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We reached at vanue at 9.30 which was reporting time. Registration done and reg.

were given to us.

Written test:

It contained three section; English 20 questions, aptitude 20, technical 10 questions. Total
time given was 60 minutes


1) Synonym, Antonym, error correction and some simple comprihension questions, word
correction. You need to just look out any bank po english book you will surely get through

2) Aptitude;

a) A laddr is lying againest a wall of length 25 feet. Distance between bottm of ladder and
wall is 7 ft. Now ladder got slide down by 4 feet. So wts the new distance betwen there
botom ends.
Ans: 25

2) Probability questions was there

3) A man want to paint roofs of two houses. He have a tin of paint. When he paints first flor
he remained with a amount of paint by which he can paint 33 sqr. Feet more but when he
paints the 2nd floure he left 162 sqre feet area upainted. Whats the amount of paint in tin

4) A speed and distance questions.

5) There are 4 conditional questions. Also like if a is taller then b and b is shorter then d.
Like this aptitude was easy. One can easily attempt it but he needs to be careful about silly


1) A logic gate figure was given and output asked

2) Prifix to postfix change of exp.
3) 3 programs given n output asked
4) Vaccume tubes are used in
a) cpu   b) monitor  c) keyboard     d) mouse

I'm from electonics and communicatin so attempted only 5 questions. From this part.

For CS n it student this part was very easy with very basic question.

Test was over n we were ask to sit in the same room for result. Result declaired after 1 hour
and i got thorough.

Communicatin test on rising India;

Technical interview:
I was called for technical interview at 7.30 in evening

Me: May i come in sir

Int: come in

Me: Evening sir

Int: Very good evening Neeraj, have seat, had luch today or not

Me: No sir, i managed with only two smosa n one sandwhich n softdrinks
Int: Smiled n say sory for keeping us on wait, give me a newspaper which have a sudoku n
puzzeled words

Me: I solved one word which was unforunetly wrong

Int: Tell me the logic how you are solving this

Me: Told
Int: Good Neeraj, tell me something about your project

Me: Bla bla bla bla bla. Told everything. I'm from electronics background so didn't asked
any stupid question. regarding software zone
Int: Read out my communication latter and point out a silly mistake. But i corrected that
timely and made good excuse

Int: Gave me a few puzzles

Me: Solved out all the puzzels

Int: You are from ECE back grond then why ECE.
Me: Told

Int: What were you doing in last few monts;

Me: Told

Finaly handover me the form for next round and i got through

HR interview:

Very formal question. Just for 5 minutes. And tell me that they will mail me my result

Results steel awaited. Pray


This is my experience of attending the Wipro recruitment held at Ernakulam by Shreds.

There were 3 rounds

1) Aptitude test
2) Technical interview 
3) HR.

I am 2010 passout B.Tech(ECE). The Aptitude test was simple and is easy to attend. Just
basic aptitude, English language and technical questions which include some from linux, OS,
Java etc. Each section has seperate cutoff and its safe if you know the English and aptitude

The Technical interview was of quite standard. There were just 2 panels for around 50
persons.  I waited for around 10 hours for my turn.  The interviewer was  a pleasant person
and asked about my college, area of interest, aim in life.

For me the interview appeared simple as mainly questions from:

1. My favourite subject. I replied digital and control systems and simple questions from
that.(Kmap, Demorgan law)

2. Main project.

3. I had done BSNL certificate course in mobile technologies. So some from that like
difference between CDMA, GSM etc.

4. Finally he asked about my programming experience.  I replied that I had learned C but
was not confident with it. So he told"What shall I ask"? I told him I was undergoing course
for C and Java and hope to be a skilled programmer. He smiled and took the HR form and
asked me to fill it.

My HR round was held 1 hour later. I was the last person. The HR person was tired from all
the interviews and hurried me inside.  But I found him to be a little serious.  (Don't worry.
That is just testing your stress)
Some questions like introduce yourself, The difference between me and all others who had
attended. Why should we hire an EC graduate like you, Some General knowledge questions.

So on the whole these recruitments are simple and any average person with 60% marks
and with little or no programming knowledge can easily get by.

Thank you.
Hi Friends,

My name is Arun Souri Chitturi, studying B.Tech-EEE, 4th year in SASTRA University,
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. Recently got placed in WIPRO Technologies, which came to our
campus on 10th December. Nearly 779 students participated in written test. 243 got selected
for written and entered next round. Finally 132 members got selected for WIPRO.

