extent to which soils can be by agrochemical use. The intensity of input use can..
mistreated and yet crops still continue to support vary enormously at any point along this gradient, and
abundant plant growth seems remarkable. Thus, not transitions from internally regulated to externally
only is there no clear link between agricultural inten- regulated systems, and from sustainable to degraded
sification and biodiversity, but the consequences of systems, may occur progressively or abruptly. A
loss of biodiversity for functioning of ecosytems also further factor that is important in determining the
await detailed investigation. degree of intensification in seasonally arid or very
As global food production is already dependent wet climates, and in particular production systems, is
on intensive agricultural production and demands for the degree of management of the water by irrigation
food are likely to increase subsgmtially, the future and/or drainage.

K.E. Ciller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997)3-16 5

Combinin these points the degree of intensifica- across these scales: subhabitats of high internal (al-
tion may be estimated as: pha) diversity can comprise a landscape of limited
total (gamma) diversity if all the subhabitats are
similar (low beta diversity), whereas if a landscape is
where, all on a 0-1 scale, I is intensification, L is made up of widely differing habitats (high beta
land-use intensity as defined by Ruthenberg (19801, diversity), all of fairly low alpha diversity, the gamma
N is nutrient use (O for completely internal recycling, biodiversity may be fairly high.
1 for completely external manure/fertilizer inputs), Numerous difficulties obstruct the measurement
P is pest management (O for no intervention, 1 for of biodiversity in soil. Problems in the sampling and
full mechanical/chemical control), E is the energy extraction of organisms from soil are common to
input per hectare (whether based on labour or fossil many groups. For example, even dispersion of soil
fuels), and W is water management (O for no inter- by gentle shaking can result in strong shearing forces
vention, 1 for completely controlled irrigation and/or as particles grind against one another. Furthermore,
drainage). As a certain value of I can be obtained by even at the level of alpha diversity, sample sizes
various combinations of L, N , P , E and W , this must be determined both by knowledge of the ecol-
definition embraces the potential for management ogy of the organisms in question and by knowledge
options with similar degrees of intensification which of the spatial heterogeneity with the habitat under
are more or less favourable for the maintenance of study, and thus cannot be generalized across groups.
soil biodiversity. For example, larger soil animals such as termites can
Increasing specialization of crop or livestock forage over distances of more than 50 m from their
species entails a deliberate reduction in the ‘planned’ nests (Wood, 1988), and can diperse over much
above-ground biodiversity and thus in the spatial and larger distances when they fly, whereas smaller ani-
temporal complexity of the system. It is unclear mals are relatively sedentary. Even among microor-
whether a decrease in the planned diversity reduces ganisms, basidiomycete fungi can forage over sev-
the total (i.e. planned plus associated) biodiversity, eral metres (Dowson et al., 1988), and a single
including that of the below-ground community. individual has been shown to cover an area of more
Diversification is not necessarily a diametric op- than 15 ha (Smith et al., 1992), whereas the habitat
posite of intensification, as agricultural systems with for bacterial colonies is better estimated in terms of
the same intensity of land-use or inputs can differ in (micro)aggregates (Harris, 1994). Within a prede-
terms of the diversity of crops grown, both in space fined and homogeneous sampling area, sample sizes
and time. It is, however, the simplest management can be optimized by determining the number of
tool to increase biodiversity in agriculture in terms of species detected in samples of increasing size (some-
the crop and livestock species used, with possible times described as species/area curves). The opti-
implications for enhancing the biodiversity of other mum sample size is usually taken at the point above
groups of organisms. which there is little return (in terms of an increase in
the number of species detected) for further increases
2.2. Biodiversity in sample size. There is an obvious danger that
changes in diversity might be overlooked if the
Biodiversity is a shortened form of ‘biological resolution of sampling is insufficient, and sampling
diversity’, which has gained popular use in the last intensity must be decided based on knowledge or
decade, especially since the declaration of Agenda assessment of spatial heterogeneity. Whatever ap-
21 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in proach to sampling is adopted, it is hard to avoid
1992. The total biodiversity within a landscape undersampling rare individuals.
(gamma diversity) is a function of local or ‘within- Once an acceptably representative sample has been
habitat’ diversity (alpha diversity) and differences in obtained, there are problems in describing the diver-
species composition, or ‘turnover’ of species, be- sity within the sample. It has been estimated that
tween habitats or localities (beta diversity) (Whit- current methods for isolation of bacteria retrieve
taker, 1972). Biodiversity cannot be directly added only 1% of those present in soil. Indeed, the selec-
6 K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997) 3-16

