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Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489

DOI 10.1007/s11065-009-9120-3


Aging and Spatial Navigation: What Do We Know

and Where Do We Go?
Scott D. Moffat

Received: 5 June 2009 / Accepted: 12 October 2009 / Published online: 20 November 2009
# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009

Abstract Spatial navigation is a complex cognitive skill Keywords Cognitive aging . Navigation . Spatial memory .
that is necessary for everyday functioning in the environ- fMRI . Virtual environment . Hippocampus . Frontal lobe
ment. However, navigational skills are not typically
measured in most test batteries assessing cognitive aging.
The present paper reviews what we know about behavioral Older age is associated with functional decline in selective
differences between older and younger adults in naviga- aspects of cognitive performance and brain function and
tional skill and reviews the putative neural mechanisms that anatomy. Cognitive skills that are known to decline with age
may underlie these behavioral differences. Empirical include component processes of executive function, attention,
studies to date clearly identify navigation as an aspect of verbal and visual explicit memory, working memory and
cognitive function that is vulnerable to the aging process. processing speed, while more experienced-based cognitive
The few functional and structural neuroimaging studies that abilities such as semantic memory as assessed by general fund
speak to neurological correlates of these age-related differ- of knowledge, comprehension, and vocabulary can remain
ences point to the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, stable or even improve with age (Park 2000).
posterior cingulate gyrus (retrosplenial cortex), parietal The majority of studies of human cognitive aging focus
lobes and pre-frontal cortex as structures critically involved on age-related differences in psychometric measures of
in age effects on navigation. Outstanding issues in the field cognition. While this has been, and still is, a very fruitful
are addressed and productive avenues of future research are approach, it has also led to limitations in the understanding
suggested. Among these outstanding issues include the of cognitive aging in specific cognitive domains. In
necessity of performing longitudinal studies and differenti- particular, when specialists in cognitive aging measure
ating between hippocampal and extra-hippocampal contri- visual memory, the emphasis tends to be on memory for
butions to aging in navigation. The field may also be recent displays of static two-dimensional scenes or of
advanced by empirical assessment of navigational strategies complex line drawings (e.g. Rey-Osterrieth Complex
and investigations into the multisensory nature of naviga- Figure) (Osterrieth 1944). Spatial cognition is a domain
tion including assessing the relative contributions of visual, that receives less attention in studies of cognitive aging and
vestibular, and proprioceptive function to age differences in when spatial cognition is measured at all, it is typically
navigational skill. evaluated using pencil and paper or computerized tests
requiring the mental manipulation of static objects (e.g.
mental rotation tests).
S. D. Moffat (*)
Although, these cognitive tasks assess critical human
Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University,
87 E. Ferry Street, faculties, it could be argued that this method of cognitive
Detroit, MI 48202, USA testing overlooks the dynamic nature of spatial cognition as
e-mail: it is utilized on a daily basis by most people. Arguably, the
most important manner in which our spatial cognitive
S. D. Moffat
Department of Psychology, Wayne State University, systems are challenged is during navigation where we must
Detroit, MI, USA maintain a constant representation of our position in the
Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489 479

three-dimensional world. Our navigation systems are used 1979; Ingram 1988; McLay et al. 1999). The Morris Water
whenever we follow a route to a familiar location, learn a Task (MWT) in particular has been used extensively in
route to a new goal or locate an object in an environment in studying cognitive aging in animals in part because of its
which the object cannot be directly observed. Although known dependence on the hippocampal formation (Morris
there may be several important differences between et al. 1982). Briefly, this task requires an animal to locate a
traditional psychometric measures and navigational or platform which is hidden beneath the surface of an opaque
route-finding measures of spatial cognition, the most pool of water. Surrounding the pool are visual cues which
obvious is that the latter requires physical movement aid the animal in pin-pointing the location of the platform.
through space (and concomitant dynamic visual process- Over successive trials the animal typically comes to learn
ing), whereas paper and pencil tests require no such the location of the platform as revealed by faster escape
translocations of the self. latencies and shorter path lengths to the target. Age-related
It could be further argued that the neglect of spatial deficits have been reported in that older animals take longer
navigation assessments in cognitive aging has hampered a to find the hidden platform, travel a longer distance in
truly comparative approach to cognitive aging. There is a locating the platform, and may require more trials before
rich literature of cognitive and brain aging in non-human reaching a designated criterion performance (Begega et al.
species and neuroscientists studying human cognitive aging 2001; Gallagher and Pelleymounter 1988; Lukoyanov et al.
make frequent reference to this literature. However, spatial 1999).
