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Copy/paste one LTG and the matching STG from your evaluation SOAP note. This will be the goal set around which you design your treatment session.
For this and all subsequent weeks, please answer the following questions before designing your treatment plan for the next week. If you were unable to see
your client the past week, you do not need to answer these questions. Answer the questions based on the treatment that you implemented:

What went well with your treatment? Did things go as you planned or not? Explain. What will you do differently with this next treatment plan?

Client was able to I use the checklist for completing the task of drying laundry. Treatment went as planned, although having the client’s mom present was both
a help and a hinderance. She wanted to be involved in the treatment session and often spoke about off-topic subjects. Student therapist Tricia took on the role
of speaking with her, while I treated the client. She was able to provide information about tasks she wants the client to perform at home. The next treatment will
involve task steps for laundry that dictated by the client’s mother, but his mother won’t be present. Client will be provided with a clear explanation/reminder of
the purpose of the checklist and steps in completing the checklist.

Long-Term Goal: In 4 weeks, client will perform IADL tasks using a check list strategy with min VC.

Short-Term Goal: In 3 weeks, client will complete cleaning task by checking off task steps with min VC.


Specifically identify only the client Identify your OPM and all relevant Provide details of how you will set up performance skill that you address
factors and/or performance skills CPM’s that best addresses the the activity and how your intervention in your treatment session. Describe
that are barriers to the performance problem and describe addresses the performance problem. one way (only one) that you can
achievement of this goal. This how each will be used to design Your description should detail how grade the activity up and one way
should not be a bullet list, rather treatment for this client’s specific the activity will be set up to make it (only one) to grade the activity
you should describe how the client problems. therapeutic. down based on that one factor or
factor impacts this client’s skill.
performance of the occupation in
the goal. Factor/Skill: Alternating
attention/ Task termination
Client will be provided with two Grading Up: Student therapist
written checklists, one with engages the client in conversation
Client demonstrates deficits in PEO: Addresses the relationship instructions for washing dark and a during task steps, encouraging
sustained attention, alternating between client’s perceived roles, an second for washing light clothing in a alternating attention from student
attention, and working memory. occupation’s ability to meet intrinsic washing machine. Task steps will therapist to the checklist/laundry
These deficits impact is ability to I needs, and the dynamic and have one action step on each line. task.
initiate and terminate task steps. influential aspects of the Instructions will be laminated and a
Client lacks insight into the effects environment in which the P-O dry erase marker, for checking Grading Down: Client reads the
of his deficits on his performance relationship takes place. Client has completed steps, will be provided. step out loud before and after
and believes that he is capable of a desire to complete IADL tasks Student therapist will review the completing the step, to confirm that
being I in his desired occupations. independently and contribute to his steps of effectively using a checklist he has followed task instructions.
He frequently becomes distracted household. Client factors such as (reading step, performing step, He puts a checkmark next to the
during conversation and while working memory and attention crossing off step, continuing to next step to confirm he completed the
executing task steps, requiring (sustained and alternating) affect step) and the purpose of using a task step.
mod VC to attend to task. This his ability to be independent in IADL checklist. Client then will be asked to
behavior may be both due to tasks. His mother will perform tasks wash the light clothing. Client will
cultural norms, as his mom and that the client is capable of choose the correct instructions and
sister display similar behavior. completing because she becomes follow task instructions, utilizing the
Client’s mother has reported that frustrated with the client’s deficits. checklist strategy. Client will be
the client is “bored” and provided indirect and direct verbal
“depressed”, lacking motivation to Dynamic Interaction Model of cues, as needed, for step initiation,
engage in occupations. Client’s Cognition (DIM): DIM postulates step termination, and safety. After
hands shake during fine motor that modifying the environment and completing the checklist for washing
activities, which he reports is due a task demands to provide a “just the white clothing, client will be
medication he takes. Client’s sister right” challenge may promote asked to wash the dark clothing.
reports that the client is still using learning, effective strategy use, and Client will be given both checklists to
alcohol, although client denies use. generalization of strategy use take home and a functional location
through experience. When a multi- to post the checklists near the
contextual approach is applied washing machine will be discussed.
strategies may be practiced across Student therapist will discuss with
many activities and situations. caregiver how the checklist strategy
Client will be taught a can be generalized to many
compensatory strategy of using a occupations and give guidelines on
checklist to complete IADL tasks. how to write effective instructions for
Checklists will have task steps with the client.
a single action, creating a “just
right” challenge for the client. This
compensatory strategy can be
generalized to many occupations
once learned.

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