Introductory Message (Intentional 20)

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A life preparatory group for wives, mothers and ministers after God’s heart



I'll just give a brief introduction.

My name is Sharon Takim, I am many things, and over the course of this programme, you'll
probably get to meet with the different dimensions of me, but in the end, I'm just a regular girl who
had an assignment committed to her by God. Once upon a time, my blood was hot, and I was on a
mission to prove that I was called by God and anointed and I had a point to prove, but right now,
it's almost a struggle to take up the responsibilities that He is intent on placing on me.

In the course of this few months, we will get to know each other a little better. I determined a long
time ago that I'd never be anything less than honest, real and relatable. The call of God does not
exempt you from emotions or feeling things, and I'm not going to act or speak like I'm immune,
but at the end, I will speak God's counsel over any and every issue that is brought to the house,
and speak as God instructs per time.

So, Intentional started purely as a marriage preparatory group. It was for ladies that desired to get
married and succeed at marriage, and were therefore paying the price to prepare themselves,
because the Bible says that the bride makes herself ready, but the script has changed and as a result,
I'm still trying to find my feet and get accuracy for this particular set.

So there are 8 areas we will be focusing on:

1. God/Spirituality

2. Money (me I like this one)

3. Health/Body/Fitness

4. Marriage/Significant relationship

5. Friendships/Associations

6. Family

7. Business/Career

8. Professional development/Personal growth

Each of these areas are very important to me, and they are to everyone here, to different degrees.
The goal is to bring us to the same page concerning these areas as God is.

As ladies, I know that most of us would like to be married, and soon. The questions I asked in the
questionnaires were deliberate, as I wanted to get to know everyone and know where we are

currently, and what we would need. Only a few people are below 18, and I'm so glad that you
decided to register, because someone said, and I agree, it is never too early to start preparing.

There are graces in this house. Graces like you would not believe. People have paid the price for
you to access certain things easily, if you can discern and tap into what is readily available.

If marriage is top of your list, don't worry. As in, relax. It's a small thing. I'm grateful that a number
of ladies in the first Intentional set are also here. One was already on her way to be married then
and is married now, so I can't say what we did had anything to do with Intentional, but I had two
ladies that were not in relationships as at then, in fact, one even had a bad breakup somewhere
along the way, and today, both of them are engaged to men that love them, and they are entering
families that love them. No mother-in-law drama, and this was something we discussed and prayed
extensively about during Intentional 18. I haven't told them yet, but along the line, I'll co-opt them
into sharing their personal experiences. Whatever you need in these 8 areas, better believe it's
available, and if it's not here directly, don't worry, I know where to find it.

From time to time, we will be having people come to teach us. It won't only be spiritual, we will
also have people teach us on business, and other areas. Long story short, you're in for an amazing

There are two basic guiding principles here: Love and Honour. Let these two things guide your
action and conduct here. I've already prayed, so believe me, if you're one to cause contention, by
yourself, you will leave.

Honour all men. Love all men. We are all sisters here growing in God. Nobody has a monopoly
on the Holy Spirit. This is not the place to try to show people how anointed you are and how you
can dissect the scripture. I know you're a mighty prayer warrior, but the less is always blessed of
the greater. If you believe yourself bigger than what is happening here, nothing we do will bless
you. I know you've heard it before and can quote it, but please keep that aside and give God a
chance to speak to you. There's something I do. Whenever I have a chance and there are kids
around me, I kneel down and ask them to pray for me. Sometimes they will lay hands on my head
and I believe it with all my heart and I see results. Please don't use your time here to mark
attendance. Determine in your heart one area in your life among the 8 listed above that must see

Something funny happened in Intentional 18. A number of my ladies here will testify. I'm a great
cook and we shared food timetables in the group. Most of the ladies recorded that their cooking
became better. As we were receiving fire, we were receiving cooking skills. One even started a
good based business. My Intentional 18 sisters, please come and testify whether I'm telling the

So it's not just about spiritual substance. Anything that is available to one is available to all.

For others, they began to see the manifestation of the Spirit of Revelation.

One collected my habit of posting food and memes on my status.

I'm just a vessel. I'm very human. I will make mistakes and probably offend, but if you can choose
to tolerate the vessel for the sake of what you want to receive, you’ll be surprised at what God will
do in your life. So surprised. Don't be around the things of God and not partake. It's better for you
to not be here than for you to be here and not grow, and not receive anything

You have access to me, this is my number, you can DM me at anytime, but please don't abuse it.
Remember honour. If you need anything, don't slide into anybody's DM to beg. Come to me, and
we will sort it out. Don't solicit for funds, and ladies, don't give anybody anything if you met them
on this group and you don't know them personally without speaking to me about it. Let them come
to me first. I'm responsible for you, so God will hold me accountable if you suffer any harm by
being in this group.

