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Braille Recognition System – With a Case Study Arabic Braille Documents

Developing an effective visual recognition system (OBR) is a basic approach to consider. The
OBR system is designed to recognize a scanned Arabic Braille document and convert it into a
computerized text format that can be used by converting it to audio using other applications, or it can
be stored for later use. The OBR system is very useful especially for Braille users and for all who want
to communicate with the blind and cannot read Braille characters such as teachers, parents, friends,
computerized Braille libraries and public institutions. OBR systems such as the algorithm proposed by
Salman and others were developed to recognize Braille cells from two-sided Braille documents, while
Abdel-Moneim developed a completely fixed OBR system to measure the scanned image.
The methodology behind the OBR system falls under three main steps, and it works as follows:
the preprocessing. In this stage started with the import of the scanned Braille R image to be processed.
Initially, image contrast must be increased by setting the density values in R to the new values, such as
1% of the data saturated with a low and high density of R, then the image will be converted to binary
format. Thus, after experiments, the intermediate filter is elected to remove the image noise. After that,
it is necessary to improve the shape of the points. Next is the stage of cell detection, where proposed
model consists of three processes: finding the distance vector, building a matching plate, and finally the
matching process. Next, the interpretation stage respectively. At this point, a database is created for all
Arab Braille cells with the corresponding binary codes. The cell binary consists of six bits. Converts
each cell in the mirror image to its binary code. Then, the code used on the corresponding Arabic letter
or phrase of the stored database will be interpreted by linking the translator with database codes for the
requested language.
Finally, we conclude that the OBR system offers high performance and impressive detection
rates for image clarity. In addition, the system can be easily upgraded, as mentioned previously, by
linking the translator with database codes for the required language previously reserved for later use
[ CITATION Zag11 \l 1033 ].

Optical Braille Recognition Based on Semantic Segmentation Network

with Auxiliary Learning Strategy

With the great success of Deep Learning on ImageNet in 2012, Deep Learning has made
impressive progress on many challenging tasks such as Image Classification, Object Discovery, and
Semantic Hash. Some of the methods present mainly focus on categorizing braille characters with CNN
networks. By revealing and identifying generic and effective braille letters and all original Braille
pictures. We consider straight braille or braille cells and divide them instead of Asian braille points. For
this task, we suggest a robust OBR framework based on the BraUNet semantic network. The goal of
BraUNet is to split multi-category braille letters by using the U-Net structure of long-range feature map
maps between the encoder and the decoder for more low-level features. These strategies can improve
the ability to learn the feature and perform the entire braille segmentation. Experimental results show
that the proposed framework is more general, robust, and effective in recognizing Braille characters in
the general two-sided Braille image dataset and handwritten Braille documents.
U-Net architecture on the OBR system is used by long-range communications between the
encoder and the decoder to link feature maps to the corresponding size, which can enhance low-level
edge resolution on pixel-optimized pixels of the original image size. U-Net is widely used in image
The semantic segmentation network requires pixel-level annotation to train the model to ease the
burden of the tagging work, the simplicity of the bounding boxes is used to comment Braille characters
entirely on the original Braille images and convert the bounding boxes directly to the results of the
comments at the pixel level.
Finally, one of the effective ways is to divide and recognize Braille letters for entire Braille
images by adding a perfect semantic hash system that is BraUNet. This additional learning task can
combine multi-class braille hash with the introduction of a braille cell preface, which can improve the
feature's ability to learn and the performance of braille segmentation. In the future, more sophisticated
braille images will be collected to test and improve OBR performance[ CITATION LiR20 \l 1033 ].