memory in nonhuman species is typically assessed by There is now an accumulation of studies that systemat-
quantifying performance in a variety of maze-learning tasks ically examine age-related vulnerability in route/place
that require the animal to actually navigate and remember a learning or large scale spatial memory in humans. Survey
route or place in novel environment (e.g. Barnes 1979; research indicates that elderly individuals self-report defi-
Ingram 1988; McLay et al. 1999). Despite the fact that cits in navigation and often avoid unfamiliar routes and
actual movement through the three-dimensional world may places (Burns 1999). For example, elderly individuals
require different visual computations than imaginary object report avoiding driving to unfamiliar locations. Direct
rotations or manipulations, it often is taken for granted that assessments of navigational/route finding skills in non-
studies investigating spatial navigational behaviors in demented elderly adults provide evidence of age-related
animals are pertinent to our understanding of the mecha- differences in these skills. One approach to the study of
nisms subserving human spatial memory. For a coherent spatial navigation in the elderly has been to assess
cross-species understanding of both the behavioral and navigation in “real-world” settings such as supermarkets,
neural mechanisms of cognitive aging, it would be hospitals or manufactured environments. Kirasic (1991)
desirable to assess aging in human and non-human species assessed the navigational skills of young and elderly
using comparable paradigms. women in novel and familiar supermarket environments
There is a steadily accumulating literature investigating and found that younger women acquired the spatial
age-related navigation differences in humans. This paper information in the environment faster than did their elderly
reviews the extant literature on how human navigation is counterparts (Kirasic 1991).
affected by the aging process and the neural mechanisms In another study involving navigation through the real
that may subserve these behavioral age differences. Further, world, Wilkniss and colleagues required participants to
it proposes areas of research in which our knowledge is navigate through the hallways of a hospital after being
limited and explains how further research could advance presented with a map of the environment and route that
our understanding of how age affects this critical cognitive they were required to follow. They found that older adults
domain. took longer to navigate through the hospital than younger
adults, and that the older adults made more frequent turning
errors. Interestingly, older adults recalled objects which
Aging and Spatial Navigation: What Do We Know? were encountered along the route just as well as younger
subjects, but compared to their younger counterparts, they
Behavioral Studies of Age-Related Differences in Spatial were deficient at placing those objects in their proper
Navigation temporal sequence (Wilkniss et al. 1997).
One study has replicated the Morris Water Task on a
Age-related deficits in spatial navigation have been studied human scale by requiring older and younger adults to
extensively in non-human species. For example, older rats remove, then repeatedly replace a pole in a circular
are generally impaired on a wide variety of navigation enclosure which was surrounded by visual cues. Across a
tasks, including the Morris Water Task, T-maze, and the series of learning trials, older adults showed greater
Barnes circular platform maze and corridor mazes (Barnes displacement error in replacing the pole (as assessed by
480 Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489

measuring the distance between the subject placement of Moffat and Resnick (2002) developed a virtual MWT
the pole and the correct location of the pole) compared to (vMWT) for human application and had younger and older
younger adults demonstrating age-related deficits in place adults learn the location of a hidden platform over six
learning in older humans (Newman and Kaszniak 2000). learning trials. Cues available to assist navigation were
One of the reasons that researchers have neglected objects of fixed position placed around the room.
navigational skill in studies of cognitive aging is that its Asymmetrically-designed walls were also available as distal
evaluation is complicated by the fact that human navigation geometric room cues. The results of their study confirmed
occurs in large-scale space. That precludes tight experi- substantial age effects on virtual environment place
mental control, which is necessary for the systematic learning. Older individuals traversed a longer linear
evaluation of the phenomenon. The development of virtual distance in solving the learning trials of the vMWT. In
environment (VE) technology has helped to alleviate that addition, on a probe trial, considered to be a measure of
problem. Several groups have successfully applied VE retention of spatial location, younger individuals spent
spatial learning tasks to the study of age differences in more time in the vicinity of the platform and had more
spatial navigation among both healthy and demented frequent platform intersections than older subjects (Moffat
elderly. The results of these studies demonstrate that VE and Resnick 2002). These findings indicated that younger
technology can be used to accurately assess spatial learning individuals had retained more accurate knowledge of
in elderly individuals. platform location than their older counterparts. These basic
In one of the first studies to adapt VE navigation to the age differences in a virtual MWT have subsequently been
assessment of age differences, younger and older individ- replicated and extended by other authors (Deshmukh et al.
uals were confronted with a computer-based route learning 2009; Driscoll et al. 2005).
