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Joy Lyn Multo Sep.

4, 2019

History and Evolution of Battery

(1) In 1780, an Italian biologist called Luigi Galvani discovered that when two different types of
metal came into contact with a dead frog’s leg, an electrical current ran between them and caused
the leg to twitch. This is said to mark the first discovery of the principle behind batteries.
(2) This battery is more than 2,000 years old. “Baghdad Battery” – ceramic pot battery and the
world’s oldest. A “ceramic pot battery” was discovered in the remains of Khujut Rabu, a village
in the outskirts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. It was thought that it was used for metallic plating,
rather than as a battery to generate electricity. The voltage would have been about 1.5-2 volts. It
is not known exactly what the electrolyte solution would have been, but we can imagine that they
might have used vinegar or wine.
(3) In 1800, it was discovered by another Italian named Alessandro Volta, whom the battery was
named after. Discovered that when copper and zinc are placed into an electrolyte solution like
dilute sulfuric acid or saline solution, the copper atoms barely break down at all, but the zinc
atoms break down and electrons flow out. So the copper becomes a positive (+) pole and the zine
a negative (-) pole, and when the two are joined by a conductor, electricity flows from the copper
to the zinc.
(4) Then, in 1868, a Frenchman called Georges Leclanché invented the “Leclanché cell”.This
was the origin of today’s dry batteries, but it could be inconvenient to use as its ammonium
chloride solution would spill over.
(5) Also In 1888, a German called Carl Gassner invented a battery where there was no risk of the
solution spilling. Because the battery would not spill even though it contained a liquid, Gassner’s
invention became known as the “dry cell” or “dry battery”.
(6) Why? First, this scientist explore their given knowledge to cone with a great result and we are
constantly using it today as we live. Second the evolution it made by constanly discovering and
nonstop learning about it as the results of decades of discovery. Third, they are the one why are
we using it comfortably and no worry because of their successful invention.
(7) One, they had a very patient in discovering such thing that has a great impact to us today.
Two, they inhabit the learning, thorough observing and experimenting. Three, they have gone
beyond their expectation as we go today we see it almost everywhere.
(8) Let me explain
(9) Nowadays energy storage is increasingly becoming a hot topic in the debate on how to
improve efficiency, reliability and price-competitiveness of electricity services as well as on how
to achieve deeper integration of intermittent renewable energies. Battery can play an important
role in achieving the target of universal access to clean, reliable and affordable electricity
Joy Lyn Multo Sep. 4, 2019

services. Battery is an energy storage device consisting of two or more electrochemical cells that
convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy and used as a source of power. As an
energy storage device, the use of the battery is increasing day by day such as in automobiles,
charger light & fan, IPS, UPS etc. But most of the users are not aware of proper maintenance of
batteries. Batteries cannot serve as per capacity and sometimes permanently damage before
completing economic lifetime due to the lack of proper maintenance. But if batteries are properly
designed and maintained, batteries will improve the system’s performance and lead to economic
savings over its lifetime. The purpose of this paper is to outline the duties and responsibilities for
routine operation and care of batteries so that batteries will serve properly more than its
economic lifetime.
(9) Battery is a sensitive electric device. It is essential that batteries are properly maintained to
ensure reliability. Under ideal operating and maintenance conditions, this could extend battery
life to seven or eight years. It is not unusual to find some batteries to perform this well. If you
have problems that develop in fifth or sixth year of the battery life, it is highly unlikely that
major repairs could be justified. It would be wise to consider five to six years as the normal life
span. Less than five years could indicate operational abuse or poor maintenance mainly.
Furthermore, according to the statics of Hamko Battery Industry Ltd., a battery can serve up to 7-
8 years, when maintenance rate is 100%. But it will serve only up to 3-4 years, when the
maintenance rate is 50% or average. But, if the maintenance rate is below 50% or the battery is
not maintained at all, it will only fulfill its warranty life or not.
(10) Moreover, a student who has ability to use it properly i know that it is so important because
as we move to this greater generation the batteries also evolve into more convenient and more
(11) As we go back to the people who are truly has a big part of it we should learn that we can be
great in our own way as we get along with the time the people around us has a great view and
knowledge, so for us to be like time we should be patient and practical in what we always do,
and don’t give easily in what we do.
(12)As I end this essay I would like to thanks the people who has a great part of my journey in
knowing this topic us I get further and further learning through it. Because the earlier and today
was better than nothing at all.
Joy Lyn Multo Sep. 4, 2019

Writing a Blog

The removing of Filipino Subject in all colleges and universities’ in the Philippines
Filipino subjects have been taught in all colleges and universities in the Philippines as part of the
General Education Curriculum (GEC) for the tertiary level. It has been a way of propagating
knowledge about the Filipino language and its components to college students. Amidst the hustle
for jobs nowadays, it has been also one of the training grounds of the students to be prepared for
future applications and for them to have the intellectual competency needed. Through teaching
these subjects, not only the Filipino language but also the Filipino culture as a whole is
showcased and inculcated to the minds of college students, giving them the essence of what
being a true Filipino is.
According to the CHED Memorandum Order No. 20 series of 2013, revisions are to be made to
the General Education Curriculum (GEC). One of these will be the removal of Filipino subject
from the curriculum, transferring the course to senior high school. This was also due to the new
K-12 curriculum. The new general education curriculum proposed courses which will basically
remove courses from the old general education curriculum including Filipino subject and add
new subjects proposed by the new GEC. One of the major impacts of these revisions is the
change it will inflict to the members of the Filipino Department. Not only will it cause possible
change in their assignments but will also possibly get them out of their jobs as Filipino teachers,
affecting their lives as educators.
As we may go further we also forget what we supposed to know and acknowledge our own
language because our generations today was not really familiar with our own language because
we are trained to be fluent in our second la guage which is English.

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