There will be 3 rounds. Namely written test, technical interview & hr interview. Each round
will be an elimination round.

Written test contains mainly 3 sections, namely

1. Verbal (20 questions)

2. Analytical (20 questions)

3. Technical (10 questions)

In verbal, they asked mainly questions from Active and passive voice correction sentences,
jumbled words, direct and indirect speech, questions from passage synonyms and
antonyms. But it was easy only.

In analytical, questions came from partnership, probability, ages, train models, business
related problems, Time and distance, pipes, problems on basic quadratic equations.

In technical, they asked questions from basics of C, Unix, Data structures.

For each round there will be a section cutoff.

I cleared written test.

On that day itself I had technical and HR interview.

In technical round I had questions from Electronics. Like what are all the circuits I learnt I
my 4 years B.Tech and what are the types of diodes used in those circuits? And there were
questions from C too. They asked me to write algorithm and program for sorting and I had
technical for 20 minutes.

I explained everything and got selected for the next round. They will give one application to
fill details in it. If they give that form means you got selected into next round otherwise you
got rejected.

I filled it and had nice HR interview with WIPRO personnel. They asked only basic HR
questions and they are testing the way of communication, like how we are answering to
them. I felt like talking with a friend when I was talking with them and I had HR for 20

And finally they announced results on 11th night at 8.00pm and 132 members got selected.
So friends please study basics of electronics circuits and your subjects related to your
stream and basics of C while going for interview.

All the best!



My name is Arun Souri Chitturi, studying B.Tech-EEE, 4th year in Sastra

University,Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. Recently got placed in WIPRO Technologies, which came
to our campus on 10th December. Nearly 779 students participated in written test. 243 got
selected for written and entered next round. Finally 132 members got selected for WIPRO.

There will be 3 rounds. Namely written test, technical interview & HR interview. Each round
will be an elimination round.

Written test contains mainly 3 sections, namely

1. Verbal (20 questions)

2. Analytical (20 questions)

3. Technical (10 questions)

In verbal, they asked mainly questions from Active and passive voice correction sentences,
jumbled words, direct and indirect speech, questions from passage synonyms and
antonyms. But it was easy only.

In analytical, questions came from partnership, probability, ages, train models, business
related problems, Time and distance, pipes, problems on basic quadratic equations.

In technical, they asked questions from basics of C, Unix, Data structures.

For each round there will be a section cutoff.

I cleared written test.

On that day it self I had technical and HR interview.

In technical round I had questions from Electronics. like what are all the circuits I learnt I
my 4 years and what are the types of diodes used in those circuits? And there were
questions from C too. They asked me to write algorithm and program for sorting and I had
technical for 20 minutes.

I explained everything and got selected for the next round. They will give one application to
fill details in it. If they give that form means you got selected into next round otherwise you
got rejected.

I filled it and had nice HR interview with WIPRO personnel. They asked only basic HR
questions and they are testing the way of communication, like how we are answering to
them. I felt like talking with a friend when I was talking with them and I had HR for 20

And finally they announced results on 11th night at 8.00 pm and 132 members got selected.

So friends please study basics of electronics circuits and your subjects related to your
stream  and basics of C while going for interview.   

All the best!

Venue:Jeppiaar engineering College
No of students attended:210
no of students selected:42

The interview consisits of 3 rounds.

1.Written test

It has totally 50 qns.


It consists of 3 or 4 synonyms and antonyms(always frm gre books).Its quite diff to read
everything and remember,so have a guess on this and dont prepare much for this.
then active,passive,tenses,jumble sentences,short paragragh qns(comprehensions).
The verbal section is very easy only.No preparations needed for this one.
it had qns from
Heights and distance,clock,ages,permutations and combinations,probability,profit and loss,boats
and streams,distance(trains)
A go through on R.S.Agarwal's Quantitative aptitiude book is more than enough.
memorise all the formulae in that book under each section and see the eg solved problems alone.
All the qns are always asked from this book only and hence a good preparation on this ll easily
get you through to next round.
2 general questions
Which of the following will be loaded firstle when u switch on a computer

answer :bootstrap loader

apache tomcat software is a

ans:A popular cleint-server application

one qn from queue

3 qns from c nd c++(a small pgm was given and the output is asked)

1 unix qn,2 qns from operating systems.

this written test has a sectional cutoff
verbal and apptitude-12 each(they change often)
technical-5 or 6
So Getting all the qns correct from 1 or 2 sections ll not get you through.

overall the written test is quite easy compared with other app tests like hcl,infosys and all.

