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SAP2000 Version 11.0.

Release Notes
© Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2007

Release Date: 2007-10-22

This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the last release. Most changes do not affect
most users. Significant issues are indicated with an exclamation mark (!) in the first column of the
tables below.

Changes from V11.0.7 (2007-09-30) to V11.0.8 (2007-10-22)

User Interface and Display

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12848 Adding additional named views after a model was saved would delete previously
defined named views the next time the model was saved. This has been resolved.
12990 It was possible to delete frame, area, solid, and link properties even if they were
assigned to objects in the model. This resulted in null properties being assigned to
these objects. This has been resolved so that even if you delete assigned properties,
they are automatically restored and the assignments are not changed.
13041 Same as Incident 12848
13045 Plots of time-dependent stiffness shown under the Define > Materials command
did not correctly account for changes in units. This was a display issue only and did
not affect analysis results. This has been resolved.
13083 Starting with Version 11.0.7, right-clicking on a document title in the Help >
Documentation command did not always bring up the correct description of the
document. This has been resolved.
13170 Captures of the display window using the command File > Capture Enhanced
Metafile were not always properly scaled, cutting off part of the picture for certain
monitor settings. This has been resolved for the capture of the current window. The
option to capture a user region of the current window has been removed.

SAP2000 V11.0.8 2007-10-22 Page 1

Enhancements Implememented

! Incident Description
13070 In order to achieve certain modeling purposes, negative proportional damping is
now permitted in direct-integration time-history cases. However, the use of
negative damping is not generally recommended, especially for nonlinear cases.

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
13034 A runtime error was generated when using the underground-concrete-structures
new-model template with a circular hole. This has been resolved.
13078 A runtime error was generated when triangular area objects were extruded into
solids using the Edit > Extrude > Extrude Areas to Solids command. This has been
13153 A runtime error was generated after setting the number of trucks to zero in the
underground-concrete-structures new-model template. This has been resolved.
! 13159 The vertical acceleration component of wave loading computed using Linear
theory had the incorrect sign. This has been resolved.

Section Designer
Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
13250 An internal change was made to the axial strain increments used to compute the
moment-curvature relationship. This should improve the convergence behavior of
the internal iteration procedure, but have very little effect on the results.
! 13253 Multiple rings of rebar within the cores of Caltrans-type sections could be
specified, but they were not drawn or used for analysis. This has been resolved.
This error was introduced in version 11.0.5.
! 13254 Openings drawn inside of Caltrans sections had no effect on the behavior. This has
been resolved so that openings now subtract material from Caltrans sections. They
are always assumed to subtract the concrete chosen for the “Core,” even if the
opening overlays “Outer” or “Other” concrete. Any rebar within an opening is not

SAP2000 V11.0.8 2007-10-22 Page 2

BrIM – Bridge Information Modeler
Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
! 12474 The outer edges of the top flanges of nonprismatic steel girders, when modeled as
areas, were not always properly connected together where the section properties
change. This occurred when a linked model was updated on top of a previously
existing linked model. This has been resolved. This issue did not occur when a
linked model was updated on an empty model.
! 12475 Chord-and-brace diaphragms defined with non-zero brace work-point locations did
not always properly connect to the girders. This has been resolved. The diaphragms
now connect to the joints at the top and bottom of the girders, and non-zero work-
point locations are modeled using frame insertion-point assignments.
! 13040 Frame element skews were not always interpolated correctly for a bridge spine
model, leading to incorrect bounding boxes that affected tendon connections to the
deck. This has been resolved.
! 13046 Area and solid bridge models did not always connect to the bents if the deck was
superelevated and the bridge girders were specified to remain vertical in the
presence of superelevation. This has been resolved.
! 13127 Area and solid bridge models were sometimes created with an incorrect width if the
layout line included a curve with spirals. This has been resolved.
13132 The item Construction Scheduler appeared in the BrIM menu. This is scheduled for
a future release and is not yet available. It has been removed from the menu.
! 13134 Bounding boxes used for connecting tendons to the bridge deck of a spine model
with pre-cast I or U girders were not correct, often leading to errors in the tendon
connection. This has been resolved.
! 13136 Bounding boxes used for connecting tendons to the bridge deck of a spine model
with vertical curve had small vertical location errors, possibly leading to errors in
the tendon connection where tendons were located near the top or bottom of the
deck section. This has been resolved.

Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
13048 The SAP2000 command line has been enhanced to allow control of the 32/64-bit
solver on 64-bit machines. Adding option B1 after the /R switch will force the 32-
bit solver on a 64-bit machine. Adding option B2 after /R switch will force the 64-
bit solver on a 64-bit machine. Omitting the B option altogether will use the setting
in the model file, controlled using the command Analyze > Set Options. The
verification Excel file SAP2000_Verification_1100.xls has also been enhanced to
use this feature. These changes have no effect on 32-bit machines.

