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DGA class 10 Social Studies democratic politics (lesson no.

ppt with questions
Instructions i) Part of ppt should be considered as notes.write notes in the Class Notebooks
ii)Questions should be written in notebooks with answers
iii)Open ended questions should be attempted independently considering them as
your opinion,if necessary you may use diagram,map,piachart or your own ideas to prove your answers

• See what change took place in Belgium in 1993
• How will you differentiate in unitary and federal form of government?

• Two governments exist in federal form of govt.....for the entire countty

andgovernment at the level ofprovinces or states
• Unitery government either there is only one level of government or the
subnits are subordinate to the central government
2 Levels of Government…
• Government for the entire country
• Governments at the level of
• Both enjoy power independent of
the other.
• State Government has power of its
own and not answerable to the
• Example : USA
F e a t u r e s o f Federalism …
• Has two /more levels of Govt.
• Each level has its own Power or jurisdiction.
• Jurisdiction is specified by the constitution.and
there is constitutional guarantee of authority.
• Constitutional provisions can be changed only with
the consent of both levels of Govt.
• Court interprets the constitution and powers of
different levels of Govt. . Supreme court is the
umpire if disputes arise with different levels of
• Sources of revenue are clearly specified.
Difference Between...
Coming Together Holding Together

Independent states Large country decides to divide

coming together on their power between constitutional
own to form bigger unit. units and Centre.

Increase security by Centre is more powerful

pooling sovereignty vis-a vis
and retaining identity. the states

All constituent states have Constituent units of federation

equal power have unequal powers.

USA, Switzerland & India, Spain & Belgium

What has made India a Federal Country ?

1. Constitution has declared India as a Union of

2. Three tier Federalism-Union, State and
3. Three fold distribution of legislative powers
under Union list, State list and Concurrent list.
4. All states in the Indian Union do not have
identical powers. Eg. Union territories.
5. Changes in power sharing has to be passed by
two thirds majority in the parliament.
6. In case of any dispute regarding division of
power, the apex court will take decision.

Has subjects of
Has subjects Has subjects of common interest
of National local and State both to Centre and
importance. importance. State.

State Govt. Both the

Union alone alone can Centre and
can make laws. State can
make laws. frame laws.

Defence, Banking, Police, trade,
commerce, Forest,Trade
Currency, Foreign Union, Marriage,
agriculture and
affairs and Adoption and
communication. succession.
How does India practice power sharing?

1. By creating linguistic states. Which has made

administration easier.-New states have been
created since 1947.
2. No language has been given the status of
national language by the Constitution.
3. Restructuring of power sharing between Centre
and State. Rise of regional political parties and
coalition government has led to a new culture of
power sharing.
4. Three fold distribution of legislative powers.
Linguistic State...

• Many new states have been formed,

boundaries have been changed, people of
common language have been brought
together, state s created on the basis of
culture, ethnicity and geography has made
the country united and administration
made easy.
Centre State relation...

• Central Government cannot

undermine the powers of state or
dismiss them.
• Coalition Government - power
sharing is more effective today.
• When power is taken away from Central
and State Governments and given to Local


1. Vastness of States in size and population.

2. Internally diverse.
3. Need for power sharing.
Basic idea behind Decentralisation…

• Solving large number of problems and

issues at local level.
• People have better knowledge of problems
in localities.
• Better ideas on where to spend money
and how to manage things efficiently.
• Peoples participation in decision making.
• To realize one important principle of
democracy Local Government.
Key features of federalism
1. Two or more levels of govt.

4.Fundamental provisions needs concent of both govt . cannot be changed

5. The hifhest court can act as umpire if dispute arises between different levels
of the exercise of their respective powers.
6. Sources of revenue are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy
Attempt following in class work notebook
Q 1) Write a note on forms or types of federal
governments.consider following points .
a. Context on which root of the govt can be formed.
b. Type of govt.
c. Write names of nations .
prepare above note in a tree diagram or in tabuler form
Q 2) Write notes on three lists
a. Union list b. State list. c. concurrent list
Q 3) Write in two to three lines on residuary list.
Q 4) Role of judiciary in federal system.
See meanings in good dictionary and write in class notebook
1. Federation
2. Jurisdiction
3. Taxation
Q 5. Attempt following questions in detail at least five to seven points are expected .

1. What are differnt tests that prove India as a federal state?

Q 6. Think and write .

1. Do you think making linguistic states strenthens policy of federal practice?
prove your answer .
2. “making small states is good for administration” do you agree?prove your
answer at least in 40 to 50 words .
3.What problems may small states face ?
Q 7. Write short note on .
i) Centre state relations .
ii)Coalition governmet .

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