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Table of Contents

Title Page
..……………………………………………………… Acknowledgment I
Abstract …………………………………………………………………. II
Contents …………………………………………………………………. V
Nomenclature …………………………………………………………… VIII

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 General …………………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Two-Phase Flows ……….………………………………………... 2
1.3 Bubbly Flows …………………………………………………….. 3
1.4 Theory of Water Electrolysis …………………………………….. 3
1.5 Hydrogen Bubble Technique …………………………………….. 4

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Literature Review ………………………………………………… 6
2.1.1 Air bubbles injection ……………………………………... 6
2.1.2 Hydrogen bubbles injection ……………………………… 15
2.2 ...……………………………………………………… Motivation 22
2.3 .……………………………………………………… Originalities 22
2.4 Objectives of the Present Work ………………………………….. 23

Chapter Three Mathematical Modeling

3.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………. 28
3.2 .……………………………… Geometry and Coordinates System 28
3.3 ..…………………………………………… Methodical Modeling 28
3.3.1 Laminar flow …………………………………………….. 28
3.3.2 Turbulent flow …………………………………………… 29
3.3.3 Multiphase flow (Turbulent flow with effect of air bubble) 30
3.4 ……………………………………………… Further Calculations 34
3.4.1 ......……………………… Calculation of bulk temperature 34
3.4.2 Calculation of local Nusselt number ……………………... 34
3.5 Boundary Conditions and their Treatment ……………………….. 34
3.6 The General Form of the Governing Equations ………………….. 37

Chapter Four Numerical Solution
4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………. 38
4.2 ..……………………………… Geometry and Coordinate System 39
4.3 Gambit Software …………………………………………………. 39
4.4 Grid Generation …………………………………………………... 39
4.5 Treatment of Boundary Conditions……...………………………... 40
4.6 Fluent Software …………………………………………………... 41
4.7 Discretization Scheme ……………………………………………. 42
4.8 Pressure- Correction Equations …………………………………... 46
4.9 Method of Solution ………………………………………………. 47
4.10 Computer Program ……………………………………………….. 49

Chapter Five Experimental Apparatus and Procedures

5.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………. 58
5.2 Heat Transfer Experimental Setup and Procedure ……………….. 58
5.3 Measuring and Control Systems ………………………………… 64
5.4 Experimental Procedures ………………………………………… 67
5.5 Heat Transfer Calculations ……………………………………….. 72
5.5.1 Heat flux ………………………………………………….. 72
5.5.2 Rate of bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen ………………… 73
5.5.3 Volume fraction ………………………………………….. 74
5.5.4 Measurement of air bubble diameter …………………….. 74
5.6 Error Analysis .…………………………………………………… 74
5.7 Repeatability ……………………………………………………... 75

Chapter Six Results and Discussions

6.1 General …..……………………………………………………….. 91
6.2 Turbulent Flow …………………………………………………… 91
6.2.1 Results of single-phase flow(Numerical & experimental)... 91
6.2.2 Results of the two-phase flow(Numerical &experimental). 94
6.3 Correlations of Average Nusselt Number ……………………….. 97
6.4 Verification of the Results ……………………………………….. 98
6.4.1 Comparison with previous results for single phase flow … 98
6.4.2 Comparison with previous work for two phase flow …….. 99
6.5 Laminar Flow …………………………………………………….. 100
6.5.1 Results of single-phase flow (Numerical & experimental) 100
6.5.2 Results of hydrogen and oxygen bubbles injection– water. 101
6.6 Correlations of Average Nusselt Number ………………………... 105
6.7 Verification of the Results ……………………………………….. 105
6.7.1 Comparison with previous studies for single phase flow ... 105
6.7.2 Comparison with previous work for two phase flow……... 106

Chapter Seven Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Conclusions ………………………………………………………. 170
7.1.1 Conclusions from turbulent flow ………………………… 170
7.1.2 Conclusions from laminar flow …………………………... 171
7.2 Recommendation …………………………………………………. 172

..………………………………………………………… References 173

Appendix A:Design First Rig Experimental ……………………………. A1-A5
Appendix B:Measurement Devices Calibration ………………………… B1-B19
Appendix C:Calculation Procedures ……………………………………. C1- C5
Appendix D:Error Analysis …………………………………………….. D1-D4
Appendix E: Publication from Present Work …………………………… E1

