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Physical Science

NAME. _____________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade and Section________________________

TEST I: Multiple choice (Write the letter of your answer at the space provided before the number).
1. Our Galaxy is known as.
a. Andromeda galaxy b. Black Hole c. The Milky Way d. Orion
2. The motion of a planet around its axis is.
a. Rotation b. Revolution c. translocation d. turn
3. The motion of the planet around the sun is called...
a. Revolution b. Rotation c. Turn d. Translocation
4. Astronomy is the study of …
a. The night sky b. the constellations c. the outer space d. Translocation
5. An apparent motion of the celestial bodies in the sky from east to west which was an everyday recurrence.
a. Diurnal motion b. annual motion c. precession of the equinox d. Equinox
6. It is an event or phenomena that came annually or once a year. Specifically it refers to the motion of the Earth in
its orbit around the sun in order to complete its revolution.
a. Diurnal motion b. annual motion c. precession of the equinox d. Equinox
7. The precession moves westward along the ecliptic relative to the fixed stars. This type of motion is caused by the
gravitational forces of the Sun and the moon, and other celestial bodies.
a. Diurnal motion b. annual motion c. precession of the equinox d. Equinox
8. An ancient model of the Universe wherein the center of the Universe was Earth.
a. Elliptical b. Geocentric c. Heliocentric d. Parallax
9. A model of the Universe wherein the Sun is the center of the Universe.
a. Elliptical b. Geocentric c. Heliocentric d. Parallax
10. Refers to the groupings or patterns of stars that can be observed during a clear night sky.
a. Constellation b. Celestial equator c. Horizon d. Zenith
11. A traces of half circle from due South to North on your horizon.
a. Altitude b. Celestial equator c. Horizon d. Meridian
12. The point directly above you or 90⁰ above the horizon.
a. Altitude b. Celestial equator c. Horizon d. Meridian
13. The angle above the horizon, as of 60⁰ above the horizon is,
a. Altitude b. Celestial equator c. Horizon d. Meridian
14. What is the cause of the seasons on Earth?
a. Earth’s axis is tilted c. Sun’s brightness varies during the year
b. Earth’s distance from Sun varies during the year d. The Greenhouse Effect varies during the year
15. The Earth’s axis is tilted ___ from being perpendicular to the ecliptic plane (Earth’s orbital plane).
a. 45.5⁰ b. 23.5° c. 33.5⁰ d. 13.5⁰
16. A phenomenon caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis, not the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
a. Altitude b. Seasons c. Intertropical convergent Zone d. Horizons
17. The summer solstice is the time when the northern hemisphere gets its most direct sunlight or midday sunlight,
meaning the sun in this area is higher in the sky.
a. Fall Equinox b. Spring Equinox c. Summer Solstice d. Winter Solstice
18. Northern Hemisphere receives the least direct sunlight of the year and winter begins in this area.
a. Fall Equinox b. Spring Equinox c. Summer Solstice d. Winter Solstice
19. This Phenomenon in the sky exhibits Solar eclipse wherein the Moon blocks the Sun and if you are at the Moons
shadow you are within,
a. Umbra b. Penumbra c. Waxing d. Waning
20. A type of Moons’ phase wherein it is getting bigger at the progression of the cycle.
a. Waning b. Waxing c. new moon d. Gibbous


1. Illustrate/Draw the Solar eclipse and the Lunar eclipse, indicating the positioning of Earth, Moon and Sun
during this Phenomenon that occasionally happen in a night sky. (20 pts.)

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