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Primavera Training

Day : 1

Project Management :

Project :
Project is a Temporary endeavour undertaken to create unique product / Result / Services.

A Program is a group of related projects managed in a co-ordinated way to obtain benefits and help to
achieve the Program Objective.

A Portfolio is a group of Projects, Program and Sub Portfolio that grouped together to achieve the
Organizational Objective.

L&T Ltd
North Region South Region
Construction Division EPC Division
8F Apartment Cons Villa Construction 32MW PG Solar Power Projects


Primavera is a Portfolio Management Tool. EPPM Module

Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Tool

Release of Primavera :

1984 Primavera system INC developed Primavera software.

V1….V3(P3)…V6(P6) Web 2007 ---2008 (Oracle) --- V7 – P6V7 – (V8.2…V19)

Teaching version (V16.1)

Primavera ERP Tool. Enterprise Resource Planning

Primavera Components :

Professional License EPPM License

Client + Admin Client +Web + Admin

Primavera Client Primavera Web P6 Progress Reporter P6 Team Member

Layers in Primavera

Application Layer Functional Layer Database Layer

P6 Admin
P6 Client Using functional layer we can
P6 Web create and store workflows, PMDB
P6 PR Documents, Feedback, Reports etc.
P6 Analytics - Dashboard – 12
different multiple project reports in
single view
P6 API and Integrated Services

Road Map






Scheduling Costing

Calendar Creation Resource Creation

WBS Resource Assignment

Activities Roles Creation

Duration Roles Assignment

Relationship Resource Analysing

CPM Resource Levelling



Project Updation

Monitoring and Controlling

Earned Value Analysis



Additional Topics :

User defined Fields

WPS & Docs

Feedback & Notebook

Global change


Import and Export



Threshold and Issues




Organizational Breakdown Structure

Hierarchy of the Management Structure

Eg :


Dir 1 Dir 2


PM 1 PM 2 PM3 PM 4

OBS Creation :

Enterprise menu --- OBS --- Select ADD – Rename (Create Parent OBS ) – Select the created Parent OBS and
add the list of required OBS.

EPS Creation :

Enterprise Project Structure

Hierarchy of the Project Structure

Eg :

Thermax Ltd

TamilNadu Region Maharastra Region

Construction Division Power Division

4F Apartment Cons Villa cons 32MW PG Solar power Project

EPS Creation :
Enterprise menu --- Enterprise Project Structure – Add – Rename (Create Parent EPS) – Select the created
parent EPS and ADD the list the required EPS.

Assigning OBS to EPS :

Enterprise menu --- Enterprise Project Structure – Select the created EPS – Down Responsible Manager – Click
and Assign the Created OBS

Project Creation :

File Menu – New –Select EPS –Select the particular EPS – Give Project ID and Name – Select Project Start date
and Time – Don’t Give Must Finish by date – Select Responsible manager –- Select Rate type as Standard Rate
– Next & Finish.

To close the Project :

File Menu – Select Close All

To Open the Particular Project :

Project Table – Select the Particular Project – right click – Select Open Project.

Calendar Creation :

To define the Working and Non Working days

3 – Types of Calendar can be created in Primavera

Global Calendar

It is the common calendar which can be used across all the projects in Primavera.

Project Calendar

It can be used only towards the particular project.

Resource Calendar

Shared Calendar

Multiple resources can share the calendar

Personal Calendar

It can be used for the particular resource

Calendar Creation :

Enterprise menu --- Calendar -- Add -- Select any one base calendar --- Rename -- Modify ---Select Total work hrs
per day --- Select Work week --- Give total no of working hrs from Sunday till Saturday --- Ok----Select Time
period --- give hours per day -- per week --per month ---per year ---ok -- Select Detailed Work hours/ day ---
Workweek --- Select working day --- Select Start time, break time and End time -- Ok --- To define holidays ---
Select the particular day on the calendar -- Select Non Work --- Ok.
Assigning Calendar to the Project :

Project Table – select the Particular project – Down select Defaults tab -- Calendar – Assign the created

Project Flow steps : Day 1



Assigning OBS to EPS

Project Creation

Calendar Creation

Assigning calendar to the project

Day 2


Work Breakdown Structure

Decomposition of Project Activities

As per PMI we need to Maintain minimum of 4 Levels of WBS in the Project.