task in which several winding and intersecting corridors One of the limitations of using VE presentations of
ultimately led to a goal point (Moffat et al. 2001). navigation tasks is that it deprives the participant of vestibular
Participants were instructed to find a goal point and and proprioceptive feedback that is normally available in real
remember the route. An important distinction in scoring world navigation tasks. Lovden et al. (2005) investigated the
was made between “information errors” (the first visit to an effect of age on spatial navigation through virtual museums
error location in which the subject had no previous using an interface that provided participants with the visual
knowledge that a corridor did not lead to the goal) and image of the environment and required participants to walk
spatial memory errors (repeat visits to error locations that on a treadmill to initiate movement through the environment,
they should have remembered did not lead to the goal). It thus providing proprioceptive feedback. Participants com-
was found that elderly subjects made more spatial memory pleted the task under two conditions; one in which they were
errors and traveled a longer linear distance in solving the provided with walking support (holding on to a handrail) and
virtual route learning task (Moffat et al. 2001). Importantly, another in which no support was provided. These authors
the older individuals did not make more information errors found that providing walking support on the treadmill
than their younger counterparts indicating that elderly attenuated (but did not eliminate) the age differences in
individuals differed only in their tendency to revisit error navigation accuracy (Lovden et al. 2005). This study
location suggesting that the age difference was not a simple suggests that there are important interactions between
result of older individuals being generally deficient at using cognitive and sensorimotor components of navigation that
a computer or using a joystick. are relevant to the magnitude of the age difference observed
One limitation of this type of route-learning task is that in a given study. The issue of vestibular and proprioceptive
because it requires participants to navigate from the same contributions to age differences in navigation will be
starting location to the same goal location over several discussed in more detail below.
trials, it is possible for participants to use egocentric or Another approach to the examination of age differences
logical solution strategies rather than allocentric spatial in navigation has been to quantify the ability of younger
processing strategies. An egocentric strategy is one in and older individuals to develop and use a cognitive map of
which an individual uses a frame of reference centered on the environment. A second component of the study by
the self, for example remembering left and right turns Moffat and Resnick (2002) described above required
whereas, an allocentric strategy requires an organism to participants to draw a freehand map of the vMWT
know its position based on an external reference system. It environment and to designate the platform location on the
is thought that the Morris Water Task lends itself to map. In addition, they were subsequently shown
allocentric processing by virtue of having to locate a goal experimenter-provided maps of the environment and asked
platform from multiple locations and with reference to the to mark an “X” where they believed the platform to be
platform’s position relative to objects or cues throughout located. Older individuals showed evidence of impairment
the room. in cognitive mapping, as revealed by their poorer map
Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489 481

constructions of the environment and their impaired ability real-world navigation tasks elicit similar findings. Kalova et
to locate the platform on the experimenter-provided maps al. (Kalova et al. 2005) studied navigation in participants
of the environment. Interestingly, there was no age effect on with early AD, and non-AD aged controls. An important
the recall of the object cues present in the environment. element in the design of this study was that the researchers
Consistent with the results of Wilkniss et al. (1997), older used both a real world environment and virtual replication
individuals appear to have comparatively spared object/ of this real world setting. Their real world navigation task
item memory but are deficient at using those objects to required participants to locate unmarked goals in an arena.
assist in navigational behavior. The AD group was severely impaired relative to controls in
Sjolinder et al. (2005) administered a virtual navigation navigation to a hidden goal which was located in eight
task to a sample of young and older participants and rotated positions. Importantly, these authors reported that
replicated the basic findings of impaired performance in the results from navigation in a real world and a computer
older participants and impaired configural representation of version of the tests yielded similar results.
the environment. They also provided all participants with In another study investigating the effects of age and
an overhead map of the environment to investigate the dementia status on spatial navigation, Cushman et al.
effects of navigational aids on the age differences. Sjolinder (2008) obtained virtually identical results. These research-
found that older participants did not benefit more from an ers observed navigational deficits that increased across
overview map than younger subjects. Although the older groups from young normals to older normals, to MCI, and
participant subjectively felt more secure with the map, it did to early AD. Importantly, these researchers found the
not improve efficiency in navigating the environment identical pattern of results and close correlations (R2 =.73)
(Sjolinder et al. 2005). Similar results were obtained in between real-world and virtual tasks strongly suggesting
another VE study of cognitive mapping which showed that that VE testing provides a valid assessment of navigational
older participants required more time to form a cognitive skills (Cushman et al. 2008).
map of the environment than young individuals and
required more time and made more errors when subse- Navigation as Complex Multi-Sensory Cognitive Skill
quently using the map for orientation (Iaria et al. 2009).
