English For Academic and Professional Purposes

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Name: ___________________________ Score: ____________

Mrs. Resilyn P. Bago Date: _____________

TEST I. Match the type of written report on the left with the description on the right. Write the letter of your answer on the blank
provided before each number.
_______1. Essay a. A shorter piece of research, either individual or group work, with the topic chosen by the
_______2. Paper student(s).
_______3. Thesis b. An inter-office document distributed to inform employees, request data, give responses, confirm
_______4. Memorandum decisions and provide directions.
_______5. Report c. A piece of academic writing that aims to explain a concept in a specific discipline.
d. An official workplace document that presents and analyzes data to provide information and
e. A lengthy piece of writing normally done by a student often for a higher degree, on a topic
chosen by the student and approved by the instructor.

TEST II. Rewrite the following sentences giving more focus on the underlined words and phrases following the rules on formality for
academic writing.
1. The government is gonna provide more jobs for the people.
2. DOH recorded 57 cases of Zika virus as of Feb. 03, 2017 and these cases have been noted in NCR, CALABARZON, Western and
Central Visayas, and Central Luzon.
3. 100K in the Philippines ten years ago doesn’t have the same value today because of the inflation thing.
4. A lot of farmers don’t have the titles for the farm land they work on.
5. The CEO was put on hot water when one employee asked about the benefits they haven’t received yet.

TEST III. Underline the phrases in the following sentences that express personal opinions about the subject matter.
1. I believe that a purpose of reading must be set.
2. In my opinion, appropriate reading strategies should be employed to a specific text.
3. I think there must be a deep understanding of the text.
4. We consider showing positive attitude toward reading.
5. The way I understand it is that strategic reading is an effective way of understanding a text.

TEST IV. Put a check mark on the blank to indicate that the sentence shows objectivity in academic writing. Otherwise, put an X mark.
_______1. Certain measures must be discovered to solve the problems.  ✔
_______2. Experts determined that many health ingredients originated from China.  ✔
_______3. How can these problems be solved? X
_______4. The investigators were very shocked to see the outcome of the tests. X
_______5. You need to conduct the experiment. X

TEST V. Provide a counterpart single-word verb of the two-word verb in each of the following sentences. Observe the proper tense/form
of the verb. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number.
_______1. Commodity prices have gone up. (increased)
_______2. The researchers looked into the problem. (examined)
_______3. The dollar rate went up and down. (fluctuated)
_______4. Parents could not put away money for their children’s education. (keep/save)
_______5. The chemical gives off a foul odor. (emits)

TEST VI. Identify the word described in each number.

_______1. Hedging is a technique used by writers by resorting to tentative language and is often employed in argumentative essays to
show a high level of credibility on the part of the writer.
_______2. Plagiarism is an intellectual fraud and an act of academic dishonesty.
_______3. Paraphrasing is the process of interpreting another writer’s ideas and words and stating them in your own words by
changing significantly the word order and the sentence structure of the original.
_______4. Outlining pertains to the process of creating framework for writing.
_______5. The thesis statement of a text refers to the most important concept the writer wishes to impart to the readers and is also
called the main idea.
TEST VII. Complete the following passages by choosing phrases from the list below. Write the whole phrase on the blank provided.
For example In addition Similarly This is due to This resulted in
1. A number of MERALCO consumers trooped to the city hall to claim the cash incentive. This is due to the Supreme Court ruling
that overcharges must be returned to the end users whose electric consumption for April-May period was below 100kw/hr.
2. With the Supreme Court ordering MERALCO to return overcharges to the end users, government officer have been tapped to
operate as claim centers. This resulted in a number of MERALCO consumers trooping to the city hall to claim the cash incentive.
3. The study showed that 80 percent of the 200 participants involved in the study were dissatisfied with the operations of MERALCO.
Similarly, the data arrived and revealed that majority of the participants were not aware of the charges imposed on them by
4. MERALCO has been operating as a business conglomerate involving foreign stakeholders and independent power producers or IPP.
In addition, MERALCO owns major IPPA operating in the region.
5. The MERALCO issue has led to disputes between opposition and administration senators. For example, those who have been
labeled as working against the president consider the issue as the administration’s way of avoiding the NBN-ZTE scandal.

