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December 2010, Volume 1, No.

International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Managing Road Traffic Noise Pollution, through

Sustainable Planning Approach
Imtiaz Ahmed Chandioa, Prof. Dr. Khan Muhammad Brohi, Muhammad Ali Memon
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Sindh, Pakistan
Corresponding Author

Rapid urbanization and motorization have made urban environmental challenges for cities. Rational spatial planning play an essential
part for built environment of cities, which provides legal framework for future development trends. In this study, Larkana city in
Pakistan, was selected to study road traffic noise level. This study highlights the road traffic noise level measured at various locations
of the city along road side at day time peak hours. It aims to find out sustainable development framework in planning to reduce road
traffic noise pollution in Larkana City. The road traffic noise level data was collected by using Digital Sound level Meter (AR824)
through survey. Minimum and maximum traffic noise level were 70 dB (A) and 101 dB (A), which was recorded at various locations
in this study. The results may be useful in the planning process for accessible transportation and implementation sustainable spatial
planning in the city for future growth.

Key Words: Land-uses, Sustainable, Accessible, Noise pollution, Digital Sound Level Meter

1. Introduction ways i.e. sustainable cities [8],urban sustainability[9],

Besides with the growing level of air and water sustainable urban development [10], and sustainable
pollution, road traffic noise pollution has been recognized urbanization [11]. The definition is given “sustainable
rising as a new threat to the inhabitants of cities. The development is one that meets the needs of the present
urban environmental quality of developing countries without compromising the ability of future generations to
“cities” has been deteriorated by an unlimited increase of meet their own needs” [12].
vehicles, infrastructure, and population. Consequently, the There is an extensive integration in the field of
continuous increased intensity of traffic noise level due to land use planning and decision-making which makes vital
the population has degraded urban quality of life. Road role in understanding decisions for sustainable
traffic noise is the big challenge for urban planners and development. In the final report of the ECMT-OECD [13]
environmental engineers to overcome road traffic noise in project on Implementing Sustainable Urban Travel
cities [1]. Continuous high level of noise can cause Policies stated that:
serious stress on the auditory and non-auditory, and “Sustainability requires that policy-making for urban
nervous system of the city dwellers [2], [3]. It is also travel be viewed in a holistic sense: that planning for
leading cause of great annoyance for exposed population transport, land-use and the environment no longer be
due to the poor conditions of engine, exhaust etc. [4]. undertaken in isolation one from the other…”
In addition, there are various studies carried out on road Sustainable land-use policy plays holistic role in
traffic noise pollution, which effect severe health improving the quality of life for any city. This, significant
problems such as, physical and psychological, irritation, fundamental approach can be achieved through
human performance and actions [5], hypertension, heart sustainable planning from in a variety of ways in terms of
problems, tiredness, headache and sore throat respectively urban form, density, settlement size, mixed land use
[6]. Noise is an unwanted sound; it causes social effects, developments, the location of housing and neighborhood
feelings of disturbance, stress reactions, sleep disorders, design to provide framework of land-use pattern of the
some hormonal changes, increased blood pressure, sustainable city [14].
increased risk of myocardial infarction, impairment of In order to increase public awareness, it was
well-being and general quality of life [7]. emphasized the necessity for applying sustainable
development criteria must be carried out in development
1.1Sustainable Land use Planning and transport process throughout the world. Un-planned growth can
Over the years the term ‘sustainable’ has been damage the natural environment and increase social
introduced and strongly promised to ‘urban’ in different distances discussed by the Rio de Janeiro Summit in
1992. However, to achieve the goal and objectives of the Table 2. Sustainable development process
local level and the Local Action Plan is the most suitable
context for fostering the sustainable development process. Planning Stages Messages from Rio
It is a great importance of Local Action Plans execution 1.Formulation of  Should be ‘environment-led’
by the municipalities at local level. Public sector can play goals and objectives  Strong comprehensive planning
essential role in sustainable development process and laws which as part of a wider
body of environmental law,
implementation of the Local Action Plans [15].
reflect modern understandings
Local development authorities are considered as of natural processes.
partial role to the importance of land use planning. There
is a lacking of sustainable planning in many developing 2. Survey, prediction  Must address the meaning and
countries from various aspects because of less and analysis consequences of sustainable
concentration, inadequate development; but land use development.
 There should be integrated
planning is very much essential for sustainable urban planning and management
development. resources.
A number of principles from the Rio Declaration and 3.Generation and  Environmental statement
chapters of Agenda 21 can be implemented into messages evaluation of should be used as a principal
alternative plans means of minimising damage
for urban planning activities; the major related principles and uncertainty.
are summarized as illustrated in Table 2. The sustainable  Should include environmental
land use planning and development was asserted whereas resource management.
environmental protection contains a primary component  Citizen participation in
of the development process to attain environmental planning
4. Decision,  Information provision,
sustainable criteria’s [16]. implementing and community empowerment and
The national environmental quality standards for motor monitoring subsidiary in planning.
vehicle exhaust and noise of Pakistan stated in Table 1.  Institutions and non-
governmental organizations
Table 1. National Environmental Quality Standards for Motor play effective and efficient
Vehicle Exhaust and Noise of Pakistan roles in environmental
S. Parameter Standards (maximum Measuring Method planning.
No permissible limit)  Effective education, increased
1 Smoke 40% or 2 on the To compare public awareness and training
Ringelmann with Ringelmann in citizen participation.
scale during engine Chart at Source: Fozia Johor (2004)
acceleration Distance of 6 meters
mode or more.
2 Carbon Emission Standards: Under idling 2.Materials and Methods
monoxide New Used conditions:
Vehicles Non dispersive in
Ve infrared 2.1 Study Area
4.5% 6% Detection through The study incorporated major urban road network to
gas analyzer measure traffic noise levels from various nine locations of
3 Noise 85 dB (A)
Sound meter at 7.5
meters from the along the road side, which include Sheikh Zaid Woman
source. Hospital road, Lahori Mohalla road, VIP road, Muncipal
Source: Position paper for environmental quality standards of noise in Pakistan High School road, Bakrani road, Bandar road, Miro Khan
road, Jinnah Bagh chowk, and Kamber road. The study
Larkana is an important urban center and the area and data collection locations are presented in Fig. 1.
dramatic increase of population and vehicles has
increased to large extent, four stroke vehicles such as
Rikshaw (3000) and Chingchi (8000) are used as public
transport within the city. The use of these vehicles has
increased noise pollution; in this study road traffic noise
level was measured by the digital sound level meter at
various spots along the road side. The objective of this
study was to find sustainable development approach in
planning of cities to reduce road traffic noise level. It was
also considered to pay attention to the sustainable
development approach in existing conditions and how to
make healthy life of inhabitants, in terms of land-use
planning. It can also assist in decision-making process
particularly in land-use planning, transportation planning,
and facility location problems respectively. Therefore,
planning is a mandatory and continuous process of
development. Figure1: Map of Road network of city and data collection locations
2.2 Traffic Noise Measurement along the road side. It is need of sustainable land-use
planning providing better built environment in the city. It
Traffic noise data was collected during day time at is also concluded that traffic noise level as recorded at
nine locations of city by using Digital Sound level Meter nine various locations reported highest value of noise
(AR824,), Measuring Range: 30 to 130dBA, 35 to level ranges from 70 to 73 dB (A) and 91 to 101 dB (A)
130dBC Accuracy: +/-1.5dB [4], [3], [7]. Noise level which reflects the severe level of traffic noise in the city.
measurements were recorded at a distance 3 meter from Measurement of traffic noise levels in Larkana city is
curb side of road in this study [17]. Noise data was higher than maximum limit from 85 dB (A) given in
measured, five readings with two minutes after each National Environmental Quality standards of Noise in
interval of ten minutes. Pakistan. This study may realize and convince the higher
authorities to enforce environmental policies to mitigate
2.3 Time Period such kind of problems. It also indicates that local
Three time periods for road traffic noise level were authority can play important role to control land-use
selected at day time peak-hour period (8:00 a.m. – 12: 00 development and sustainable transport.
p.m.), (9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.), and (10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.)
from various locations. Traffic noise measurement ACKNOWLEDGMENT
locations are presented in Table 3. The authors acknowledge to the Mehran University
of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh for the
3. Results and Discussions support and technical assistance provided to carry out this
The traffic noise level was measured at the various study.
locations as shown in Table 3. The data was collected
from busiest roads. and Figure 2 to Figure 11 reports the
traffic noise level of the nine locations. The maximum
and minimum noise level data are further summarized in
Table 4. The traffic noise level at all nine locations in Fig
2 to Fig 11 indicated higher noise levels 91 to 101 dB (A)
when compared to National Environmental Quality
standards of Noise in Pakistan 85 dB (A) [20]. The
maximum noise level of 101 dB (A) has been reported
which is similar as earlier reported work [18,19 ,20].The
urban environmental threats like traffic noise pollution
can be minimized through sustainable national
development control approach in terms of sustainable
physical planning.