The results of these studies of cognitive mapping in the An important issue in spatial navigation research is the
elderly clearly point to decreased efficacy among the recognition that it is a complex, multi-sensory cognitive
elderly in generating cognitive maps and using navigational process that requires the contributions of multiple cognitive
aids to assist in wayfinding. and perceptual modules. Under real world conditions,
Navigation tasks are also now being used in clinical information about one’s own movement is obtained through
populations, particularly in evaluating early stage dementia the integration of three major sources of sensory input:
and mild cognitive impairment. Clinically relevant impair- vestibular sense (awareness of changes in body orientation
ments in navigational skills (“getting lost” and “wander- and motion), proprioceptive sense (awareness of the body,
ing”) are often apparent in the early stages of Alzheimer’s limb, and joint position via feedback from muscles and
disease, sometimes even before the well-known verbal joints), and vision (particularly, the visual displacement
memory deficits. In many cases, reports of impaired spatial across the retina known as “optic flow”). This highlights a
behavior are a major trigger to the diagnosis and may serve major limitation of the VE approach to navigation studies;
as an indicator to family members that something is wrong it effectively eliminates or creates a mismatch between
with their relative (Klein et al. 1999). visual information and vestibular and proprioceptive sig-
In an assessment of the application of navigation testing nals. On the other hand, VE tasks can now be used to
to clinical populations, Zakzanis et al. (2009) used a head- isolate the visual contribution to navigation that was not
mounted goggle display to show a path through a virtual heretofore possible. It will be important for future studies to
city which then had to be navigated as quickly and as investigate the separate contributions of each of these
accurately as possible. Their results showed that young sources of sensory input to the expression of age differ-
adults navigated more accurately than older participants. ences in navigation-related processes.
Compared to older controls, participants with Alzheimer’s Duffy and colleagues have performed a series of well-
disease (AD) made more errors on a subsequent recognition designed studies demonstrating that AD, and to a lesser
task and were more likely to affirm having seen an element extent normal aging, is associated with deficits in optic
when it was a foil (Zakzanis et al. 2009). This study flow perception. Optic flow describes the flow of stimuli
suggests that spatial navigation is susceptible to the effects through the visual field that occurs during self motion (or
of normal aging and AD. during simulated motion in computerized tasks) giving one
Two well-designed studies have investigated both the the perception of movement through the world. These
effects of AD on navigation skill and whether virtual and researchers studied the ability of young normal subjects,
482 Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489

elderly normal subjects, and AD patients to interpret the distances. These results suggest that older may adults rely
radial motion of optic flow. They also tested spatial more on proprioceptive signals than young adults for task
navigation by asking questions about a recently traveled performance in navigating.
path. They found that AD patients showed impaired optic In summary, there is now a developing literature
flow perception which was associated with poor perfor- assessing the effects of age and cognitive/dementia status
mance on the spatial navigation test, even though their on navigation-specific tasks. Despite variability in specific
perception of simple moving patterns was relatively tasks and procedures, the results are highly consistent.
preserved (Tetewsky and Duffy 1999). In other studies, When navigating in unfamiliar environments, older indi-
this group has found that deficits in optic flow perception viduals generally perform more poorly than younger
are correlated with orientation deficits in AD (O’Brien et al. participants and those elderly with early stage dementia
2001), and that poor heading discrimination (impaired perform more poorly than both normal older and younger
ability to determine direction of simulated movement) was participants. They also have considerable difficulty in
primarily attributed to attentional deficits in normal elderly developing cognitive maps of space and in using
and to visual motion perception deficits in AD patients experimenter-provided maps to aid navigation.
(Mapstone et al. 2008). As visual self motion cues,
particularly optic flow, provide some of the basic input to Strengths and Weaknesses in VE Testing
navigation systems, these findings demonstrate the key
contribution made by high level visual processes which The greatest advantage afforded by VE testing is that it
feed forward to navigation systems and likely contribute to gives the experimenter unlimited control over the visual
age differences in navigational competence. features and complexity of the environment, allows detailed
Mahmood et al. (2009) utilized a VE to investigate age- recording of behavioral responses to be automated, and
related differences in ‘path integration,’ the ability to allows landmark and route manipulations which could not
determine linear distances, angular rotations, and angular be accomplished in the real world. However, the question
displacement exclusively from self motion (in this case, arises as to what extent VE testing simulates real world
visual self motion cues). Participants passively viewed navigation and depends upon similar behavioral and neural
linear and rotational motion and were required to repro- mechanisms. Clearly the greatest drawback of desktop VE
duce, with a joystick, the distance or rotation that they just testing is that it does not involve actual movement through
experienced. Results indicated that older and younger space. Computer displays restrict coverage of the visual
adults were equivalent in their ability to use optic flow to field and deprive the participant of vestibular, kinesthetic
estimate short distances but older individuals became and proprioceptive cues which are used to help maintain
progressively less accurate as the distance increased. course in the real world (Berthoz and Viaud-Delmon 1999;
Interestingly, there were no age differences in estimating Ohmi 1996). VE testing assesses only that component of
angular rotations which involves the perception of left/right navigation or route learning which is visually-based with an
rather than radial motion. This study demonstrated age- absence of sources of input from other sensory systems.
related deficits in the ability to use visual input alone to Despite these limitations, recent studies suggest that the
estimate distance traveled and suggests one way in which spatial knowledge acquired through learning in a VE
elderly navigation performance may be compromised. transfers well to subsequent navigation in the real world
Other studies have focused on and tried to isolate the (Arthur et al. 1997; Witmer et al. 1996). For example,
non-visual contributions to age differences in navigation. training participants on a virtual version of the Kiel
Allen et al. (2004) blindfolded younger and older subjects locomotor maze enhanced subsequent acquisition of the
and had them perform a “triangle completion task”, in actual maze (Foreman et al. 2000). Participants made
which they were led along two legs of a triangle and were accurate and confident responses in the real maze as a
then required to rotate themselves and move back to the consequence of having received training in virtual space.
