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Demon Angel SAKURA vol.3 -The Gate of Passport- ver.1.0.1.


* This game is not for minors. You must be 18 years or older to play this game.

* This game contains graphic and disturbing scenes, including depictions of being
swallowed alive.
You play this game at your own risk.

* This game is only compatible with Windows.

* For Mac OSX, by serious deficiencies, we were allowed to cancel a correspondence.

We hope you understand.

* On Windows, running the game from C:\Program Files\ may result in incorrect
handling of save files.
It is recommended you place the game in a different location.

[How to play the game]

For detailed instructions, refer to

* Movement
Cursor Up: Jump (press again in mid-air to perform an air jump)
Cursors Left/Right: Move
Cursor Down: Crouch (halves the hitbox for the main character. Used for avoiding
Press a directional key toward a wall in mid-air: Stick to that wall. Press the
opposite directional key after that to perform a wall jump.
X or Space: Open the menu. You can check your items or load a saved game here.

* Attacking
S: Fires a shot. If you have shots stored up this will fire one of them.
A: Stores up shots. You can store a maximum of 5 shots, and when you have stored
the maximum the color, power and range of the shot will change.
W: Switch to the support character.

[User Agreement]
Kokage no Izumi makes no guarantees regarding unforeseen consequences resulting
from using this product. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program
and its content is strictly prohibited.

However, there are no restrictions on capturing images (such as taking screenshots)

and uploading them to private sites for the purpose of writing reviews. There is no
need to ask permission to do this, and Kokage no Izumi does not concern itself with
such conduct, but please make it clear that this is an adult title.

[Credits etc.]

Circle name: Kokage no Izumi

Graphics: Aki, Umeazuki, Tomi, Nunosuke, Yoshio

Character voices: Yuka Kanematsu, Haruna Kirishima, Ino Sakura, Nozomu Nanase
Music: Kate

Planning, story, scripting and others: Aki

Sound Effects: Codama Production, Taira Komori, otonomori


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