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The Digital signal processor (DSP) processors are having much capabilities of controlling devices; DSP


compared with general processors delivers batter performance & resolution. Now-a-days DSP
processors are used in almost every field either to develop mobile phones or to control some devices
and instruments. Here the DSP processor has been used to control the power supply by generating a
train of pulses for controlling the MOSFETS used in power supply. Digital signal processor (DSP) basically
process analog signals in the digital domain. Real-world signals, such as voltage is converted to its digital
equivalent at discrete time intervals for processing by the CPU of a digital computer. A digital signal
processor (DSP) is a type of microprocessor (one that is incredibly fast and powerful). DSP is useful in
almost every application that requires the high-speed processing of a large amount of numerical data.
The data can be anything from position and velocity information for a closed loop control system. A DSP
is unique because it processes data in real time. This real-time capability makes a DSP perfect for
applications where we won't tolerate any delays. Since the availability of computers, power supplies
have relied on digital technology in some way, from such simple tasks as turning the supplies on and off
to the supplying of

computer-controlled references. This coupled with increasing demand for higher performance and
monitoring capabilities, has made it appealing to integrate such technology into power supply designs.
DSPs are processors or microcomputers whose hardware, software, and instruction sets are optimized
for high-speed numeric processing applications and essential for processing digital data representing
analog signals in real time. The DSPs high-speed arithmetic and logical hardware is programmed to
rapidly execute algorithms like modeling the filter transformation.

Main advantages of digital signal processing over analog processing are:

1. Powerful: can do more things than one can do using analog hardware.

2. Cheap: similar to microprocessors, but lot of different functions into one chip.

3. Applications of DSP
4. There are numerous variants of a digital signal processor that can
execute different things, depending on the application being performed.
Some of these variants are audio signal processing, audio and video
compression, speech processing and recognition, digital image
processing, and radar applications. The difference between each of
these applications is how the digital signal processor can filter each
input. There are five different aspects that varies from each DSP: clock
frequency, RAM size, data bus width, ROM size, and I/O voltage. All of
these components really are just going to affect the arithmetic format,
speed, memory organization, and data width of a processor. 
5. One well-known architecture layout is the Harvard architecture. This
design allows for a processor to simultaneously access two memory
banks using two independent sets of buses. This architecture can
execute mathematical operations while fetching further instructions.
Another is the Von Neumann memory architecture. While there is only
one data bus, operations cannot be loaded while instructions are
fetched. This causes a jam that ultimately slows down the execution of
DSP applications. While these processors are similar to a processor used
in a standard computer, these digital signal processors are specialized.
That often means that, to perform a task, the DSPs are required to used
fixed-point arithmetic. 
6. Another is sampling, which is the reduction of a continuous signal to a
discrete signal. One major application is the conversion of a sound wave.
Audio sampling uses digital signals and pulse-code modulation for the
reproduction of sound. It is necessary to capture audio between 20 -
20,000 Hz for humans to hear. Sample rates higher than that of around
50 kHz - 60 kHz cannot provide any more information to the human ear.
Using different filters with DSP software and ADC's & DAC's, samples of
audio can be reproduced through this technique. 
7. Digital signal processing is heavily used in day-to-day operations, and is
essential in recreating analog signals to digital signals for many
8. I hope that this article has provided enough information to get a general
understanding of what DSPs are, how they work, and what they are
specifically used for in a plethora of fields. If you have any questions or
thoughts, please leave a comment below! 


The DSP laboratory development described here focuses on

application-based laboratory experiments that intentionally

include components targeted to specific learning styles. The

lab experiments consist of several mini-lab exercises that

sequentially expose students to a thought process needed to

master complex DSP concepts. The web-based presentation

of materials and simultaneous use of both symbolic and

pictorial delivery reaches a broad cross-section of the

student body. Based on the level of interest in the class

currently, enrollment is expected to increase as upper-class

students taking the course discuss it with other students.

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[4] K. Steiglitz, A Digital Signal Processing Primer with

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[7] R. M. Felder and L. K. Silverman, “Learning and

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[8] A. J. Hudspeth and V. S. Markin, “The ear's gears:

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