“L0” Project Level

“L1” Deliverables (Major Components)

“L2” Work Package (Minor components)

“L3” Activities

Eg :

4F Apartment Cons

Engineering Phase Procurement Phase Construction Phase

Basic Engineering Pre Order Civil works

Detailed Engineering Post Order Electrical Works

Piping works

Interior works

Exterior works

To Create WBS :

Step : 1 Project Table – Select the particular project – Right click open project –Project menu – Select WBS –
ADD – Add the list of required WBS.
Activities Creation

Step : 1 To view created WBS on the Activity table

Activity table – View menu – Select Group & Sort by – Group by – Select WBS – Apply Ok

Step : 2 To customize the Activity ID number

Project table – Select the particular project – Down Defaults tab – Auto numbering defaults –Do the
Modification –Press F5

Step: 3 Adding an Activity

Select the Particular WBS – Press Add or Insert

Step : 4 Setting Milestone activity

Milestone – Major achievements

The activity which is having zero duration will be considered as Milestone activity.

Eg : SOP, FOP, NTP etc

Activity Table – select the particular activity – Down General –Activity Type – Select Start Milestone or Finish


Specify each activity duration in Original duration column.

Default : Days (d, w,m, h,y)

To modify duration label : Edit – User preferences –Time units – Duration – Do the modification


4 types of Logical relationship which is derived from PDM Model.

Precedence diagrammic model (PDM)


The activity which controls start or finish of the another activity is called it as predecessor


The activity in which start or finish is depend on the start or finish of the another activity is called it as
successor activity.

Finish to Start (FS) (Default)

Predecessor must Finish to Start the Successor activity

Start to Start (SS)

Predecessor must start to start the successor activity

Finish to Finish (FF)

Predecessor must finish to finish the successor activity

Start to Finish (SF) (Rarely used relationship)

Predecessor must start to finish the successor activity

Relationship :

Activity table --- Select the particular activity -- Down Relationship -- Predecessor -- Assign the Predecessor
activity - - to change the relationship type -- Go to Relations columns --- Change the relation type.

Day 3

Critical Path Method (CPM)

It is the longest duration in the project where total float and free float should be zero.

Total Float :

The Particular activity can be delayed without affecting the Project duration is called it as Total float.

Free Float :

The Particular activity can be delayed without affecting the immediate successor in the project is called it as
Free Float.

Formula : ES EF

ES = Early Start LS = Late Start

EF = Early Finish LF = Late Finish LS LF

ES = EF(P)+1 LS = LF( C)-D+1

EF = ES(C)+D-1 LF = LS(S)-1

Total Float = LS – ES (Or) LF – EF

Free Float =[ ES (S) – EF (C) ] - 1

To perform Critical Path :

Activity Table – Tools menu – Schedule – Schedule


F9 – Schedule.

To view Total Float and Free Float :

Activity Table – View menu – Column – Duration – Select Total Float and Free Float – Apply Ok.
Lead and Lag :


Lead time is the amount of time whereby a successor activity can be advanced with respect to the
predecessor activity.

(-Ve) (Preponed)


Lag time is the amount of time whereby a successor activity is required to be delayed with respect to the
predecessor activity.

(+Ve) (Postponed)

To apply Lead and Lag :

Activity table –Select the particular activity –Down relationship –Predecessors -- Lag column –

apply +Ve or –Ve days – F9 Schedule.

Day 4

Resource Creation :

3 –types of resources can be created in Primavera

Labor Type Non-Labor Type Material Type

Man Power Machinery Raw Material

Eg :

Design Engineer Excavator RMC Material

Site Engineer RMC Machine Steel

Project Manager Hydraulic Crane Electrical Items

Labor Piping Items

Boiler Items

To create Resource :

Step: 1 Enterprise menu – Resources – Add (Create the parent resources)

Select the created parent resource – Down Details – Calendar (Assign the Project calendar)
--Currency (Assign the required Currency )

[To create New Currency – Admin – Currency – Add

Assigning Currency to the Project : Edit –User Preferences – Currency – Assign the created
Step : 2 Select the created Parent resource and Add the list of required resources

Step : 3 Select the created Resources – Down Details – Select Labor / Non Labor / Material

(If it is material then assign Unit of Measure)

[To created New unit of Measure – Admin – Admin category – Unit of Measure – Add]

Down Units & Prices Tab

In Max Units / Time column : Define Maximum Resource availability

Standard Rate Column : Define Standard Cost

Resource Assignment :

Activity Duration Type

- Fixed Duration & Units (Resources) (Default)

- Fixed Duration and Units / Time
- Fixed Units
- Fixed Units / Time

4 lab/d 10d

Budgeted Units : 40 Lab

Budgeted Units /Time : 4 lab/d

Step : 1

Change the Activity duration Type as Fixed Duration Units/ Time

Activity Table – View menu –Column – General – Select Duration Type – Apply Ok

Select the Particular activity – Change the duration type – Press shift key – Select all the activities –

Right click –Fill down.