Table 3. Traffic noise along the main roads

No. Areas Locations Sound Pressure levels,

dB (A)
Min Max Figure 2. Traffic noise level at Sheikh Zaid Woman Hospital Road
1 Sheikh Zaid L1 73 91
Hospital road
2 Lahori Mohalla L2 73 100
3 VIP road L3 70 91
4 Municipal High L4 72 100
school road
5 Bakrani road L5 70 91
6 Bandar road L6 72 91
7 Miro Khan road L7 73 101
8 Jinnah Bagh chowk L8 75 91
9 Kambar road L9 72 100

4. Conclusion
The study was carried out to measure the intensity of Figure 3.Traffic noise level at Lahori Mohalla Road
traffic noise pollution in the city Larkana. It was
concluded that very high level of traffic noise levels was
observed due to the un-planned and lack of sustainable
planning. Environmental quality has been deteriorated
because of ribbon commercial areas have been developed

Figure 8. Traffic noise level at Miro Khan Road
Figure 4. Traffic noise level at VIPRoad

Figure 5. Traffic noise level at Municipal High School Road Figure 9. Traffic noise level at Jinnah Bagh Chowk

Figure 6. Traffic noise level at Bakrani Road Figure 10. Traffic noise level at Kambar Road

Figure 7. Traffic noise level at Bandar Road

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