SAP2000 V11.0.8 2007-10-22 Page 3

Results Display and Output
Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
13098 The right-click stress-contour display has been enhanced so that the cursor snaps to
the corners and edges of the element instead of moving outside the element.

Results Display and Output

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
13027 When displaying element stresses or forces, the numerical values shown at the
mouse cursor were for the element farthest back when one element is in front of
another. This has been resolved to show results for the nearest element.
13199 Creation of animated video files showing applied wave loading did not work. This
has been resolved.

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
! 13063 Notional loads were not being added to the default design load combinations
created for the "CAN/CSA-S16-01" code. This has been resolved.
13261 An unnecessary error message was sometimes shown for the UBC-97 design check
of the minor unbraced length for eccentrically braced frames (EBF), even if the
unbraced length was acceptable. This has been resolved.

Database Tables
Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12988 The units for temperature load were shown in the database tables as F/sec or C/sec.
This has been resolved so that now they correctly show as F or C. This has no
effect on the model.
13024 A runtime error was generated when using the command Options > Database >
Table and Field Names. This has been resolved.
13032 A runtime error was generated when exporting certain tables to Excel due to the
use of sheet names that are not legal in Excel. This has been resolved. Table names
have not been changed.
13113 Appending a table format to an existing table-formats file sometimes generated a
runtime error. This has been resolved.

SAP2000 V11.0.8 2007-10-22 Page 4

! Incident Description
13191 The display of frame-hinge assignment tables when automatic frame-hinge
assignments had not been regenerated caused a runtime error. This has been
resolved. (Note that regeneration of automatic hinge assignments occurs when
hinges are assigned or analysis is performed, but not when properties are changed.)
13220 Applying a table filter to a field that is also specified not to be printed generated a
runtime error. This has been resolved.

Data Files (.SDB, .S2K, .$2K, ..XLS, .MDB)

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12565 Exporting Section Designer properties did not account for changes made to the
labels using the Edit > Change Labels command. This has been resolved.
13065 For Version 11.0.7 only, the three design-preference parameters that control the
analysis method for the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” steel code were not being
imported correctly, but instead were being set to default values. This has been
13076 When importing a response-spectrum function with damping specified as zero, the
damping was being changed to 5%. This has been resolved. Now damping
specified as zero is imported as zero.
13079 An extraneous error message regarding table “Tendon Local Axes Assignments 2 -
Advanced” was generated when importing a model with tendons. This table no
longer exists, and the message has been removed. This message had no impact on
the data being imported.
! 13105 Rebar that was drawn in Section Designer as single points, lines, or 2-D shapes in
SAP2000 Version 10 and older versions did not come into Version 11 as rebar
material, thus affecting the calculation of PMM surfaces and moment-curvature
relationships. This has been resolved so that models from Version 10 and older, as
well as Version 11 models that were previously brought in from Version 10 and
older, should now all be handled correctly.
13133 A runtime error was sometimes generated when importing pushover-plot data. This
has been resolved.

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
13047 All verification model files have been modified so that they use the 64-bit solver
when run on 64-bit machines. Previously all these model files used the 32-bit
solver on 64-bit machines except for the cable examples.

SAP2000 V11.0.8 2007-10-22 Page 5

! Incident Description
13080 CSI phone numbers have been changed in the program and in some documentation.
The new voice number is 1-510-649-2200. The new fax number is 1-510-649-
13246 Version number changed to 11.0.8

SAP2000 V11.0.8 2007-10-22 Page 6

SAP2000 Version 11.0.7
Release Notes
© Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2007

Release Date: 2007-09-30

This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the last release. Most changes do not affect
most users. Significant issues are indicated with an exclamation mark (!) in the first column of the
tables below.

Changes from V11.0.6 (2007-07-16) to V11.0.7 (2007-09-30)

User Interface and Display

Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
12473 For the command Define > Hinge Properties, a feature was added to graphically
show the current fiber on the plot while editing the table for a user-defined fiber
12631 Increased the speed of accessing property definitions from the Define menu.
12957 The documentation available using the Help > Documentation command can now
be modified by the user. There is now a Microsoft Access database file called
SapDocs.mdb, located in the Manuals subfolder where SAP2000 is installed, which
you can edit. This allows you to add your own documents, such as company
standards or language translations, to the documents provided with SAP2000. The
menu structure displayed using the Help > Documentation command is defined by
the table “Control” in the SapDocs.MDB file. This table refers to other tables you
can create that list the documents available from the menu.

