Post-Test Experimental & Control

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Name :

Class :
Group : Experimental

People Shouldn’t Share Their Problems in Social Media

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

The honorable my teacher and good audience. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name

is Sri Ramadiani and here i want to deliver my speech about people shouldn’t share their

problems in social media.

Sharing problems in social media is really annoys to other people. People who share their

problems in social media is really disturb for other people because its make them who seen

their statement in social media. Also, they can make some people bicker and make people

know their secret’s family. In facebook, twitter, and instgram, there are many unstable

teenagers who post their problems here. For example, “i am so sad. Nobody understand me.

They think only herself ”. Social media is not a place to share the problem like this. I want

see news or information from people updates but when they use it for sharing their problems,

its annoys.

Finally, i strongly agree that people shouldn’t share their problems in social media. Because

if share their problems in social media, every people who is online will know the bad side of

them. Social media should be fun if we use it for good function and important things. That’s

all my speech for today. I hope the audience is agree with my argument. Thank you.
Name :
Class :
Group : Experimental

Be Creative and Inspring Human with Social Media

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Good morning all my friend. Today, i want to thank you for attention because i give a chance

to give some argument about be creative and inspring human with social media.

Nowadays, social media is not longer used just to waste a time for having fun. However,

social media is a place so many creative and inspring human to express their idea and

motivation in order to be seen by the whole human in the world.

First, i want to tell you what is social media? Social media is a media to socialize with one

another and do online that allows people to interact without being limited by space and time.

Second, the function or (role) of social media is an effective tool for business promotion

because it can be accessed by anyone whenever, wherever. So the network can be more

extensive promotion. Social media becomes an indispesable part of marketing for many

components and is one of the best ways to teach customers or clients.

There are so many kinds of social media such as: FB, twitter, instagram, path, youtube, and

so many other social media has a number of benefits to enterprite and work faster than

conventional media such as: print, TV ads, brochures, and flyers.

Ladies and gentlemen , as we know that social media is growing so rapidly. Now, eveybody

can access to so many social media, for the example and it can be used simply by using a

mobile phone anytime and anywhere.

As fast as peoplecan access social media result in a mayor phenomenon of the flow of

information not only in developed countries, but also in our country, Indonesia and once
again i want to tell you that now, social media has succesfully replaced the conventional mass

medias role in spreading the rews.

Talking about social media, there are the characteristic of social media:

1. the message delivered not only intend for one human but also for the wrote human in this


2. mesage delivered freely without having to go through a gate keeper.

3. message delivered ends to be faster than other media.

So, i invite you not to waste your time and your money anymore. I believe that all of

you are a creative and inspring human. So let’s put our creativity on social media from now,

let be a creative and inspring human with social media.Thank You.

Name :
Class :
Group : Experimental

YouTube: Can Explore Whatever We Want

Good Morning all,

Thank you for the attention, today i will give my experience about usinng youtube.

Social media are computer mediated tools that allow people companies and other

organizations to create, share, or exchange information career interest, ideas and pictures,

videos in networks. And now, i will told about social media is youtube.

Youtube is one of social media most interest people in the world. Because in youtube we can

explore whatever we want to explore, such as about talent, about we schedule everyday and

we can explore everything we want without limit time as instagram. We can explore video

just 60 second.

Now, youtube often to be explore video about singing, cover song and than the famous of

now explore our vlog video on youtube. They saw so freedom to explore our schedule

everyday in youtube.

So youtube is one of social media can give positive effect from us if we used it for good. The

one of people who interested in entertainment youtube so funny that i think. Youtube is better

from television. We can explore everything. So, use youtube so well.Thank you.
Name :
Class :
Group : Control

Social Media

Social media is a media who used to socialize with each other are made online are not limited

by space and time, which the users can easily participate, share, and create the content of


Social media can brings positive impacts and also brings the negative. So we must be carefull

when we use it. Here are the tips in using internet and social media, one dont forget about our

job, two dont’ use social media eveytime. That’s not good for our healthy.

That’s all my arguments about social media. Thank you.

Name :
Class :
Group : Control

Social Media

Social media is the place which we can find any breaing news and make us more easier to

have any interaction with our friend.

The social media is very important in our life because the most of all our daily activity use

social media. In this modern era, social media help use to sell our things if we have some

things to sell. And we can close with our friend if they live so far from us. Social media make

us to easier find information.

So, studying social media in our life very important in for us. Use your social media for good

things. Thank you.

Name :
Class :
Group : Control

Social Media

Social media is an online media where users can easily participate, share and create blog.

Social media have many kind feature provided, which can provide a positive impact for users.

Various effect can be generated from social media.

There are the positive and negative impact. The positive is can add insight and grow the new

things. The negative is the downside is today already a lot of incorrect use youtube as many

people are effected and did bad things because one use youtube.

So, do wrong to use social media media because it could result in rights that are no good for

its user.

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