Chua Ce Board Exam Nov 2016 Hydrau Geo PDF

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Obisin the gage pressure in vessel of ‘marcy at a point $00 mim below the quid ‘surface, expressing the answer in kPa, Solution: p=yh ($9.00) Wa consrete cube 300 mm in a sie is to be ‘completely submerged in a liquid having 2 specific gravily of 4.70, what downward force, in kN, is necessary to hold the cube in ‘equilibrium? Specific gravity of the concrete cubes 2.35. Solution: Fm Fe W=0F F + 0310.3)(0.3)9.89)(2.35) = 03(0.3)0.3)(8.84)(4-70) F=06224N Abermeabe soi ‘ayer that is underiain by Nie aa Fis eras ™. thick measured ric the coats of pernesbiy ot © peimeable layer K = 0,005 cmisec Setermina the rate of ‘Seepage per meter ‘Wath of permneaie layer In irs per hour istan 5 Cos 5° i=SinS i= 0.08715 H=4 Coss" q He 398478 ‘Az 398478(1) A= 300478 | = 018/0.057 1636398478) = O063miite | q= 68 ters / hr, aE ‘A Joyed of $08 cay having an intial vid ai ot B90 & 42m. thick Under a compresahe food applied. atone. W. the vod cho | decreased by. one-third. Evaluais the reductign inthe thickness ofthe clay layers Solution: aa) @ (fo. §(050)] Sa Tram 3= 189m a I -(2}es)-ars ae er open:cyindrcal vssel having @.haght ial fo the diameter Is halt-flled with water olaled about its own vertical axis, with a anl sped of 120 rpm. Evaluate its diameter so that there can be no - (125i A881) 10.288 D a SECA [An open tank enntains 3 quid 5m. deep of ‘unit weight of 7 kNim?, Waler Is poured over the liquid and the total depth of bath liquids is 8 m. Obtain the gage pressure in KPa at the bottom ofthe tank Solution: p=7(5) + 9.8113) 4.49 kPa 10. CE Board N ‘Agoll sample has'a unit weight af 21.1 KN/n* ‘al a moisture content of 9.6%, When ‘completely saturated, the unit weight becomes 22.58 kNim?. Evaluate the void ratio of the soil, 2.45 y,,(1 + 0098) “yy 218.22 kin = Se = tee Gy. Ite fae gh Ne ate ¥e masa = 1az2+ 828!) te sate Tre 3.36 +336e=98te 2-052 326 = CEBo: 01 To determine the volume of an irregulaly shaped object that weighs 200.N in al, the enginest completely submerged it'in fresh wwalet and observed that the weight was reduced to 240 N. Evaluate the volume of the ‘object in m?. In ay san Rowing steady witout ety the total onergy contained Is the sare ry point in Ns path of ow. This ns atebiedio. “ 4) Bernoult 2) Archimedes ©) Pascal d) Boye ‘A cylinerica) bucket 200 mm in diameter and 300- ma high s 23 tl of water. ns crag 2 vertical plone so that the bottom of te bucket describes a radius of 1m. How fast should the bucket be totaled in rpm so thatna bucket Solution: 400 mm x 400 mm in cross: ve ambadded 20 m. Into a layer of sh ‘compression ail eluate 1120 KPa. F=1(60) “000 (20) F= 1920 0N $920(N}(0.80)= 12000 N=781 say 8 piles Eat ae) Actomding to Section 304 of the National Structural Cade fr Bulking (NSCP C10'-10), the presumptive load bearing capacity of sandy depcsils, in the absanca of exheustve geotechnical site assessment = and investigation, is 100 kPa for a minimum fooling wth of 300 mm and @ minimum depth of embedment of 300 mim, This valve ‘can be increased by 20% for each additonal 300 mm of width of footing andlor depth of founding to a maximum of three (3) mes the designated value. © Evaluate the allowable bearing capacty, in kPa, of the sot fr a square footing 1,2 rm. wide when founded at a depth of 208 ‘mm below ground surface. @ Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity of the sol for a square feoting 1.2 m. -wide when founded at a depth of 900 mm below ground surface @ Determine the safe. downward load, in iN, that the footing of the preceding question can support, ‘Additonal width of footing = 1 Additional width of footing Sa ‘Allowable bearing capacity =yag{ 900 = on +100= 160 KPa ® ‘Alowable bearing capacity for a 1.2 m footing founded at a depth of 900 mm below ground surface ‘Additional depth of founding = 900 - 300 ‘Additional