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Broken families are on since the beginning of humanity.

In fact, divorce, which has been very

common in today’s societies, is the major cause that leads to family devastation. However,
although, in some cases, divorce is the only solution for a family to live in peace, one must
think many times before taking such decision, and that is because of many. 
When life becomes unbearable between a woman and her husband, they may think of divorce
as being a fair solution for both of them to get their “independence” and live a normal life, they
may even think that it is suitable for their children. However, this is not the case, divorce may
have some serious consequences that can affect the whole society . 

In school, I had never thought about how difficult things are for women. Things started
making sense when I went to college and read about social bias, oppression and patriarchal
nature of our society. I had always thought that I come from a liberal family, but lately I
realised that things that appeared normal were actually oppression I had to face because of
being a woman. I have been working with a charitable trust that aims at helping the Muslim
weaver community Ansari. I attended a seminar when women expressed how they were
reduced to mere household help, did not had any say in family matters and were oppressed
time and again. A few of the women were the victims of Talaq. The entire incidence
staggered me and I realised that I need to work for the women.

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