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God Bless Causality

Luisa Valeria Hernández Sarmiento

Gimnasio Campestre la Fontana

Daydreaming about what´s the point of our whole lives is something most of us
have already done, it doesn´t matter if it happens in the most mundane occasion; in a public
bathroom, while taking the bus, eating lunch; The question always seems marvelous,
astounding, ¿am I meant for something bigger? ¿Is this whole life all I was born for? At
first, it was indeed, wonderful, a live without troubles that couldn´t be solved, because
destiny would be the one to decide; Success may be fate, same as sickness, employs and
love, the meant live for each person, and we only should await the death.Later, it ends
being a little bit paranoiac, to think that all this is meant to be; you are supposed to choose a
determined option for lunch at school, a determined dress for a party, a determined taxi to
go a determined place, and it all had been planned out by fate or God or whoever makes the
rules, and whether you choose or not will define if stuff goes wrong or right.
It´s actually, pretty terrifying if you think about it; you´ll go all day asking yourself
‘What if I do this and things go wrong?’ ’¿What if I mess this up just by doing this?’
‘¿What if my fate is being a failure?’. It means a lot when you finally discover that really,
the so called fate in Romeo and Juliet was no more than a bunch of bad decisions taken by
teenagers, and when Romeo said he was ‘Destiny´s fool’, we readers know that destiny
didn´t told him to ignore Mercutio, or kill Tybalt; no one told Juliet to devise such a
complicated plan. Pyramus and Thisbe made bad decisions as well, but not bad as wrong,
bad as rushed and hurried up, if they had waited to prove what they think they know,
tragedy wouldn´t have hit. So, according to these stories, you can´t pity fate for what
happens, you need to calm down and think correctly what to do next, your decisions are the
key of your future.

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