User Interface and Display

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12171 The BAG model template generated a runtime error when Windows regional
settings for certain countries are in use. This has been resolved.
12411 The Help > About SAP2000 command displayed negative values for physical
memory when the installed RAM exceeded 2GB. This has been resolved.
12447 The extruded shape plot did not account for the rotation angle of a Section
Designer box shape. This has been resolved.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 1

! Incident Description
12600 The manuals available from the Help > Documentation command have been
updated for the currently supported design codes, and now include the
ReadMe.PDF and ReleaseNotes.PDF files.
12322 Invalid hinge assignments were permitted to frame objects having concrete general
sections without rebar, leading to an error message at analysis time. This has been
resolved by not permitting such invalid hinge assignments.
12534 When exporting databases tables without selecting at least one load case or analysis
case, a repeated warning message was printed for each table exported. This has
been resolved to show the warning only once.
12601 A runtime error was sometimes generated when changing the display coordinate
system after an analysis was run for a model in which link elements were
automatically created for panel zones or distributed springs. This has been
12624 The extruded shape of nonprismatic sections was not plotted correctly for the
deformed shape, even though it was plotted correctly for the undeformed shape.
This has been resolved by not plotting extruded deformed shapes for any model
that contains nonprismatic frame sections.
12665 The Design> Lateral Bracing command was not remembering previously assigned
values. This has been resolved.
12727 The transparency setting for color display options generated a runtime error when
Windows regional settings for certain countries were in use. This has been
12792 There was a formatting problem on the Locations tab in the right-click display for
point object properties after having used the Analyze > Modify Undeformed
Geometry command. This has been resolved.

Enhancements Implememented

! Incident Description
12323 Load combinations, including those generated for design, can be converted to
nonlinear static analysis cases for performing more advanced analysis and design.
Using the Define > Combinations command, you can select one or more
combinations to be converted. If there are any linear static analysis cases in a
selected combination, a nonlinear static P-delta analysis case is created that
combines them, and the nonlinear case then replaces all the linear static cases in the
combination. No other analysis cases in the combination are affected.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 2

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12291 The wavelength for user-defined wave loads was not being calculated, leading to
an error message. This has been resolved.
12450 Default frame section, area section, or solid properties were not being created when
needed for objects created using the Edit > Extrude command. This could result in
the object having no properties and therefore being excluded from analysis. This
has been resolved.
! 12461 The major bending properties (I33, S33, Z33, R33) were not correctly calculated
for built-up steel sections. This has been resolved.
12484 Same as Incident 12450
12546 Assigning a Caltrans hinge to a Section Designer section sometimes failed with an
error message. This has been resolved. The assignment is now permitted for any
Section Designer section for which a moment-curvature relationship can be
displayed in Section Designer.
12554 A runtime error was generated when trying to automatically re-label area objects.
This has been resolved.
12587 The yield strength calculated for concrete V3 hinges (minor direction) was using
the shear steel area for the V2 direction (major direction). This has been resolved.
12644 Same as Incident 12554
12911 Roundoff errors were present in the calculation of the rectangular Mander model
stress-strain curve for display for nonlinear concrete materials. This was a display
issue only and does not affect results. This has been resolved.
! 12934 For the NBCC 2005 auto seismic loads, coefficients Fa and Fv were not always
being computed correctly. This has been resolved.

Section Designer
Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
11971 Editing the prestress tendon layout for a Caltrans section sometimes caused a
runtime error. This has been resolved
12196 Editing the Mander material definition for a polygon sometimes caused a runtime
error. This has been resolved.
12225 A circular section with Mander material could not be converted to a polygon. This
has been resolved.
12293 The axial force limits given on the moment-curvature form did not properly
account for actual rebar yield stress. This has a minor effect on the axial force
values for which Caltrans PMM hinges are generated, but does not affect the actual
moment-curvature relationships. This has been resolved.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 3

! Incident Description
12294 When calculating the moment-curvature relationship for a Caltrans sections, the
concrete removed at the location of the rebar was assumed to be unconfined rather
than confined. The effect is very small. This has been resolved.
! 12307 The export and import of Section Designer sections using database tables or the
.$2K file had a number of problems causing loss of data. This has been resolved.
! 12347 The export and import of Section Designer sections using database tables or the
.$2K file did not properly account for multiple cores in Caltrans Sections. This has
been resolved.
12458 An error sometimes prevented the drawing the moment-curvature plot for a solid
circular or rectangular shape. This has been resolved.
12468 The Mander model stress-strain curve did not always update automatically for
display when the rebar size was changed for a circular or rectangular concrete
shape. This effect was temporary and would correct itself before analysis. This has
been resolved.
12470 When calculating the moment-curvature relationship for a Caltrans sections,
concrete was not removed at the location of the tendon. The effect is small. This
has been resolved.
12471 A runtime error sometimes occurred when plotting the Caltrans idealized moment-
curvature relationship at zero axial force. This has been resolved.
12508 The moment-curvature relationship was sometimes incorrect when tendons were
present and the units used to display the curve are different from the base units of
the model. This has been resolved.
12509 Same as Incident 12458
12576 Same as Incident 12458
12726 Caltrans wire reinforcement sometimes generated zero wire diameter and area. This
has been resolved.
12812 Parameters in the properties grid form for solid circular and rectangular shapes
sometimes were shown in the wrong location. This was a visual effect only. This
has been resolved.
12821 Mirror and radial replication did not function correctly for nonsymmetrical shapes.
This has been resolved for radial replication. Mirror replication will be resolved in
a future release.
12870 Replication of line rebar did not function correctly. This has been resolved.