depth of founding = 600. Increase ‘soll pressure for depth of founding (160) =64 kPa ‘Alowable bearing capacity = 160 + 64 ‘Allowable bearing capacity = 224 ® Sale load that the footing of the preceding question can support P=Aca Pat. (224) P=32256 KN A concrete dam of trapezoidal crass-saction is shown with T= 1m, 8 = 430m, H= 9m, and h = 6 m. The weight of concrate: is 24 Kiim?. For the alven conditions, evaluate; Solution: ® Total hydrostatic force on the dam P= 176.58 Say 177 KN @ Resisting moment of the dam bo’ ‘overturning, Ww, = 11924)=216 w= ue = 3564 R= W(22) *04(88) RM = 21822) + 3564088) RM= 1608 Nn: sires al-a point below the surface of nHnfinite, hamogeneous, isotropic. sol ms Ue to a point load Q applied at the d surface is given by the equation: 0477 QN Z 1 ares [rary horizontal distance of the paint from the vertical line application ofthe load ‘of point belowground surface the vertical stress, in KPa, at point the ground for = 1500 4N. -itthe point is 25 m. directly below the nt of application of the load, + point is 5m. directly below the point 4s 2.6 m, below the !bad but 3 Bayon incl cabn the Solution: Vertical stress at a point 25 m. directly below the point of application ofthe load Q-1500 kr eel = jes Net | | _ OATTLISOOK) : sy prtiessiPa Vertical stress at a point § m. directly below the point of application of the load re 0.477(1500\1) (5 p= 28.64Pa she apn 25m, ee $m. below | ‘ool LS fray ots =2sm) ee [wr Es [aay ne sari soon sar) =129kPa (25) = 0.10753 Q=0,78 lites (sec. @ Theorefical discharge if the container | moving upward al an acceleration Mi that af gravity mo fa He7S o=Ay2aH = Haoip./a8n79) 1 =0,00085 m/ 560. | 0= 095 ites /s0e- t=6,0, 050, ¢,afaq a-085069{ = }oony OBINS) poll sample has a dry unit weight of 15 is? and a void rato of 0.50. valale the specific gravity of the 305d sol J Obtain the unit weight of the sampie in | im? when fully saturated. What Is the hydrauke gradient al suicksand condition? Solution: ‘Specific gravity of the soll sample Pesce in 0 4g 01089 1+0.50 PaCS nar Aright circular cyindrical tank container, 2m. in diameter and 4m. high, is % ul of water, When rotated about its vertical ax atthe rate ‘ol 60 revolutions per minute © How many meters vill the water surface drop at the center of the vessel? ® What is the pressure, in kPa, at the base ‘of the container along the perimeter? 2 What is the volume in m of the paraboloid formed by the rotation of the. vessel? Solution: (D Height that the water surface drop at the: center of the Vessel when rotated about the wertical axis at the rate of 60 rpm aes 6-283 radisec. a wwe cong 6.283)" =2.00m, y= ‘Ug81) es ® Pressure: at along the pain ‘he i Of the container | nes00s Paayh Pa 9.81(3.005) Pa= 29.48 kPa @ Volume of the paraboloid formed by the ‘rotation of the vessel ye Her 2 = MVU209 2, v= 346m" ‘A rectangular plate of dimension 0.60 m x 1.2 m. is submerged vertical In water with ils shorter edge at the liquid ‘surface and parallel fit © come Ba ee side ofthe plate in kN. @ Xa te aor of he foe tom he iim, P=yhA P=9.81(0.6)08)(12) PS 424eN @ Location of the force from the center of} rat of the pate | ae §, =belt2? Az i, = 008640 n S,=Ay 8, = 0812405) 432 = 200 mm © Location of the force from the liga surlace n=060+02 h=0.801m h= 800mm Pas of fw par mater of ha tepcnt Qekia p= 00 EO 7H ISEEHEH| Q* MA dscm"s00, ‘e Onechange ot the mega on a RSay a: MHomOIEN poy Qenrirint fay A boca wend Raving a Sergi i" and constant cross-tecton A foals wndicaly ‘mates S10 mim abo Ite whet suf Whin plices anuiter Heqald wi shectic grvity of 135. the Bleck qrejecs: 75 em Projecting above te ieuat surtare, Evansste re fob (© Chiat the lengrh “tin oom Spectral of woot @ he wood i veteaty aebreryed ssametar (spor = 1.05), by how many nibmelers would pttyect ut of wat 7 BF syn -000HAT AN Wea bapa KAO) Brie

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