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1. Faith Islam
1.1 Ruler
Companions & rule
Muslim rulers without Islam (Terror)
Islam being tortured Karachi
Decline of ummah
1.2 Self-created faith
Ease in practicing Islam
Ceremonial label
1.3 Incommodious for people
Fundamental flaws in ideology
Unreachability to actually subject
1.4 Selfish interpretations
To hide their malpractices
1.5 The downfall
Distance from source
Unity a dream with open eyes
2. Subcontinent and missing identity
Aryans and Dravidians
2.1Culture belonging
Maurya to jaipal
2.2 Cultural truth
Diversity with acceptability
Rich mythological history
2.3 Historical lies
Ignorance at its peak
Civilization without achievement
A land without knowledge
2.4 Confusion of culture and religion
God & custom
2.5 Unwanted masters
Britishers and their influence

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Identity strollers?
2.6 Destruction of roots

Sects which murdered the faith

2.6.1 Islam and new sects
3. Political reality Pakistan
3.1 Formation and other world
British and 2nd world war
Goldmine became a liability
3.2 Beginning demonstrate future
Agenda for small republics
3.3Fake heroes
Feudal & Prince
3.4 Unneeded spotlight
Neutrality (blocks)
Russian and American
3.5Mixed gang
Aristocracy (army) (businessman) (civil servants)
3.6 Borrowed ideologies
Democracy without struggle
3.7 hatred
4 .social reality
4.1 Tenders
Monkeys with a Matchbox
4.2 Away from innersole
Apposing to be someone else
4.3 Misinterpreted ideas
Language a knowledge
Culture as a curse
4.4 Complexes
A Contagious killing us
4.5 Ruthless greed

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Wishes another name of death

Missing & destroyed
4.7 A race without a endpoint
Generations thrown into stoves
Creating name by murdering a soul.

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From the time the mankind faced the earth there are bundle of things that man is curious
about these things which we called as phenomenon of nature but there are certain things
which are not properly told to Human because they include the error of human in it these are
some truthful matter which are kept in a secret and specially in context of Pakistan.
While discussing the abnormalities of some people which deteriorated the whole concept of
society we lead to a reality which is known to many but not is an aspect in which it is to be
Being a student I have witnessed a lot of lies which are told to us just to establish a so called
believe which is not all the time but most of the time is for self-satisfaction of your inner
When someone try to find the truth behind anything which he has listen to or have some
doubt about it when he goes into it he find that it's just aluminium foil to stop the destruction
of the rotten ideas presented in a manner that these are the ideas which are the saviour of the
mankind but they aren't most of the time when a person start asking questions he is labelled
with different kinds of name when its religion they call him *atheist* in case of nation
*Agent* or *traitor* in the matters which are concerned with culture no such words came in
the mind because everyone is allowed to destroy it and here I want to mention that only the
good rituals and practices which might enhance society are deteriorated day by day hour by
hour second by second and these are the tragedies we are facing today.
The reason I am writing this book is because people with the best educational opportunities
have developed the mind set which support their belief system and they do not want to come
out of that cocoon and the common man is away from these realities and he is manipulated
again and again and the question remains same why all the hardships came towards me. He
remained unanswerable just because he is kept away from verity. The book might help the

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people who are confused by these concurrent faith which are made on the bases of

Faith Islam
Last of the Abrahamic religions .Islam is a divine full stop which means that there are no
more divine rules to come and that is the fact which over most cleric don’t preach and people
believe that divinity is still continue and that makes more sects people forget the point that all
the religion which came after Islam just adopted same but all of them deteriorated it .The
concept of oneness of Allah is so strong that no one can harm it after serval attempts and
that’s the only linkage between muslims Prophet PBUH advised this so firmly that it can’t be
shaken despite all of the effect of Prophet PBUH Islam faced fake prophets and people do
believe them and reason being that the concept of oneness and divine full stop did not
preached with the force in which it should be thought and for all the problems we have to
face that fact and the reality the relationship of Allah and prophet just being glamourized that
the real reason became blur that why Allah the only lord the only god loved prophet so much
because Prophet PBUH completed the whole divine structure of life of humans. The oneness
of Prophet Muhammad S.W.A was equally important as the oneness of Allah and we learnt
that after too much lose and we are still not the right path we should see the love not by just
narrating some stories but the level of commitment in which gave his life for law that the why
Allah loved Prophet so much the definition of love which we made has a lot of mistakes
which doesn’t gave us profit but a lot lose and that lose is not over private lose that lose is of
whole ummah .
Islam addressed all the aspects of human life social economic martial and etc. It is unique that
Allah gave the discipline one by one and forbidden things which are not suitable for human
beings in a slow humanly process which is again a divine planning which only Allah can plan
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and in last he revealed that way towards me is the only reality the human discipline can only
attainted by practicing the Islam principals the one dimensioned view of Islam has spoiled its
image as a very humble, calm and acceptable every extremist missed one aspect of islam and
he disgraced himself form the actual principal of islam .
Allah send us all to the earth that he can examine us in the hardest conditions which we can
bear as said in Quran in its wider mean it applies to all muslim that no one is out of that
principle everyone should be examined in different ways everyone being tried in way but on
one is free of this. As said in Quran SURAT UL ANKABOOT 2, 3, 4