tive culture methods commonly employed which use used to analyse diversity in DNA extracted directly
fairly readily degradable substrates result in the iso- from soil and which thus examine diversity across
lation of the faster-growing groups and underesti- the whole microbial community (e.g. Griffiths et al.,
mate the representation of slow-growing, more spe- 1996).
cialized types which can degrade more complex In consideration of the roles of different groups
substrates. Direct extraction of DNA is one way that within the soil biota, a pragmatic approach has been r
problems of selective media can be overcome and, adopted in this volume which involves a hybrid of
although there are difficulties in isolating clean DNA
from soil microorganisms in situ, there have been
taxonomic and functional classification. .F
some recent exciting advances in this area (e.g. 2.3. A diversity of biologic,alfunctions .c
Smith and Stribley, 1994). Classifications of groups
of organisms may be based on genetic and pheno- Having established methods for the study of the
typic characters, or may be purely functional, al- vast diversity of organisms inhabiting soils, the’ques-
though most include a mixture of both approaches. tion remains: What do they do? As indicated above,
The resolution of a taxonomic classification may both the sizes of soil organisms and the scales at
allow easy distinction of species or individuals among which they operate differ vastly, and a consideration
some groups, but only genera can be distinguished in of their functions in the light of these differences in
others. Whichever method of classification is used, scales is warranted.
there are different scales of biodiversity, and the
choice of the scale of resolution for study is often 2.3.1. The hierarchy among diversities of different
determined largely by the degree of discrimination functional groups in soils
possible with the available methods. For example, The activity, and potentially the diversity, of soil
the taxonomic classification of earthworms and other organisms are largely determined by a suite of abi-
soil animals is largely based on morphology and is otic and biotic factors that are hierarchically orga-
gradually evolving as more types are discovered. An nized (Lavelle et al., 1993). Functional groups that
ecological classification is also used for earthworms operate at large scales of time and space tend to
and other soil animals which is based on a variety of constrain groups that are smaller and/or live for
criteria (e.g. location in the soil profile, mode of shorter periods of time (Fig. 1). Climate, soil condi-
feeding, diet, and morphological characteristics) and tions and human and animal activities are essential
thus relates closely to their ecosystem function. For determining factors that directly influence the pro-
bacteria, until the last 20 years, classification was ductivity and structure of vegetation. The vegetation
also largely determined by a combination of morpho- in tum influences soil invertebrate and microorgan-
logical and functional attributes. Currently, applica- ism communities through the abundance, quality and
tion of molecular biology methods are revolutioniz- distribution of organic resources produced in both
ing our understanding of the evolutionary relation-
ships between bacteria. The phylogenetic classifica-
tion has provided many surprises but has also con-
f m e d many groupings determined largely by pheno-
typic characters (e.g. Kahindi et al., 1997). Such
molecular tools for the development of phylogenies
could potentially be applied to all phyla in soil,
although bacteria lend themselves well to such anal- LlTTERTRANSFORMERs
ysis. Molecular biology methods also allow biodiver- MICROPREDATORFOODWEB

sity of bacteria and fungi to be studied at the level of MICROFLORA

genetic diversity of individuals within populations of

specific species, which is a much finer resolution
than that currently employed for studies of soil fauna. Fig. 1. A hierarchical model of factors that determine soil pro-
Conversely, other molecular biology methods can be cesses (modified from Lavelle et d., 1993).
K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997)3-16 7

space and time. Invertebrates may be classified into Finally, micropredators are small invertebrates,
three broad functional groups depending on their mainly protozoa and nematodes, that feed on mi-
size, the nature of structures that they create in soils croorganisms. These micropredators live in free soil
and the major type of relationships they develop with water and do not develop mutualistic relationships
microorganisms (Lavelle, 1994). with the microflora.
Ecosystem engineers build large and resistant Predation of microorganisms, particularly by ne-
organomineral structures that may persist for long matodes and protozoa, plays an important role in
periods of time (from months to years) and which regulating the biomass of microorganisms and is
profoundly affect the environment for smaller organ- likely to assist in maintaining diversity by preventing
isms. These invertebrates develop mutualistic rela- dominance of particular groups (Huston, 1994). This
tionships with microorganisms in their gut (internal is arguably more important for bacteria, which tend
rumen) and in the structures which they build (which to be strongly regulated by predation, than for fungi
can be considered as an external rumen). This group which are less susceptible to grazing (as they are
includes termites, earthworms and some ants. more complex, both chemically and structurally) and
At the next level down the hierarchy, litter-trans- are more strongly influenced by resource quality
formers produce purely organic structures that are (Wardle and Lavelle, 1997).
much less persistent. Nonetheless, a degree of spatial
organization of the environment is imposed by the 2.3.2. Diversities offunctions and their disruption by
accumulation of such structures, and regulation of agriculture
microbial activity is observed inside them (e.g. The key biological functions in tropical agricul-
Toutain et al., 1982). This group includes the vastly tural soils, together with the principal groups of
diverse fauna of micro- and macroarthropods which organisms responsible for them, can be related to
feed on and live in litter systems, plus some of the agricultural management practices that have the most
earthworms (epigeics) and termites (xylophagous), impact on them (Table 1). Whilst it can be argued
and the small Oligochaeta Enchytraeidae. These or- that all of the principal management practices listed
ganisms are active comminutors that develop interac- here will impact each of the key biological functions
tions of the 'external rumen' type with the mi- at some level, we have included only those that are
croflora as well as grazing directly on the fungal likely to have the most significant effects.
biomass. Burning is a central component of shifting cultiva-

