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Vocabulary for Exegesis of Colossians

Wk Refs > Col > NT Card# Word Translation

2 1:06 1 24 692 pavreimi I am present, I am here; I come

2 1:06, 10 2 8 - karpoforevw I bear fruit
2 1:06, 10; 2:19 3 23 131 aujxavnw I grow, increase
2 1:07 1 25 544 manqavnw I learn, find out, discover
2 1:07; 4:7 2 10 - suvndoulo", -ou, oJ fellow servant
2 1:08 1 7 208 dhlovw I show
2 1:09 1 15 707 pauvw I cause to stop; (mid) I cease/stop
2 1:09, 10; 2:2; 3:10 4 20 329 ejpivgnwsi", -ew", hJ knowledge, recognition
2 1:09; 2:2 2 7 - suvnesi~, ew~, hJ understanding
2 1:09; 3:16 2 26 747 pneumatikov", -hv, -ovn pertaining to the spirit, "spiritual" (but
not in the sense of "godly, pious")
2 1:10 1 6 - ajxivw~ worthily
2 1:11 1 12 501 kravto", -ou", tov power
2 1:11; 3:12 2 14 - makroqumiva, -a", hJ patience
2 1:12 1 11 - klh'ro", -ou, oJ lot, share
2 1:12 1 5 - meriv~, ido~, hJ part, portion
2 1:13 1 17 804 rJuvomai I rescue, deliver
2 1:13 1 5 - meqivsthmi I change, remove
2 1:14 1 17 135 a[fesi", -ew", hJ release, pardon, forgiveness
2 1:14 1 10 - ajpoluvtrwsi", -ew", hJ redemption
2 1:15, 16 2 5 - ajorv ato~, on (adj) unseen, invisible
2 1:15, 16 2 8 - prwtovtoko~, on (adj) first born
3 1:15, 23 2 19 510 ktivsi", -ew", hJ creation, creature, world, act of creation
3 1:15; 3:10 2 23 266 eijkwvn, -ovno", hJ image, likeness, form, appearance
3 1:16; 3:10, 16 3 15 509 ktivzw I create, make
3 1:17 1 16 858 sunivsthmi, sunistavnw I bring together, unite; I present,
introduce; I demonstrate, show; I put
together; I stand; I am

This list includes all words that occur in Colossians at least twice, or once in Colossians but five or more
times in the NT. Card numbers are given for Gromacki's Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards. If a - is listed instead
of a number, that word does not have a card. Words are listed in the order of their first occurrence in
Colossians. This is a first draft printing of the list, so please make note of any errors that you find and let me
know. Thanks.

©2000, Rodney J. Decker, Th.D. All rights reserved.

Wk Refs > Col > NT Card# Word Translation

3 1:19 1 21 362 eujdokevw I am well pleased, consent, resolve,

like, approve
3 1:19; 2:9 2 17 741 plhvrwma, -ato", tov fullness
3 1:20, 22 2 3 - ajpokatallavssw I reconcile
3 1:21 1 12 220 diavnoia, -a", hJ understanding, intelligence, mind;
disposition, thought; purpose, plan;
imagination, conceit (see lexicon)
3 1:22 1 8 - a[mwmo~, on (adj) without blemish, blameless
3 1:22 1 5 - ajnevgklhto~, on (adj) irreproachable, blameless
3 1:22; 3:8 2 20 606 nuniv now
3 1:23 1 16 335 ejpimevnw I stay, remain, continue, persist,
3 1:23 1 5 399a qemeliovw I lay the foundation of; establish, found
3 1:24 1 16 699 pavqhma, -ato", tov suffering, affliction
3 1:24 1 9 - uJstevrhma, ato~, tov need, want, deficiency; lack,
3 1:25 1 9 - oijkonomiva, a~, hJ administration, stewardship,
3 1:27; 2:2 2 22 745 plou'to", -ou, oJ wealth, riches, abundance
3 1:27; 4:7, 9 3 25 177 gnwrivzw I make known
3 1:28 1 18 453 kataggevllw I proclaim, make known
3 1:28; 3:16 2 8 - nouqetevw I admonish, warn, instruct
3 1:28; 4:12 2 19 878 tevleio", -a, -on perfect, complete, mature, adult,
4 1:29 1 23 494 kopiavw I become tired or weary, work hard,
labor, struggle
4 1:29 1 21 307 ejnergevw I work, am at work, produce
4 1:29; 2:12 2 8 - ejnevrgeia, a~, hJ working, operation, action
4 1:29; 4:12 2 8 - ajgwnivzomai I struggle, strive
4 2:01 1 6 - ajgwvn care, concern; struggle, trial
4 2:02, 19 2 7 - sumbibavzw I join/knit together, unite; I instruct
4 2:03 1 29 178 gnw'si", -ew", hJ knowlege, wisdom
4 2:03 1 17 405 qhsaurov", -ou', oJ treasure
4 2:05 1 7 - a[peimi I am absent/away

