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March 30-31 and April 1-2, 2020

GEC 09 ( The Life and Works of Jose Rizal)

(Chapter VI-Annotations of Antomio Morga’s Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas)

Name: Alexis Jhon Gonzales Program: BSCS 1A

Schedule: WTh 9am-10am

1. Make a table comparing and contrasting (atleast 5) Rizal’s and Morga’s views on
Philippine culture.

Rizal’s Views Morga’s Views

 Philippine was not deserted and was  Philippine was deserted and was
actually habitable inhabitable
 Spaniards, Like any other nation,  Beef and Fish they Know it best when
threat food to which they are not it has started to rot and stink
accustomed or is unknown to them
with disgust. This fish that morga
mention is bagoong salted (Salted and
Fermented Fish)
 A lawlaw is a very small fish which is  A lawlaw is called a salted and dried
netted and dried in the sun or air and sardine. He said that morga seems to
cooked in a various way refer to tawilis of Batangas
 He said that a house with the parents  A house is called pamamahay
and children in a room together is
called bahandin
 Morga said that natives of all the  Although the colonial government
islands had their own form of writing claimed, in word and deed, that it was
with characters that look like greek instructing the Filipino. In truth, it was
and arabic. formenting ignorance by putting the
friars in charge of education.

2. Analyze Rizal’s ideas on how to rewrite Philippine History?

 Rizal came to feel strongly and necessity of rewriting the Philippine History that
the biased of the colonialists have left. However, Rizal at the time did not yet
posses sufficient accumulated scholarly knowledge to meet the necessity nor did
he have sufficient time
3. What are the goals of Rizal in writing the Annotations of Antonio Morga’s Sucesos
de las Islas Filipinas?
 awaken the unconsciousness of the Filipinos of their glorious ways of the past
 correct what has been distorted about the Philippines due to Spanish conques
 proved that Filipinos are civilized even before the coming of the Spaniards

4. Do you think that Morga migh have been biased when he wrote the Sucesos de las
islas Filipnas? Why or why not? Support your answer.
 Historian have noted that morga has a definite bias and would often distort facts
or even rely on invention to fit his defense of the Spanish conquest. It is clear by
the way Morga made a lot of mistake on the book that he hadn't make a
meticulous research and observation about our culture before he wrote the

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