So, for now, I have a skeletal team, and a few more of you will be co-opted as the Spirit leads:

1. Secretary - @Miraculous, She's in charge of compiling our meetings so that we can have them
as PDFs later and can refer back to them. If you also want to post anything, talk to Miracle first.
Whatever she tells you, take it that it's me that said it. If you dishonour her, you dishonour me. In
fact, if you dishonour anybody here, it's me and the God that sent me that you're dishonouring.
Don't post anything if she doesn't give you go-ahead. This is not general comments. I mean things
like ads and all these forwarded messages. She has delegated authority to remove you if you violate
these rules.

2. Financial Secretary: @Aisha, This woman had the grace for wealth on her. She will soon
manifest. If you like money, befriend her. We will be having ministers come to bless us, and
because I honour people, nobody will come here to bless us and we won't bless them back. Aisha
is in charge of all things finance. If we want to contribute towards a project, it goes to her. Please
don't send any money to me. I won't even post my account number, so I like transparency and
clarity. All the things we give/donate are freewill, so if you're not impressed to, don't do it. Even
if nobody drops a dime and we invite someone, I'd purposed in my heart to bless them from my
pocket, so be at ease. We are all at different levels in life, so nobody will be put under pressure in
anything I'm privileged to handle.

3. @Chiagozie Ume-Ezeoke, She doesn't have an official job description yet, but if you need
something and can't reach me, talk to her. We will get clarity along the way

And let me just make this clear before we start. Please, edakun, ejo, I take God beg you, don't put
yourself under any pressure to "bless my life". I'm already blessed. God takes care of me. If at
all you want to do anything, make sure it's by revelation and not by coercion or because you want
to gain something from me. You'll receive a lot more by just maintaining a heart posture of honour

than in hanging around me and "shelebrating" me. Una don hear? If you're doing anything, do it
because it was impressed in your heart and you want to, not because you feel obligated or you
want to do transactional anointing. Abeg. E no go work. Nothing like sow 1000 naira to reap 1000
blessings. Not that it's bad, but I don't have a revelation of that and God didn't send me to put His
daughters under pressure

So cam dan. Only do as occasion serves you. I'm stating it clearly now, so that there is no confusion

Our weekly structure is supposed to be thus:

We congregate 3 times weekly,

One day for a teaching session, after which there will be a prayer voicenote

Another day for prayers, which will be online, on Mixlr. It's traditionally Wednesdays, and I'll
share the Mixlr link in due time. You just log in and pray along. It will be praying in tongues
mostly, so for those that indicated you're not sure about this tongues thing, don't worry. We will
discuss it eventually.

One day for questions and answers

I'm thinking of adding one day purely for relationship issues. If the house wants this, this will be
included. You can always follow up whenever you come online. So just note that we have 3
definite times and one tentative time:

1. Main teaching

2. One hour of prayer

3. Q&A

4. Relationship matters

I think those are the basic matters arising for now

And on that note, I welcome you to INTENTIONAL LIVING, 2020!!!!

We begin immediately and I have a task for you already...

So, God did not allow me sleep yesterday because of you.

He said the first thing He wants you to do this year is to offer a sacrifice of praise. Most people
say this, but they don't know what it means.

I don't know how many of us actually set goals (we will address this later), but what He wants
today is for you to take inventory of your life.

Look at all the things that happened last year, the good, the bad, the ugly, then specifically write
down all the bad and ugly experiences you had last year and so far.

Many of us are angry at God and we don't know.

Many of us are carrying a lot of pain that is hindering us moving forward and we don't know how
to address it because we don't think it's appropriate to talk to God about it.