The results are announced in an hour.

the selected students were asked to write a essay on any one given topic in ten mins.our topic
was-"Privatisation of education-your comments"

In the technical round,almost every panel asked to explain about our projects
So Have a very clear idea about it.Explaining it in a way satisfying to the interviewer itself ll
almost get you through.
Mention your areas of interset in your resume. 1 or subjects is enough.Have a clear idea of all the
concepts in that subjects.Dont mention c,c++ or java as areas of interest unless you are well
verse with programming.
Some of them asked stud to write programs.Even if u dont know anything give a try and write
something related to that!!

HR round:
Ther ll be only very few rejections in the hr round.
It ll be mostly a very general one like tell me abt urself,family like that!!

ALL the Best!!!


Test Paper :16

 Paper Type     : Candidate Experiences
 Test Date        : 17  December  2010 
 Test Location  : SJBIT College, Bangalore
 Posted By        : Nazma
Hi to All,

Let me start with the happy news tat now am a Wiprovite.

There were three sections as usual: (No negative mark but with sectional cutoff)

1. Written test
And there were 3 sections

A) Verbal: Synonym, direct and indirect speech, active passive. (20 questionss and I gotta
score 8) the cutoff varies for each dept and am an IT student.

B) Aptitude: General apti from ages , numbers n so on... Agarwal book is sufficient 2
prepare for this section. (20 questionss and I gotta score 8)

C) Technical: I guess it was the toughest part. Questions from C, microprocessor, Logic

gates and some conversions from binary to digital so on. You can expect questions from any
subject in this section. (10 questions and I gotta score
6) The cutoff varies for each dept!

Note: Please attend all the questions. And all you need is 2 manage the time properly! give
equal importance 2 all sections since v ve sectional cutoff. And I got cleared in 1st round. It
was on 6th December and since it was already late night, next rounds were on next day!
2. Technical round:

I entered in d hall at 8.30 and they called names according to alphabetical order, i was one
among the last group of people: ( in 1st half day since they called from(A to N), went I was
about to enter the interview hall, its was lunch time (2.30 pm) and they asked me 2 come
as 1st candidate in 2nd half of the session. I forgot that I was hungry and I was informed by
my friends that previous candidates who went in for interview were asked to write sample C
programs of their choice. I just revised the prime no and armstrong no programs and went
in before they completed their lunch.
I entered the interviewers cabin with full hope. My mind was completely blank! one sir was
there and he got my resume, asked me 2 take my seat. He went through my resume for 2
mins silently. Then he started with questions like:
1. Introduce about yourself. I said about my schooling, family (Just introduction), my
2. Why did you choose DBMS as your Area of interest. I said
And some questions on DBMS about query and keys.

3. Tell me something about biometrics. (since I have mentioned it in resume as my paper

presentation topic he asked me that)
4. What technologies you know so far?
5. Write the code for database connectivity between PHP and MySQL (Since I said Php in the
technologies I know, I was asked to write it) and I wrote a two line code.

6. Can you embed HTML with PHP and if so write the code? I wrote

7. Difference betwwen MySQl and Ms SQl I didn't know I said frankly (Be frank don't try to
convince them with some answer that you are not clear)

8. Why do we use SQl when My SQL is an open source?

9. Disadvantage of My SQl?

10. Why should I hire you?

11. Will you be able to relocate?

12. Have you ever stayed away from your parents?

13. Will you give me a written agreement tat you will not ask for transfer to your home city?
(And he said the reason why he asked this question to me. Its since many candidates
promise that they wont ask for transfer when they get job and once when they join it, will
keep requesting for working in their home town.
14. Tell me your interested area (programming or testing) to work with. I said testing is
also fine and told that I have worked with a testing tool. He asked me to explain about it
and I did)

15. Which location do you like to work? ( I said 5 location names and said anything is fine.
He added the 6th and said mostly you will not be put there in that 6th but just know that
there is a center there too.

16. He asked me about the service agreement.

Finally he said "GOOD" and gave me the application to be filled in order to proceed to the
HR round and to my surprise he filled the mandatory details by himself by looking into my
resume. He filled it for non other candidates. I felt proud. Then he asked me whether am
aware of why he gave me this application. I said yes! to attend the HR round. He just

After leaving the hall I realised that I was questioned for about 1 hr. I took a deep breathe
and started 2 fill my application with hope.

