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Additional Examples

3- Let S be the system shown in Figure fig.3 The rail is smooth and the prescribed
force F(t) acts on the particle P2 as shown. Gravity is absent. Find the Lagrange
equations for S.

Fig.3 the system S

S is a standard system with two degrees of freedom. The new feature is the
external force F(t) acting on P2. This time dependent force cannot be represented
by a potential energy and so the generalized forces {Qj } must be evaluated direct
from the definition. (Systems with moving constraints)
Take generalized coordinates x, θ as shown and let the corresponding generalised
forces be called Qx , Qθ . Then, since S has just two particles,

The generalized forces Qx , Qθ are therefore given by

Qx = 0 + (F(t) i) · i = F(t)
Qθ = 0 + (F(t) i) · (a cos θ i + a sin θ k) = (a cos θ) F(t).
The kinetic energy is given by
T = m ˙ x2 + (ma cos θ) ˙ x ˙ θ + 12m ˙ θ2
and so the Lagrange equations are

How would you incorporate gravity into the last example?

Well, since the expression for the {Qj} is linear in the {Fi}, the extra forces are
incorporated by just adding in their respective contributions to the {Qj}. Thus
when gravity is present in the last example, Qx , Qθ become
Qx = F(t) + 0, Qθ = (a cos θ)F(t) − mga sin θ.

Systems with moving constraints: there is many cases in physics were the
constraint are moving i.e. r(q1,q2,…..,qn,q.)
• Systems in which particles are forced to move in a prescribed manner.
• Systems in which particles are forced to remain on boundaries that move in a
prescribed manner.
• Systems in which the motion is viewed from a frame of reference that is
accelerating or rotating in a prescribed manner.

4- a particle of mass m is constrained to move on the inside surface of a

smooth cone of half-angle a (see Figure 7-2). The particle is subject to a
gravitational force. Determine a set of generalized coordinates and
determine the constraints. Find Lagrange's equations of motion,
Equation 7.18.
Solution. Let the axis of the cone correspond to the z-axis and let the
apex of the cone be located at the origin. Since the problem possesses
cylindrical symmetry, we choose r, θ, and z as the generalized coordinates.
We have, however, the equation of constraint
Fig. 4 in example 4. A smooth cone of half-angle a. We choose
r, 0, and z as the generalized coordinates.

s o there are only two degrees of freedom for the system, and therefore only two proper generalized coordinates.
We may use Equation 7.26 to eliminate either the coordinate z or r; we choose to do the former. Then the square
of the velocity is

the potential energy (if we choose U=0 at z=0)

so the Lagrangian is

We note first that L does not explicitly contain θ. Therefore

and the Lagrange equation for the coordinate θ is


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