BrIM – Bridge Information Modeler

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12315 Diaphragms were not being generated for some curved bridges when the auto-
merge tolerance was small. This has been resolved.
12357 Connections between the superstructure and substructure were not always correct
when the superstructure was offset transversely from the layout line. This has been

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 4

! Incident Description
12383 A bridge analysis model could not be created when there are more tendon section
properties than frame section properties. This has been resolved.
12634 The left and right overhang distances were transposed and not being input correctly
for the advanced concrete box girder bridge deck section. This has been resolved.
12659 The local axes of the link elements used to model bridge in-span hinge bearings
and restrainers were aligned with the global axes rather than with the bridge layout
line. This has been resolved.
12904 Constraints that tie the girder to the deck were sometimes not being generated at
the first station after the start abutment for steel, precast I, and precast U girder
deck sections when modeled as area objects. This has been resolved.

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
! 12989 When using the auto-shift option, the eigen solver sometimes stopped before
finding all the requested modes. This has been resolved.

Results Display and Output

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12355 Correspondence results for reactions under moving-load analysis were not
available. This has been resolved.
12382 Shell top and bottom stresses were displayed for the wrong layer if the layers were
not ordered from bottom to top. This has been resolved.
12531 The max/min values displayed on the status bar for response-spectrum principal
stresses were not zero even though the plotted stresses were zero. This has been
12535 When displaying the deformed shape contours, the max/min displacement values
displayed in the status bar were not updated if the units were changed. This has
been resolved.
12688 A runtime error sometimes occurred when selecting a fiber hinge to view using the
Display > Hinge Results command. This has been resolved.
12715 The display of bridge forces and stresses for multi-stepped linear static analysis
cases did not allow the choice of envelope or step, and showed a mixture of
minimum and maximum envelope results. This has been resolved.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 5

Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
12397 The distinction between warning and error messages shown in the steel and cold-
formed steel design details has been clarified. A warning indicates an issue needing
the attention of the engineer. An error indicates failure of the design.
12399 Code citations are now printed with error and warning messages for the
“CAN/CSA-S16-01” steel design code.
12713 New design combination types have been added that include live load plus
companion wind load as needed for Canadian design codes.
12747 Added new display options for design data:
• Identify all steel P-M failure
• Identify all steel shear failure
• Identify all steel failures
12874 Program-calculated concrete design overwrite values are now available in the
database tables and API functions. The values determined for the controlling
design combination are given. Previously, default values were given.
12875 Program-calculated steel design overwrite values are now available in the database
tables and API functions. The values determined for the controlling design
combination are given. Previously, default values were given.
12876 The definition of the analysis method in the Design Overwrites for the “AISC 360-
05/IBC 2006” steel code has been changed from one parameter to three parameters.
This follows the approach described in the code specifications. These are:
• Analysis Method – Direct Analysis, Effective Length, or Limited 1st Order
• Second-Order Method (for Direct Analysis and Effective Length methods)
– General 2nd Order or Amplified 1st Order
• Stiffness Reduction Method (only for Direct Analysis method) – Tau-b
Variable, Tau-b Fixed, or No Reduction
! 12877 If the Direct Analysis Method (DAM) is selected for “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006”, the
program now automatically modifies the structural stiffness based on Tau-b, which
can either be fixed or variable. Previously this modification was not automatically
applied. If you open a model from an older version in which you had manually
applied frame property modifiers for this purpose, you should either remove these
modifiers or select “No Modification” under the Design Preferences for DAM.
12878 Added reporting of the additive components of the interaction equations for the
“AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” code.
12879 Added checking of the interaction equations involving torsion for closed sections
for the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” code.
12882 The special combination name and the associated design-code section numbers are
now reported when a special combination controls the design for the “AISC 360-
05/IBC 2006” and “CAN/CSA-S16-01” steel codes.
12883 Design details and calculations are now produced for the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006”
and “CAN/CSA-S16-01” steel design codes even when the design fails. Previously
details and calculations were only produced in the case of warnings, not errors.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 6

