Kam Assignment

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Sterlite Technologies
Integration and Managed Services

Syndicate 5
AMAL JEEVAN (09020541056)
NEHA ISAWE (09020541069)
NEHAL NAGDEVE (09020541078)
PRASHANT KISLAYA (09020541081)
VAIBHAV SHARMA (09020541113)
1. Introduction and Purpose
The main purpose of this report is to provide-
• Key account organizational structure
• Format of key account plan
• Roles and responsibilities of kam

It also provides direction and a set of standardized policies and procedures to be

followed by the Sales & Marketing Department for carrying out the departmental
activities in an efficient manner. It also provides an authority matrix and standard
templates to be used for routine activities .

This document aims to cover the following sub-processes within the Sales & Marketing
Department –
1. Identification and Tracking of Opportunity
2. Tender/RFP evaluation and preparation of bid
3. Post bid activity
4. Project handover to the Projects Team
5. Receivables Managem ent

Sales & Marketing Team Structure :

An overview of the Sales & Marketing Departm ent’s structure is presented below.

Diagram no. -1
Key Account Organizational Structure

[where Vertical head is same as key account manager]

1. Identification and tracking of opportunity
a) The Marketing Department shall maintain an “Opportunity Database” having details of
the forthcoming or existing tender / RFP’s that could be applied for, and the scheduled
timelines for bidding.
b) Access to the Opportunity Database for updating new opportunities shall be available
to all the employees, while view rights shall be restricte d to the Sales & Marketing
Department and the respective Department Heads . Editing rights shall however, be
restricted to the Sales & Marketing Head and the respective Key Account Managers .
c) Any employee in knowledge of an opportunity shall update the same in the Opportunity
Databas e. The following details should be filled in:
- Name of the employee
- Function/Department
- Opportunity (Project Name – if availabl e)
- Prospective Customer
- Project Value (if available)
- Timelines for bidding (if any)
- Source of information (to be uploaded, if applicable)
d) As and when a new opportunity is updated in the database, it shall get reflected in the
key account of the respective Key Account Managers, who shall undertake the first level
filtering of the same
- In case of opportunities for which tenders/RFP’s are yet to be floated, the concerned
Key Account Manager shall keep a track of the same and shall update the opportunity
database as and when confirmed details are available . Till confirmation of the opportunity,
it shall remain as an open item in Key Account Managers key account .
- In case of other opportunities, for which tenders/RFP have been floated, Key Account
Manager shall short list the projects falling within Company’s defined verticals and projects
not in scope shall be ignored .
e) Opportunities shortlisted by the Key Account Manager s shall immediately get reflected
in the key account of Sales & Marketing Head and the Pre-Sales Head. Key Account
Managers shall also, on a weekly basis, forward the Weekly Opportunity Report, (Format
A) giving details of short listed tender/RFP’s, to the Sales & Marketing Head and Pre-Sales
Head for perusal .
f) The Sales & Marketing Head and Pre-Sales Head shall accept or decline the
opportunity, for further evaluation, giving specific reasons, for the same. Viewpoint of the
Sales & Marketing Head and Pre-Sales Head, regarding the acceptance or rejection of an
opportunity shall get reflected in the key accounts of respective Departm ent Heads
(Business Head, Finance Head, Operations Head and Commercial Head) for giving
recommendations, if any.
g) Final decision for commencing the evaluation of a tender/RFP shall lie with the Sales &
Marketing Head. It shall be ensured that the suggestions posted by the Department Heads
are taken into consideration .
h) The decisions taken and basis for the same shall be reported to the Business Head on a
weekly basis.
i) Pre-Sales Head shall maintain a Tender/RFP Tracking Sheet defining the timelines for
initiating and completing the evaluation of the short listed tenders/RFP . The same shall
include timelines for undertaking the following activities:
- Risk assessment of tender / RFP terms and conditions
- Preparation of Mitigation plans
- Negotiations with OEM’s and third party vendors
- Participation in Clarification Rounds
- Preparation of bids
j) Pre-Sales Head shall ensure that the Tender/RFP Tracking Sheet is forwarded to the
Operations Head, Sales & Marketing Head, Key Account Manager, Finance Head and
Commercial Head on timely basis, for commencing the Tender/RFP evaluation.
k) A Monthly Bid Report shall be generated by the Sales & Marketing team detailing the
additions to Opportunity Database, tender/ RFP’s reviewed, tender/RFP’s short listed.
2. Tender / RFP evaluation and preparation of BID
Tender/RFP evaluation
a) Pre-Sales Head in consultation with the Key Account Manager shall identify a Bid