TEST. Change the following sentences into the passive form.

1. Scientist classify glass as solid.
Glass is classified as a solid.
2. Four members of the nursing staff the handwashing practices of staff during rostered shifts.
The handwashing practices of staff were observed by four members of the nursing staff during rostered shifts.
3. The officer-in-charge considered leaving the area without handwashing as failure to wash.
Leaving the area without handwashing was considered failure to wash.
4. The researchers counted the number of seeds found in ant nests.
The number of seeds found in ant nests were counted.
5. They designed the group to last for only the lifetime of a particular project.
The group was designed to last for only a lifetime of a particular project.
6. An electrical fault could have caused the fire.
The fire could have been caused by an electrical fault.
7. They are going to hold next year's conference in Birmingham.
Next year’s conference is going to be held in Birmingham.
8. They opened the new lecture theatre only last month.
The new lecture theatre was opened only last month.
9. You must write the answers on the examination paper in black ink.
The answers on the examination paper must be written in black ink.
10. They are now manufacturing this type of computer in Korea.
This type of computer is now being manufactured in Korea.

TEST. Use nominalization to achieve academic writing structure.

1. He failed, which angered his parents.
His failure caused his parent’s anger.
2. The police investigated but uncovered no evidence.
The police investigation uncovered no evidence.
3. Jasper loves fried food, which causes him to be obese.
Jasper’s love of junk food is the cause of his obesity.
4. The professor refused to extend the deadline, which made the students feel annoyed.
The professor’s refusal of a deadline extension caused student annoyance.
5. The course was difficult, so many students performed poorly.
The course’s difficulty resulted in poor student performance.


1. Which of the following sentences does not display caution in academic writing?
a. A number of government officials tend to be linked with cases of corruption.
b. Corruption is commonly linked to some key government officials.
c. Government officials are corrupt.
d. Some government officials may be corrupt.
2. kdjfd

TEST. Using the information below, write correct parenthetical citations/documentations for each example in the parenthesis provided.

Example of works cited page:

Donaldson, Sam. Bantering on Watergate. New York: Penguin Books, 1985.

Jennings, Peter. Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism. Washington: Greater Politics Press, 1994.
Smith, Charles. I Love Politics: A Guide to Discerning Reality. Chicago: Penn Press, 2001.
Xavier, Jason and Thomas Yater. Political Guide to the United States. New York: Ballantine, 2004.
Xavier, Jason. Somewhere in the Political Realm. New York: Ballantine, 2002.
1. "He spoke to us in German and then left us behind" ( ).
--from Donaldson's Bantering on Watergate, page 45
2. "I never thought of myself as proud", says Jennings in his book Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism ( ).
--This source was located on page 107.
3. "Politics is such an interesting field" ( ).
--From Charles Smith's book, page 451.
4. "Enraged is how he felt after the episode" ( ).
--From Jason Xavier's book Somewhere in the Political Realm, page 233.
5. In Political Guide to the United States, Xavier and Yater explore the idea that the U.S. is changing politically (
--From page 544 of this book.

Considerations in Writing
Main parts of an essay
Subtypes of the first major type of plagiarism where the sources are not cited.
Subtypes of the second type of plagiarism in which the sources are cited but done incorrectly.

TEST. Read the following situations and decide if they are acts of plagiarism. Write YES or NO on the blank provided before each
_______1. Copying a paragraph as it is from the source without any acknowledgement. YES
_______2. Paraphrasing a paragraph by rewriting with substantial changes in language and organization, amount of detail, and
examples and citing it properly. NO
_______3. Composing a paragraph by quoting short standard phrases from a number of sources and putting them together with
some words of your own and with all sources cited properly. NO
_______4. Lifting the introduction from one source, the body from another, and the conclusion from another source with proper
citation of the three sources. YES
_______5. Putting in quotation marks a significant phrase lifted from a source and cited properly both in-text and in the references
page. NO
_______6. Submitting one’s own research paper that has already been published in another research journal four years ago to
another publisher without updating or significantly revising the ideas and processes conducted. YES
_______7. Citing a source in the references page but failing to include the complete copyright details and location of the material.

TEST. Expand the following acronyms in relation to citation of sources in academic writing.
1. APA
2. MLA

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