PC102 Joel Haro W14 Application Activity Giving Back

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Week 14 Application Activity: Giving Back

Name: Joel Haro

Dear students.

What if I don't do very well with English? or if mathematics is not for me? Don't worry, this course does not have
the objective of not only learning this, but also applying it to your life and how to be a leader. In my case, what
worried me the most is English, but throughout the course I learned that without challenges we cannot improve,
in fact I did not think that I could lead a meeting in English and also take significant memories making friends
Having to take math courses for me is a piece of cake, but taking them in English was difficult for me, because
listening to videos and the math terms in English disoriented me, but establishing an order and delivering tasks
early helped me to eased the weight, helped me correct the mistakes that I had in math tests and not have to be
at the last minute trying to do everything. so, it is important to have a schedule and use study methods, for
example the Quizlet application helped me a lot with learning new English vocabulary. also applying everything
we learn helps us to retain our learning and not forget, for example in this course having a curriculum ready,
being short and specific, and practice the me in 30 seconds helped me When I was looking for a job in March,
this helped to difference my curriculum of the others, and thanks of this I gain a formal interview.

Feeling alone in an online course is very common but here it is different to meet other people helps a lot,
something I always try is to make friends and thus enjoy the course. Throughout the team project, it helped me
understand the phases of a team and how to react to situations in order to be more united.

BYU-Pathway is a course that has helped me a lot to develop skills to improve my learning and to be a better
leader like Jesus Christ.

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