Evaluation/ Preparation Team for a particular Tender/RFP and define responsibilities for
each of them. Authorised personnel from the Sales & Marketing Departm ent shall be
designated as the Bid Manager and shall work in alliance with the Pre-Sales Team.
b) Designated personnel from the Finance Department, Pre-Sales Department and
Commercial Department shall be responsible for identifying and documenting the risks
pertaining to their domain and as apparent from the Terms and conditions of the
Tender/RFP .
c) All the risks identified shall be documented in the Tender Risk Register, (Format E) to
be maintained by each department . Tender Risk Register shall also include the suggestive
mitigation plans, corresponding to the risks identified .
d) Authorized personnel from the Pre-Sales team shall collate and consolidate the Tender
Risk Registers of all the departments . Consolidated Tender Risk Register (Format E) shall
be placed before the Sales & Marketing Head, Operations Head, Key Account Manager,
Commercial Head and Finance Head for perusal .
e) It shall be ensured that risk analysis has been carried out for all the tender/RFP terms
which involve any obligation/liability for the company . Further, the mitigation plans
finalized may involve acceptance of the risks, passing it to the technology partner or other
vendors through a signed contract or entering into insurance contract etc.
f) Consolidated Tender Risk Register shall be forwarded to authorized personnel in the
Finance Department for detailed cost analysis required during the bid preparation time.
g) Sales & Marketing Head, in consultation with the respective Key Account Manager shall
authorize personnel from the Sales & Marketing Departm ent, to participate in the
Clarification Rounds undertaken by the prospective customer during the Bid Analysis time.
Doubts or ambiguities in any clause of the tender / RFP’s, shall be clarified from the
prospective customer within the defined timelines .
h) Authorized personnel from the Pre-Sales Team shall collate the queries from all the
departments, and forward the same to the person authorized to participate in the
clarification round. Further, risks identified by all the departments and the
corresponding mitigation plans should be communicat ed to him, to ensure that the
mitigating plans are put into practice and the effect of risks is reduced to minimum .
i) Explanations and responses received from the prospective customer should be
adequately compiled, documented, maintained and circulated to the Bid Preparation
j) Selection of OEM for a particular project shall be approved by a consensu s of the
Sales & Marketing Head and Pre-Sales Head. Reasons for selecting a particular
technology partner over the other shall be documented .
k) Authorized personnel from the Commercial Department shall be responsible for
undertaking negotiations and finalizing the contractual terms and conditions with the
OEMs/Technology Partner s.
l) MOU to be entered with the prospective technology partner shall be drafted by
designated personnel from the Commercial Department . It should be ensured that all
the possible risks identified by the departments, during the tender / RFP evaluation
processes are covered.
m) Before finalization, MOU shall be vetted by the legal department and in case of
disagreement with any terms and conditions, revised terms/probable resolutions
should be put before the Technology Partner for finalization .
n) No Bid shall be finalized before signing the Memorandum of understanding with the
selected Technology Partner .
o) Pre-Sales Head shall on a weekly basis forward the Weekly Progress Report
(Format C) to the Sales & Marketing Head giving details of the developments in the
evaluation of a particular Tender/RF P.
p) The Pre-Sales Head shall collate all the costs, risks and benefits identified during
the tender/RFP evaluation and put them before the Business Head, Sales & Marketing
Head, Operations Head, Finance Head and Commercial Head for final consensus .

Preparation of Bid
r) Guidelines for bid preparation prescribed in the Tender document should be
adhered to.
s) Responsibility for preparation of Bid shall be with the Pre-Sales Team who shall ensure
that all the costs, risks and benefits as identified during the tender/RFP evaluation, are
factored into while preparation of the final bid.
t) After the preparation of bid, Pre-Sales Head shall ensure that all the requisite
documentation required for bid submission is complete and all the requisite annexure and
supporting documents as specified in the Tender/RFP have been attached .
u) All bids prepared shall be approved and authorized by the Sales & Marketing Head, Pre-
Sales Head, Finance Head, Operations Head and the Business Head before submission .
Pre- Sales Head shall ensure that in absence of either of the above, and having regard to
the exigency for submission, approval should be taken through mail, or through phone, to
be ratified at a later stage.
v) Before submitting, the bid shall be sealed with Lac using Sterlite stamp. The stamp
shall be kept under lock and key, in the custody of Sales & Marketing Head only.