origin of their movement. This was done in a blind-folded Moreover, Ruddle et al. (1997) found that participants
walking condition and a wheelchair condition to examine develop ‘cognitive maps’ in a VE that are similar to the
the contribution of vestibular and proprioceptive feedback maps derived from exploration of the real world (Ruddle et
to navigation in the absence of visual input. These authors al. 1997). Most importantly, as noted above, studies of
found that there was no difference in accuracy between the cognitive aging have incorporated parallel forms of real and
walking and wheelchair condition in the younger adults, virtual navigation assessments and have generated virtually
whereas, for the older adults, both distance traveled and identical results (Cushman et al. 2008; Kalova et al. 2005).,
angle turned were less accurate in the wheelchair condition raising confidence that VE navigation assessments are
compared to the walking condition. Specifically, older measuring something essentially similar to real-world
adults over-rotated small angles and undershot long assessments in cognitive aging.
Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489 483

There are, however, special considerations in using a VE (Jack et al. 1998; Raz et al. 2004; West et al. 1995; but see
approach in older participants since there are a number of Sullivan et al. 2001, 2005). It seems plausible that age-
non-navigation parameters, such as low vision and motor related alterations in hippocampal and other neural circuitry
impairment, that may differentiate performance between may manifest as deficiencies in spatial processing, conse-
older and younger adults and may affect interpretation of quently impairing both virtual and real world navigation
results. Methodological “good practices” include providing and possibly altering the cognitive strategies used by the
extensive practice to older adults to familiarize them with elderly in solving navigational tasks.
the computer display, assessing age differences in experi- Meulenbroek et al. (2004) had younger and older
ence using computers and playing video games and participants learn the layout of a virtual house by viewing
including multiple measures of visual (e.g. visual acuity, and remember a sequence of turns through the house.
color vision, contrast sensitivity) and motor function that Compared to older adults, younger subjects showed
may impair the ability of elderly individuals to see or interact stronger activations in the supramarginal gyrus and poste-
with the display. In addition, it is essential to include some rior fusiform/parahippocampal areas. In addition, younger
kind of control task that requires the same sensorimotor subjects showed weaker anterior parahippocampal activity
components as the navigation task but does not require spatial during route recognition compared to the older group. They
navigation. Examples of this include trials in the vMWT in suggested that age-related navigational memory deficits
which the platform is visible above the surface of the water or might be caused by less effective route encoding based on
joystick control tests in which a participant might maneuver reduced posterior fusiform/parahippocampal and parietal
through a winding corridor but does not have to make function (Meulenbroek et al. 2004).
wayfinding decisions or remember the route. In short, every Moffat et al. (2006) investigated the neural mechanisms
effort should be made to ensure close equivalence between of age differences in spatial navigation in a fMRI study
older and younger individuals in sensorimotor characteristics. (Moffat et al. 2006). Fifty one healthy individuals (30
This can include exclusion of older participants who do not young; 21 old) were scanned while performing a VE
meet cutoffs for critical sensorimotor skills, as well as navigation task and a control task that provided the same
incorporating residual age differences in these factors as visual and motor stimulation but did not require navigation.
covariates in statistical models. The task differed from the Muelenbroek study in that
Another major advantage of VE navigation tasks is that participants actively navigated through the environment
it allows for the systematic study of the neural mechanisms using a joystick and were encouraged to develop an
of navigation in the neuroimaging environment which is allocentric representation of the environment. The results
clearly not possible in real world navigation. The next of the study demonstrated substantial age-related alteration
section reviews the possible brain bases of the age- in the neural networks supporting allocentric navigation.
differences in spatial navigation. Compared to their younger counterparts, elderly adults
showed reduced activation in the posterior hippocampus,
Neural Mechanism of Age-Related Differences in Spatial parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial cortex. Elderly
Navigation subjects also showed greater frontal lobe activation during
encoding of the environment as compared to the younger
The neural mechanisms underlying these spatial navigation subjects. This study also demonstrated that increased
differences remain unclear. One of the distinct advantages activation in hippocampus/ parahippocampal gyrus was
of VE is that it makes many complex tasks MRI-compatible associated with more accurate navigation. Because elderly
and thus creates opportunities for examination of their brain participants had reduced activation in these regions, it
substrates. Indeed, neuroimaging and lesion studies in suggests that the decreased hippocampal involvement in
younger subjects have identified a network of structures navigation may, in part, underlie the navigation deficit in
that are involved in spatial navigation. These structures older individuals.
