Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of Landslide Generated Water Waves

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Original Paper

Landslides (2010) 7:117–124 Chiara Biscarini

DOI 10.1007/s10346-009-0194-z
Received: 26 January 2009
Accepted: 11 December 2009 Computational fluid dynamics modelling of landslide
Published online: 23 January 2010
© Springer-Verlag 2010 generated water waves

Abstract This paper describes the application of detailed compu- forecasting of these events is important both for the safety of
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the formation and people and properties which are along the sea shorelines.
propagation of waves generated by the impact of landslide material In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using detailed
with water. The problem is schematised as a multiphase–multi- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate landslide
component fluid flow: compressible air, water and transported generated water waves. The simulation of impulse waves and
alluvial material. The landslide simulation is performed by means tsunamis is receiving much attention by the scientific community.
of a hybrid approach: as a rigid solid body slipping down along an Different numerical approaches have been proposed in literature
inclined slope until it starts penetrating the water body. The CFD to model landslide generated waves, as the linear potential theory
model solves the Navier–Stokes equations with the RNG k-ɛ (Iwasaki 1987; Verriere and Lenoir 1992; Pelinovsky and Poplavsky
turbulence closure scheme and the volume of fluid multiphase 1996), the depth-averaged non-linear shallow water wave equations
method, which maintains the interface as a sharp front. The (Harbitz 1992; Jiang and LeBlond 1992; Imamura and Gica 1996),
governing equations are solved using the commercial CFD code, the fully non-linear potential theory (Vinje and Brevig 1981;
FLUENT. The computed results are compared with experimental Nakayama 1983; Grilli and Watts 1999), the smoothed particle
data reported in the literature. The model is then applied to hydrodynamics method (Monaghan and Kos 1999) and methods
simulate the 1958 Lituya bay Tsunami event with a 2D a simplified based on full Navier–Stokes solution (Lin and Liu 1998; Mader and
geometry and the results are compared to others found in Gittings 2002; Abadie et al. 2006). However, much research is still
literature. needed as general methods to accurately predict landslides
generated waves are not available.
Keywords Impulse waves . Landslide . Computational fluid Considering the available computer technologies of today, a full
dynamics . Multiphase flows . Tsunami . Volume of fluid Navier–Stokes mathematical model based on FLUENT 6 (Fluent
2003) code is employed to simulate the formation and propagation
Introduction of waves generated by the impact of landslide material with marine
The increase demand for hydrogeological risk assessment in water. The problem is schematised as a multiphase–multicompo-
coastal areas motivates the research for sustainable flood risk nent fluid flow: compressible air, water and transported alluvial
management all over the world. This task has to account that material, which is also modelled as a fluid. The volume of fluid
coastal areas are complex environments and pose particularly (VOF) method, which maintains the interface as a sharp front, is
challenging problems due to the simultaneous operation of several used to simulate this multiphase flows.
processes (atmospheric, oceanographic, biological and geological). The model has been updated and validated with experimental
The coast is also the location of the major human settlements, and data available in literature (Fritz et al. 2001). The principal
human activities represent an important part of the environmental landslide parameters, such as its volume, impact velocity, shape of
impacts and socio-economic developments. the front and slope inclination angle, are compared and the
As discussed by the author in previous papers (Esposito et al. differences are discussed. Finally, the model is applied to simulate a
2004a,b; Biscarini et al. 2005), the hydrogeological evaluation of simplified reconstruction of the landslide at the head of Lituya Bay
risk in coastal areas should be based on a combined damage ex- which produced a water wave estimated at 50–150 m and reached
post and ex-ante analysis. In the ex-post analysis (actual damage), 524 m up local mountains. The simulation is carried out in a real-
historical and geological data are combined in order to reconstruct scale schematised environment.
flood recurrence and associated geological effects. This in turn will
assist the flood risks assessment. Data deriving from the ex-post Landslide−generated waves
analysis are used to update the numerical models applied for the A tsunami is a series of waves generated when a body of water, such
ex-ante analysis, which is mainly carried out by means of as a lake or ocean is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Waves are
mathematical and numerical modelling, in order to make formed as the displaced water mass moves under the influence of
provision for possible flooding or other risk-associated events. gravity to regain its equilibrium. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic
In the risk analysis in rocky coastal areas, particular attention is eruptions and large meteorite impacts all have the potential to
required on the possible geological induced effect including large generate a tsunami. As the effects of a tsunami can range from
water waves occurring in conjunction with catastrophic floods. As unnoticeable to devastating, their formation and propagation play
a matter of fact, huge amount of alluvial or landslide material may a very important role in the hazard of a coastal area. A single
suddenly fall into the sea producing large impulse waves that may tsunami event may involve a series of waves of varying heights; the
propagate from their generating source to the near shore area set of waves is called a train. In this paper, the attention is focused
causing disaster due to the run up. The understanding and the on a particular type of tsunamis waves: landslide-generated waves.

