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First Aid


Selecting First Aid Provisions Contract Location

Min Requirements • 1 Full Stocked Identifiable First Aid Box (Per Floor/Building)
(Premises): • 1 Appointed Person
• Information for employees on what to do in an emergency.
• 1 Litre Eye Wash (Saline solution where there is no clean running
water for eye irrigation)
Min Requirements (Vehicle): • 1 Travel/ Vehicle Identifiable First Aid Box
• 1 Litre Eye Wash (Saline solution)

Hazard / Premises type Low Hazard (e.g. Offices) High Hazard (e.g. Workshops)
Number of Employees Under 5 4 - 50 50+ Under 5 5 – 50 50+
*Appointed Person 1 - - 1 - -
Emergency First Aiders Required - 1 1 1 2 -
(FAW) First Aiders Required - 1 1 Extra for - 1 1 Extra for
every 100 every 50
persons persons
It is essential that adequate provision is made to cover all times people are at Work. Provisions must be made
for absences, holidays etc.

Provision for Lone Workers

Low Hazard (e.g. Opening / Closing Gates) High Hazard (e.g. Operating Machinery)
Access to a First Aid kit Personal First Aid Kit
Daily Contact with Management Frequent Contact with Management and/ or
a Personal Alarm
EFAW / FAW Training if deemed necessary and depending on Hazards

Accident / Incident History

You must take into consideration the frequency and nature of any previous accidents and/ or incidences. Use
the space below to detail the types and numbers:

Needs Assessment
Use the area below to work out your requirements. Remember your assessment should also detail any
other training required e.g. Management of a casualty suffering from hypothermia or hyperthermia
Number of Office Staff : Number of Operational Employees: Seasonal Employees:
How are the Operational Employees spilt? E.g. 4 gangs of 3, 2 Lone working play inspectors etc.

Number of Emergency First Aiders Required:

Number of First Aiders Required:
Appointed Persons Required:

Other Requirements :

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First Aid


Action Plan
What is in place already? What needs to be done? By Who & When Completed

Continue on the reverse of this sheet if needed.

Assessment Completed by
Name Signature Date

Reviewed by:
Name Signature Date
First Aid


Firs Aid Box Contents

contents for a First • Leaflet giving general guidance on First Aid
aid Box • 20 x individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings in assorted sizes
Office/Workshop • 2No Sterile eye pads
• 4No Individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably Sterile)
• 6No Safety pins
• 6No Medium un-medicated sterile (medium 120cm x120cm) wound dressings
• 2No Large un-medicated sterile (large 180cm x 180cm) wound dressings
• 1 Pair disposable gloves (Powder free)
• 10No Sterile cleansing wipes
Minimum content
for a Travel Kit (Per • Leaflet giving general guidance on First Aid
Van) • 5 x individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings in assorted sizes
• 2No Sterile eye pads
• 2No Individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably Sterile)
• 2No Safety pins
• 2No Medium un-medicated sterile (medium 120cm x120cm) wound dressings
• 2No Large un-medicated sterile (large 180cm x 180cm) wound dressings
• 1 Pair disposable gloves (Powder free)
• 5No Sterile cleansing wipes
Eye Irrigation
• Provisions must be in place for the irrigation of the eyes in the event of an injury.
Where there is no clean running water a minimum of 1 Litre of Eye Wash (Saline
Solution) is required.

*Appointed Person This is someone who is responsible for the management of an emergency e.g.
contacting the emergency services. They should also check First Aid equipment
frequently to ensure all provision are in place, in date and easily accessible should
the need arise.

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