3. Post Bid Activity

a) Authorised personnel from the Sales & Marketing Departm ent shall attend client
meetings for any clarifications or negotiations required .
b) Any technical clarifications from client end shall be referred to the Pre-Sales team
immediately and reverted back to the client on timely basis.

In case of winning the bid

c) On being declared as L1, Key Account Manager shall make sure that all the post bid
requirements related to submission of Bank Guarantee and security etc. as per the
requirements of tender are complied with.
d) Due diligence should be effectively carried out regarding the activities to be
undertaken and the corresponding cost details, required to be incorporated in the APO.
Key Account Manager shall ensure that the same is signed off by the Sales & Marketing
Head, Finance Head, Pre-Sales Head and the Commercial Head.
e) Authorized personnel from the Sales and Marketing Department shall be responsible for
participating in the clarification rounds held by the customer after winning the bid and
before raising the APO, to minimize the deviations between the requirements of the tender
and related bid submitted thereto.
f) APO received should be duly examined and detailed Contract Review should be
undertaken by the Steering Commit tee, comprising of Finance Head, Sales & Marketing
Head, Pre-Sales Head and Commercial Head. The risks and benefits of going ahead with
the project should be identified and final analysis duly signed off by all the Steering
Committee members, should be put before the Business Head for approval .
g) It shall be ensured that the timelines specified in the tender for resolving the
clarifications required in the APO, acceptance of APO and further signing of PO are
complied with.
h) Authorized personnel from the Sales & Marketing Departm ent shall ensure that the
Sales Order is raised in the system on timely basis.
i) Responsibility for finalizing the contract with Technology Partners shall lie with the
Sales & Marketing Department, in consensu s with the Commercial Department . Third
party vendors, if any, shall be shortlisted and finalized by the Commercial Department . Any
change in the terms and conditions of the MOU shall require approval from the original
approvers .
j) A Bank Guarantee Tracking Sheet (Format H), giving details of the bank guarantees
required to be issued and the guarantees already submitted, under a particular project,
shall be maintained by the authorized personnel from the Sales & Marketing Department .
The same shall be reconciled with the records of the Finance Department on a monthly
basis and discrepancies if any, should be reported to the Sales & Marketing Head.

In case of not winning the bid

k) In the event of not winning the bid, Key Account Manager shall ensure that the security
deposit to be recovered is collected from the customer within the stipulated time specified
in the tender/RF P.
l) Analysis of the reasons for loss shall be done and documented by the concerned Key
Account Manager and put before the Sales & Marketing Head for perusal .
m) Monthly Bid Report (Format D) to be put before the Business Head, (as specified in 1(k)
above) shall, apart from the projects short listed, also give details of the projects applied for
but lost, along with reasons for the same.

4. Project Handover to the Projects Team

a) On completion of the post bid activity and after raising the Sales Order, Sales &
Marketing Department shall handover the project to the Operations Head for its execution .
b) It should be ensured that all the requisite documents related to the Project are
forwarded to the Operations Head and a sign off is taken against the same. The
documents would include:
- Copy of tender
- Detailed Scope of work
- Copy of agreements with the Technology Partners and third party vendors
- Risks identified during the pre-bid stage and corresponding mitigation plans
- Clarifications, notices, and other communications with the customer
c) Operations Head shall give a sign off regarding the receipt of documents over the
Project Handover Sheet.

5. Receivables Management
a) All collections shall be undertaken as per the Payment terms and other terms and
conditions specified in the tender/RFP .
b) Responsibility for ensuring timely recovery of amount due under a project shall lie with
the authorized personnel from the Sales & Marketing Departmen t in co-ordination with the
Collections Team.
c) Any non compliance or delay in collection from the scheduled contractual timelines
shall be reported to the Sales & Marketing Head and reasons for the same should be
documented in the Monthly Collection Report

2. Tender/RFP evaluation and preparation of Bid

Process Summary
This sub process highlights the activities required to analyze the feasibility of bidding for a
It involves analyzing the Company’s eligibility, scope of work and risk analysis of the terms
conditions specified in the tender.
This sub process further involves the activities of identifying and selecting the technology
and third party suppliers . Once the technology partner is finalized, a Memorandum of
Understanding is signed with it.
A bid is prepared considering the lowest benchmark price obtained through market
and the same, duly authorized by Sales & Marketing Head, Operations Head and Business
is submitted to the customer on the specified date.
Detailed sequence of activities is given below:

Sr. Activity Responsibility Generated
1. On receiving approval for undertaking Associate
tender Manager, Sales &
evaluation, Tender document shall be Marketing
purchased/ downloaded, from the
location/site at the specified time.

