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Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Maximum marks: 60 marks


Note: Attempt any TEN question (including 5 question from each part) from this section.

Q2. Write two contributions of each of the following:

 Yaqoob Al kindi
 Al-Beruni

Q3. State the following laws:

i. Law of conservation of momentum

ii. Newton’s 3rd law of motion
iii. Law of inertia
iv. Snell’s law

Q4. Define Elastic potential Energy and derive the equation Elastic PE = 1/2kx2

Q5. Write two points of difference between:

 Distance and displacement

 Stable and unstable equilibrium

Q5. Define the following:

i. Scaler quantity
ii. Free vector
iii. Torque
iv. Centre of gravity

Q6. Define branches of physics about solid material, nucleus of atom and astronomical bodies

Q7. Who invented pin hole camera? Show the image formed by it through diagram

Q8. Define power and derive the equation P=FV

Q9. Prove that moment of couple is equal to the product of one of the forces and arm of
Q10. The mass of an electron is 9.11 x 10-31 kg convert it into GRAM, MILLI GRAM, CENTIGRAM and

Q11. A force is acting at an angle of 60 degrees with x-axis if the x-component of the force is 50N,
Find resultant component and y-component of the force.

Q12. Calculate the orbital velocity of the satellite required moving around the earth where radius of
earth is 6x10^9m and the value of g is 10 m/s2

Q13. An object is placed in front of concave mirror of focal length 4 cm if the image is formed at 5
cm from the mirror find its object distance if the image is 4 cm high . find the height of object

Q14. Find energy in Kilo watt hours(KWh), if the power is 200 W bulb used in 30 min.

Q15. A car is moving with uniform acceleration and attains the velocity of 108Km/hr in 5 min. Find
the acceleration of the car

Q16. Compute the gravitational force of attraction between two boys of masses 50kg and 40kg
respectively apart from each other by 2m.(G= 6.67x10-11 Nm2/kg2)

Q17. A car is moving in a circular track of radius 30m at a constant speed of 20 m/s. Find the
centripetal acceleration of the car


Note: Attempt any TWO questions from this sections
Q18(a). Derive an expression how the value of ‘g’ decreases with a change in altitude

(b). State Newton’s 2nd law of motion and derive F= ma

Q19(a). With the help of ray diagram derive mirror equation

(b) Define Inclined plane with the help of diagram. Also derive the mechanical advantage of it

Q20(a). Two bodies of different masses are attached with a string which passes over a frictionless
pulley such that the bodies are moving vertically downward. Derive acceleration and tension

(b). Define resolution of vector. Explain the method to resolve a vector into its rectangular

Engr. Mahad Shakeel

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