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Test 7 Version B

Time 40 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2017

Part 1

Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply.
You will hear each sentence twice.

1 A It doesn’t matter.
B No, I don’t think so.
C Yes, as often as I can.

2 A I feel sick.
B Here. This area.
C I can’t concentrate.

3 A I’ve got this medicine.

B Can I have a look?
C It’s very uncomfortable.

4 A Oh dear. Really?
B Phew! That’s good to hear.
C Sure, no problem.

5 A I suppose so.
B What does it do?
C My skin is very itchy.

6 A Can I have a look?

B Where does it hurt?
C Do you do any exercise?

3 Turn over ►
7 A What a relief.
B How awful!
C I’ll just check.

8 A What does it do?

B I've taken some medicine.
C When did this problem start?

Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about changes.

Choose the missing words (A, B or C) for each space.

9 Don’t buy her any chocolate, because she’s on a ............ at the moment.

A diary B diet C detail

10 He’s a ............ smoker – he smokes 20 cigarettes a day.

A busy B regular C general

11 Susie and Mike ............ at university and now have two children.

A got up B got back C got together

12 He wants to ............ weight before his wedding in July.

A take B put C lose

13 Yesterday, I got in ............ with an old friend from school.

A touch B well C together

14 I’ll never ............ rich in this job – the pay’s very low.

A get B have C make

5 Turn over ►
15 Because Jason is quite big, he is acting in the film as a man who is ............ .

A full B overweight C great

16 After leaving school, the actor Rick Munro got a ............ at university to study drama.

A piece B place C part

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about some changes in people’s lives. What are the missing words?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 In my new job, I’m going to earn more money and g _ _ p _ _ _ at the end of every month.

18 I am trying to g _ _ _ u _ smoking, but it’s hard because I started 15 years ago.

19 I’m getting to k _ _ _ my swimming coach very well – she’s really nice.

20 It's easy to keep in s _ _ _ _ if you do exercise regularly.

21 I am now heavier than before because I p _ _ o _ w _ _ _ _ _ when I was on holiday.

22 He wants to get f _ _ , but he doesn't like doing any sport!

23 They are getting d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because they’re not happily married.

24 Unfortunately, Claire doesn’t get on w _ _ _ with the other girls in her class.

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read this article about Anne Reeves, a writer.

Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.

Anne Reeves

Anne Reeves enjoyed writing when she was a child. She used to (25) ………… love stories and
she often won prizes as the (26) ………… writer in her class. Now she is one of the (27) …………
writers in the country and she thinks adventure stories are (28) ………… than love stories!

Anne is a very successful writer and she lives in a beautiful house by the sea, but life really didn’t
(29) ………… to be as good for her (30) ………… it is now. She used to (31) ………… a teacher
and she didn’t get paid very much money. She had a lot of work to do, so she (32) ………… to find
it hard to have time to write. But all that changed when she had the idea for her first novel. She
wrote it in two weeks and when the book reached the shops it was a huge success!

25 A write B writing C wrote

26 A best B good C better

27 A very famous B famous C most famous

28 A most interesting B less interesting C more interesting

29 A using B use C used

30 A as B than C so

31 A being B be C was

32 A used B didn’t use C use

9 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about changes.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.

33 This is the furthest we’ve ever run in training.

We’ve never run ……………………………………….. this in training.

34 Children don’t play outdoors as much as when I was young.

Children ……………………………………….. outdoors more often when I was young.

35 To keep in shape, having a healthy diet is more important than anything else.

The ……………………………………….. thing for keeping in shape is having a healthy


36 In the past, people didn’t have so many allergies.

In the past, people didn't ……………………………………….. to have so many allergies.

37 My health was worse 5 years ago.

My health ……………………………………….. now than it was 5 years ago.

38 Dad was really fit when he was younger, but he isn’t now.

Dad ……………………………………….. be fit when he was young.

39 My sister didn't live in Paris before, but she does now.

My sister ……………………………………….. to live in Paris.

40 He’s never had such an easy job.

This is ……………………………………….. job he’s ever had.



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