2. Copy of tender shall be forwarded to the Key Account

Finance Department, Commercial Manager
and Pre-Sales Department.

3. Scope of Work (SOW) shall be prepared Deputy Manager, Scope of Work

and the Pre-Sales
roles and responsibilities of each party Department
shall be
defined. SOW shall be forwarded to the
Sales Head for approval

4. Authorized personnel from the Finance Finance

Department, Commercial Department Manager;
and the Deputy Manager,
Pre-Sales Department shall analyse and Commercial;
evaluate Deputy Manager,
the applicable terms and conditions and Pre-Sales
document the apparent risks and
mitigation plans in the Tender Risk
5. The Tender Risk Register shall be Deputy Manager, Tender Risk
forwarded to Pre-Sales Register
the authorized personnel in the Pre-Sales Department
6. Pre-Sales Department shall collate and Deputy Manager,
consolidate the risks and observations of Pre-Sales
all the Department
departments in the Consolidated Tender
7. The Consolidated Tender Risk Register Deputy Manager,
shall be Pre-Sales
put before the respective Key Account Department
Manager, Sales &
Marketing Head, Operations Head,
Head and the Finance Head to analyse
possible mitigating controls

Sr. Activity Responsibility Document

No. Generated
8. Risk Mitigation plan shall be finalized by Key Account Risk
the Manager; Mitigation
respective Department Heads and the Deputy Manager,
status Pre-Sales; Plan
shall be updated in the Consolidated Finance Manager
Risk Register
9. Consolidated Tender Risk Register shall Deputy Manager,
be Pre-Sales
forwarded to the authorized personnel in
Finance Department on timely basis
10. Authorised personnel from the Pre-Sales Deputy Manager,
Team Pre-Sales
shall collate the queries from all the
and forward the same to the person
to participate in the clarification round.
risks identified and the corresponding
plans shall also be forwarded.
11. Explanations and responses received Bid Preparation
from the Team
prospective customer should be
compiled, documented, maintained and
circulated to the Bid Preparation Team.
12. Pre-Sales Team in consensus with the Deputy Manager,
Vertical Pre-Sales
Head shall identify and solicit proposals Department;
from Deputy
the available OEMs / Technology Partners Manager, Sales &
for Marketing
the required technology/product.
13. Comparatives shall be made for the Deputy Manager,
technical Pre-Sales
and commercial specifications of each Department
Technology Partner.
14. Proposals of the OEM/Technology Deputy Manager, Techno
partners Pre-Sales Commercial
and the corresponding comparatives Department comparatives
shall be put of
before the concerned Key Account OEMs/Techn
Manager, Pre-Sales ology Partners
Head and Commercial Head for perusal.
15. Negotiations, if required, shall be Deputy Manager,
undertaken Commercial
with the shortlisted technology partners
in order
to get the best quote.
16. Best suited Technology Partner in terms Deputy Manager,
of cost, Pre-Sales
technology, goodwill etc. shall be short
listed. It
shall be ensured that the selected OEM
the eligibility requirements specified in
17. Details of the short listed technology Key Account
partners Manager
shall be put before the Sales & Marketing
for approval.
18. Approval shall be received from the Sales
Marketing Head and the Pre-Sales Head.
Reasons for selecting a particular