Table 1
Key biological functions, the groups of soil biota principally responsible for these functions and management practices most likely to affect
Biological function Biological/functional group Management practices
Residue comminution/ Residue-borne microorganisms, Burning, soil tillage, pesticide applications
decomposition meso/macrofauna
Carbon sequestration Microbial biomass (especially fungi), Burning, shorteningof fallow in slash-and-burn,
macrofauna building compact soil tillage
Nitrogen fíxation Free and symbiotic nitrogen-fixers Reduction in crop diversity, fertilization
Organic matter/nutrient Roots, mycorrhizas, soil macrofauna Reduction in crop diversity, soil tillage,
redistribution fertilization
Nutrient cycling, Soil microorganisms, soil microfauna 'Soil tillage, irrigation, fertilization, pesticide
mineralization/immobilization applications,burning
Bioturbation Roots, soil macrofauna Soil tillage, irrigation, pesticide applications
Soil aggregation Roots, fungal hyphae, soil macrofauna, Soil tillage, burning, reduction in crop diversity,
soil mesofauna irrigation
Population control Predators/grazers, parasites, pathogens Fertilization,pesticide application, reduction in crop
diversity, soil tillage

8 K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997) 3-16

tion or slash-and-burn agriculture due to the mobi- composition of crop residues in the tropics can have
lization of nutrients. Burning may influence the bio- a marked effect on the structure of decomposer
logical functions of organic matter decomposition, communities (Tian et al., 1995). The shift away from
carbon sequestration and soil aggregation, both di- more diverse intercropping and rotational cropping
rectly through a loss of organic matter inputs (Ladd systems to the more intensive monocultural cropping
et al., 1994) and indirectly through a change in the practices is known to promote the build-up of crop
size and structure of biological communities pest and pathogen populations (Sumner et al., 1981).
(Rasmussen and Collins, 1991). Burning also results However, this reduction in crop diversity and, hence,
in microclimatic modifications in a bare soil with the diversity of resources and refuges that it provides h
consequences on water regimes that affect soil faunal may also impinge on the diversity of other soil
communities (Lavelle, 1994). Soil tillage has some organisms and the functions they perform (Swift and
of the most far-reaching effects on biological pro- Anderson, 1993; Beare et al., 1995). Some of these
cesses. Method of soil tillage, for example, strongly relationships are discussed below.
influences the placement and distribution of crop The quantity, placement and timing of fertilizer
residues, resulting in differences in the composition application can influence the inputs from biological
and activity of microbial (Doran, 1980; Bowen and fixation and cycling of nutrients, both positively by
Harper, 1988; Beare et al., 1993) and faunal (Hendrix phosphorus stimulating rates of nitrogen fixation by
et al., 1986) communities, which can markedly im- legumes and negatively by nitrogen fertilization sup-
pact rates of residue decomposition (Broder and pressing nitrogen fixation rates (e.g. Giller and
Wagner, 1988; Beare et al., 1992) and carbon se- Cadisch, 1995; Kahindi et al., 1997). The incidence
questration (Holland and Coleman, 1987) as well as of pathogen' damage and parasitic weeds is also
the dynamics of nutrient mineralization/immobiliza- strongly related to environmental factors such as soil
tion (Beare et al., 1992) and the availability of fertility (Scott and Bainbridge, 1978). Furthermore,
suitable refuges for plant pathogens (Sumner et al., modifying soil-water relations through irrigation
1981). The intensity of soil tillage may also indi- stimulates both the intensity of biological activity
rectly impact physical processes in soils (e.g. biotur- and types of biological transformations performed.
bation, soil aggregation) through changes in the di- These, in turn, may enhance the biological functions
versity and composition of biological communities of soil aggregation and bioturbation as well as rates
(Hendrix et al., 1992; Berry and Karlen, 1993; Beare, of nutrient turnover and mobilization (Anderson,
19951, in addition to direct mechanical alterations in 1988; Lee and Pankhurst, 1992).
structure that result from cultivation. Additionally,
soil tillage can directly disrupt earthworm popula-
tions and render them susceptible to predation by 2.4. The fîinction of biodiversity in soil
birds, and can destroy tennite galleries.
The use of broad-spectrum pesticides in agricul- The first and most obvious role of biodiversity is
ture has both targetted and non-targetted effects on to ensure the multiplicity of functions that can be
the composition and diversity of soil biological com- ascribed to soil organisms. But whether there are
munities (e.g. Domsch, 1970; Eijsackers &d van de direct links between the rate and efficiency of these i
Bund, 1980). While the targetted effects are often biological functions and the biodiversity of soil or- - *
well characterizad, the non-targetted effects, such as ganisms remains lqgely a matter for conjecture. A
those reported for earthworms, microarthropods and second, interrelated role of biodiversity is firrther to t
certain benefica] (e.g. predatory) insects, are poorly ensure that these functions are maintained in the face
known, particularly in tropical agricultural soils. Such of perturbations. A greater degree of biodiversity
pesticide-induced changes in the composition and between, or within, species or functional groups will
structure of soil may have important implications for logically increase the inherent variability in tolerance
residue decomposition (Hendrix and Parmelee, 19851, or resistance to stress or disturbance. These two roles
soil bioturbation and nutrient cycling (Sharpley et each address aspects of the long and continued de-
al., 1979). As in temperate regions, the chemical bate over redundancy among soil organisms.