! Incident Description
12886 Under the Design Preferences for the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” code, the default
value for Reduce HSS Thickness was changed from Yes to No, since the section
properties are usually given with the thickness already reduced.
12919 The “AISC 360-05/IBC2006” design manual, while still in draft form, has been
! 12942 A design-decision-parameters output table has been added for the "AISC 360-
05/IBC 2006" steel design code.
! 12943 The capability has been added to design EBF columns based on the maximum
possible axial force that can be developed from the shear capacities in all the links
above that column. This affects the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” and “CAN/CSA-
S16-01” design codes.
! 12944 The capability has been added to show errors when the EBF link rotation exceeds
its required limit and/or when the link length is smaller than the required limit. This
affects the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” design code.
! 12945 The capability has been added to show errors when the PMM ratio in EBF columns
exceeds its required limit for special load combinations. This affects the
“CAN/CSA-S16-01” design code. The limit is 0.85 for lower stories, and 0.65 for
the upper stories, defined as those all or partially within 8 m (26 ft) from the top.
12955 Concrete code “CSA A23.3-04” now uses the parameters Rd and Ro taken from
the auto-seismic load definition. Previously, default values were assumed.
12984 A practical how-to guide for using the Direct Analysis Method (DAM) of the
“AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” design code has been added to the documentation in
draft form.
13005 For a given steel member, when lateral bracing has been assigned using the Design
> Lateral Bracing command, and Design Overwrites are also specified for the
Unbraced Length Ratio in either the minor bending direction or for lateral torsional
buckling, the Design Overwrites values take precedence. Previously the assigned
lateral bracing controlled.

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12398 When steel design of a member cannot proceed because of P-delta instability, the
program reported an internal error. This has been resolved by instead reporting that
design cannot proceed.
12439 Documentation of the “AISC LRFD-99” steel design code previously stated that
the resistance factor for tension fracture was 0.7. It has been changed to 0.75. This
is only a documentation issue, as the value used in the program was always 0.75.
! 12679 Shear design results for the “CAN/CSA A23.3-04” concrete code were erratic. This
has been resolved.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 7

! Incident Description
! 12689 The cover specified for concrete column frame sections is to the center of the
longitudinal rebar, but it was being treated as the clear cover to the outside of
confinement steel for shear and torsional design. This has been resolved. Design
results may change from previous versions. They were previously conservative.
12873 The concrete shear-area calculation has been improved for the “CSA A23.3-04”
and “CSA-A23.3-94” codes. This gives better shear design and may create a minor
change in design results.
12880 The calculation of Cw and J has been improved for unsymmetrical I shapes. This
may create a minor change in design results.
12881 A runtime error could occur during design of members for which the lateral bracing
had been assigned as uniform for the entire length. This has been resolved.
! 12884 The flexural capacity for the LTB limit state of a flat rectangular section using the
“AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” steel design code was incorrect. This has been resolved.
! 12885 The B1 factor calculated for the “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” steel design code was
incorrect, and could be less than 1.0. This has been resolved.
12954 The notional load factor was removed from the steel Design Preferences form since
it was not being used. Scaling of the notional loads should be done in the definition
of the notional load cases themselves.
12973 For steel frame design, the deflection value reported for SDL+LL actually only
included the SDL deflection. However, the design ratios were being correctly
calculated and reported. This has been resolved.
12983 The moments used as the basis for Cb calculation were not always correct when the
critical moment occurs at assigned brace points. The error is small and
conservative. This has been resolved.
! 13007 For the design of beams under seismic loading in ductile moment-resisting frames,
the unbraced length was being checked in the major bending direction. This is
unnecessary and is overconservative. This affected the “AISC 360-05/IBC2006”,
“AISC LRFD-01”, “AISC LRFD-99”, and “CAN/CSA-S16-01” design codes. This
has been resolved. The check for the minor bending direction and for lateral
torsional buckling was and still is correct.

Data Files (.SDB, .S2K, .$2K, ..XLS, .MDB)

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12265 An extraneous warning message was printed when importing database tables
containing NBCC response-spectrum functions. This had no effect on results. This
has been resolved.
12328 Design group data was not being saved to the .$2K file nor was it available in the
database tables. This has been resolved by adding selected-for-design flags to the
group definition table.
12344 A runtime error sometimes occurred when importing bridge variations from
database tables or the .$2K file. This has been resolved.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 8

! Incident Description
12374 Circular Mander material data could not be imported properly from version 10 files
using database tables or the .$2K file. This has been resolved.
12683 Rebar materials were not correctly being created in Version 11 when concrete
materials are brought in from Version 9 models, resulting in runtime errors. This
has been resolved.

Application Programming Interface (API)

Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
12506 The speed of adding objects by coordinate when using API functions has been

Application Programming Interface (API)

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12729 Indexing did not work correctly for the API functions GetLoadForce and
GetLoadDispl for point objects and point elements. This has been resolved.

External Import/Export
Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
12090 The import of the STAAD Repeat Load command has been improved. For each
STAAD load case encountered, a corresponding SAP2000 load case called
PattSTD# and a corresponding SAP2000 analysis case called CaseSTD# are
created, where # is the STAAD load case number. The created analysis case is
linear static. If a STAAD load case contains Repeat Load commands, these are
implemented by applying the scaled load cases in the analysis case. Multiple
Repeat Load commands are additive. When an analysis case contains Repeat
Loads, it is converted to a nonlinear static analysis case with P-delta, and a
combination called CombSTD# is created that references it for use in design.
12212 Self-weight of shells in STAAD models is now imported using the SAP2000
gravity load assignment.
12424 Same as Incident 12090
12425 Same as Incident 12212
12667 The import of frame offsets in STAAD models has been implemented as frame
joint offsets, to which they are equivalent. They are fully rigid and without material
properties or loads.