Vocabulary for Exegesis of Colossians p. 2

Wk Refs > Col > NT Card# Word Translation

4 2:05 1 7 - tavxi~, ew~, hJ fixed succession/order; (good) order;

position, post; nature, quality, manner,
condition, appearance
4 2:07 1 7 - ejpoikodomevw I build up/upon
4 2:07 1 8 - bebaiovw I confirm, establish
4 2:07; 4:2 2 15 370 eujcaristiva, -a", hJ thanksgiving
4 2:08 1 18 473 kenov", -hv, -ovn empty, empty-handed, without content
or result, vain
4 2:08 2 13 683 paravdosi", -ew", hJ tradition
4 2:08 1 7 - ajpavth, h~, hJ deceit, deceitfulness
4 2:08, 20 2 7 - stoicei`on, ou, tov (pl.) elements (of learning), fundamental
principles; elemental substances;
heavenly bodies,
4 2:11 1 17 723 peritevmnw I circumsise
4 2:12; 3:1 2 3 - sunegeivrw I rise up together
4 2:13 2 19 689 paravptwma, -ato", tov false step, trespass, transgression, sin
4 2:13; 3:11 2 20 38 ajkrobustiva, -a", hJ foreskin, uncircumcision, Gentile(s)
5 2:13; 3:13 bis 3 23 960 carivzomai I give freely, grant, cancel, remit,
forgive, pardon
5 2:14 1 5 - ejxaleivfw I wipe away
5 2:14 1 5 - dovgma, to~, tov rule, regulation, decree, ordinance
5 2:15; 3:9 2 2 - ajpekduvomai I strip off, I disarm
5 2:16 1 25 316 eJorthv, -h'", hJ feast
5 2:16 1 11 163 brw'si", -ew", hJ eating, food; corrosion, rust, decay
5 2:17 1 7 - skiav, a~, hJ shadow
5 2:18 1 24 604 nou'", noov", oJ mind, thought, reason; attitude,
intention, purpose; understanding
5 2:18 1 5 - eijkh/` (adv.) without cause, in vain
5 2:18 1 7 - fusiovw I puff up
5 2:18, 23; 3:11 3 7 - tapeinofrosuvnh, h~, hJ humility
5 2:19 1 5 - ejpicorhgevw I supply/provide
5 2:19; 3:14 2 4 - suvndesmo~, ou, oJ bond
5 2:21 1 15 171 geuvomai I taste
5 2:22 1 9 - fqorav, a~, hJ destruction, corruption