3. HR Round:
I was waiting in a hall for call from HR. One after the other my friends came into the hall.
We started chatting inside the hall. HR called one by one and each person was questioned
for about 5 mins. It was my turn.
I wished him good eve with a smile. He smiled back and wished me too. And my questions

1. Introduce about yourself? I said

2. Why were you not selected in TCS? I said I was very confident about TCS but I don't
know why I was not selected.

He replied "May be a better chance is waiting for you!! Good luck". (Those words gave me
confidence and I was very sure that I would be a Wiprovite from that night)

Then he asked me 2 leave. Thats it I came out of the library hall of my college.

Result was announced after 5 hrs! My name was called out at last (My eyes filled with happy
tears: 0 Hugged my friends). Those were memorable moments of my life! Wished 2 share
with you friends, I did!

Best of luck to you all!

  Enter Your Comments
This S Pavi from Kongu Engg College. I had my Wipro placement on 14th and 15th
December, 2010. It was the second company that visited our college. Selects a very few
students. In our college it was 158 out of 400 odd students who attempted. I was lucky
enough to get selected. First round was aptitude. They selected 400 after aptitude. Then
filtered it to 175 after the technicals and finally eliminated 17 after HR. So the final list was
only 158.
The process started at 8.30 am and went on till 3.30 am in the night. Aptitude test had
3 sections. Verbal, Analytical and technical. Verbal was pretty tough but other two
were quite easy. Technical had questions from C and general questions like "name the
memory used for storing the images."
Written test was little bit difficult. Go through R.S. Aggarwal and some cat materials.
But sectional cutt off was less so don't get fear. Technical depends on who you go to,
in short pure luck. My interviewer is a cool person.
Me: Good Morning Sir
Int: Good Morning. Take your seat
Me: Thank you Sir
Int: Tell about yourself
Me: Told (in the mean time he askd me the reason 4 changing the proffession as I was
completed teacher training)
Int: Explain the paper
Me: Told blah blah (Be thorough in your paper and project)
Int: Tell me processors you are familiar about
Me: Told (be through in your area of interest)
Int: Different b/w 8085, 8086 and pentium 4
Me: Told
HR: He asked regarding my personal details. Thats it.
Don't worry friends always be cool be confident and your speech. Don't get tension.
All the best.
Next day early morning result has been declared. Gods grace I was one among them
Meet you at Wipro.

Test Paper :14

 Paper Type     : Aptitude - General
 Test Date        : 22  December  2010 
 Test Location  : Vasavi College Of Engg, Hyderabad
 Posted By        : K.Ranadheer
Hi Friends,

This is Ranadheer from Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad (C.S.E dept). Its glad to
inform you that I got placed in Wipro during campus recruitments and I would like to share
my experiences of that.

It mainly contains 4 rounds

1. Written Test.
2. Writing an Essay.
3. Technical round.
4. HR round.
1. Written test: (beware of sectional cut-off)

It basically contains 3 sections (50 questions in 1 hour)

a. Verbal (20 questions)

Verbal paper was bit easy with synonyms and Antonyms, Active and passive voice,
correction sentences, jumbled words, direct and indirect speech, reading comprehension
based questions.

b. Analytical (20 questions)

Analytical paper was bit tough with tricky and lengthy questions based on number theory,
partnership, probability, ages, train models, Time and distance, pipes and others.
In this section I suggest you that pick the questions carefully so that you reach cut-of
easily. Better to prepare from R.S.Aggarwal aptitude, R.S. Aggrwal Non verbal reasoning

c. Technical (10 questions)

This paper was easy with lowest cut-off (I suppose), questions from basics of C (expected
outputs and trace the type of error), Unix. 
2. Essay writing (Not an elimination round)
A general topic will be given, you need to write few lines about that with best supported
examples and quotes. This is not an elimination round but better have an eye on it (asked
me to summarize the essay both in technical and HR rounds). 

3. Technical Round

Technical round depends on the panel you were in.It differs from person to person. Mine
was 50% Tech and 50% HR. Asked about project (Mini), achievements and basic questions
in C(storage classes), C++, data structures (linked lists, sortings). Asked me to write
algorithms too (because I am from CSE).   
So prepare basic concepts thoroughly with syntax (structures, unions, enums, pointers,
linked lists, trees,  inheritances, polymorphism etc).

