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Marc Bardoux
Rheos Consulting Inc.



June 20 2002

Montreal, Canada


Regional foliation and bedding are generally parallel to one another and trend
approximately N-S. Bedding, however, appears to be clearly folded and transposed into
the regional fabric. Similarly quartz-carbonate veins are generally sub-parallel to foliation
and show signs of buckling and shearing locally. Far field maximum principal stresses
that created these structural features were most likely oriented E-W.

Tulawaka East is underlain by volcanic and ferrugineous sediments (water lain tuffs to
silicate-facies iron formation). The sediments define a megascopic Z-shaped fold pattern
that plunges to the south at a relatively shallow angle. The fold is breached on its
anticlinal overturned limb by a narrow high strain zone along which porphyry dykes
intruded syn-tectonically. The high strain zones together with the porphyry bodies were
the site of tectonic dislocations during protracted deformation that created structural
flexures and jogs principally in the immediate hangingwall and footwall of the porphyry.
Auriferous quartz veining was focused in these jogs such that mineralized lenses are most
likely pancake shaped bodies that line up preferentially in a series of sub-horizontal
shoots. Key to high grade gold is obviously the presence of syn-kinematic porphyry
bodies along the high strain corridor but in addition the highest grades and largest
mineralized body near the central part of the deposit is located at the intersection of highly
strained porphyries and ferrugineous sediments that act as the best iron buffer in the
regional context. The ferrugineous sediments in this sector also happen to be thickened
by tight folding. Further discoveries of auriferous shoots are expected to be made along
strike and down-dip of the high strain zone as porphyry bodies appear to be rooting at
depth and either to the south or to the north. Regional analogues to Tulawaka East may be
found further where more high strain zones may occur together with syn-tectonic
porphyries. Current regional data suggest that strain gradients are increasing west-
southwest of Tulawaka and it appears to be reasonable to expect further porphyritic
bodies in this same area where large intrusives are interpreted from aeromagnetic data.
These large intrusives may not be co-genetic. Detailed ground magnetic surveys may be
the best tool to use to detect such targets.

The brittle fault that causes the most important offset of mineralisation and bedding is
located nearly parallel to grid line 1+50W and is likely a normal fault trending
approximately N040 dipping approximately 70 degrees to the east. This fault is clearly
oriented orthogonal to the regional foliation and to the main ore zone. Two more brittle
fault are located near grid lines 2+50E and 3+50W and probably have geometries similar to
that of the fault along 1+50W. Evidence for these two faults is mainly supported by
significant offsets of the domainal ore shoots. None of these faults would impact
significantly on the open pit designs and stability of the open pit walls. However, each
fault trending at high angle to foliation offsets the ore zone and thus define the boundaries
of structural and ore domains.

It is expected that further ore shoots will be found along strike and depth of the Tulawaka
East ore zone. These shoots will be directly related to jogs along zones of high strain and
more specifically in the vicinity of further porphyry bodies. Jogs are expected to have sub-
horizontal rakes, however, their frequency and spatial distribution cannot be precisely
defined at the current level of knowledge. Further porphyry bodies and related
“mineralized” jogs may be expected along the eastern and western extensions of
Tulawaka East where porphyry bodies have already been identified.

Further high strain zones and porphyry bodies may also be expected in the footwall and
hanging wall of the Tulawaka East zone for it is expected that the entire Tulawaka property
has undertaken intense deformation. It may be particularly recommended to search for
specific structural breaks along the contact between rocks of contrasting chemistry and
rheology such as granites and sediments, sediments and volcanics, and granites and
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Montreal, Canada

volcanics. If there were thicker ferrugineous sequences in the region these rock bodies
would also be favorable iron buffers and proper rheological targets. As a direct analog to
the Tulawaka East zone it would be best to search for the feeder systems of the porphyry
dikes which are probably located in the immediate vicinity of first-order structures.

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Montreal, Canada

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 5

1. REGIONAL STRUCTURES............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 BEDDING ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 FOLIATION....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 QUARTZ VEINING ............................................................................................................................ 7
2. TULAWAKA EAST............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 SIMPLIFIED STRATIGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Using current rock codes.......................................................................................................... 10 IAT, SCC, SSF, SIF, IBT, IIC.......................................................................................................... 10 FIF.................................................................................................................................................... 10 MIF .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.2 Magnetostratigraphy ................................................................................................................ 11 Range of magnetic susceptibility readings ....................................................................................... 11
2.2 STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Folding ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Foliation ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 High strain zone and splays...................................................................................................... 15
2.2.4 Sinistral shearing west of line 300W ........................................................................................ 16
2.2.5 Late Faulting ............................................................................................................................ 16 At high angle to foliation ................................................................................................................. 17 Drill hole DO327.............................................................................................................................. 18 Fault projection on the Tulawaka East (inclined) long section......................................................... 19 At shallow angle to foliation ............................................................................................................ 19
2.2.6 Far Field Stress Conditions...................................................................................................... 19
2.3 GEOMETRY OF THE ORE ZONES ..................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 The Main Ore Domains ............................................................................................................ 19
2.3.2 Flexures and jogs...................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.3 Vein geometries and vein sizes ................................................................................................. 20
2.3.4 The Footwall Zone.................................................................................................................... 21
2.4 HISTORY OF GOLD MINERALISATION ............................................................................................. 22
3. REGIONAL POTENTIAL................................................................................................................ 23
3.1 LOCAL EXTENSIONS....................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 TULAWAKA WEST ......................................................................................................................... 23
3.3 REGIONAL ANALOGUES ................................................................................................................. 24
4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................ 24
4.3 DUCTILE FABRICS ARE COMPATIBLE WITH ONE PHASE OF DEFORMATION...................................... 25
4.4 MINERALIZED SHOOTS AT TULAWAKA EAST ARE MAINLY HORIZONTAL ....................................... 25
4.6 THE AGE OF MINERALISATION MAY BE RELATIVELY YOUNG. ........................................................ 26

