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Finish contents for session 1: exercises 6 and 7.

Session 2 – Speaking into Writing

1. Look at the picture and discuss these questions as a class:

- How does plastic end up in the ocean?

- What different problems does plastic pollution cause?

2. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

ban - conservation - dangerous - debris - disposable - sponsor

1. The plastic ________ in our oceans is destroying the ecosystem.

2. Some corporations now ________ teams of people to clean up their local beach.
3. Plastic fishing lines are highly ________ to sea turtles because they can get stuck in them.
4. People shouldn’t use ________ products like straws or coffee cups that they only use once.
5. We need to reduce our use of plastic to help the ________ of marine animals.
6. I think that the government should ________ the sale of plastic bags to customers.

3. Work in groups. Discuss these questions:

1. What disposable items can you think of that we throw away regularly?
2. In your country or your region, are there any areas where conservation is particularly important?
3. What things do you think should be banned in supermarkets?
4. Is it a good idea for large companies to sponsor community projects? Why? / Why not?
5. How can we reduce our plastic consumption?
4. Read the Skills focus box. What other tips can you think of for working well in a group?

SKILLS FOCUS: Working well in a group

During your studies, working life and even in exams, you may have to work on a collaborative task with
other people. Here are some tips on how to do this well.

● Listen carefully to the other people so that you can comment on what they say.

● Use language to show how much you agree or disagree with them.

● Take turns asking and answering questions, so that you both/all contribute equally.

Listen to two students, Alyssa and Philippe, responding to this exam discussion question. Which two of the
steps (1–5) do the candidates discuss?

How effective would these steps be in reducing plastic pollution in the ocean?

1 increasing the price of plastic bags in stores

2 showing educational films to school children about damage to the ecosystem

3 using social media to protest against the use of disposable plastic products

4 getting companies to sponsor clean-up days on the beach

5 putting more recycling bins near beaches

6. Listen again. Tick the expressions for agreeing and disagreeing that you

Good point.
I couldn’t agree with you more. And what about …? (adding a similar point)
I’d say that’s true.
I think you’re right.
I tend to agree with you on that.

Mildly disagreeing
I see what you mean … but … (introducing a contrasting point)
On the whole I agree with you, but …
I agree to some extent, but …
I see what you’re saying, but …
I see your point, but …

Strongly disagreeing
I’m afraid I (totally) disagree.
I don’t think that’s true/accurate/correct. (+ reason(s) for disagreeing)
I don’t/can’t agree with that.
That’s not always the case.
7. Evaluating communication. Which candidate do you think is better at collaborating? Why?

8. Listen to people using some of the expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. You will hear the same reply
twice. Decide which reply, a or b, sounds more polite.

1. ‘Most sports teams are happy to receive corporate sponsorship.’

A: That’s not always the case.
B: That’s not always the case.
2. ‘It’s the council’s responsibility to pick up rubbish, not the public’s.’
A: I agree to some extent, but …
B: I agree to some extent, but …
3. ‘People are too selfish to care about the environment.’
A: I don’t think that’s true.
B: I don’t think that’s true.

9. PLASTIC POLLUTION. Write a response to these statements, using the expressions for agreeing and
disagreeing. Use a different expression each time. Use your own ideas to add a similar point, a contrasting
point, or a reason for disagreeing. TOMORROW FRIDAY!!

1 We need to reduce the number of fast-food outlets near the beach.

2 Most people don’t care about what happens to their rubbish.
3 If supermarkets only used paper bags, it would help solve the problem.
4 There are more important problems in the world than plastic pollution.

10. Now work in groups. Share your opinions. Try to use as many expressions for agreeing and disagreeing as
you can and remember to keep your intonation polite. Record your discussion.


Watch this video on how to write an opinion essay:

- Write an opinion essay about this statement (between 140-190 words):

‘People who don’t recycle their rubbish should be fined’

Do you agree or disagree?

 Introduction: hook / background & your opinion
 Support your opinion with reasons and details
 Counter-argument → refute (no) or concede (yes… but)
 Conclusion: summarise the main points and finish with a strong argument.

Important: use connectors!


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