&E. Giller et al. /Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997)3-16 9

2.4.1. Resilience: a role for the unemployed? and microhabitat preferences. They are thus likely to
Genetic variability within and between species play quite different roles in the soil system (Beare et
confers the potential for resistance to perturbations, al., 19951, particularly in fluctuating or unstable
whether short- or long-term. If certain species, or environments. To some extent the multiplicity of
individual strains or ecotypes within a species, have organisms may actually reflect their adaptation to
greater resistance to a particular stress, then they are microhabitats rather than their having differing func-
likely to become predominant in the face of that tions. If this is true, thenloss of species may lead to
stress. However, if the rate of genetic adaptation of expansion of the niches occupied by the remaining
the species to the stress is rapid, then new resistant species, thus compensating for the functional activi-
individuals may emerge to mask such an effect. ties of the lost species.
Assuming that rates of adaptation among most or- Investigations of redundancy will certainly require
ganisms are not sufficiently rapid to overcome new the combined study of taxonomically distant groups
stresses, then the eventual effect of progressive local of organisms which can perform the same specific
extinctions among a functional group will not neces- function. An example of this would be where lignin
sarily result in a loss of function until a certain decomposition is dominated by fungi, but in their
threshold is reached, below which there are insuffi- absence the combined action of soil fauna comrhinut-
cient individuals to sustain a particular process. It ing the substrate and triggering a priming effect on
thus follows that functions that are particularly sensi- bacteria through the provision of high-quality sub-
tive to disruption will be those that are performed by strates in their gut (Lavelle and Gilot, 1994) might
a limited number of species. Good evidence of this is allow bacteria to substitute for the role of the fungi
the extreme case of Rliizobiunz, where loss of a such that any impairment of function would not be
single species can result in total loss of nitrogen apparent. Similarly, if earthworms are lost, their role
fixation by a specific legume host. A further example in incorporating organic matter into the soil might be
would be the loss of dung beetles, which results in a replaced by a concomitant increase in the activity of
drastic reduction in the rate of manure incorporation other soil invertebrates.
and consequently massive increases in gaseous nitro- Consideration of whether or not particular species
gen losses through the volatilization of ammonia. At or groups are redundant also demands consideration
the other extreme, it can be argued that as many as of their positions within foodwebs in soil. The rules
99% of the organisms can be lost without a loss of governing stability of foodwebs and the strength of
function, as, for example, in the case of decomposi- trophic interactions between different groups are
tion of both simple and complex substrates. In one of poorly understood but indicate that loss of some
the few studies that have addressed this issue, Andrén groups could have far-reaching and surprising effects
et al. (1995) found little evidence that biomass or on stability (De Ruiter et al., 1995; Wardle, 1995).
diversity among different groups of soil fauna regu- Given the estimates for the vast numbers of species
lated rates of barley straw, and concluded that this present in soils and the rather limited number of
was due to a high degree of redundancy. functions that we can ascribe to the soil biota as a
Implicit in these arguments is the assumption that whole, then, even allowing for the fact that decom-
a multiplicity of organisms can perform a particular position of plant material may require hundreds of
function, and that the replication of the ability to enzymes, a degree of functional redundancy seems
perform particular functions means that a degree of inevitable. Whilst it is logical that a greater degree of
functional redundancy exists. Whether organisms are functional redundancy should lead to a greater ability
ever truly redundant is a matter of debate which cries of a particular function to withstand stresses or dis-
out for experimental investigation. Although redun- turbances (i.e. the @eater the resilience), this re-
dancy in a single function may be common among mains to be demonstrated for soil organisms.
many soil biota, the suite of functions attributable to
any one species is unlikely to be redundant. Further- 2.4.2. Restoration of biodiversity arid jûiictions
more, functionally similar organisms have different If functions are lost as biodiversity is reduced and
environmental tolerances, physiological requirements organisms become extinct, then restoration or en-

