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Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF)

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

Paper Time: 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM (2-HRS)
Dated: 04.07.2020.

Name of Course Instructor: Ms. Asra Khan

Subject: Freshman English 11
Examination: Mid-term
Class and Semester: BBA-2nd (Morning) (2019-23)
Maximum Marks: 30
i. Attempt all questions. Be concise.
ii. Kindly attempt your paper on loose sheet/white paper. Hand written papers will be accepted
only. Add page number on each sheet.
iii. Student must write his / her name, roll number, date, and add signature on answer sheet.
iv. After attempting paper you are required to:
a. Scan or take picture, save file with your roll number, name and subject title
b. Submit soft copy of paper via WhatsApp (PDF/Word format only) to Ms. Asra Khan
at 03233110419 and to Dr. Muhammad Irfan at 03067490892. In addition, Email
the same soft copy to course instructor at and exam
cell at Dr. Irfan’s email id within 15 minutes after
completion of time.
c. Any delay in submission will not be accepted.

Q no 1: How do you think various reading strategies like skimming and scanning help in
improving students’ reading ability to comprehend texts? (5)
Q no 2: Write a paragraph (of not more than 150 words) which depicts your own views on
“Online Education in Pakistan.” (10)
Q no 3: Make a Précis of the following paragraph and give a suitable title: (15)
The internet has brought about a revolution in many aspects of our daily lives, with social media,
internet banking and changes to the way education is carried out in our classrooms. Another area
of change caused by the internet revolution is in the way people shop; they now have a choice
between online and in-store shopping. One advantage of online shopping is that purchases are
delivered directly to your door and so you don’t have to carry goods, which might be heavy,
through town or on a bus or train. Conventional shops have to pay for things like shelving units
and décor, and sometimes elaborate displays, whereas online items are stored in basic out-of-town
warehouses with much lower overhead costs. This means that goods purchased online are often
cheaper than those bought in shops. Because there is no need to leave your home to shop online,
it is much quicker than in-store shopping; the weekly groceries for an entire family can be bought
in a matter of minutes. This means that time is freed up for people to do more interesting things.
After all, wandering around a supermarket is a very boring activity. Instead of grocery shopping
together, families can spend their precious time at weekends or in the evenings going to a park,
beach or gallery. (217 words)

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