January 13 2011 V1

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THE LOS ANGELES Professional Express

LAProfessionalExpress.com Issue No. 2 —2 Thursday, January 14, 2011


US defense secretary Robert leaders. "They [China] clearly have China says it does not pose a
Gates says China's rapidly develop- potential to put some of our capabil- threat and its military forces are
ing defense capabilities are worri- ities at risk," Gates told reporters purely for defense, which in its
some to the US. China has made traveling with him to Asia. "We have definition includes deterring Taiwan,
strides in building a new stealth to pay attention to them, we have to a self-governing island that Beijing
fighter jet and Washington is also respond appropriately with our own claims as its territory, from declaring
concerned about a new ballistic programs." The US has long known formal independence. In an appar-
missile that could theoretically ex- that China wanted to field a stealth ent nod to US calls for more open-
plode an aircraft carrier nearly jet, but development outpaced US ness, China allowed video and
2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) out intelligence estimates, Gates said. pictures of last week's runway tests
to sea. China has also apparently China is still years behind US of its prototype stealth fighter to be
beaten US estimates to develop capabilities in radar-evading air- taken and posted online. Gates is
that weapon. craft, and even by 2015 the US trying to coax Chinese military
Gates arrived in Beijing today for would still have far more flying than leaders into more regular discus-
talks about these weapons and any other nation in the world, Gates sions with the US.
other military issues with Chinese said. The Pentagon is focusing scarcer
defense dollars on ways to counter
the kinds of weapons China is now
building. Gates said recently he
wants to spend more on a new long
-range nuclear bomber and updated
electronics gear for the Navy that
could throw an incoming missile off
course. He will also visit South
Korea for talks about averting war
with the North, as well as Japan,
which is alarmed by Chinese mili-
tary moves. The invitation to visit
Beijing was a coup for Gates, who
invited a Chinese counterpart for
similar talks and a visit to the US
nuclear weapons headquarters in
Defense secretary, Robert Gates, is welcomed to Beijing by General Ma
Xiao Tian as he begins a four-day visit to China. By Edgar Tenenbaum | Staff Writer Gates says Beijing‟s development is outpacing intelligence estimates and could put some US capabilities at risk.

