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1. ^ In the Demographic Transition Model, 6. Which ofthe following theorists suggested
high birth rates and falling death rates are that transportation routes influenced the
characteristics of Stage ; expansion of towns?

(A) 2 (A) Hoyt

(B) 3 (B) Harris
(C) 4 (C) Weber
Queen's Rcyal College
(D) 5 (D) Burgess Library


2. Overpopulation is usually associated with Whichofthe following factors is included in

high ' the natural growth rate butNOT the overall
population growth rate?
(A) mortality rates'
(B) employment rates (A) Fertility
(C) levels of literacy (B) Mortality
(D) levels of nutrition (C) Migration
(D) Infant mortality

3. Which ofthe following population movements

is NOT a form of internal migration? Why is land value usually HIGHEST in the
central business district (CBD)?
(A) Intraurban
(B) Rural to r iral (A) It is the oldest part of the city.
(C)' Urban to rural (B) It is the focal point of the city's
(D) Intercpnti rental transport system.
(C) Most upper-income residential
areas are located there.
4. A megacity can b e defined as a city with a (D) There is intense competition among
population of at EAST potential land users.

(A) . 1mjllio
(B) 10 raillio 1
(C) 20 rnhlio r
(D) 30 miilio

Choropleth maps are. useful because they

show \
•t II' 't-ji'i
(A) gradua change in| population
I , I
.defiH I '1.; ! iiit
\b) j popu at onidij tribution across
spa ik uriits
(C) popu on va u e s of different

spa' imits
(D); redub popul ation difference
betrtvetn spat al un its

• •Im -Uv.! e »*:a- .


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