Landslides 7 • (2010) 117

Original Paper
These kind of water waves may be generated by landslide events in In principle, the Navier–Stokes equation can be used to simulate
artificial reservoirs (Vajont valley, Italy, 1963) or natural lakes, or both laminar and turbulent flows without averaging or approxima-
may be triggered by landslides occurring on sea shorelines (Lituya tions other than the necessary numerical discretisations. However,
Bay, Alaska, 1958; Miller 1960; Papua New Guinea, 1998; Stromboli turbulent flows at realistic Reynolds numbers span a large range of
volcano, Italy, 2002). turbulent length and time scales and in a direct numerical simulation
A landslide-generated wave is defined as an impulsive distur- (DNS) the discretisation of the domain should capture all of the
bance that vertically displaces the water column and complex kinetic energy dissipation, thus involving length scales that would
three-dimensional water flows are generated close to the impact require a prohibitively fine mesh for practical engineering problems
area. Then, the perturbation travels for long distances if in oceanic (the total cost of a direct simulation is proportional to Re3).
areas, causing disasters far away from the generation area, A large amount of CFD research has concentrated on methods
producing high wave runups on shorelines. The associated fluid which make use of turbulence models to predict the effects of
phenomenon is complex and can be accurately simulated only with turbulence in fluid flows without resolving all scales of the smallest
detailed numerical models (Kamphuis and Bowering 1970). This is turbulent fluctuations. There are two main groups of turbulence
confirmed by the study of Mader and Gittings (2002) of the Lituy models:
Bay wave generation event, where it is concluded that the giant
non-linear wave produced by the rockslide impact could be . the introduction of averaged and fluctuating quantities that
realistically simulated only with full Navier–Stokes modelling. modify the unsteady Navier–Stokes into the Reynolds Averaged
Numerical modelling is nowadays playing an important role Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations (Rodi 1984);
due to the increase in competition in all fields of engineering and . large eddy simulation (LES; Galperin and Orszag 1993) approach
to the enormous improvements in computer technology in the last based on the filtering of the flow field by directly simulating the
two decades. Moreover, modelling is widely utilized because it is a large-scale structures (resolved grid scales), which are respon-
valid tool to investigate physical fluid systems more cost-effectively sible for most of the transport of mass and momentum, and
and more rapidly than with experimental procedures. In particular, somehow modelling the small-scale structures (unresolved sub-
the process of modelling should be integrated into the entire grid scales), which contribution to momentum transport is little.
engineering process that usually foresees a combined experimental–
numerical approach. In this paper, the RANS k-ɛ model is used with the
Renormalised Group Theory (RNG) modification of Yakhot and
Numerical model Orszag (1986), with standard wall functions. The effectiveness of
Using an Eulerian approach, the description of fluid motion this model has been proven by Hargreaves et al. (2007) for multi-
requires the determination of the thermodynamic state, in terms of phase simulations similar to the present.
sensible fluid properties, pressure, P, density, ρ and temperature, T, The computational effort required by the LES models, often
~ ðx~; t Þ (Patankar 1980; Abbott and Basco
and of the velocity field V used as an intermediate technique between the DNS of turbulent
1989; Hirsch 1992). flows and the resolution of RANS equations, are in fact
Therefore, in a three-dimensional space for a given fluid system unacceptable for large-scale problems, as the one presented in
having two intensive degrees of freedom, we have six independent this paper (tsunami generation).
variables as unknowns, thus requiring six independent equations. In landslide wave generation and propagation phenomena, we
The six equations (Navier–Stokes equations) are given by the have at least three phases: liquid (water), gaseous (air) and solid
equation of state and the three fundamental principles of (the landslide material), a multiphase model must be applied.
conservation: Therefore, a model able to represent the interface between the
phases must be employed.
. Mass continuity A landslide source of tsunami, either subareal or submarine,
can be modelled in several ways. The characterisation and the
@ρ ~ ~ forecasting of the landslide mechanism is a very complex task,
þ V  rρ ¼ 0
@t involving lots of different aspects and physical variables. The study
of this part of the impulse waves generation process lies in the
where ρ is the fluid density; scientific field of geology and soil mechanics, and is not going to be
. Newton’s second law or momentum conservation that leads to treated in the present work. In the present paper the landslide
the well-known Navier–Stokes system of equations (three material in the subacqueous motion is schematized as a liquid
equations in a three-dimensional space x, y and z) (Jiang and LeBlond 1992; Imteaz and Imamura 1995; Heinrich et al.
   1998) and the volume of fluid model, which is a surface-tracking
@ρ ~   
V þ r~ ρV
~V ~ þ ρf~ þ μ 1 r~ rV
~ ¼ rp ~ þ r2 V
~ technique applied to a fixed Eulerian mesh, is used to take into
@t 3 account two different phases (gaseous and liquid) and three
different components (air, water and landslide material).
The VOF model has been designed for two or more immiscible
where μ is the dynamic viscosity and f~ is a specific prescribed
fluids where only one fluid (i.e. air) is compressible and the
body force (i.e. gravity force);
position of the interface between the fluids is of interest. Therefore,
. Energy conservation (first law of thermodynamics); in the fluid it is perfectly suitable for describing water wave generation and
problem studied in this paper, the fluid flow is considered propagation phenomena.
isothermal and the energy conservation equation simply In the VOF model, a single set of mass, momentum and energy
becomes dT=0. equations is shared by the fluids. For each additional phase beyond