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Montreal, Canada


The geological comprehension of the Tulawaka property is still in its juvenile stage. Though
diamond drilling and aeromagnetic surveys have assisted in the definition of the geological
infrastructure of the property in its regional context. Current knowledge suggests that the
geological history of the region is complex comprising stratigraphic components of the Archean,
Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic. These stratigraphic components are in turn affected by ductile and
brittle structures that have created and juxtaposed geological entities of various affiliation. The
predictability of gold targets is highly dependent on these indirect methods and it has not yet been
very successful due to the limitations of these methods. Soil geochemistry performed in 1997 led
to the discovery of a significant anomaly in the area and it was followed by extensive drilling
programmes since 1998. Drilling has mainly focused on the Tulawaka East region where gold
grades are particularly high. The geology underlying the Tulawaka East region is dominantly
sedimentary, gold is essentially associated with discrete quartz veins hosted in close proximity to
felsic porphyry bodies bounded by high strain corridors. Opportunities for discovery of additional
deposits of this type appear to be probable but there is also potential for the discovery of alternate
styles of mineralization. In order to discover such new targets future exploration at Tulawaka
should focus on improving the geological database and the application of potential analogues to
the regional geological environment. The geological database will greatly improve with further
interpretation of the aeromagnetic data, detailed geochemical surveys, focused studies on
structural geology, high quality lithostratigraphic logging and better definition of small-scale
intrusive bodies.

1. Regional structures
A total of 4,486 structural measurements have been compiled from diamond drilling to
date. Amongst structural parameters reported in the original database most measurements were
focused on bedding, foliation, quartz veining, faulting, and fracturing. Only 20% of the total
structural database has corresponding azimuth and inclination measurements that are assumed
to be reported with the right-hand rule method. From this list of oriented features the author has
selected 270 bedding measurements, 259 foliation measurements and 252 vein measurements
that are judged statistically reliable. The author cannot guarantee that all measurements are of
equal weight and significance. Analytical results presented in stereographic format (polar
projections) must be considered as preliminary and by no means represent a final interpretation
of the regional distribution of the structural features discussed herein since the data distribution is
largely influenced by the density of information which is in a very large part related to drill hole
information centralized in the Tulawaka East region.

1.1 Bedding
A total of 270 data points have been selected. The stereographic distribution of these
points presented in Figure 1.1 suggests that more than 70% of the points are clustered in a bulls
eye contour distribution that suggests that bedding is dominantly oriented N-S to NNW-SSE with
an approximate dip of 50 degrees to the east. The trend of poles to bedding toward the south
pole and the center of the stereographic projection clearly indicates that bedding is locally
perturbed. Such perturbations may be caused by folding and faulting or subsequent phases of
deformation. The arcuate distribution of most poles to bedding along a poorly defined great circle
that trends roughly NE-SW suggests that bedding is mostly affected by shallowly plunging folds
that are most likely related to the first (and most penetrative) phase of regional deformation
defined by the regional foliation described in the following section.

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Montreal, Canada

Equal Area N
(Schmidt) Tulawaka S0 regional














Lower Hem. N = 270

Figure 1.1 Lower Hemisphere stereographic plot (equal area) of bedding measured in
core from the Tulawaka area. A total of 270 measurements suggests that
bedding is generally oriented N-S to NNW-SSE.

1.2 Foliation
A total of 259 poles to foliation presented in Figure 1.2 suggest that at least 70% of the
measurements plot in a very tight cluster that coincides with an average foliation trend striking N-
S with a dip of 50 degrees to the east. Poles to foliation are also locally indicating NNW-SSE
trends that may be related to refraction or to superimposed foliation phases which have
unfortunately not been distinguished in the current database. A few points appear to be
completely erratic and therefore may be considered as errors or other types of structures that
were mixed up in the foliation database. Compared to Figure 1.1 it appears that foliation and
bedding are most commonly sub-parallel to one another indicating that bedding has most likely
been intensely transposed into the foliation. This suggests that the regional strain intensity was
high and it can be expected that folding related to this phase of deformation would be extremely
tight. This foliation is most likely axial planar to this folding.

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Montreal, Canada

Equal Area N
Tulawaka S1 regional














Lower Hem. N = 259

Figure 1.2 Lower Hemisphere stereographic projection (equal area) of the regional
foliation trend of the Tulawaka area. The cluster of 70% of 259 data points
suggest that the foliation is dominantly trending N-S dipping 50 degrees to
the east. This foliation fluctuates in trend and dip due to refraction or
superimposed phases of deformation that are generally poorly defined in
current drill logs.

1.3 Quartz veining

A total of 252 poles to quartz(carbonate) veins have been extracted from the database
(Figure 1.3). The distribution of poles to quartz veins is somewhat more erratic than the
stereographic projections of bedding and foliation presented in previous sections. This is in part
due to the fact that veins are non tabular bodies when they form but also because veins are likely
highly deformed and stretched and therefore almost transposed into the regional foliation (see
Figure 1.3). Approximately 50% of the poles to veins reported herein cluster in a domain that
plunges approximately 53 degrees towards an azimuth of 248 degrees. This would suggest that
veins are themselves oriented perpendicular to this trend and therefore veins would be trending
N338 with an average dip of 47 degrees. On average these veins are slightly oblique to the
regional foliation making an angle of approximately 30 degrees with this foliation. This
obliqueness between veins and foliation is even further expressed by the remainder of the vein
measurements reported in this compilation. Figure 1.3 shows that several veins are either striking
roughly E-W and others are almost horizontal. Assuming veins reported herein are all
contemporaneous this vein distribution suggests that vein orientations are dominantly NW-SE but
many other trajectories can be expected as veins may be folded or may be branching off in
anastomosing and branching patterns.

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Montreal, Canada

Equal Area N Tulawaka Quartz Veins Regional















Lower Hem. N = 252

Figure 1.3 Lower Hemisphere stereographic projection (equal area) of the regional
distribution of a total of 252 quartz-carbonate veins from the Tulawaka

