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‫كلية القانون‬

‫جامعة بغداد‬
‫قسم القانون العام‬

‫‪The right of employess‬‬

‫اعداد الطالبة‬
‫اسراء صباح حسن كريم‬
‫أ‪.‬م‪.‬د‪.‬صبا نعوان رشيد‬
The right of employess under Iraq labour law no(37)of 2015

First the financial rights of the worker :related to the liquidation of funds due
to the worker as a debts owed to the employer
1. End of service indemnity :the worker who terminated his service shall
be entitled to an end of service indemnity calculated on the basis of two
week's wage for each year of service provided to employer in cases
where the worker is dismissed for breach of the obligation .The end of
service gratuity is doubled when the labor committee and the labor
court annul the dismissal decision and not enable reinstatement it shall
be paid in form of two time the remuneration when employer breach
the provisions of artic (48) of labor law in face
2. Liquidation of the worker's financial rights :The termination of
employment contract requires .The employer to calculate the worker's
rights and liquidate all those rights in accordance with the provisions of
the law in force such as liquidating his wages for work for the previous
period or the wages in curred by additional workers and the
accumulated annual leave wages that he did not receive during the
work year .The latter as well as its entitlements and indemnities for
other legal reasons such as grants ,participation rate ,ect .
Second: Non_financid rights of the worker .
Warming the worker :The Iraqi legislater has included the right of the
worker to issue a written warning before the employer terminates
anode, which is limited to 30 days prior to termination before
termination to be compensated in the case of proven pailure to alarm
the worker as it is called allowance warning

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