10 K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997) 3-16

hancement of biodiversity should logically lead to value of soil biodiversity and its perception by dif-
the restoration of functions, and of resilience. At a ferent groups in society as research on this topic is
simple level, this is perhaps easier to test in that currently in an embryonic state. For example, recent
introduction experiments can be performed and func- work by Ortiz et al. (1994) is beginning to describe
tions monitored to assess their effects. However, it is farmers' perceptions of the value of earthworms in
likely that restoration of biodiversity and associated smallscale farming systems in Mexico. In the ab-
biological functions may not follow the same path- sence of such evidence, concepts from natural re-
way as their loss; that is, there may be a hysteresis source economics and from ecology (hierarchy the-
effect (Swift et al., 1995). ory) can nevertheless be used to provide a concep-
Introduction experiments can give unexpected in- tual framework for addressing this issue.
sights: Couteaux et al. (1991) demonstrated a strong A basic notion in economics is that the value of
effect of resource quality on decomposition rates of an environmental asset is directly related to the
litter by animal communities of differing complexity. various ecological and economic functions which it
No effects on respiration from litter with adequate fulfils. More specifically, the total value of soil
nitrogen content (1%) were observed, whilst adding biodiversity can be defined as the sum of the values
nematodes, collembolans and isopods progressively of each one of its ecological and economic functions,
increased respiration rates from nitrogen-poor (0.5%) for the period of time over which they accrue (see,
litter. Such experiments are powerful ways of explor- for example, Young, 1992, for details).
ing interactions between different groups of organ- Thus:
isms and will undoubtedly be useful in elucidating
the importance of biodiversity.
m 5v;,(fi)
2.5. Values and perceptions of soil biodiversity t=l (l+r),
where V, is total value of soil biodiversity, V,(fi) is
Further layers of complexity are added to the the value of ith function of soil biodiversity, i =
analysis when human interventions and decision- [l,n], t is the time period, t=[l,m] and r is the
making concerning soil biodiversity management and social rate of time preference (this is the rate at
soil management policies are taken into considera- which society is willing to trade off present con-
tion. In this section we argue that the inclusion of a sumption for future consumption, often taken to be
policy component in soil biodiversity research would equal to the rate of discount).
increase the relevance of this research for farmers. The principal ecological functions of soil biodi-
We show that individual farmers in tropical countries versity at the plot and farming system scales were
are unlikely to manage soil biodiversity in a fashion just discussed. Soil biodiversity can also have eco-
that is congruent with society's objectives in the nomic functions and further ecological functions at
absence of appropriate policy interventions. other spatial scales, and these various functions are
A basic question which policy-makers and donors likely to be valued differently by different groups in
funding soil biodiversity research implicitly address society.
in their decisions is: How important is soil biodiver- For example, at the farming system scale, soil
sity' and for whom? Or, in essence: What is the biodiversity may have two principal functions: (1) it
value of soil biodiversity, and does it differ for can contribute to the productive capacity of the
different groups in society? The answer to this ques- system (e.g. crop yields, tree biomass, livestock pro-
tion determines the way in which biodiversity is used duction through grass biomass) by ensuring the min-
by a given society and, thereby, the way in which it eralization of nutrients from organic resources, and
can be better managed. (2) it may buffer the functions of the soil and their
A few studies have recently attempted to assess resilience to environmental risks (e.g drought and
the loss in biodiversity (above-ground) associated fire). Farmers are the group in society most likely to
with tropical deforestation (e.g. Pearce and Moran, assign a high value to these two functions because of
1994), but no evidence is available concerning the their direct effects on production and risk reduction.