2. Tulawaka East
Tulawaka East is underlain by volcanic and ferrugineous sediments (water lain tuffs to
silicate-facies iron formation). The sediments define a megascopic Z shaped fold pattern that
plunges to the south at a relatively shallow angle. The fold is breached on its anticlinal overturned
limb by a narrow high strain zone along which porphyry dykes intruded syn-tectonically. The high
strain zones together with the porphyry bodies were the site of tectonic dislocations during
protracted deformation that created structural flexures and jogs principally in the immediate
hangingwall and footwall of the porphyry. Auriferous quartz veining was focused in these jogs
such that mineralized lenses are most likely pancake shaped bodies that line up preferentially in a
series of sub-horizontal shoots. Key to high grade gold is obviously the presence of syn-kinematic
porphyry bodies along the high strain corridor but in addition the highest grades and largest
mineralized body near the central part of the deposit is located at the intersection of highly
strained porphyries and ferrugineous sediments that act as the best iron buffer in the regional
context. Further discoveries of auriferous shoots are expected to be made along strike and down-
dip of the high strain zone as porphyry bodies appear to be rooting at depth and either to the
south or north. Regional analogs to Tulawaka East may be found further where more high strain
zones may occur together with syn-tectonic porphyries. Current regional data suggest that strain
gradients are increasing west-southwest of Tulawaka and it appears to be reasonable to expect
further porphyritic bodies in this same area where large intrusives are interpreted from
aeromagnetic data. Detailed ground magnetic surveys may be the best tool to use to detect such

2.1 Simplified stratigraphy

Simplified stratigraphy (assisted with detailed magnetic susceptibility measurements) is
requested at Tulawaka to validate a “manageable” number of markers in order to define the
geometry of the large scale structural features underlying the Tulawaka East deposit. This
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Montreal, Canada

geological framework was used to understand the context in which auriferous mineralisation is
hosted. The main reason to use magnetic susceptibility as a discriminatory “tool” is to simplify the
stratigraphic picture because the current terminology used in core logs and RC logs is very
detailed and in many occasions it refers to metamorphic textures (see report by P. Thompson,
2001) more than protolithic components that are most likely better defined by magnetic
susceptibility readings in this particular case. The unfamiliar reader should inquire the abundant
literature on this subject at the project scale to appreciate the difficulties the various (experienced)
loggers have faced trying to make sense of this metamorphosed and strained stratigraphy that is
generally petrographically monotonous and subtle.

Plate 2.1a Representative core samples from drill hole DO149 (up hole). Each of these
samples was analyzed petrographically by P. Thompson (2001).

Plate 2.1b Representative core segments of DO149 (down hole) selected for
petrographic and geochemical analyses.

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Montreal, Canada

Partial magnetic susceptibility data and stratigraphic rock codes available in the database
were projected on sections and plan views to implement and test the geological correlations
described herein (see Fig. Twenty-five meter spaced sections were first interpreted
orderly from the most drilled area to the least drilled. The best documented sections are mainly
those located between local grid coordinates 200W and 100E where drilling is closely spaced in
three dimension (see Fig. 2.3.3). Geological correlations were then carried out westwards as far
as section 600W and eastwards as far as section 500E such that the entire Tulawaka East sector
was schematically interpreted on a total of forty-five 1:500 scale sections (for example see Fig.
2.2.1). The geological information from these sections was then systematically transposed by
hand and projected onto four 1:1000 level plans respectively at local elevations of 1190m
(surface; see Fig. 2.3.3), 1160m, 1100m and 1040m (lowest level). The stratigraphic correlations
drawn by the author on individual sections and level plans were delivered at the Tulawaka camp
site on March 25 under the supervision of Project Manager M. Pat Donovan. Eight of these
sections and the surface map are digitized to date.

2.1.1 Using current rock codes IAT, SCC, SSF, SIF, IBT, IIC
The overall map pattern clearly indicates that stratigraphy consists essentially of three
principal sequences referred to (in core and RC logs) as rock code acronyms IAT, SCC and SSF
for which protoliths are respectively interpreted as volcanic sediments (water-lain tuffs),
greywacke and ferrugineous-siliceous sandstones that commonly contain well banded and thin
silicate-facies iron formation horizons (green amphibolite-garnet banded rocks in core) referred to
rock code SIF. A conspicuous rock type consisting mainly of variable quantities of fine to coarse
biotite (up to 15% per volume) and pervasive sericite (defined as two interchangeable rock codes
IBT and IIC) appears to occur most frequently at the transitional contact between SSF and IAT
rock types. IBT and IIC are tentatively interpreted as a pre-metamorphic and pre-tectonic
alteration package but it may also be considered as a stratigraphic sub-unit transitional between
IAT and SSF (Roger Aubertin, personal communication 2002). Core and petrographic evidence
clearly demonstrates, however, that this unit is not intrusive (Peter Thompson personal
communication 2002) though it appears to be unconformable to the rest of the local stratigraphy
on section and level plan where it seems to be transecting the local stratigraphic contacts at a
shallow angle. The overall thickness of the three major components of the local stratigraphy
described above is probably a few hundred meters, the thickest unit being the IAT and the
thinnest the SSF reaching a maximum of 50 meters in true thickness. Facing directions between
any of these rock units have yet to be determined. Theoretically it would be consistent to suggest
that SSF unit(s) mark the end of a sedimentary (volcanic) cycle as they appear to be probable
chemical deposits laid out during periods of sedimentary or volcanogenic quiescence. From the
current correlations it appears that there are probably more than one of each rock type in the
entire sequence. FIF
The entire rock sequence is locally cut by linear and blebby porphyry dikes, referred to as
rock codes FIF, that are generally less than 10 meters thick. At the east end of the deposit one of
these dikes appears to be injected along a network of three or four sub-parallel pre-existent high-
strain zones which explains the multiple dikes intersections east of section 200E (see Fig. 2.3.3).
Locally the dyke appears to be swelling (or folding) to an apparent thickness that can be up to
50m. One of these eastern dikes then seems to extend westward along what may be the most
significant of the local high-strain zones between sections 200E and 200W. This dyke then splits
again into multiple branches west of section 200W. These dikes are key to the development of
structural dilatancies which has led to the creation of most ore shoots underlying Tulawaka East
(Plate Most shoots tend to have sub-horizontal rakes since the dilatancies are
themselves sub-horizontal (see section 4).

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Plate High-grade vein in the immediate hangingwall of the QFP unit illustrated
here at the bottom of the second box. DO311 (96-106meters downhole). MIF
Two late mafic dikes, referred to as rock codes MIF, are cutting across all rock types and
generally trend NNE with a dip of approximately 45 degrees to the ESE (Fig. 2.3.3). The western
dike is thickest reaching fifty meters in true thickness, the eastern dike runs oblique to section line
150E and barely exceeds 5 meters in true thickness. The western dike is of no concern in the
current pit design.