118 Landslides 7 • (2010)

air, an additional variable, the volume fraction of the phase, is of the landslide–water interaction process simulation (i.e. reduced
introduced and is tracked throughout the domain. This means that impact effects) is significantly affected by landslide dimensions
from a mathematical point of view, using VOF means adding one and deformability and by the distance between the landslide
transport equation for each additional variable beyond air. In other separation point and the water body.
words, if the q-th fluid’s volume fraction in the infinitesimal On the other hand, when the landslide is treated as a fluid,
volume is denoted as αq, then the following three conditions are landslide deformation could be overestimated. This second effect,
possible: that partially compensates the previous one in the water wave
generation process, does not allow a correct prediction of the
. αq =0 when the infinitesimal volume is empty of the q-th fluid landslide evolution in the water body. Therefore, the present
. αq =1 when the infinitesimal volume is full of the q-th fluid method is designed for high relative velocity slides, when an air
. 0<αq <1 when the infinitesimal volume contains the interface cavity is generated in the water body near the impact and the
between the q-th fluid and one or more other fluids motion of the slide after impact is of secondary importance in
generating waves. On the contrary, it may fail in predicting wave
Then the following additional equation needs to be solved: generation by low relative velocity slides (i.e. slide detachment near
the water surface), when the water displacement is mainly
þ r~ ραq V
~q ¼ 0 determined by the subaqueous evolution of the slide, as well as
@t deposition dynamics of landslide material (i.e. slide deposit).
Summarizing the proposed modelling procedure may be seen as
In each infinitesimal volume, the volume fractions of all phases a hybrid approach, between the pure combination of full Navier–
sum to unity and the fields for all variables and properties are Stokes, VOF and k-ɛ turbulence models and the simple treatment
shared by the phases and represent volume-averaged values, as of the landslide motion as a block or a multi-blocks motion (see
long as the local value of the volume fraction αq of each of the Heinrich 1992).
phases is known at each location.
For the calculation of face fluxes, the geometric reconstruction Validation
scheme for unstructured meshes developed by Youngs (1982) has Since the numerical results of a computation are only an approx-
been used. It assumes that the interface between two fluids has a imation of real life and considering that convergence is not a
linear slope within each cell, and uses this linear shape for sufficient condition to stability, a necessary step in the development
calculation of the advection of fluid through the cell faces. of a computational model is validation. Validation is performed
The governing equations constituting the mathematical model through the comparison between numerical results and experimental
just described, are numerically solved through the commercial data to establish the range of validity and the accuracy of the code.
code FLUENT (Fluent Inc. 2003), which employs a finite volume Blind acceptance of computed results are not a good basis to make
technique (Versteeg and Malalasekera 1995) to discretise the partial engineering decisions involving risks, especially when it is used for
differential equations in fully unstructured meshes. prediction purposes and especially when we deal with natural
As discussed by Grilli and Watts (1999) and by Abadie et al. disasters and risk of losing human lives. However, it is important to
(2006), the influence of slide deformation on wave generation is underline that even a validation against many and the most complex
crucial to a correct prediction of both slide motion and wave problems cannot prove that the model is totally error-free.
generation and a rigid slide may lead to overestimated offshore- Among the various physical model results available in literature
moving tsunami height. (Fritz et al. 2001; Ataie-Ashtiani and Nik-Khah 2008; Kamphuis
Some preliminary numerical simulations have highlighted that and Bowering 1970; Noda 1970; Panizzo et al. 2005; Walder et al.
the choice of simulating a landslide as a liquid (Jiang and LeBlond 2003), the experimental data of Fritz et al. (2001) have been used to
1992; Imteaz and Imamura 1995; Heinrich et al. 1998) may be validate the present CFD model. The measurements have been
acceptable to predict the landslide–water interaction but it performed in a rectangular prismatic water wave channel with a
significantly overestimates the landslide deformation due to the pneumatic installation for landslide production and a particle
aerodynamic forces (i.e. air–landslide interaction). image velocimetry measurement systems. The channel is a 1:675
To overcome this problem, in the present study, a hybrid scale of the Lituya Bay 1958 event (see next section) studied in
approach is proposed for subaerial landslide generated waves. As Froude similarity. More details on the employed similitude laws
the landslide is mainly made up with solid material, we assume that and on the experimental apparatus can be found in Fritz (2002).
the landslide deformation due to the aerodynamic interaction in The geometrical scheme of the benchmark test chosen to
air is negligible. Therefore, the subaerial landslide behaves as a validate the model is shown in Fig. 1. The water depth in the
rigid solid body slipping down along an inclined slope until it channel is h=0.45 m with a hill slope angle of 45°. The mean impact
starts penetrating the water body. Then the landslide material is velocity of the landslide is 6.68 m/s, thus leading to a Froude
modelled as a liquid with an impact velocity that depends on number F=3.18.
gravity, hill slope angle, drop height and friction coefficient. In the experimental tests an artificial granular material (87 %
In order to highlight the limits of validity of the present model, barium-sulfate with a density of 4.5 t/m3 compounded with 13%
it is important to note that when the landslide is treated as a rigid polypropylene with a density of 0.91 t/m3) was used as landslide
body (i.e. subaerial landslide) neither possible crushing of rock material. The resulting granulate average density of 1.61 t/m3
mass in the course of falling nor relative motion of landslide (2.64 t/m3 with a porosity of 39%) has been used in the simulation
material are taken into account. As crushing may elongate the time (Fritz 2002) and the granular nature of the material has been
difference of arrival between the top and tail of the falling rock represented by imposing a volume fraction of 0.9 instead of 1.0 in
mass and modifies the landslide shape at the impact, the accuracy the landslide liquid domain.