Latin symbol

Symbols Description Unit

A Area of cross section m2

As Surface area m2
B Number of excess" electrons" (For H2=2 , O2=4) -
Bo Buoyancy parameter ( Bo=Gr ¿ ¿ ¿ ℜ3.425 Pr0.8 ) ¿ -
C,C1,C2 Constants in turbulence model -
CK3,C3 Constants in turbulence model -
CD Drag coefficient -
CL Lift force coefficient -
Cf Skin friction coefficient -
CP Specific heat at constant pressure J/kg.°C
C td Turbulent dispersion force constant -
Cw1 , Cw2 Constants in wall lubrication force -
Di Tube inner diameter m
Do Tube outer diameter m
d airbubble Diameter of capillary tube of air bubble m
db Diameter of air bubble m
dc Diameter of capillary tube m
E Integration constant -
F Faraday constant, (F=9.65×104 A·s/mol) A·s/mol
fμ Damping function -
g Gravitational acceleration m/s2
Gr* Modify Grashof number, ¿ -
h Average heat transfer coefficient W/m2.ºC
hx Local heat transfer coefficient without bubble W/m2.ºC
hxo Local heat transfer coefficient with bubble W/m2.ºC
I Electrical current Am
K Turbulent kinetic energy -
k Number of phases -
kc Liquid turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass -
ko Von Karman’s constant -
L Length of pipe m

Mk The interface momentum transfer -
Mk Drag force N
M kL Lift force N
M kW Wall lubrication force N
M k td Turbulent dispersion force N
ṁ Mass flow rate kg/s
ṁ¿ Inlet mass flow rate kg/s
nw Outward unit vector is perpendicular to the wall -
Nu Average Nuesslt number , ( Nu=h D i / λ ) -
Nux Local Nusselt number without bubble -
Nuxo Local Nusselt number with bubble -
P Pressure Pa
p Permitted m
Pe Peclet number, (Pe=Re Pr) -
Po Electrical power W
Pr Prandtl Number, ( Pr=μ C p / λ ) -
Qg Gas flow rate lit/min
Qair Air bubbles flow rate lit/min
Qtotal Total bubble flow rate lit/min
Qwater Water flow rate lit/min
Q(H2+O2) Total bubble of (hydrogen & oxygen ) lit/min
q" Heat flux per unit area of tube W/m2
Ra Rayleigh Number, ( Ra=Gr Pr)
Re Reynolds Number, ( ℜ=ρu Di /μ ) -
Rer Relative Reynolds number,( ℜ=ρ c|ud −u c| d b /μ c ) -
Ro Universal gas constant, (Ro=8.31×109Pa·mm3/(K·mol)) Pa·mm3/K·mol
Ri Richardson number, (Ri=Gr ¿/Re2) -
Tin Inlet temperature ºC
Twall Wall Temperature ºC
Tbulk Bulk Temperature ºC
uin Inlet velocity m/s
u,v,w Mean velocity components in R,X, θ directions m/s
uc Air velocity through the capillary tube m/s
R,X,θ Cylindrical coordinates -
Vo Voltage Volt

X Axial distance along heat source m
yP Distance first node to the wall m

Greek Symbols

Symbols Description Unit

α Volume fraction -
β Coefficient of thermal expansion 1/K
η Under relaxation factor -
 Diffusion coefficient -
 Dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy -
 Laminar viscosity kg/m.s
t Turbulent viscosity kg/m.s
e Effective viscosity kg/m.s
 Density kg/m3
W Density of water kg/m3
H2 Density of hydrogen kg/m3
O2 Density of oxygen kg/m3
air Density of air kg/m3
φ Dependent variable -
υ Kinematic viscosity m2 / s
υ t Turbulent kinematic viscosity m2 / s
λ Thermal conductivity W/m.ºC
K, Constants for the K- model -
σ Laminar Prandtl number ( σ =μc p / λ ) -
σt Turbulent Prandtl number ( σ t =μ t c p / λ ) -
∅ conv Convection heat loss W
∅ loss Total losses W
∅ cond Conduction heat loss W
∆ r , ∆ x , ∆ θ Grid size in r,x,θ -
Δ Difference -
∇ Gradient operator -


Symbols Description
air Air
c Continuous phase
d Dispersed phase
water Water
(H2+O2) Hydrogen &Oxygen
bulk Bulk
g Gas
in Inlet
wall Wall
w1,w2 Coefficient in wall lubrication force
x Local


Symbols Description
+ Normalization by wall unit
* Guessed values or values from last iteration
′ Correction values or fluctuating values in time
d Drag force
L Lift force
W Wall lubrication force
Td Turbulent dispersion force
r New under relaxed values.


Symbols Description
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CV Control Volume
SIMPLE Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-linked Equations
TDMA Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm
VOF Volume Of Fraction


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