2.1.2 Magnetostratigraphy Range of magnetic susceptibility readings
At the time of investigation in March 2002 approximately 70% of all chips of RC holes and
HQ/NQ core of diamond drill holes drilled to date in Tulawaka East had magnetic susceptibility
measured on them at 1m spacing. Magnetic susceptibility readings were first standardized
between RC chips and diamond drill core. Using basic statistical comparison, RC chips readings
were simply multiplied by a factor of 2 to standardize against diamond drill core readings.
Preliminary statistical evaluations on this database suggests that there are essentially five rock
categories with specific magnetic susceptibility signatures (Fig. The FIF bodies and

m a g n e tic s u s c e p tib ility D O 3 1 5

0 .6 0
magnetic intensity (gamma)

0 .5 0 SSF+SIF
0 .4 0

0 .3 0 SCC+IAT S e r ie s 1

0 .2 0
0 .1 0

0 .0 0



















D e p th (m ) 1 -2 0 3

Figure Typical magnetic susceptibility profile in Tulawaka East from DO315.

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Montreal, Canada

quartz veins are the least magnetic rocks with susceptibilities below 0.10 gammas. IAT and SCC
units are next with an average susceptibility of 0.15 gammas. SSF units then range generally
between 0.15 and 0.40 gammas with an average background value reaching 0.20 gammas. SIF
units interdigitated within SSF define magnetic spikes that can reach up to several gammas but
generally range around 0.60 gammas. Magnetic spikes in SIF units are often caused by the
presence of disseminated to semi-massive pyrrhotite. MIF units clearly have the highest magnetic
values locally and regional as their readings generally exceed 5.0 gammas. Applications of the readings

The magnetic profiles generated by these detailed measurements tend to match the
current stratigraphic definitions in core logs but it also tends to smooth out the contact
relationships between individual stratigraphic horizons that were commonly broken down to a few
centimeters in true thickness in many cases. Such break down of logged stratigraphy is
impossible to correlate on a bed-to-bed or strata-to-strata basis mainly because contacts between
individual units are generally gradual and because many of them are folded and therefore repeat
several times in the same drill hole. Thus magnetic stratigraphy is best used to define sequences
of SSF and SIF interbeds versus all other rock types (Fig. Magnetic stratigraphy also
clearly picks up thick veins and FIF bodies which usually coincide with auriferous intervals. Thus
most geological contacts traced on sections are, in a large part, related to this break down of
magnetostratigraphic sequences. In most cases magnetostratigraphy prevailed over logged
stratigraphic rock codes especially in the oxidized zones (RC chips readings) where petrographic
characteristics are extremely difficult to discriminate. The overall correlations of these broad
magnetostratigraphic features is extremely satisfactory and is highly recommendable as a
discriminatory tool in future drilling campaigns at a local and regional scale.

Figure Magnetostratigraphic correlations on section 125W.

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Montreal, Canada

2.2 Structures
2.2.1 Folding
The correlations established on the new set of sections together with bedding
measurements taken in individual drill holes (Figure 2.2.1) clearly support the idea that folding
affects the stratigraphic sequence with the exception of felsic dykes? (FIF) and late mafic dykes
(MIF) that are cutting all older units and fold structures at a high angle along a roughly NW-SE
trend. Though felsic dykes are clearly foliated (locally very highly strained) they appear to be
emplaced somewhat after the regional folding occurred. Though the folding of FIF is not apparent
at the deposit scale it cannot be clearly ruled out that they are at a broader more regional scale.
As mentioned in previous reports, MIF dikes are slightly and locally deformed as they exhibit
discrete penetrative planar and linear fabrics (flattened and aligned amphiboles for example).
They could therefore be considered as late-tectonic on a regional scale but they are most likely
not folded at a regional scale.

Figure 2.2.1 Interpreted geology section 125W showing folded ferrugineous sediments
and the trace of the main ore zone.

Folding shown on sections (Fig. 2.2.1) has been simplified (smoothed) for modeling
purposes for it is in reality more rugged (due to asymmetric and symmetric folding) than it
currently shows on individual sections. The general style of folding appears to be relatively tight
and overturned to the WSW with a reclined axial plane dipping approximately 50 degrees to the
ESE (Fig. 2.2.1). Rakes of individual fold axes are very poorly constrained from oriented core.
Based on level plan constructions it appears that fold axes are generally raking to the south at a
relatively shallow angle. The amplitude of folds appear to be of the order of hundreds of meters
and wavelengths of these folds most likely are of at least one to two hundred meters (Figs. 2.2.1
and 2.3.3).

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Montreal, Canada

Equal Area N
Bedding Tulawaka East














Lower Hem. N = 105

Figure 2.2.1 Lower Hemisphere stereographic plot (equal area) of bedding

measurements from diamond drill holes in the Tulawaka East area.

2.2.2 Foliation
Current compilation of 115 foliation planes measured in core suggest that the average
foliation trend is N-S (Figure 2.2.2) but this trend varies locally and tends to define a broadly
curved pattern from NNE in the south of the deposit (footwall) to NNW in the north part (hanging
wall). This gentle change in foliation trend suggests that foliation trajectories are likely defining
curved patterns at the local scale. Curved patterns may suggest that Tulawaka East is bounded
by high strain zones to the north and south. The relative motion on these high strain zones would
have caused the flexing of the foliation. Such high strain zones should be investigated as
potential regional targets especially when they transect rocks of contrasting trends and
competencies. Furthermore these high zones are potentially deeply seated in the crust and could
be yet sites of further dike emplacement.

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Montreal, Canada

Equal Area N
(Schmidt) Foliation Tulawaka East











Lower Hem. N = 115

Figure 2.2.2 Lower Hemisphere stereographic plot (equal area) illustrating the
distribution of foliation measurements in diamond drill core of the
Tulawaka East area.