Step : 2

Select the particular activity – Down resources – Add Resources –Select the particular resources –
Define the per day requirement in Budgeted Units/Time column.

Note : Only for material define the overall material requirement in Budgeted Unit column.
Roles Creation :

Job function / Job Skills

Eg :

Resource Name Primary Role Secondary Role

Ramesh Design Engineer (Master) Site Engineer (Proficient)

Kumar Site Engineer (Master) Design Engineer (Inexperienced)

Mani Project Manager (Master) Design Engineer (Expert)

Rate Types Proficiency

Standard Rate -- Master

Internal Rate - Expert

External Rate - Skilled

Price/Unit 4 - Proficient

Price/Unit 5 - Inexperienced



M 30K/m 28K 1.2L

E 28k/m 25K 80k

S 25k/m 22K 60k

P 18k/m 15K 50k

Ine 15k/m 13K 40k

Roles Creation :

Step : 1 Create Resources person names in Resources sheet

Step : 2 Enterprise – Roles – Add (Create Parent Roles) – Add the list of required roles

Step : 3 Select the created Role – Down Prices – Define Price / Unit

Step : 4 Select the created Role – Down Resources – Assign – Select the resource person names
and select the proficiency.
Roles Assignment:

Activity table – Select the particular activity – Down Resources – Add Role – Select the required Role

Down Select Assign by Role option – Select the resource person names –Select No – Change the Rate
type column – Press Yes -- Cost will be recalculated

Day 5

Resource Analysing

Over Allocation

Under Allocation


To analysis resource

Activity table – View menu – Show on bottom – select Resource Usage Profile – Select left side
display – Filter by – select Current project resources

Select Right side display –Uncheck show all projects options – Select resource usage profile option –
Select By date down – Actual and Remaining Early –Uncheck rest of the options

Select the particular resource – Move the bar and analysis.

To view the Over allocated activity Or Under allocated activity :

Select the particular resource – Click on the Over allocated bar – Select Down Time Period – we can
view over allocated activity on the activity table – Make a note of activity ID no.

Resource Levelling

Automatic Levelling Manual Levelling

With Float without Float Stretching & Crunching Optimistic Levelling

(It will solve only Over allocation (It will solve both Over allocation and Under

Problem) Allocation Problem)

With Float :

Utilizing the available float , the software will try to level the resources.

Without Float :

The O/A problem will get solved in without float, it will delay the O/A activity we will get huge
impact on the project duration.
To perform automatic levelling :

With Float :

Tools menu – Level resources – Select the option (Level resources only within activity total float ) –

Without float :

Tools menu – Level resources – unselect the option (Level resources only within activity total float )
– Level

To remove the automatic levelling :

Press F9 – Schedule

Manual Levelling

Stretching Crunching

It will solve O/A Problem It will solve U/A Problem

We need to decrease the we need to increase the resources in crunching

Resources in Stretching

We need to give more we need to give more preference to the

Preference to the critical activity
Non – critical activity

Note : When the maximum resource is fixed then we need to perform Stretching and Crunching.

To perform Stretching & Crunching

Step : 1
Change the Activity Duration Type as Fixed Unit – Fill down to all the activities

Step : 2
Go to resource graph – Select the particular resources – Click the Over allocated bar – Select time
period – Note down Over allocated activity ID number

Step : 3
Activity Table – Select the particular activity – Down resources – Increase / Decrease the resources in
Budgeted Units/ Time column.

Optimistic Levelling

Defining the exact resource requirement there is no O/A, U/A or Limit.

Note : When the schedule is Fixed then we need to perform Optimistic Levelling
To perform Optimistic Levelling

Step: 1
Go to resource graph – Select the particular resource –Make a note Utilization bar Start date and
Remaining early units

Step: 2
Go to resource sheet –Select the particular resource – Down Units & Prices Tab – Select the noted
dates in Effective date column and define the remaining early units in Max Units/Time column.

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