So, this morning, as it's the 2nd day of January, take stock of your year, write down all the bad, all
the negatives, the things you prayed about that didn't change, the people you prayed for that
nothing happened, the breakthrough you believed for that never showed up

Write them down

Then begin to thank Him for them one by one

I'll give an example. 2019 for me was very one kain. You can't even begin to imagine. December
2018 entering into January 2019 was worse than bad. As in, my God. Then He gave me an
instruction in January 2019 to end something that He told me to start, and you'd think that since
He's the one that said it, everything will be rosy. Omo, everybody was angry with me. Everybody.
I really knew what it was like to be alone, and I couldn't even share with anyone what was
happening, not my pastor, not my spiritual heads, not my confidantes. In the middle of that, I got
a new job. Glory to God but my heart was still hurting. Then in February, another major falling
out happened again because of another instruction. By March, it was so bad that I was walking on
the road and I wasn't seeing anything. I knew it was bad when someone called me 3 times on the
road and I didn't even hear. To make it worse, it was in that season that God decided to change
how He communicates with me. Imagine going through all this and then there's now silence from
God. I would wake up to pray and I literally had no words. None. I'd just be staring. Sometimes
I'd wake up to pray and I would just know that the solution for what was doing me was sleep, not
tongues. So the Holy Spirit Himself would tell me, Go and sleep. All I could do was eat, sleep,
wake-up, survive and then go back to sleep.

Just when I started to feel normal again, in April, I was bathing and then I felt a lump in my right
breast. That wasn't even the problem. The problem was that I had had a lump in my right breast
before and I was miraculously healed. All of a sudden, it's back. Who did I offend please? And
why is it now of all times when I'm barely surviving that this one now happens? Then I wanted to
start praying again, even though I knew I didn't have the energy or capacity and God told me
straight, go to the hospital. This time you're having surgery. Wait fess. Shebi you've healed me
before? Shebi me and you agreed that I will never have surgery for anything. I've confessed the
word. What really is going on? Na wah

But then, I squared my shoulders, booked an appointment at the hospital, and started going for
tests. In that time, 7 days fasting and prayer was going on in the ministry I'm a part of, we regularly

see miracles. Like it's almost normal. Someone was healed of HIV that he was born with. I kept
joining the line even though I knew the end was surgery. I kept telling God, I know they will
operate me but it doesn't mean I've stopped believing in your healing power. I think the worst part
of the processes were the tests. They inserted one huge needle in my breast to take tissue sample
from the lump to determine whether it was benign or malignant. If it was malignant, it would mean
chemotherapy. I kept going to the hospital every Monday, and eventually, in June, I had the
surgery. Guess what? I was awake. They applied a local anaesthetic, meaning they just made the
area numb, so I was lying on the table awake and I was feeling blood pouring from my breast
dripping down my back. First I'm thinking if I will have a scar from the surgery, and then I'm
wondering whether it's even necessary to be wearing cloth again, since it's almost like all the
doctors in this hospital have seen all my breast finish, and they were all male.

Eventually, the surgery was over. Funny enough, I didn't feel that much pain, I almost stopped
taking my painkillers sef. At the time I was even going through school of ministry and I only
missed one weekend of classes. Did I mention that at this time an ugly rumour had been started
about me, and it had made people that used to like me start behaving funny towards me? And I
couldn't even talk about it because God said I should honour the people involved. So I can't even
vent. I cannot even do small "your Fada". I'm just holding it all in and telling God that if He kuku
likes, He should kee me

Many good things happened, but this is about the bad. The things I never thought I'd experience.
The things I didn't think were necessary. I know I have dominion, so where is all this coming from?
I even attended Shiloh to make sure that my year was set

But I realized something along the way. His peace never left. Never never never. There was pain
o, so much pain, buy His peace was present. People outside didn't even know anything was
happening. You'd hardly ever see me without a smile on my face, and I wasn't faking it. The peace
was triumphing over the pain

A lot happened last year that I didn't think was necessary, but He was there through it all. It's not
even like as if all the situations are settled, many are still hanging, but peace

So, this morning, God is asking you to stop carrying secret resentment. Do you think He's afraid
of your tears or anger? Lightning will not strike you because you're angry with God. He's not your
natural father that will slap you because he doesn't like the way you're looking at Him. He does
fatherhood differently

Write down every pain, every disappointment, every hurt, all of it, and then thank Him for it

Thank you for this scholarship that I didn't get. Thank you for that foolish boy that broke my heart.
Thank you for the times I went hungry. Thank you for the pain

This, my dears, is the sacrifice of praise

David kept begging for the life of his first child with Bathsheba. The moment he heard the child
was dead, he got up, washed his face and thanked God

Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come
again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

Your tears are your precious seed. Your pain is your precious seed. Lay it to rest this morning

Stop hiding it. Your pain is legitimate

Here's what will happen.

1. God will give you the grace to let go

2. Every form of bitterness will go. You can't make progress when you're bitter

3. Your heart will be light and free

4. Hope will begin to bloom

5. Peace will mantle your heart.

Take time out this morning to do this and we will gather in the evening and you will tell me how
you feel

God bless you. See you in the evening.

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