19. Final MOU shall be drafted and forwarded Commercial MOU

to Department;
the legal consultant for vetting. Key Account
20. Suggestions of the Legal consultant shall Key Account
be Manager
implemented and the final MOU shall be
forwarded to the Sales & Marketing Head
21. Forward the final MOU to the Technology Key Account
Partner/OEM and undertake negotiations Manager; Deputy
if manager,
Required Commercial
22. Receive signed copy of the MOU from Key Account
Technology Partner and forward the Manager
same to
Finance Department for record.
23. In case of the project necessitating Deputy Manager,
involvement Pre-Sales
of third party vendors, details shall be Department
to the Commercial Department.
Selection of vendors shall be done in
accordance with the
process specified in the SOP for
24. Details of the short listed vendor shall be Deputy Manager,
received from the Commercial Team and Pre-Sales
the Department
related costs and benefits shall be
factored in the
overall bid evaluation
25. Collate all the costs, risks and benefits Pre-Sales Head
during the tender/RFP evaluation and put
before the Business Head, Sales &
Head, Operations Head, Finance Head
Commercial Head for final consensus.
26. Business Head shall give a final Go/No-Go Business Head
decision for bidding. The decision shall be
further communicated to the COO.
27. On receiving all the requisite information, Pre-Sales Head
Preparation Team shall prepare the bid,
incorporating all the available costs and
28. All the annexure and supporting Deputy Manager,
documents (as Pre-Sales
per the requirements of Tender) shall be Department
consolidated and attached with the bid
29. Cross verify the documentation Pre-Sales Head
specified in the tender/RFP with the
documents attached to ensure
Sign off shall be given regarding the
30. Final Bid shall be approved and Business Head, Final Bid
authorized Sales &
Marketing Head,
Head, Finance
Sr. Activity Responsibility Document
No. Generated
31. All the requisite documents shall be put Pre Sales Head
in an
envelope, (as per the requirements of
tender) and the
same shall be sealed with the stamp of
32. Requirements for submission of EMD Key Account
shall be Manager
communicated to the Finance
Department and
complied with.
33. Sealed bid shall be submitted on the Key Account
stipulated Manager
date and time at the designated place.

3. Post Bid Activity

Process Summary
This sub process details the process narratives for activities subsequent to the submission
of bid.
Major activities include participating in the clarification rounds undertaken by customer,
and acceptance of the APO and PO, contract review of the project proposed to be
signing of the contract with Technology Partner and Third Party vendors .

Detailed sequence of activities is given below:

Sr. Activity Responsibility Document

No. Generated
1. After bid submission, designated Key Account
personnel from the Manager
Sales & Marketing Department shall
attend client
meetings for making presentations, or for
any clarifications or negotiations required
by the
2. Technical clarifications, if any, from client Key Account
end shall be Manager
referred to the Pre-Sales team

3. Response from the Pre-Sales Team shall Key Account

be Manager
communicated to the client on an
immediate basis

4. Authorized personnel from the Sales & Key Account

marketing Manager
Department shall be present at the time
of opening of
the bid. On receiving information
regarding winning
or loosing of the bid, same shall be
communicated to
other departments.

5. Details regarding the requirement for Key Account

issue of Bank Manager
Guarantee, as specified in the tender
shall be
communicated to the Finance
Department, to ensure
timely submission of BG
(Timelines specified in the tender to be
adhered to)
6. Internal workings regarding the activities Key Account
and Manager
corresponding cost details required to be
in the APO should be formulated by the
personnel from the Finance, Pre-Sales
Commercial Department.
7. Key Account Manager shall ensure that Key Account
the same is signed off Manager
by the Sales & Marketing Head, Finance
Head, Pre-
Sales Head and the Commercial Head.
8. APO (PO in case of private parties) Key Account
received from the Manager
customer shall be forwarded to the
Department and Commercial Department
9. APO/PO, whichever applicable, shall be Deputy Manager,
cross Commercial
checked by the Commercial Department Department;
and Finance Finance Manager
Department for presence of any
discrepancies vis-àvis
the tender.

10. APO received should be duly examined Key Account

and detailed Manager
Contract Review should be undertaken by
Steering Committee.