Landslides 7 • (2010) 119

Original Paper

6.68 m/s

0.45 m

Fig. 1 Simplified geometrical scheme representing the experimental set up

The computational domain is an unstructured grid of about

40,000 triangular cells with smaller elements in the interfaces
between air and water, landslide and air and landslide and water.
The elements nominal size ranges from 8 mm to 3 cm. The grid has
been realised keeping in mind that the most important task is to
exactly reproduce the first stage of the wave generation, which
significantly affects the whole wave propagation process.
No-slip wall boundary conditions were used at the bottom of
the liquid pool and on the slopes and atmospheric pressure
condition has been set on the top boundary. As the walls of the
experimental setup were smooth, friction between fluid and wall is
In the sequence of images shown in Fig. 2, the experimental and
the numerical temporal evolutions of the slide front and the water
wave are compared. The time instants of the images in the
sequence are reported in Table 1.
After about 0.05 s the slide impacts the water surface (Fig. 2a) in
both the experimental and the numerical images. The impact part
of the process is at the root of waves generation, due to the energy
exchange mechanism between the landslide and the water (i.e. the
transmission of landslide kinetic energy to potential and kinetic
wave energy).
The landslide front profile in the numerical image of Fig. 2a is
almost vertical as the water body penetration and then the switch
from rigid to fluid motion of landslide material just begun.
Then flow separation on the landslide shoulder occurs and a
backward collapsing air crater in the water body is formed (called
“impact crater”, Fritz 2002). As the landslide penetrates the free
surface, the impact crater expands leading to the classic wave
shape. A large air cavity between the bottom of the wave and the
slide material is observed. During this first stage of impulse wave
formation (Fig. 2b–d) the agreement between numerical results
and measurements is excellent in terms of wave height and shape,
landslide–water interface and air cavity evolution. As expected, an
overestimation of landslide deformation is observed, due to the
simulation of the landslide material as a fluid (second part of the
hybrid approach). In particular, the numerical slide front tends
gradually to assume a curved shape while it remains almost vertical
in the experimental pictures. However, the landslide material
propagation in the horizontal plane and the thickness of the slide
are still well represented.
The hydrodynamic crater expands until, at about 0.36 s, the Fig. 2 a–g Density image sequence, on the left experimental results (Fritz et al.
wave reaches its maximum height. As shown in Fig. 2d, the 2001) on the right numerical results
maximum wave height is slightly underestimated by the model.
Immediately after, the impact crater collapses backward. This
closure results in the formation of a closed air cavity in the