2.2.3 High strain zone and splays

Correlated from section to section it appears that one elongated porphyry body (FIF) is
spreading as a curviplanar sheet from section 300E to 300W. This porphyry sheet lies 170 meters
below surface at 300E and daylights around line 200E until at least section line 300W where it
appears to be diving again gradually westwards where it subdivides in several smaller porphyry
bodies that are generally sub-parallel to one another. On section line 275E it is very clear that the
shallowly dipping porphyry sheet is physically connected to the extensive auriferous vein body
that underlies the currently defined ore zone 1-11 at the eastern end of the Tulawaka ore zone.
The vein body in question is steepening up to the surface most likely parallel to the foliation
plane. It is suggested that together the deep seated porphyry sheet and the vein body define the
trace of a high strain zone that most likely defines a concave (almost listric) thrust fault
(alternatively a listric normal fault) with a series of ramps and steps between individual segments
of the fault surface (Fig. 2.2.3). This thrust fault represents the foundation of the Tulawaka East
deposit (see section 2.4). A swarm of thinner and more discrete porphyry sheets appear to be
shooting off the main porphyry sheet mainly at the eastern and western end of the Tulawaka East
deposit. The roughly parallel attitude between the porphyry swarms and the main porphyry sheet
suggests that the swarm intruded preexistent planes of weakness that can be interpreted as
splays off the main thrust fault.

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Montreal, Canada

Figure 2.2.3 Thrust (reverse) faulting parallel to felsic porphyry dyke produces
dilatancies at ramp sites. In three-dimensions ramps tend to form
perpendicular to transport directions of hangingwall thus ramps and
dilatancies define sub-horizontal features.

Thus it appears that the large-scale fold underlying Tulawaka East is dissected by a
thrust fault system. The offsets on individual thrust surfaces is, however, relatively small. Each of
the thrust surfaces evoked herein most likely represent second- or third-order structures at a
regional scale. It is likely that these second- or third-order structures likely splay off first-order
structures that have yet to be discovered at the regional scale.

2.2.4 Sinistral shearing west of line 300W

Foliation west of line 300W appears to be trending WNW (Fig. 2.3.3). Porphyry bodies in
this sector also appear to be trending WNW. On section these porphyry bodies are steeper than
anywhere else in Tulawaka East. Given these local structural characteristics it is proposed that
the area west of line 300W is locally affected by discrete sinistral shearing. Such shearing would
be forming as a natural extension of the thrust faulting described previously and would altogether
be compatible with the regional stress conditions (see section 2.2.6).

2.2.5 Late Faulting

Breccias are by definition made of angular fragments (of variable sizes) of country rock
that are hosted in fine grained matrix that consists of milled country rock and/or a cement that
generally consists of chlorite and calcite. Silica can occasionally fill in between angular fragments.
Breccias currently defined in core logs of the Tulawaka East deposit are not standardized. Their
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Montreal, Canada

magnitude and size is not documented which makes their correlation highly improbable. Broken
core chips are not necessarily related to brecciation and this should be recorded accordingly.
Core chips from breccia should exhibit fragmentation and milling in order to be linked to brittle

Fractures filled with chlorite are very common in all drill core observed. In general these
fractures are at high angle to foliation and are therefore small scale equivalents to larger fault
systems described herein. None of these fractures are oriented in space and it impossible to
define their relative sense of movement which would be useful to extrapolate that of larger scale
structures. In many cases what is reported as faults in the core logs are in reality small scale
fractures. Again the magnitude of these features is not labelled in core logs and it becomes
extremely difficult to rank any of them.

Not all brittle structures have been recorded in the logs. A number of these features were
observed during this investigation which suggests that there may be several brittle structures of
interest that may not have recorded. At high angle to foliation

Though there is ample evidence of late brecciation and chloritic-calcic fracturation in the
area only one of these faults appears to offset stratigraphy by an excess of 10 meters. This fault
dips steeply and appears to be trending generally parallel to section line 100W. This fault clearly
offsets ore zones as well (Madeline Thon personnal communication 2002). Several core
segments of more than 40 specific drill holes were investigated to define such late fault sets (see
Rheos Consulting Report February 2002). Amongst all core segments examined the most
significant breccia zones (at least 20 cm of intense breakup of rock with a chlorite, calcite matrix
and clear slickensides) occur in drill holes TDD002, TDD024, TDD099, TDD102, DO129, DO205
and DO252 (Plates, b). With the exception of the breccia in TDD099 all other breccias
occur within a confined sector between section lines 0+50W and 1+50W. The most extensive
brecciation defined by the thickest breccias and related slickenside surfaces occur more
specifically nearby section line 1+50W near surface (Fig. 2.3.3). Based on the angular
relationship between breccias and core axis as well as between breccias and regional foliation it
is proposed that the breccias are part of a fault zone or fault corridor that is generally trending N-
S (Fig. 2.3.3). This fault zone would intersect local grid coordinates 200N and 1+00W at the
1100m level plan.

Four other fault planes have been defined during ore solid definitions (Madeline Thon
personnal communication 2002). These faults are relatively minor and cause apparent offsets of
less than 2 meters. These faults could be roughly parallel to the fault along section line 1+00W
and would be respectively located around section lines 3+50W and 2+50E.

Offsets along any of these faults can be relatively evaluated from the displacement of
mineralized domains and the offset of felsic porphyry dykes that are commonly occurring in the
mineralized zones. Unfortunately the local stratigraphic sequence is still too complicated to be
able to use any other markers besides those mentioned previously. The most significant offset
would be recorded on the fault along line 1+50W with an apparent right-lateral/dip slip
displacement of perhaps 10 meters. The second significant fault would be that along grid line
2+50E with an apparent scisor movement increasing at depth to more than 10 meters. It is
expected that all of these faults consist of several stepping fault zones that are necessarily very
extensive along strike. The real width of any of these structures is extremely difficult to evaluate
since most of them appear to have been intersected at a very oblique angle by the current drilling
program. Drill hole TDD079 is the only hole drilled perpendicular to some of these faults in the
vicinity of section line 0+00E. Breccias intersected at right angle (perhaps NE trending) are very
thin at 98m and 149m respectively with a third breccia zone approximately 20cm thick at a depth
of 279.5m. Drilled in the area where the most significant brecciation is expected in the Ore Zone
these results suggest that faults are most likely discrete features that may not exceed 50cm in
true width.
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Montreal, Canada

Plate Chlorite cemented breccia in TDD102 around 101m downhole (NQ core).

Plate Significant fault gouge in DO252 around 178m downhole (NQ core).

. Drill hole DO327
Drill hole DO327 was planned to test the presence of the most significant of these faults
as well as the geometry of the auriferous veins in the main domain of mineralisation (referred to
as domain D1) at local coordinates 2+63N/1+30W (east of DO206 on Fig. 2.3.3) and elevation
1110m with a collar azimuth of 227 degrees, a collar inclination of 60 degrees. The premises
evoked for the implementation of the hole were that: 1) a significant brittle fault may offset the
auriferous quartz veins in this sector; 2) mineralisation may extend across this fault zone (on the
west side) and would eventually add new resources to the project and accordingly it would
eventually require a modification of the actual pit design.