OPINION: IS ISLAM A LA(id) Realationship Advice

From our Dearest Sex Advisor

I‟ve walked around aimlessly for Demons flaggelate and I cum from ass with the money while he/she
forty fortnights, watching cockfights the depths of my wretched soul in a (preferably of the hershey heshe
and praising god‟s glory at the holes. warm and frothy turbo jet stream variety) is, of course, shitting brightly
I wonder how often the girl on the ribbon that I want to weave through and violently, concomitantly sur-
other side is laughing at me and if it her hair. rounding my four narrow and har-
makes her hate her life a little less. I Here‟s a most revealing confes- rowing inches with steamy and sali-
wonder which one of us hates our sion: I don‟t care if the person on the vary salvation. Androgynous bowels
To call Islam a religion of Jim Jones of the Islamic world. It fantastical intellectual isolation. This life more: s/he who purveys a warm other side is a male or female. What are emptied to make room for the
peace, as we hear ceaseless- would be wonderful if he was, but isolation has actually been mouth (or anus) for perverts like me I am hoping for is some depraved imminent and immense amount of
ly reiterated, is completely he‟s given a perfectly straightfor- achieved in the Muslim world to an who can‟t find welcoming warm and soulless vessel who doesn‟t my surrendered soul that will be
delusional. ward version of Islam. You really astonishing degree. holes on our own (or for assorted need the money, (in the most hyper- released from the prison of my cells
There is a religion of peace in have to be an acrobat to figure out The country of Spain translates and sordid reasons prefer anony- bolical way, like an heir or Mexican and absorbed in an orgasmotic
this world, but it‟s not Islam. Jain- how he‟s distorting the faith. Now if more of the world‟s literature and mous holes), or does my hatred drug trafficker) but just loves the crossing through her most permea-
ism actually is a religion of peace. those guys were Jain, or Buddhist, learning into Spanish every single win? I at least don‟t have to put a taste of my desperate and drooping ble membraine. This would be a
The core principal of Jainism is or Amish, or Quaker, it would be year than the entire Arab world has bunch of dicks in my mouth on a erection and its subsequent ejection. glory-hole-in-one.
nonviolence. The crazier you get as patently obvious how they were translated into Arabic since the 9th near-daily basis, but at this point, I The money made from the cumsip-
a Jain, the less we have to worry distorting their faith. In fact, their century. That is scary. It‟s scary probably wouldn‟t mind. Sometimes ping would be donated to a worthy Irascibly,
about you. Jain extremists are behavior would be unintelligible. It because the contents of the Qur‟an this feels like what I imagine a truly cause, or at the very least be used
actually crippled by their pacifism. is not obvious by the light of Islam, really offers precious little rationale honest confessional would be like to hire someone (preferably an im- Vitus S Hearn
They can‟t even take their eyes off and that is just a fact we have to for living in a sane and pluralistic and it‟s probably the most direct way ported transsexual with an extra or vitus@laprofessionalexpress.com
the ground lest they step on an ant. speak honestly about. global civilization. What the Qur‟an to look yourself dead in the eye. exaggerated limb) to wipe his/her
So you‟ll notice that the problem The belief is that Mohammad got does give you rationale for is the
is NOT religious extremism. Ex- the Qur‟an directly from the archan- ceaseless worship of a mediocre
tremism is really not a problem if gel Gabriel in his cave in the 7th being who has given us this medio-
your core beliefs are nonviolent. century. And therefore it is the cre book.
The problem isn‟t fundamentalism. “perfect” word of the creator of the And nobody should be speaking
The problem with Islamic funda- universe. The consequence is that more honestly and more volubly
mentalism are the fundamentals of we have this single book, which is about this than moderate Muslims.
Islam. imagined to be the best book on Moderate Muslims have to find
Take Osama Bin Laden, Khaled any subject ever written, never to some way to grapple with this fact.
Sheik Mohammad, or Mullah Omar. be superseded by any human ef- But to say Osama Bin Laden is
These guys agree on the nature of fort, at any point in the future. David Koresh is just a lie, and it‟s a
reality and how to live within it. The Now, this is a problem because dangerous lie at this point.
problem is, they are giving a very the Qur‟an is a profoundly mediocre
plausible version of the faith. Osa- book. The idea that it is the best