K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997) 3-16 11

Second, at the regional and/or national scale, soil number of externalities. These effects, which are
biodiversity may have three related functions: (i) it external to the market mechanism, are not taken into
may contribute to regional/national food security (as consideration in the resource allocation and manage-
a consequence of function (1) at the farming system ment decisions of farmers. What is an optimal level
scale); (ii) it may help to ensure sustained food of diversity from the viewpoint of the farmers who
security over the long-term (as a consequence of manage soil biodiversity is thus a suboptimal level
function (2)at the farming system level and, if a from society's perspective (for a demonstration of
positive relation is hypothesized between soil and the suboptimality resulting from market failures such
above-ground biodiversity, as a consequence of land- as externalities, see Herfhdahl and Kneese, 1974,
scape patch dynamics which buffer regional agroe- pp. 47-53). Policy interventions will therefore be
cosystems from pest attacks); and (3) it may help to required if socially optimal levels of soil biodiversity
increase the aesthetic appeal Óf rural landscapes, are desired. The data and information which soil
assuming a positive relationship between below- and researchers need to provide to policy- and decision-
above-ground diversity. Regional/national govern- makers are discussed in the next section.
ments and consumers are the groups in society which
benefit most from these f i s t two functions (food
security is a stated policy objective of many govern- 3. Research agenda
ments) and which thus value them most. The third
function at this scale is probably valued most by 3.1. Relationships between agricultural intensifica-
environmental groups in society. tion and biodiversity
Third, the function of soil biodiversity at the
global or transnational level includes the serendipity Whilst we are unaware of any studies that have
of both below- and above-ground diversity (i.e. the examined biodiversity across a wide range of agri-
value of future possible, but yet unknown, scientific cultural intensification, there are abundant studies
discoveries associated with some aspect of soil bio- relating productivity and diversity. A general rela-
diversity) and the broader option and bequest values tionship emerges from a wide range of studies on
of diversity (i.e. the value of diversity for future animal and plant communities in which diversity
generations). Such functions are likely to be valued first increases and then falls as productivity increases
most by society at large, both in temperate and (Rosenzweig and Abramsky, 1993). A similar
tropical countries, as demonstrated by the creation of hump-backed, unimodal relationship is also com-
the UNCED Convention on Biodiversity and the monly found between disturbance and species diver-
Global Environmental Facility (GEF). sity (Connell, 1978; Grime, 1979) and between stress
The above examples have illustrated the fact that and diversity (Grime, 1979; Austin, 1987; Austin
the ecological importance of soil biodiversity is not and Smith, 1989). The underlying reasons for such
the only determinant of its social value; the issue of relationships are unclear, but such patterns seem to
value is broader than that of ecological functions. hold across a wide range of organisms and environ-
Therefore, even though there appear to be easily ments.
demonstrated links between soil biodiversity and As indicated earlier, the planned, above-ground
ecosystem functions across a broad-scale, it can be diversity of plants and animals is often reduced
presumed that the direct use value of soil biodiver- (crop/animal specialization) and soil disturbance
sity for farmers is less than its value for the global (tillage) is increased as agriculture becomes more
society, since the latter results from the summation intensive, and it is tempting to predict that both of
of all different values, including this use value (see these factors would result in reductions in the biodi-
Eq. (1)). Levels of soil biodiversity in agroecosys- versity of soil organisms. In fact, herbicides, which
tems will thus be congruent with the farmers' own result in reductions in plant diversity, and cultivation
valuations but will be suboptimal from society's both have unpredictable effects on the species diver-
viewpoint. That is to say, soil biodiversity is an sity of various groups of soil fauna, which are in fact
environmental asset, the use of which generates a consistent with a hump-backed model for the species
12 K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997)3-16

Table 2 Table 2 (continued)

Some hypotheses which explore the relationships between agricul-
tural intensification, biodiversity and ecosystem function 3. Soil organisms are more readily conserved through manage-
ment than key specific functions are re-established through
Global hypothesis I: ‘Agricultural intensification results in a introduction.
reduction in soil biodiversity leading to a loss of function detri- Does enhanced soil biodiversity confer greater functional
mental to resilience and sustained productivity’ resilience?
- Is re-introduction a feasible management tool?