120 Landslides 7 • (2010)

Table 1 Time step of mathematical simulation numerically) as a bi-dimensional one, as the radial diffusion of the
wave may be assumed negligible. Therefore, the present analysis is
Sequence Time (s)
purely two dimensional and the employed simplified geometry is
A 0.05 based on the paper by Fritz et al. (2001; see Fig. 4), but in a real-
B 0.15 scale size.
C 0.25
This landslide has been often classified as a subaerial rockslide
D 0.36
or rockfall (see Miller 1960; Pararas-Carayannis 1999; Fritz et al.
E 0.67
2001), thus enforcing the present hypothesis of null deformability
F 0.77
in subaerial part.
G 0.88
The computational domain (Fig. 5) is an unstructured grid of
30,646 elements with a nominal size ranging from 5 m, at the air–
numerical model in place of the massive mixing of air and water water interface, to 150 m, well above the water level.
observed in the experiments. This is due to the limitation of the The main input parameters of the performed simulation are
VOF model of considering immiscible fluids. However, the wave listed in Table 2. The landslide material has been simulated as a
development during the impact crater collapsing phase (Fig. 2e–g) fluid with a density of 2,600 kg/m3 and an initial air volume
is still well represented by the numerical model, even if the height fraction of 10%, in order to model its granular structure.
of the landslide material is slightly underestimated. Considering the landslide centroid elevation equal to 610 m,
Due to the slight underprediction of the maximum wave height,
the numerical simulation gives an earlier water–slide impact
(Fig. 2f).
A quantitative comparison of the computed vs. experimental
gas–liquid interface profile at different times is given in Fig. 3.

Application—the Lituya Bay wave event

Lituya Bay is a large inlet on the northeast shore of the Gulf of
Alaska, a seismically active area particularly susceptible to 915 m
landslide-induced waves (Wieczorek et al. 2007). On July, 9, 1958, 524 m
a large earthquake (in the range 7.9–8.3 of magnitude on the 0m
Richter Scale) caused by tectonic movements occurred and about
1 min after the earthquake a large mass of rock and ice slide were 1350 m
separated from the northeast wall of Gilbert Inlet and moved
towards the bay. The impact on the water induced a giant gravity
wave with a maximum height of about 150 m. The tsunami reached
the southwest shore of Gilbert Inlet destroying everything in its
run. The inundation has been estimated as large as 5 mi2 of land
with a run-up altitude of 524 m, the largest in recorded history. This
event is typically used as an example of subaerial landslide-
generated wave (Fritz et al. 2001; Mader 1999; Pararas-Carayannis
1999) and the event has been often simulated (both physically and


t=0.35 s
t=0.85 s
t=0.15 s
Z (m)



t=0.005 s

0.00 0.30 0.60 0.90 1.20

X (m)
Fig. 4 a Lituya Bay real environment (photo from footsnviews, Map from
Fig. 3 Wave profile: quantitative comparison between present numerical results Terrametrics, Map Data 2009 Tele Atlas); b geometrical bidimensional scheme of
and experimental data from Fritz et al. (2001) the Lituya Bay (simplified geometry)