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 9

! Incident Description
12668 The import of the STAAD Structure Type command has been implemented by
setting the appropriate global available degrees of freedom in the SAP2000 model.
12914 Improved error handling has been implemented for importing STAAD models.
Whenever possible, the importing of data will continue if incorrect or unrecognized
data is encountered, and a warning will be written to the log file. Previously the
import was terminated.

External Import/Export
Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12188 A runtime error sometimes occurred when importing STAAD Area Load
commands. This has been resolved by not importing this data, since there is no
direct SAP2000 equivalent. A warning message is generated.
12485 A runtime error sometimes occurred when importing section properties in STAAD
files. This has been resolved.
12459 The direction of restraints in STAAD models with Z-up was not correctly
imported. This has been resolved.
12551 Point loads on frame elements in imported STAAD models were located at the start
end of the element rather than at the middle when no location was specified. This
has been resolved.
12962 The importing of certain STAAD models stopped partway through the file. This
has been resolved.

Incidents Resolved

! Incident Description
12890 Version number changed to 11.0.7

SAP2000 V11.0.7 2007-09-30 Page 10

SAP2000 Version 11.0.6
Release Notes
© Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2007

Release Date: 2007-07-16

This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the last release. Most changes do not affect
most users. Significant issues are indicated with an exclamation mark (!) in the first column of the
tables below.

Changes from V11.0.5 (2007-07-10) to V11.0.6 (2007-07-16)

Incidents Resolved: Bridge Modeler

! Incident Description
! 12195 Diaphragms, hinges, and discretization points were not being created in curved
bridges. This problem was introduced in version 11.0.5 and does not affect any
previous versions

Incidents Resolved: Results Display and Output

! Incident Description
12181 Stress averaging was performed only on elements shown in the current view or
previous views. Now stress averaging is performed over all elements in the model,
regardless of what is shown in the view
12198 The automatic scale factor for plotting the deformed shape in OpenGL was based
on inches rather than the current length units. This only affects the scale of plotting.
The numerical values shown were always correct

Incidents Resolved: Analysis

! Incident Description
12200 The advanced solver did not detect certain instabilities. This problem was
introduced in version 11.0.5 and does not affect any previous versions of V11

SAP2000 V11.0.6 2007-07-16 Page 1

Incidents Resolved: Design

! Incident Description
12199 Header text in design details for Chinese steel design check referred to “K” instead
of “Mue”. This is a cosmetic issue only, and has no effect on results
12208 The button for tabular display of complete steel-design details did not function

SAP2000 V11.0.6 2007-07-16 Page 2

SAP2000 Version 11.0.5
Release Notes
© Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2007

Release Date: 2007-07-10

This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the last release. Most changes do not affect
most users. Significant issues are indicated with an exclamation mark (!) in the first column of the
tables below.

Changes from V11.0.4/1 (2007-05-18) to V11.0.5 (2007-07-10)

Enhancements Implemented

! Incident Description
! 11387 Canadian code CAN/CSA-S16-01 design check has been added. Seismic
provisions have been included at an initial level, similar to how they are
implemented for AISC 2005
11451 Basic geometry and connectivity can be exported to CSI Perform-3D
! 11488 A warning message is now printed when the advanced solver detects instabilities.
A single warning message is printed. For more detailed information, you can re-run
the model with the standard solver, or use eigen-analysis to show unstable modes
! 11517 Canadian NBCC 2005 wind loads, seismic loads, and response-spectrum functions
have been added
11708 A warning message is now printed if an imported CIS/2 file has no usable data
11724 A new Open API function was added for the changing of point coordinates that
allows an option to not refresh the view, for speed
11887 The order of the columns displayed for the PMM surface in Section Designer has
been changed from P-M3-M2 to P-M2-M3 so that they can be copied and pasted
into the frame hinge form. However, the definition of the moment angle is still
different between Section Designer and the frame hinge
11920 The default for the auto-shift option in eigen-type modal analysis cases has been
changed to “On” (it was “Off”). This improves the speed for unstable models
12014 Design tables are now automatically exported after analysis and design if they are
requested in the named set chosen using the command Analyze > Set Analysis
! 12116 A warning message is now printed when zeroes are detected on the diagonal by the
advanced solver during assembly. A single warning message is printed and each
zero is changed to a small positive number. For more detailed information, you can
re-run the model with the standard solver

SAP2000 V11.0.5 2007-07-10 Page 1

Incidents Resolved: Data Files (.SDB, .S2K, .$2K, ..XLS, .MDB)

