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Sara Castillo Herrera.




1. Escribe frases diciendo que hiciste tú ayer

1 I played volleyball yesterday 2 I walked with my dog yesterday

3 I ate pizza yesterday 4 I listened salsa yesterday
5 I danced yesterday 6 I talked with my mom yesterday

2. Traduce al inglés.

1 Ayer fui al cine. La película terminó a las 11.30.=

I went to the cinema yesterday. The movie finished at 11.30

2 Ayer vinieron Sam y Sue. Querían verte. =

Yesterday Sam and Sue came. They wanted to see you

3 Viví en Argentina cuando era pequeño. =

I lived in Argentina when I was little

4 Laura sabía nuestro número de teléfono. =

Laura knew our telephone number

5 Andrés se sentó, abrió el libro y leyó unas páginas. = Andrés sat

down, opened the book and read some pages
3. Lee el texto sobre el viaje de Lisa a Madrid y pon los
verbos en la forma
correcta, en PAST SIMPLE.

fly, get, have, leave, drive, get, park, walk, check, have, wait,
depart, arrive, take.

Last Tuesday Lisa (1) __flew__ from London to Madrid. She (2) got
up at
6 o'clock in the morning and (3) had a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she
(4) left
home and (5) drove to the airport. When she (6) got there,
she (7) parked the car, (8) walked to the airport get, park, walk
building, and
(9) checked in. Then she (10) had breakfast at a café and (11)

waited for her flight. The plane on time and (13) arrived in
Madrid two hours later. Finally she (14) taken a taxi from the airport to
hotel in the centre of Madrid.

4. Pon el verbo en la forma correcta del PAST SIMPLE

(afirmación, negación o

1 We went to the cinema, but the film wasn't very good. We

didn’t enjoy it. (enjoy)

2 Tim bougth some new clothes yesterday — two shirts, a jacket and
a pullover.
3 rained yesterday? No, it was a nice day.' (rain)
4 We were tired, so we stayed long at the party (stay)
5 It was very warm in the room, so I opened a window. (open)
6 Did you phone Chris this morning? No, I had time.' (have)
7 'I cut my hand this morning: 'How that?' (do)
8 'Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday?' I knew
about it? (know)

5. Escribe una anécdota de algo gracioso que te haya

ocurrido, en español, en
tiempo pasado simple, usa entre 10 y 12 renglones y
luego pasarlo a ingles

R// hace un año fui de paseo con mi familia a punta cana, fue un viaje
bastante largo, llegamos al aeropuerto y espermos unas cinco horas
para poder abordar el avion que nos llevaria a nuestro destino.
pasaron 10 horas de vuelo hasta que por fin llegamos, nuetra
intencion era pasar un rato agradable con mi familia.

llegamos al hotel y pedimos nuestras alcohobas esperamos a que

fuera el otro dia para poder ir al mar y disfrutar de una buena comida.

pasaron las horas y eran las 8 de la mañana ya mi familia y yo nos

estabamos arreglando para ir al mar.

llegamos al mar y pasamos unas cinco horas alli nadando,

tomandonos varias fotos, tomandonos unas ricas malteadas de piña
colada con un poco de trago, ya estaba haciendo un poco de hambre
asi que decidimos ir a un restaurante cerca, pedimos el menu mi
familia pidio mariscos y yo pedi una carne normal con una salsa super
rara a la cual no sabia que era alergica. Me comí esa cerne con una
extraña salsa sin saber que era alergica a ella minutos despues
empiezo a ver una reaccion rara en mi cuaerpo debido a esta salsa
asi que rapidamente corrimos a un hospital y ya me trataron.

moraleja: no coman comidas desconocidas.


A year ago I went for a walk with my family to Punta Cana, it was quite
a long trip, we arrived at the airport and we waited about five hours to
board the plane that would take us to our destination. It took 10 hours
of flight until we finally arrived, our intention was to spend a pleasant
time with my family.

we arrived at the hotel and asked for our alcohobas we waited until
the other day to go to the sea and enjoy a good meal.

Hours passed and it was 8 in the morning and my family and I were
getting ready to go to the sea.

We got to the sea and spent about five hours swimming there, taking
several photos, taking some delicious piña colada milkshakes with a
little drink, I was already getting a little hungry so we decided to go to
a restaurant nearby, we asked for the menu my family asked for
Seafood and I ordered a normal meat with a super rare sauce that I
did not know was allergic. I ate that cerne with a strange sauce
without knowing that I was allergic to it minutes later I start to see a
strange reaction in my room due to this sauce so we quickly ran to a
hospital and they already treated me.

moral: don't eat unknown foods.

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