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Arranged by :
Haris Saepuloh AMK

Use the information in the text to complete the sentences with a, b or c.
1. A hospital is like a small town because?
a. It’s busy.
b. It’s full of different kinds of people.
c. There are so many buildings.
2. The difference between now and the past is that.
a. Nursing is easier.
b. Nurses make more decisions.
c. Nurses work harder.
3. Consultants and nursing officers are both.
a. Senior staff.
b. House officers.
c. In charge of a patient’s treatment.
4. Ward managers are.
a. Nurses
b. Office workers.
c. Senior doctors.
5. Lab technicians and pharmacists.
a. Deliver treatment and care.
b. Work in the background.
c. Help the specialists.
6. Hospital volunteers are.
a. Sometimes needed.
b. Paid well.
c. Essential.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. Surgeons performing operations.
2. I’m a midwife, I deliver babies.

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 2

3. The paramedic is unavailable. He responds to an emergency.
4. A: Do you work in a hospital?
B: Yes, I work do.
5. I want to qualify as a physiotherapist.
6. I like to working with people.
7. Do you taking the patient to surgery?
8. I do a night shift this week.

6 write your profile
Read the example personal profile and write a similar one about yourself,
a. Why you became a nurse
b. What you are doing now
c. Your career plans.

Hi, I will introduce my self my name is Indri Yani, I’m 25 years old and now.
I work as nurse in ones of public hospital in Karawang’s city.
I choose being nurse because I like to help peoples, I want care them and also
beside to find money. I want to be a useful person for them, with my attention and
treatment from my doctor I want them to be healthy again.
At hospital I work as assistant doctor specialist in polyclinic after work I learn in
university to up my degree from diploma to bachelor.
My plan after graduating I want to continue studying S2 and become a lecturer at
a Karawang college.

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 3


Answer the following questions.

1. Does Nurse Florence work in a Clinic? No, she does.

2. Does Flo smile to all patients? Yes, she does.
3. Does she take vital signs? Yes, she does.
4. Does she give prescription to patients? No, she does.
5. Does Nurse Flo give the medicine? Yes, she does.
6. Does she make a patient medical report? Yes, she does.
7. Does she give the patient medical report to the manager? No, she does.
8. Does she live in apartment? No, she does.
9. Is nurse Flo friendly? Yes, she does.
10. Is she bad nurse? Yes, she does.

Put positive, negative or interrogative sentences (Simple Present Tense).

1. Nurse take care for sick people in the hospital, but they don’t write prescription. Do
you know this profession?
2. Is Nurse Peggy work in pediatric ward? Yes, she working in pediatric ward but she
didn’t work today.
3. Is Mr. Eddy has problem with his heart? No, He didn’t has any problem with his hurt.
He has a problem with his lungs.
4. Don’t go to the GP if she has toothache.
5. Dispensary received prescription to drugstore receive prescription? I don’t think so.
It not received prescription.
6. Do you know in a good optician? My father has low vision and I don’t have the
7. She working in a hospital. She didn’t take X-ray. She performs operation.
8. He treat illness people and he give prescription. He didn’t give herbal.

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 4

9. The Nutritionists adviced about the diet but they didn’t treat sick people as they
work in the hospital?
10. She didn’t help people walk again. She help a woman to give birth do you know
what she does?

Study this conversation.
Nurse : What is your name? (may I know your name, please)
You : My name is Indri Yani.
Nurse : Where are you from? (where do you come from)
You : I am from Indonesia, I am Indonesian.
Nurse : When were you born?
You : I was born in Majalengka’s city.
Nurse : What are you (what do you do?)
You : I am a Nurse.

Answer these questions and make into a paragraph.
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. What do you do?
5. Where do you live?
6. What do you do at 7 o’clock the morning?
7. What do you do at 2 o’clock in the afternoon?
8. What do you do at 8 o’clock in the evening?
9. What do you do at weekend?

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 5

My daily activities

My name is Indri Yani, I am 25 years old, I am from Majalengka, Indonesia and now I
work as nurse at Lira Medika Karawang. I live in Karawang’s city. Usually at 7 o’clock I go to
work and back in home at 2 o’clock after that I take a bath then watching tv. I usually read a
book at his dinner at 8 o’clock and go to sleep in weekend I spent my times at salon or mall.



Answer these questions.

1. When was Florence Nightingale born? She born May 12, 1820.
2. Where was she born? She born in Florence Grand Duchy of Tuscany Italy.
3. Where did Florence Nightingale die? In Park Lane, London, United Kingdom.
4. When did she die? In August, 13 1910.
5. Where was she put in charge of nursing soldiers? In Turkey.
6. Why is she called Lady with the Lamp? She spent many hours in the wards, and her
night rounds giving personal care to the wounded soldiers.
7. What did she write? She wrote Notes or Nursing 1859.
8. Where is The Nightingale School of Nursing? British.
9. What award was she awarded 1907? Order of merit 1907.
10. When is International Nurse Day? On May 12.

Fill the gap with past tense verb.

Yesterday Mr. James ate vegetables and drank some juice. Yesterday morning he
went jogging in the park. When he being jogging, he saw an accident. A car hit a woman.
The woman has bad injured. She was sent to hospital. The drive was interviewed by the
police. The doctor and nurse help the woman in the hospital.

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 6

Rewrite the following sentence and put be (past tense) correctly.