Collared in volcanic tuffs (IAT/ILT) drill hole DO327 intersected mainly ferrugineous
metasediments (SSF, SIF) and tuffs from 11 meters to the end of the hole. A thin felsic porphyry
dike was encountered from 112.24 to 114.78m. A series of breccia zones were intersected

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Montreal, Canada

between 59 and 83 meters downhole. Most of these breccias likely coincide with a significant fault
structure. However given that the reported core angles between the breccia and core is between
10 and 40 degrees it is extremely difficult to specify the real orientation of the breccia and the
fault zone itself. This hole did not intersect any significant gold mineralisation. Fault projection on the Tulawaka East (inclined) long section

The fault along line 1+50W would project as a line on the long section with an angle of 58
degrees plunging to the east. In its present location this fault would clearly define the eastern
boundary of the significant ore shoot that occurs between lines 1+50W and 1+00W. Assuming
that the other faults cited previously could be approximately parallel to the fault along line 1+50W
(a normal tendency in a structural domain of the size of Tulawaka East) than it can be speculated
that these other faults would similarly project with angles of 50 to 60 degrees on the long section.
Such faults might in turn define the linear and relatively sharp boundaries of other ore shoots
illustrated on the long section.

The Tulawaka East ore body appears to be dying almost along a sub-horizontal level
around elevation 950-900m. Either this is due to a lack of structural dilatancies at depth or
alternatively it may be due to the fact that the mineralized domain at depth changes orientation or
is simply offset by a significant structure. At shallow angle to foliation

Brittle faulting is locally expected parallel to the main ore bodies of Tulawaka East. The
magnitude of offset on stratigraphy and mineralized bodies appears to be minimal. This type of
structure is, however, poorly documented and may have an impact on the stability of the open pit
walls. These faults most likely formed at the same time and under the same far field stress
conditions as the faults at high angle to foliation (section

2.2.6 Far Field Stress Conditions

Eigenvector analysis suggests that all ductile structures formed under a single, simple
deformation geometry, consisting of shortening on a horizontal E-W axis and extension along an
subvertical axis. Brittle structures are clearly superimposed onto the ductile fabrics (Plate appear to have formed under a shortening direction that was probably sub-vertical
and an extension along a sub-horizontal N-S axis.

2.3 Geometry of the Ore Zones

2.3.1 The Main Ore Domains
Up to 16 ore domains are now defined in Tulawaka East (Madeleine and Larry Thon,
personnal communication March 2002). Most of these domains simply represent the break down
of the old domain 1 as defined in 2001. Other domains at the eastern and western end of old
domain 1 have been kept as individual ore zones as they were in previous resource models. All of
these domains coincide spatially and volumetrically with specific geological features that are most
frequently individual porphyry dikes and/or quartz vein bodies.

2.3.2 Flexures and jogs

As clearly outlined on individual cross sections there are a number of flexures and jogs
affecting the porphyry sheets. These flexures and jogs formed along discrete high strain zones
(straddling stratigraphic contacts locally) and define the main dilational components of the
Tulawaka East deposit. Tens of these jogs occur throughout the area. Flexures and jogs are
generally discrete and small in the western half of the deposit whereas they are bigger and
probably jointing in the eastern half until section line 300E. The most extensive and continuous
quartz lenses are expected in the ore domains 1-11 and 1-10. When projected on an (inclined)
long section jogs, flexures and auriferous veins are defining high-grade bodies that are raking
almost horizontally. This is very consistent with the concept of thrust faulting where dip-slip
movement is the dominant transport direction and jogs generally form perpendicular to the
transport direction.
Rheos-Consulting Inc.
Montreal, Canada



Plate 2.3.2 High-grade vein in the immediate hangingwall of QFP. Gold occurs mainly
along chloritic stylolites within the vein. DO315 from 91 to 101meters

2.3.3 Vein geometries and vein sizes

Vein geometries and vein sizes are not very well studied yet. It is expected that individual
mineralized veins will rarely exceed 1 meter in true thickness. However, swarms of such veins
might be expected locally where structural flexures are longest. Buckling has affected these veins
and most likely relates to syn-kinematic movement on the shear surfaces bounding the rock mass
hosting the veins. Given the significant variability of true vein thickness within individual lenses it
must be expected that veins and vein swarms will generally be pancake shaped (oblate) and
generally less than 25 meters in diameter. Some of these lenses will coalesce where jogs and
flexures are most extensive such as between section lines 100W and 100E (Fig. 2.3.3).
Elsewhere veins may not be discontinuous. Quartz veining west of section line 300W is most
commonly related to steeply dipping porphyry bodies and discrete high strain zones. Drilling in
this sector is most likely not dense enough to illustrate the real extension of individual veins and
vein swarms. Given that structural features may be relatively well developed in this sector it is
likely that more resources may underlie this region. Significant sinistral shearing is expected west
of section 300W which would be consistent with the overall far field stress orientations that would
have produced all ductile structures affecting the Tulawaka region (Fig. 2.2.6). Foliation west of
section 300W tends to be oriented N300 rather than N340-N020 east of section line 300W.

Drilling parallel to the main ore zone has clearly demonstrated that veining beyond
individual mineralized ore zones are rare further suggesting that auriferous quartz veining at
Tulawaka East are confined without significant ramifications.

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Montreal, Canada

Figure 2.3.3 Sub-surface map of the Tulawaka East area showing the Z shaped fold
pattern affecting the local stratigraphy (highlighted by the ferrugineous
sediments). The map also shows the trace of the main ore zones along the
main thrust which developed along the main porphyry dike.