Text-to-Speech Technology-Based Programming Tool

The blind need support tools that meet their specific needs. The programming tool is designed
not only for blind users but also for sight and low vision users. The interface should be designed in a
way that complies with W3C standards for visually impaired users and should be easy to use. The
compiler uses a software development kit such as C # to compile the program. However, to obtain an
audio output we add based on equations such as SDK programs are used. For the console, adding a
voice icon can be done by selecting an icon to output the text and then adding an audio to that icon.
The audio programming tool has been tested and evaluated by ordinary vision users and then by
blind and partially sighted people to ensure its effectiveness. In the first test, regular vision users were
required not to watch the computer screen when testing the programming tool. It was noted that they
were able to do all the stages. In the second test, standard keyboards and embedded text-to-speech tools
were used. We found that visually impaired and blind users were able to do the same job. Most of the
blind and visually impaired people are familiar with the shortcut keys defined in JAWS, so adding new
shortcut keys in the programming tool is not the 7th WSEAS international graphic designer icon for
cues, speech and image processing.
In short, the tool has opened a great possibility that allows blind and vision impaired users to
become programmers in the future and to achieve equality of access and opportunity in information
technology education that will ensure meaningful and equitable employment for their lives[ CITATION
Tra07 \l 1033 ].

Designing Braille Copier Based on Image Processing Techniques

Nampa and Zhang suggested a Braille Image Recognition System with the help of CNN (Neural
Cellular Network) for associative memory. Their system consists of three phases: pre-treatment, feature
extraction, and recognition. The pre-treatment stage is accomplished by gray inversion, duality, noise
removal, stretching, and normalization.
Scanning a braille document is the first step to capture dotted letters and see the ratio of spacing
between points and letters. The original Braille page is scanned with a 150 dpi flatbed scanner and a
gray level braille image is obtained. The cells discovered from the previous step will be an introduction
to the printing stage. Braille highlights are controlled through a programming interface and the use of
standard Windows APIs. The print command expects an ASCII code for each braille cell in the
document with its coordinates and a braille font. Current ways to reproduce Braille documents face
many obstacles. We have successfully completed proof of the concept of building a Braille Copier
(BC) that produces a copy of the original document on plain Braille paper with precise coordination
regardless of the language. Our method includes using optical recognition and image processing
We conclude that there are three main steps to make the copy. The first is to delete the braille
document. The second is to process scanned braille images. Finally, print the ASCII code matching the
detected braille cells to braille embosser to produce one or more copies similar to the original Braille
document[ CITATION AlS13 \l 1033 ].

An Optical Braille Recognition System for Enhancing Braille Literacy and Communication
between The Blind and Non-blind

At the beginning of this project, it was noticed that Braille character datasets are not available
online so a new special set was introduced and planned. The data was collected and allocated with the
help of Labelbox system for data analysis and classification. He used a collection of rare books and
online sources specializing in Braille. Braille letters were cut and separated from each other, and we
marked them one by one. For data noise, filters and XNConvert, a free batch image processor across
platforms, were used.
The convolutional neural network was written in Pytorch Moreover, the CNN model was good
as it was able to classify images with 99.333% accuracy in the verification data set.
At the end, the ultimate goal is to allow the public to explore the world of Braille and promote
Braille literacy among the visually impaired and the visually impaired[ CITATION Gez \l 1033 ].

[ R. Zaghloul and T. Baniata, "Braille recognition system - with a case study arabic braille
1 documents," 01 October 2011. [Online]. Available:
[ R. Li, H. Liu and X. Wan, "Optical Braille Recognition Based on Semantic Segmentation Network
2 With Auxiliary Learning Strategy," 2020. [Online]. Available:
[ D. Tran, W. Ma and D. Sharma, "Text-to-Speech Technology-Based Programming Tool," Springer,
3 2007. [Online]. Available:
] technology-based-programming-tool.
[ A. Al-Salman, "Designing Braille Copier Based on Image Processing Techniques," 05 Nov 2013.
4 [Online]. Available:
[ H. Gezahegn and T.-Y. Su, "An Optical Braille Recognition System for Enhancing Braille Literacy and
5 Communication between The Blind and Non-blind," [Online]. Available:

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