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Verbs Followed by an Infinitive e.g. She agreed to speak before the game.

agree beg dare forget intend neglect promise stop wait

aim begin decide get leap offer propose strive want
appear care deserve happen leave ought refuse struggle wish
arrange choose detest have like plan remember swear
ask condescend dislike hesitate long prefer say threaten
attempt consent expect hope love prepare shoot try
be able continue fail hurry mean proceed start use

lend hold rain drive drive avoid run meet go bring pay

Mike and I arranged to drive to the cinema and we decided ___to go_at my house. He
planned ___to drive___us there in his new car. I only consented ___to avoid_____
with him because promised _____to run___for the tickets. It was a disaster. As we got out of the
car it began __to rain_____and I had forgotten __to bring_______my umbrella. We
tried __to pay____to the cinema but we failed ______to hold__the rain. Mike rushed to
the door first, refused ______to lend_me his coat and neglected___to meet___ the door
open for me. What a gentlemen!
buy stay go enjoy watch x3

I wanted __to watch____a horror film but Mike begged ___to stay____the new Star Trek
movie. I consented _to buy______it if he swore __to enjoy_____me some popcorn. I
didn’t expect _________to watch___the film but it was so bad that I struggled __to
watch___ awake. I couldn’t wait ____to go__ home.

treat listen start have drive make be leave tell see stop talk

We intended________home but the car failed _________As we were walking home we

happened _________Ana and David . We didn’t stop __________to them because they
appeared ________arguing. She was threatening _________him. I didn’t mean
_________but I wasn’t able _________myself. If you ask me Ana doesn’t deserve
_________a guy like David. He always strives __________her happy and she continues
__________him badly. I wouldn’t dare ___________her that though!

stop explain speak tell lower sneak go out

When I got home it was really late so I attempted

_________upstairs. However my parents were
waiting ________to me in the living room. They proceeded _________me how worried
they’d been and threatened __________ me going out for the rest of the month. I attempted
_________what happened and they agreed ________ it to one week. I don’t aim ______
again anytime soon anyway!

Mike and I arranged to go to the cinema and we decided to meet at my house. He planned to drive us
there in his new car. I only consented to go out with him because promised to pay for the tickets. It was
a disaster. As we got out of the car it began to rain and I had forgotten to bring my umbrella. We tried to
run to the cinema but we failed to avoid the rain. Mike hurried to the door by himself, refused to lend me
his coat and neglected to hold the door open for me. What a gentlemen!

I wanted to watch a horror film but Mike begged to watch the new Star Trek movie. I consented to watch
it if he swore to buy me some popcorn. I didn’t expect to like the film but it was so bad that I struggled to
stay awake. I couldn’t wait to go home.

We intended to drive home but the car failed to start. As we were walking home we happened to see
Ana and David . We didn’t stop to talk to them because they appeared to be arguing. She was
threatening to leave him. I didn’t mean to listen but I wasn’t able to stop myself. If you ask me Ana
doesn’t deserve to have a guy like David. He always strives to make her happy and she continues to treat
him badly. I wouldn’t dare to tell her that though!

When I got home it was really late so I attempted to sneak upstairs. However my parents were waiting to
speak to me in the living room. They proceeded to tell me how worried they’d been and threatened to
stop me going out for the rest of the month. I attempted to explain what happened and they agreed to
lower it to one week. I don’t aim to go out again anytime soon anyway!

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