2.3.4 The Footwall Zone

Gold occurs in a zone lying approximately 200 meters in the footwall of the main ore
bodies described in the previous sections of this report (Fig. 2.3.3). Auriferous veins in the so
called Footwall zone are generally milky and accompanied by pervasive silicification-sulfidation
(pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite) and carbonatisation of the immediate host rock. There is,
however, no evidence of high strain nor is there any porphyry body intersected thus far in this
sector which suggests that the Footwall zone is a different type of ore body. Current long section
projections suggest this body is spatially confined to an envelope that may not exceed 50 meters
in strike length and plunges very steeply southwards. When projected on individual level plans it
appears that the Footwall zone may be lying in the immediate footwall of a thick SSF unit.
Furthermore it appears that the Footwall zone may be converging towards the main ore bodies of
the Tulawaka East deposit in the vicinity of line 400W (see Figure 2.3.3). The zone of
convergence between these ore zones might be prospective and has not been systematically
tested to date.

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Montreal, Canada

Plate 2.3.4 Quartz veins and silicification around the Footwall zone.

2.4 History of gold mineralisation

The sedimentary sequence underlying Tulawaka was folded in a tight Z pattern that is
reclined to the west-southwest (Fig. 2.2.1). Folding was most likely syn- to late- peak of (local?)
metamorphism (all prograde metamorphic minerals are either deformed and or retrograded; P.
Thompson, personal communication February 2002). After a certain amount of buckling the west
overturned limb of the large anticlinal fold was breached by a westerly-verging thrust fault (Fig.
2.4). Syn- to late-tectonic magmatism produced (garnetiferous?) porphyries that were principally
injected along this thrust fault. Protracted deformation along the thrust fault focused on the
porphyry body creating flexures and jogs that became the site of dilatancy where quartz veining
focused while still being strained (veins are focused but locally folded).

One main (feeder?) FIF body appears to be injected along the discrete high strain zone
of the thrust fault for at least 600 meters along strike. At the east end towards section line 300W
this porphyry sheet appears to split in several smaller dikes that are most likely injected along yet
another set of high strain zones that likely are splays of the main thrust fault. This structural
pattern defined by the stacked appearance of FIF dykes at the west end of the deposit suggest
that the principal high strain zone may have several splays shooting off it in this direction. It is
also in this sector that the main thrust fault appears to turn into a steep sinistral shear zone (see
section 2.2.4).

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Montreal, Canada

Figure 2.4 Sketched model for the creation of auriferous lode vein systems in the
Tulawaka East area. Most exploration information gathered to date is
contained in the drilled window.

3. Regional potential
It is likely that the Tulawaka East deposit might expand at depth and along strike and that
repeats of analogous geological conditions may occur on a regional scale. This is mainly
deducted from the fact that it is likely that the entire stratigraphic sequence underlying the
Tulawaka property is likely affected by tight overturned folding and thrust faults in the fashion of a
typical fold and thrust belt. One of the keys is to find the position of these thrusts and predict
where there may be further felsic dykes in their proximity.

3.1 Local extensions

The thrust structure hosting the majority of the mineralized zones likely roots at depth and
should likely extend along strike. The most likely repetition of structural jogs and flexures seems
to be down-dip of the thrust fault where more (and thicker?) porphyries are documented by a few
deep drill holes (see section 75E).

3.2 Tulawaka West

Granite and pegmatite dykes intersected in diamond drill hole DO309 are muscovite rich
intrusives that are injected into biotite-rich metasediments. Granites and pegmatite are hosting
barren quartz veins that generally ribbonned and laminated. Altogether, granites, pegmatites and
veins are affected by a penetrative foliation highlighted by a clear alignment of muscovite crystals
in the intrusives and ribbonned textured quartz in the veins. The abundance and size of biotite
porphyroblasts (foliated) in the metasediments suggests that they were more severely
metamorphosed than the metasediments of the Tulawaka East zone. This increase in
metamorphism can be directly related to the proximity to the granitic intrusive body and dykes.
Furthermore, the fact that all rock types are affected by a penetrative regional fabric confirms that
these rocks were altogether strained after metamorphism which is consistent with the idea that
metamorphism in the Tulawaka area is related to the emplacement of the granitic intrusions. This
concept further supports the idea that the entire supracrustal sequence underlying Tulawaka has
been deformed against the granitoid body occurring to the west of the property and that strain
gradients are likely increasing in this direction.

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Montreal, Canada

Albitized biotite schist have been identified as gabbro in the current core logs. These
rocks are again greywacke that have a greater Na content characterized by white porphyroblasts
of albite (see P. Thompson’s petrographic report 2001). Like most porphyroblasts in the main
mineralized zone at Tulawaka these albite porphyroblasts are affected the penetrative foliation
that is also outlined by the alignment of abundant biotite crystals. Increasing Na content coincides
with increase in temperature which most likely relates to the proximity of the nearby granitoid

An important density of quartz veins and a important number of pegmatite dykes occur in
this sector. In fact the veining density in this sector appears to be more abundant here than
anywhere else in the Tulawaka area. Veins, however, appear to be generally lacking sulphide
contents which may explain the general lack of high grade values which may indirectly relate to
the fact that these veins are not exactly hosted in rocks with the best chemistry. It could be
anticipated that if veining densities comparable to those intersected in both drill holes reported
herein were hosted in more ferruginous sediments these veins might host very prospective high
grade auriferous bodies. Such features will likely be outlined on the recent aeromagnetic survey.

3.3 Regional analogues

Given the good fit between the current surface map pattern and aeromagnetic data it is
suggested that aeromagnetics are a reliable tool for future exploration. Aeromagnetics clearly
suggest that the stratigraphy underlying Tulawaka expands for several tens of kilometers in all
directions. The surface patterns defined by individual high magnetic anomaly suggests that
ferrugineous sediments (SSF and SIF) of Tulawaka expand for long distances. Furthermore these
patterns suggest that similarly to Tulawaka these sediments are tightly folded. Breaks of snaking
magnetic highs may coincide with late intrusive phases of tectonic breaks. In both cases these
geological relationships with ferrugineous sediments could be considered economically
prospective. Given the apparent dismembered state of the regional magnetic data it would be
extremely useful to reconstruct the stratigraphic sequence by undoing the features that are
breaking the continuity of the magnetic linears. One can expect that these breaks are probably
related to a combination of intrusives, ductile shear zones and late brittle faults.

