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Greg Rubini @GregRubini

2 Feb 20 • 35 tweets • GregRubini/status/1224032355293241346

1. Mueller: "That's outside my PURVIEW"

why Mueller, when asked about the Steele Dossier,
replied "that's outside my purview" ?

Do you remember that?

Please RETWEET !


2. the Mueller hearing was on July 24, 2019

what happened the day after?

3. do you understand 24-25 now?

4. There is no doubt that Mueller was affected by SENILE DEMENT*IA

- as I wrote on the same day, in this "impromptu" [THREAD]:

Greg Rubini

Mueller appears to be affected by SENILE DEMENTIA

what do you think?

Senile Dementia
What is Senile or Senile Dementia? Senile also
known as Senile dementia is the mental
d t i ti (l f i t ll t l bilit ) th t i

682 1:59 PM - Jul 24, 2019

366 people are talking about this

5. in the Mueller hearing it came clear also that Mueller had not written EVEN ONE
WORD of the "Mueller Report".

he had NO CLUE of what was in the Report.


6. the only thing related to Mueller in that report was his name on the Cover.
Nothing else.

7. infact, in the hearing Mueller himself admitted to Rep. Martha Roby:

Question: "of the 500 interviews the Special Counsel conducted, how many you
personally attended?"

Mueller: "very few"



8. very few ??
come on!
Mueller was THE HEAD of the "Mueller Special Counsel",
which spent $32 Million of OUR dollars!

and Mueller attended "very few" of the 500 interviews ??

what's up?

9. if Mueller did NOT write the Report, WHO did?

- WHO interviewed the witnesses?

10. and now we come to the MEAT...

11. now re-watch the video at #1 of this THREAD

the answer is there... hidden in Plain Sight

12. have you got it?

it's here:
what did Mueller answer?


13. when Rep. Matt @RepMattGaetz questioned Mueller about Christopher Steele,
Mueller answered: "it's outside my PURVIEW"


was Mueller trying to dodge the question?


15. Mueller had been INSTRUCTED (ordered!) to not answer questions related to
Steele, or the fake Dossier.

instructed - by whom?

16. by Rod Rosenstein, who had overseeing the Special Counsel work,
since May 2017.


17 the answer is here:

what did Mueller answer?



18. when asked about Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson, Mueller answered:
"it's outside MY PURVIEW, and it's handled in the DOJ by others"


handled by WHOM?

19. "handled in the DOJ by others" means:

it was handled by Horowitz and by John Durham.

this is why Mueller had been INSTRUCTED (by Rosenstein) to say "it's outside my
PURVIEW" - when asked about ANY matters related to Christopher Steele, or Fusion

20. why by Rod Rosenstein?

because the Special Counsel was installed on May 17, 2017.
there was no William Barr, then.

and Sessions was recused from all matters Russia-related.

only Rosenstein could do it.

Rosenstein had the oversight of the Mueller Special Counsel.



perfect Military Strategy.

22. when was Durham appointed?

we have PROOF that Durham was already working on these MATTERS in Sept 2018.

my guess is that Durham was appointed by Rosenstein on June 23, 2017.


a certain "event" took place, on that day...

23. Rod Rosenstein told Trump to fire Comey on May 8, 2017

on May 9, Trump fired Comey.

McCabe was in charge at the FBI.
dangerous guy.

McCabe was in charge of the investigation on Trump and Russia collusion.

24. Rosenstein called Mueller by phone the day after, on May 10

Rod knew that the DEEP STATE loved Mueller.

on May 12, Rosenstein met with Mueller in person.

he understood that Mueller was affected by SENILE DEMENTIA.


25. and the MASTERPIECE was on May 16, 2017.

on that day Trump and Rosenstein invited Mueller at the White House.

they talked for 4 hours.

not to appoint Mueller as FBI Director - legally, he couldn't.

That was the COVER for the DUMB New York Times and the DUMBER Dems.

26. No.
on May 16, 2017 Trump and Rosenstein "LEVERAGED" Mueller.

This is what happened:

27. Trump and Rosenstein told Mueller:

"ok, Mueller, this is the list of your crimes."

it was a long list.

"now, you have two options:

OPTION A - you will do exactly what we tell you to do, and you sign this document
where you admit all your crimes"

28. "OPTION B - we throw you in JAIL right now, for the rest of your life"
"now we give you 30 minutes to think, then you choose."

and Trump and Rosenstein left the room, leaving Mueller alone.

29. Mueller chose OPTION A.

he had to save his neck.

goal achieved.

and, with that move, Rosenstein took the Russia Investigation away from the hands
of the dangerous Andrew McCabe, and put all of it in the hands of "Mueller"

30. Mueller, on whom Rosenstein had 100% oversight authority the whole time.

Rosenstein even signed the last Carter Page FISA warrant, so he could catch all the
DEEP STATE conspirators
(FISA works both ways!)



31 Trump: "I CAUGHT THEM ALL !"

32. for TWO YEARS Trump TROLLED the Dems, CNN, NYT, WaPo, making them
think that Rosenstein & Mueller were on their side...

"it's a Witch Hunt !"

when in fact Rosenstein was his closest and MOST LOYAL ally,
and Mueller was leveraged.

33. Perfect Military Strategy.

deceive the Enemy, throw at them decoys and baits.

34. Trump is the MASTER TROLLER.

did Mueller damage Trump in any way?

it damaged the Dems, which for TWO YEARS thought that Mueller was going to nail
down Trump.
didn't happen.

35. and now that you KNOW all the above,

you can laugh at Mueller, and his PATHETIC hearing:

"can you repeat that, please?"




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