4. HR round

After the completion of tech round if you cleared it, you will be given a form of wipro to fill
(all the info. You have written in Resume). My HR interview was little stress one, where I
think confidence levels was tested. He asked my views on various general topics (to
examine you, so answer positively) with a mix of HR questions like what are the 3 things
your expecting from WIPRO? where would you like to see yourself in next 3-5 years? why
Wipro? and other.

Went through all rounds and finally got selected (one among the 236 selected in our
college). Bit tensed after my HR interview because of stress interview I felt. So, Be cool and
confident enough to face any sort of interview. And my suggestion is to have your resume
(short and aptitude) prepared well before the interview (only mention the things your are
good at with a ready example to answer it).
All the best!
Hi Friends,
This is RDC
As you know Wipro selection procedure is

1. Written Test (English, Aptitude and Technical)

2. Essay Writing (on Current topic)
3. Tehcnical Interview
4. HR Interview
5. Offer latter
I would like to suggest you guys please be prepare with English (Active/Passive,
Direct/Indirect, one word, Word Rearrange, Select Inappropriate word, Models based
Aptitude (Train, Average, Loss-Profit, Trigonometry, etc)
Technical (C, OOPS, DE, Data Structure, DBMS, Unix, OS)
So today I have faced Wipro Technology written test paper (20 questions english, 20
questions aptitude and 10 questions technical)
While I havent' exactaly remember all questions but let me try.

English (1-20 question)

* 2 Questions on Active/Passive voice

* 2 Questions on Direct-Indiredt Speech
* 1 Questions on one word
* 2 Question like select Inappropriate word
* 1 Question like rearrange the words and make meaningful word from FSURILOH
Aptitude (21-40 questions)

21. Toatal 100 Km distance traveled by a bus and scooter and speed of bus is 40km/hr and
scooter 30km/hr and the avg speed is 32km/hr then find the distance travelled by bus?
Ans : 25 km
22. A man sell his product on 20% discount on print rate and he purchase a product of 80
Rs then he want 20% profit then find the print rate of this product
Ans: 120 Rs
23. If radious of circle is increased by 8% then then area increased by %?
24. A train length is 100 mtr cross a man in 8 seconds (Same direction), man speed is
5km/hr and after 15 minutes train reached at station then find the time in wich the person
reach at station?
25. Question on Gates like x and y is the inputs of NAND gate and the output of NAND gate
and one additional input z is input for OR gate then what will be output?
Ans: X'+Y'+Z
26. One question like convert 1100100 binary to decimal value
Ans: 100
27 One question like reverse the half alphabate and the 7 latter from the 10 latter from
right side
Ans: D
Technical (41-50 questions)

41. What is the correct statement to print A-Z alphabet

(a) for(a='A';a<'Z';a=a+1)
(b) for(a=a;a< DIV>
42. One question on Unix write the chmode command to give the full permission to owner
and read & write for group and write only for others
Ans: 761
43. A unix command  cd../DIR. prog then write the comman for Progaabaa and Progabaaa
(a) rm dir []ab* (b) rm dir[] abbaa... something like this
44. One quesion on array like char str[3][4]={"agh","sft","kjh"};
char *str[4] ="wer"
Answers like 
(a) 162 162 (b) 162 163 (c) 162 165 (d) 162 166
45 one quesion on Hard Disk technology
50 last question on infix to Postfix like A*B/C^(C^D+E)-G
Well guys I have tried my best to share my experience but if any mistake then forgive
me, please confirm.
All The best!
Que31: Answer is B 

Que32: Answer is None of These 

Que33: Who did the invention of Mouse(Find it out Answer may be (A)) 

Que34: A computer program which come in hidden format but damages computer 

Answer is either Trojan(I ticked on this) or Virus 

Que35: A C++ program: Answer is B or D(I ticked D) 

Que36: Que for inheritence Answer is C 

Que: Related to Base register 

Que: One question for "egrep" cpmmand in UNIX 

Que: A C program 


Que: Next to the above ques A C program was there some related to sizeof() Answer is A 2-10-2 

Que: Memory access related ...Answer is C 

Que50:Answer is D 

Que: Related to LIFO and semaphore Answer is C indefinite Blocking 

Que: 48 and 49 if u know th answer then mark whatever u feel right if not mark D for both at least one
is correct 

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