! Incident Description
11413 Applying a coordinate rotation while importing an addition to a model gave
incorrect geometry
11429 Saving a model with more tendon sections than frame sections sometimes failed
11504 Surface pressure loads were sometimes not saved in the automatic .$2K model text
11540 The program crashed when opening a specific model with corrupted grids
11626 Concrete design combos were not properly selected for design when imported
11646 Materials with zero stress-strain curves from older models were causing analysis to
fail. Now they are ignored unless the material is used for fiber hinge properties
12066 Section Designer data was not carried over from some V10 files into V11

Incidents Resolved: User Interface and Display

! Incident Description
11308 The extrude view of nonprismatic sections always showed constant segments. Now
the display shows a tapered rectangular bounding box if the section changes over a
segment. For constant segments, the actual shape is shown.
11486 Contour plots of area-object uniform loads did not work
11520 Program crashed when reducing the number of PMM curves in a hinge property
that had been changed from symmetry to no symmetry
11541 Plotting of extruded view and bounding box was not correct for some
unsymmetrical frame sections
11551 The option to show reinforcement in OpenGL plots has been removed since this
feature is not actually available
11552 Plotting of extruded view and bounding box was not available for cold-formed
frame sections
11609 The bounding box did not plot correctly for shell (area) objects with joint offsets.
This was a plotting error only, the actual bounding box was always correct
11645 Grid bubble always plots at End even when Start is chosen
11737 Clicking OK on the Tips form sometimes caused the SAP2000 screen to move to
the background
11741 The move command was too slow for a few objects in a large model
11752 Zooming while drawing lines or areas sometimes canceled the drawing operation
11973 Frame section properties with blanks in the name could not be picked from a list
12016 Names could not be changed for a rebar created with Quick Material option
12045 Very narrow triangular objects plotted too large when selected
12127 In rare cases the program crashed when selecting objects

SAP2000 V11.0.5 2007-07-10 Page 2

Incidents Resolved: Modeling

! Incident Description
! 11352 The general mesher sometimes failed to create a mesh
11483 Spherical models generated from the templates or by extrusion of curved lines
sometimes created triangular elements where quadrilaterals were needed
11532 Using the re-shaper tool sometimes created duplicate points rather than merging
points created at the same location
! 11538 The command Assign > Area Loads > Uniform to Frame did not always produce
the correct loads if there was an open edge on the area object, i.e., an edge without
a frame element. Models having these types of loads should be checked with the
new version 11.0.5
11546 Assigning frame objects to lanes sometimes added them to lanes not chosen
11547 Conversion of temperature loads between Fahrenheit to Celsius units was adding or
subtracting 32 ºF. Now the conversion is based only on the ratio of 9 ºF to 5 ºC
11620 Tendon prestress anchor-slip forces were not correctly calculated if the slip length
was greater than the length of the tendon
11627 Diaphragm forces specified for user-defined auto-lateral wind loads were not being
! 11655 The general mesher sometimes crashed
! 11665 For frame hinges specified using moment-curvature relationships scaled by the
program-determined yield curvature, that yield curvature was calculated as the
FEMA356 yield rotation divided by an assumed hinge length. For steel hinges this
gave My/(6EI). Now it is calculated as My/(EI), where My is the yield moment.
This change affects ductility only, not the moment at which yield occurs
11746 The auto-mesher created area objects with reversed local-3 axis if the meshed area
was concave
11933 Subdividing and meshing of curved-line objects with points and intersecting lines
was using the straight line connecting the ends rather than using the curve. This
feature has been disabled, and will be corrected for a future release
11958 Pipe template was creating models with missing triangular elements
11959 Replication of curved frame elements was not working
12007 Property modifiers for mass and weight did not work for Section Designer sections
12026 The structure height used for calculating seismic code periods could be slightly in
error. The top and bottom elevations were rounded to the nearest length units, so
the effect is most significant for meter units and shorter structures.
12064 When defining reinforcement for rectangular and circular concrete frame sections,
the form text for cover said “Clear cover to outside of confinement”. It should have
said “Cover to rebar center”, since this is what was actually being used. The text
has been corrected. There is no change in the behavior of the program.

SAP2000 V11.0.5 2007-07-10 Page 3

Incidents Resolved: Section Designer

! Incident Description
11545 Trying to edit the coordinates of a line showed material property options instead
11788 The mesh used to calculate shear area and torsional was sometimes incorrect for
narrow Caltrans sections oriented vertically
! 11982 Different moment-curvature and PMM results were obtained for equivalent shapes
constructed using circular, rectangular, or polygonal objects.