Landslides 7 • (2010) 121

Original Paper

Fig. 5 Numerical grid employed for the Lituya bay tsunami simulation

according to Noda (1970) and Fritz et al. (2001), and neglecting shown in Fig. 6c–e, is the propagation of the wave train in open
frictional losses (i.e. free fall), the landslide rigid motion till water water. The most critical phase, in terms of damage, is the wave run-
penetration leads to an impact velocity of 110 m/s. A parametric up (fourth phase shown in Fig. 6f–h), which usually causes
study on the effects of landslide impact velocity on wave dynamics destruction and loss of lives.
is given in (Fritz 2002). In terms of quantitative results, the present simulation predicts
The density image sequence resulting from the three-phase a maximum wave height of 187 m and a wave run-up of 538 m.
numerical simulations is shown in Fig. 6. The impulsive wave Comparing the numerical simulation with the real phenomenon is
phenomenon resulting from the landslide impact may be not easy as the information available on this event are scarce and
schematised in the typical three phases, usually identified for mainly limited to observation of signs left by the inundation, as
subaerial landslide-generated waves. As the landslide penetrates scars and land deposits. However, the experimental surveys
the water, the landslide–water interaction phase, which produces highlight a run-up height of 524 m above sea level, which is quite
the impulse wave, starts. This first phase is characterised by the close to the present numerical simulation. (Fritz et al. 2001). It is
energy transfer from the landslide to the water (Fig. 6a–c), the important to note that the real tsunami probably overtopped the
water displacement and the surface elevation. The second phase, hill on both sides as shown by (Fritz et al. 2001). However the
present study is bi-dimensional and is made on the maximum
runup trench (524 m) where hill crossing did not occur.
The comparison between the present results and other
Table 2 Input data for the Lituya bay tsunami simulation predictions found in literature is summarised in Table 3, which
Symbol Value Description reports the wave run-up along the southwest shore of Gilbert Inlet
b 823 m Slide width as found by other researchers or calculated by means of empirical
ls 120 m Slide length formula (Hall and Watts 1953; Synolakis 1987; Müller 1995). The
s Slide thickness empirical runup values have been calculated considering the wave
A 21,000 m2 Landslide area height resulting from the present numerical simulations.
Vs 30.6 106 m3 Landslide volume
α1 45° Hill slope angle Conclusions
α2 45° Headland angle A full Navier–Stokes numerical model has been applied for
h 122 m Water depth simulating impulse waves in water bodies. The water surface is
x 1,342 m Wave propagation distance traced by using the volume of fluid method with the geometric
vs 110 m/s Slide impact velocity reconstruction scheme.
vx 77.8 m/s Component x of velocity
A hybrid approach is proposed to simulate the landslide
vy 77.8 m/s Component y of velocity
dynamics: its motion is simulated considering it as a rigid solid
ρs 2,868 kg/m3 Slide density
body slipping down along an inclined slope until it penetrates the
ρw 1,030 kg/m3 Water density
water, then it is considered a liquid

122 Landslides 7 • (2010)

Fig. 6 Density image sequence of the
Lituya Bay tsunami simulation
t = 2.4 s t = 6.4 s

a) b)

t = 8.4 s t = 10.4 s

c) d)

t = 14.4 s t = 22.4 s

e) f)

t = 29.4 s t = 50.4 s

g) h)

The model has been used to simulate the wave generated by a alluvial material entering into the water creates a large cavity and
landslide of granular material reproduced in laboratory by Fritz et three phases may be clearly distinguished: water, alluvial material
al. (2001) and the agreement between computed and experimental and air.
gas–liquid interface profile evolution is good. In particular, it is The wave generated by 1958 Lituya Bay slide has been also
shown how the model is able to catch the complex phenomena that simulated in a simplified bidimensional environment and the
occur during the initiation of an impulse wave associated with an results are consistent with the findings of other researchers found
extremely unsteady process: the flow separation on the back of the in literature.

Table 3 Comparison of run-up height: present results vs. literature data

Reference Equation or experience R (m)
Lituya bay event 1958 Experimental survey 524
Present numerical simulation Detailed Navier-Stokes–RANS-VOF 560
Physical model (Fritz et al. 2001) Measurement 530
Numerical model (Mader and Gittings 2002) Compressible Navier Stokes 580
Empirical formula (Hall and Watts 1953) h=122 m, H=187 m R=h ¼ 3:1ðH=hÞ1:15 618
Theoretical approximation (Synolakis 1987) h=122 m, H=187 m, β=45° R=h ¼ 2:831 cot  ðH=hÞ5=4 589
Empirical formula (Müller 1995) h=122 m, H=187 m, β=45°, L=1,100 m R=h ¼ 1:25ð=2Þ0:2 ðH=hÞ1:25 ðH=LÞ0:15 422

Landslides 7 • (2010) 123

Original Paper
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