Hypotheses 4. Resource-limited farmers have the most to gain in the short-term

from enhancement of soil biodiversity, although all will benefit
1. The diversity and abundance of structures created by soil in the long-term.
organisms is essential to the conservation and dynamics of soil Is biodiversity a prerequisite for ecosystem resilience and
organic matter turnover, nutrient release and soil physical long-term productivity but not for short-term production?
properties essential for sustained productivity. Does soil biodiversity buffer farmers against risk?
Does reduced biodiversity result in loss of function? Are the most resource-limited farmers the most reliant on
* Are key functional processes independent of structural di- soil biodiversity?
2. Redundancy protects key functional groups of organisms from
reduction to crucial thresholds below which agroecosystem
function is impaired.
-What are key functional groups the loss of which is detri- response,(Wardle, 1995). Together with the allevia-
mental to system resilience and productivity? tion of nutrient stresses, which also occurs as agricul-
* Can changes in soil biodiversity be detected before loss in tural systems intensify, these relationships with pro-
function? (early warning signals) ductivity,’ disturbance and stress lead us to postulate
-Can the appearance or extinction of key functional groups
that the greatest diversities among soil organisms
or individuals within a group be an indicator of degrada-
tion? may well be found at intermediate stages of agricul-
3. Intensification triggers a spatial and temporal decoupling of tural intensification:
organisms which alters the regulation of soil structure develop-
ment and nutrient cycling. 3.2. Hypotheses relating agricultural intensification,
Does loss of biodiversity disrupt the cascade of organic
transformations necessary for effective and timely decom-
biodiversity and ecosystem function
position and nutrient release?
Can an extemal input reduce the role of one key functional The conclusions of a discussion workshop on this
group whilst boosting another and thereby enhance net subject identified two ‘global’ hypotheses which need
productivity? to be tested (Table 2). The first main hypothesis
Can relationships between key functional groups be used to
increase soil biodiversity?
explores several of the assumptions frequently made.
These are: that biodiversity declines as a result of
Global hypothesis II: ‘Agricultural diversification enhances agricultural intensification; that reductions in soil
ecosytem resilience and sustained productivity by increasing soil biodiversity, and eventual extinction of species, may
biodiversity’ cause a catastrophic loss in function; and that reduc-
tions in biodiversity may reduce the ability of agri-
1. Above- and below-ground biodiversity are interdependent cultural systems to withstand further disturbances or
across scales of resolution from the pedoq to the landscape. unexpected periods of stress. A direct causal link in . i
-Are above- and below-ground diversities iqterdependent? this chain has yet to be proven.
Are roots, through differences in the amount and gui$@ of The second main hypothesis (Table 2) concen-
inputs and in architecture, a primary mediator of diverqity ,* I

and function in soils?

trates on the potential for diversification of agricul-
2. Increases in the spatial and temporal diversity in biological &re to increase the resilience of agroecosystems and
resources, refuges and habitats (and hence biodiversity) buffers the sustainability of agriculture through enhancing
against impairment of agroecosystem function. soil biodiversity. It thus aims to test the possibility
-Does bioturbation result in improved dispersal of favourable
for management of soil biodiversity to restore hnc-
organisms and a reduction in pests?
Can synergistic interactions, both above- and below-ground,
tions, to enhance the ability to withstand further
be used to enhance function in degraded soils? stress and disturbance and the potential that this may
improve agricultural productivity.
K.E. Giller et al. /Applied Soil Ecology 6 (199713-16 13