Based on very imprecise and relatively conceptual regional geology it appears that better
and bigger analogues to Tulawaka East should occur west-southwest of the latter. This is mainly
speculated from the concept that large granitic bodies underlying this region are strained as they
are in the Tulawaka West area then it is likely that these granites acted as large rigid bodies
during the period of regional deformation. Furthermore some of these intrusive phases may be
considered as feeders to porphyry swarms that may span over a large radius from their magmatic

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Valuable efforts were expended by the Joint Venture partners in 2001 in upgrading the
geological database mainly focussing on resolving critical stratigraphic and structural issues in
the Tulawaka East area. Good progress was made in a number of areas but a significant amount
of geological work is still required to bring the database to a level suitable for application of further
target discovery. Inaccuracies still exist in the database but these may not have significant impact
on the mining of the Tulawaka East deposit. The impact may, however, be more significant for the
definition of regional targets.

The following technical conclusions were reached by the author over the course of 2001-
2002 based on several field visits and stimulating discussions with the geological and
geostatistical personnel involved in the project. Discussions with metamorphic petrologist Peter
Thompson is also acknowledged. Each conclusion reached is accompanied by a specific
recommendation that could be converted into an action plan. Several points can be addressed in

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Montreal, Canada

the short term others are longer term issues. Most points are practical geological issues that
would assist in future successful gold exploration in the Tulawaka region.

4.1 The stratigraphy underlying Tulawaka East is dominantly sedimentary.

The current stratigraphic definition of the Tulawaka East sequence is still confusing
because it mixes metamorphic textures with protolithic compositions. Marker beds have yet to be
clearly defined to assist in the definition of structural patterns and breaks.

Recommendation: Though it is physically impossible to reassess all core drilled to

date in the Tulawaka East region it could be extremely useful to relable the stratigraphic codes
with magnetic susceptibility readings. Given the good fit of this magnetic data with stratigraphy at
Tulawaka East it is highly recommended for further drilling programs in the region. If the
Tulawaka sediments are resting unconformably onto (mafic-felsic) volcanic sequences particular
attention should be given to the unconformable contact especially if small-scale intrusives are
present near this contact. In such case there may be a probable analogue to the Dome Mine
setting (Timmins Camp, Abitibi) in the Tulawaka region.

4.2 The style of deformation of the Tulawaka area is that of a fold and thrust belt.
The prospectivity of gold deposits in most greenstone belts resides in large part in the
proper definition of structural complexities and structural breaks. The Tulawaka East structure
reflects on this reality and the regional aeromagnetic data points at a number of significant
regional discontinuities that are likely the site of major structural features.

Recommendation: Structural work is time-consuming and requires an experienced

eye and would be carried out systematically to sustain continuity of target definition and
concerted mapping programs. Structural data evoked in this report is a preamble to this topic.
Further structural information should be collected and synthesized in the form of surface
compilation such as foliation trajectories to eventually define the position of high strain corridors
and contrasting competencies. Structural work should be focused starting with small corridors
and extrapolated with a relative sense of degree of confidence. More fabric data (foliation and
lineations) reading should be encouraged during logging. The ultimate objective is to establish the
position of folds and shear zones. A clear understanding of these features will ultimately assist in
a better planning of drilling programs. Three-dimensional modeling of the Tulawaka deposit by
digitisation of all 42 sections drafted by the author earlier in 2002 should help in reproducing all
structural characteristics of this fold and thrust setting.

4.3 Ductile fabrics are compatible with one phase of deformation.

All ductile structural parameters defined at Tulawaka East are strain compatible and most
likely formed under one protracted strain event. Discreet high strain breaks developed after the
stratigraphic sequence was affected by penetrative interflow highlighted by foliation and folding.

Recommendation: Though it is time consuming it is highly critical to be able to link

all structural parameters formed under a protracted strain event and how these features tie in with
the regional database. It is, for example, not clearly understood why foliation and bedding at
Tulawaka are transecting and why foliation is oriented mainly N-S. The relationship between late
dikes (MIF) and structure also needs to be addressed since it appears that dikes are (locally)
deformed and may be significant strain markers.

4.4 Mineralized shoots at Tulawaka East are mainly horizontal

Ramp structures formed along the major break were preferentially developed along the
strike of the structure. Individual ramps developed a series of jogs that are probably oblate
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Montreal, Canada

shaped in three dimension. Each oblate shaped dilatant zone is potentially interconnected with its
neighbouring dilatant zone thus the Tulawaka East zone is made of a series of these oblate jog
that are therefore aligned along ramp features that are therefore repeating themselves wherever
ramps occur. The frequency of these ramps is however unpredictable on the basis of the current
drilling information.

Recommendation: One of the most efficient ways of demonstrating the geometry of

the dilatant zones is by producing a three-dimensional model of the porphyry dike. It is expected
that it will exhibit small scale flexures and jogs that will most likely coincide with ore zones. This
three-dimensional model can then be used to predict the frequency of potential dilatancies and
the relative position of such feature for further target definition underground.

4.5 Other types of gold deposits may be expected in the Tulawaka property.
Several types of structural and magmatic type gold targets may be expected in the
Tulawaka region. The objective is to find significant areas of dilation where vein bodies may be
best developed. These features would be even of better prospectivity if they were formed in
chemically favorable geological entities.

Recommendation: Particular attention should be given to large-scale structures

such as fold terminations, fault splays, fault flexures. More attention should also be given to
small-scale intrusions. Each of these target types can be relatively well defined with careful (and
independent) interpretation of aeromagnetic data treated with various filtering techniques. There
is not always a perfect match between bedrock geology and magnetic trends thus such
interpretation may have ambiguous origins but their recognition, independent of geological bias is
critical in this case where there is absolutely no rock exposure at surface. Once the interpretation
made it would be extremely profitable to release the data amongst a few geological experts who
will then produce a targeting layer with the data.

4.6 The age of mineralisation may be relatively young.

Given that lode gold veins are tied with porphyry dykes which are themselves affected by
high strain that is likely contemporaneous to the regional deformation affecting the Tulawaka
greenstone sequence it is relatively clear that mineralisation occurred relatively late in the
regional tectonic cycles.

Recommendation: Age dating of the porphyry dykes will reveal the age of gold
mineralisation in the Tulawaka area. It might be recommendable to date some of the intrusive
bodies in the Tulawaka property to tie the mineralisation story with respect to these magmas. It
would not be surprising that mineralisation turns out to be younger than expected. Age dating has
been approved and should be completed in the third quarter of 2002.

Respectfully submitted
July 8 2002

Marc Bardoux

Rheos-Consulting Inc.
Montreal, Canada

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