include the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, cerebel- A recent fMRI study by Antonova et al. (2009) provides
lum, parietal cortex, posterior cingulate gyrus and retro- converging evidence that the parahippocamal cortex may be
splenial cortex (Aguirre et al. 1996; Barrash 1998; Gron et a major component of the age differences in navigational
al. 2000; Katayama et al. 1999; Maguire et al. 1998). performance. As with virtually all navigation studies, these
authors report a widespread neural network comprising
Contribution of the Hippocampus and Parahippocampal frontal, parietal, occipital, thalamic, and cerebellar regions
Regions being activated in young and older adults. In addition, they
report that only young adults significantly activated
It is noteworthy that the medial temporal region shows bilateral hippocampus and left parahippocampal gyrus, as
atrophy with aging and is one of the first affected in AD well as right frontal pole and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex
484 Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489

during encoding. Older adults showed no activation of the There is only very limited evidence from human research
hippocampal/ parahippocampal region (Antonova et al. that specific age-related alterations in hippocampal neuro-
2009). chemistry may be relevant to understanding age differences
Of particular importance in these functional imaging in spatial navigation abilities. In a magnetic resonance
studies of navigation and aging is the consistent observation spectroscopy study, it was found that the performance of
of reduced activation in the elderly in the hippocampal/ older adults in a vMWT was associated with decreased
parahippocampal complex and in the retrosplenial cortex of NAA/Cre (N-acetyl-aspertate/creatine) ratios, a marker that
the posterior cingulate. These areas play a critical role in is thought to reflect neuronal integrity (Driscoll et al. 2003).
spatial navigation in both human and non-human species This study suggests that the biochemistry of the hippocam-
(Barnes et al. 1983; Barnes et al. 1997; Shen et al. 1997; pus may be an important component of age-related
Tanila et al. 1997). In particular the hippocampal/para- navigation decline and this warrants further investigation
hippocampal area has been hypothesized to act as a in future studies.
cognitive map (O’Keefe and Nadel 1978), receiving
egocentric and motion derived information from other Extra-Hippocampual Contributions to Age Differences
cortical regions and converting this input into an allocentric in Navigation
representation of the environment. This suggests a diver-
gence in the neural systems devoted to spatial navigation in As the above review indicates, most attention in research on
young and elderly participants. It will be important for age differences in human navigation has focused on the role
future studies to try to understand both the mechanisms and of the hippocampus and associated structures. This focus is
implications of the reduced medial temporal contribution to justified in light of the prominent place of the hippocampus
navigation in the elderly. in models of human spatial and episodic memory and in
Among the possible cellular mechanisms underlying these animal models of spatial navigation. However, examination
findings are substantial age-related differences in the proper- of findings from numerous neuroimaging studies reveals
ties of hippocampal place cells (Barnes et al. 1983). Place that navigation elicits activations in widespread regions of
cells are those neurons that respond when an animal is in a the cortex outside of the hippocampus. Currently, we know
particular physical location in an environment (O’Keefe and very little about the contributions of these extra-
Nadel 1978). These cells are highly plastic, change their hippocampal regions. Behaviorally, it could be argued that
firing characteristics in response to manipulations of external navigation contains considerable executive and strategic
cues, and in combination with hippocampal grid cells are demands in that successful navigation requires the selection
thought to be a key component of the cognitive mapping of appropriate search strategies and also depends on
function of the hippocampus (Moser et al. 2008). Among the appropriate behavioral monitoring and alterations of search-
age-related alterations that have been reported in aged rats ing behavior if the selected path proves unsuccessful.
are that place cells fail to change firing patterns in response In addition, several behavioral observations suggest that
to being placed into a novel environment (Wilson et al. the age-related behavioral deficits observed in the human
2003); may switch between different spatial firing patterns analogs of the MWT cannot be fully accounted for by
upon repeated exposure to the same environment (Barnes et models of performance focusing exclusively on spatial
al. 1997); or may be delayed, relative to younger animals, in memory. In particular, some studies have observed that
linking external environmental cues to spatial locations in a healthy elderly perform more poorly than their younger
new environment (Rosenzweig et al. 2003). These observa- counterparts even on the first trial (Driscoll et al. 2005;
tions, combined with the demonstration of the existence of Moffat and Resnick 2002), which does not depend on
human hippocampal place cells (Ekstrom et al. 2003), memory for platform location. It could be hypothesized that
suggests that age-related differences in the cellular properties the deficits observed among elderly participants in naviga-
of the hippocampus/parahippocampal complex may play a tional behavior may be partially attributed to impaired
role in age-related declines in navigational skill. Further- executive and strategic functions which manifest as
more, both mesial temporal structures and the posterior inefficient search strategies early in navigation performance
cingulate region are affected early in the course of tasks.
