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Example 3: Demolition

Q Air and Explosive

Q FV solver, MM Euler

Q Concrete
Q FE solver
Q 4 noded quad

Q Explosive burn logic

Q Contact Q Concrete
Q Self Sliding and Eroding
Q Pressure hardening
Q Strain hardening
Q Coupling Q 3rd Invariant dependence
Q Automatic FV/FE Coupling Q Strain rate dependant
Shear induced damage
Q Carthesian cut cell

Q Tensile cracking/damage
Ex 3: Demolition
Q File, Open
Directory:: ex_6_demolition

Q Interaction
Press:: Calculate

Select:: Automatic (polygon free)

Q File, Save

Ex 3: Demolition
Q Plots
Select part:: Euler
Fill Type:: Contour
Contour variable
Select: Pressure, OK
Select part:: Target
Fill Type:: Material Status
Q Run
Q Reply Yes,
to any questions asked

Q Plots
Select part:: Euler
Fill Type:: Material Location
Select part:: Target
Fill Type:: Contour
Contour variable
Select: Damage, OK

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