Incidents Resolved: Bridge Modeler

! Incident Description
11338 The links connecting bents to nonprismatic girders in an area (shell) model
connected to the wrong vertical location on the girder
11432 A hinge could sometimes not be placed in a span with significant skew
11466 The program crashed creating area (shell) models of T-beam superstructures with
no interior girders
11548 The eccentricities for lanes defined from frames did not plot correctly when the
North arrow was not aligned with the global Y direction

Incidents Resolved: Analysis

! Incident Description
! 11487 Superstructure moments and stresses shown using the command Bridge > Display
Bridge Forces/Stresses did not correctly account for the 18 kip rider for H-44L and
HS-44L vehicles, nor for any of the loads in the HL-93S or HL-93LB vehicles. The
previous results using these vehicles could have been unconservative for negative-
moment regions, and should be re-run using the new version 11.0.5
11543 The option to save final step only for staged construction analysis did not work.
Verification Example 1-027 has been changed to account for this correction; the
verification results are not affected
11601 The analysis model could not always be created if the number of functions was
greater than the number of load cases
! 11688 In rare cases staged-construction loading was applied to the entire structure present
in a stage rather than to the selected group. This error was rare and usually
! 12017 The option to turn off time-dependent behavior under staged construction did not
work. Time-dependent behavior was always being considered if the stages had
duration and the materials were time-dependent. Check this option for old models
that you open in v11.0.5

SAP2000 V11.0.5 2007-07-10 Page 4

Incidents Resolved: Results Display and Output

! Incident Description
11395 Right-click on frame-force diagram for a multi-step static case sometimes crashed
11404 Right-click for stresses on Plane and Asolid elements did not work. Now works for
classical graphics. OpenGL will be fixed for a future release
11433 Contour plots of shell stresses or resultants reported that the max/min values were
non-zero when the contour results were correctly plotted as all zero
11435 User selected contour plot ranges did not always work
11436 The deformed shape of Plane and Asolid elements did not always plot
11533 Quadrilateral-type section cuts produced zero results at certain coordinate locations
11544 The deformed shapes that were automatically plotted after an analysis was run
were the same in two windows even if two different cases were chosen
11676 For plotting FEMA 356 or FEMA 440 pushover curves, there was an error in the
program-calculated value of C0
11787 Pushover curve tables could not be generated from the pushover curve form when
the analysis case name contained a decimal point character
11850 Custom Report Writer would hang when creating HTML reports with pictures
11870 The Add Tables button under Modify/Show in Custom Report Writer did not work.
This option has been removed as it was not intended to be used.
11970 Database table “Element Joint Forces – Areas” could not be created for Plane and
Asolid elements

Incidents Resolved: Design

! Incident Description
11398 The program crashed trying to design built-up steel sections. This feature is not
available and has been disabled
11570 Units conversion was not correct for the display only of the forces and moments
reported in the AISC360-05 Detail Design Info. The design result were correct
! 11602 Material overwrites were accounted for in analysis but not in design. Now material
overwrites are accounted for in design if the type of material is not changed (e.g.,
steel overwriting steel). Changing the type of material is not supported in design
11642 AISC360-05 design warning on slenderness ratio referenced code provision B7
rather than E2
11648 Design results for a channel section using AISC360-05 were incorrect when lateral
torsional buckling controls
11768 The Italian steel design check sometimes underestimated the equivalent moment
used for ETB and PMM calculations with sidesway. This error was most
significant when the frame member had only a few output stations assigned
11816 Design sometimes crashed when auto-lateral wave load cases were defined

SAP2000 V11.0.5 2007-07-10 Page 5

! Incident Description
! 11829 The PMM surface generated for circular and rectangular sections created in Section
Designer was not correct. This affects concrete design checks. The error is
bounded, conservative, and usually small
11907 The calculated moment capacity for a channel section under AISC360-05 did not
match hand-calculated values
11908 The slenderness ratio calculated for L-shaped sections was too large for the
Chinese code check
12009 Beam/column capacity ratios were sometimes not displayed for the top story
12015 Program-calculated design overwrites were not all available using the Open API.
This has been fixed for steel design
12038 The algorithm for tracing un-braced length sometimes failed for very long series of
12043 Same as 11829
12048 The radius of gyration for the compressive zone about the minor axis was in error
for the slender double channel and the slender I shape. The steel codes affected are
ASD89, ASD01, API-ASD, and UBS-ASD. The error was conservative and minor
for practical design

Incidents Resolved: External Import/Export

! Incident Description
11376 SDNF import was not functioning
11405 DXF export did not correctly handle polygons with more than four sides
11431 DXF and DWG import of solids did not work. DWG import has been fixed so that
box, wedge, pyramid, frustum, and extruded 3DFaces (3 and 4 nodes only) can be
imported. DXF solids cannot be imported due to the proprietary nature of the file
11672 CIS/2 export was adding extra blanks inside story level names
12090 STAAD import was limited to 100 load cases and combinations, it did not convert
the direction of spring properties from Y up to Z up, and had some errors in unit
conversion of distributed frame loading

Incidents Resolved: Miscellaneous

! Incident Description
11757 Internal change made for locating dependent files during development process
11814 The program crashed trying to run on unsupported processors (those without SSE2
support). An error message is now provided, except on the Windows 2000
operating system which is unable to check the processor

SAP2000 V11.0.5 2007-07-10 Page 6

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