Alzheimer’s disease (de Leon et al. 2001; Jack et al. 1997; One structural neuroimaging study investigated correla-
Minoshima et al. 1994; Silverman 2004 but c.f. Sullivan et tions between grey and white matter volumes in several
al. 2005), and reduced temporal and posterior cingulate brain regions and performance on a vMWT in younger and
metabolism are associated with the Apolipoprotein E epsilon older adults (Moffat et al. 2007). This study found that
4 risk factor for AD (Reiman et al. 2001; Small et al. 2000) larger volumes of the lateral prefrontal cortex grey matter
demonstrating that these regions are particularly vulnerable and white matter and caudate nucleus were positively
in neurodegenerative diseases associated with aging. associated with navigational skill. Interestingly, hippocam-
Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489 485

pal volume was positively correlated with navigational specifically identify the role that each neural structure or
competence only in the young but not in the old, a finding region plays in navigation and to further delineate how
which is supportive of the observations from fMRI studies changes in these neural systems may manifest in the
showing reduced or completely absent hippocampal activa- specific components and sub-processes responsible for
tion among the elderly (Antonova et al. 2009; Meulenbroek age-related differences in spatial navigation.
et al. 2004; Moffat et al. 2006).
Cumulatively, these studies strongly suggest that suc-
cessful navigation in humans requires substantial contribu- Aging and Spatial Navigation: Where Do We Go?
tion from prefrontal circuits and associated cognitive
systems. Indeed, studies in non-human species confirm The above review evaluated the evidence that aging is
important contributions from pre-frontal systems in solving associated with declines in navigational ability and high-
the MWT. One approach to investigating the respective lights what we know about the neural underpinnings of that
roles of the frontal cortex and hippocampal system have decline. However, the field is still in its infancy in humans
been delineated by adopting both the place and response and there are several avenues of inquiry that could advance
versions of the MWT. In the former, the platform remains the field considerably. The next section outlines some of the
in the same position while the starting location varies, thus major gaps in the literature and suggest ways in which these
requiring a place strategy for successful solution. In the gaps may be filled.
latter, both the platform and starting location vary from trial
to trial such that the spatial relationship between both the Longitudinal Studies
starting and goal locations are held constant (e.g. a fixed
distance to the right). Several studies have reported double The first and most obvious need in the field is for
dissociations with hippocampal and or fimbria/fornix longitudinal research. As of this writing, there appears to
lesions impairing place learning in the MWT and frontal not be a single longitudinal study published in the field.
cortex lesions impairing response learning (de Bruin et al. The existing cross-sectional studies produce large effect
2001; de Bruin et al. 1997). A comparable study has not sizes and are highly consistent across studies and laborato-
been done in humans, but these data illustrate one way in ries. Nevertheless, within the framework of a cross-
which an animal model could be applied to directly address sectional study it is impossible to discern the influence of
an issue in the cognitive neuroscience of human aging. life-long individual differences in brain and cognitive
In addition to contributions from prefrontal cortex to age variables from true longitudinal declines. As well, a
differences in spatial navigation, the caudate nucleus also common observation in studies of navigation is that when
plays a critical role. Moffat et al. (2007) found that larger sex differences are observed, men tend to outperform
caudate nucleus volume was associated with better spatial women (Astur et al. 1998; Driscoll et al. 2005; Moffat et
performance in both young and old subjects. The caudate al. 1998). Studies of sex differences have been done
nucleus plays an important role in learning and spatial primarily in younger adults but it raises the issue of
memory and is often activated in young subjects during possible differential aging by sex. Cross sectional studies
virtual navigation tasks in functional imaging studies (Iaria in older populations allow for a snapshot of sex differences
et al. 2003; Maguire et al. 1998; Moffat et al. 2006). but cannot resolve the issue of whether men and women
Because of its extensive connections with the pre-frontal may manifest different rates of navigation decline.