ma Bin Laden is not the Reverend book written on ANY subject can By Rafiq Hassan | Contributor
only be maintained in a kind of rafiq@laprofessionalexpress.com


As we get older, taking care of
our bodies naturally becomes more
sources of calcium and there are
some important reasons why cow's
Dr. Amy Lanou with the Physi-
cians Committee for Responsible
of a priority. Especially calcium milk may not be the best source at Medicine, USA says: „There is a
intake to build strong bones and all. Getting the proper calcium compelling argument that today‟s
prevent osteoporosis. Calcium is a intake from cow's milk is supposed pasteurized milk, in all its guises,
mineral that our body needs for to protect us from osteoporosis, has virtually no redeeming features
building and maintaining bones however, growing evidence is at all, and serves only to cause
and teeth, blood clotting, the trans- showing just the opposite. In fact disease and poor health. By simply
mission of nerve impulses, and the some researchers single out dairy switching from dairy to non-dairy
regulation of the heart's rhythm. milk as the biggest dietary cause of milk we will make a dramatic and
Ninety-nine percent of the calcium
in the human body is stored in the
bones and teeth. The remaining 1
percent is found in the blood and
osteoporosis because more than
any other food it depletes the finite
reserve of bone-making cells in the
body. Furthermore, the calcium
long-lasting improvement to our
Adequate calcium intake is
essential and can be found in soy,
other tissues. and phosphorus in milk feed nano- almond and rice milk, green leafy Nigeria (AP) -- A newspaper col- nation long familiar to strong-arm ing at the agency's Lagos head-
Bone is living tissue, and much bacteria, causing calcification and vegetables such as spinach and umnist critical of Nigeria's late and tactics to muzzle the press. quarters. Ndibe said the officer
like the other tissues in our body it cancer. kale, and some legumes. There's current president said Sunday that Ndibe, a U.S. citizen who teach- offered no explanation for his ac-
is always changing. In healthy According to a 12-year Harvard also endless varieties of supple- the oil-rich nation's secret police es at Trinity College in Connecticut, tions.
individuals who get enough calci- study of 78,000 women, those who ments. To ensure that 95 percent seized his passports when he en- said an immigration officer stopped "I was surprised, but I was not all
um and physical activity, bone drank milk three times a day actu- of the population gets this much tered the country. him Saturday night after he arrived together shocked," Ndibe said.
production exceeds bone destruc- ally broke more bones than women calcium, the National Academy of Okey Ndibe, who writes a weekly at Lagos' Murtala Muhammed Inter- Marilyn Ogar, a spokeswoman for
tion up to about age 30. After that, who rarely drank milk. Similarly, a Sciences established the following column on politics for The Sun national Airport. The columnist said the State Security Service, did not
destruction typically exceeds pro- 1994 study in Sydney, Australia, recommended intake levels: newspaper, told The Associated the immigration official introduced respond to a request for comment.
duction. showed that higher dairy product * 1,000 milligrams/day for those Press he believed his brief deten- him to an officer with the secretive Sahara Reporters, a news website
But how do we tap into this consumption was associated with age 19 to 50 tion and the passport seizures State Security Service, who de- focused on Nigeria, first reported on
essential mineral? What is the best increased fracture risk: those with * 1,200 milligrams/day for those came from the government's dis- tained him for about two hours as Ndibe's passports being seized.
source? Most people automatically the highest dairy consumption had age 50 or over pleasure over his articles. he made telephones calls. Ndibe's columns criticized the
assume cow‟s milk; drink the rec- double the risk of hip fracture com- * 1,000 milligrams/day for preg- The incident also comes as Nige- The secret policeman ultimately 2007 election that brought late
ommended three glasses a day for pared to those with the lowest nant or lactating adult women rian President Goodluck Jonathan took Ndibe's U.S. and Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua to pow-
stronger healthier bones right? Milk consumption. prepares for what could be a tumul- passports and ordered him to ap- er. Stolen ballot boxes, thuggery
is actually just one of several By Aneesa Shah | Contributor tuous and violent April election in a pear for questioning Monday morn- and voter fraud marred the election.