1. Jane nurse student two years ago.

Jane is nurse student in two years ago.
2. They clever student last year?
They because clever student last year.
3. John and James doctors in clinic.
John and James are doctors in a clinic.
4. She not pediatrician.
She is not pediatrician.
5. She general practitioner.
She being genera practioner.
6. Tom nurse student?
Is Tom nurse student?
7. There bandage in first aid box yesterday.
There are bandage in first aid box yesterday.
8. The bandages not on the trolley.
The bandages has not on the trolley.
9. There Zimmer frames in geriatric ward last week?
There Zimmer frames in geriatric ward last week?
10. The nurses in the hospital last holiday.
The nurse stiil worked in the hospital last holiday.

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Answer these questions.

1. Which part of your body do you sit on? The gluteus maximus.
2. What is the biggest muscle in your body? The buttock.
3. Which part of your body do you use to hear? Ear.
4. What is the smallest bone in your body? The osscle.
5. What is the most mineralized substance in your body? Teeth.


1. Abdomen : Perut
2. Limbs : Badan
3. Lap : Putaran
4. Torso : Batang tubuh
5. Chest : Dada
6. Palm : Telapak tangan
7. Organs : Organ
8. Navel : Pusar
9. Bone : Tulang
10. Buttock : Pantat
11. Hip : Panggul
12. Knee : Lutut
13. Nerve : Saraf
14. Small : Kecil
15. Heavy : Berat
16. Long : Panjang

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 8

Put the degree comparison correctly.

1. This write is more warmer than that water in the kettle.

2. His temperature is more hot than this morning, but last night was cold.
3. The most beautiful nurse in this department is Nurse Cecil.
4. Dr. John is quite older, Dr. Smith is older than Dr. John, Dr. Jack is younger.
5. This book is more interested than the other book.
6. Ward A is clean than ward C, ward D is the
7. Nurse Sue is very busy but nurse Jenny is more busy than Nurse Sue.
8. Joe is diligent student. Tom is more diligent than Joe but George is the student.
9. Central Hospital is bigger than Health Hospital in my town.
10. Doctor lounge is more comfortable than Nurse longue, but VVIP ward is most


Answer the questions orally

1. What is a yawn? A yawn is a reflex action that involves deep inhaling and exhaling
of air.
2. What does cause yawn? It is caused because of lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.
3. What is hiccup? Hiccup is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm causing the
sudden closure epiglottis and crating the characteristics ‘hic’ sound.
4. What does cause hiccup? Eating too quickly, eating very hot and spicy food
coughing and laughing vigorously and drinking excessive amount of alcohol can
cause hiccup.
5. What does cause a sneeze? It is cause when a particle passes through the nasal
hairs and reaches the nasal mucosa.

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 9


Family : Nurse could you tell me what is his disease?

Nurse : I will tell you about an infectious disease that is the flu.

Family : Is it possible if we take care of him at home?

Nurse : Sure, you can do it.

Family : What is next treatment?

Nurse : You only needs take arrest, drink vitamin and eat healthy food.

Family : How much does it cost therapy?

Nurse : You can pay for a therapy for 150.000 thousand.

Family : Is it possible he could get recurrent?

Nurse : Yes, can relapse if he does not maintain cleanliness and a good lifestyle.

Family : What kind of bacteria has he got?

Nurse : He contracted influenza virus.


A. Which of the statements a, b, c or d best completes the sentences, according to
the passage?
1) Dr Lui was a hero because
a. He died in a fire
b. His photograph was presented to his widow
c. His sacrificed his own life to save others
d. The residents of the building were grateful to him

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 10

2) The fire broke out
a. On each of the building’s ten floors
b. In the penthouse
c. On the first floor
d. In the hospital
3) Dr Lui saved his neighbours’ lives by
a. Looking after them when they were sick
b. Waking them up
c. Taking them to hospital
d. Escaping to safety
4) The number of people who died as a result of the fire was
a. One
b. Three
c. Seventy
d. Not known
5) The gratitude of the residents of the building is acknowledged in
a. An inscription on a photograph of Dr Lui
b. The Tsimshatsui Kaifong Association records
c. A newspaper report
d. Government reports

B. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

1) Seventy of Dr Lui’s patients lived in the building. True
2) Dr Lui lived on the first floor of the building. True
3) Dr Lui died trying to save the lives of others. True
4) Dr Lui did not think about his own safety until it was too late. True
5) If Dr Lui had not warned everyone about the fire, many people would have
died. False

English Task Unit 5 Borobudur university 11


A. Which of the statements a, b, c or d best completes the sentences, according to
the passage?
1) The number of people affected by acute conjunctivitis over a three-day
period was
a. Four hundred
b. One thousand three hundred and fifty
c. Between four hundred and one thousand three hundred and fifty
d. Probably more than one thousand three hundred and fifty
2) Anyone infected with the virus should
a. Not visit Macau
b. Take care when necessary
c. Stay at home
d. See a doctor
3) Government eye clinics are
a. Open seven days a week
b. Open 24 hours a day during the ‘red eye’ epidemic
c. Open only during epidemic
d. Open Monday to Friday
4) People are advised to stay away from beaches and not to use other people’s
towels because
a. The disease has been brought in from Macau
b. The virus lives in water
c. Conjunctivitis makes it difficult to see properly
d. The disease is contagious
5) The Director of Medical and Health Services hopes to control the epidemic by
a. Keeping eye clinics open every day of the week
b. Closing all swimming pools and beaches

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c. Preventing people with eye disease from entering the Colony without
d. Providing free medical attention

B. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

1) People who have conjunctivitis develop redness and soreness of the eyes.
2) There is nothing that doctors can do to cure conjunctivitis. False
3) The disease was brought to Honk Kong from Macau. False
4) Everyone suffering from conjunctivitis visited a Government eye clinic. True
5) The epidemic is so serious that Government eye clinics are staying open at
weekends. True

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