cortex and hippocampus (Alexander et al. 1986) the
caudate is a part of distributed fronto-striatal and striato- Strategies as Modifiers of Performance and Activation
hippocampal systems, which are vulnerable to aging (Raz Patterns
2000; Raz et al. 2003). Studies investigating contributions
of the caudate to human spatial navigation suggest that it As reviewed above, an important area of inquiry is to
may work in concert with hippocampal systems (Voermans continue to understand hippocampal and extrahippocampal
et al. 2004) and may play a role in non-spatial or procedural contributions to spatial navigation. One approach which is
response components of spatial behavior (Hartley et al. likely to lead to progress in this area is the consideration of
2003; Iaria et al. 2003). participant strategies for solving navigation tasks. Two
Navigation is clearly a complex cognitive skill that likely individuals with equivalent performance may reach a
depends on other cognitive domains such as working navigational goal through different ‘routes.’ Moreover,
memory, processing speed, and cognitive control. Thus, it some navigation tasks clearly lend themselves to different
is not surprising that both structural and functional imaging solution strategies. Although researchers have described
studies support a distributed network underlying perfor- navigation strategies using variable nomenclature, the most
mance. As more data accumulate, it will be critical to more common are egocentric, allocentric and possibly “non-
486 Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489

spatial.” Non-spatial strategies often act as a ‘catch-all’ mapping, it was found that age differences in a cognitive
classification for strategies that are otherwise unclassifiable. mapping task were maximal when objects were not present
Examples of this might include circling or ‘zig-zagging’ on the map and age differences were eliminated whenever
through an environment to locate a goal. proximal objects were present. This suggests that older
Iaria et al. (2003) performed a well-designed study in participants may disregard distal geometric information
which they investigated the effect of strategy on brain in an environment and focus more on objects to guide
activation in fMRI in solving a place learning task. Only navigation (Moffat and Resnick 2002). Interestingly,
younger volunteers were used in this study. Participants hippocampal lesions in rats result in impaired use of distal
were trained to use either spatial landmarks or a non-spatial but not proximal landmarks (Save and Poucet 2000),
strategy to navigate. Participants using a landmark-based raising the possibility that age differences in the human
strategy showed activation in the hippocampus while those hippocampal activity may underlie age-related shifts in
using a non-spatial strategy showed activation in the cue-use strategies.
caudate nucleus (Iaria et al. 2003). This study illustrates Somewhat paradoxically, one logical possibility that
how individuals solving the same navigation task may emerges from the perspective that older participants prefer
show differential brain activation depending on the strategy egocentric and/or non-spatial strategies is that navigation
adopted or required to solve the task. At present, there have tasks may not be as hippocampally-dependent or sensitive
been no studies in humans showing unequivocally that in older adults as is presumed. Another important consid-
older individuals use different strategies in solving naviga- eration is that if, in fact, older subjects do show age-related
tion tasks. However, the findings from neuroimaging shifting of navigation strategies (and concomitant neural
studies have led to speculation that this is what underlies activations), it will be important to determine whether these
the differences in brain activation between younger and alterations are adaptive and compensatory or suboptimal
older adults. The absence of hippocampal and parahippo- strategies that result in reduced performance.
campal activation reported in older subjects (Antonova et
al. 2009; Meulenbroek et al. 2004; Moffat et al. 2006) Physiologic, Genetic and Other Modifiers of Performance
suggests that perhaps older subjects are not using
hippocampal-dependent (i.e. allocentric) strategies. Among possible modifiers of age-related differences in spatial
Animal studies suggest that there are prominent age navigation that have been investigated are the effects of
differences in preferred strategies. Barnes et al. (1980) hypertension and other vascular risk factors. One study
performed an elegant strategy assessment in younger and reported a statistical trend for normotensive older adults to
older rats. Using a three-armed t-maze, rats were trained to outperform hypertensive older adults in the vMWT (Moffat et
locate a goal for reward. There were multiple ways in al. 2007). Similarly, a recent study found significantly poorer
which the rat could learn the location of the reward. One performance among older individuals with a diagnosis or
possibility was an egocentric strategy in which the rat history of hypertension compared to those without such a
always turned left while another possibility was an history (Deshmukh et al. 2009). This study further reported
allocentric strategy in which the rat moved to the same that those individuals with both hypertension and a genetic
absolute location designated by external room cues. Barnes vascular risk factor associated with increased levels of
and colleagues tested this by rotating the maze following homocysteine (T allele in a C677T variant in methylenete-
training and starting the rats in a different arm. Barnes et al. trahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene) performed more
(1980) found that older rats were more likely to use an poorly than all other participants at all ages. These studies
egocentric strategy to solve the maze while younger rats highlight the need to investigate vascular risk factors as
were more likely to use an allocentric strategy. modifiers or even a component of the causal mechanisms of
As noted above, there are currently no published studies age-related differences in spatial navigation.
empirically demonstrating that older human subjects actu- In another study investigating physiologic factors that
ally do use different strategies. However, two published may modulate navigation performance, Driscoll et al.
studies provide suggestive data. One study simply asked (2005) investigated the correlation between circulating
younger and older human participants how they solved a testosterone levels and performance in a vMWT. They
navigation task and found that self-reported allocentric found that higher circulating T concentrations were
strategy decreased with age (Driscoll et al. 2005). Although associated with better performance among men but not
it is not ideal to use self report as it requires insight into women. There are numerous physiologic, metabolic,
ones own cognitive processes (i.e., metacognition) which genetic and other factors that could potentially be used to
itself decreases with age (Isingrini et al. 2008), this study predict navigation performance, and age-related changes
suggests that older participants may adopt different strate- in these factors could underlie the age-related navigation
gies. In another indirect assessment of strategy in cognitive impairments.
Neuropsychol Rev (2009) 19:478–489 487

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grant R01 AG028466. poitron-emission tomography (FDG/PET). Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
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