Diversity in cropping systems and management tus; (3) changes in climatic and environmental risks
practices is widely accepted to buffer farmers against during the period of the study. This provides a point
short-term risk. Agricultural diversification at both of departure for studies focusing on the assessment
the scales of field and landscape may also have of the different values of soil biodiversity for other
long-term benefits through the enhancement of func- groups in society and on the development of appro-
b tional and taxonomic diversity among the soil biota. priate policy instruments for enhancing and main-
This may be particularly true in degraded lands. If taining soil biodiversity in farmers’ fields in tropical
+t. there is a direct link between above-ground biodiver- countries.
sity in the vegetation and below-ground biodiversity,
i then enhanced biodiversity above-ground will con- 3.3. Establishing causal links: words of warning
tribute to the re-establishment and multiplicity of soil
organisms able to cany out essential biological func- There are a number of approaches that can be
tions. This will restore the resilience of the soil and used to test the above hypotheses. Almost all will
thus buffer agroecosystems against risk, and help to inevitably rely on the correlation of the degree of
sustain productivity. A rare example which supports agricultural intensification, the biodiversity of organ-
the hypothesis that above-ground diversity and be- isms in a given soil with the presence or efficiency
low-ground diversity might be related is the link of a particular function. There is often difficulty in
between increased heterogeneity of substrate input finding representative examples for comparison in
and greater genetic diversity in the soil bacterium which a different degree of agricultural intensifica-
Bul-kholderia cepacia (McArthur et al., 1988). tion is the only parameter which differs between
Under each of these two main hypotheses, a given fields. Even when adjacent fields differ in the
number of other related hypotheses are listed, to- intensity with which they are used for agriculture,
gether with a number of questions which relate to this will often relate to differences in the inherent
those hypotheses. These lists are in no sense exhaus- fertility of the soils. Field boundaries often occur
tive, but serve to illustrate the types of questions close to the junction of soil types for this reason. The
which, if answered, would provide evidence to fal- danger in interpretation of such data is that a correla-
sify these hypotheses. The greatest challenge is per- tion is not proof of causal relationship.
haps to test the hypothesis of resilience in soil. More powerful approaches to unravelling the rela-
As already mentioned, field research on the dif- tionships between intensification, biodiversity and
ferent values of soil biodiversity has yet to be under- function are: (1) to study soil biodiversity and
taken. Likewise, no research on the appropriate pol- ecosystem function along gradients of intensification
icy instruments needed to bring about socially opti- where trends can be explored (although as indicated
mal degrees of soil biodiversity has been initiated. above intensification may be influenced by environ-
To start generating some of the evidence needed for mental factors), or (2) to study soil biodiversity and
policy-makers and donors, the following hypothesis functional relationships in field experiments which
could be tested in soil biodiversity studies: ‘Re- compare agricultural practices of differing intensity.
source-limited farmers have the most to gain in the A further, simpler approach to exploring these
short-term from soil biodiversity enhancement, al- relationships is to study the manipulation and
though all members of society will benefit in the restoration of functions by progressive (re)introduc-
long-term’ (Table 2). This hypothesis could be tested tions of organisms into agricultural systems which
3 with a sample of farmers stratified into categories of have been degraded, or to diversify the agricultural
resource endowments. The principal parameters system and monitor whether this leads to changes in
which would have to be measured for each category biodiversity and function with time. From the stance
of farmers are: (1) biodiversity in farmers’ fields and of management interventions this approach is impor-
in off-farm ‘biodiversity reservoirs’ (e.g. communal tant in terms of designing strategies for the correc-
lands); (2) contribution of off-take from these differ- tive management of degraded systems.
ent sources of biodiversity to household income, Except in the case of deliberate reintroductions of
wealth accumulation and household nutritional sta- species lost from a soil, the re-establishment of

14 K.E. Giller et al./Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997)3-16

functions is dependent on the recolonization of the substitute this in all circumstances. There is a need to
soil by particular organisms. This will depend on the clearly define the conditions in which such impair-
dispersal and migration rate of the organisms and the ment is critically important to agricultural production
distance by which the organism is separated from the and sustainability and to determine what manage-
soil-encapsulated in the theory of island biogeogra- ment interventions may be made to alleviate or
phy (MacArthur, 1975; Stanton and Tepedino, 1977). ameliorate problems resulting from loss of diversity.
Further, if the niche of a given (group of) organism(s) In our concern for protection of our planet for
has been occupied in its absence by another (group), future generations, it would be a travesty should we
then it may not possible for the original organism(s) not act urgently both to improve our understanding
to re-establish. and to protect the vast biodiversity inherent in soils.
Selection of the scale for study will critically
influence conclusions drawn in relation to the impor-
tance of biodiversity in various roles. Further dan- Acknowledgements
gers which complicate interpretation of pattern in
biodiversity arise from periodic variations in biodi- We thank Meine van Noordwijk, David Wardle
versity in the short-term due to seasonality or in the and an anonymous referee for their critical reviews.
long-term due to progressive successional change. The United Nations Environment Program funded
Whilst problems and pitfalls in the study of biodiver- the discussion workshop which led to the production
sity in soils can readily be identified, this is a of the papers in this volume.
fascinating and important field ripe for exploration.
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ps w 1+q
Reprinted from

Soil Ecology
Asectionof Agriculb, Ecosystems & EnvirOnment

Applied Soil Ecology 6 (1997) 3-16

Agricultural intensification, soil biodiversity and agroecosystem

K.E. Giller M.H. Beare b, P. Lavelle ‘, A.-M.N. Izac d, M.J. Swift e
a Department of Biological Sciences, Wye College, University of London, Wye, Ashford W 2 5 5AH, UK
New Zealand Institutefor Crop and Food Research, Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Private Bag 4704, Canterbury, New
Laboratoire D’Ecologie des Sols, Universite Paris VI/ ORSTOM Centre, ORSTOM, 72 Route d’Aulnay, 93143-Bondy, France
Intemational Centrefor Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya

e Tropical Soil Biology and Fertili@, c / o UNESCO/ROSTA, P.O. Box 30592, Nairobi, Kenya

Accepted 10 June 1996

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