Vocabulary for Exegesis of Colossians p. 3

Wk Refs > Col > NT Card# Word Translation

5 3:01, 2 2 9 86 a[nw ( not ajnw`!) (adv) above, upward

5 3:02 1 26 948 fronevw I think, have in mind, care for
5 3:03 1 19 508 kruvptw I hide, conceal, cover, keep secret
5 3:05 1 25 758 porneiva, -a", hJ immorality
5 3:05 1 10 - ajkaqarsiva, -a", hJ uncleanness, impurity
5 3:05 1 10 - pleonexiva, -a", hJ covetousness, greediness
6 3:08 1 18 155 blasfhmiva, -a", hJ blasphemy, slander, defamation
6 3:08 1 18 411 qumov", -ou', oJ anger, rage, wrath, passion
6 3:08 1 11 - kakiva, -a", hJ wickedness, depravity
6 3:08 1 9 106 ajpotivqhmi I put off, lay aside
6 3:09 1 19 674 palaiov", -av, -ovn old, former
6 3:09 1 12 981 yeuvdomai I lie
6 3:09 1 6 - pra`xi~, ew~, hJ deed, act, practice
6 3:10 1 23 592 nevo", -a, -on new, fresh, young
6 3:10 1 6 - e[ni (only with a neg.:) there is (not)
6 3:11 1 23 295 ejleuvqero", -a, -on free, independent; free person (subst.)
6 3:11 1 6 - bavrbaro~, on (adj) speaking in a foreign language; not
Greek, foreign, barbarous; (subst.)
Barbarian, non-Greek, foreigner
6 3:12 1 22 283 ejklektov", -hv, -ovn elect, chosen
6 3:12 1 11 - prau?th", -h'to", hJ gentleness, meekness
6 3:12 1 11 830 splavgcnon, ou, tov inward parts, entrails; heart, affections
[Note: only pl. in NT; card has pl.
6 3:12 1 10 - crhstovth", -hto", hJ goodness, kindness, generosity
6 3:12 1 5 - oijktirmov~, ou, oJ compassion, pity
6 3:13 1 15 76 ajnevcw (-omai) I endure, bear with
6 3:16 1 6 - ejnoikevw I live, dwell
6 3:16 1 6 - yalmov~, ou, oJ psalm, song
6 3:16 1 6 - w/jdhv, h~, hJ song
6 3:16 1 5 - a/[dw I sing
7 3:20 1 20 180 goneuv", -evw", oJ parent; parents (pl. in NT)
7 3:20 1 9 - eujarv esto~ well-pleasing

Vocabulary for Exegesis of Colossians p. 4

Wk Refs > Col > NT Card# Word Translation

7 3:20, 22 2 21 919 uJpakouvw I obey, follow, am subject to, answer

(the door)
7 3:22 1 7 - aJploth~, hto~, hJ sincerity, simplicity, uprightness;
generosity, liberality
7 3:24 1 25 244 douleuvw I serve; I am enslaved
7 3:24 1 14 - klhronomiva, -a", hJ inheritance
7 3:24 1 9 - ajpolambavnw I receive, recover
7 3:25 1 10 - komivzw I bring; (mid) I receive, get back
7 4:01 1 23 186 grhgorevw I watch
7 4:01 1 16 695 parevcw I offer, grant, cause; (mid) I grant
7 4:01 1 10 - proskarterevw I adhere to, persist in (see lexicon!)
7 4:03 1 10 51 a{ma (adv) together with, at once; (improper
prep. with dat.) together
7 4:03 1 8 - a{la~, ato~, tov salt
7 4:11 1 13 - sunergov", -ou', oJ fellow worker
7 4:12 1 6 - plhroforevw I fill (completely)/fulfill; convince fully
7 4:14 1 6 417 ijatrov~, ou`, oJ physician
7 4:16 1 24 337 ejpistolhv, -h'", hJ letter, epistle
7 4:18 1 21 581 mnhmoneuvw I remember, keep in mind, think of,
7 4:18 1 18 202 desmov", -ou', oJ bond, fetter; bonds, imprisonment,
prison (pl.)
7 4:18 1 10 - ajspasmov", -ou', oJ greeting

Vocabulary for Exegesis of Colossians p. 5

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