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? #2

But we have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who
are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars#.3

Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun us? Evil is what they judge. # 4

The practice of islam make us battle ready for life if fasting doesn’t gave you passions then
it’s in-vain to fast and so on the end of greed through Zakat is life lesson if you gave 2.5
percent of your wealth and increase your wealth by 10% by fraud and other means then it’s in
vain the religious practices are designed in that why that we learn from them and enhance
over humanly status. These practices are not the results but guidance towards the examination
if you don’t apply your practice to daily life and don’t do the experiment, you are failed in
exam then all these effects went in vain.

Companions and Rule:

The era was a example of devotion towards the cause, expansion was needed on that time
because it is not possible to preach under other rulers. People loved the idea of Islam but the
factor of fear of non-muslim emperor was there. To maintain the social structure left by
Prophet was another challenge for the companions of Prophet (SAW). And they have
succeeded in it as humanly possible.

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First Caliph Rashid:

Hazart Abu Bakar was the most senior and honest companions of Prophet PBUH yes there is
a divide between the ummah that who embraced Islam first according to a famous Islamic
historical book Albanya wal Nahaiya urdu translation name Tareek Ibn kaseer it clealy said
of page 37,38 volume 3 that Hazart Ali embraced Islam first. Hazart abu Bakar was the most
ideal man for that position because was elder and he is one on the most trustworthy
companion if the glory of these noble man be discussed here the book will be of thousands of
pages and I just want to clear my the point of governess and passion towards the cause and
that was the actual teaching by the Prophet PBUH.

After Prophet PBUH left us people start to take religion as a joke and ask for changing and
relaxation in the duties there is a miss conception that Hazart Abu Bakar R.A fought the
battle against the tribe who are reluctant in giving Zakat it’s a half story the people want to
seek compensation in SALAHA (NAMAZ) as Prophet said meaning of the statement “The
difference between a muslim and a non-muslim is SALHA (NAMAZ).” If this decision
was not made people will get used to it and the foundation of Islam starts weakening. These
are not the obligations of people it’s the obligation towards Allah (1). This sole decision lead
the foundation of a noble rule that no one is free form the obligation which are imposed by
the Allah. In reality we took these as just a historical events but the theme behind these things
are not elaborated those were the time when islam have enemies to fight with own people is
bit difficult part for any person but the point was made clear until the day of judgment no one
should seek compensation in the obligation made by Allah.

SECOND Caliph Rashid:

The golden era of the ummah the greatest expansion of any empire but it was not like the
Greeks, Persian, Roman or Babylonians when these empire expend because of some king or
for the propose of wealth or just for a hobby but the Islamic expansion was none of these it
was for the Islam because all divine books told about the last PROPHET PBUH so it was
duty to spread the massage all around the known world dozens of battles are fought. Hazart
Umer was the longest Caliph to rule laws were made these all things are talked commonly the

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quote of accountability but these is the hidden and beautiful element which is not talked
about is the advisory committee which include the most senior and learned people. In many
Islamic countries these kind of statement are given frequently that we will govern the affairs
as Calipha do but there is very important role of advisors in any government but
unfortunately these are just sugar coating on the speech most of the rulers like the advisers
which are like minded and those who say yes in ever matter one of the greatest administrators
in human history took advice from people who are equal in status and who don’t say yes in
all the matters if our governments start working like this it will be a way out form suffering
for most of us. The one man show never was the style of caliphs the greed of our rules have
murdered the opposing voices around them and that is the one of the greatest flaws in our
way of government.

THIRD Caliph Rashid:

Hazart Usman was the most beloved of the Companions he lead the Islamic government but
due to some appoints which were made of the family reason

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