11. Discrepancies if any, in the APO/PO vis-à- Deputy Manager,

vis the Commercial
tender shall be intimated to the Department;
concerned Vertical Finance Manager
12. Differences in the APO/PO shall be Key Account
resolved with Manager
the customer.
(As per the timelines specified in the
13. Final analysis of the Contract Review duly Sales &
signed off Marketing
by all the Steering Committee members, Head
should be put
before the Business Head for approval.
14. Key Account Manager in consensus with Key Account Contract with
the Deputy Manager Manager; Technology
Commercial shall finalize and sign the Deputy Manager, Partner
Contract with Commercial
Technology Partner and any
modifications required in
the MOU shall be incorporated after

15. In case of the requirement of selecting a Deputy Manager, Contract with

third party Commercial third party
vendor, Commercial department shall Department vendo
finalize a
vendor and formulate the contract.
For the process of selecting third party
vendors, refer
Procurement SOP
16. Final PO shall be received and forwarded Key Account
to the Manager
Finance Department and Commercial
17. Authorized personnel shall maintain a Deputy Manager,
Bank Sales &
Guarantee Tracking Sheet (Format H) on Marketing
a monthly
basis, and update the same with the
bank guarantees
required to be issued and the guarantees
submitted, under a particular project.
18. Authorized personnel shall obtain the Deputy Manager,
details of Bank Sales &
Guarantees submitted during a month Marketing
from the
Finance Department, and reconcile the
same with his
19. Discrepancies in the reconciliation shall Deputy Manager,
be Sales &
documented in the Bank Guarantee Marketing
Tracking Sheet
and put before the Sales & Marketing
Head with
reasons for variance.
20. In case of not winning the bid, authorized Deputy Manager,
personnel Sales &
from the Sales & Marketing Department Marketing
shall recover
the refundable security deposit from the
customer on
a timely basis.
(On receiving intimation regarding not
winning the bid)
22. Analysis of the reasons for loss shall be Key Account Monthly Bid
done and Manager Report
documented in the Monthly Bid Report by
concerned Key Account Manager
23. Monthly Bid Report shall be reviewed and Sales &
authorized Marketing
by the Sales & Marketing Head and the Head;
Pre-Sales Pre-Sales Head
(By 6th of the subsequent month)
24. Authorized report shall be forwarded to Sales &
the Business Marketing
Head. Head
(By 7th of the subsequent month)

4. Project Handover to Projects Team

Process Summary
This sub process highlights the activities required to be undertaken to formally handover
the core
project activities to the Projects Department for execution . It involves taking a sign off from
Projects Head regarding the completion of Post Bid activities by the Marketing Department
finalization of the scope and responsibilities of the Projects Department .
Detailed sequence of activities is given below:

Sr. Activity Responsibility Document

No. Generated
1. Authorized personnel from the Sales & Deputy Manager,
Marketing Sales &
Department shall prepare the Project Marketing
Handover Sheet
detailing the documents required to be
forwarded to
the Projects Department.
(Immediately after raising the Sales
2. The Project Handover Sheet shall be Deputy Manager,
discussed with Sales &
the Key Account Manager and any Marketing
modifications suggested
shall be incorporated.
3. Key Account Manager shall forward the Key Account
Project Handover Manager
Sheet to the Sales & Marketing Head for
approval and
any modifications suggested shall be
4. Forward Project Handover Sheet along Key Account
with the Manager
requisite documents to the Operations
Head for
(Within 4 days of raising the Sales Order)
5. Requirements of the Projects Key Account
Department, if any, shall Manager
be discussed and revised handover sheet
shall be
prepared and forwarded to the
Operations Head


5. Receivables Management
Process Summary
This sub process defines the roles and responsi bilities for tracking the overdue payments
and the
procedure for recovering the same. It ensures that the invoices related to projects are
raised and
sent to customer as soon as the project milestone is completed . Responsibility of the Sales
Marketing Department shall be to undertake negotiations and follow ups with the
customer, on a
regular basis, thereby ensuring speedy and timely recovery of amounts due.
Detailed sequence of activities is given below:

Sr. Activity Responsibility Document

No. Generated
1. Concerned personnel from the Sales & Key Account
Marketing Manager
Department shall receive intimation
regarding the
completion of a project milestone, for a
project, from the Projects Team.
2. Authorized personnel from the Sales & Associate Invoice,
Marketing Manager, Acceptance
Team shall assist the concerned Sales & certificate,
personnel from the Marketing Test
Finance Department for collating certificates
requisite etc. as per
documents, forms and for preparation of the
invoice. requirements
3. Authorized personnel shall undertake the Key Account
necessary Manager
follow-ups with the customer in co-
ordination with
the Collections Team
4. Any delay in collection from the Key Account
scheduled Manager
contractual timelines shall be reported to
the Sales
& Marketing Head through the Monthly
Report, recoding the reasons for the
5. Suggestions of the Sales & Marketing Key Account
Head shall be Manager
put into practice.

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