THE LOS ANGELES Professional Express

LAProfessionalExpress.com Issue No. 2 —2 Thursday, January 14, 2011

RON PAUL VS. FEDERAL RESERVE Reserve and open Fed operations to en- ficiaries are those who receive access to
hanced scrutiny. We hear officials con- artificially inflated money and/or credit
stantly lauding the benefits of transparency before the inflationary effects of the policy
and especially bemoaning the opacity of impact the entire economy. Federal Re-
the Fed, its monetary policy, and its fund- serve policies also benefit big spending
ing facilities. By opening all Fed opera- politicians who use the inflated currency
tions to a GAO audit and calling for such created by the Fed to hide the true costs of
an audit to be completed by the end of the welfare-warfare state. It is time for
2010, the Federal Reserve Transparency Congress to put the interests of the Ameri-
Act would achieve much-needed transpar- can people ahead of special interests and
ency of the Federal Reserve. I urge my their own appetite for big government.
colleagues to support this bill. Abolishing the Federal Reserve will
Since the creation of the Federal Re- allow Congress to reassert its constitution-
serve, middle and working-class Ameri- al authority over monetary policy. The
cans have been victimized by a boom-and- United States Constitution grants to Con-
bust monetary policy. In addition, most gress the authority to coin money and
Americans have suffered a steadily erod- regulate the value of the currency. The
ing purchasing power because of the Fed- Constitution does not give Congress the
eral Reserve's inflationary policies. This authority to delegate control over monetary
represents a real, if hidden, tax imposed policy to a central bank. Furthermore, the
on the American people. Constitution certainly does not empower
From the Great Depression, to the stag- the federal government to erode the Amer-
flation of the seventies, to the current ican standard of living via an inflationary
economic crisis caused by the housing monetary policy.
bubble, every economic downturn suffered In fact, Congress' constitutional man-
by this country over the past century can date regarding monetary policy should only
be traced to Federal Reserve policy. The permit currency backed by stable com-
Fed has followed a consistent policy of modities such as silver and gold to be
flooding the economy with easy money, used as legal tender. Therefore, abolishing
leading to a misallocation of resources and the Federal Reserve and returning to a
an artificial "boom" followed by a recession constitutional system will enable America
or depression when the Fed-created bub- to return to the type of monetary system
ble bursts. envisioned by our nation's founders: one
With a stable currency, American ex- where the value of money is consistent
porters will no longer be held hostage to because it is tied to a commodity such as
“Most Americans have no real under- aided and abetted by the Federal Re- agreements with foreign powers and for- an erratic monetary policy. Stabilizing the gold. Such a monetary system is the basis
standing of the operation of the interna- serve's loose monetary policy. How long eign banking institutions with no over- currency will also give Americans new of a true free market economy.
tional money lenders. The accounts of will we as a Congress stand idly by while sight? Particularly when hundreds of incentives to save as they will no longer I urge my colleagues to stand up for
the Federal Reserve System have never hard-working Americans see their savings billions of dollars of currency swaps have have to fear inflation eroding their savings. working Americans by putting an end to
been audited. It operates outside the eaten away by inflation? Only big- been announced and implemented, the Those members concerned about increas- the manipulation of the money supply
control of Congress and manipulates spending politicians and politically favored Fed's negotiations with the European ing America's exports or the low rate of which erodes Americans' standard of liv-
the credit of the United States" — Sen. bankers benefit from inflation. Central Bank, the Bank of International savings should be enthusiastic supporters ing, enlarges big government, and enrich-
Barry Goldwater (Rep. AR) Serious discussion of proposals to over- Settlements, and other institutions should of this legislation. es well-connected elites, by cosponsoring
Ron Paul states the obvious in the see the Federal Reserve is long over- face increased scrutiny, most especially Though the Federal Reserve policy my legislation to abolish the Federal Re-
Congressional Record, "Though the Fed- due. I have been a longtime proponent of because of their significant effect on for- harms the average American, it benefits serve.
eral Reserve policy harms the average more effective oversight and auditing of eign policy. If the State Department were those in a position to take advantage of the -Transcript from speech given on House
American, it benefits those in a position to the Fed, but I was far from the first Con- able to do this, it would be characterized cycles in monetary policy. The main bene- floor by Ron Paul (Rep. TX).
take advantage of the cycles in monetary gressman to advocate these types of pro- as a rogue agency and
policy. The main beneficiaries are those posals. Esteemed former members of the brought to heel, and if a
who receive access to artificially inflated Banking Committee such as Chairmen private individual did this
money and/or credit before the inflationary Wright Patman and Henry B. Gonzales he might face prosecution
effects of the policy impact the entire econ- were outspoken critics of the Fed and its under the Logan Act, yet
omy. Federal Reserve policies also benefit lack of transparency. the Fed avoids both fates.
big spending politicians who use the inflat- Since its inception, the Federal Reserve More importantly, the
ed currency created by the Fed to hide the has always operated in the shadows, Fed's funding facilities
true costs of the welfare-warfare state. It is without sufficient scrutiny or oversight of its and its agreements with
time for Congress to put the interests of operations. While the conventional excuse the Treasury should be
the American people ahead of the special is that this is intended to reduce the Fed's reviewed. The Treasury's
interests and their own appetite for big susceptibility to political pressures, the supplementary financing
government. Abolishing the Federal Re- reality is that the Fed acts as a foil for the accounts that fund Fed
serve will allow Congress to reassert its government. Whenever you question the facilities allow the Treas-
constitutional authority over monetary Fed about the strength of the dollar, they ury to funnel money to
policy. The United States Constitution will refer you to the Treasury, and vice Wall Street without GAO
grants to Congress the authority to coin versa. The Federal Reserve has, on the or Congressional over-
money and regulate the value of the cur- one hand, many of the privileges of gov- sight. Additional funding
rency. The Constitution does not give ernment agencies, while retaining benefits facilities, such as the
Congress the authority to delegate of private organizations, such as being Primary Dealer Credit
control over monetary policy to a cen- insulated from Freedom of Information Act Facility and the Term
tral bank. Furthermore, the Constitution requests. Securities Lending Facili-
certainly does not empower the federal The Federal Reserve can enter into ty, allow the Fed to keep
government to erode the American stand- agreements with foreign central banks and financial asset prices
ard of living via an inflationary monetary foreign governments, and the GAO is artificially inflated and
policy. prohibited from auditing or even seeing subsidize poorly perform-
Throughout its nearly 100-year history, these agreements. Why should a govern- ing financial firms.
the Federal Reserve has presided over the ment-established agency, whose police The Federal Reserve
near-complete destruction of the United force has federal law enforcement powers, Transparency Act would
States dollar. Since 1913 the dollar has and whose notes have legal tender status eliminate restrictions on
lost over 95% of its purchasing power, in this country, be allowed to enter into GAO audits of the Federal

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